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#ifndef ABBRSTRA_H
#define ABBRSTRA_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <Hash.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace iret;
class WordData {
WordData(const char *wrdname="wrdset3", const char *stpname="stop",
const char *lfsname="Lf1chSf");
Chash wrdset; //sigle word in MEDLINE
Hash stp; //stopword
Hash lfs; //lfs (1-ch sf) for FirstLet match cases >=2
class AbbrStra {
void token(const char *str, char lst[1000][1000]); // tokennize & set ntk
long tokenize(const char *str, char lst[1000][1000]); //tokennize & return # tokens
long num_token(const char *str); //return # tokens
long first_ch(const char *str, char *fch, long num);
long is_upperal(const char *str);
long is_alpha(const char *str);
void str_tolower(const char *str1, char *str2);
long get_str(const char *str1, char *str2, long num);
bool isupper_str(const char *str);
bool is_onealpha(const char *str);
long count_upperstr(const char *str);
//return # upper-case 1st letter of consecutive tokens (backward)
void get_alpha(const char *str1, char *str2);
//set str2 with only alphabet of str1
bool lf_ok(const char *shrtf, const char *longf);
virtual bool set_condition(const char *sf);
//must set nonAlphaSF=true if want to use SF containing non-alphabet
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str) = 0;
//sf & str will be lower-cased (OCt-25-2007)
long search_backward(long sloc, long tnum, long tloc, const char *sf, bool first);
//search backward to find match starting from sf[sloc]
//Returns 1 if matches. sf[0] must match with begin word
long search_backward_adv(const char *sf, bool first);
//Searches for next model setting. Returns 1 if finds one.
void extract_lf(long begin, long end);
//save strings from begin to end of tok to lf
void extract_lf(long begin, long end, const char *str);
//save strings from begin to end of str's tok to lf
//---after set mod check conditions
//nsf:# ch in sf, nsw:# allowed skipword, general:true allow 1st ch match after non-alnum
bool exist_skipword(long nsf);
//true if at least one skip word exists
bool exist_n_skipwords(long nsf, long n);
//true if exist n consecutive skip words between tokens but cannot be more than n
bool exist_n_stopwords(long nsf, long n);
//true if exist n consecutive skip stopwords between tokens but cannot be more than n
bool stopword_ok(long nsf, long nsw);
//true if at most (can be 0) nsw skip stopword in row exists
bool skip_stop_ok(long nsf, long nsw, long n);
//true if at most (can be 0) nsw skip word, which include at least n stopwords, in row exists
bool skip_stop_ok2(long nsf, long nsw, long n);
//true if nsw skip word, which include at least n stopwords, in row exists
bool skipword_ok(long nsf, long nsw);
//true if at most (can be 0) nsw skip word in row exists
bool is_subword(long nsf);
//true if matching string is begin of a tok or a word in wrdlist
bool is_BeginWrdMatch(long nsf, bool general);
//true if begining ch of a word match
//if general is true, allow match after non-alnum (eg, 1-alpha)
bool is_WithinWrdMatch(long nsf, bool general);
//true if within word match
//if general is true, 1-Alpha: 'A' is not within word match
bool is_FirstLetMatch(long nsf, bool general);
//true if each ch of sf match with 1st ch of word
//(true: Alpha anyword Beta (AB))
//if general=true, true: 1-Alpha Beta, Alpha-Beta
bool is_FirstLetMatch2(long nsf, bool general);
//at least one 1-Alpha
bool is_FirstLetSMatch(const char *sf, bool general);
//true if first letter match & 's' match with last ch of lf
bool is_ContLetMatch(long nsf);
//true if two or more consecutive letter match
char *pch; //sf applied to a strategy
char *ps, *pl; //sf, potential lf
char sf[100], text[10000]; //sf & potential lf used in a strategy
char lf[10000]; //lf found by a strategy
char tok[1000][1000]; //token of potential lf
//lower after strategy, original after extract_lf(b,e,str)
long ntk; //# tokens
long mod[100][2]; //match locations of tok with a given sf
//mod[sf_inx][0]=tok inx, mod[sf_inx][1]=match loc in tok[mod[sf_inx][0]]
//for each n_ch-SF
long npairs; //selected pairs for this strategy
long tpairs; //total pairs
long nsfs; //# selected unique sfs for this strategy
long nmatchs; //# matchs (success strategy & given sf == real sf)
long amatchs; //# accumulated matchs up to this strategy
long setCondition; //SF condition
long greaterEqNsf; //if 1 select SF |SF|>=nsf
WordData *wData;
alpha beta gamma (ABG)
class FirstLet : public AbbrStra {
virtual bool set_condition(const char *str1, const char *str2, char *str);
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
class FirstLetOneChSF : public AbbrStra {
virtual bool set_condition(const char *str1, const char *str2, char *str);
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- sf ch matchs with 1st ch or ch right after non-alphanum of lf
but at least one match right after non-alphanum
(eg, success: 1-alpha 2-beta (AB), alpha-beta(AB),
fail: alpha beta(AB))
class FirstLetGen : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- sf ch matchs with 1st ch or ch right after non-alphanum of lf
(eg, success: 1-alpha 2-beta (AB), alpha-beta(AB),
alpha beta(AB))
class FirstLetGen2 : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
For sf consisting of capital letters & lower-case 's'
- First letter & 's' in the last token of lf
(success: Alpha Betas (ABs), 1-Alpha Betas (ABs),
1-Alpha-Betas (ABs), Alpha BetaS (ABs)
fail: Alpha Beta xxs (ABs) )
class FirstLetGenS : public AbbrStra {
virtual bool set_condition(const char *sf); //sf must be an original sf
//true if sf is like ABCs
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- sf ch matches with 1st ch or ch right after non-alphanum of lf
- allowing one skip stopword between tokens (no more than one in row)
at least one skip stopword in total
(eg, success: alpha and beta (AB), 1-alpha and beta (AB)
fail: alpha beta (AB), alpha word beta (AB))
class FirstLetGenStp : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- same as FirstLetGenStp except for 2 skip stopwords
& at least one two consecutive skip stopwords
class FirstLetGenStp2 : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- same as FirstLetGenStp except using skip any word instead of stopword
class FirstLetGenSkp : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- a matching sub-string must be word
(eg, success: AlphaBeta (AB), Beta is word
x-AlphaBeta (AB) )
- at least one within word match
(eg,fail: Alpha Beta Word (ABW), Alpha x-Beta x-Word (ABW)
success: AlphaBeta Word (ABW), x-AlphaBeta inWord (ABW))
class WithinWrdWrd : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- WithinWrdWrd w/ Begin Word Match
(success: AlphaBeta x-Word (ABW)
fail: AlphaBeta inWord (ABW) )
class WithinWrdFWrd : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- WithinWrdFWrd w/ allowing one skip word between tokens (no more than one in row)
at least one skip word in total
(success: AlphaBeta zzz x-Word zzz (ABW)
fail: AlphaBeta x-Word (ABW), AlphaBeta zzz yyy x-Word (ABW))
class WithinWrdFWrdSkp : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- at least one within word match
( success: Alpha InXyy (AX), x-Alpha InXyy (AX))
fail: Alpha Xyy (AX), Alpha 1-Xyy (AX))
class WithinWrdLet : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- WithinWrdLet w/ Begin Word Match
(fail: Alpha InXyy (AX), x-Alpha InXyy (AX)
success: AlphaXyy Word (AXW), x-AlphaXyy 1-Word (AXW))
class WithinWrdFLet : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- WithinWrdFLet w/ allowing one skip word between tokens (no more than one in row)
at least one skip word in total
(success: AlphaXyy zzz Word zzz (AXW)
fail: AlphaXyy Word (AXW), AlphaXyy zzz yyy Word (AXW))
class WithinWrdFLetSkp : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- any two consecutive letter matching w/ begin word match
eg) ABxxx (AB), 1-ABxxx (AB), ABxxx Cxxx (ABC), Axxx BCxxx (ABC)
prolactin (PRL), succinylcholine (SCh)
class ContLet : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- ContLet w/ allowing one skip word between tokens (no more than one in row)
at least one skip word in total
class ContLetSkp : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
- match can occur anywhere
- allow one skip word between tokens (no more than one in row)
(success: Alpha yXyy (AX), Alpha yXyy word (AX)
1-Alpha yXyy word (AX))
class AnyLet : public AbbrStra {
virtual long strategy(const char *sf, const char *str);
class StratUtil {
AbbrStra *strat_factory(string name);
vector<string> get_strats(string s);
//get the strategy sequence for a given #-ch SF group
void push_back_strat(string sgp, string strat);
bool group_sf(const char *sf, string &grp);
//check if sf is ok and assign a group
bool group_sf(const char *sf, const char *lf, string &grp);
//add the contion |lf|>|sf|
void remove_nonAlnum(const char *str1, char *str2);
//remove non-alnum in str1 and save it to str2
long exist_upperal(const char *str); //return 1 if exists upper char, 0 ow
long num_token(const char *str); //return # tokens
vector<string> Al1, Al2, Al3, Al4, Al5;
vector<string> Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5;
vector<string> Spec2, Spec3, Spec4, Spec5;