optimized-llm-log-classification / processor_regex.py
yuvarajareddy001's picture
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961 Bytes
import re
def classify_with_regex(log_message):
regex_patterns = {
r"User User\d+ logged (in|out).": "User Action",
r"Backup (started|ended) at .*": "System Notification",
r"Backup completed successfully.": "System Notification",
r"System updated to version .*": "System Notification",
r"File .* uploaded successfully by user .*": "System Notification",
r"Disk cleanup completed successfully.": "System Notification",
r"System reboot initiated by user .*": "System Notification",
r"Account with ID .* created by .*": "User Action"
for pattern, label in regex_patterns.items():
if re.search(pattern, log_message):
return label
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(classify_with_regex("Backup completed successfully."))
print(classify_with_regex("Account with ID 1234 created by User1."))
print(classify_with_regex("Hey Bro, chill ya!"))