import streamlit as st from model import chat_chain caption_examples_file_path = "./data/caption_examples.txt" with open(caption_examples_file_path, "r") as file: caption_examples = if "visibility" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.visibility = "visible" st.session_state.disabled = False st.session_state.placeholder = "Example: Generate post about backpack Black Mamba with volume of 22 liters" st.set_page_config( page_title="Backpack Title Generator", page_icon="🎒" ) st.write("# Welcome to InstaGPT! 👋🎒") st.markdown("Write captions for backpacks in the style of Osprey") text_input = st.text_input( "Enter some text 👇", label_visibility=st.session_state.visibility, disabled=st.session_state.disabled, placeholder=st.session_state.placeholder, ) st.write("Examples:") st.write("Generate post about backpack Black Mamba with volume of 22 liters") st.write("Write a post about giveaway of 3 backpacks from new collection") st.write("Create new post about backpack Adventure for 250 dollars") generate_response = st.button("Generate") if text_input: st.write("You entered:", text_input) if generate_response: if text_input == "": st.write("Please enter some text.") else: response = chat_chain.invoke( { "example": caption_examples, "question": text_input, } ) st.write("Generated:", response)