import pickle import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import edge_tts import ast import asyncio class EdgeTTSGenerator: """ A class to generate podcast-style audio from a transcript using edge-tts. """ def __init__(self, transcript_file_path, output_audio_path): """ Initialize the TTS generator with the path to the rewritten transcript file. Args: transcript_file_path (str): Path to the file containing the rewritten transcript. output_audio_path (str): Path to save the generated audio file. """ self.transcript_file_path = transcript_file_path self.output_audio_path = output_audio_path # Speaker descriptions for edge-tts voices self.speaker1_voice = "en-US-AriaNeural" self.speaker2_voice = "en-US-GuyNeural" def load_transcript(self): """ Loads the rewritten transcript from the specified file. Returns: list: The content of the transcript as a list of tuples (speaker, text). """ with open(self.transcript_file_path, 'rb') as f: return ast.literal_eval(pickle.load(f)) async def generate_audio_segment(self, text, voice_name): """ Generate audio for a given text using edge-tts. Args: text (str): Text to be synthesized. voice_name (str): The voice name to use for TTS. Returns: AudioSegment: Generated audio segment. """ communicator = edge_tts.Communicate(text, voice_name=voice_name) audio_bytes = b"" async for chunk in audio_bytes += chunk return audio_bytes def save_audio(self, audio_data): """ Save the combined audio data to an output file. Args: audio_data (list): List of bytes containing the audio data for each segment. """ combined_audio = b"".join(audio_data) with open(self.output_audio_path, "wb") as f: f.write(combined_audio) async def generate_audio(self): """ Converts the transcript into audio and saves it to a file. Returns: str: Path to the saved audio file. """ transcript = self.load_transcript() audio_data = [] for speaker, text in tqdm(transcript, desc="Generating podcast segments", unit="segment"): voice = self.speaker1_voice if speaker == "Speaker 1" else self.speaker2_voice segment_audio = await self.generate_audio_segment(text, voice) audio_data.append(segment_audio) self.save_audio(audio_data) return self.output_audio_path