3dilize_anything / SAM2 /checkpoints /download_ckpts.sh
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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Define the URLs for the checkpoints
# Download each of the four checkpoints using wget
echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_tiny.pt checkpoint..."
wget $sam2_hiera_t_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_t_url"; exit 1; }
echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_small.pt checkpoint..."
wget $sam2_hiera_s_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_s_url"; exit 1; }
echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_base_plus.pt checkpoint..."
wget $sam2_hiera_b_plus_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_b_plus_url"; exit 1; }
echo "Downloading sam2_hiera_large.pt checkpoint..."
wget $sam2_hiera_l_url || { echo "Failed to download checkpoint from $sam2_hiera_l_url"; exit 1; }
echo "All checkpoints are downloaded successfully."