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# coding=utf-8
# author: xusong <[email protected]>
# time: 2022/8/23 12:58
## TODO:
1. 下拉框,选择类目。 gr.Radio(['服饰','箱包', '鞋靴']
2. 支持输入特效
- 示例:
- 参考
3. 待开放参数:No Repeat Ngram Size、Length Penalty、Number of Beams。topk-sampling, topp-sampling,
num_beam_groups = return_sequences数吗?
## badcase:
1. 结尾容易出多个句号。为啥?
2. 重复
## 解码demo (能够调整解码参数的demo)
## 解码参数示例
- moss: do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.8, top_k=40, repetition_penalty=1.02
- chatglm:do_sample=True, temperature=0.95, top_p=0.7, max_length=2048
- chatglm2:do_sample=True, top_p=0.8, temperature=0.8
- glm130b:
- temperature=1, top_p=0.7, top_k=0, no_repeat_ngram_size=3, length_penalty=1, num_beams=2
- vicuna: do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, top_p=1, top_k=-1, repetition_penalty=1
- chatgpt
- baichuan-chat: do_sample=True, temperature=0.3, top_p=0.85, top_k=5, repetition_penalty=1.05
- internlm-chat: do_sample=True, temperature=0.8, top_p=0.8
- 解决重复问题,需要添加 repetition_penalty=1.05
- llama2-chat: top_p=0.6, temperature=0.9
- qwen: top_p=0.8, top_k= 0, repetition_penalty=1.1
- gpt4:
- temperature=1, top_p=1,
- claude:
- tensor2tensor:
- opennmt:
- transformers:
- asr: num_beams=5, max_length=200
- wmt:
- "num_beams=5:10:15 length_penalty=0.6:0.7:0.8:0.9:1.0:1.1"
- num_beams=5 length_penalty=0.8:1.2 early_stopping=true:false
- tensor2tensor: beam_size=4, alpha=0.6
## 解码参数
- generate官方文档:
- generate 解码策略介绍:
- 去重
- no_repeat_ngram_size
- 源码: [NoRepeatNGramLogitsProcessor](
- 逻辑:
- 取值: 默认0, If set to int > 0, all ngrams of that size can only occur once
no_repeat_ngram_size=6 即代表: 6-gram不出现2次
- 兼容:与greedy、sampling、beam_search 兼容
- 缺陷:
- 这个可能把GPT的输入都算进去了。比如商品文案写作场景,输入"雅诗兰黛小棕瓶",加入no_repeat_ngram_size参数可能就不能输出"雅诗兰黛小棕瓶"了
- "only occur once", 需要一个参数 调整成最大允许次数
- encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size
- 源码:[EncoderNoRepeatNGramLogitsProcessor](
- 逻辑:
- 兼容:与greedy、sampling、beam_search 兼容
- repetition_penalty:
- 源码:[RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor](
- 逻辑:对input_ids 做去重逻辑,其中 input_ids 是随着解码动态变化的。对于 logits>0 会 logits/=penalty,才叫惩罚。
类似 coverage mechanism
- 取值:取值范围(0, inf),>1 才叫惩罚,<1 就叫奖励了,=1 就是 no penalty。论文里说 1.2 能够balance truthful generation and lack of repetition.
- 公式:
- 默认 p=softmax(logits)
- 加 temperature后 p=softmax(logits/T)
- 加 repetition_penalty Θ 后 p=softmax(logits/(T* (Θ if i∈g else 1) ) ,其中 i∈g 表示已经生成过的 token
- 缺陷:未考虑重复次数,也就是 重复2次和重复100次的惩罚是一样的。
- 兼容:与greedy、sampling、beam_search 兼容
- encoder_repetition_penalty
- 源码:[EncoderRepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor](
- 逻辑:只对 self.encoder_input_ids 做去重逻辑,self.encoder_input_ids 是静态的
- 冲突:
- 多样性:
- do_sample
- temperature:
- 取值范围(0, inf),大于1 则会平均化(inf则相当于均匀采样,更多样化),小于1则会集中化(逼近0则相当于greedy)
- 理解:温度越高,系统越混乱,熵越大(概率越平均化,不确定性越大,生成文本的自由创作空间越大)。温度越低,生成的文本越偏保守。
- 公式: p=softmax(logits) , 加 temperature后 p=softmax(logits/T)
- Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
- diversity_penalty
- 长度
- max_length
- max_new_tokens
- min_length
- min_new_tokens
- early_stopping
- max_tim
- length_penalty: 长度惩罚因子
- 取值(-inf, inf),大于0会生成更长的序列,小于0会生成更短的序列。默认值=1.0。
- 应用场景:仅用于 beam search。(sampling策略建议也加上)
- 公式: score = sum_logprobs / (generated_len**self.length_penalty) 即:长度越长,当前生成序列(路径)的得分越低。
- 源码:
- 参考文档:
- exponential_decay_length_penalty
- ss
- 公式
- 源码:
- 截止符
- eos_token_id
- 禁用词黑名单
- 源码:[NoBadWordsLogitsProcessor](
- bad_words_ids
- suppress_tokens
- 强制解码词
- force_words_ids
- constraints
- 其他参数
- top_p: only used in sample-based generation
- 又称Nucleus Sampling
- 每个时间步,按照字出现的概率由高到底排序,当概率之和大于top-p的时候,就不取后面的样本了。然后对取到的这些字的概率重新归一化后,进行采样。
- 取值范围:0-1
- 0表示?
- top_k: only used in sample-based generation
- 取值范围:
- top-P采样方法往往与top-K采样方法结合使用,每次选取两者中最小的采样范围进行采样,可以减少预测分布过于平缓时采样到极小概率单词的几率。
## TODO:
- counted_repetition_penalty: 解决 repetition_penalty 不考虑重复次数的问题,重复越多惩罚越大
- no_repeat_ngram_size:
- {"ngram": 3, "max_repeat": 1, "ignore_prefix": False}
import torch
import gradio as gr
from info import article
from kplug import modeling_kplug_s2s_patch
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration
model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("eson/kplug-base-cepsum-jiadian") # cnn指的是cnn daily mail
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("eson/kplug-base-cepsum-jiadian")
gen_mode_params = {
"greedy": {
"num_beams": 1,
"do_sample": False,
# 核心:next_tokens = torch.multinomial(next_token_probs, num_samples=1)
"sampling": {
"num_beams": 1,
"do_sample": True,
"repetition_penalty": 1.2
# temperature # 大于1 则会平均化(inf则相当于均匀采样,更多样化),小于1则会集中化(0则相当于greedy)
# top_p
# top_k
# typical sampling:
# Truncation Sampling: EtaLogitsWarper、EpsilonLogitsWarper
"beam search": {
"num_beams": 10,
"do_sample": False,
# 算法? 复杂度?
"contrastive search": {
"top_k": 4,
"penalty_alpha": 0.2,
# 算法? 复杂度?
# 网格波束搜索(Hokamp和Liu,2017)和约束波束搜索(Anderson等,2017)
"diverse beam search": {
"num_beams": 5,
"num_beam_groups": 5,
"num_return_sequences": 5,
"diversity_penalty": 1.0,
all_decoding_strategys = list(gen_mode_params.keys())
def summarize(text, prefix_text, constrained_text, decoding_strategys):
prefix_text: 能叫 prompt吗?
constrained_text: 受限解码效果怎么这么差.
gen_modes: Search Strategy、Decoding strategy、
# bad_words_ids num_return_sequences=1, no_repeat_ngram_size=1, remove_invalid_values=True,
common_params = {"min_length": 20, "max_length": 100}
inputs = tokenizer([text], max_length=512, return_tensors="pt")
# prompt_text = GPT2里的参数. 这里是 decoder_input_ids。 shape=(batch_size, n)
if prefix_text:
decoder_input_ids = tokenizer([prefix_text], max_length=30, return_tensors="pt")
# decoder_input_ids = tokenizer(["采用优质的"], max_length=30, return_tensors="pt")
decoder_input_ids = decoder_input_ids.input_ids[:, :-1]
decoder_input_ids[:, 0] = model.config.decoder_start_token_id
common_params["decoder_input_ids"] = decoder_input_ids
if constrained_text:
common_params["force_words_ids"] = tokenizer(
[constrained_text], add_special_tokens=False, max_length=30).input_ids
result = {}
for strategy in decoding_strategys:
if constrained_text and strategy in ["greedy", "sampling", "diverse beam search"]:
# `num_beams` needs to be greater than 1 for constrained generation.
# `num_beam_groups` not supported yet for constrained generation.
result[strategy] = "不支持 constrained text"
summary_ids = model.generate(inputs["input_ids"][:, 1:], **common_params, **gen_mode_params[strategy])
summary = tokenizer.batch_decode(summary_ids, skip_special_tokens=True,
print(strategy, summary)
result[strategy] = summary
return result
# return pd.DataFrame([result])
sum_examples = [
"", "", all_decoding_strategys],
"智能", "", all_decoding_strategys],
"", "风冷无霜", all_decoding_strategys],
"", "", all_decoding_strategys],
"", "", all_decoding_strategys],
sum_iface = gr.Interface(
label="商品信息(Product Info)",
label="前缀词(Prefix Text)"
label="限定词(Constrained Text)"
all_decoding_strategys, value=all_decoding_strategys[0:1],
label="解码策略(Decoding Strategy)"
# outputs=gr.Textbox(
# label="文本摘要(Summarization)",
# lines=4,
# ),
# outputs=gr.DataFrame(
# label="文本摘要(Summarization)",
# ),
outputs=gr.JSON( # TODO:去掉json array的数字标号
title="生成式摘要(Abstractive Summarization)",
if __name__ == "__main__":