# | |
# itclHullCmds.tcl | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Invoked automatically upon startup to customize the interpreter | |
# for [incr Tcl] when one of setupcomponent or createhull is called. | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# AUTHOR: Arnulf P. Wiedemann | |
# | |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Copyright (c) 2008 Arnulf P. Wiedemann | |
# ====================================================================== | |
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and | |
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. | |
package require Tk 8.6 | |
namespace eval ::itcl::internal::commands { | |
# ======================= widgetDeleted =========================== | |
proc widgetDeleted {oldName newName op} { | |
# The widget is beeing deleted, so we have to delete the object | |
# which had the widget as itcl_hull too! | |
# We have to get the real name from for example | |
# ::itcl::internal::widgets::hull1.lw | |
# we need only .lw here | |
#puts stderr "widgetDeleted!$oldName!$newName!$op!" | |
set cmdName [namespace tail $oldName] | |
set flds [split $cmdName {.}] | |
set cmdName .[join [lrange $flds 1 end] {.}] | |
#puts stderr "DELWIDGET![namespace current]!$cmdName![::info command $cmdName]!" | |
rename $cmdName {} | |
} | |
} | |
namespace eval ::itcl::builtin { | |
# ======================= createhull =========================== | |
# the hull widget is a tk widget which is the (mega) widget handled behind the itcl | |
# extendedclass/itcl widget. | |
# It is created be renaming the itcl class object to a temporary name <itcl object name>_ | |
# creating the widget with the | |
# appropriate options and the installing that as the "hull" widget (the container) | |
# All the options in args and the options delegated to component itcl_hull are used | |
# Then a unique name (hull_widget_name) in the itcl namespace is created for widget: | |
# ::itcl::internal::widgets::hull<unique number><namespace tail path> | |
# and widget is renamed to that name | |
# Finally the <itcl object name>_ is renamed to the original <itcl object name> again | |
# Component itcl_hull is created if not existent | |
# itcl_hull is set to the hull_widget_name and the <itcl object name> | |
# is returned to the caller | |
# ============================================================== | |
proc createhull {widget_type path args} { | |
variable hullCount | |
upvar this this | |
upvar win win | |
#puts stderr "il-1![::info level -1]!$this!" | |
#puts stderr "createhull!$widget_type!$path!$args!$this![::info command $this]!" | |
#puts stderr "ns1![uplevel 1 namespace current]!" | |
#puts stderr "ns2![uplevel 2 namespace current]!" | |
#puts stderr "ns3![uplevel 3 namespace current]!" | |
#puts stderr "level-1![::info level -1]!" | |
#puts stderr "level-2![::info level -2]!" | |
# set my_this [namespace tail $this] | |
set my_this $this | |
set tmp $my_this | |
#puts stderr "II![::info command $this]![::info command $tmp]!" | |
#puts stderr "rename1!rename $my_this ${tmp}_!" | |
rename ::$my_this ${tmp}_ | |
set options [list] | |
foreach {option_name value} $args { | |
switch -glob -- $option_name { | |
-class { | |
lappend options $option_name [namespace tail $value] | |
} | |
-* { | |
lappend options $option_name $value | |
} | |
default { | |
return -code error "bad option name\"$option_name\" options must start with a \"-\"" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
set my_win [namespace tail $path] | |
set cmd [list $widget_type $my_win] | |
#puts stderr "my_win!$my_win!cmd!$cmd!$path!" | |
if {[llength $options] > 0} { | |
lappend cmd {*}$options | |
} | |
set widget [uplevel 1 $cmd] | |
#puts stderr "widget!$widget!" | |
trace add command $widget delete ::itcl::internal::commands::widgetDeleted | |
set opts [uplevel 1 info delegated options] | |
foreach entry $opts { | |
foreach {optName compName} $entry break | |
if {$compName eq "itcl_hull"} { | |
set optInfos [uplevel 1 info delegated option $optName] | |
set realOptName [lindex $optInfos 4] | |
# strip off the "-" at the beginning | |
set myOptName [string range $realOptName 1 end] | |
set my_opt_val [option get $my_win $myOptName *] | |
if {$my_opt_val ne ""} { | |
$my_win configure -$myOptName $my_opt_val | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
set idx 1 | |
while {1} { | |
set widgetName ::itcl::internal::widgets::hull${idx}$my_win | |
#puts stderr "widgetName!$widgetName!" | |
if {[string length [::info command $widgetName]] == 0} { | |
break | |
} | |
incr idx | |
} | |
#puts stderr "rename2!rename $widget $widgetName!" | |
set dorename 0 | |
rename $widget $widgetName | |
#puts stderr "rename3!rename ${tmp}_ $tmp![::info command ${tmp}_]!my_this!$my_this!" | |
rename ${tmp}_ ::$tmp | |
set exists [uplevel 1 ::info exists itcl_hull] | |
if {!$exists} { | |
# that does not yet work, beacause of problems with resolving | |
::itcl::addcomponent $my_this itcl_hull | |
} | |
upvar itcl_hull itcl_hull | |
::itcl::setcomponent $my_this itcl_hull $widgetName | |
#puts stderr "IC![::info command $my_win]!" | |
set exists [uplevel 1 ::info exists itcl_interior] | |
if {!$exists} { | |
# that does not yet work, beacause of problems with resolving | |
::itcl::addcomponent $this itcl_interior | |
} | |
upvar itcl_interior itcl_interior | |
set itcl_interior $my_win | |
#puts stderr "hull end!win!$win!itcl_hull!$itcl_hull!itcl_interior!$itcl_interior!" | |
return $my_win | |
} | |
# ======================= addToItclOptions =========================== | |
proc addToItclOptions {my_class my_win myOptions argsDict} { | |
upvar win win | |
upvar itcl_hull itcl_hull | |
set opt_lst [list configure] | |
foreach opt [lsort $myOptions] { | |
#puts stderr "IOPT!$opt!$my_class!$my_win![::itcl::is class $my_class]!" | |
set isClass [::itcl::is class $my_class] | |
set found 0 | |
if {$isClass} { | |
if {[catch { | |
set resource [namespace eval $my_class info option $opt -resource] | |
set class [namespace eval $my_class info option $opt -class] | |
set default_val [uplevel 2 info option $opt -default] | |
set found 1 | |
} msg]} { | |
# puts stderr "MSG!$opt!$my_class!$msg!" | |
} | |
} else { | |
set tmp_win [uplevel #0 $my_class .___xx] | |
set my_info [$tmp_win configure $opt] | |
set resource [lindex $my_info 1] | |
set class [lindex $my_info 2] | |
set default_val [lindex $my_info 3] | |
uplevel #0 destroy $tmp_win | |
set found 1 | |
} | |
if {$found} { | |
if {[catch { | |
set val [uplevel #0 ::option get $win $resource $class] | |
} msg]} { | |
set val "" | |
} | |
if {[::dict exists $argsDict $opt]} { | |
# we have an explicitly set option | |
set val [::dict get $argsDict $opt] | |
} else { | |
if {[string length $val] == 0} { | |
set val $default_val | |
} | |
} | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${my_win}::itcl_options($opt) $val | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${my_win}::__itcl_option_infos($opt) [list $resource $class $default_val] | |
#puts stderr "OPT1!$opt!$val!" | |
# uplevel 1 [list set itcl_options($opt) [list $val]] | |
if {[catch {uplevel 1 $win configure $opt [list $val]} msg]} { | |
#puts stderr "addToItclOptions ERR!$msg!$my_class!$win!configure!$opt!$val!" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
# ======================= setupcomponent =========================== | |
proc setupcomponent {comp using widget_type path args} { | |
upvar this this | |
upvar win win | |
upvar itcl_hull itcl_hull | |
#puts stderr "setupcomponent!$comp!$widget_type!$path!$args!$this!$win!$itcl_hull!" | |
#puts stderr "CONT![uplevel 1 info context]!" | |
#puts stderr "ns1![uplevel 1 namespace current]!" | |
#puts stderr "ns2![uplevel 2 namespace current]!" | |
#puts stderr "ns3![uplevel 3 namespace current]!" | |
set my_comp_object [lindex [uplevel 1 info context] 1] | |
if {[::info exists ::itcl::internal::component_objects($my_comp_object)]} { | |
set my_comp_object [set ::itcl::internal::component_objects($my_comp_object)] | |
} else { | |
set ::itcl::internal::component_objects($path) $my_comp_object | |
} | |
set options [list] | |
foreach {option_name value} $args { | |
switch -glob -- $option_name { | |
-* { | |
lappend options $option_name $value | |
} | |
default { | |
return -code error "bad option name\"$option_name\" options must start with a \"-\"" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if {[llength $args]} { | |
set argsDict [dict create {*}$args] | |
} else { | |
set argsDict [dict create] | |
} | |
set cmd [list $widget_type $path] | |
if {[llength $options] > 0} { | |
lappend cmd {*}$options | |
} | |
#puts stderr "cmd0![::info command $widget_type]!$path![::info command $path]!" | |
#puts stderr "cmd1!$cmd!" | |
# set my_comp [uplevel 3 $cmd] | |
set my_comp [uplevel #0 $cmd] | |
#puts stderr 111![::info command $path]! | |
::itcl::setcomponent $this $comp $my_comp | |
set opts [uplevel 1 info delegated options] | |
foreach entry $opts { | |
foreach {optName compName} $entry break | |
if {$compName eq $my_comp} { | |
set optInfos [uplevel 1 info delegated option $optName] | |
set realOptName [lindex $optInfos 4] | |
# strip off the "-" at the beginning | |
set myOptName [string range $realOptName 1 end] | |
set my_opt_val [option get $my_win $myOptName *] | |
if {$my_opt_val ne ""} { | |
$my_comp configure -$myOptName $my_opt_val | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
set my_class $widget_type | |
set my_parent_class [uplevel 1 namespace current] | |
if {[catch { | |
set myOptions [namespace eval $my_class {info classoptions}] | |
} msg]} { | |
set myOptions [list] | |
} | |
foreach entry [$path configure] { | |
foreach {opt dummy1 dummy2 dummy3} $entry break | |
lappend myOptions $opt | |
} | |
#puts stderr "OPTS!$myOptions!" | |
addToItclOptions $widget_type $my_comp_object $myOptions $argsDict | |
#puts stderr END!$path![::info command $path]! | |
} | |
proc itcl_initoptions {args} { | |
puts stderr "ITCL_INITOPT!$args!" | |
} | |
# ======================= initoptions =========================== | |
proc initoptions {args} { | |
upvar win win | |
upvar itcl_hull itcl_hull | |
upvar itcl_option_components itcl_option_components | |
#puts stderr "INITOPT!!$win!" | |
if {[llength $args]} { | |
set argsDict [dict create {*}$args] | |
} else { | |
set argsDict [dict create] | |
} | |
set my_class [uplevel 1 namespace current] | |
set myOptions [namespace eval $my_class {info classoptions}] | |
if {[dict exists $::itcl::internal::dicts::classComponents $my_class]} { | |
set class_info_dict [dict get $::itcl::internal::dicts::classComponents $my_class] | |
# set myOptions [lsort -unique [namespace eval $my_class {info options}]] | |
foreach comp [uplevel 1 info components] { | |
if {[dict exists $class_info_dict $comp -keptoptions]} { | |
foreach my_opt [dict get $class_info_dict $comp -keptoptions] { | |
if {[lsearch $myOptions $my_opt] < 0} { | |
#puts stderr "KEOPT!$my_opt!" | |
lappend myOptions $my_opt | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
set class_info_dict [list] | |
} | |
#puts stderr "OPTS!$win!$my_class![join [lsort $myOptions]] \n]!" | |
set opt_lst [list configure] | |
set my_win $win | |
foreach opt [lsort $myOptions] { | |
set found 0 | |
if {[catch { | |
set resource [uplevel 1 info option $opt -resource] | |
set class [uplevel 1 info option $opt -class] | |
set default_val [uplevel 1 info option $opt -default] | |
set found 1 | |
} msg]} { | |
# puts stderr "MSG!$opt!$msg!" | |
} | |
#puts stderr "OPT!$opt!$found!" | |
if {$found} { | |
if {[catch { | |
set val [uplevel #0 ::option get $my_win $resource $class] | |
} msg]} { | |
set val "" | |
} | |
if {[::dict exists $argsDict $opt]} { | |
# we have an explicitly set option | |
set val [::dict get $argsDict $opt] | |
} else { | |
if {[string length $val] == 0} { | |
set val $default_val | |
} | |
} | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt) $val | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::__itcl_option_infos($opt) [list $resource $class $default_val] | |
#puts stderr "OPT1!$opt!$val!" | |
# uplevel 1 [list set itcl_options($opt) [list $val]] | |
if {[catch {uplevel 1 $my_win configure $opt [list $val]} msg]} { | |
puts stderr "initoptions ERR!$msg!$my_class!$my_win!configure!$opt!$val!" | |
} | |
} | |
foreach comp [dict keys $class_info_dict] { | |
#puts stderr "OPT1!$opt!$comp![dict get $class_info_dict $comp]!" | |
if {[dict exists $class_info_dict $comp -keptoptions]} { | |
if {[lsearch [dict get $class_info_dict $comp -keptoptions] $opt] >= 0} { | |
if {$found == 0} { | |
# we use the option value of the first component for setting | |
# the option, as the components are traversed in the dict | |
# depending on the ordering of the component creation!! | |
set my_info [uplevel 1 \[set $comp\] configure $opt] | |
set resource [lindex $my_info 1] | |
set class [lindex $my_info 2] | |
set default_val [lindex $my_info 3] | |
set found 2 | |
set val [uplevel #0 ::option get $my_win $resource $class] | |
if {[::dict exists $argsDict $opt]} { | |
# we have an explicitly set option | |
set val [::dict get $argsDict $opt] | |
} else { | |
if {[string length $val] == 0} { | |
set val $default_val | |
} | |
} | |
#puts stderr "OPT2!$opt!$val!" | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt) $val | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::__itcl_option_infos($opt) [list $resource $class $default_val] | |
# uplevel 1 [list set itcl_options($opt) [list $val]] | |
} | |
if {[catch {uplevel 1 \[set $comp\] configure $opt [list $val]} msg]} { | |
puts stderr "initoptions ERR2!$msg!$my_class!$comp!configure!$opt!$val!" | |
} | |
if {![uplevel 1 info exists itcl_option_components($opt)]} { | |
set itcl_option_components($opt) [list] | |
} | |
if {[lsearch [set itcl_option_components($opt)] $comp] < 0} { | |
if {![catch { | |
set optval [uplevel 1 [list set itcl_options($opt)]] | |
} msg3]} { | |
uplevel 1 \[set $comp\] configure $opt $optval | |
} | |
lappend itcl_option_components($opt) $comp | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
# uplevel 1 $opt_lst | |
} | |
# ======================= setoptions =========================== | |
proc setoptions {args} { | |
#puts stderr "setOPT!!$args!" | |
if {[llength $args]} { | |
set argsDict [dict create {*}$args] | |
} else { | |
set argsDict [dict create] | |
} | |
set my_class [uplevel 1 namespace current] | |
set myOptions [namespace eval $my_class {info options}] | |
#puts stderr "OPTS!$win!$my_class![join [lsort $myOptions]] \n]!" | |
set opt_lst [list configure] | |
foreach opt [lsort $myOptions] { | |
set found 0 | |
if {[catch { | |
set resource [uplevel 1 info option $opt -resource] | |
set class [uplevel 1 info option $opt -class] | |
set default_val [uplevel 1 info option $opt -default] | |
set found 1 | |
} msg]} { | |
# puts stderr "MSG!$opt!$msg!" | |
} | |
#puts stderr "OPT!$opt!$found!" | |
if {$found} { | |
set val "" | |
if {[::dict exists $argsDict $opt]} { | |
# we have an explicitly set option | |
set val [::dict get $argsDict $opt] | |
} else { | |
if {[string length $val] == 0} { | |
set val $default_val | |
} | |
} | |
set myObj [uplevel 1 set this] | |
#puts stderr "myObj!$myObj!" | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${myObj}::itcl_options($opt) $val | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${myObj}::__itcl_option_infos($opt) [list $resource $class $default_val] | |
#puts stderr "OPT1!$opt!$val!" | |
uplevel 1 [list set itcl_options($opt) [list $val]] | |
# if {[catch {uplevel 1 $myObj configure $opt [list $val]} msg]} { | |
#puts stderr "initoptions ERR!$msg!$my_class!$my_win!configure!$opt!$val!" | |
# } | |
} | |
} | |
# uplevel 1 $opt_lst | |
} | |
# ========================= keepcomponentoption ====================== | |
# Invoked by Tcl during evaluating constructor whenever | |
# the "keepcomponentoption" command is invoked to list the options | |
# to be kept when an ::itcl::extendedclass component has been setup | |
# for an object. | |
# | |
# It checks, for all arguments, if the opt is an option of that class | |
# and of that component. If that is the case it adds the component name | |
# to the list of components for that option. | |
# The variable is the object variable: itcl_option_components($opt) | |
# | |
# Handles the following syntax: | |
# | |
# keepcomponentoption <componentName> <optionName> ?<optionName> ...? | |
# | |
# ====================================================================== | |
proc keepcomponentoption {args} { | |
upvar win win | |
upvar itcl_hull itcl_hull | |
set usage "wrong # args, should be: keepcomponentoption componentName optionName ?optionName ...?" | |
#puts stderr "KEEP!$args![uplevel 1 namespace current]!" | |
if {[llength $args] < 2} { | |
puts stderr $usage | |
return -code error | |
} | |
set my_hull [uplevel 1 set itcl_hull] | |
set my_class [uplevel 1 namespace current] | |
set comp [lindex $args 0] | |
set args [lrange $args 1 end] | |
set class_info_dict [dict get $::itcl::internal::dicts::classComponents $my_class] | |
if {![dict exists $class_info_dict $comp]} { | |
puts stderr "keepcomponentoption cannot find component \"$comp\"" | |
return -code error | |
} | |
set class_comp_dict [dict get $class_info_dict $comp] | |
if {![dict exists $class_comp_dict -keptoptions]} { | |
dict set class_comp_dict -keptoptions [list] | |
} | |
foreach opt $args { | |
#puts stderr "KEEP!$opt!" | |
if {[string range $opt 0 0] ne "-"} { | |
puts stderr "keepcomponentoption: option must begin with a \"-\"!" | |
return -code error | |
} | |
if {[lsearch [dict get $class_comp_dict -keptoptions] $opt] < 0} { | |
dict lappend class_comp_dict -keptoptions $opt | |
} | |
} | |
if {![info exists ::itcl::internal::component_objects([lindex [uplevel 1 info context] 1])]} { | |
set comp_object $::itcl::internal::component_objects([lindex [uplevel 1 info context] 1]) | |
} else { | |
set comp_object "unknown_comp_obj_$comp!" | |
} | |
dict set class_info_dict $comp $class_comp_dict | |
dict set ::itcl::internal::dicts::classComponents $my_class $class_info_dict | |
puts stderr "CLDI!$class_comp_dict!" | |
addToItclOptions $my_class $comp_object $args [list] | |
} | |
proc ignorecomponentoption {args} { | |
puts stderr "IGNORE_COMPONENT_OPTION!$args!" | |
} | |
proc renamecomponentoption {args} { | |
puts stderr "rename_COMPONENT_OPTION!$args!" | |
} | |
proc addoptioncomponent {args} { | |
puts stderr "ADD_OPTION_COMPONENT!$args!" | |
} | |
proc ignoreoptioncomponent {args} { | |
puts stderr "IGNORE_OPTION_COMPONENT!$args!" | |
} | |
proc renameoptioncomponent {args} { | |
puts stderr "RENAME_OPTION_COMPONENT!$args!" | |
} | |
proc getEclassOptions {args} { | |
upvar win win | |
#puts stderr "getEclassOptions!$args!$win![uplevel 1 namespace current]!" | |
#parray ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options | |
set result [list] | |
foreach opt [array names ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options] { | |
if {[catch { | |
foreach {res cls def} [set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::__itcl_option_infos($opt)] break | |
lappend result [list $opt $res $cls $def [set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt)]] | |
} msg]} { | |
} | |
} | |
return $result | |
} | |
proc eclassConfigure {args} { | |
upvar win win | |
#puts stderr "+++ eclassConfigure!$args!" | |
if {[llength $args] > 1} { | |
foreach {opt val} $args break | |
if {[::info exists ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt)]} { | |
set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt) $val | |
return | |
} | |
} else { | |
foreach {opt} $args break | |
if {[::info exists ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt)]} { | |
#puts stderr "OP![set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt)]!" | |
foreach {res cls def} [set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::__itcl_option_infos($opt)] break | |
return [list $opt $res $cls $def [set ::itcl::internal::variables::${win}::itcl_options($opt)]] | |
} | |
} | |
return -code error | |
} | |
} | |