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# WARNING: do not edit!
# Generated by Makefile from tools/
# Copyright 1999-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# Perl c_rehash script, scan all files in a directory
# and add symbolic links to their hash values.
my $dir = "";
my $prefix = "/home/simon/prog/text-generation-webui/installer_files/conda";
my $errorcount = 0;
my $openssl = $ENV{OPENSSL} || "openssl";
my $pwd;
my $x509hash = "-subject_hash";
my $crlhash = "-hash";
my $verbose = 0;
my $symlink_exists=eval {symlink("",""); 1};
my $removelinks = 1;
## Parse flags.
while ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ ) {
my $flag = shift @ARGV;
last if ( $flag eq '--');
if ( $flag eq '-old') {
$x509hash = "-subject_hash_old";
$crlhash = "-hash_old";
} elsif ( $flag eq '-h' || $flag eq '-help' ) {
} elsif ( $flag eq '-n' ) {
$removelinks = 0;
} elsif ( $flag eq '-v' ) {
else {
print STDERR "Usage error; try -h.\n";
exit 1;
sub help {
print "Usage: c_rehash [-old] [-h] [-help] [-v] [dirs...]\n";
print " -old use old-style digest\n";
print " -h or -help print this help text\n";
print " -v print files removed and linked\n";
exit 0;
eval "require Cwd";
if (defined(&Cwd::getcwd)) {
} else {
# DOS/Win32 or Unix delimiter? Prefix our installdir, then search.
my $path_delim = ($pwd =~ /^[a-z]\:/i) ? ';' : ':';
$ENV{PATH} = "$prefix/bin" . ($ENV{PATH} ? $path_delim . $ENV{PATH} : "");
if (! -x $openssl) {
my $found = 0;
foreach (split /$path_delim/, $ENV{PATH}) {
if (-x "$_/$openssl") {
$found = 1;
$openssl = "$_/$openssl";
if ($found == 0) {
print STDERR "c_rehash: rehashing skipped ('openssl' program not available)\n";
exit 0;
if (@ARGV) {
@dirlist = @ARGV;
} elsif ($ENV{SSL_CERT_DIR}) {
@dirlist = split /$path_delim/, $ENV{SSL_CERT_DIR};
} else {
$dirlist[0] = "$dir/certs";
if (-d $dirlist[0]) {
chdir $dirlist[0];
$openssl="$pwd/$openssl" if (!-x $openssl);
chdir $pwd;
foreach (@dirlist) {
if (-d $_ ) {
if ( -w $_) {
} else {
print "Skipping $_, can't write\n";
sub copy_file {
my ($src_fname, $dst_fname) = @_;
if (open(my $in, "<", $src_fname)) {
if (open(my $out, ">", $dst_fname)) {
print $out $_ while (<$in>);
close $out;
} else {
warn "Cannot open $dst_fname for write, $!";
close $in;
} else {
warn "Cannot open $src_fname for read, $!";
sub hash_dir {
my $dir = shift;
my %hashlist;
print "Doing $dir\n";
if (!chdir $dir) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Cannot chdir to '$dir', $!\n";
opendir(DIR, ".") || print STDERR "WARNING: Cannot opendir '.', $!\n";
my @flist = sort readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
if ( $removelinks ) {
# Delete any existing symbolic links
foreach (grep {/^[\da-f]+\.r{0,1}\d+$/} @flist) {
if (-l $_) {
print "unlink $_\n" if $verbose;
unlink $_ || warn "Can't unlink $_, $!\n";
FILE: foreach $fname (grep {/\.(pem)|(crt)|(cer)|(crl)$/} @flist) {
# Check to see if certificates and/or CRLs present.
my ($cert, $crl) = check_file($fname);
if (!$cert && !$crl) {
print STDERR "WARNING: $fname does not contain a certificate or CRL: skipping\n";
link_hash_cert($fname) if ($cert);
link_hash_crl($fname) if ($crl);
chdir $pwd;
sub check_file {
my ($is_cert, $is_crl) = (0,0);
my $fname = $_[0];
open(my $in, "<", $fname);
while(<$in>) {
if (/^-----BEGIN (.*)-----/) {
my $hdr = $1;
if ($hdr =~ /^(X509 |TRUSTED |)CERTIFICATE$/) {
$is_cert = 1;
last if ($is_crl);
} elsif ($hdr eq "X509 CRL") {
$is_crl = 1;
last if ($is_cert);
close $in;
return ($is_cert, $is_crl);
sub compute_hash {
my $fh;
if ( $^O eq "VMS" ) {
# VMS uses the open through shell
# The file names are safe there and list form is unsupported
if (!open($fh, "-|", join(' ', @_))) {
print STDERR "Cannot compute hash on '$fname'\n";
} else {
if (!open($fh, "-|", @_)) {
print STDERR "Cannot compute hash on '$fname'\n";
return (<$fh>, <$fh>);
# Link a certificate to its subject name hash value, each hash is of
# the form <hash>.<n> where n is an integer. If the hash value already exists
# then we need to up the value of n, unless its a duplicate in which
# case we skip the link. We check for duplicates by comparing the
# certificate fingerprints
sub link_hash_cert {
link_hash($_[0], 'cert');
# Same as above except for a CRL. CRL links are of the form <hash>.r<n>
sub link_hash_crl {
link_hash($_[0], 'crl');
sub link_hash {
my ($fname, $type) = @_;
my $is_cert = $type eq 'cert';
my ($hash, $fprint) = compute_hash($openssl,
$is_cert ? "x509" : "crl",
$is_cert ? $x509hash : $crlhash,
"-fingerprint", "-noout",
"-in", $fname);
chomp $hash;
chomp $fprint;
return if !$hash;
$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
$fprint =~ tr/://d;
my $suffix = 0;
# Search for an unused hash filename
my $crlmark = $is_cert ? "" : "r";
while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.$crlmark$suffix"}) {
# Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
if ($hashlist{"$hash.$crlmark$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
my $what = $is_cert ? 'certificate' : 'CRL';
print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate $what $fname\n";
$hash .= ".$crlmark$suffix";
if ($symlink_exists) {
print "link $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
symlink $fname, $hash || warn "Can't symlink, $!";
} else {
print "copy $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
copy_file($fname, $hash);
$hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;