import { describe, it, expect, afterEach, beforeAll, afterAll } from "vitest"; import { Client } from ".."; import { initialise_server } from "./server"; const server = initialise_server(); beforeAll(() => server.listen()); afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers()); afterAll(() => server.close()); describe("upload_files", () => { it("should upload files successfully", async () => { const root_url = ""; const client = await Client.connect("hmb/hello_world", { hf_token: "hf_token" }); const files = [new Blob([], { type: "image/jpeg" })]; const response = await client.upload_files(root_url, files); if (!response.files) { throw new Error("No files returned"); } expect(response.files).toHaveLength(1); expect(response.files[0]).toBe("lion.jpg"); }); it.skip("should handle a server error when connected to a running app and uploading files", async () => { const client = await Client.connect("hmb/server_test"); const root_url = ""; const files = [new Blob([""], { type: "text/plain" })]; await expect(client.upload_files(root_url, files)).rejects.toThrow( "Connection errored out. Failed to fetch" ); }); });