from dataclasses import dataclass, field import mesop as me _INTRO_TEXT = """ # Mesop Markdown Editor Example This example shows how to make a simple markdown editor. """.strip() @dataclass(kw_only=True) class Note: """Content of note.""" content: str = "" @me.stateclass class State: notes: list[Note] = field(default_factory=lambda: [Note(content=_INTRO_TEXT)]) selected_note_index: int = 0 selected_note_content: str = _INTRO_TEXT show_preview: bool = True def load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_mode("system") on_load=load, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=[""] ), path="/markdown_editor", title="Markdown Editor", ) def page(): state = me.state(State) with # Note list column with # Toolbar with with me.content_button(on_click=on_click_new): with me.tooltip(message="New note"): me.icon(icon="add_notes") with me.content_button(on_click=on_click_hide): with me.tooltip( message="Hide preview" if state.show_preview else "Show preview" ): me.icon(icon="hide_image") # Note list for index, note in enumerate(state.notes): with key=f"note-{index}", on_click=on_click_note, style=_style_note_row(index == state.selected_note_index), ): me.text(_render_note_excerpt(note.content)) # Markdown Editor Column with me.native_textarea( value=state.selected_note_content, style=_STYLE_TEXTAREA, on_input=on_text_input, ) # Markdown Preview Column if state.show_preview: with if state.selected_note_index < len(state.notes): me.markdown(state.notes[state.selected_note_index].content) # HELPERS _EXCERPT_CHAR_LIMIT = 90 def _render_note_excerpt(content: str) -> str: if len(content) <= _EXCERPT_CHAR_LIMIT: return content return content[:_EXCERPT_CHAR_LIMIT] + "..." # EVENT HANDLERS def on_click_new(e: me.ClickEvent): state = me.state(State) # Need to update the initial value of the editor text area so we can # trigger a diff to reset the editor to empty. Need to yield this change. # for this to work. state.selected_note_content = state.notes[state.selected_note_index].content yield # Reset the initial value of the editor text area to empty since the new note # has no content. state.selected_note_content = "" state.notes.append(Note()) state.selected_note_index = len(state.notes) - 1 yield def on_click_hide(e: me.ClickEvent): """Hides/Shows preview Markdown pane.""" state = me.state(State) state.show_preview = bool(not state.show_preview) def on_click_note(e: me.ClickEvent): """Selects a note from the note list.""" state = me.state(State) note_id = int(e.key.replace("note-", "")) note = state.notes[note_id] state.selected_note_index = note_id state.selected_note_content = note.content def on_text_input(e: me.InputEvent): """Captures text in editor.""" state = me.state(State) state.notes[state.selected_note_index].content = e.value # STYLES _BACKGROUND_COLOR = me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest") _FONT_COLOR = me.theme_var("on-surface-variant") _NOTE_ROW_FONT_COLOR = me.theme_var("on-surface") _NOTE_ROW_FONT_SIZE = "14px" _SELECTED_ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR = me.theme_var("surface-variant") _DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE = me.BorderSide( width=1, style="solid", color=me.theme_var("outline-variant") ) def _style_container(show_preview: bool = True) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=_BACKGROUND_COLOR, color=_FONT_COLOR, display="grid", grid_template_columns="2fr 4fr 4fr" if show_preview else "2fr 8fr", height="100vh", ) def _style_note_row(selected: bool = False) -> me.Style: return me.Style( color=_NOTE_ROW_FONT_COLOR, font_size=_NOTE_ROW_FONT_SIZE, background=_SELECTED_ROW_BACKGROUND_COLOR if selected else "none", padding=me.Padding.all(10), border=me.Border(bottom=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE), height="100px", overflow_x="hidden", overflow_y="hidden", ) _STYLE_NOTES_NAV = me.Style(overflow_y="scroll", padding=me.Padding.all(15)) _STYLE_TOOLBAR = me.Style( padding=me.Padding.all(5), border=me.Border(bottom=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE), ) _STYLE_EDITOR = me.Style( overflow_y="hidden", padding=me.Padding(left=20, right=15, top=20, bottom=0), border=me.Border( left=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE, right=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE, ), ) _STYLE_PREVIEW = me.Style( overflow_y="scroll", padding=me.Padding.symmetric(vertical=0, horizontal=20) ) _STYLE_TEXTAREA = me.Style( color=_FONT_COLOR, background=_BACKGROUND_COLOR, outline="none", # Hides focus border border=me.Border.all(me.BorderSide(style="none")), width="100%", height="100%", )