from dataclasses import asdict from typing import Literal import mesop as me ROW_GAP = 15 BOX_PADDING = 20 def load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_density(-3) me.set_theme_mode("system") @me.stateclass class State: first_name: str last_name: str username: str email: str facebook: str google: str instagram: str tiktok: str errors: dict[str, str] security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=[""] ), path="/form_profile", on_load=load, ) def page(): with style=me.Style( padding=me.Padding.all(BOX_PADDING), max_width=1000, margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal="auto"), ) ): me.text( "Profile", type="headline-4", style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=15)), ) divider() with form_group( label="Full name", description="This will be displayed on your profile.", ): input_field(label="First name") input_field(label="Last name") divider() with form_group(label="Account", description="This info must be unique."): input_field(label="Username") input_field(label="Email", input_type="email") divider() with form_group( label="Social media", description="Links to your social media profiles" ): input_field(label="Facebook", input_type="url") input_field(key="google", label="Google+", input_type="url") input_field(label="Instagram", input_type="url") input_field(label="TikTok", input_type="url") divider() me.button( "Save Profile", type="flat", on_click=on_click, style=me.Style(padding=me.Padding.all(25), font_size=20), ) def divider(): with me.divider() @me.content_component def form_group( label: str = "", description: str = "", ): with style=me.Style(display="flex", gap=25, margin=me.Margin(bottom=20)) ): with"200px")): me.text(label, type="headline-6", style=me.Style(font_weight="bold")) me.text(description, style=me.Style(font_style="italic", font_size=13)) with style=me.Style( display="flex", flex_grow=1, flex_direction="column", width="100%" ) ): me.slot() def input_field( *, key: str = "", label: str, value: str = "", width: str | int = "100%", input_type: Literal[ "color", "date", "datetime-local", "email", "month", "number", "password", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week", ] = "text", ): state = me.state(State) key = key if key else label.lower().replace(" ", "_") with, width=width)): me.input( key=key, label=label, value=value, appearance="outline", color="warn" if key in state.errors else "primary", style=me.Style(width=width), type=input_type, on_blur=on_blur, ) if key in state.errors: me.text( state.errors[key], style=me.Style( margin=me.Margin(top=-13, left=15, bottom=15), color=me.theme_var("error"), font_size=13, ), ) def on_change(e: me.RadioChangeEvent): state = me.state(State) setattr(state, e.key, e.value) def on_blur(e: me.InputBlurEvent): state = me.state(State) setattr(state, e.key, e.value) def on_click(e: me.ClickEvent): state = me.state(State) # Replace with real validation logic. errors = {} for key, value in asdict(state).items(): # type: ignore if key == "error": continue if not value: errors[key] = f"{key.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()} is required" state.errors = errors # Replace with form processing logic. if not state.errors: pass