import time from dataclasses import field import mesop as me @me.stateclass class State: ex1_rgba: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [255, 0, 0, 1]) ex2_opacity: float = 1.0 ex3_width: int ex4_left: int ex5_rotate_deg: int ex6_transforms_index: int = 0 TRANSFORM_OPERATIONS = [ "none", "matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)", "translate(120px, 50%)", "scale(2, 0.5)", "rotate(0.5turn)", "skew(30deg, 20deg)", "scale(0.5) translate(-100%, -100%)", ] DEFAULT_MARGIN = me.Style(margin=me.Margin.all(30)) BUTTON_MARGIN = me.Style(margin=me.Margin.symmetric(vertical=15)) def load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_mode("system") on_load=load, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=[""] ), path="/basic_animation", ) def app(): state = me.state(State) with me.text("Transform color", type="headline-5") me.text( "Changing the color can be used to indicate when a field has been updated." ) me.button( "Transform", type="flat", on_click=transform_red_yellow, style=BUTTON_MARGIN, ) with style=me.Style( background=f"rgba({','.join(map(str, state.ex1_rgba))})", width=100, height=100, margin=me.Margin.all(10), ) ): me.text("Mesop") with me.text("Fade in / Fade out", type="headline-5") me.text("Fading in/out can be useful for flash/toast components.") me.button( "Transform", type="flat", on_click=transform_fade_in_out, style=BUTTON_MARGIN, ) with style=me.Style( background="red", opacity=state.ex2_opacity, width=100, height=100, margin=me.Margin.all(10), ) ): me.text("Mesop") with me.text("Resize", type="headline-5") me.text( "Could be used for things like progress bars or opening closing accordion/tabs." ) me.button( "Transform", type="flat", on_click=transform_width, style=BUTTON_MARGIN ) with style=me.Style( background="rgba(0,0,0,1)", width=300, height=20, margin=me.Margin.all(10), ) ): with style=me.Style( background="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", width=str(state.ex3_width) + "%", height=20, ) ): me.text("") with me.text("Move", type="headline-5") me.text("Could be used for opening and closing sidebars.") me.button( "Transform", type="flat", on_click=transform_margin, style=BUTTON_MARGIN ) with with style=me.Style( position="relative", background="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", left=state.ex4_left, width=30, height=30, ) ): me.text("") with me.text("Rotate", type="headline-5") me.text("Uses the rotate CSS property to emulate a rotation animation.") me.button( "Transform", type="flat", on_click=transform_rotate, style=BUTTON_MARGIN ) with with style=me.Style( background="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", rotate=f"{state.ex5_rotate_deg}deg", width=100, height=100, ) ): me.text("Mesop") with me.text("Transform", type="headline-5") me.text("Apply a sequence of transformations.") me.button( "Transform", type="flat", on_click=transform_transform, style=BUTTON_MARGIN, ) with with style=me.Style( background="rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", transform=TRANSFORM_OPERATIONS[state.ex6_transforms_index], width=100, height=100, ) ): me.text("Mesop") def transform_red_yellow(e: me.ClickEvent): """Transform the color from red to yellow or yellow to red.""" state = me.state(State) if state.ex1_rgba[1] == 0: while state.ex1_rgba[1] < 255: state.ex1_rgba[1] += 10 yield time.sleep(0.1) state.ex1_rgba[1] = 255 yield else: while state.ex1_rgba[1] > 0: state.ex1_rgba[1] -= 10 yield time.sleep(0.1) state.ex1_rgba[1] = 0 yield def transform_fade_in_out(e: me.ClickEvent): """Update opacity""" state = me.state(State) if state.ex2_opacity == 0: while state.ex2_opacity < 1: state.ex2_opacity += 0.05 yield time.sleep(0.1) state.ex2_opacity = 1.0 yield else: while state.ex2_opacity > 0: state.ex2_opacity -= 0.05 yield time.sleep(0.1) state.ex2_opacity = 0 yield def transform_width(e: me.ClickEvent): """Update the width by percentage.""" state = me.state(State) if state.ex3_width == 0: while state.ex3_width < 100: state.ex3_width += 5 yield time.sleep(0.1) state.ex3_width = 100 yield else: while state.ex3_width > 0: state.ex3_width -= 5 yield time.sleep(0.1) state.ex3_width = 0 yield def transform_margin(e: me.ClickEvent): """Update the position to create sense of movement.""" state = me.state(State) if state.ex4_left == 0: while state.ex4_left < 200: state.ex4_left += 5 yield state.ex4_left = 200 yield else: while state.ex4_left > 0: state.ex4_left -= 5 yield state.ex4_left = 0 yield def transform_rotate(e: me.ClickEvent): """Update the degrees to rotate.""" state = me.state(State) if state.ex5_rotate_deg == 0: while state.ex5_rotate_deg < 365: state.ex5_rotate_deg += 5 yield state.ex5_rotate_deg = 0 yield def transform_transform(e: me.ClickEvent): """Update the index to run different transform operations.""" state = me.state(State) while state.ex6_transforms_index < len(TRANSFORM_OPERATIONS): yield time.sleep(0.2) state.ex6_transforms_index += 1 state.ex6_transforms_index = 0 yield