"""Pure Mesop Table built using CSS Grid. Functionality: - Column sorting - Header styles - Row styles - Cell styles - Cell templating - Row click - Expandable rows - Sticky header - Filtering (technically not built-in to the grid table component) TODOs: - Pagination - Sticky column - Control column width - Column filtering within grid table """ from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Protocol import pandas as pd import mesop as me df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "NA": [pd.NA, pd.NA, pd.NA], "Index": [3, 2, 1], "Bools": [True, False, True], "Ints": [101, 90, -55], "Floats": [1002.3, 4.5, -1050203.021], "Date Times": [ pd.Timestamp("20180310"), pd.Timestamp("20230310"), datetime(2023, 1, 1, 12, 12, 1), ], "Strings": ["Hello", "World", "!"], } ) SortDirection = Literal["asc", "desc"] @me.stateclass class State: expanded_df_row_index: int | None = None sort_column: str sort_direction: SortDirection = "asc" string_output: str table_filter: str theme: str = "light" @me.page( security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["https://google.github.io", "https://huggingface.co"] ), path="/grid_table", ) def app(): state = me.state(State) with me.box(style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin.all(30))): me.select( label="Theme", options=[ me.SelectOption(label="Light", value="light"), me.SelectOption(label="Dark", value="dark"), ], on_selection_change=on_theme_changed, ) # Simple example of filtering a data table. This is implemented separately of the # grid table component. For simplicity, we only filter against a single column. me.input( label="Filter by Strings column", style=me.Style(width="100%"), on_blur=on_filter_by_strings, on_enter=on_filter_by_strings, ) # Grid Table demonstrating all features. grid_table( get_data_frame(), header_config=GridTableHeader(sticky=True), on_click=on_table_cell_click, on_sort=on_table_sort, row_config=GridTableRow( columns={ "Bools": GridTableColumn(component=bool_component), "Date Times": GridTableColumn(component=date_component), "Floats": GridTableColumn(component=floats_component), "Ints": GridTableColumn(style=ints_style, sortable=True), "Strings": GridTableColumn( component=strings_component, sortable=True ), }, expander=GridTableExpander( component=expander, df_row_index=state.expanded_df_row_index, ), ), sort_column=state.sort_column, sort_direction=state.sort_direction, theme=GridTableThemeLight(striped=True) if state.theme == "light" else GridTableThemeDark(striped=True), ) # Used for demonstrating "table button" click example. if state.string_output: with me.box( style=me.Style( background="#ececec", color="#333", margin=me.Margin(top=20), padding=me.Padding.all(15), ) ): me.text(f"You clicked button: {state.string_output}") @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableHeader: """Configuration for the table header Attributes: sticky: Enables sticky headers style: Overrides default header styles """ sticky: bool = False style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableColumn: """Configuration for a table column Attributes: component: Custom rendering for the table cell sortable: Whether this column can be sorted or not style: Custom styling for the table cell """ component: Callable | None = None sortable: bool = False style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableExpander: """Configuration for expander table row Currently only one row can be expanded at a time. Attributes: component: Custom rendering for the table row df_row_index: DataFrame row that is expanded. style: Custom styling for the expanded row """ component: Callable | None = None df_row_index: int | None = None style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableRow: """Configuration for the table's rows. Attributes: columns: A map of column name to column specific configuration expander: Configuration for expanded row style: Custom styles at the row level. """ columns: dict[str, GridTableColumn] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) expander: GridTableExpander = field( default_factory=lambda: GridTableExpander() ) style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableCellMeta: """Metadata that is passed into style/component/expander callables. This metadata can be used to display things in custom ways based on the data. """ df_row_index: int df_col_index: int name: str row_index: int value: Any class GridTableTheme(Protocol): """Interface for theming the grid table""" def header(self, sortable: bool = False) -> me.Style: return me.Style() def sort_icon(self, current_column: str, sort_column: str) -> me.Style: return me.Style() def cell(self, cell_meta: GridTableCellMeta) -> me.Style: return me.Style() def expander(self, df_row_index: int) -> me.Style: return me.Style() class GridTableThemeDark(GridTableTheme): _HEADER_BG: str = "#28313e" _CELL_BG: str = "#141d2c" _CELL_BG_ALT: str = "#02060c" _COLOR: str = "#fff" _PADDING: me.Padding = me.Padding.all(10) _BORDER: me.Border = me.Border.all( me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)") ) def __init__(self, striped: bool = False): self.striped = striped def header(self, sortable: bool = False) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._HEADER_BG, color=self._COLOR, cursor="pointer" if sortable else "default", padding=self._PADDING, border=self._BORDER, ) def sort_icon(self, current_column: str, sort_column: str) -> me.Style: return me.Style( color="rgba(255, 255, 255, .8)" if sort_column == current_column else "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)", # Hack to make the icon align correctly. Will break if user changes the # font size with custom styles. height=16, ) def cell(self, cell_meta: GridTableCellMeta) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._CELL_BG_ALT if self.striped and cell_meta.row_index % 2 else self._CELL_BG, color=self._COLOR, padding=self._PADDING, border=self._BORDER, ) def expander(self, df_row_index: int) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._CELL_BG, color=self._COLOR, padding=self._PADDING, border=self._BORDER, ) class GridTableThemeLight(GridTableTheme): _HEADER_BG: str = "#fff" _CELL_BG: str = "#fff" _CELL_BG_ALT: str = "#f6f6f6" _COLOR: str = "#000" _PADDING: me.Padding = me.Padding.all(10) _HEADER_BORDER: me.Border = me.Border( bottom=me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color="#b2b2b2") ) _CELL_BORDER: me.Border = me.Border( bottom=me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color="#d9d9d9") ) def __init__(self, striped: bool = False): self.striped = striped def header(self, sortable: bool = False) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._HEADER_BG, color=self._COLOR, cursor="pointer" if sortable else "default", font_weight="bold", padding=self._PADDING, border=self._HEADER_BORDER, ) def sort_icon(self, current_column: str, sort_column: str) -> me.Style: return me.Style( color="rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)" if sort_column == current_column else "rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)", # Hack to make the icon align correctly. Will break if user changes the # font size with custom styles. height=18, ) def cell(self, cell_meta: GridTableCellMeta) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._CELL_BG_ALT if self.striped and cell_meta.row_index % 2 else self._CELL_BG, color=self._COLOR, padding=self._PADDING, border=self._CELL_BORDER, ) def expander(self, df_row_index: int) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._CELL_BG, color=self._COLOR, padding=self._PADDING, border=self._CELL_BORDER, ) def get_data_frame(): """Helper function to get a sorted/filtered version of the main data frame. One drawback of this approach is that we sort/filter the main data frame with every refresh, which may not be efficient for larger data frames. """ state = me.state(State) # Sort the data frame if sorting is enabled. if state.sort_column: sorted_df = df.sort_values( by=state.sort_column, ascending=state.sort_direction == "asc" ) else: sorted_df = df # Simple filtering by the Strings column. if state.table_filter: return sorted_df[ sorted_df["Strings"].str.lower().str.contains(state.table_filter.lower()) ] else: return sorted_df def on_theme_changed(e: me.SelectSelectionChangeEvent): """Changes the theme of the grid table""" state = me.state(State) state.theme = e.value def on_filter_by_strings(e: me.InputBlurEvent | me.InputEnterEvent): """Saves the filtering string to be used in `get_data_frame`""" state = me.state(State) state.table_filter = e.value def on_table_cell_click(e: me.ClickEvent): """If the table cell is clicked, show the expanded content.""" state = me.state(State) df_row_index, _ = map(int, e.key.split("-")) if state.expanded_df_row_index == df_row_index: state.expanded_df_row_index = None else: state.expanded_df_row_index = df_row_index def on_table_sort(e: me.ClickEvent): """Handles the table sort event by saving the sort information to be used in `get_data_frame`""" state = me.state(State) column, direction = e.key.split("-") if state.sort_column == column: state.sort_direction = "asc" if direction == "desc" else "desc" else: state.sort_direction = direction # type: ignore state.sort_column = column def expander(df_row_index: int): """Rendering logic for expanded row. Here we just display the row data in two columns as text inputs. But you can do more advanced things, such as: - rendering another table inside the table - fetching data to show drill down data - add a form for data entry """ columns = list(df.columns) with me.box(style=me.Style(padding=me.Padding.all(15))): me.text(f"Expanded row: {df_row_index}", type="headline-5") with me.box( style=me.Style( display="grid", grid_template_columns="repeat(2, 1fr)", gap=10, ) ): for index, col in enumerate(df.iloc[df_row_index]): me.input( label=columns[index], value=str(col), style=me.Style(width="100%") ) def on_click_strings(e: me.ClickEvent): """Click event for the cell button example.""" state = me.state(State) state.string_output = e.key def strings_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering a button with a click event. Note that the behavior is slightly buggy if there is also a cell click event. This event will fire, but so will the cell click event. This is due to https://github.com/google/mesop/issues/268. """ me.button( meta.value, key=meta.value, on_click=on_click_strings, style=me.Style( border_radius=3, background="#334053", border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)") ), font_weight="bold", color="#fff", ), ) def bool_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering icons based on the cell value.""" if meta.value: me.icon("check_circle", style=me.Style(color="green")) else: me.icon("cancel", style=me.Style(color="red")) def ints_style(meta: GridTableCellMeta) -> me.Style: """Example of a cell style based on the integer value.""" return me.Style( background="#29a529" if meta.value > 0 else "#db4848", color="#fff", padding=me.Padding.all(10), border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)") ), ) def floats_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering using string formatting.""" me.text(f"${meta.value:,.2f}") def date_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering using custom date formatting.""" me.text(meta.value.strftime("%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p")) @me.component def grid_table( data, *, header_config: GridTableHeader | None = None, on_click: Callable | None = None, on_sort: Callable | None = None, row_config: GridTableRow | None = None, sort_column: str = "", sort_direction: SortDirection = "asc", theme: Any | None = None, # Using Any since Pydantic complains about using a class. ): """Grid table component. Args: data: Pandas data frame header_config: Configuration for the table header on_click: Click event that fires when a cell is clicked on_sort: Click event that fires when a sortable header column is clicked row_config: Configuration for the tables's rows sort_column: Current sort column sort_direction: Current sort direction theme: Table theme """ with me.box( style=me.Style( display="grid", # This creates a grid with "equal" sized rows based on the columns. We may want to # override this to allow custom widths. grid_template_columns=f"repeat({len(data.columns)}, 1fr)", ) ): _theme: GridTableTheme = GridTableThemeLight() if theme: _theme = theme if not header_config: header_config = GridTableHeader() if not row_config: row_config = GridTableRow() col_index_name_map = {} # Render the table header for col_index, col in enumerate(data.columns): col_index_name_map[col_index] = col sortable_col = row_config.columns.get(col, GridTableColumn()).sortable with me.box( # Sort key format: ColumName-SortDirection key=_make_sort_key(col, sort_column, sort_direction), style=_make_header_style( theme=_theme, header_config=header_config, sortable=sortable_col ), on_click=on_sort if sortable_col else None, ): with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", align_items="center", ) ): if sortable_col: # Render sorting icons for sortable columns # # If column is sortable and not selected, always render an up arrow that is de-emphasized # If column is sortable and selected, render the arrow with emphasis # If the column is newly selected, render the up arrow to sort ascending # If the column is selected and reselected, render the opposite arrow me.icon( "arrow_downward" if sort_column == col and sort_direction == "desc" else "arrow_upward", style=_theme.sort_icon(col, sort_column), ) me.text(col) # Render table rows for row_index, row in enumerate(data.itertuples(name=None)): for col_index, col in enumerate(row[1:]): cell_config = row_config.columns.get( col_index_name_map[col_index], GridTableColumn() ) cell_meta = GridTableCellMeta( df_row_index=row[0], df_col_index=col_index, name=col_index_name_map[col_index], row_index=row_index, value=col, ) with me.box( # Store the df row index and df col index for the cell click event so we know # which cell is clicked. key=f"{row[0]}-{col_index}", style=_make_cell_style( theme=_theme, cell_meta=cell_meta, column=cell_config, row_style=row_config.style, ), on_click=on_click, ): if cell_config.component: # Render custom cell markup cell_config.component(cell_meta) else: me.text(str(col)) # Render the expander if it's enabled and a row has been selected. if ( row_config.expander.component and row_config.expander.df_row_index == row[0] ): with me.box( style=_make_expander_style( df_row_index=row[0], col_span=len(data.columns), expander_style=row_config.expander.style, theme=_theme, ) ): row_config.expander.component(row[0]) def _make_header_style( *, theme: GridTableTheme, header_config: GridTableHeader, sortable: bool ) -> me.Style: """Renders the header style Precendence of styles: - Header style override - Theme default """ # Default styles style = theme.header(sortable) if header_config.style: style = header_config.style(sortable) if header_config.sticky: style.position = "sticky" style.top = 0 return style def _make_sort_key(col: str, sort_column: str, sort_direction: SortDirection): if col == sort_column: return f"{sort_column}-{sort_direction}" return f"{col}-asc" def _make_cell_style( *, theme: GridTableTheme, cell_meta: GridTableCellMeta, column: GridTableColumn, row_style: Callable | None = None, ) -> me.Style: """Renders the cell style Precendence of styles: - Cell style override - Row style override - Theme Default """ style = theme.cell(cell_meta) if column.style: style = column.style(cell_meta) elif row_style: style = row_style(cell_meta) return style def _make_expander_style( *, theme: GridTableTheme, df_row_index: int, col_span: int, expander_style: Callable | None = None, ) -> me.Style: """Renders the expander style Precendence of styles: - Cell style override - Theme default """ style = theme.expander(df_row_index) if expander_style: style = expander_style(df_row_index) style.grid_column = f"span {col_span}" return style