"""Pure Mesop Table built using CSS Grid. Functionality: - Column sorting - Header styles - Row styles - Cell styles - Cell templating - Row click - Expandable rows - Sticky header - Filtering (technically not built-in to the grid table component) TODOs: - Pagination - Sticky column - Control column width - Column filtering within grid table """ from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Callable, Literal import pandas as pd import mesop as me df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "NA": [pd.NA, pd.NA, pd.NA], "Index": [3, 2, 1], "Bools": [True, False, True], "Ints": [101, 90, -55], "Floats": [1002.3, 4.5, -1050203.021], "Date Times": [ pd.Timestamp("20180310"), pd.Timestamp("20230310"), datetime(2023, 1, 1, 12, 12, 1), ], "Strings": ["Hello", "World", "!"], } ) SortDirection = Literal["asc", "desc"] @me.stateclass class State: expanded_df_row_index: int | None = None sort_column: str sort_direction: SortDirection = "asc" string_output: str table_filter: str theme: str = "light" def load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_mode("system") @me.page( on_load=load, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["https://google.github.io", "https://huggingface.co"] ), path="/grid_table", ) def app(): state = me.state(State) with me.box(style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin.all(30))): me.select( label="Theme", options=[ me.SelectOption(label="Light", value="light"), me.SelectOption(label="Dark", value="dark"), ], on_selection_change=on_theme_changed, ) # Simple example of filtering a data table. This is implemented separately of the # grid table component. For simplicity, we only filter against a single column. me.input( label="Filter by Strings column", style=me.Style(width="100%"), on_blur=on_filter_by_strings, on_enter=on_filter_by_strings, ) # Grid Table demonstrating all features. grid_table( get_data_frame(), header_config=GridTableHeader(sticky=True), on_click=on_table_cell_click, on_sort=on_table_sort, row_config=GridTableRow( columns={ "Bools": GridTableColumn(component=bool_component), "Date Times": GridTableColumn(component=date_component), "Floats": GridTableColumn(component=floats_component), "Ints": GridTableColumn(style=ints_style, sortable=True), "Strings": GridTableColumn( component=strings_component, sortable=True ), }, expander=GridTableExpander( component=expander, df_row_index=state.expanded_df_row_index, ), ), sort_column=state.sort_column, sort_direction=state.sort_direction, theme=GridTableTheme(striped=True), ) # Used for demonstrating "table button" click example. if state.string_output: with me.box( style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-high"), color=me.theme_var("on-surface"), margin=me.Margin(top=20), padding=me.Padding.all(15), ) ): me.text(f"You clicked button: {state.string_output}") @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableHeader: """Configuration for the table header Attributes: sticky: Enables sticky headers style: Overrides default header styles """ sticky: bool = False style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableColumn: """Configuration for a table column Attributes: component: Custom rendering for the table cell sortable: Whether this column can be sorted or not style: Custom styling for the table cell """ component: Callable | None = None sortable: bool = False style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableExpander: """Configuration for expander table row Currently only one row can be expanded at a time. Attributes: component: Custom rendering for the table row df_row_index: DataFrame row that is expanded. style: Custom styling for the expanded row """ component: Callable | None = None df_row_index: int | None = None style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableRow: """Configuration for the table's rows. Attributes: columns: A map of column name to column specific configuration expander: Configuration for expanded row style: Custom styles at the row level. """ columns: dict[str, GridTableColumn] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) expander: GridTableExpander = field( default_factory=lambda: GridTableExpander() ) style: Callable | None = None @dataclass(kw_only=True) class GridTableCellMeta: """Metadata that is passed into style/component/expander callables. This metadata can be used to display things in custom ways based on the data. """ df_row_index: int df_col_index: int name: str row_index: int value: Any class GridTableTheme: """This default theme utilizes Mesop's built in dark mode to toggle between dark/light themes.""" _HEADER_BG: str = me.theme_var("surface-container-highest") _CELL_BG: str = me.theme_var("surface-container-low") _CELL_BG_ALT: str = me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest") _COLOR: str = me.theme_var("on-surface-variant") _PADDING: me.Padding = me.Padding.all(10) _BORDER: me.Border = me.Border.all( me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color=me.theme_var("outline-variant")) ) def __init__(self, striped: bool = False): self.striped = striped def header(self, sortable: bool = False) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._HEADER_BG, color=self._COLOR, cursor="pointer" if sortable else "default", padding=self._PADDING, border=self._BORDER, ) def sort_icon(self, current_column: str, sort_column: str) -> me.Style: return me.Style( color=me.theme_var("outline") if sort_column == current_column else me.theme_var("outline-variant"), # Hack to make the icon align correctly. Will break if user changes the # font size with custom styles. height=16, ) def cell(self, cell_meta: GridTableCellMeta) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._CELL_BG_ALT if self.striped and cell_meta.row_index % 2 else self._CELL_BG, color=self._COLOR, padding=self._PADDING, border=self._BORDER, ) def expander(self, df_row_index: int) -> me.Style: return me.Style( background=self._CELL_BG, color=self._COLOR, padding=self._PADDING, border=self._BORDER, ) def get_data_frame(): """Helper function to get a sorted/filtered version of the main data frame. One drawback of this approach is that we sort/filter the main data frame with every refresh, which may not be efficient for larger data frames. """ state = me.state(State) # Sort the data frame if sorting is enabled. if state.sort_column: sorted_df = df.sort_values( by=state.sort_column, ascending=state.sort_direction == "asc" ) else: sorted_df = df # Simple filtering by the Strings column. if state.table_filter: return sorted_df[ sorted_df["Strings"].str.lower().str.contains(state.table_filter.lower()) ] else: return sorted_df def on_theme_changed(e: me.SelectSelectionChangeEvent): """Changes the theme of the grid table""" state = me.state(State) state.theme = e.value me.set_theme_mode(state.theme) # type: ignore def on_filter_by_strings(e: me.InputBlurEvent | me.InputEnterEvent): """Saves the filtering string to be used in `get_data_frame`""" state = me.state(State) state.table_filter = e.value def on_table_cell_click(e: me.ClickEvent): """If the table cell is clicked, show the expanded content.""" state = me.state(State) df_row_index, _ = map(int, e.key.split("-")) if state.expanded_df_row_index == df_row_index: state.expanded_df_row_index = None else: state.expanded_df_row_index = df_row_index def on_table_sort(e: me.ClickEvent): """Handles the table sort event by saving the sort information to be used in `get_data_frame`""" state = me.state(State) column, direction = e.key.split("-") if state.sort_column == column: state.sort_direction = "asc" if direction == "desc" else "desc" else: state.sort_direction = direction # type: ignore state.sort_column = column def expander(df_row_index: int): """Rendering logic for expanded row. Here we just display the row data in two columns as text inputs. But you can do more advanced things, such as: - rendering another table inside the table - fetching data to show drill down data - add a form for data entry """ columns = list(df.columns) with me.box(style=me.Style(padding=me.Padding.all(15))): me.text(f"Expanded row: {df_row_index}", type="headline-5") with me.box( style=me.Style( display="grid", grid_template_columns="repeat(2, 1fr)", gap=10, ) ): for index, col in enumerate(df.iloc[df_row_index]): me.input( label=columns[index], value=str(col), style=me.Style(width="100%") ) def on_click_strings(e: me.ClickEvent): """Click event for the cell button example.""" state = me.state(State) state.string_output = e.key def strings_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering a button with a click event. Note that the behavior is slightly buggy if there is also a cell click event. This event will fire, but so will the cell click event. This is due to https://github.com/google/mesop/issues/268. """ me.button( meta.value, key=meta.value, on_click=on_click_strings, style=me.Style( border_radius=3, background=me.theme_var("primary-container"), border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide( width=1, style="solid", color=me.theme_var("primary-fixed-dim") ) ), font_weight="bold", color=me.theme_var("on-primary-container"), ), ) def bool_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering icons based on the cell value.""" if meta.value: me.icon("check_circle", style=me.Style(color="green")) else: me.icon("cancel", style=me.Style(color="red")) def ints_style(meta: GridTableCellMeta) -> me.Style: """Example of a cell style based on the integer value.""" return me.Style( background="#29a529" if meta.value > 0 else "#db4848", color="#fff", padding=me.Padding.all(10), border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide(width=1, style="solid", color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)") ), ) def floats_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering using string formatting.""" me.text(f"${meta.value:,.2f}") def date_component(meta: GridTableCellMeta): """Example of a cell rendering using custom date formatting.""" me.text(meta.value.strftime("%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p")) @me.component def grid_table( data, *, header_config: GridTableHeader | None = None, on_click: Callable | None = None, on_sort: Callable | None = None, row_config: GridTableRow | None = None, sort_column: str = "", sort_direction: SortDirection = "asc", theme: Any | None = None, # Using Any since Pydantic complains about using a class. ): """Grid table component. Args: data: Pandas data frame header_config: Configuration for the table header on_click: Click event that fires when a cell is clicked on_sort: Click event that fires when a sortable header column is clicked row_config: Configuration for the tables's rows sort_column: Current sort column sort_direction: Current sort direction theme: Table theme """ with me.box( style=me.Style( display="grid", # This creates a grid with "equal" sized rows based on the columns. We may want to # override this to allow custom widths. grid_template_columns=f"repeat({len(data.columns)}, 1fr)", ) ): _theme: GridTableTheme = GridTableTheme() if theme: _theme = theme if not header_config: header_config = GridTableHeader() if not row_config: row_config = GridTableRow() col_index_name_map = {} # Render the table header for col_index, col in enumerate(data.columns): col_index_name_map[col_index] = col sortable_col = row_config.columns.get(col, GridTableColumn()).sortable with me.box( # Sort key format: ColumName-SortDirection key=_make_sort_key(col, sort_column, sort_direction), style=_make_header_style( theme=_theme, header_config=header_config, sortable=sortable_col ), on_click=on_sort if sortable_col else None, ): with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", align_items="center", ) ): if sortable_col: # Render sorting icons for sortable columns # # If column is sortable and not selected, always render an up arrow that is de-emphasized # If column is sortable and selected, render the arrow with emphasis # If the column is newly selected, render the up arrow to sort ascending # If the column is selected and reselected, render the opposite arrow me.icon( "arrow_downward" if sort_column == col and sort_direction == "desc" else "arrow_upward", style=_theme.sort_icon(col, sort_column), ) me.text(col) # Render table rows for row_index, row in enumerate(data.itertuples(name=None)): for col_index, col in enumerate(row[1:]): cell_config = row_config.columns.get( col_index_name_map[col_index], GridTableColumn() ) cell_meta = GridTableCellMeta( df_row_index=row[0], df_col_index=col_index, name=col_index_name_map[col_index], row_index=row_index, value=col, ) with me.box( # Store the df row index and df col index for the cell click event so we know # which cell is clicked. key=f"{row[0]}-{col_index}", style=_make_cell_style( theme=_theme, cell_meta=cell_meta, column=cell_config, row_style=row_config.style, ), on_click=on_click, ): if cell_config.component: # Render custom cell markup cell_config.component(cell_meta) else: me.text(str(col)) # Render the expander if it's enabled and a row has been selected. if ( row_config.expander.component and row_config.expander.df_row_index == row[0] ): with me.box( style=_make_expander_style( df_row_index=row[0], col_span=len(data.columns), expander_style=row_config.expander.style, theme=_theme, ) ): row_config.expander.component(row[0]) def _make_header_style( *, theme: GridTableTheme, header_config: GridTableHeader, sortable: bool ) -> me.Style: """Renders the header style Precendence of styles: - Header style override - Theme default """ # Default styles style = theme.header(sortable) if header_config.style: style = header_config.style(sortable) if header_config.sticky: style.position = "sticky" style.top = 0 return style def _make_sort_key(col: str, sort_column: str, sort_direction: SortDirection): if col == sort_column: return f"{sort_column}-{sort_direction}" return f"{col}-asc" def _make_cell_style( *, theme: GridTableTheme, cell_meta: GridTableCellMeta, column: GridTableColumn, row_style: Callable | None = None, ) -> me.Style: """Renders the cell style Precendence of styles: - Cell style override - Row style override - Theme Default """ style = theme.cell(cell_meta) if column.style: style = column.style(cell_meta) elif row_style: style = row_style(cell_meta) return style def _make_expander_style( *, theme: GridTableTheme, df_row_index: int, col_span: int, expander_style: Callable | None = None, ) -> me.Style: """Renders the expander style Precendence of styles: - Cell style override - Theme default """ style = theme.expander(df_row_index) if expander_style: style = expander_style(df_row_index) style.grid_column = f"span {col_span}" return style