import random import time from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from typing import Callable, Literal import mesop as me Role = Literal["user", "bot"] _APP_TITLE = "Fancy Mesop Chat" _BOT_AVATAR_LETTER = "M" _EMPTY_CHAT_MESSAGE = "Get started with an example" _EXAMPLE_USER_QUERIES = ( "What is Mesop?", "Make me a chat app.", "How do I make a web component?", ) _CHAT_MAX_WIDTH = "800px" _MOBILE_BREAKPOINT = 640 @dataclass(kw_only=True) class ChatMessage: """Chat message metadata.""" role: Role = "user" content: str = "" edited: bool = False # 1 is positive # -1 is negative # 0 is no rating rating: int = 0 @me.stateclass class State: input: str output: list[ChatMessage] in_progress: bool sidebar_expanded: bool = False # Need to use dict instead of ChatMessage due to serialization bug. # See: history: list[list[dict]] def respond_to_chat(input: str, history: list[ChatMessage]): """Displays random canned text. Edit this function to process messages with a real chatbot/LLM. """ lines = [ "Mesop is a Python-based UI framework designed to simplify web UI development for engineers without frontend experience.", "It leverages the power of the Angular web framework and Angular Material components, allowing rapid construction of web demos and internal tools.", "With Mesop, developers can enjoy a fast build-edit-refresh loop thanks to its hot reload feature, making UI tweaks and component integration seamless.", "Deployment is straightforward, utilizing standard HTTP technologies.", "Mesop's component library aims for comprehensive Angular Material component coverage, enhancing UI flexibility and composability.", "It supports custom components for specific use cases, ensuring developers can extend its capabilities to fit their unique requirements.", "Mesop's roadmap includes expanding its component library and simplifying the onboarding processs.", ] for line in random.sample(lines, random.randint(3, len(lines) - 1)): time.sleep(0.3) yield line + " " def on_load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_mode("system") security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["", ""] ), title="Fancy Mesop Demo Chat", path="/fancy_chat", on_load=on_load, ) def page(): state = me.state(State) with style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest"), display="flex", flex_direction="column", height="100%", ) ): with style=me.Style( display="flex", flex_direction="row", flex_grow=1, overflow="hidden" ) ): with style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-low"), display="flex", flex_direction="column", flex_shrink=0, position="absolute" if state.sidebar_expanded and _is_mobile() else None, height="100%" if state.sidebar_expanded and _is_mobile() else None, width=300 if state.sidebar_expanded else None, z_index=2000, ) ): sidebar() with style=me.Style( display="flex", flex_direction="column", flex_grow=1, padding=me.Padding(left=60) if state.sidebar_expanded and _is_mobile() else None, ) ): header() with, overflow_y="scroll")): if state.output: chat_pane() else: examples_pane() chat_input() def sidebar(): state = me.state(State) with style=me.Style( display="flex", flex_direction="column", flex_grow=1, ) ): with"flex", gap=20)): menu_icon(icon="menu", tooltip="Menu", on_click=on_click_menu_icon) if state.sidebar_expanded: me.text( _APP_TITLE, style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=0, top=14)), type="headline-6", ) if state.sidebar_expanded: menu_item(icon="add", label="New chat", on_click=on_click_new_chat) else: menu_icon(icon="add", tooltip="New chat", on_click=on_click_new_chat) if state.sidebar_expanded: history_pane() def history_pane(): state = me.state(State) for index, chat in enumerate(state.history): with key=f"chat-{index}", on_click=on_click_history, style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container"), border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide( width=1, color=me.theme_var("outline-variant"), style="solid" ) ), border_radius=5, cursor="pointer", margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal=10, vertical=10), padding=me.Padding.all(10), text_overflow="ellipsis", ), ): me.text(_truncate_text(chat[0]["content"])) def header(): state = me.state(State) with style=me.Style( align_items="center", background=me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest"), display="flex", gap=5, justify_content="space-between", padding=me.Padding.symmetric(horizontal=20, vertical=10), ) ): with"flex", gap=5)): if not state.sidebar_expanded: me.text( _APP_TITLE, style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=0)), type="headline-6", ) with"flex", gap=5)): icon_button( key="", icon="dark_mode" if me.theme_brightness() == "light" else "light_mode", tooltip="Dark mode" if me.theme_brightness() == "light" else "Light mode", on_click=on_click_theme_brightness, ) def examples_pane(): with style=me.Style( margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal="auto"), padding=me.Padding.all(15), width=f"min({_CHAT_MAX_WIDTH}, 100%)", ) ): with, font_size=24)): me.text(_EMPTY_CHAT_MESSAGE) with style=me.Style( display="flex", flex_direction="column" if _is_mobile() else "row", gap=20, margin=me.Margin(top=25), ) ): for index, query in enumerate(_EXAMPLE_USER_QUERIES): with key=f"query-{index}", on_click=on_click_example_user_query, style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-highest"), border_radius=15, padding=me.Padding.all(20), cursor="pointer", ), ): me.text(query) def chat_pane(): state = me.state(State) with style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest"), color=me.theme_var("on-surface"), display="flex", flex_direction="column", margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal="auto"), padding=me.Padding.all(15), width=f"min({_CHAT_MAX_WIDTH}, 100%)", ) ): for index, msg in enumerate(state.output): if msg.role == "user": user_message(message=msg) else: bot_message(message_index=index, message=msg) if state.in_progress: with"scroll-to", style=me.Style(height=250)): pass def user_message(*, message: ChatMessage): with style=me.Style( display="flex", gap=15, justify_content="end", margin=me.Margin.all(20), ) ): with style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-low"), border_radius=10, color=me.theme_var("on-surface-variant"), padding=me.Padding.symmetric(vertical=0, horizontal=10), width="66%", ) ): me.markdown(message.content) def bot_message(*, message_index: int, message: ChatMessage): with"flex", gap=15, margin=me.Margin.all(20))): text_avatar( background=me.theme_var("primary"), color=me.theme_var("on-primary"), label=_BOT_AVATAR_LETTER, ) # Bot message response with"flex", flex_direction="column")): me.markdown( message.content, style=me.Style(color=me.theme_var("on-surface")), ) # Actions panel with icon_button( key=f"thumb_up-{message_index}", icon="thumb_up", is_selected=message.rating == 1, tooltip="Good response", on_click=on_click_thumb_up, ) icon_button( key=f"thumb_down-{message_index}", icon="thumb_down", is_selected=message.rating == -1, tooltip="Bad response", on_click=on_click_thumb_down, ) icon_button( key=f"restart-{message_index}", icon="restart_alt", tooltip="Regenerate answer", on_click=on_click_regenerate, ) def chat_input(): state = me.state(State) with style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container") if _is_mobile() else me.theme_var("surface-container"), border_radius=16, display="flex", margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal="auto", vertical=15), padding=me.Padding.all(8), width=f"min({_CHAT_MAX_WIDTH}, 90%)", ) ): with style=me.Style( flex_grow=1, ) ): me.native_textarea( autosize=True, key="chat_input", min_rows=4, on_blur=on_chat_input, shortcuts={ me.Shortcut(shift=True, key="Enter"): on_submit_chat_msg, }, placeholder="Enter your prompt", style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container") if _is_mobile() else me.theme_var("surface-container"), border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide(style="none"), ), color=me.theme_var("on-surface-variant"), outline="none", overflow_y="auto", padding=me.Padding(top=16, left=16), width="100%", ), value=state.input, ) with me.content_button( disabled=state.in_progress, on_click=on_click_submit_chat_msg, type="icon", ): me.icon("send") @me.component def text_avatar(*, label: str, background: str, color: str): me.text( label, style=me.Style( background=background, border_radius="50%", color=color, font_size=20, height=40, line_height="1", margin=me.Margin(top=16), padding=me.Padding(top=10), text_align="center", width="40px", ), ) @me.component def icon_button( *, icon: str, tooltip: str, key: str = "", is_selected: bool = False, on_click: Callable | None = None, ): selected_style = me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-low"), color=me.theme_var("on-surface-variant"), ) with me.tooltip(message=tooltip): with me.content_button( type="icon", key=key, on_click=on_click, style=selected_style if is_selected else None, ): me.icon(icon) @me.component def menu_icon( *, icon: str, tooltip: str, key: str = "", on_click: Callable | None = None ): with me.tooltip(message=tooltip): with me.content_button( key=key, on_click=on_click, style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin.all(10)), type="icon", ): me.icon(icon) @me.component def menu_item( *, icon: str, label: str, key: str = "", on_click: Callable | None = None ): with with style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container-high"), border_radius=20, cursor="pointer", display="inline-flex", gap=10, line_height=1, margin=me.Margin.all(10), padding=me.Padding(top=10, left=10, right=20, bottom=10), ), ): me.icon(icon) me.text(label, style=me.Style(height=24, line_height="24px")) # Event Handlers def on_click_example_user_query(e: me.ClickEvent): """Populates the user input with the example query""" state = me.state(State) _, example_index = e.key.split("-") state.input = _EXAMPLE_USER_QUERIES[int(example_index)] me.focus_component(key="chat_input") def on_click_thumb_up(e: me.ClickEvent): """Gives the message a positive rating""" state = me.state(State) _, msg_index = e.key.split("-") msg_index = int(msg_index) state.output[msg_index].rating = 1 def on_click_thumb_down(e: me.ClickEvent): """Gives the message a negative rating""" state = me.state(State) _, msg_index = e.key.split("-") msg_index = int(msg_index) state.output[msg_index].rating = -1 def on_click_new_chat(e: me.ClickEvent): """Resets messages.""" state = me.state(State) if state.output: state.history.insert(0, [asdict(messages) for messages in state.output]) state.output = [] me.focus_component(key="chat_input") def on_click_history(e: me.ClickEvent): """Loads existing chat from history and saves current chat""" state = me.state(State) _, chat_index = e.key.split("-") chat_messages = [ ChatMessage(**chat) for chat in state.history.pop(int(chat_index)) ] if state.output: state.history.insert(0, [asdict(messages) for messages in state.output]) state.output = chat_messages me.focus_component(key="chat_input") def on_click_theme_brightness(e: me.ClickEvent): """Toggles dark mode.""" if me.theme_brightness() == "light": me.set_theme_mode("dark") else: me.set_theme_mode("light") def on_click_menu_icon(e: me.ClickEvent): """Expands and collapses sidebar menu.""" state = me.state(State) state.sidebar_expanded = not state.sidebar_expanded def on_chat_input(e: me.InputBlurEvent): """Capture chat text input on blur.""" state = me.state(State) state.input = e.value def on_click_regenerate(e: me.ClickEvent): """Regenerates response from an existing message""" state = me.state(State) _, msg_index = e.key.split("-") msg_index = int(msg_index) # Get the user message which is the previous message user_message = state.output[msg_index - 1] # Get bot message to be regenerated assistant_message = state.output[msg_index] assistant_message.content = "" state.in_progress = True yield start_time = time.time() # Send in the old user input and chat history to get the bot response. # We make sure to only pass in the chat history up to this message. output_message = respond_to_chat( user_message.content, state.output[:msg_index] ) for content in output_message: assistant_message.content += content # TODO: 0.25 is an abitrary choice. In the future, consider making this adjustable. if (time.time() - start_time) >= 0.25: start_time = time.time() yield state.in_progress = False me.focus_component(key="chat_input") yield def on_submit_chat_msg(e: me.TextareaShortcutEvent): state = me.state(State) state.input = e.value yield yield from _submit_chat_msg() def on_click_submit_chat_msg(e: me.ClickEvent): yield from _submit_chat_msg() def _submit_chat_msg(): """Handles submitting a chat message.""" state = me.state(State) if state.in_progress or not state.input: return input = state.input # Clear the text input. state.input = "" yield output = state.output if output is None: output = [] output.append(ChatMessage(role="user", content=input)) state.in_progress = True me.scroll_into_view(key="scroll-to") yield start_time = time.time() # Send user input and chat history to get the bot response. output_message = respond_to_chat(input, state.output) assistant_message = ChatMessage(role="bot") output.append(assistant_message) state.output = output for content in output_message: assistant_message.content += content # TODO: 0.25 is an abitrary choice. In the future, consider making this adjustable. if (time.time() - start_time) >= 0.25: start_time = time.time() yield state.in_progress = False me.focus_component(key="chat_input") yield # Helpers def _is_mobile(): return me.viewport_size().width < _MOBILE_BREAKPOINT def _truncate_text(text, char_limit=100): """Truncates text that is too long.""" if len(text) <= char_limit: return text truncated_text = text[:char_limit].rsplit(" ", 1)[0] return truncated_text.rstrip(".,!?;:") + "..."