# Disable import sort ordering due to the hack needed # to ensure local imports. # ruff: noqa: E402 import base64 import inspect import os import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Literal import mesop as me # Append the current directory to sys.path to ensure local imports work # This is required so mesop/examples/__init__.py can import the modules # imported below. current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if current_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(current_dir) import glob import audio as audio import autocomplete as autocomplete import badge as badge import basic_animation as basic_animation import bootstrap as bootstrap import box as box import button as button import button_toggle as button_toggle import card as card import chat as chat import chat_inputs as chat_inputs import checkbox as checkbox import code_demo as code_demo # cannot call it code due to python library naming conflict import date_picker as date_picker import date_range_picker as date_range_picker import density as density import dialog as dialog import divider as divider import embed as embed import expansion_panel as expansion_panel import fancy_chat as fancy_chat import feedback as feedback import form_billing as form_billing import form_profile as form_profile import grid_table as grid_table import headers as headers import html_demo as html_demo import icon as icon import image as image import input as input import link as link import llm_playground as llm_playground import llm_rewriter as llm_rewriter import markdown_demo as markdown_demo # cannot call it markdown due to python library naming conflict import markdown_editor as markdown_editor import plot as plot import progress_bar as progress_bar import progress_spinner as progress_spinner import radio as radio import select_demo as select_demo # cannot call it select due to python library naming conflict import sidenav as sidenav import slide_toggle as slide_toggle import slider as slider import snackbar as snackbar import tab_group as tab_group import table as table import tailwind as tailwind import text as text import text_to_image as text_to_image import text_to_text as text_to_text import textarea as textarea import tooltip as tooltip import uploader as uploader import video as video @dataclass class Example: # module_name (should also be the path name) name: str @dataclass class Section: name: str examples: list[Example] FIRST_SECTIONS = [ Section( name="Quick start", examples=[ Example(name="chat"), Example(name="text_to_image"), Example(name="text_to_text"), ], ), Section( name="Use cases", examples=[ Example(name="fancy_chat"), Example(name="llm_rewriter"), Example(name="llm_playground"), Example(name="markdown_editor"), ], ), Section( name="Patterns", examples=[ Example(name="dialog"), Example(name="grid_table"), Example(name="headers"), Example(name="snackbar"), Example(name="tab_group"), Example(name="chat_inputs"), Example(name="form_billing"), Example(name="form_profile"), ], ), Section( name="Features", examples=[ Example(name="density"), ], ), Section( name="Misc", examples=[ Example(name="basic_animation"), Example(name="feedback"), ], ), Section( name="Integrations", examples=[ Example(name="bootstrap"), Example(name="tailwind"), ], ), ] COMPONENTS_SECTIONS = [ Section( name="Layout", examples=[ Example(name="box"), Example(name="sidenav"), ], ), Section( name="Text", examples=[ Example(name="text"), Example(name="markdown_demo"), Example(name="code_demo"), ], ), Section( name="Media", examples=[ Example(name="image"), Example(name="audio"), Example(name="video"), ], ), Section( name="Form", examples=[ Example(name="autocomplete"), Example(name="button"), Example(name="button_toggle"), Example(name="checkbox"), Example(name="date_picker"), Example(name="date_range_picker"), Example(name="input"), Example(name="textarea"), Example(name="radio"), Example(name="select_demo"), Example(name="slide_toggle"), Example(name="slider"), Example(name="uploader"), ], ), Section( name="Visual", examples=[ Example(name="badge"), Example(name="card"), Example(name="divider"), Example(name="expansion_panel"), Example(name="icon"), Example(name="progress_bar"), Example(name="progress_spinner"), Example(name="table"), Example(name="tooltip"), ], ), Section( name="Web", examples=[ Example(name="embed"), Example(name="html_demo"), Example(name="link"), ], ), Section( name="Others", examples=[ Example(name="plot"), ], ), ] ALL_SECTIONS = FIRST_SECTIONS + COMPONENTS_SECTIONS BORDER_SIDE = me.BorderSide( style="solid", width=1, color="#dcdcdc", ) @me.stateclass class State: current_demo: str panel_fullscreen: Literal["preview", "editor", None] = None screenshots: dict[str, str] = {} def load_home_page(e: me.LoadEvent): if me.state(ThemeState).dark_mode: me.set_theme_mode("dark") else: me.set_theme_mode("system") yield screenshot_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, "screenshots") screenshot_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(screenshot_dir, "*.webp")) for screenshot_file in screenshot_files: image_name = os.path.basename(screenshot_file).split(".")[0] with open(screenshot_file, "rb") as image_file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode() screenshots[image_name] = "data:image/webp;base64," + encoded_string yield @me.page( title="Mesop Demos", security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["https://mesop-dev.github.io"] ), on_load=load_home_page, ) def main_page(): header() with me.box( style=me.Style( background=me.theme_var("background"), flex_grow=1, display="flex", ) ): if is_desktop(): side_menu() with me.box( style=me.Style( width="calc(100% - 150px)" if is_desktop() else "100%", display="flex", gap=24, flex_direction="column", padding=me.Padding.all(24), overflow_y="auto", ) ): with me.box( style=me.Style( height="calc(100vh - 120px)", ) ): for section in ALL_SECTIONS: with me.box(style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=28))): me.text( section.name, style=me.Style( font_weight=500, font_size=20, margin=me.Margin( bottom=16, ), ), ) with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", flex_direction="row", flex_wrap="wrap", gap=28, ) ): for example in section.examples: example_card(example.name) def navigate_example_card(e: me.ClickEvent): me.navigate("/embed/" + e.key) def example_card(name: str): with me.box( key=name, on_click=navigate_example_card, style=me.Style( border=me.Border.all( me.BorderSide( width=1, color="rgb(220, 220, 220)", style="solid", ) ), box_shadow="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 3px 1px -2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 2px 2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 1px 5px", cursor="pointer", width="min(100%, 150px)", border_radius=12, background=me.theme_var("background"), ), ): image_url = screenshots.get(name, "") me.box( style=me.Style( background=f'url("{image_url}") center / cover', height=112, width=150, ) ) me.text( format_example_name(name), style=me.Style( font_weight=500, font_size=18, padding=me.Padding.all(12), border=me.Border( top=me.BorderSide( width=1, style="solid", color="rgb(220, 220, 220)", ) ), ), ) def on_load_embed(e: me.LoadEvent): if me.state(ThemeState).dark_mode: me.set_theme_mode("dark") else: me.set_theme_mode("system") if not is_desktop(): me.state(State).panel_fullscreen = "preview" def create_main_fn(example: Example): @me.page( on_load=on_load_embed, title="Mesop Demos", path="/embed/" + example.name, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["https://mesop-dev.github.io"] ), ) def main(): with me.box( style=me.Style( height="100%", display="flex", flex_direction="column", background=me.theme_var("background"), ) ): header(demo_name=example.name) body(example.name) return main for section in FIRST_SECTIONS + COMPONENTS_SECTIONS: for example in section.examples: create_main_fn(example) def body(current_demo: str): state = me.state(State) with me.box( style=me.Style( flex_grow=1, display="flex", ) ): if is_desktop(): side_menu() src = "/" + current_demo with me.box( style=me.Style( width="calc(100% - 150px)" if is_desktop() else "100%", display="grid", grid_template_columns="1fr 1fr" if state.panel_fullscreen is None else "1fr", ) ): if state.panel_fullscreen != "editor": demo_ui(src) if state.panel_fullscreen != "preview": demo_code(inspect.getsource(get_module(current_demo))) def demo_ui(src: str): state = me.state(State) with me.box( style=me.Style(flex_grow=1), ): with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", justify_content="space-between", align_items="center", border=me.Border(bottom=BORDER_SIDE), ) ): me.text( "Preview", style=me.Style( font_weight=500, padding=me.Padding.all(14), ), ) if is_desktop(): with me.tooltip( position="above", message="Minimize" if state.panel_fullscreen == "preview" else "Maximize", ): with me.content_button(type="icon", on_click=toggle_fullscreen): me.icon( "close_fullscreen" if state.panel_fullscreen == "preview" else "fullscreen" ) else: swap_button() me.embed( src=src, style=me.Style( border=me.Border.all(me.BorderSide(width=0)), border_radius=2, height="calc(100vh - 106px)", width="100%", ), ) def swap_button(): state = me.state(State) with me.tooltip( position="above", message="Swap for code" if state.panel_fullscreen == "preview" else "Swap for preview", ): with me.content_button(type="icon", on_click=swap_fullscreen): me.icon("swap_horiz") def swap_fullscreen(e: me.ClickEvent): state = me.state(State) if state.panel_fullscreen == "preview": state.panel_fullscreen = "editor" else: state.panel_fullscreen = "preview" def toggle_fullscreen(e: me.ClickEvent): state = me.state(State) if state.panel_fullscreen == "preview": state.panel_fullscreen = None else: state.panel_fullscreen = "preview" def demo_code(code_arg: str): with me.box( style=me.Style( flex_grow=1, overflow_x="hidden", overflow_y="hidden", border=me.Border( left=BORDER_SIDE, ), background=me.theme_var("surface-container-low"), ) ): with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", justify_content="space-between", align_items="center", border=me.Border(bottom=BORDER_SIDE), background=me.theme_var("background"), ) ): me.text( "Code", style=me.Style( font_weight=500, padding=me.Padding.all(14), ), ) if not is_desktop(): swap_button() # Use four backticks for code fence to avoid conflicts with backticks being used # within the displayed code. me.markdown( f"""````python {code_arg} ```` """, style=me.Style( border=me.Border( right=BORDER_SIDE, ), font_size=13, height="calc(100vh - 106px)", overflow_y="auto", width="100%", ), ) def header(demo_name: str | None = None): with me.box( style=me.Style( border=me.Border( bottom=me.BorderSide( style="solid", width=1, color="#dcdcdc", ) ), overflow_x="clip", ) ): with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", align_items="end", justify_content="space-between", margin=me.Margin(left=12, right=12, bottom=12), font_size=24, ) ): with me.box(style=me.Style(display="flex")): with me.box( style=me.Style(display="flex", cursor="pointer"), on_click=navigate_home, ): me.text( "Mesop", style=me.Style(font_weight=700, margin=me.Margin(right=8)) ) me.text("Demos ") if demo_name: me.text( "— " + format_example_name(demo_name), style=me.Style(white_space="nowrap", text_overflow="ellipsis"), ) with me.box(style=me.Style(display="flex", align_items="baseline")): with me.box( style=me.Style( display="flex", align_items="baseline", ), ): me.link( text="mesop-dev/mesop", url="https://github.com/mesop-dev/mesop/", open_in_new_tab=True, style=me.Style( font_size=18, color=me.theme_var("primary"), text_decoration="none", margin=me.Margin(left=8, right=4, bottom=-16, top=-16), ), ) me.text( "v" + me.__version__, style=me.Style(font_size=18, margin=me.Margin(left=16)), ) with me.content_button( type="icon", style=me.Style(left=8, right=4, top=4), on_click=toggle_theme, ): me.icon( "light_mode" if me.theme_brightness() == "dark" else "dark_mode" ) @me.stateclass class ThemeState: dark_mode: bool def toggle_theme(e: me.ClickEvent): if me.theme_brightness() == "light": me.set_theme_mode("dark") me.state(ThemeState).dark_mode = True else: me.set_theme_mode("light") me.state(ThemeState).dark_mode = False def navigate_home(e: me.ClickEvent): me.navigate("/") def side_menu(): with me.box( style=me.Style( padding=me.Padding.all(12), width=150, flex_grow=0, line_height="1.5", border=me.Border(right=BORDER_SIDE), overflow_x="hidden", height="calc(100vh - 60px)", overflow_y="auto", ) ): for section in FIRST_SECTIONS: nav_section(section) with me.box( style=me.Style( margin=me.Margin.symmetric( horizontal=-16, vertical=16, ), ) ): me.divider() me.text( "Components", style=me.Style( letter_spacing="0.5px", margin=me.Margin(bottom=6), ), ) for section in COMPONENTS_SECTIONS: nav_section(section) def nav_section(section: Section): with me.box(style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=12))): me.text(section.name, style=me.Style(font_weight=700)) for example in section.examples: example_name = format_example_name(example.name) path = f"/embed/{example.name}" with me.box( style=me.Style(color=me.theme_var("primary"), cursor="pointer"), on_click=set_demo, key=path, ): me.text(example_name) def set_demo(e: me.ClickEvent): me.navigate(e.key) def format_example_name(name: str): return ( (" ".join(name.split("_"))) .capitalize() .replace("Llm", "LLM") .replace(" demo", "") ) def get_module(module_name: str): if module_name in globals(): return globals()[module_name] raise me.MesopDeveloperException(f"Module {module_name} not supported") def is_desktop(): return me.viewport_size().width > 760