r"""Example demo loading a handful of GLUE models. |
For a quick-start set of models, run: |
python -m lit_nlp.examples.glue_demo \ |
--quickstart --port=5432 |
To run with the 'normal' defaults, including full-size BERT models: |
python -m lit_nlp.examples.glue_demo --port=5432 |
Then navigate to localhost:5432 to access the demo UI. |
""" |
import sys |
from absl import app |
from absl import flags |
from absl import logging |
from lit_nlp import dev_server |
from lit_nlp import server_flags |
from lit_nlp.examples.datasets import glue |
from lit_nlp.examples.models import glue_models |
import transformers |
FLAGS = flags.FLAGS |
FLAGS.set_default("development_demo", True) |
flags.DEFINE_bool( |
"quickstart", False, |
"Quick-start mode, loads smaller models and a subset of the full data.") |
flags.DEFINE_list( |
"models", [ |
"sst2-tiny:sst2:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/sst2_tiny.tar.gz", |
"sst2-base:sst2:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/sst2_base.tar.gz", |
"stsb:stsb:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/stsb_base.tar.gz", |
"mnli:mnli:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/mnli_base.tar.gz", |
], "List of models to load, as <name>:<task>:<path>. " |
"See MODELS_BY_TASK for available tasks. Path should be the output of " |
"saving a transformers model, e.g. model.save_pretrained(path) and " |
"tokenizer.save_pretrained(path). Remote .tar.gz files will be downloaded " |
"and cached locally.") |
flags.DEFINE_integer( |
"max_examples", None, "Maximum number of examples to load into LIT. " |
"Note: MNLI eval set is 10k examples, so will take a while to run and may " |
"be slow on older machines. Set --max_examples=200 for a quick start.") |
"sst2": glue_models.SST2Model, |
"stsb": glue_models.STSBModel, |
"mnli": glue_models.MNLIModel, |
} |
"sst2-tiny:sst2:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/sst2_tiny.tar.gz", |
"sst2-small:sst2:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/sst2_small.tar.gz", |
"stsb-tiny:stsb:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/stsb_tiny.tar.gz", |
"mnli-small:mnli:https://storage.googleapis.com/what-if-tool-resources/lit-models/mnli_small.tar.gz", |
) |
def get_wsgi_app(): |
"""Return WSGI app for container-hosted demos.""" |
FLAGS.set_default("server_type", "external") |
FLAGS.set_default("demo_mode", True) |
FLAGS.set_default("inline_doc", "Google LIT demo") |
unused = flags.FLAGS(sys.argv, known_only=True) |
return main(unused) |
def main(_): |
if FLAGS.quickstart: |
if FLAGS.max_examples is None or FLAGS.max_examples > 1000: |
FLAGS.max_examples = 1000 |
logging.info("Quick-start mode; overriding --models and --max_examples.") |
models = {} |
datasets = {} |
tasks_to_load = set() |
for model_string in FLAGS.models: |
name, task, path = model_string.split(":", 2) |
logging.info("Loading model '%s' for task '%s' from '%s'", name, task, path) |
if path.endswith(".tar.gz"): |
path = transformers.file_utils.cached_path( |
path, extract_compressed_file=True) |
models[name] = MODELS_BY_TASK[task](path) |
tasks_to_load.add(task) |
if "sst2" in tasks_to_load: |
logging.info("Loading data for SST-2 task.") |
datasets["sst_dev"] = glue.SST2Data("validation") |
if "stsb" in tasks_to_load: |
logging.info("Loading data for STS-B task.") |
datasets["stsb_dev"] = glue.STSBData("validation") |
if "mnli" in tasks_to_load: |
logging.info("Loading data for MultiNLI task.") |
datasets["mnli_dev"] = glue.MNLIData("validation_matched") |
datasets["mnli_dev_mm"] = glue.MNLIData("validation_mismatched") |
for name in datasets: |
logging.info("Dataset: '%s' with %d examples", name, len(datasets[name])) |
datasets[name] = datasets[name].slice[:FLAGS.max_examples] |
logging.info(" truncated to %d examples", len(datasets[name])) |
lit_demo = dev_server.Server(models, datasets, **server_flags.get_flags()) |
return lit_demo.serve() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app.run(main) |