import base64 import io import re from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple import numpy as np from datasets import Image as DatasetsImage from .augmentors import TaskInputsAugmentor from .dict_utils import dict_get from .operator import PackageRequirementsMixin from .operators import FieldOperator, InstanceFieldOperator from .settings_utils import get_constants from .type_utils import isoftype from .types import Image constants = get_constants() datasets_image = DatasetsImage() def _image_to_bytes(image, format="JPEG"): import base64 with io.BytesIO() as buffer:, format=format) return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode("utf-8") class ImageDataString(str): def __repr__(self) -> str: if len(self) > 30: return '' return super().__repr__() def image_to_data_url(image: Image, default_format="JPEG"): """Convert an image to a data URL. """ image_format = image["format"] if image["format"] else default_format base64_image = _image_to_bytes(image["image"], format=image_format.upper()) return ImageDataString(f"data:image/{image_format.lower()};base64,{base64_image}") def _bytes_to_image(b64_string): import base64 import io from PIL import Image # Decode the base64-encoded string decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(b64_string) # Open the image from the decoded bytes return def data_url_to_image(data_url: str): import re # Verify that the string is a data URL if not data_url.startswith("data:"): raise ValueError("Invalid data URL") # Extract the base64 data using a regular expression match = re.match(r"data:image/(.*?);base64,(.*)", data_url) if not match: raise ValueError("Invalid data URL format") # Extract image format and base64 data image_format, b64_data = match.groups() # Use _bytes_to_image to convert base64 data to an image return _bytes_to_image(b64_data) class PillowMixin(PackageRequirementsMixin): _requirements_list = {"PIL": "pip install pillow"} def prepare(self): super().prepare() import PIL from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter self.pil = PIL self.image = Image self.enhance = ImageEnhance self.filter = ImageFilter def extract_images(instance): regex = r"<" + f"{constants.image_tag}" + r'\s+src=["\'](.*?)["\']' image_sources = re.findall(regex, instance["source"]) images = [] for image_source in image_sources: image = dict_get(instance, image_source) images.append(image) return images class EncodeImageToString(FieldOperator): image_format: str = "JPEG" def encode_image_to_base64(self, image): buffer = io.BytesIO(), format=self.image_format) return ImageDataString(base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")) def process_value(self, value: Any) -> Any: return {"image": self.encode_image_to_base64(value)} class DecodeImage(FieldOperator, PillowMixin): def process_value(self, value: str) -> Any: image_data = base64.b64decode(value) return class ToImage(InstanceFieldOperator): def process_instance_value(self, value: Any, instance: Dict[str, Any]) -> Image: return { "image": value, "format": value.format if value.format is not None else "JPEG", } class ImageFieldOperator(FieldOperator, PillowMixin): @abstractmethod def process_image(self, image: Any): pass def process_value(self, value: Image) -> Any: if not isinstance(value["image"], self.image.Image): raise ValueError(f"ImageFieldOperator requires image, got {type(value)}.") value["image"] = self.process_image(value["image"]) return value class ImageAugmentor(TaskInputsAugmentor, PillowMixin): augmented_type: object = Image @abstractmethod def process_image(self, image: Any): pass def process_value(self, value: Image) -> Any: if not isoftype(value, Image): return value value["image"] = self.process_image(value["image"]) return value class GrayScale(ImageAugmentor): def process_image(self, image): # Convert the image to grayscale grayscale_image = image.convert("L") # Convert the grayscale image to a NumPy array grayscale_array = np.array(grayscale_image) # Add a dummy channel dimension to make it (height, width, 1) grayscale_array = np.expand_dims(grayscale_array, axis=-1) # Repeat the channel to have (height, width, 3) if needed for compatibility grayscale_array = np.repeat(grayscale_array, 3, axis=-1) # Convert back to a PIL image with 3 channels return self.image.fromarray(grayscale_array) class GridLines(ImageAugmentor): """A class that overlays a fixed number of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines on an image. Args: num_lines (int): The number of horizontal and vertical lines to add. line_thickness (int): Thickness of each line in pixels. line_color (Tuple[int, int, int]): RGB color of the grid lines. Methods: process_image(image): Adds grid lines to the provided image and returns the modified image. """ num_lines: int = 128 line_thickness: int = 1 line_color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255) def process_image(self, image): image_array = np.array(image) # Determine image dimensions height, width, _ = image_array.shape # Calculate spacing for the lines based on image size and number of lines horizontal_spacing = height // (self.num_lines + 1) vertical_spacing = width // (self.num_lines + 1) # Add horizontal lines for i in range(1, self.num_lines + 1): y = i * horizontal_spacing image_array[y : y + self.line_thickness, :, :] = self.line_color # Add vertical lines for i in range(1, self.num_lines + 1): x = i * vertical_spacing image_array[:, x : x + self.line_thickness, :] = self.line_color # Convert back to a PIL image return self.image.fromarray(image_array) class PixelNoise(ImageAugmentor): """A class that overlays a mask of randomly colored nxn squares across an image based on a specified noise rate. Attributes: square_size (int): Size of each square in pixels. noise_rate (float): Proportion of the image that should be affected by noise (0 to 1). Methods: process_image(image): Adds the random square mask to the provided image and returns the modified image. """ square_size: int = 1 noise_rate: float = 0.3 # Percentage of squares to be randomly colored def process_image(self, image): image_array = np.array(image) height, width, channels = image_array.shape # Calculate grid dimensions y_squares = height // self.square_size x_squares = width // self.square_size # Create a grid indicating where to apply the mask noise_mask = np.random.rand(y_squares, x_squares) < self.noise_rate # Generate random colors for each square colors = np.random.randint( 0, 256, (y_squares, x_squares, channels), dtype=np.uint8 ) # Expand the mask and colors to the size of the image array mask_expanded = np.repeat( np.repeat(noise_mask, self.square_size, axis=0), self.square_size, axis=1 ) colors_expanded = np.repeat( np.repeat(colors, self.square_size, axis=0), self.square_size, axis=1 ) # Reshape `mask_expanded` to add the color channel dimension mask_expanded = np.repeat(mask_expanded[:, :, np.newaxis], channels, axis=2) # Apply colors where the mask is true using element-wise assignment image_array = np.where(mask_expanded, colors_expanded, image_array) # Convert back to a PIL image return self.image.fromarray(image_array) class Oldify(ImageAugmentor): noise_strength: int = 30 tint_strength: float = 0.4 # Percentage of squares to be randomly colored def process_image(self, image): # Convert to a numpy array for manipulation image_array = np.array(image) # Step 1: Add a slight yellowish tint yellow_tint = np.array([255, 228, 170], dtype=np.uint8) # Aged paper-like color tinted_image_array = ( image_array * (1 - self.tint_strength) + yellow_tint * self.tint_strength ).astype(np.uint8) # Step 2: Add noise for a "film grain" effect noise = np.random.normal(0, self.noise_strength, image_array.shape).astype( np.int16 ) noisy_image_array = np.clip(tinted_image_array + noise, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) # Step 3: Convert back to a PIL Image for additional processing old_image = self.image.fromarray(noisy_image_array) # Step 4: Apply a slight blur to mimic an older lens or slight wear old_image = old_image.filter(self.filter.GaussianBlur(radius=1)) # Step 5: Adjust contrast and brightness to give it a "faded" look enhancer = self.enhance.Contrast(old_image) old_image = enhancer.enhance(0.6) # Lower contrast enhancer = self.enhance.Brightness(old_image) return enhancer.enhance(1.2) # Slightly increased brightness class ToRGB(ImageFieldOperator): def process_image(self, image): return image.convert("RGB")