File size: 24,990 Bytes
84a1ee0 0a1b314 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 6ffc9c6 d08fbc6 6ffc9c6 d08fbc6 6ffc9c6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 6ffc9c6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 6ffc9c6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 2e870c5 d08fbc6 6ffc9c6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 2e870c5 6ffc9c6 2e870c5 6ffc9c6 2e870c5 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 4e49444 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 2e870c5 d08fbc6 2e870c5 84a1ee0 0a1b314 84a1ee0 0a1b314 84a1ee0 6ffc9c6 0a1b314 2e870c5 4e49444 84a1ee0 0a1b314 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 2e870c5 84a1ee0 6ffc9c6 2e870c5 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 d08fbc6 84a1ee0 6ffc9c6 84a1ee0 |
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import re
from typing import Any, List, Tuple
from .text_utils import construct_dict_str
indx = re.compile(r"^(\d+)$")
def is_index(string):
return bool(indx.match(string))
name = re.compile(r"^[\w. -]+$")
def is_name(string):
return bool(name.match(string))
def is_wildcard(string):
return string == "*"
# formal definition of qpath syntax by which a query is specified:
# qpath -> A (/A)*
# A -> name | * | non-neg-int
# name -> name.matches()
# * matches ALL members (each and every) of a list or a dictionary element in input dictionary,
# a path p in dictionary dic is said to match query qpath if it satisfies the following recursively
# defined condition:
# (1) the prefix of length 0 of p (i.e., pref = "") matches the whole of dic. Also denoted here: pref leads to dic.
# (2) Denoting by el the element in dic lead to by prefix pref of qpath (el must be a list or dictionary),
# and by A (as the definition above) the component, DIFFERENT from *, in qpath, that follows pref, the element
# lead to by pref/A is el[A]. If el[A] is missing from dic, then no path in dic matches prefix pref/A of qpath,
# and hence no path in dic matches query qpath. (E.g., when el is a list, A must match indx, and its
# int value should be smaller than len(el) in order for the path in dic leading to element el[A] to match pref/A)
# (3) Denoting as in (2), now with A == * : when el is a list, each and every element in the set:
# {el[0], el[1], .. , el[len(el)-1]} is said to be lead to by a path matching pref/*
# and when el is a dict, each and every element in the set {el[k] for k being a key in el} is said to be lead
# to by a path matching pref/*
# An element el lead to by path p that matches qpath as a whole is thus either a list member (when indx.match the last
# component of p, indexing into el) or a dictionary item (the key of which equals the last component of p). The value
# of el (i.e. el[last component of p]) is returned (dic_get) or popped (dic_delete) or replaced by a new value (dic_set).
# Thus, for a query with no *, dic contains at most one element the path to which matches the query.
# If there is such one in dic - the function (either dict_get, dict_set, or dict_delete) operates on
# that element according to its arguments, other than not_exist_ok
# If there is not any such element in dic - the function throws or does not throw an exception, depending
# on flag not_exist_ok.
# For a query with *, there could be up to as many as there are values to match the *
# (i.e., length of the list element or dictionary element the children of which match the *; and
# for more than one * in the query -- this effect multiplies)
# Each of the three functions below (dict_get, dict_set, dict_delete) applies the requested
# operation (read, set, or delete) to each and every element el in dic, the path to which matches the query in whole,
# and reads a value from, or sets a new value to, or pops the value out from dic.
# If no path in dic matches the query, then # if not_exist_ok=False, the function throws an exception;
# but if not_exist_ok=True, the function returns a default value (dict_get) or does nothing (dict_delete)
# or generates all the needed missing suffixes (dict_set, see details below).
# Each of the functions below scans the dic-tree recursively.
# It swallows all exceptions, in order to not stop prematurely, before the scan
# has exhaustively found each and every matching path.
# validate and normalizes into components
def validate_query_and_break_to_components(
query: str, allow_int_index=True
) -> List[str]:
if not isinstance(query, str) or len(query) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"invalid query: either not a string or an empty string: {query}"
query = query.replace("//", "/").strip()
if query.startswith("/"):
query = query[1:]
# ignore the leading /, all paths are treated as coming from root of dic
if query.endswith("/"):
query = query + "*"
# same meaning, and make sure the / is not lost when splitting
components = query.split("/")
components = [component.strip() for component in components]
for component in components:
if not (
or is_wildcard(component)
or (is_index(component) and allow_int_index)
raise ValueError(
f"Component {component} in input query is none of: valid field-name, non-neg-int, or '*'"
return components
def is_subpath(subpath, fullpath, allow_int_index=True):
# Split the paths into individual components
subpath_components = validate_query_and_break_to_components(
subpath, allow_int_index=allow_int_index
fullpath_components = validate_query_and_break_to_components(
fullpath, allow_int_index=allow_int_index
# Check if the full path starts with the subpath
return fullpath_components[: len(subpath_components)] == subpath_components
# We are on current_element, going down from it via query[index_into_query].
# query comprising at least two components is assumed. dic_delete worries about
# single component queries without invoking qpath_delete
# Returned value is a pair (boolean, element_of_input dic or None)
# the first component signals whether the second is yielded from a reach to the query end,
# or rather -- a result of a failure before query end has been reached.
# If the first component is True, the second is current_element following a successful delete
def delete_values(
current_element: Any,
query: List[str],
index_into_query: int,
) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:
component = query[index_into_query]
if index_into_query == -1:
if is_wildcard(component):
# delete all members of the list or dict
current_element = [] if isinstance(current_element, list) else {}
return (True, current_element)
# component is a either a dictionary key or an index into a list,
# pop the respective element from current_element
if is_index(component) and allow_int_index:
component = int(component)
return (True, current_element)
# no continuation in dic, from current_element down, that matches the query
return (False, None)
# index_into_query < -1
if component == "*":
# current_element must be a dict or list. We need to update value for all its members
# through which passes a path that reached the query end
if isinstance(current_element, dict):
key_values = list(current_element.items())
keys, values = zip(*key_values)
elif isinstance(current_element, list):
keys = list(range(len(current_element)))
values = current_element
return (False, None)
any_success = False
for i in range(
len(keys) - 1, -1, -1
): # going backward to allow popping from a list
success, new_val = delete_values(
index_into_query=index_into_query + 1,
if not success:
any_success = True
if (len(new_val) == 0) and remove_empty_ancestors:
current_element[keys[i]] = new_val
return (any_success, current_element)
# current component is index into a list or a key into a dictionary
if is_index(component) and allow_int_index:
component = int(component)
success, new_val = delete_values(
index_into_query=index_into_query + 1,
if not success:
return (False, None)
if (len(new_val) == 0) and remove_empty_ancestors:
current_element[component] = new_val
return (True, current_element)
return (False, None)
def dict_delete(
dic: dict,
query: str,
not_exist_ok: bool = False,
# We remove from dic the value from each and every element lead to by a path matching the query.
# If remove_empty_ancestors=True, and the removal of any such value leaves its containing element (list or dict)
# within dic empty -- remove that element as well, and continue recursively, but stop one step before deleting dic
# altogether, even if became {}. If successful, changes dic into its new shape
if dic is None or not isinstance(dic, (list, dict)):
raise ValueError(
f"dic {dic} is either None or not a list nor a dict. Can not delete from it."
if len(query) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Query is an empty string, implying the deletion of dic as a whole. This can not be done via this function call."
if isinstance(dic, dict) and query.strip() in dic:
qpath = validate_query_and_break_to_components(
query, allow_int_index=allow_int_index
success, new_val = delete_values(
index_into_query=(-1) * len(qpath),
if success:
if new_val == {}:
if not not_exist_ok:
raise ValueError(
f"An attempt to delete from dictionary {dic}, an element {query}, that does not exist in the dictionary, while not_exist_ok=False"
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"query {query} matches no path in dictionary {dic}") from e
# returns all the values sitting inside dic, in all the paths that match query_path
# if query includes * then return a list of values reached by all paths that match the query
# flake8: noqa: C901
def get_values(
current_element: Any,
query: List[str],
index_into_query: int,
) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:
# going down from current_element through query[index_into_query].
if index_into_query == 0:
return (True, current_element)
# index_into_query < 0
component = query[index_into_query]
if component == "*":
# current_element must be a list or a dictionary
if not isinstance(current_element, (list, dict)):
return (False, None) # nothing good from here down the query
to_ret = []
if isinstance(current_element, dict):
sub_elements = list(current_element.values())
else: # a list
sub_elements = current_element
for sub_element in sub_elements:
success, val = get_values(
index_into_query + 1,
if success:
return (len(to_ret) > 0 or index_into_query == -1, to_ret)
# when * is the last component, it refers to 'all the contents' of an empty list being current_element.
# next_component is indx or name, current_element must be a list or a dict
if is_index(component) and allow_int_index:
component = int(component)
success, new_val = get_values(
index_into_query + 1,
if success:
return (True, new_val)
return (False, None)
return (False, None)
# going down from current_element via query[index_into_query]
# returns the updated current_element
def set_values(
current_element: Any,
value: Any,
index_into_query: int,
fixed_parameters: dict,
set_multiple: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[bool, Any]:
if index_into_query == 0:
return (True, value) # matched query all along!
# current_element should be a list or dict: a containing element
if current_element is not None and not isinstance(current_element, (list, dict)):
current_element = None # give it a chance to become what is needed, if allowed
if current_element is None and not fixed_parameters["generate_if_not_exists"]:
return (False, None)
component = fixed_parameters["query"][index_into_query]
if component == "*":
if current_element is not None and set_multiple:
if isinstance(current_element, dict) and len(current_element) != len(value):
return (False, None)
if isinstance(current_element, list) and len(current_element) > len(value):
return (False, None)
if len(current_element) < len(value):
if not fixed_parameters["generate_if_not_exists"]:
return (False, None)
# current_element must be a list, extend current_element to the length needed
current_element.extend([None] * (len(value) - len(current_element)))
if current_element is None or current_element == []:
current_element = [None] * (
if set_multiple
else value is None
or not isinstance(value, list)
or len(value) > 0
or index_into_query < -1
# now current_element is of size suiting value
if isinstance(current_element, dict):
keys = sorted(current_element.keys())
keys = list(range(len(current_element)))
any_success = False
for i in range(len(keys)):
success, new_val = set_values(
value=value[i] if set_multiple else value,
index_into_query=index_into_query + 1,
set_multiple=False, # now used, not allowed again,
if not success:
any_success = True
current_element[keys[i]] = new_val
return (
any_success or (len(keys) == 0 and index_into_query == -1),
# component is an index into a list or a key into a dictionary
if is_index(component) and allow_int_index:
if current_element is None or not isinstance(current_element, list):
if not fixed_parameters["generate_if_not_exists"]:
return (False, None)
current_element = []
# current_element is a list
component = int(component)
if component >= len(current_element):
if not fixed_parameters["generate_if_not_exists"]:
return (False, None)
# extend current_element to the length needed
current_element.extend([None] * (component + 1 - len(current_element)))
next_current_element = current_element[component]
else: # component is a key into a dictionary
if current_element is None or not isinstance(current_element, dict):
if not fixed_parameters["generate_if_not_exists"]:
return (False, None)
current_element = {}
if (
component not in current_element
and not fixed_parameters["generate_if_not_exists"]
return (False, None)
next_current_element = (
None if component not in current_element else current_element[component]
success, new_val = set_values(
index_into_query=index_into_query + 1,
if success:
current_element[component] = new_val
return (True, current_element)
return (False, None)
return (False, None)
# the returned values are ordered by the lexicographic order of the paths leading to them
def dict_get(
dic: dict,
query: str,
not_exist_ok: bool = False,
default: Any = None,
if len(query.strip()) == 0:
return dic
if dic is None:
raise ValueError("Can not get any value from a dic that is None")
if isinstance(dic, dict) and query.strip() in dic:
return dic[query.strip()]
components = validate_query_and_break_to_components(
query, allow_int_index=allow_int_index
if len(components) > 1:
success, values = get_values(dic, components, -1 * len(components))
if success:
return values
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(
f'query "{query}" did not match any item in dict:\n{construct_dict_str(dic)}'
) from e
if not_exist_ok:
return default
raise ValueError(
f'query "{query}" did not match any item in dict:\n{construct_dict_str(dic)}'
# len(components) == 1
if components[0] in dic:
return dic[components[0]]
if not_exist_ok:
return default
raise ValueError(
f'query "{query}" did not match any item in dict:\n{construct_dict_str(dic)}'
# dict_set sets a value, 'value', which by itself, can be a dict or list or scalar, into 'dic', to become the value of
# the element the path from 'dic' head to which matches 'query'. (aka - 'the element specified by the query')
# 'the element specified by the query' is thus either a key in a dictionary, or a list member specified by its index in the list.
# Unless otherwise specified (through 'not_exist_ok=True'), the processing of 'query' by dict_set does not generate
# any new elements into 'dic'. Rather - it just sets the 'value' arg to each and every element the path to which matches
# the query. That 'value' arg, again, can be complex and involved, a dictionary or a list, or scalar, or whatever.
# When not_exist_ok = True, the processing itself is allowed to generate new containing elements (dictionaries, lists, or elements
# therein) into dictionary 'dic', new containing elements such that, at the end of the processing, 'dic' will contain at
# least one element the path to which matches 'query', provided that no existing value in 'dic' is modified nor popped out,
# other than the values sitting on the path along 'query' in whole.
# This generation is defined as follows.
# Having generated what is needed to have in dic an element el, lead to by prefix pref of 'query', and A (as above) is the
# component that follows pref in 'query' (i.e., pref/A is a prefix of 'query', longer than pref by one component) then:
# (1) if indx.match(A), and el existed in 'dic' before dict_set was invoked, then if el is not a list, generate an empty
# list for it: []. If len(el)>A, proceed to element el[A], and continue recursively. If len(el) <= A, extend
# el with [None]*(A+1-len(el)), and continue recursively from there, with elements that surely did not exist in dic
# before dict_set was invoked. If el did not exist in 'dic' before dict_set was invoked, then a whole new list [None]*(A+1)
# is generated, and continue from there recursively.
# (2) if not indx but name.match(A), continue in analogy with (1), with el being a dictionary now.
# (3) if A is '*', and el already exists, continue into ALL el's existing sub_elements as above. if el was not existing
# in dic before dict_set was invoked, which means it is None that we ride on from (1) or (2), then we generate
# a new [None] List (only a list, not a dict, because we have no keys to offer), and continue as above
# once the end of the query is thus reached, 'value' is returned backward on the recursion, and the elements
# that were None for a while - reshape into the needed (dict or list) element.
# If two or more (existing in input dic, or newly generated per not_exist_ok = True) paths in dic match the query
# all the elements lead to by these paths are assigned copies of value.
# If set_multiple=True, 'value' must be a list, 'query' should contain at least one * , and there should be exactly
# len(values) paths that match the query, and in this case, dict_set assigns one member of 'value' to each path.
# The matching paths are sorted alphabetically toward the above assignment.
# The processing of set_multiple=True applies to the first occurrence of * in the query, and only to it, and is
# done as follows:
# Let el denote the element lead to by prefix pref of 'query' down to one component preceding the first * in 'query'
# (depending on not_exist_ok, el can be None). If el existed in dic before dict_set is invoked (el is not None) and
# is not a list nor a dict, or is a list longer than len('value') or is a dict of len different from len('value'),
# return a failure for prefix pref/*.
# If el existed, and is a list shorted than len('value'), or did not exist at all, then if not_exist_ok= False,
# return a failure for prefix pref/*. If not_exist_ok = True, then make el into a list of length
# len('value') that starts with el (if existed) and continues into zero or more None-s, as many as needed.
# Now that el (potentially wholly or partly generated just now) is a list of length len('value'), set value='value'[i]
# as the target value for the i-th path that goes through el.
# Such a breakdown of 'value' for set_multiple=True, is done only once - on the leftmost * in 'query'.
def dict_set(
dic: dict,
query: str,
value: Any,
): # sets dic to its new value
if dic is None or not isinstance(dic, (list, dict)):
raise ValueError(
f"Can not change dic that is either None or not a dict nor a list. Got dic = {dic}"
if query.strip() == "":
# change the whole input dic, as dic indeed matches ""
if isinstance(dic, dict):
if value is None or not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValueError(
f"Through an empty query, trying to set a whole new value, {value}, to the whole of dic, {dic}, but value is not a dict"
if isinstance(dic, list):
if value is None or not isinstance(value, list):
raise ValueError(
f"Through an empty query, trying to set a whole new value, {value}, to the whole of dic, {dic}, but value is not a list"
if isinstance(dic, dict) and query.strip() in dic:
dic[query.strip()] = value
if set_multiple:
if value is None or not isinstance(value, list) or len(value) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"set_multiple=True, but value, {value}, can not be broken up, as either it is not a list or it is an empty list"
components = validate_query_and_break_to_components(
query, allow_int_index=allow_int_index
fixed_parameters = {
"query": components,
"generate_if_not_exists": not_exist_ok,
success, val = set_values(
index_into_query=(-1) * len(components),
if not success and not not_exist_ok:
raise ValueError(f"No path in dic {dic} matches query {query}.")
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"No path in dic {dic} matches query {query}.") from e