import os, gdown import aria2p import subprocess import requests import numpy as np import gradio as gr from diffusers import FlaxStableDiffusionPipeline import torch from safetensors.torch import save_file, load_file from huggingface_hub import model_info, create_repo, create_branch, upload_folder from huggingface_hub.utils import RepositoryNotFoundError, RevisionNotFoundError def download_file(file_url_1, file_name_1): # Create the file directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs("file", exist_ok=True) if "" in file_url_1:, output=f"file/{file_name_1}", quiet=False, fuzzy=True) return "download file done!" elif "" in file_url_1: os.system(f"aria2c --out=file/{file_name_1} --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {file_url_1}") return "download file done!" elif "" in file_url_1: os.system(f"aria2c --out=file/{file_name_1} --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {file_url_1}") return "download file done!" else: try: response = requests.get(ckpt_url_1) if response.status_code == 200: with open(f"file/{file_name_1}", "wb") as f: return "download file done!" else: return "error download file!" except Exception as e: return "error download file!" def push_file_1(model_to, token, branch): try: repo_exists = True r_info = model_info(model_to, token=token) except RepositoryNotFoundError: repo_exists = False finally: if repo_exists: print(r_info) else: create_repo(model_to, private=True, token=token) try: branch_exists = True b_info = model_info(model_to, revision=branch, token=token) except RevisionNotFoundError: branch_exists = False finally: if branch_exists: print(b_info) else: create_branch(model_to, branch=branch, token=token) # Create the ckpt directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs("file", exist_ok=True) upload_folder(folder_path="file", path_in_repo="", revision=branch, repo_id=model_to, commit_message=f"file", token=token) return "push files done!" def delete_file(): os.system(f"rm -rf file") return "delete ckpt done!" def download_ckpt(ckpt_url, ckpt_name): # Create the ckpt directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs("ckpt", exist_ok=True) if "" in ckpt_url:, output=f"ckpt/{ckpt_name}.ckpt", quiet=False, fuzzy=True) return "download ckpt done!" elif "" in ckpt_url: os.system(f"aria2c --out=ckpt/{ckpt_name} --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {ckpt_url}") return "download ckpt done!" elif "" in ckpt_url: os.system(f"aria2c --out=ckpt/{ckpt_name} --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {ckpt_url}") return "download ckpt done!" else: try: response = requests.get(ckpt_url) if response.status_code == 200: with open(f"ckpt/{ckpt_name}.ckpt", "wb") as f: return "download ckpt done!" else: return "error download ckpt!" except Exception as e: return "error download ckpt!" def to_pt(): os.system("wget -q") os.system(f"python3 --checkpoint_path model.ckpt --dump_path pt") return "convert to pt done!" def push_pt(model_to, token, branch): try: repo_exists = True r_info = model_info(model_to, token=token) except RepositoryNotFoundError: repo_exists = False finally: if repo_exists: print(r_info) else: create_repo(model_to, private=True, token=token) try: branch_exists = True b_info = model_info(model_to, revision=branch, token=token) except RevisionNotFoundError: branch_exists = False finally: if branch_exists: print(b_info) else: create_branch(model_to, branch=branch, token=token) upload_folder(folder_path="pt", path_in_repo="", revision=branch, repo_id=model_to, commit_message=f"pt", token=token) return "push pt done!" def delete_pt(): os.system(f"rm -rf pt") return "delete pt done!" def clone_pt(model_url): os.system("git lfs install") os.system(f"git clone{model_url} pt") return "clone pt done!" def to_flax(): pipe, params = FlaxStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("pt", from_pt=True) pipe.save_pretrained("flax", params=params) return "convert to flax done!" def push_flax(model_to, token, branch): try: repo_exists = True r_info = model_info(model_to, token=token) except RepositoryNotFoundError: repo_exists = False finally: if repo_exists: print(r_info) else: create_repo(model_to, private=True, token=token) try: branch_exists = True b_info = model_info(model_to, revision=branch, token=token) except RevisionNotFoundError: branch_exists = False finally: if branch_exists: print(b_info) else: create_branch(model_to, branch=branch, token=token) upload_folder(folder_path="flax", path_in_repo="", revision=branch, repo_id=model_to, commit_message=f"flax", token=token) return "push flax done!" def delete_flax(): os.system(f"rm -rf flax") return "delete flax done!" def to_ckpt(ckpt_name): os.system("wget -q") os.system("mkdir ckpt") os.system(f"python3 --model_path pt --checkpoint_path ckpt/{ckpt_name}.ckpt") return "convert to ckpt done!" def push_ckpt(model_to, token, branch): try: repo_exists = True r_info = model_info(model_to, token=token) except RepositoryNotFoundError: repo_exists = False finally: if repo_exists: print(r_info) else: create_repo(model_to, private=True, token=token) try: branch_exists = True b_info = model_info(model_to, revision=branch, token=token) except RevisionNotFoundError: branch_exists = False finally: if branch_exists: print(b_info) else: create_branch(model_to, branch=branch, token=token) upload_folder(folder_path="ckpt", path_in_repo="", revision=branch, repo_id=model_to, commit_message=f"ckpt", token=token) return "push ckpt done!" def delete_ckpt(): os.system(f"rm -rf ckpt") return "delete ckpt done!" def download_ckpt_1(ckpt_url_2, ckpt_name_2): # Create the ckpt directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs("ckpt", exist_ok=True) if "" in ckpt_url_2:, output=f"ckpt/{ckpt_name_2}.ckpt", quiet=False, fuzzy=True) return "download ckpt done!" elif "" in ckpt_url_2: os.system(f"aria2c --out=ckpt/{ckpt_name_2}.ckpt --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {ckpt_url_2}") return "download ckpt done!" elif "" in ckpt_url_2: os.system(f"aria2c --out=ckpt/{ckpt_name_2}.ckpt --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {ckpt_url_2}") return "download ckpt done!" else: try: response = requests.get(ckpt_url_2) if response.status_code == 200: with open(f"ckpt/{ckpt_name_2}.ckpt", "wb") as f: return "download ckpt done!" else: return "error download ckpt!" except Exception as e: return "error download ckpt!" def to_safetensors(ckpt_name_2, safetensors_name_2): os.system("mkdir safetensors") weights = torch.load(f"ckpt/{ckpt_name_2}.ckpt") if "state_dict" in weights: weights = weights["state_dict"] save_file(weights, f"safetensors/{safetensors_name_2}.safetensors") return "convert to safetensors done!" def push_safetensors(model_to, token, branch): try: repo_exists = True r_info = model_info(model_to, token=token) except RepositoryNotFoundError: repo_exists = False finally: if repo_exists: print(r_info) else: create_repo(model_to, private=True, token=token) try: branch_exists = True b_info = model_info(model_to, revision=branch, token=token) except RevisionNotFoundError: branch_exists = False finally: if branch_exists: print(b_info) else: create_branch(model_to, branch=branch, token=token) upload_folder(folder_path="safetensors", path_in_repo="", revision=branch, repo_id=model_to, commit_message=f"safetensors", token=token) return "push safetensors done!" def delete_safetensors(): os.system(f"rm -rf safetensors") return "delete safetensors done!" def download_safetensors(safetensors_url, safetensors_name): # Create the safetensors directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs("safetensors", exist_ok=True) if "" in safetensors_url:, output=f"safetensors/{safetensors_name}.safetensors", quiet=False, fuzzy=True) return "download safetensors done!" elif "" in safetensors_url: os.system(f"aria2c --out=safetensors/{safetensors_name}.safetensors --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {safetensors_url}") return "download safetensors done!" elif "" in safetensors_url: os.system(f"aria2c --out=safetensors/{safetensors_name}.safetensors --summary-interval=10 -c -x 10 -k 1M -s 10 {safetensors_url}") return "download safetensors done!" else: try: response = requests.get(safetensors_url) if response.status_code == 200: with open(f"safetensors/{safetensors_name}.safetensors", "wb") as f: return "download safetensors done!" else: return "error download safetensors!" except Exception as e: return "error download safetensors!" def from_safetensors_to_ckpt(safetensors_name, ckpt_name): weights = load_file(f"safetensors/{safetensors_name}.safetensors", device="cpu") os.system("mkdir ckpt"), f"ckpt/{ckpt_name}.ckpt") return "convert to ckpt done!" def delete_torrent(): os.system(f"rm -rf torrent") return "delete torrent done!" def delete_ckpt(): os.system(f"rm -rf ckpt") return "delete ckpt done!" def delete_pt(): os.system(f"rm -rf pt") return "delete pt done!" def delete_flax(): os.system(f"rm -rf flax") return "delete flax done!" def delete_safetensors(): os.system(f"rm -rf safetensors") return "delete safetensors done!" def delete_all(): delete_ckpt() delete_torrent() delete_pt() delete_flax() delete_safetensors() return "delete all done!" block = gr.Blocks() with block: gr.Markdown( """ ## Now Using aria2c for better downloading
## 🚨 Please first click all delete buttons 🚨 🎉
## Almost all Download site link works
### Special thanks to [@camenduru]( for creating initial script
### Modified By [@umair007](
""") # Add delete buttons to the interface with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): out_pt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) out_ckpt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) out_flax = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) out_torrent = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) out_safetensors = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) out_delete_all = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): # Delete buttons btn_delete_pt = gr.Button("delete pt") btn_delete_torrent = gr.Button("Delete torrent") btn_delete_ckpt = gr.Button("delete ckpt") btn_delete_flax = gr.Button("delete flax") btn_delete_safetensors = gr.Button("delete safetensors") # Delete all button btn_delete_all = gr.Button("delete all") # Delete click, outputs=out_pt), outputs=out_ckpt), outputs=out_flax), outputs=out_safetensors), outputs=out_torrent), outputs=out_delete_all) gr.Markdown( """ ### download and push file ckpt, yaml, safetensors etc
file_url = or or
file_name = openjourney.ckpt or openjourney.safetensors whatsever your extension is
extension_name = ckpt, yaml, safetensors etc whatsever your file extension_name is
ckpt_model_to = camenduru/openjourney
branch = ckpt
token = get from []( new token role=write
""") with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): text_file_url_1 = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="file_url") text_file_name_1 = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="file_name ex file.ckpt ") text_file_model_to = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="file_model_to") text_file_branch = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, value="file", max_lines=1, placeholder="file_branch") text_file_token = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="🤗 token") out_file = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): btn_download_file = gr.Button("Download file") btn_push_file_1 = gr.Button("Push file to 🤗") btn_delete_file = gr.Button("Delete file"), inputs=[text_file_url_1, text_file_name_1], outputs=out_file), inputs=[text_file_model_to, text_file_token, text_file_branch], outputs=out_file), outputs=out_file) gr.Markdown( """ ### ckpt to pytorch ckpt_url = or or
pt_model_to = camenduru/openjourney
branch = main
token = get from []( new token role=write """) with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): text_ckpt_url = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_url") text_pt_model_to = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="pt_model_to") text_pt_branch = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, value="main", max_lines=1, placeholder="branch") text_pt_token = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="🤗 token") out_pt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): btn_download_ckpt = gr.Button("Download CKPT") btn_to_pt = gr.Button("Convert to PT") btn_push_pt = gr.Button("Push PT to 🤗") btn_delete_pt = gr.Button("Delete PT"), inputs=[text_ckpt_url], outputs=out_pt), outputs=out_pt), inputs=[text_pt_model_to, text_pt_token, text_pt_branch], outputs=out_pt), outputs=out_pt) gr.Markdown( """ ### pytorch to flax
pt_model_from = prompthero/openjourney
flax_model_to = camenduru/openjourney
branch = flax
token = get from []( new token role=write
""") with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): text_pt_model_from = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="pt_model_from") text_flax_model_to = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="flax_model_to") text_flax_branch = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, value="flax", max_lines=1, placeholder="flax_branch") text_flax_token = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="🤗 token") out_flax = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): btn_clone_pt = gr.Button("Clone PT from 🤗") btn_to_flax = gr.Button("Convert to Flax") btn_push_flax = gr.Button("Push Flax to 🤗") btn_delete_flax = gr.Button("Delete Flax"), inputs=[text_pt_model_from], outputs=out_flax), outputs=out_flax), inputs=[text_flax_model_to, text_flax_token, text_flax_branch], outputs=out_flax), outputs=out_flax) gr.Markdown( """ ### pytorch to ckpt pt_model_from = prompthero/openjourney
ckpt_name = openjourney
ckpt_model_to = camenduru/openjourney
branch = ckpt
token = get from []( new token role=write """) with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): text_pt_model_from = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="pt_model_from") text_ckpt_name = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_name") text_ckpt_model_to = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_model_to") text_ckpt_branch = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, value="ckpt", max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_branch") text_ckpt_token = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="🤗 token") out_ckpt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): btn_clone_pt = gr.Button("Clone PT from 🤗") btn_to_ckpt = gr.Button("Convert to CKPT") btn_push_ckpt = gr.Button("Push CKPT to 🤗") btn_delete_ckpt = gr.Button("Delete CKPT"), inputs=[text_pt_model_from], outputs=out_ckpt), inputs=[text_ckpt_name], outputs=out_ckpt), inputs=[text_ckpt_model_to, text_ckpt_token, text_ckpt_branch], outputs=out_ckpt), outputs=out_ckpt) gr.Markdown( """ ### ckpt to safetensors
ckpt_url = or or
safetensors_name = openjourney
safetensors_model_to = camenduru/openjourney
branch = safetensors
token = get from []( new token role=write
""") with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): text_ckpt_url_2 = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_url_2") text_ckpt_name_2 = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_name_2") text_safetensors_name_2 = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="safetensors_name_2") text_safetensors_model_to = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="safetensors_model_to") text_safetensors_branch = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, value="safetensors", max_lines=1, placeholder="safetensors_branch") text_safetensors_token = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="🤗 token") out_safetensors = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): btn_download_ckpt_1 = gr.Button("Download CKPT") btn_to_safetensors = gr.Button("Convert to Safetensors") btn_push_safetensors = gr.Button("Push Safetensors to 🤗") btn_delete_safetensors = gr.Button("Delete Safetensors"), inputs=[text_ckpt_url_2, text_ckpt_name_2], outputs=out_safetensors), inputs=[text_ckpt_name_2, text_safetensors_name_2], outputs=out_safetensors), inputs=[text_safetensors_model_to, text_safetensors_token, text_safetensors_branch], outputs=out_safetensors), outputs=out_safetensors) gr.Markdown( """ ### safetensors to ckpt
safetensors_url = or or
ckpt_name = openjourney
ckpt_model_to = camenduru/openjourney
branch = ckpt
token = get from []( new token role=write
""") with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): text_safetensors_url = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="safetensors_url") text_safetensors_name = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="safetensors_name") text_safetensors_to_ckpt_name = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_name") text_safetensors_to_ckpt_model_to = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_model_to") text_safetensors_to_ckpt_branch = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, value="ckpt", max_lines=1, placeholder="ckpt_branch") text_safetensors_to_ckpt_token = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder="🤗 token") out_safetensors_to_ckpt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): btn_download_safetensors = gr.Button("Download Safetensors") btn_safetensors_to_ckpt = gr.Button("Convert to CKPT") btn_push_safetensors_to_ckpt = gr.Button("Push CKPT to 🤗") btn_delete_safetensors_ckpt = gr.Button("Delete CKPT"), inputs=[text_safetensors_url, text_safetensors_name], outputs=out_safetensors_to_ckpt), inputs=[text_safetensors_name, text_safetensors_to_ckpt_name], outputs=out_safetensors_to_ckpt), inputs=[text_safetensors_to_ckpt_model_to, text_safetensors_to_ckpt_token, text_safetensors_to_ckpt_branch], outputs=out_safetensors_to_ckpt), outputs=out_safetensors_to_ckpt) block.launch()