Browse files- demo2/pages/ +334 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
1 |
2 |
import warnings
3 |
import json
4 |
import sys
5 |
import argparse
6 |
import io
7 |
import os
8 |
import pandas as pd
9 |
import psycopg2
10 |
import geopandas as gpd
11 |
import numpy as np
12 |
from scipy.stats import norm
13 |
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
14 |
15 |
# Damage States
16 |
DS_NO = 1
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
# Hazard Types
23 |
HAZARD_EARTHQUAKE = "earthquake"
24 |
HAZARD_FLOOD = "flood"
25 |
HAZARD_DEBRIS = "debris"
26 |
27 |
weights = {
28 |
"earthquake": {"metric1": 0.2,
29 |
"metric2": 0.2,
30 |
"metric3": 0.2,
31 |
"metric4": 0.2,
32 |
"metric5": 0.2,
33 |
"metric6": 0.2,
34 |
"metric7": 0.2,
35 |
36 |
"flood": {"metric1": 20,
37 |
"metric2": 20,
38 |
"metric3": 20,
39 |
"metric4": 20,
40 |
"metric5": 20,
41 |
"metric6": 20,
42 |
"metric7": 20,
43 |
44 |
"debris": {"metric1": 200,
45 |
"metric2": 200,
46 |
"metric3": 200,
47 |
"metric4": 200,
48 |
"metric5": 200,
49 |
"metric6": 200,
50 |
"metric7": 200,
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
def run_engine(hazard_type, scenario, gdf_intensity, policies=[]):
55 |
56 |
building_file = f"building_tv50_{scenario}.geojson"
57 |
household_file = f"household_tv50_{scenario}.json"
58 |
individual_file = f"individual_tv50_{scenario}.json"
59 |
60 |
threshold = 1
61 |
threshold_flood = 0.2
62 |
threshold_flood_distance = 40
63 |
epsg = 32645 # katmandu
64 |
65 |
df_buildings = gpd.read_file(building_file)
66 |
df_household = pd.read_json(household_file)
67 |
df_individual = pd.read_json(individual_file)
68 |
#gdf_intensity = intensity_df.copy()
69 |
70 |
# Read vulnerability from this table if hazard is earthquake
71 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_EARTHQUAKE:
72 |
df_eq = pd.read_csv('earthquake_fragility.csv')
73 |
74 |
elif hazard_type == HAZARD_FLOOD or hazard_type == HAZARD_DEBRIS:
75 |
df_flood = pd.read_csv('flood_vulnerability.csv')
76 |
77 |
# TODO: Fix the confusion geometry/geograhy etc
78 |
gdf_buildings = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_buildings,
79 |
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df_buildings.xcoord, df_buildings.ycoord))
80 |
81 |
82 |
# We asssume all input is EPSG:4326
83 |
gdf_buildings = gdf_buildings.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
84 |
#gdf_intensity = gdf_intensity.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
85 |
86 |
# Convert both to the same target coordinate system
87 |
88 |
gdf_buildings = gdf_buildings.to_crs(f"EPSG:{epsg}")
89 |
#gdf_intensity = gdf_intensity.to_crs(f"EPSG:{epsg}")
90 |
91 |
92 |
gdf_building_intensity = gpd.sjoin_nearest(gdf_buildings,gdf_intensity,
93 |
how='left', rsuffix='intensity',distance_col='distance')
94 |
gdf_building_intensity = gdf_building_intensity.drop_duplicates(subset=['bldid'], keep='first')
95 |
96 |
# TODO: Check if the logic makes sense
97 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_FLOOD or hazard_type == HAZARD_DEBRIS:
98 |
away_from_flood = gdf_building_intensity['distance'] > threshold_flood_distance
99 |
100 |
print('number of distant buildings', len(gdf_building_intensity.loc[away_from_flood, 'im']))
101 |
gdf_building_intensity.loc[away_from_flood, 'im'] = 0
102 |
103 |
104 |
gdf_building_intensity[['material','code_level','storeys','occupancy']] = \
105 |
106 |
gdf_building_intensity['height'] = gdf_building_intensity['storeys'].str.extract(r'([0-9]+)s').astype('int')
107 |
108 |
lr = (gdf_building_intensity['height'] <= 4)
109 |
mr = (gdf_building_intensity['height'] >= 5) & (gdf_building_intensity['height'] <= 8)
110 |
hr = (gdf_building_intensity['height'] >= 9)
111 |
gdf_building_intensity.loc[lr, 'height_level'] = 'LR'
112 |
gdf_building_intensity.loc[mr, 'height_level'] = 'MR'
113 |
gdf_building_intensity.loc[hr, 'height_level'] = 'HR'
114 |
115 |
116 |
gdf_building_intensity['vulnstreq'] = \
117 |
gdf_building_intensity[['material','code_level','height_level']] \
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_EARTHQUAKE:
122 |
bld_eq = gdf_building_intensity.merge(df_eq, on='vulnstreq', how='left')
123 |
nulls = bld_eq['muds1_g'].isna()
124 |
bld_eq.loc[nulls, ['muds1_g','muds2_g','muds3_g','muds4_g']] = [0.048,0.203,0.313,0.314]
125 |
bld_eq.loc[nulls, ['sigmads1','sigmads2','sigmads3','sigmads4']] = [0.301,0.276,0.252,0.253]
126 |
bld_eq['logim'] = np.log(bld_eq['im']/9.81)
127 |
for m in ['muds1_g','muds2_g','muds3_g','muds4_g']:
128 |
bld_eq[m] = np.log(bld_eq[m])
129 |
130 |
for i in [1,2,3,4]:
131 |
bld_eq[f'prob_ds{i}'] = norm.cdf(bld_eq['logim'],bld_eq[f'muds{i}_g'],bld_eq[f'sigmads{i}'])
132 |
bld_eq[['prob_ds0','prob_ds5']] = [1,0]
133 |
for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:
134 |
bld_eq[f'ds_{i}'] = np.abs(bld_eq[f'prob_ds{i-1}'] - bld_eq[f'prob_ds{i}'])
135 |
df_ds = bld_eq[['ds_1','ds_2','ds_3','ds_4','ds_5']]
136 |
bld_eq['eq_ds'] = df_ds.idxmax(axis='columns').str.extract(r'ds_([0-9]+)').astype('int')
137 |
138 |
# Create a simplified building-hazard relation
139 |
bld_hazard = bld_eq[['bldid','occupancy','eq_ds']]
140 |
bld_hazard = bld_hazard.rename(columns={'eq_ds':'ds'})
141 |
142 |
ds_str = {1: 'No Damage',2:'Low',3:'Medium',4:'High',5:'Collapsed'}
143 |
144 |
elif hazard_type == HAZARD_FLOOD or hazard_type == HAZARD_DEBRIS:
145 |
bld_flood = gdf_building_intensity.merge(df_flood, on='expstr', how='left')
146 |
x = np.array([0,0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,5,6])
147 |
y = bld_flood[['hw0','hw0.5','hw1','hw1.5','hw2','hw3','hw4','hw5','hw6']].to_numpy()
148 |
xnew = bld_flood['im'].to_numpy()
149 |
flood_mapping = interp1d(x,y,axis=1,kind='linear',bounds_error=False, fill_value=(0,1))
150 |
# TODO: find another way for vectorized interpolate
151 |
bld_flood['fl_prob'] = np.diag(flood_mapping(xnew))
152 |
bld_flood['fl_ds'] = 0
153 |
bld_flood.loc[bld_flood['fl_prob'] > threshold_flood,'fl_ds'] = 1
154 |
155 |
# Create a simplified building-hazard relation
156 |
bld_hazard = bld_flood[['bldid','occupancy','fl_ds']]
157 |
bld_hazard = bld_hazard.rename(columns={'fl_ds':'ds'})
158 |
159 |
ds_str = {0: 'No Damage',1:'Flooded'}
160 |
161 |
bld_hazard['occupancy'] = pd.Categorical(bld_hazard['occupancy'])
162 |
for key, value in ds_str.items():
163 |
bld_hazard.loc[bld_hazard['ds'] == key,'damage_level'] = value
164 |
bld_hazard['damage_level'] = pd.Categorical(bld_hazard['damage_level'], list(ds_str.values()))
165 |
166 |
#%% Find the damage state of the building that the household is in
167 |
df_household_bld = df_household.merge(bld_hazard[['bldid','ds']], on='bldid', how='left',validate='many_to_one')
168 |
#%% find the damage state of the hospital that the household is associated with
169 |
df_hospitals = df_household.merge(bld_hazard[['bldid','damage_level', 'ds']],
170 |
how='left', left_on='commfacid', right_on='bldid', suffixes=['','_comm'],
171 |
172 |
173 |
df_workers = df_individual.merge(bld_hazard[['bldid','damage_level', 'ds']],
174 |
how='left', left_on='indivfacid_2', right_on='bldid',
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
df_students = df_individual.merge(bld_hazard[['bldid','damage_level', 'ds']],
179 |
how='left', left_on='indivfacid_1', right_on='bldid',
180 |
181 |
182 |
df_indiv_hosp = df_individual.merge(df_hospitals[['hhid','ds','bldid']],
183 |
how='left', on='hhid', validate='many_to_one')
184 |
185 |
# get the ds of household that individual lives in
186 |
df_indiv_household = df_individual[['hhid','individ']].merge(df_household_bld[['hhid','ds']])
187 |
188 |
df_displaced_indiv = df_indiv_hosp.rename(columns={'ds':'ds_hospital'})\
189 |
.merge(df_workers[['individ','ds']].rename(columns={'ds':'ds_workplace'}),on='individ', how='inner')\
190 |
.merge(df_students[['individ','ds']].rename(columns={'ds':'ds_school'}), on='individ', how='inner')\
191 |
.merge(df_indiv_household[['individ','ds']].rename(columns={'ds':'ds_household'}), on='individ',how='left')
192 |
193 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_EARTHQUAKE:
194 |
# Effect of policies on thresholds
195 |
# First get the global threshold
196 |
thresholds = {f'metric{id}': threshold for id in range(8)}
197 |
198 |
# Default thresholds for flood and debris
199 |
# For flood, there are only two states: 0 or 1.
200 |
# So threshold is set to 0.
201 |
thresholds = {f'metric{id}': 0 for id in range(8)}
202 |
203 |
# Policy 6 is valid for all three hazard types
204 |
# Policy-6: Compulsory content insurance for schools and hospitals
205 |
# increases threshold for loss of edu/health in all hazard-types from minor to moderate
206 |
# slight to moderate
207 |
if 6 in policies and thresholds['metric3'] == DS_NO:
208 |
thresholds['metric3'] = DS_SLIGHT
209 |
if 6 in policies and thresholds['metric2'] == DS_NO:
210 |
thresholds['metric2'] = DS_SLIGHT
211 |
212 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_EARTHQUAKE:
213 |
# Policy-1: Loans for reconstruction for minor to moderate damages
214 |
# Changes: Damage state thresholds for “displacement”
215 |
# Increase thresholds from “slight to moderate” as fewer people will be displaced.
216 |
if 1 in policies and thresholds['metric7'] == DS_NO:
217 |
thresholds['metric7'] = DS_SLIGHT
218 |
219 |
# Policy-3: Cat-bond agreement for education and health facilities
220 |
# Changes: Damage state thresholds for “loss of access to hospitals” and “loss of access to schools”
221 |
# Increase thresholds from “slight to moderate” as fewer people will be displaced.
222 |
if 3 in policies and thresholds['metric3'] == DS_NO:
223 |
thresholds['metric3'] = DS_SLIGHT
224 |
if 3 in policies and thresholds['metric2'] == DS_NO:
225 |
thresholds['metric2'] = DS_SLIGHT
226 |
227 |
# Policy-2: Knowledge sharing about DRR in public and private schools
228 |
# Changes: Damage state thresholds for “loss of school access”
229 |
# Increase thresholds loss of school access to beyond current scale. So that the impact will be downgraded to “0”.
230 |
if 2 in policies:
231 |
thresholds['metric2'] = DS_COLLAPSED
232 |
233 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_FLOOD:
234 |
# Polcy-4: Repair loan assistance for flooding
235 |
# we have only two states 0/1. So if this policy
236 |
# is effective, increase it to 1 meaning that
237 |
# population displacement is solved
238 |
if 4 in policies:
239 |
thresholds['metric6'] = 1
240 |
241 |
if hazard_type == HAZARD_FLOOD or hazard_type == HAZARD_DEBRIS:
242 |
# Policy-5: Technical assistance for debris removal in education facilities
243 |
# loss of education is solved via this policy. For both flood and debris
244 |
# loss of education metric is fixed.
245 |
if 5 in policies:
246 |
thresholds['metric2'] = 1
247 |
248 |
#%% metric 1 number of unemployed workers in each building
249 |
df_workers_per_building = df_workers[df_workers['ds'] > thresholds['metric1']].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'individ':'count'})
250 |
df_metric1 = bld_hazard.merge(df_workers_per_building,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on = 'bldid')[['bldid','individ']]
251 |
df_metric1.rename(columns={'individ':'metric1'}, inplace=True)
252 |
df_metric1['metric1'] = df_metric1['metric1'].fillna(0).astype(int)
253 |
254 |
#%% metric 2 number of students in each building with no access to schools
255 |
df_students_per_building = df_students[df_students['ds'] > thresholds['metric2']].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'individ':'count'})
256 |
df_metric2 = bld_hazard.merge(df_students_per_building,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on = 'bldid')[['bldid','individ']]
257 |
df_metric2.rename(columns={'individ':'metric2'}, inplace=True)
258 |
df_metric2['metric2'] = df_metric2['metric2'].fillna(0).astype(int)
259 |
260 |
#%% metric 3 number of households in each building with no access to hospitals
261 |
df_hospitals_per_household = df_hospitals[df_hospitals['ds'] > thresholds['metric3']].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'hhid':'count'})
262 |
df_metric3 = bld_hazard.merge(df_hospitals_per_household,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on='bldid')[['bldid','hhid']]
263 |
df_metric3.rename(columns={'hhid':'metric3'}, inplace=True)
264 |
df_metric3['metric3'] = df_metric3['metric3'].fillna(0).astype(int)
265 |
266 |
#%% metric 4 number of individuals in each building with no access to hospitals
267 |
df_hospitals_per_individual = df_hospitals[df_hospitals['ds'] > thresholds['metric4']].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'nind':'sum'})
268 |
df_metric4 = bld_hazard.merge(df_hospitals_per_individual,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on='bldid')[['bldid','nind']]
269 |
df_metric4.rename(columns={'nind':'metric4'}, inplace=True)
270 |
df_metric4['metric4'] = df_metric4['metric4'].fillna(0).astype(int)
271 |
272 |
#%% metric 5 number of damaged households in each building
273 |
df_homeless_households = df_household_bld[df_household_bld['ds'] > thresholds['metric5']].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'hhid':'count'})
274 |
df_metric5 = bld_hazard.merge(df_homeless_households,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on='bldid')[['bldid','hhid']]
275 |
df_metric5.rename(columns={'hhid':'metric5'}, inplace=True)
276 |
df_metric5['metric5'] = df_metric5['metric5'].fillna(0).astype(int)
277 |
278 |
#%% metric 6 number of homeless individuals in each building
279 |
df_homeless_individuals = df_household_bld[df_household_bld['ds'] > thresholds['metric6']].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'nind':'sum'})
280 |
df_metric6 = bld_hazard.merge(df_homeless_individuals,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on='bldid')[['bldid','nind']]
281 |
df_metric6.rename(columns={'nind':'metric6'}, inplace=True)
282 |
df_metric6['metric6'] = df_metric6['metric6'].fillna(0).astype(int)
283 |
284 |
#%% metric 7 the number of displaced individuals in each building
285 |
# more info: an individual is displaced if at least of the conditions below hold
286 |
df_disp_per_bld = df_displaced_indiv[(df_displaced_indiv['ds_household'] > thresholds['metric6']) |
287 |
(df_displaced_indiv['ds_school'] > thresholds['metric7']) |
288 |
(df_displaced_indiv['ds_workplace'] > thresholds['metric7']) |
289 |
(df_displaced_indiv['ds_hospital'] > thresholds['metric7'])].groupby('bldid',as_index=False).agg({'individ':'count'})
290 |
df_metric7 = bld_hazard.merge(df_disp_per_bld,how='left',left_on='bldid',right_on='bldid')[['bldid','individ']]
291 |
df_metric7.rename(columns={'individ':'metric7'}, inplace=True)
292 |
df_metric7['metric7'] = df_metric7['metric7'].fillna(0).astype(int)
293 |
294 |
df_metrics = {'metric1': df_metric1,
295 |
'metric2': df_metric2,
296 |
'metric3': df_metric3,
297 |
'metric4': df_metric4,
298 |
'metric5': df_metric5,
299 |
'metric6': df_metric6,
300 |
'metric7': df_metric7}
301 |
302 |
303 |
number_of_workers = len(df_workers.loc[df_workers['indivfacid_2'] > 0])
304 |
print('number of workers', number_of_workers)
305 |
306 |
number_of_students = len(df_workers.loc[df_students['indivfacid_1'] > 0])
307 |
print('number of students', number_of_students)
308 |
309 |
number_of_households = len(df_household)
310 |
print('number of households', number_of_households)
311 |
312 |
number_of_individuals = len(df_individual)
313 |
print('number of individuals', number_of_individuals)
314 |
metrics = {"metric1": {"desc": "Number of workers unemployed", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},
315 |
"metric2": {"desc": "Number of children with no access to education", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},
316 |
"metric3": {"desc": "Number of households with no access to hospital", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},
317 |
"metric4": {"desc": "Number of individuals with no access to hospital", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},
318 |
"metric5": {"desc": "Number of homeless households", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},
319 |
"metric6": {"desc": "Number of homeless individuals", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},
320 |
"metric7": {"desc": "Population displacement", "value": 0, "max_value": number_of_individuals},}
321 |
metrics["metric1"]["value"] = int(df_metric1['metric1'].sum())
322 |
metrics["metric2"]["value"] = int(df_metric2['metric2'].sum())
323 |
metrics["metric3"]["value"] = int(df_metric3['metric3'].sum())
324 |
metrics["metric4"]["value"] = int(df_metric4['metric4'].sum())
325 |
metrics["metric5"]["value"] = int(df_metric5['metric5'].sum())
326 |
metrics["metric6"]["value"] = int(df_metric6['metric6'].sum())
327 |
metrics["metric7"]["value"] = int(df_metric7['metric7'].sum())
328 |
329 |
for key in metrics.keys():
330 |
metrics[key]["value"] = int(metrics[key]["value"] * weights[hazard_type][key])
331 |
332 |
# return to WSG
333 |
return metrics
334 |