Update demo2/pages/
Browse files- demo2/pages/ +701 -701
@@ -1,702 +1,702 @@
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import solara
96 |
import pandas as pd
97 |
import geopandas as gpd
98 |
import ipyleaflet
99 |
from random import uniform
100 |
import random
101 |
import numpy as np
102 |
import json
103 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
104 |
from .engine import run_engine
105 |
106 |
languages = ["EN","TR"]
107 |
lang = solara.reactive("EN")
108 |
109 |
lbl_land_use_btn = [{'EN': 'civil societies',
110 |
'TR': 'sivil toplum'},
111 |
{'EN': 'women',
112 |
'TR': 'kadınlar'},
113 |
{'EN': 'youth',
114 |
'TR': 'gençler'},]
115 |
lbl_maintitle = {'EN': 'Tomorrow\'s Cities Decision Making Simulation','TR': 'Yarının Şehirleri için Karar Verme Simülasyonu'}
116 |
lbl_earthquake= {'EN': 'Earthquake', 'TR': 'Deprem'}
117 |
lbl_flood = {'EN': 'Flood', 'TR': 'Sel'}
118 |
lbl_debris = {'EN': 'Landslide', 'TR': 'Heyelan'}
119 |
lbl_reset = {'EN': 'Reset Simulation', 'TR': 'Simülasyonu Sıfırla'}
120 |
lbl_language = {'EN': 'Language', 'TR': 'Dil'}
121 |
lbl_luf_res_high = {'EN': 'Residential (High Density)', 'TR': 'Yerlesim Alani (Yuksek Yogunluk)'}
122 |
lbl_tv0_map_title = {'EN': '1. Today\'s land use', 'TR': '1. Mevcut plan'}
123 |
lbl_density_map_title = {'EN': '2. Select the potential hazard', 'TR': '2. Olası tehlikeyi seçin'}
124 |
lbl_policy_card_title = {'EN': '4. Select three policies to make your city resillient', 'TR': '4. Şehrinizi dayanıklı hale getirmek için üç politika seçin'}
125 |
lbl_too_many_policy_selected_error = {'EN': 'You cannot select more than three policies',
126 |
'TR': 'Üçten fazla politika seçemezsiniz'}
127 |
lbl_infobox = {'EN': f'''
128 |
Our decisions directly influence our future. It is critical for a
129 |
resilient city life where the decisions at the city scale reduces the disaster risk in the future.
130 |
In this simulation, we calculate possible disaster impacts calculated with Tomorrow's Cities Decision
131 |
Support System (TCDSE). The simulation shows how earthquake and flood hazards that may occur
132 |
in an urban environment affect different urban scenarios. To use the simulation 1) Check land use 2) Select the
133 |
possible hazard 3) Select the possible city scenarios for the future 4) choose policies 5) Run and check the metrics.
134 |
135 |
"TR": f'''
136 |
Aldığımız kararlar, geleceğimizi doğrudan etkilemektedir. Kent ölçeğinde alınan kararların, gelecekte afet riskini azaltacak
137 |
nitelikte olması dayanıklı bir şehir hayatı için önemlidir.
138 |
Bu simülasyonda, Yarının Şehirleri Karar Destek Sistemi (TCDSE) ile hesaplanan olası afet etkilerini hesaplıyoruz. Simülasyon,
139 |
bir kent ortamında meydana gelebilecek deprem ve sel tehlikelerinin, farklı kent senaryolarını nasıl etkilediğini gösteriyor.
140 |
Simülasyonu kullanmak için 1) Mevcut planı inceleyin 2) Olası tehlikeyi seçin 3) Geleceğe dair olası şehir senaryolarını seçin
141 |
4) Politikaları seçin 5) Çalıştırın ve metrikleri inceleyin.'''}
142 |
lbl_infobox_title = {'EN': '', 'TR': ''}
143 |
lbl_landuse_plans_title = {'EN': '3. Future land uses', 'TR': '3. Geleceğin alternatif yerleşim planlarından birini seçin'}
144 |
lbl_run_btn = {'EN': 'RUN', 'TR': 'ÇALIŞTIR'}
145 |
lbl_results_card_title = {'EN': '5. Impact metrics', 'TR': '5. Etki metrikleri'}
146 |
lbl_info1 = {'EN': 'Number of individuals<br>39058', 'TR': 'Kişi Sayısı<br>39058'}
147 |
lbl_info2 = {'EN': 'Number of households<br>10397', 'TR': 'Hane Sayısı<br>10397'}
148 |
lbl_info3 = {'EN': 'Number of buildings<br>4810', 'TR': 'Bina Sayısı<br>4810'}
149 |
lbl_info4 = {'EN': 'Number of schools<br>4', 'TR': 'Okul Sayısı<br>4'}
150 |
lbl_info5 = {'EN': 'Number of hospitals<br>1', 'TR': 'Hastane Sayısı<br>1'}
151 |
#lbl_info6 = {'EN': 'Number of green field<br>', 'TR': 'Yeşil Alan Sayısı<br>'}
152 |
153 |
hazard_types = ["earthquake", "flood", "debris"]
154 |
hazard_type_default = hazard_types[0]
155 |
hazard_type = solara.reactive("earthquake")
156 |
157 |
flood_df = gpd.read_file('hazard_flood.geojson')
158 |
debris_df = gpd.read_file('hazard_debris.geojson')
159 |
earthquake_df = gpd.read_file('hazard_earthquake.geojson')
160 |
161 |
earthquake_df_as_geo = gpd.read_file('hazard_earthquake.geojson')
162 |
163 |
earthquake_df_as_geo = earthquake_df_as_geo.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
164 |
165 |
earthquake_df_as_geo = earthquake_df_as_geo.to_crs(32645)
166 |
167 |
168 |
debris_df_as_geo = gpd.read_file('hazard_debris.geojson')
169 |
debris_df_as_geo = debris_df_as_geo.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
170 |
debris_df_as_geo = debris_df_as_geo.to_crs("EPSG:32645")
171 |
172 |
flood_df_as_geo = gpd.read_file('hazard_flood.geojson')
173 |
flood_df_as_geo = flood_df_as_geo.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
174 |
flood_df_as_geo = flood_df_as_geo.to_crs("EPSG:32645")
175 |
176 |
landuse_tv0_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv0.geojson')
177 |
landuse_tv50_1_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv50_1.geojson')
178 |
landuse_tv50_2_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv50_2.geojson')
179 |
landuse_tv50_3_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv50_3.geojson')
180 |
n_landuses = 3
181 |
182 |
luf_types = pd.unique(landuse_tv0_df['luf'])
183 |
184 |
luf_colors = dict()
185 |
for luf_label in luf_types:
186 |
if luf_label == 'Agricultural Areas':
187 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
188 |
'color': 'black',
189 |
'fillColor': '#ffe665',
190 |
191 |
elif luf_label == 'Urban Green':
192 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
193 |
'color': 'black',
194 |
'fillColor': '#abdda4',
195 |
196 |
elif luf_label == 'Public Service Areas':
197 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
198 |
'color': 'black',
199 |
'fillColor': '#2b83ba',
200 |
201 |
elif luf_label == 'Commercial Areas':
202 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
203 |
'color': 'black',
204 |
'fillColor': '#d42c45',
205 |
206 |
elif luf_label == 'Industrial Areas':
207 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
208 |
'color': 'black',
209 |
'fillColor': '#936ede',
210 |
211 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Low Density':
212 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
213 |
'color': 'black',
214 |
'fillColor': '#be8750',
215 |
216 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Moderate Density':
217 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
218 |
'color': 'black',
219 |
'fillColor': '#a97d51',
220 |
221 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with High Density':
222 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
223 |
'color': 'black',
224 |
'fillColor': '#8c541a',
225 |
226 |
227 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
228 |
'color': 'black',
229 |
'fillColor': random.choice(['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'orange','blue']),
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#1e1e1e'
235 |
plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = '#1e1e1e'
236 |
237 |
#%matplotlib inline
238 |
# for j in range(1, n_landuses+1):
239 |
# df = eval(f'landuse_tv50_{j}_df')
240 |
# title = f'tv50_{j}'
241 |
# for i, row in df.iterrows():
242 |
# df.loc[i, 'color'] = luf_colors[row['luf']]['fillColor']
243 |
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,figsize=(4*1.3, 5*1.3))
244 |
# fig.set_tight_layout(True)
245 |
# fig.patch.set_facecolor('white')
246 |
# #fig.patch.set_alpha(0.7)
247 |
# df.plot(color=df['color'],ax=ax)
248 |
# #ax.set_title(f'{title}')
249 |
# ax.set_xticks([])
250 |
# ax.set_yticks([])
251 |
# plt.savefig(f'landuse_{title}_selected.png')
252 |
253 |
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,figsize=(4*1.3,5*1.3))
254 |
# fig.set_tight_layout(True)
255 |
# #fig.patch.set_facecolor('black')
256 |
# fig.patch.set_alpha(0.0)
257 |
# df.plot(color=df['color'],ax=ax)
258 |
# #ax.set_title(f'{title}')
259 |
# ax.set_xticks([])
260 |
# ax.set_yticks([])
261 |
# plt.savefig(f'landuse_{title}.png')
262 |
263 |
landuse_tv0_json = json.loads(landuse_tv0_df.to_json())
264 |
luf_filtered_data = solara.reactive(landuse_tv0_json)
265 |
266 |
luf_selected = solara.reactive(luf_types)
267 |
luf_type_selected = dict()
268 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
269 |
luf_type_selected[luf_type] = solara.reactive(True)
270 |
271 |
lbl_luf = dict()
272 |
for luf_label in luf_types:
273 |
if luf_label == 'Agricultural Areas':
274 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Agricultural Areas', 'TR': 'Tarım Alanları'}
275 |
elif luf_label == 'Urban Green':
276 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Urban Green & Recreation Areas', 'TR': 'Kentsel Yeşil/Rekreasyon Alanları'}
277 |
elif luf_label == 'Public Service Areas':
278 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Public Service Areas', 'TR': 'Kamu Hizmet Alanları'}
279 |
elif luf_label == 'Commercial Areas':
280 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Commercial & Mixed Use Areas', 'TR': 'Ticari/Karışık Kullanım Alanları'}
281 |
elif luf_label == 'Industrial Areas':
282 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Industrial Areas', 'TR': 'Sanayi Alanları'}
283 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Low Density':
284 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Residential Areas with Low Density', 'TR': 'Düşük Yoğunluklu Konut Alanı'}
285 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Moderate Density':
286 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Residential Areas with Moderate Density', 'TR': 'Orta Yoğunluklu Konut Alanı'}
287 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with High Density':
288 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Residential Areas with High Density', 'TR': 'Yüksek Yoğunluklu Konut Alanı'}
289 |
290 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': luf_label, 'TR': '(TR)'+luf_label}
291 |
292 |
policies = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
293 |
lbl_policy = dict()
294 |
lbl_policy[1] = {'EN': 'Loans for reconstruction for minor to moderate damages',
295 |
'TR': 'Küçük ila orta dereceli hasarlar için yeniden yapılanma kredileri'}
296 |
lbl_policy[2] = {'EN': 'Knowledge sharing about disaster risk reduction in schools',
297 |
'TR': 'Devlet ve özel okullarda afet risklerinin azaltılması hakkında bilgi paylaşımı'}
298 |
lbl_policy[3] = {'EN': 'Catastrophe bond for education/health facilities',
299 |
'TR': 'Eğitim ve sağlık tesislerini yapılandırmak için afet bonosu'}
300 |
lbl_policy[4] = {'EN': 'Repair loan assistance for flooding',
301 |
'TR': 'Sel için onarım kredisi yardımı'}
302 |
lbl_policy[5] = {'EN': 'Technical assistance for debris removal in education facilities',
303 |
'TR': 'Eğitim tesislerinde enkaz kaldırma için teknik yardım'}
304 |
lbl_policy[6] = {'EN': 'Compulsory content insurance for schools and hospitals',
305 |
'TR': 'Okullar ve hastaneler için zorunlu eşya sigortası'}
306 |
#lbl_policy[7] = {'EN': 'Green resilient infrastructure (prevention) & financial support for business recovery', 'TR': 'Politika 7'}
307 |
#lbl_policy[8] = {'EN': 'Green resilient infrastructure (prevention), reinforcement of schools, hospitals & shelters, financial support for affected business & household', 'TR': 'Politika 8'}
308 |
policy_selected = dict()
309 |
for policy in policies:
310 |
policy_selected[policy] = solara.reactive(False)
311 |
last_selected_policies = solara.reactive(set())
312 |
313 |
earthquake_locs = np.array([earthquake_df.geometry.y.to_list(), earthquake_df.geometry.x.to_list(),]).transpose().tolist()
314 |
flood_locs = np.array([flood_df.geometry.y.to_list(), flood_df.geometry.x.to_list(),]).transpose().tolist()
315 |
debris_locs = np.array([debris_df.geometry.y.to_list(), debris_df.geometry.x.to_list(),]).transpose().tolist()
316 |
317 |
hazard_intensities = {
318 |
"earthquake": earthquake_locs,
319 |
"flood": flood_locs,
320 |
"debris": debris_locs
321 |
322 |
323 |
hazard_df = {
324 |
"earthquake": earthquake_df,
325 |
"flood": flood_df,
326 |
"debris": debris_df
327 |
328 |
329 |
hazard_df_as_geo = {
330 |
"earthquake": earthquake_df_as_geo,
331 |
"flood": flood_df_as_geo,
332 |
"debris": debris_df_as_geo
333 |
334 |
335 |
zoom_default = 12
336 |
tv0_zoom = solara.reactive(zoom_default)
337 |
338 |
tv0_center_default = (32.215, 35.21)
339 |
tv0_center = solara.reactive(tv0_center_default)
340 |
341 |
def random_color(feature):
342 |
return luf_colors[feature['properties']['luf']]
343 |
344 |
345 |
def TV0MAP():
346 |
selected_lufs = set()
347 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
348 |
if luf_type_selected[luf_type].value:
349 |
350 |
x = {'type':landuse_tv0_json['type'] }
351 |
x['features'] = []
352 |
for f in landuse_tv0_json['features']:
353 |
if f['properties']['luf'] in selected_lufs:
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
ipyleaflet.basemap_to_tiles(ipyleaflet.basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik), #ipyleaflet.basemaps.Esri.WorldImagery
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
'opacity': 1, 'dashArray': '9', 'fillOpacity':
375 |
376 |
377 |
'color': 'white', 'dashArray': '0', 'fillOpacity': 0.
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
def DensityMap(hazard_type):
385 |
locs = hazard_intensities[hazard_type]
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
run_is_allowed = solara.reactive(True)
411 |
412 |
413 |
def PolicyValidation():
414 |
npolicies_selected = 0
415 |
selected_policies = set()
416 |
for p in policies:
417 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
418 |
419 |
npolicies_selected += 1
420 |
if npolicies_selected > 3:
421 |
422 |
423 |
run_is_allowed.value = False
424 |
# Roll-back to last selection
425 |
#for p in policies:
426 |
# if p in last_selected_policies.value:
427 |
# policy_selected[p].value = True
428 |
# else:
429 |
# policy_selected[p].value = False
430 |
431 |
last_selected_policies.value = selected_policies
432 |
run_is_allowed.value = True
433 |
434 |
landuseplan_selected = solara.reactive(1)
435 |
436 |
lbl_metric1 = {"EN": "Number of workers unemployed", "TR": "İşini kaybedenlerin sayısı"}
437 |
lbl_metric2 = {"EN": "Number of children with no access to education", "TR": "Okula gidemeyen çocuk sayısı"}
438 |
lbl_metric3 = {"EN": "Number of households with no access to hospital", "TR": "Hastane erişimi olmayan hane sayısı"}
439 |
lbl_metric4 = {"EN": "Number of individuals with no access to hospital", "TR": "Hastane erişimi olmayan kişi sayısı"}
440 |
lbl_metric5 = {"EN": "Number of homeless households", "TR": "İşlevsiz kalan hane sayısı"}
441 |
lbl_metric6 = {"EN": "Number of homeless individuals", "TR": "Evsiz kalan sayısı"}
442 |
lbl_metric7 = {"EN": "Population displacement", "TR": "Yer değiştirmek zorunda kalan kişi sayısı"}
443 |
444 |
metrics = {"metric1": {"desc": lbl_metric1, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
445 |
"metric2": {"desc": lbl_metric2, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
446 |
"metric3": {"desc": lbl_metric3, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
447 |
"metric4": {"desc": lbl_metric4, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
448 |
"metric5": {"desc": lbl_metric5, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
449 |
"metric6": {"desc": lbl_metric6, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
450 |
"metric7": {"desc": lbl_metric7, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)}}
451 |
452 |
453 |
def MetricWidget(name, description, value, max_value=10000):
454 |
value, set_value = solara.use_state_or_update(value)
455 |
max_value, set_max_value = solara.use_state_or_update(max_value)
456 |
options = {
457 |
"series": [ {
458 |
"type": 'gauge',
459 |
"min": 0,
460 |
"name": description,
461 |
"max": max(1,max_value), # workaround when max_value = 0
462 |
"startAngle": 180,
463 |
"endAngle": 0,
464 |
"progress": {"show": True, "width": 10, "itemStyle": {"color": 'red'}},
465 |
"pointer": { "show": False},
466 |
"axisLine": {"lineStyle": {"width": 10}},
467 |
"axisTick": {"show": False},
468 |
"splitLine": {"show": False},
469 |
"axisLabel": {"show": False},
470 |
"anchor": {"show": False},
471 |
"title": {"show": False},
472 |
"detail": {
473 |
"valueAnimation": True,
474 |
"offsetCenter": [0, '25%'],
475 |
"fontSize": 16,
476 |
"color": 'white'},
477 |
#"title": {"fontSize": 12},
478 |
"data": [{"value": value, "name": name}]}]}
479 |
print(f'value/max_value {value}:{max_value}')
480 |
481 |
solara.FigureEcharts(option=options, attributes={ "style": "height: 100px; width: 100px" })
482 |
483 |
484 |
def MetricsPanel(metrics):
485 |
486 |
with solara.Columns([33,33,33]):
487 |
with solara.Column(align="center", gap="2px"):
488 |
for key in ["metric1","metric2"]:
489 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
490 |
491 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
492 |
with solara.Column(align="center", gap="2px"):
493 |
for key in ["metric3","metric4"]:
494 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
495 |
496 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
497 |
with solara.Column(align="center", gap="2px"):
498 |
for key in ["metric6","metric7"]:
499 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
500 |
501 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
502 |
503 |
with solara.GridFixed(columns=3):
504 |
for key in ["metric2","metric4","metric7"]:
505 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
506 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
507 |
508 |
for key in ["metric2","metric4","metric7"]:
509 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
510 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
511 |
# for key in ["metric4","metric6","metric7"]:
512 |
# with solara.Row(justify="center"):
513 |
# MetricWidget(key,metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
514 |
# max_value=metrics[key]["max_value"].value)
515 |
# for key in ["metric4","metric6","metric7"]:
516 |
# with solara.Row(justify="center"):
517 |
# solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
518 |
519 |
520 |
def run_simulation():
521 |
print("Running simulation")
522 |
print(f"Selected landuse plans: {landuseplan_selected.value}")
523 |
selected_policies = set()
524 |
for p in policies:
525 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
526 |
527 |
print(f"Selected policies: {selected_policies}")
528 |
529 |
new_metrics = run_engine(hazard_type.value,
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
for key in new_metrics.keys():
534 |
metrics[key]["value"].value = new_metrics[key]["value"]
535 |
metrics[key]["max_value"].value = new_metrics[key]["max_value"]
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
def LandUsePlans():
541 |
for p in policies:
542 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
543 |
print(p, 'selected')
544 |
545 |
for p in policies:
546 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
547 |
print(p, 'selected')
548 |
549 |
#with solara.Column(gap="2px"):
550 |
# with solara.Columns([2,32,32,32,2]):
551 |
# solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML="")
552 |
# for i in range(1, n_landuses+1):
553 |
# if landuseplan_selected.value == i:
554 |
# solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i}_selected.png", width="230px")
555 |
# else:
556 |
# solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i}.png",width="230px")
557 |
# solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML="")
558 |
# with solara.Row():
559 |
# with solara.ToggleButtonsSingle(value=landuseplan_selected):
560 |
# for i in range(0, n_landuses):
561 |
# solara.Button(lbl_land_use_btn[i][lang.value], value=i+1, text=True, style="width: 320px; height: 26px")
562 |
563 |
564 |
def landuse_1():
565 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 1
566 |
567 |
def landuse_2():
568 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 2
569 |
570 |
def landuse_3():
571 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 3
572 |
573 |
funcs = {1: landuse_1, 2: landuse_2, 3: landuse_3}
574 |
575 |
butons = []
576 |
with solara.Columns([32,32,32]):
577 |
for i in range(0, n_landuses):
578 |
with solara.Column():
579 |
if landuseplan_selected.value == i + 1:
580 |
solara.Button(lbl_land_use_btn[i][lang.value], value=i+1,
581 |
text=True, on_click=funcs[i+1], style="background-color: #545454; height: 26px")
582 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
583 |
solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i+1}_selected.png", width="100%")
584 |
585 |
586 |
solara.Button(lbl_land_use_btn[i][lang.value], value=i+1,
587 |
text=True, on_click=funcs[i+1], style="height: 26px")
588 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
589 |
solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i+1}.png", width="100%")
590 |
591 |
592 |
def Page():
593 |
def reset_view():
594 |
tv0_zoom.value = zoom_default
595 |
tv0_center.value = tv0_center_default
596 |
hazard_type.value = hazard_type_default
597 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
598 |
luf_type_selected[luf_type].value = True
599 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 1
600 |
601 |
602 |
with solara.Columns([1,98,1]):
603 |
604 |
with solara.Column():
605 |
with solara.Columns(([15,15,45,20,10]), style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"):
606 |
607 |
with solara.Column():
608 |
609 |
#solara.Button(label=lbl_reset[lang.value], on_click=reset_view, style="height: 26px;")
610 |
611 |
with solara.Column():
612 |
613 |
with solara.ToggleButtonsSingle(value=lang):
614 |
solara.Button(label="EN", value="EN", text=True,classes=["langbutton"],style="height: 26px;")
615 |
solara.Button(label="TR", value="TR", text=True,classes=["langbutton"],style="height: 26px;")
616 |
with solara.Columns([50,50]):
617 |
with solara.Column(gap="2px"):
618 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_tv0_map_title[lang.value]):
619 |
with solara.Columns([50,25,25], classes=["mycol"]):
620 |
621 |
with solara.Column(gap="13px"):
622 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
623 |
with solara.Row():
624 |
625 |
# color=luf_colors[luf_type]['fillColor'],
626 |
# classes=["lufbox"])
627 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=" ",
628 |
style=f"margin: 1px; background-color: {luf_colors[luf_type]['fillColor']};")
629 |
630 |
style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;")
631 |
632 |
# style="margin-top: 0px; line-height: 80%;")
633 |
with solara.Column(gap="20px"):
634 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info1[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
635 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info2[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
636 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info3[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
637 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info4[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
638 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info5[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
639 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_infobox_title[lang.value], style={"text-align": "justify"}):
640 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_infobox[lang.value], classes=["infobox"])
641 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_density_map_title[lang.value]):
642 |
with solara.Columns([30,30,30]):
643 |
with solara.Column():
644 |
if hazard_type.value == "earthquake":
645 |
bgcolor = "background-color: #545454;"
646 |
647 |
bgcolor = ""
648 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
649 |
solara.Button(lbl_earthquake[lang.value], value="earthquake", text=True, on_click=lambda: hazard_type.set("earthquake"), style=f"{bgcolor} width: 100%; height: 26px")
650 |
# DensityMap("earthquake")
651 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
652 |
653 |
with solara.Column():
654 |
if hazard_type.value == "flood":
655 |
bgcolor = "background-color: #545454;"
656 |
657 |
bgcolor = ""
658 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
659 |
solara.Button(lbl_flood[lang.value], value="flood", text=True, on_click=lambda: hazard_type.set("flood"), style=f"{bgcolor} width: 100%; height: 26px")
660 |
# DensityMap("flood")
661 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
662 |
663 |
# with solara.Column():
664 |
# if hazard_type.value == "debris":
665 |
# bgcolor = "background-color: #545454;"
666 |
# else:
667 |
# bgcolor = ""
668 |
# with solara.Row(justify="center"):
669 |
# solara.Button(lbl_debris[lang.value], value="debris", text=True, on_click=lambda: hazard_type.set("debris"), style=f"{bgcolor} width: 200px; height: 26px")
670 |
# DensityMap("debris")
671 |
#with solara.Columns([30,30,30]):
672 |
# DensityMap("earthquake")
673 |
# DensityMap("flood")
674 |
# DensityMap("debris")
675 |
with solara.Column(gap="2px"):
676 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_landuse_plans_title[lang.value]):
677 |
678 |
with solara.Card(lbl_policy_card_title[lang.value]):
679 |
with solara.GridFixed(columns=1,row_gap="2px", column_gap="2px"):
680 |
for p in policies:
681 |
solara.Checkbox(label=lbl_policy[p][lang.value],value=policy_selected[p], style="font-size: 15px")
682 |
solara.Button(label=lbl_run_btn[lang.value],on_click=run_simulation, disabled=not run_is_allowed.value, style="height: 50px")
683 |
684 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_results_card_title[lang.value]):
685 |
686 |
687 |
solara.Title("Tomorrow's Cities Demo")
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
def Layout(children):
692 |
# if you need the normal applayout
693 |
# layout = solara.AppLayout(children=children, style)
694 |
layout = solara.Div(children=children, style={"width": "100%", "min-height": "100vh"})
695 |
696 |
def log(*args):
697 |
print("stop doing that!")
698 |
699 |
#solara.v.use_event(layout, "contextmenu.prevent", log)
700 |
return layout
701 |
702 |
1 |
2 |
css = """
3 |
4 |
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5 |
font-family: 'Open Sans';
6 |
font-style: normal;
7 |
font-weight: 400;
8 |
font-stretch: 100%;
9 |
font-display: swap;
10 |
src: url('/static/public/open-sans.regular.ttf') format('truetype');
11 |
12 |
13 |
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14 |
font-family: 'Museo 900';
15 |
src: url('/static/public/Museo900-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'),
16 |
url('/static/public/Museo900-Regular.woff') format('woff');
17 |
font-weight: 900;
18 |
font-style: normal;
19 |
font-display: swap;
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
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24 |
font-family: 'Museo 700';
25 |
src: url('/static/public/Museo700-Regular.woff2') format('woff2')
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
.v-application {
30 |
font-family: 'Open Sans'
31 |
32 |
33 |
.v-card__title {
34 |
padding: 2px;
35 |
font-family: 'Museo 900'
36 |
37 |
38 |
.v-application .ma-2 {
39 |
margin: 2px!important;
40 |
41 |
42 |
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43 |
display: none;
44 |
45 |
.v-btn__content {
46 |
font-size: 12px;
47 |
48 |
49 |
.v-input__control {
50 |
height: 24px
51 |
52 |
53 |
.jupyter-widgets.leaflet-widgets {
54 |
height: 280px;
55 |
overflow: hidden;
56 |
57 |
58 |
.col {
59 |
overflow: hidden;
60 |
61 |
62 |
.v-card__title {
63 |
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64 |
text-color: "orange";
65 |
66 |
67 |
label.v-label.theme--dark {
68 |
font-size: 14px;
69 |
line-height: 100%;
70 |
71 |
72 |
.metricdesc {
73 |
font-size: 15px;
74 |
margin-top: -30px;
75 |
text-align: center;
76 |
77 |
.infobox {
78 |
font-size: 14px;
79 |
line-height: 110%;
80 |
81 |
82 |
.infoitem {
83 |
font-size: 12px;
84 |
line-height: 110%;
85 |
86 |
87 |
.maintitle {
88 |
font-family: 'Museo 900';
89 |
font-size: 30px;
90 |
text-align: center;
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
import solara
96 |
import pandas as pd
97 |
import geopandas as gpd
98 |
import ipyleaflet
99 |
from random import uniform
100 |
import random
101 |
import numpy as np
102 |
import json
103 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
104 |
from .engine import run_engine
105 |
106 |
languages = ["EN","TR"]
107 |
lang = solara.reactive("EN")
108 |
109 |
lbl_land_use_btn = [{'EN': 'civil societies',
110 |
'TR': 'sivil toplum'},
111 |
{'EN': 'women',
112 |
'TR': 'kadınlar'},
113 |
{'EN': 'youth',
114 |
'TR': 'gençler'},]
115 |
lbl_maintitle = {'EN': 'Tomorrow\'s Cities Decision Making Simulation','TR': 'Yarının Şehirleri için Karar Verme Simülasyonu'}
116 |
lbl_earthquake= {'EN': 'Earthquake', 'TR': 'Deprem'}
117 |
lbl_flood = {'EN': 'Flood', 'TR': 'Sel'}
118 |
lbl_debris = {'EN': 'Landslide', 'TR': 'Heyelan'}
119 |
lbl_reset = {'EN': 'Reset Simulation', 'TR': 'Simülasyonu Sıfırla'}
120 |
lbl_language = {'EN': 'Language', 'TR': 'Dil'}
121 |
lbl_luf_res_high = {'EN': 'Residential (High Density)', 'TR': 'Yerlesim Alani (Yuksek Yogunluk)'}
122 |
lbl_tv0_map_title = {'EN': '1. Today\'s land use', 'TR': '1. Mevcut plan'}
123 |
lbl_density_map_title = {'EN': '2. Select the potential hazard', 'TR': '2. Olası tehlikeyi seçin'}
124 |
lbl_policy_card_title = {'EN': '4. Select three policies to make your city resillient', 'TR': '4. Şehrinizi dayanıklı hale getirmek için üç politika seçin'}
125 |
lbl_too_many_policy_selected_error = {'EN': 'You cannot select more than three policies',
126 |
'TR': 'Üçten fazla politika seçemezsiniz'}
127 |
lbl_infobox = {'EN': f'''
128 |
Our decisions directly influence our future. It is critical for a
129 |
resilient city life where the decisions at the city scale reduces the disaster risk in the future.
130 |
In this simulation, we calculate possible disaster impacts calculated with Tomorrow's Cities Decision
131 |
Support System (TCDSE). The simulation shows how earthquake and flood hazards that may occur
132 |
in an urban environment affect different urban scenarios. To use the simulation 1) Check land use 2) Select the
133 |
possible hazard 3) Select the possible city scenarios for the future 4) choose policies 5) Run and check the metrics.
134 |
135 |
"TR": f'''
136 |
Aldığımız kararlar, geleceğimizi doğrudan etkilemektedir. Kent ölçeğinde alınan kararların, gelecekte afet riskini azaltacak
137 |
nitelikte olması dayanıklı bir şehir hayatı için önemlidir.
138 |
Bu simülasyonda, Yarının Şehirleri Karar Destek Sistemi (TCDSE) ile hesaplanan olası afet etkilerini hesaplıyoruz. Simülasyon,
139 |
bir kent ortamında meydana gelebilecek deprem ve sel tehlikelerinin, farklı kent senaryolarını nasıl etkilediğini gösteriyor.
140 |
Simülasyonu kullanmak için 1) Mevcut planı inceleyin 2) Olası tehlikeyi seçin 3) Geleceğe dair olası şehir senaryolarını seçin
141 |
4) Politikaları seçin 5) Çalıştırın ve metrikleri inceleyin.'''}
142 |
lbl_infobox_title = {'EN': '', 'TR': ''}
143 |
lbl_landuse_plans_title = {'EN': '3. Future land uses', 'TR': '3. Geleceğin alternatif yerleşim planlarından birini seçin'}
144 |
lbl_run_btn = {'EN': 'RUN', 'TR': 'ÇALIŞTIR'}
145 |
lbl_results_card_title = {'EN': '5. Impact metrics', 'TR': '5. Etki metrikleri'}
146 |
lbl_info1 = {'EN': 'Number of individuals<br>39058', 'TR': 'Kişi Sayısı<br>39058'}
147 |
lbl_info2 = {'EN': 'Number of households<br>10397', 'TR': 'Hane Sayısı<br>10397'}
148 |
lbl_info3 = {'EN': 'Number of buildings<br>4810', 'TR': 'Bina Sayısı<br>4810'}
149 |
lbl_info4 = {'EN': 'Number of schools<br>4', 'TR': 'Okul Sayısı<br>4'}
150 |
lbl_info5 = {'EN': 'Number of hospitals<br>1', 'TR': 'Hastane Sayısı<br>1'}
151 |
#lbl_info6 = {'EN': 'Number of green field<br>', 'TR': 'Yeşil Alan Sayısı<br>'}
152 |
153 |
hazard_types = ["earthquake", "flood", "debris"]
154 |
hazard_type_default = hazard_types[0]
155 |
hazard_type = solara.reactive("earthquake")
156 |
157 |
flood_df = gpd.read_file('hazard_flood.geojson')
158 |
debris_df = gpd.read_file('hazard_debris.geojson')
159 |
earthquake_df = gpd.read_file('hazard_earthquake.geojson')
160 |
161 |
earthquake_df_as_geo = gpd.read_file('hazard_earthquake.geojson')
162 |
163 |
earthquake_df_as_geo = earthquake_df_as_geo.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
164 |
165 |
earthquake_df_as_geo = earthquake_df_as_geo.to_crs(32645)
166 |
167 |
168 |
debris_df_as_geo = gpd.read_file('hazard_debris.geojson')
169 |
debris_df_as_geo = debris_df_as_geo.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
170 |
debris_df_as_geo = debris_df_as_geo.to_crs("EPSG:32645")
171 |
172 |
flood_df_as_geo = gpd.read_file('hazard_flood.geojson')
173 |
flood_df_as_geo = flood_df_as_geo.set_crs("EPSG:4326",allow_override=True)
174 |
flood_df_as_geo = flood_df_as_geo.to_crs("EPSG:32645")
175 |
176 |
landuse_tv0_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv0.geojson')
177 |
landuse_tv50_1_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv50_1.geojson')
178 |
landuse_tv50_2_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv50_2.geojson')
179 |
landuse_tv50_3_df = gpd.read_file('landuse_tv50_3.geojson')
180 |
n_landuses = 3
181 |
182 |
luf_types = pd.unique(landuse_tv0_df['luf'])
183 |
184 |
luf_colors = dict()
185 |
for luf_label in luf_types:
186 |
if luf_label == 'Agricultural Areas':
187 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
188 |
'color': 'black',
189 |
'fillColor': '#ffe665',
190 |
191 |
elif luf_label == 'Urban Green':
192 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
193 |
'color': 'black',
194 |
'fillColor': '#abdda4',
195 |
196 |
elif luf_label == 'Public Service Areas':
197 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
198 |
'color': 'black',
199 |
'fillColor': '#2b83ba',
200 |
201 |
elif luf_label == 'Commercial Areas':
202 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
203 |
'color': 'black',
204 |
'fillColor': '#d42c45',
205 |
206 |
elif luf_label == 'Industrial Areas':
207 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
208 |
'color': 'black',
209 |
'fillColor': '#936ede',
210 |
211 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Low Density':
212 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
213 |
'color': 'black',
214 |
'fillColor': '#be8750',
215 |
216 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Moderate Density':
217 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
218 |
'color': 'black',
219 |
'fillColor': '#a97d51',
220 |
221 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with High Density':
222 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
223 |
'color': 'black',
224 |
'fillColor': '#8c541a',
225 |
226 |
227 |
luf_colors[luf_label] = {
228 |
'color': 'black',
229 |
'fillColor': random.choice(['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'orange','blue']),
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = '#1e1e1e'
235 |
plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = '#1e1e1e'
236 |
237 |
#%matplotlib inline
238 |
# for j in range(1, n_landuses+1):
239 |
# df = eval(f'landuse_tv50_{j}_df')
240 |
# title = f'tv50_{j}'
241 |
# for i, row in df.iterrows():
242 |
# df.loc[i, 'color'] = luf_colors[row['luf']]['fillColor']
243 |
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,figsize=(4*1.3, 5*1.3))
244 |
# fig.set_tight_layout(True)
245 |
# fig.patch.set_facecolor('white')
246 |
# #fig.patch.set_alpha(0.7)
247 |
# df.plot(color=df['color'],ax=ax)
248 |
# #ax.set_title(f'{title}')
249 |
# ax.set_xticks([])
250 |
# ax.set_yticks([])
251 |
# plt.savefig(f'landuse_{title}_selected.png')
252 |
253 |
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,figsize=(4*1.3,5*1.3))
254 |
# fig.set_tight_layout(True)
255 |
# #fig.patch.set_facecolor('black')
256 |
# fig.patch.set_alpha(0.0)
257 |
# df.plot(color=df['color'],ax=ax)
258 |
# #ax.set_title(f'{title}')
259 |
# ax.set_xticks([])
260 |
# ax.set_yticks([])
261 |
# plt.savefig(f'landuse_{title}.png')
262 |
263 |
landuse_tv0_json = json.loads(landuse_tv0_df.to_json())
264 |
luf_filtered_data = solara.reactive(landuse_tv0_json)
265 |
266 |
luf_selected = solara.reactive(luf_types)
267 |
luf_type_selected = dict()
268 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
269 |
luf_type_selected[luf_type] = solara.reactive(True)
270 |
271 |
lbl_luf = dict()
272 |
for luf_label in luf_types:
273 |
if luf_label == 'Agricultural Areas':
274 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Agricultural Areas', 'TR': 'Tarım Alanları'}
275 |
elif luf_label == 'Urban Green':
276 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Urban Green & Recreation Areas', 'TR': 'Kentsel Yeşil/Rekreasyon Alanları'}
277 |
elif luf_label == 'Public Service Areas':
278 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Public Service Areas', 'TR': 'Kamu Hizmet Alanları'}
279 |
elif luf_label == 'Commercial Areas':
280 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Commercial & Mixed Use Areas', 'TR': 'Ticari/Karışık Kullanım Alanları'}
281 |
elif luf_label == 'Industrial Areas':
282 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Industrial Areas', 'TR': 'Sanayi Alanları'}
283 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Low Density':
284 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Residential Areas with Low Density', 'TR': 'Düşük Yoğunluklu Konut Alanı'}
285 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with Moderate Density':
286 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Residential Areas with Moderate Density', 'TR': 'Orta Yoğunluklu Konut Alanı'}
287 |
elif luf_label == 'Residential Areas with High Density':
288 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': 'Residential Areas with High Density', 'TR': 'Yüksek Yoğunluklu Konut Alanı'}
289 |
290 |
lbl_luf[luf_label] = {'EN': luf_label, 'TR': '(TR)'+luf_label}
291 |
292 |
policies = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
293 |
lbl_policy = dict()
294 |
lbl_policy[1] = {'EN': 'Loans for reconstruction for minor to moderate damages',
295 |
'TR': 'Küçük ila orta dereceli hasarlar için yeniden yapılanma kredileri'}
296 |
lbl_policy[2] = {'EN': 'Knowledge sharing about disaster risk reduction in schools',
297 |
'TR': 'Devlet ve özel okullarda afet risklerinin azaltılması hakkında bilgi paylaşımı'}
298 |
lbl_policy[3] = {'EN': 'Catastrophe bond for education/health facilities',
299 |
'TR': 'Eğitim ve sağlık tesislerini yapılandırmak için afet bonosu'}
300 |
lbl_policy[4] = {'EN': 'Repair loan assistance for flooding',
301 |
'TR': 'Sel için onarım kredisi yardımı'}
302 |
lbl_policy[5] = {'EN': 'Technical assistance for debris removal in education facilities',
303 |
'TR': 'Eğitim tesislerinde enkaz kaldırma için teknik yardım'}
304 |
lbl_policy[6] = {'EN': 'Compulsory content insurance for schools and hospitals',
305 |
'TR': 'Okullar ve hastaneler için zorunlu eşya sigortası'}
306 |
#lbl_policy[7] = {'EN': 'Green resilient infrastructure (prevention) & financial support for business recovery', 'TR': 'Politika 7'}
307 |
#lbl_policy[8] = {'EN': 'Green resilient infrastructure (prevention), reinforcement of schools, hospitals & shelters, financial support for affected business & household', 'TR': 'Politika 8'}
308 |
policy_selected = dict()
309 |
for policy in policies:
310 |
policy_selected[policy] = solara.reactive(False)
311 |
last_selected_policies = solara.reactive(set())
312 |
313 |
earthquake_locs = np.array([earthquake_df.geometry.y.to_list(), earthquake_df.geometry.x.to_list(),]).transpose().tolist()
314 |
flood_locs = np.array([flood_df.geometry.y.to_list(), flood_df.geometry.x.to_list(),]).transpose().tolist()
315 |
debris_locs = np.array([debris_df.geometry.y.to_list(), debris_df.geometry.x.to_list(),]).transpose().tolist()
316 |
317 |
hazard_intensities = {
318 |
"earthquake": earthquake_locs,
319 |
"flood": flood_locs,
320 |
"debris": debris_locs
321 |
322 |
323 |
hazard_df = {
324 |
"earthquake": earthquake_df,
325 |
"flood": flood_df,
326 |
"debris": debris_df
327 |
328 |
329 |
hazard_df_as_geo = {
330 |
"earthquake": earthquake_df_as_geo,
331 |
"flood": flood_df_as_geo,
332 |
"debris": debris_df_as_geo
333 |
334 |
335 |
zoom_default = 12
336 |
tv0_zoom = solara.reactive(zoom_default)
337 |
338 |
tv0_center_default = (32.215, 35.21)
339 |
tv0_center = solara.reactive(tv0_center_default)
340 |
341 |
def random_color(feature):
342 |
return luf_colors[feature['properties']['luf']]
343 |
344 |
345 |
def TV0MAP():
346 |
selected_lufs = set()
347 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
348 |
if luf_type_selected[luf_type].value:
349 |
350 |
x = {'type':landuse_tv0_json['type'] }
351 |
x['features'] = []
352 |
for f in landuse_tv0_json['features']:
353 |
if f['properties']['luf'] in selected_lufs:
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
ipyleaflet.basemap_to_tiles(ipyleaflet.basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik), #ipyleaflet.basemaps.Esri.WorldImagery
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
'opacity': 1, 'dashArray': '9', 'fillOpacity': 1, 'weight': 1
375 |
376 |
377 |
'color': 'white', 'dashArray': '0', 'fillOpacity': 0.8
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
def DensityMap(hazard_type):
385 |
locs = hazard_intensities[hazard_type]
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
run_is_allowed = solara.reactive(True)
411 |
412 |
413 |
def PolicyValidation():
414 |
npolicies_selected = 0
415 |
selected_policies = set()
416 |
for p in policies:
417 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
418 |
419 |
npolicies_selected += 1
420 |
if npolicies_selected > 3:
421 |
422 |
423 |
run_is_allowed.value = False
424 |
# Roll-back to last selection
425 |
#for p in policies:
426 |
# if p in last_selected_policies.value:
427 |
# policy_selected[p].value = True
428 |
# else:
429 |
# policy_selected[p].value = False
430 |
431 |
last_selected_policies.value = selected_policies
432 |
run_is_allowed.value = True
433 |
434 |
landuseplan_selected = solara.reactive(1)
435 |
436 |
lbl_metric1 = {"EN": "Number of workers unemployed", "TR": "İşini kaybedenlerin sayısı"}
437 |
lbl_metric2 = {"EN": "Number of children with no access to education", "TR": "Okula gidemeyen çocuk sayısı"}
438 |
lbl_metric3 = {"EN": "Number of households with no access to hospital", "TR": "Hastane erişimi olmayan hane sayısı"}
439 |
lbl_metric4 = {"EN": "Number of individuals with no access to hospital", "TR": "Hastane erişimi olmayan kişi sayısı"}
440 |
lbl_metric5 = {"EN": "Number of homeless households", "TR": "İşlevsiz kalan hane sayısı"}
441 |
lbl_metric6 = {"EN": "Number of homeless individuals", "TR": "Evsiz kalan sayısı"}
442 |
lbl_metric7 = {"EN": "Population displacement", "TR": "Yer değiştirmek zorunda kalan kişi sayısı"}
443 |
444 |
metrics = {"metric1": {"desc": lbl_metric1, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
445 |
"metric2": {"desc": lbl_metric2, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
446 |
"metric3": {"desc": lbl_metric3, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
447 |
"metric4": {"desc": lbl_metric4, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
448 |
"metric5": {"desc": lbl_metric5, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
449 |
"metric6": {"desc": lbl_metric6, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)},
450 |
"metric7": {"desc": lbl_metric7, "value": solara.reactive(0), "max_value": solara.reactive(0)}}
451 |
452 |
453 |
def MetricWidget(name, description, value, max_value=10000):
454 |
value, set_value = solara.use_state_or_update(value)
455 |
max_value, set_max_value = solara.use_state_or_update(max_value)
456 |
options = {
457 |
"series": [ {
458 |
"type": 'gauge',
459 |
"min": 0,
460 |
"name": description,
461 |
"max": max(1,max_value), # workaround when max_value = 0
462 |
"startAngle": 180,
463 |
"endAngle": 0,
464 |
"progress": {"show": True, "width": 10, "itemStyle": {"color": 'red'}},
465 |
"pointer": { "show": False},
466 |
"axisLine": {"lineStyle": {"width": 10}},
467 |
"axisTick": {"show": False},
468 |
"splitLine": {"show": False},
469 |
"axisLabel": {"show": False},
470 |
"anchor": {"show": False},
471 |
"title": {"show": False},
472 |
"detail": {
473 |
"valueAnimation": True,
474 |
"offsetCenter": [0, '25%'],
475 |
"fontSize": 16,
476 |
"color": 'white'},
477 |
#"title": {"fontSize": 12},
478 |
"data": [{"value": value, "name": name}]}]}
479 |
print(f'value/max_value {value}:{max_value}')
480 |
481 |
solara.FigureEcharts(option=options, attributes={ "style": "height: 100px; width: 100px" })
482 |
483 |
484 |
def MetricsPanel(metrics):
485 |
486 |
with solara.Columns([33,33,33]):
487 |
with solara.Column(align="center", gap="2px"):
488 |
for key in ["metric1","metric2"]:
489 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
490 |
491 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
492 |
with solara.Column(align="center", gap="2px"):
493 |
for key in ["metric3","metric4"]:
494 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
495 |
496 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
497 |
with solara.Column(align="center", gap="2px"):
498 |
for key in ["metric6","metric7"]:
499 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
500 |
501 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
502 |
503 |
with solara.GridFixed(columns=3):
504 |
for key in ["metric2","metric4","metric7"]:
505 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
506 |
MetricWidget(key, metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
507 |
508 |
for key in ["metric2","metric4","metric7"]:
509 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
510 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
511 |
# for key in ["metric4","metric6","metric7"]:
512 |
# with solara.Row(justify="center"):
513 |
# MetricWidget(key,metrics[key]["desc"], metrics[key]["value"].value,
514 |
# max_value=metrics[key]["max_value"].value)
515 |
# for key in ["metric4","metric6","metric7"]:
516 |
# with solara.Row(justify="center"):
517 |
# solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=metrics[key]["desc"][lang.value], classes=["metricdesc"])
518 |
519 |
520 |
def run_simulation():
521 |
print("Running simulation")
522 |
print(f"Selected landuse plans: {landuseplan_selected.value}")
523 |
selected_policies = set()
524 |
for p in policies:
525 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
526 |
527 |
print(f"Selected policies: {selected_policies}")
528 |
529 |
new_metrics = run_engine(hazard_type.value,
530 |
531 |
532 |
533 |
for key in new_metrics.keys():
534 |
metrics[key]["value"].value = new_metrics[key]["value"]
535 |
metrics[key]["max_value"].value = new_metrics[key]["max_value"]
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
def LandUsePlans():
541 |
for p in policies:
542 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
543 |
print(p, 'selected')
544 |
545 |
for p in policies:
546 |
if policy_selected[p].value:
547 |
print(p, 'selected')
548 |
549 |
#with solara.Column(gap="2px"):
550 |
# with solara.Columns([2,32,32,32,2]):
551 |
# solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML="")
552 |
# for i in range(1, n_landuses+1):
553 |
# if landuseplan_selected.value == i:
554 |
# solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i}_selected.png", width="230px")
555 |
# else:
556 |
# solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i}.png",width="230px")
557 |
# solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML="")
558 |
# with solara.Row():
559 |
# with solara.ToggleButtonsSingle(value=landuseplan_selected):
560 |
# for i in range(0, n_landuses):
561 |
# solara.Button(lbl_land_use_btn[i][lang.value], value=i+1, text=True, style="width: 320px; height: 26px")
562 |
563 |
564 |
def landuse_1():
565 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 1
566 |
567 |
def landuse_2():
568 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 2
569 |
570 |
def landuse_3():
571 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 3
572 |
573 |
funcs = {1: landuse_1, 2: landuse_2, 3: landuse_3}
574 |
575 |
butons = []
576 |
with solara.Columns([32,32,32]):
577 |
for i in range(0, n_landuses):
578 |
with solara.Column():
579 |
if landuseplan_selected.value == i + 1:
580 |
solara.Button(lbl_land_use_btn[i][lang.value], value=i+1,
581 |
text=True, on_click=funcs[i+1], style="background-color: #545454; height: 26px")
582 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
583 |
solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i+1}_selected.png", width="100%")
584 |
585 |
586 |
solara.Button(lbl_land_use_btn[i][lang.value], value=i+1,
587 |
text=True, on_click=funcs[i+1], style="height: 26px")
588 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
589 |
solara.Image(f"landuse_tv50_{i+1}.png", width="100%")
590 |
591 |
592 |
def Page():
593 |
def reset_view():
594 |
tv0_zoom.value = zoom_default
595 |
tv0_center.value = tv0_center_default
596 |
hazard_type.value = hazard_type_default
597 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
598 |
luf_type_selected[luf_type].value = True
599 |
landuseplan_selected.value = 1
600 |
601 |
602 |
with solara.Columns([1,98,1]):
603 |
604 |
with solara.Column():
605 |
with solara.Columns(([15,15,45,20,10]), style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"):
606 |
607 |
with solara.Column():
608 |
609 |
#solara.Button(label=lbl_reset[lang.value], on_click=reset_view, style="height: 26px;")
610 |
611 |
with solara.Column():
612 |
613 |
with solara.ToggleButtonsSingle(value=lang):
614 |
solara.Button(label="EN", value="EN", text=True,classes=["langbutton"],style="height: 26px;")
615 |
solara.Button(label="TR", value="TR", text=True,classes=["langbutton"],style="height: 26px;")
616 |
with solara.Columns([50,50]):
617 |
with solara.Column(gap="2px"):
618 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_tv0_map_title[lang.value]):
619 |
with solara.Columns([50,25,25], classes=["mycol"]):
620 |
621 |
with solara.Column(gap="13px"):
622 |
for luf_type in luf_types:
623 |
with solara.Row():
624 |
625 |
# color=luf_colors[luf_type]['fillColor'],
626 |
# classes=["lufbox"])
627 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=" ",
628 |
style=f"margin: 1px; background-color: {luf_colors[luf_type]['fillColor']};")
629 |
630 |
style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;")
631 |
632 |
# style="margin-top: 0px; line-height: 80%;")
633 |
with solara.Column(gap="20px"):
634 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info1[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
635 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info2[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
636 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info3[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
637 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info4[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
638 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_info5[lang.value], classes=["infoitem"])
639 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_infobox_title[lang.value], style={"text-align": "justify"}):
640 |
solara.HTML(unsafe_innerHTML=lbl_infobox[lang.value], classes=["infobox"])
641 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_density_map_title[lang.value]):
642 |
with solara.Columns([30,30,30]):
643 |
with solara.Column():
644 |
if hazard_type.value == "earthquake":
645 |
bgcolor = "background-color: #545454;"
646 |
647 |
bgcolor = ""
648 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
649 |
solara.Button(lbl_earthquake[lang.value], value="earthquake", text=True, on_click=lambda: hazard_type.set("earthquake"), style=f"{bgcolor} width: 100%; height: 26px")
650 |
# DensityMap("earthquake")
651 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
652 |
653 |
with solara.Column():
654 |
if hazard_type.value == "flood":
655 |
bgcolor = "background-color: #545454;"
656 |
657 |
bgcolor = ""
658 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
659 |
solara.Button(lbl_flood[lang.value], value="flood", text=True, on_click=lambda: hazard_type.set("flood"), style=f"{bgcolor} width: 100%; height: 26px")
660 |
# DensityMap("flood")
661 |
with solara.Row(justify="center"):
662 |
663 |
# with solara.Column():
664 |
# if hazard_type.value == "debris":
665 |
# bgcolor = "background-color: #545454;"
666 |
# else:
667 |
# bgcolor = ""
668 |
# with solara.Row(justify="center"):
669 |
# solara.Button(lbl_debris[lang.value], value="debris", text=True, on_click=lambda: hazard_type.set("debris"), style=f"{bgcolor} width: 200px; height: 26px")
670 |
# DensityMap("debris")
671 |
#with solara.Columns([30,30,30]):
672 |
# DensityMap("earthquake")
673 |
# DensityMap("flood")
674 |
# DensityMap("debris")
675 |
with solara.Column(gap="2px"):
676 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_landuse_plans_title[lang.value]):
677 |
678 |
with solara.Card(lbl_policy_card_title[lang.value]):
679 |
with solara.GridFixed(columns=1,row_gap="2px", column_gap="2px"):
680 |
for p in policies:
681 |
solara.Checkbox(label=lbl_policy[p][lang.value],value=policy_selected[p], style="font-size: 15px")
682 |
solara.Button(label=lbl_run_btn[lang.value],on_click=run_simulation, disabled=not run_is_allowed.value, style="height: 50px")
683 |
684 |
with solara.Card(title=lbl_results_card_title[lang.value]):
685 |
686 |
687 |
solara.Title("Tomorrow's Cities Demo")
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
def Layout(children):
692 |
# if you need the normal applayout
693 |
# layout = solara.AppLayout(children=children, style)
694 |
layout = solara.Div(children=children, style={"width": "100%", "min-height": "100vh"})
695 |
696 |
def log(*args):
697 |
print("stop doing that!")
698 |
699 |
#solara.v.use_event(layout, "contextmenu.prevent", log)
700 |
return layout
701 |
702 |