import os import gradio as gr from midi_ddsp.midi_ddsp_synthesize import load_pretrained_model from midi_ddsp.utils.midi_synthesis_utils import synthesize_mono_midi from midi_ddsp.data_handling.instrument_name_utils import INST_NAME_TO_ID_DICT, INST_NAME_LIST os.system('midi_ddsp_download_model_weights') synthesis_generator, expression_generator = load_pretrained_model() def midi_ddsp_synth(instrument, midi_file): ''' Paras: midi_file: the path of the midi file instrument: instrument type, choose from 'violin', 'viola', 'cello', 'double bass', 'flute', 'oboe', 'clarinet', 'saxophone', 'bassoon', 'trumpet', 'horn', 'trombone', 'tuba' Returns: output_file_path: path of the output wav file ''' if not (os.path.isfile( and[-4:] == '.mid'): raise FileNotFoundError('Error: not a valid midi file') if instrument not in INST_NAME_LIST: raise ValueError('Error: not an available instrument type') instrument_id = INST_NAME_TO_ID_DICT[instrument] _ = synthesize_mono_midi(synthesis_generator, expression_generator,, instrument_id, output_dir='/tmp', pitch_offset=0, speed_rate=1) return os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename('.mid', '.wav')) title = "Midi-DDSP Demo" article = "

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" gr.Interface( fn = midi_ddsp_synth, inputs = [ gr.inputs.Textbox( lines=1, placeholder=None, default='', label='Input the instrument type (choose from: violin, viola, cello, double bass,\ flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba)'), gr.File(type="file", label="Upload .mid file here") ], outputs = "audio", title = title, article = article, ).launch(debug=True)