oahzxl's picture
update 5b
from videosys.utils.logging import logger
class PABConfig:
def __init__(
steps: int,
cross_broadcast: bool = False,
cross_threshold: list = None,
cross_range: int = None,
spatial_broadcast: bool = False,
spatial_threshold: list = None,
spatial_range: int = None,
temporal_broadcast: bool = False,
temporal_threshold: list = None,
temporal_range: int = None,
mlp_broadcast: bool = False,
mlp_spatial_broadcast_config: dict = None,
mlp_temporal_broadcast_config: dict = None,
self.steps = steps
self.cross_broadcast = cross_broadcast
self.cross_threshold = cross_threshold
self.cross_range = cross_range
self.spatial_broadcast = spatial_broadcast
self.spatial_threshold = spatial_threshold
self.spatial_range = spatial_range
self.temporal_broadcast = temporal_broadcast
self.temporal_threshold = temporal_threshold
self.temporal_range = temporal_range
self.mlp_broadcast = mlp_broadcast
self.mlp_spatial_broadcast_config = mlp_spatial_broadcast_config
self.mlp_temporal_broadcast_config = mlp_temporal_broadcast_config
self.mlp_temporal_outputs = {}
self.mlp_spatial_outputs = {}
class PABManager:
def __init__(self, config: PABConfig):
self.config: PABConfig = config
init_prompt = f"Init Pyramid Attention Broadcast. steps: {config.steps}."
init_prompt += f" spatial broadcast: {config.spatial_broadcast}, spatial range: {config.spatial_range}, spatial threshold: {config.spatial_threshold}."
init_prompt += f" temporal broadcast: {config.temporal_broadcast}, temporal range: {config.temporal_range}, temporal_threshold: {config.temporal_threshold}."
init_prompt += f" cross broadcast: {config.cross_broadcast}, cross range: {config.cross_range}, cross threshold: {config.cross_threshold}."
init_prompt += f" mlp broadcast: {config.mlp_broadcast}."
def if_broadcast_cross(self, timestep: int, count: int):
if (
and (timestep is not None)
and (count % self.config.cross_range != 0)
and (self.config.cross_threshold[0] < timestep < self.config.cross_threshold[1])
flag = True
flag = False
count = (count + 1) % self.config.steps
return flag, count
def if_broadcast_temporal(self, timestep: int, count: int):
if (
and (timestep is not None)
and (count % self.config.temporal_range != 0)
and (self.config.temporal_threshold[0] < timestep < self.config.temporal_threshold[1])
flag = True
flag = False
count = (count + 1) % self.config.steps
return flag, count
def if_broadcast_spatial(self, timestep: int, count: int, block_idx: int):
if (
and (timestep is not None)
and (count % self.config.spatial_range != 0)
and (self.config.spatial_threshold[0] < timestep < self.config.spatial_threshold[1])
flag = True
flag = False
count = (count + 1) % self.config.steps
return flag, count
def _is_t_in_skip_config(all_timesteps, timestep, config):
is_t_in_skip_config = False
skip_range = None
for key in config:
if key not in all_timesteps:
index = all_timesteps.index(key)
skip_range = all_timesteps[index : index + 1 + int(config[key]["skip_count"])]
if timestep in skip_range:
is_t_in_skip_config = True
skip_range = [all_timesteps[index], all_timesteps[index + int(config[key]["skip_count"])]]
return is_t_in_skip_config, skip_range
def if_skip_mlp(self, timestep: int, count: int, block_idx: int, all_timesteps, is_temporal=False):
if not self.config.mlp_broadcast:
return False, None, False, None
if is_temporal:
cur_config = self.config.mlp_temporal_broadcast_config
cur_config = self.config.mlp_spatial_broadcast_config
is_t_in_skip_config, skip_range = self._is_t_in_skip_config(all_timesteps, timestep, cur_config)
next_flag = False
if (
and (timestep is not None)
and (timestep in cur_config)
and (block_idx in cur_config[timestep]["block"])
flag = False
next_flag = True
count = count + 1
elif (
and (timestep is not None)
and (is_t_in_skip_config)
and (block_idx in cur_config[skip_range[0]]["block"])
flag = True
count = 0
flag = False
return flag, count, next_flag, skip_range
def save_skip_output(self, timestep, block_idx, ff_output, is_temporal=False):
if is_temporal:
self.config.mlp_temporal_outputs[(timestep, block_idx)] = ff_output
self.config.mlp_spatial_outputs[(timestep, block_idx)] = ff_output
def get_mlp_output(self, skip_range, timestep, block_idx, is_temporal=False):
skip_start_t = skip_range[0]
if is_temporal:
skip_output = (
self.config.mlp_temporal_outputs.get((skip_start_t, block_idx), None)
if self.config.mlp_temporal_outputs is not None
else None
skip_output = (
self.config.mlp_spatial_outputs.get((skip_start_t, block_idx), None)
if self.config.mlp_spatial_outputs is not None
else None
if skip_output is not None:
if timestep == skip_range[-1]:
# TODO: save memory
if is_temporal:
del self.config.mlp_temporal_outputs[(skip_start_t, block_idx)]
del self.config.mlp_spatial_outputs[(skip_start_t, block_idx)]
raise ValueError(
f"No stored MLP output found | t {timestep} |[{skip_range[0]}, {skip_range[-1]}] | block {block_idx}"
return skip_output
def get_spatial_mlp_outputs(self):
return self.config.mlp_spatial_outputs
def get_temporal_mlp_outputs(self):
return self.config.mlp_temporal_outputs
def set_pab_manager(config: PABConfig):
PAB_MANAGER = PABManager(config)
def enable_pab():
if PAB_MANAGER is None:
return False
return (
or PAB_MANAGER.config.spatial_broadcast
or PAB_MANAGER.config.temporal_broadcast
def update_steps(steps: int):
if PAB_MANAGER is not None:
PAB_MANAGER.config.steps = steps
def if_broadcast_cross(timestep: int, count: int):
if not enable_pab():
return False, count
return PAB_MANAGER.if_broadcast_cross(timestep, count)
def if_broadcast_temporal(timestep: int, count: int):
if not enable_pab():
return False, count
return PAB_MANAGER.if_broadcast_temporal(timestep, count)
def if_broadcast_spatial(timestep: int, count: int, block_idx: int):
if not enable_pab():
return False, count
return PAB_MANAGER.if_broadcast_spatial(timestep, count, block_idx)
def if_broadcast_mlp(timestep: int, count: int, block_idx: int, all_timesteps, is_temporal=False):
if not enable_pab():
return False, count
return PAB_MANAGER.if_skip_mlp(timestep, count, block_idx, all_timesteps, is_temporal)
def save_mlp_output(timestep: int, block_idx: int, ff_output, is_temporal=False):
return PAB_MANAGER.save_skip_output(timestep, block_idx, ff_output, is_temporal)
def get_mlp_output(skip_range, timestep, block_idx: int, is_temporal=False):
return PAB_MANAGER.get_mlp_output(skip_range, timestep, block_idx, is_temporal)