import os |
import time |
import cv2 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from PIL import Image |
import numpy as np |
import onnxruntime as ort |
import pandas as pd |
from typing import Tuple |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download |
from constants import REPO_ID, FILENAME, MODEL_DIR, MODEL_PATH |
from metrics_storage import MetricsStorage |
def download_model(): |
"""Download the model using Hugging Face Hub""" |
os.makedirs(MODEL_DIR, exist_ok=True) |
try: |
print(f"Downloading model from {REPO_ID}...") |
model_path = hf_hub_download( |
repo_id=REPO_ID, |
filename=FILENAME, |
local_dir=MODEL_DIR, |
force_download=True, |
cache_dir=None, |
) |
if os.path.exists(model_path) and model_path != MODEL_PATH: |
os.rename(model_path, MODEL_PATH) |
empty_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, "tune") |
if os.path.exists(empty_dir): |
import shutil |
shutil.rmtree(empty_dir) |
print("Model downloaded successfully!") |
return MODEL_PATH |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error downloading model: {e}") |
raise e |
class SignatureDetector: |
def __init__(self, model_path: str = MODEL_PATH): |
self.model_path = model_path |
self.classes = ["signature"] |
self.input_width = 640 |
self.input_height = 640 |
options = ort.SessionOptions() |
options.graph_optimization_level = ort.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_DISABLE_ALL |
self.session = ort.InferenceSession(self.model_path, options) |
self.session.set_providers( |
["OpenVINOExecutionProvider"], [{"device_type": "CPU"}] |
) |
self.metrics_storage = MetricsStorage() |
def update_metrics(self, inference_time: float) -> None: |
""" |
Updates metrics in persistent storage. |
Args: |
inference_time (float): The time taken for inference in milliseconds. |
""" |
self.metrics_storage.add_metric(inference_time) |
def get_metrics(self) -> dict: |
""" |
Retrieves current metrics from storage. |
Returns: |
dict: A dictionary containing times, total inferences, average time, and start index. |
""" |
times = self.metrics_storage.get_recent_metrics() |
total = self.metrics_storage.get_total_inferences() |
avg = self.metrics_storage.get_average_time() |
start_index = max(0, total - len(times)) |
return { |
"times": times, |
"total_inferences": total, |
"avg_time": avg, |
"start_index": start_index, |
} |
def load_initial_metrics( |
self, |
) -> Tuple[None, str, plt.Figure, plt.Figure, str, str]: |
""" |
Loads initial metrics for display. |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple containing None, total inferences, histogram figure, line figure, average time, and last time. |
""" |
metrics = self.get_metrics() |
if not metrics["times"]: |
return None, None, None, None, None, None |
hist_data = pd.DataFrame({"Time (ms)": metrics["times"]}) |
indices = range( |
metrics["start_index"], metrics["start_index"] + len(metrics["times"]) |
) |
line_data = pd.DataFrame( |
{ |
"Inference": indices, |
"Time (ms)": metrics["times"], |
"Mean": [metrics["avg_time"]] * len(metrics["times"]), |
} |
) |
hist_fig, line_fig = self.create_plots(hist_data, line_data) |
return ( |
None, |
f"{metrics['total_inferences']}", |
hist_fig, |
line_fig, |
f"{metrics['avg_time']:.2f}", |
f"{metrics['times'][-1]:.2f}", |
) |
def create_plots( |
self, hist_data: pd.DataFrame, line_data: pd.DataFrame |
) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Figure]: |
""" |
Helper method to create plots. |
Args: |
hist_data (pd.DataFrame): Data for histogram plot. |
line_data (pd.DataFrame): Data for line plot. |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple containing histogram figure and line figure. |
""" |
plt.style.use("dark_background") |
hist_fig, hist_ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4), facecolor="#f0f0f5") |
hist_ax.set_facecolor("#f0f0f5") |
hist_data.hist( |
bins=20, ax=hist_ax, color="#4F46E5", alpha=0.7, edgecolor="white" |
) |
hist_ax.set_title( |
"Distribution of Inference Times", |
pad=15, |
fontsize=12, |
color="#1f2937", |
) |
hist_ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)", color="#374151") |
hist_ax.set_ylabel("Frequency", color="#374151") |
hist_ax.tick_params(colors="#4b5563") |
hist_ax.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.3) |
line_fig, line_ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4), facecolor="#f0f0f5") |
line_ax.set_facecolor("#f0f0f5") |
line_data.plot( |
x="Inference", |
y="Time (ms)", |
ax=line_ax, |
color="#4F46E5", |
alpha=0.7, |
label="Time", |
) |
line_data.plot( |
x="Inference", |
y="Mean", |
ax=line_ax, |
color="#DC2626", |
linestyle="--", |
label="Mean", |
) |
line_ax.set_title( |
"Inference Time per Execution", pad=15, fontsize=12, color="#1f2937" |
) |
line_ax.set_xlabel("Inference Number", color="#374151") |
line_ax.set_ylabel("Time (ms)", color="#374151") |
line_ax.tick_params(colors="#4b5563") |
line_ax.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.3) |
line_ax.legend( |
frameon=True, facecolor="#f0f0f5", edgecolor="white", labelcolor="black" |
) |
hist_fig.tight_layout() |
line_fig.tight_layout() |
plt.close(hist_fig) |
plt.close(line_fig) |
return hist_fig, line_fig |
def preprocess(self, img: Image.Image) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: |
""" |
Preprocesses the image for inference. |
Args: |
img: The image to process. |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple containing the processed image data and the original image. |
""" |
img_cv2 = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) |
self.img_height, self.img_width = img_cv2.shape[:2] |
img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img_cv2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
img_resized = cv2.resize(img_rgb, (self.input_width, self.input_height)) |
image_data = np.array(img_resized) / 255.0 |
image_data = np.transpose(image_data, (2, 0, 1)) |
image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, axis=0).astype(np.float32) |
return image_data, img_cv2 |
def draw_detections( |
self, img: np.ndarray, box: list, score: float, class_id: int |
) -> None: |
""" |
Draws the detections on the image. |
Args: |
img: The image to draw on. |
box (list): The bounding box coordinates. |
score (float): The confidence score. |
class_id (int): The class ID. |
""" |
x1, y1, w, h = box |
self.color_palette = np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=(len(self.classes), 3)) |
color = self.color_palette[class_id] |
cv2.rectangle(img, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x1 + w), int(y1 + h)), color, 2) |
label = f"{self.classes[class_id]}: {score:.2f}" |
(label_width, label_height), _ = cv2.getTextSize( |
label, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1 |
) |
label_x = x1 |
label_y = y1 - 10 if y1 - 10 > label_height else y1 + 10 |
cv2.rectangle( |
img, |
(int(label_x), int(label_y - label_height)), |
(int(label_x + label_width), int(label_y + label_height)), |
color, |
cv2.FILLED, |
) |
cv2.putText( |
img, |
label, |
(int(label_x), int(label_y)), |
0.5, |
(0, 0, 0), |
1, |
cv2.LINE_AA, |
) |
def postprocess( |
self, |
input_image: np.ndarray, |
output: np.ndarray, |
conf_thres: float, |
iou_thres: float, |
) -> np.ndarray: |
""" |
Postprocesses the output from inference. |
Args: |
input_image: The input image. |
output: The output from inference. |
conf_thres (float): Confidence threshold for detection. |
iou_thres (float): Intersection over Union threshold for detection. |
Returns: |
np.ndarray: The output image with detections drawn |
""" |
outputs = np.transpose(np.squeeze(output[0])) |
rows = outputs.shape[0] |
boxes = [] |
scores = [] |
class_ids = [] |
x_factor = self.img_width / self.input_width |
y_factor = self.img_height / self.input_height |
for i in range(rows): |
classes_scores = outputs[i][4:] |
max_score = np.amax(classes_scores) |
if max_score >= conf_thres: |
class_id = np.argmax(classes_scores) |
x, y, w, h = outputs[i][0], outputs[i][1], outputs[i][2], outputs[i][3] |
left = int((x - w / 2) * x_factor) |
top = int((y - h / 2) * y_factor) |
width = int(w * x_factor) |
height = int(h * y_factor) |
class_ids.append(class_id) |
scores.append(max_score) |
boxes.append([left, top, width, height]) |
indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, scores, conf_thres, iou_thres) |
for i in indices: |
box = boxes[i] |
score = scores[i] |
class_id = class_ids[i] |
self.draw_detections(input_image, box, score, class_id) |
return cv2.cvtColor(input_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) |
def detect( |
self, image: Image.Image, conf_thres: float = 0.25, iou_thres: float = 0.5 |
) -> Tuple[Image.Image, dict]: |
""" |
Detects signatures in the given image. |
Args: |
image: The image to process. |
conf_thres (float): Confidence threshold for detection. |
iou_thres (float): Intersection over Union threshold for detection. |
Returns: |
tuple: A tuple containing the output image and metrics. |
""" |
img_data, original_image = self.preprocess(image) |
start_time = time.time() |
outputs = self.session.run(None, {self.session.get_inputs()[0].name: img_data}) |
inference_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000 |
output_image = self.postprocess(original_image, outputs, conf_thres, iou_thres) |
self.update_metrics(inference_time) |
return output_image, self.get_metrics() |
def detect_example( |
self, image: Image.Image, conf_thres: float = 0.25, iou_thres: float = 0.5 |
) -> Image.Image: |
""" |
Wrapper method for examples that returns only the image. |
Args: |
image: The image to process. |
conf_thres (float): Confidence threshold for detection. |
iou_thres (float): Intersection over Union threshold for detection. |
Returns: |
The output image. |
""" |
output_image, _ = self.detect(image, conf_thres, iou_thres) |
return output_image |