# Ultralytics 🚀 AGPL-3.0 License - https://ultralytics.com/license import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment from ultralytics.utils.metrics import bbox_iou from ultralytics.utils.ops import xywh2xyxy, xyxy2xywh class HungarianMatcher(nn.Module): """ A module implementing the HungarianMatcher, which is a differentiable module to solve the assignment problem in an end-to-end fashion. HungarianMatcher performs optimal assignment over the predicted and ground truth bounding boxes using a cost function that considers classification scores, bounding box coordinates, and optionally, mask predictions. Attributes: cost_gain (dict): Dictionary of cost coefficients: 'class', 'bbox', 'giou', 'mask', and 'dice'. use_fl (bool): Indicates whether to use Focal Loss for the classification cost calculation. with_mask (bool): Indicates whether the model makes mask predictions. num_sample_points (int): The number of sample points used in mask cost calculation. alpha (float): The alpha factor in Focal Loss calculation. gamma (float): The gamma factor in Focal Loss calculation. Methods: forward(pred_bboxes, pred_scores, gt_bboxes, gt_cls, gt_groups, masks=None, gt_mask=None): Computes the assignment between predictions and ground truths for a batch. _cost_mask(bs, num_gts, masks=None, gt_mask=None): Computes the mask cost and dice cost if masks are predicted. """ def __init__(self, cost_gain=None, use_fl=True, with_mask=False, num_sample_points=12544, alpha=0.25, gamma=2.0): """Initializes a HungarianMatcher module for optimal assignment of predicted and ground truth bounding boxes.""" super().__init__() if cost_gain is None: cost_gain = {"class": 1, "bbox": 5, "giou": 2, "mask": 1, "dice": 1} self.cost_gain = cost_gain self.use_fl = use_fl self.with_mask = with_mask self.num_sample_points = num_sample_points self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma def forward(self, pred_bboxes, pred_scores, gt_bboxes, gt_cls, gt_groups, masks=None, gt_mask=None): """ Forward pass for HungarianMatcher. This function computes costs based on prediction and ground truth (classification cost, L1 cost between boxes and GIoU cost between boxes) and finds the optimal matching between predictions and ground truth based on these costs. Args: pred_bboxes (Tensor): Predicted bounding boxes with shape [batch_size, num_queries, 4]. pred_scores (Tensor): Predicted scores with shape [batch_size, num_queries, num_classes]. gt_cls (torch.Tensor): Ground truth classes with shape [num_gts, ]. gt_bboxes (torch.Tensor): Ground truth bounding boxes with shape [num_gts, 4]. gt_groups (List[int]): List of length equal to batch size, containing the number of ground truths for each image. masks (Tensor, optional): Predicted masks with shape [batch_size, num_queries, height, width]. Defaults to None. gt_mask (List[Tensor], optional): List of ground truth masks, each with shape [num_masks, Height, Width]. Defaults to None. Returns: (List[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]): A list of size batch_size, each element is a tuple (index_i, index_j), where: - index_i is the tensor of indices of the selected predictions (in order) - index_j is the tensor of indices of the corresponding selected ground truth targets (in order) For each batch element, it holds: len(index_i) = len(index_j) = min(num_queries, num_target_boxes) """ bs, nq, nc = pred_scores.shape if sum(gt_groups) == 0: return [(torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.long), torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.long)) for _ in range(bs)] # We flatten to compute the cost matrices in a batch # [batch_size * num_queries, num_classes] pred_scores = pred_scores.detach().view(-1, nc) pred_scores = F.sigmoid(pred_scores) if self.use_fl else F.softmax(pred_scores, dim=-1) # [batch_size * num_queries, 4] pred_bboxes = pred_bboxes.detach().view(-1, 4) # Compute the classification cost pred_scores = pred_scores[:, gt_cls] if self.use_fl: neg_cost_class = (1 - self.alpha) * (pred_scores**self.gamma) * (-(1 - pred_scores + 1e-8).log()) pos_cost_class = self.alpha * ((1 - pred_scores) ** self.gamma) * (-(pred_scores + 1e-8).log()) cost_class = pos_cost_class - neg_cost_class else: cost_class = -pred_scores # Compute the L1 cost between boxes cost_bbox = (pred_bboxes.unsqueeze(1) - gt_bboxes.unsqueeze(0)).abs().sum(-1) # (bs*num_queries, num_gt) # Compute the GIoU cost between boxes, (bs*num_queries, num_gt) cost_giou = 1.0 - bbox_iou(pred_bboxes.unsqueeze(1), gt_bboxes.unsqueeze(0), xywh=True, GIoU=True).squeeze(-1) # Final cost matrix C = ( self.cost_gain["class"] * cost_class + self.cost_gain["bbox"] * cost_bbox + self.cost_gain["giou"] * cost_giou ) # Compute the mask cost and dice cost if self.with_mask: C += self._cost_mask(bs, gt_groups, masks, gt_mask) # Set invalid values (NaNs and infinities) to 0 (fixes ValueError: matrix contains invalid numeric entries) C[C.isnan() | C.isinf()] = 0.0 C = C.view(bs, nq, -1).cpu() indices = [linear_sum_assignment(c[i]) for i, c in enumerate(C.split(gt_groups, -1))] gt_groups = torch.as_tensor([0, *gt_groups[:-1]]).cumsum_(0) # (idx for queries, idx for gt) return [ (torch.tensor(i, dtype=torch.long), torch.tensor(j, dtype=torch.long) + gt_groups[k]) for k, (i, j) in enumerate(indices) ] # This function is for future RT-DETR Segment models # def _cost_mask(self, bs, num_gts, masks=None, gt_mask=None): # assert masks is not None and gt_mask is not None, 'Make sure the input has `mask` and `gt_mask`' # # all masks share the same set of points for efficient matching # sample_points = torch.rand([bs, 1, self.num_sample_points, 2]) # sample_points = 2.0 * sample_points - 1.0 # # out_mask = F.grid_sample(masks.detach(), sample_points, align_corners=False).squeeze(-2) # out_mask = out_mask.flatten(0, 1) # # tgt_mask = torch.cat(gt_mask).unsqueeze(1) # sample_points = torch.cat([a.repeat(b, 1, 1, 1) for a, b in zip(sample_points, num_gts) if b > 0]) # tgt_mask = F.grid_sample(tgt_mask, sample_points, align_corners=False).squeeze([1, 2]) # # with torch.amp.autocast("cuda", enabled=False): # # binary cross entropy cost # pos_cost_mask = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(out_mask, torch.ones_like(out_mask), reduction='none') # neg_cost_mask = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(out_mask, torch.zeros_like(out_mask), reduction='none') # cost_mask = torch.matmul(pos_cost_mask, tgt_mask.T) + torch.matmul(neg_cost_mask, 1 - tgt_mask.T) # cost_mask /= self.num_sample_points # # # dice cost # out_mask = F.sigmoid(out_mask) # numerator = 2 * torch.matmul(out_mask, tgt_mask.T) # denominator = out_mask.sum(-1, keepdim=True) + tgt_mask.sum(-1).unsqueeze(0) # cost_dice = 1 - (numerator + 1) / (denominator + 1) # # C = self.cost_gain['mask'] * cost_mask + self.cost_gain['dice'] * cost_dice # return C def get_cdn_group( batch, num_classes, num_queries, class_embed, num_dn=100, cls_noise_ratio=0.5, box_noise_scale=1.0, training=False ): """ Get contrastive denoising training group. This function creates a contrastive denoising training group with positive and negative samples from the ground truths (gt). It applies noise to the class labels and bounding box coordinates, and returns the modified labels, bounding boxes, attention mask and meta information. Args: batch (dict): A dict that includes 'gt_cls' (torch.Tensor with shape [num_gts, ]), 'gt_bboxes' (torch.Tensor with shape [num_gts, 4]), 'gt_groups' (List(int)) which is a list of batch size length indicating the number of gts of each image. num_classes (int): Number of classes. num_queries (int): Number of queries. class_embed (torch.Tensor): Embedding weights to map class labels to embedding space. num_dn (int, optional): Number of denoising. Defaults to 100. cls_noise_ratio (float, optional): Noise ratio for class labels. Defaults to 0.5. box_noise_scale (float, optional): Noise scale for bounding box coordinates. Defaults to 1.0. training (bool, optional): If it's in training mode. Defaults to False. Returns: (Tuple[Optional[Tensor], Optional[Tensor], Optional[Tensor], Optional[Dict]]): The modified class embeddings, bounding boxes, attention mask and meta information for denoising. If not in training mode or 'num_dn' is less than or equal to 0, the function returns None for all elements in the tuple. """ if (not training) or num_dn <= 0: return None, None, None, None gt_groups = batch["gt_groups"] total_num = sum(gt_groups) max_nums = max(gt_groups) if max_nums == 0: return None, None, None, None num_group = num_dn // max_nums num_group = 1 if num_group == 0 else num_group # Pad gt to max_num of a batch bs = len(gt_groups) gt_cls = batch["cls"] # (bs*num, ) gt_bbox = batch["bboxes"] # bs*num, 4 b_idx = batch["batch_idx"] # Each group has positive and negative queries. dn_cls = gt_cls.repeat(2 * num_group) # (2*num_group*bs*num, ) dn_bbox = gt_bbox.repeat(2 * num_group, 1) # 2*num_group*bs*num, 4 dn_b_idx = b_idx.repeat(2 * num_group).view(-1) # (2*num_group*bs*num, ) # Positive and negative mask # (bs*num*num_group, ), the second total_num*num_group part as negative samples neg_idx = torch.arange(total_num * num_group, dtype=torch.long, device=gt_bbox.device) + num_group * total_num if cls_noise_ratio > 0: # Half of bbox prob mask = torch.rand(dn_cls.shape) < (cls_noise_ratio * 0.5) idx = torch.nonzero(mask).squeeze(-1) # Randomly put a new one here new_label = torch.randint_like(idx, 0, num_classes, dtype=dn_cls.dtype, device=dn_cls.device) dn_cls[idx] = new_label if box_noise_scale > 0: known_bbox = xywh2xyxy(dn_bbox) diff = (dn_bbox[..., 2:] * 0.5).repeat(1, 2) * box_noise_scale # 2*num_group*bs*num, 4 rand_sign = torch.randint_like(dn_bbox, 0, 2) * 2.0 - 1.0 rand_part = torch.rand_like(dn_bbox) rand_part[neg_idx] += 1.0 rand_part *= rand_sign known_bbox += rand_part * diff known_bbox.clip_(min=0.0, max=1.0) dn_bbox = xyxy2xywh(known_bbox) dn_bbox = torch.logit(dn_bbox, eps=1e-6) # inverse sigmoid num_dn = int(max_nums * 2 * num_group) # total denoising queries # class_embed = torch.cat([class_embed, torch.zeros([1, class_embed.shape[-1]], device=class_embed.device)]) dn_cls_embed = class_embed[dn_cls] # bs*num * 2 * num_group, 256 padding_cls = torch.zeros(bs, num_dn, dn_cls_embed.shape[-1], device=gt_cls.device) padding_bbox = torch.zeros(bs, num_dn, 4, device=gt_bbox.device) map_indices = torch.cat([torch.tensor(range(num), dtype=torch.long) for num in gt_groups]) pos_idx = torch.stack([map_indices + max_nums * i for i in range(num_group)], dim=0) map_indices = torch.cat([map_indices + max_nums * i for i in range(2 * num_group)]) padding_cls[(dn_b_idx, map_indices)] = dn_cls_embed padding_bbox[(dn_b_idx, map_indices)] = dn_bbox tgt_size = num_dn + num_queries attn_mask = torch.zeros([tgt_size, tgt_size], dtype=torch.bool) # Match query cannot see the reconstruct attn_mask[num_dn:, :num_dn] = True # Reconstruct cannot see each other for i in range(num_group): if i == 0: attn_mask[max_nums * 2 * i : max_nums * 2 * (i + 1), max_nums * 2 * (i + 1) : num_dn] = True if i == num_group - 1: attn_mask[max_nums * 2 * i : max_nums * 2 * (i + 1), : max_nums * i * 2] = True else: attn_mask[max_nums * 2 * i : max_nums * 2 * (i + 1), max_nums * 2 * (i + 1) : num_dn] = True attn_mask[max_nums * 2 * i : max_nums * 2 * (i + 1), : max_nums * 2 * i] = True dn_meta = { "dn_pos_idx": [p.reshape(-1) for p in pos_idx.cpu().split(list(gt_groups), dim=1)], "dn_num_group": num_group, "dn_num_split": [num_dn, num_queries], } return ( padding_cls.to(class_embed.device), padding_bbox.to(class_embed.device), attn_mask.to(class_embed.device), dn_meta, )