import os import tempfile import fitz import gradio as gr import PIL import skimage from fastai.learner import load_learner from import * from fpdf import FPDF from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from icevision.all import * from icevision.models.checkpoint import * from PIL import Image as PILImage checkpoint_path = "./allsynthetic-imgsize768.pth" checkpoint_and_model = model_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) model = checkpoint_and_model["model"] model_type = checkpoint_and_model["model_type"] class_map = checkpoint_and_model["class_map"] img_size = checkpoint_and_model["img_size"] valid_tfms = tfms.A.Adapter( [*tfms.A.resize_and_pad(img_size), tfms.A.Normalize()] ) learn = load_learner( hf_hub_download("strickvl/redaction-classifier-fastai", "model.pkl") ) labels = learn.dls.vocab def get_content_area(pred_dict) -> int: if "content" not in pred_dict["detection"]["labels"]: return 0 content_bboxes = [ pred_dict["detection"]["bboxes"][idx] for idx, label in enumerate(pred_dict["detection"]["labels"]) if label == "content" ] cb = content_bboxes[0] return (cb.xmax - cb.xmin) * (cb.ymax - cb.ymin) def get_redaction_area(pred_dict) -> int: if "redaction" not in pred_dict["detection"]["labels"]: return 0 redaction_bboxes = [ pred_dict["detection"]["bboxes"][idx] for idx, label in enumerate(pred_dict["detection"]["labels"]) if label == "redaction" ] return sum( (bbox.xmax - bbox.xmin) * (bbox.ymax - bbox.ymin) for bbox in redaction_bboxes ) def predict(pdf, confidence, generate_file): filename_without_extension =[:-4] document = results = [] images = [] total_image_areas = 0 total_content_areas = 0 total_redaction_area = 0 tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() for page_num, page in enumerate(document, start=1): image_pixmap = page.get_pixmap() image = image_pixmap.tobytes() _, _, probs = learn.predict(image) results.append( {labels[i]: float(probs[i]) for i in range(len(labels))} ) if probs[0] > (confidence / 100): redaction_count = len(images) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename_without_extension) ): os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename_without_extension)) os.path.join( tmp_dir, filename_without_extension, f"page-{page_num}.png" ) ) images.append( [ f"Redacted page #{redaction_count + 1} on page {page_num}", os.path.join( tmp_dir, filename_without_extension, f"page-{page_num}.png", ), ] ) redacted_pages = [ str(page + 1) for page in range(len(results)) if results[page]["redacted"] > (confidence / 100) ] report = os.path.join( tmp_dir, filename_without_extension, "redacted_pages.pdf" ) if generate_file: pdf = FPDF(unit="cm", format="A4") pdf.set_auto_page_break(0) imagelist = sorted( [ i for i in os.listdir( os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename_without_extension) ) if i.endswith("png") ] ) for image in imagelist: with os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename_without_extension, image) ) as img: size = img.size width, height = size if width > height: pdf.add_page(orientation="L") else: pdf.add_page(orientation="P") pred_dict = model_type.end2end_detect( img, valid_tfms, model, class_map=class_map, detection_threshold=confidence / 100, display_label=True, display_bbox=True, return_img=True, font_size=16, label_color="#FF59D6", ) total_image_areas += pred_dict["width"] * pred_dict["height"] total_content_areas += get_content_area(pred_dict) total_redaction_area += get_redaction_area(pred_dict) pred_dict["img"].save( os.path.join( tmp_dir, filename_without_extension, f"pred-{image}" ), ) # TODO: resize image such that it fits the pdf pdf.image( os.path.join( tmp_dir, filename_without_extension, f"pred-{image}" ), w=pdf.w, h=pdf.h, ) pdf.output(report, "F") text_output = f"A total of {len(redacted_pages)} pages were redacted. \n\nThe redacted page numbers were: {', '.join(redacted_pages)}. \n\n" if not generate_file: return text_output, images, None total_redaction_proportion = round( (total_redaction_area / total_image_areas) * 100, 1 ) content_redaction_proportion = round( (total_redaction_area / total_content_areas) * 100, 1 ) redaction_analysis = f"- {total_redaction_proportion}% of the total area of the redacted pages was redacted. \n- {content_redaction_proportion}% of the actual content of those redacted pages was redacted." return text_output + redaction_analysis, images, report title = "Redaction Detector for PDFs" description = "An MVP app for detection, extraction and analysis of PDF documents that contain redactions. Two models are used for this demo, both trained on publicly released redacted (and unredacted) FOIA documents: \n\n - Classification model trained using [fastai]( \n- Object detection model trained using [IceVision](" with open("") as f: article = examples = [ ["test1.pdf", 80, True], ["test2.pdf", 80, False], ["test3.pdf", 80, True], ["test4.pdf", 80, False], ["test5.pdf", 80, False], ] interpretation = "default" enable_queue = True theme = "grass" allow_flagging = "never" demo = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.inputs.File(label="PDF file", file_count="single"), gr.inputs.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=100, step=None, default=80, label="Confidence", optional=False, ), gr.inputs.Checkbox(label="Extract redacted images", default=True), ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Document Analysis"), gr.outputs.Carousel(["text", "image"], label="Redacted pages"), gr.outputs.File(label="Download redacted pages"), ], title=title, description=description, article=article, theme=theme, allow_flagging=allow_flagging, examples=examples, interpretation=interpretation, ) demo.launch( cache_examples=True, enable_queue=enable_queue, )