class RichTextEditor extends HTMLElement { | |
constructor() { | |
super(); | |
this.loadExternalScripts(); | |
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); | |
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ` | |
${RichTextEditor.header()} | |
${RichTextEditor.template()} | |
`; | |
} | |
connectedCallback() { | |
this.myQuill = this.mountQuill(); | |
} | |
loadExternalScripts() { | |
const links = ["", "[email protected]/css/bulma.min.css", "|Roboto|Slabo+27px|Sofia|Inconsolata|Ubuntu|Akronim|Monoton&display=swap"] | |
links.forEach(link => { | |
const css = document.createElement("link"); | |
css.href = link; | |
css.rel = "stylesheet" | |
document.head.appendChild(css); | |
}) | |
} | |
static template() { | |
return ` | |
<div id="standalone-container"> | |
<div id="toolbar-container"> | |
<span class="ql-formats"> | |
<select class="ql-font"> | |
<option selected>Base</option> | |
<option value="mirza">Claude Monet</option> | |
<option value="roboto">Ukiyoe</option> | |
<option value="cursive">Cyber Punk</option> | |
<option value="sofia">Pop Art</option> | |
<option value="slabo">Van Gogh</option> | |
<option value="inconsolata">Pixel Art</option> | |
<option value="ubuntu">Rembrandt</option> | |
<option value="Akronim">Cubism</option> | |
<option value="Monoton">Neon Art</option> | |
</select> | |
<select class="ql-size"> | |
<option value="18px">Small</option> | |
<option selected>Normal</option> | |
<option value="32px">Large</option> | |
<option value="50px">Huge</option> | |
</select> | |
</span> | |
<span class="ql-formats"> | |
<button class="ql-strike"></button> | |
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<!-- <span class="ql-formats"> | |
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<button class="ql-underline"></button> | |
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<button class="ql-formula"></button> | |
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<button class="ql-link"></button> | |
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<span class="ql-formats"> | |
<button class="ql-clean"></button> | |
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</div> | |
<div id="editor-container"></div> | |
</div> | |
`; | |
} | |
static header() { | |
return ` | |
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/css/bulma.min.css"> | |
<style> | |
/* Set default font-family */ | |
.ql-snow .ql-tooltip::before { | |
content: "Footnote"; | |
line-height: 26px; | |
margin-right: 8px; | |
} | |
.ql-snow .ql-tooltip[data-mode=link]::before { | |
content: "Enter footnote:"; | |
} | |
.row { | |
margin-top: 15px; | |
margin-left: 0px; | |
margin-bottom: 15px; | |
} | |
.btn-primary { | |
color: #ffffff; | |
background-color: #2780e3; | |
border-color: #2780e3; | |
} | |
.btn-primary:hover { | |
color: #ffffff; | |
background-color: #1967be; | |
border-color: #1862b5; | |
} | |
.btn { | |
display: inline-block; | |
margin-bottom: 0; | |
font-weight: normal; | |
text-align: center; | |
vertical-align: middle; | |
touch-action: manipulation; | |
cursor: pointer; | |
background-image: none; | |
border: 1px solid transparent; | |
white-space: nowrap; | |
padding: 10px 18px; | |
font-size: 15px; | |
line-height: 1.42857143; | |
border-radius: 0; | |
user-select: none; | |
} | |
#standalone-container { | |
position: relative; | |
max-width: 720px; | |
background-color: #ffffff; | |
color: black !important; | |
z-index: 1000; | |
} | |
#editor-container { | |
font-family: "Aref Ruqaa"; | |
font-size: 18px; | |
height: 250px; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container { | |
font-family: "Aref Ruqaa"; | |
display: flex; | |
flex-wrap: wrap; | |
} | |
#json-container { | |
max-width: 720px; | |
} | |
/* Set dropdown font-families */ | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Base"]::before { | |
font-family: "Aref Ruqaa"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Claude Monet"]::before { | |
font-family: "Mirza"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Ukiyoe"]::before { | |
font-family: "Roboto"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Cyber Punk"]::before { | |
font-family: "Comic Sans MS"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Pop Art"]::before { | |
font-family: "sofia"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Van Gogh"]::before { | |
font-family: "slabo 27px"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Pixel Art"]::before { | |
font-family: "inconsolata"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Rembrandt"]::before { | |
font-family: "ubuntu"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Cubism"]::before { | |
font-family: "Akronim"; | |
} | |
#toolbar-container .ql-font span[data-label="Neon Art"]::before { | |
font-family: "Monoton"; | |
} | |
/* Set content font-families */ | |
.ql-font-mirza { | |
font-family: "Mirza"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-roboto { | |
font-family: "Roboto"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-cursive { | |
font-family: "Comic Sans MS"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-sofia { | |
font-family: "sofia"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-slabo { | |
font-family: "slabo 27px"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-inconsolata { | |
font-family: "inconsolata"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-ubuntu { | |
font-family: "ubuntu"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-Akronim { | |
font-family: "Akronim"; | |
} | |
.ql-font-Monoton { | |
font-family: "Monoton"; | |
} | |
</style> | |
`; | |
} | |
async mountQuill() { | |
// Register the customs format with Quill | |
const lib = await import(""); | |
const getRange = lib.getRange; | |
const Font = Quill.import('formats/font'); | |
Font.whitelist = ['mirza', 'roboto', 'sofia', 'slabo', 'inconsolata', 'ubuntu', 'cursive', 'Akronim', 'Monoton']; | |
const Link = Quill.import('formats/link'); | |
Link.sanitize = function (url) { | |
// modify url if desired | |
return url; | |
} | |
const SizeStyle = Quill.import('attributors/style/size'); | |
SizeStyle.whitelist = ['10px', '18px', '32px', '50px', '64px']; | |
Quill.register(SizeStyle, true); | |
Quill.register(Link, true); | |
Quill.register(Font, true); | |
const icons = Quill.import('ui/icons'); | |
const icon = `<svg xmlns="" width="17" viewBox="0 0 512 512" xml:space="preserve"><path fill="#010101" d="M276.75 1c4.51 3.23 9.2 6.04 12.97 9.77 29.7 29.45 59.15 59.14 88.85 88.6 4.98 4.93 7.13 10.37 7.12 17.32-.1 125.8-.09 251.6-.01 377.4 0 7.94-1.96 14.46-9.62 18.57-121.41.34-242.77.34-364.76.05A288.3 288.3 0 0 1 1 502c0-163.02 0-326.04.34-489.62C3.84 6.53 8.04 3.38 13 1c23.35 0 46.7 0 70.82.3 2.07.43 3.38.68 4.69.68h127.98c18.44.01 36.41.04 54.39-.03 1.7 0 3.41-.62 5.12-.95h.75M33.03 122.5v359.05h320.22V129.18h-76.18c-14.22-.01-19.8-5.68-19.8-20.09V33.31H33.02v89.19m256.29-27.36c.72.66 1.44 1.9 2.17 1.9 12.73.12 25.46.08 37.55.08L289.3 57.45v37.7z"/><path fill="#020202" d="M513 375.53c-4.68 7.99-11.52 10.51-20.21 10.25-13.15-.4-26.32-.1-39.48-.1h-5.58c5.49 8.28 10.7 15.74 15.46 23.47 6.06 9.82 1.14 21.65-9.96 24.27-6.7 1.59-12.45-.64-16.23-6.15a2608.6 2608.6 0 0 1-32.97-49.36c-3.57-5.48-3.39-11.54.17-16.98a3122.5 3122.5 0 0 1 32.39-48.56c5.22-7.65 14.67-9.35 21.95-4.45 7.63 5.12 9.6 14.26 4.5 22.33-4.75 7.54-9.8 14.9-15.11 22.95h33.64V225.19h-5.24c-19.49 0-38.97.11-58.46-.05-12.74-.1-20.12-13.15-13.84-24.14 3.12-5.46 8.14-7.71 14.18-7.73 26.15-.06 52.3-.04 78.45 0 7.1 0 12.47 3.05 16.01 9.64.33 57.44.33 114.8.33 172.62z"/><path fill="#111" d="M216.03 1.97C173.52 1.98 131 2 88.5 1.98a16 16 0 0 1-4.22-.68c43.4-.3 87.09-.3 131.24-."/><path fill="#232323" d="M216.5 1.98c-.47 0-.5-.5-.5-.74C235.7 1 255.38 1 275.53 1c-1.24.33-2.94.95-4.65.95-17.98.07-35.95.04-54.39.03z"/><path fill="#040404" d="M148 321.42h153.5c14.25 0 19.96 5.71 19.96 19.97.01 19.17.03 38.33 0 57.5-.03 12.6-6.16 18.78-18.66 18.78H99.81c-12.42 0-18.75-6.34-18.76-18.73-.01-19.83-.02-39.66 0-59.5.02-11.47 6.4-17.93 17.95-18 16.17-.08 32.33-.02 49-.02m40.5 32.15h-75.16v31.84h175.7v-31.84H188.5z"/><path fill="#030303" d="m110 225.33 178.89-.03c11.98 0 19.25 9.95 15.74 21.44-2.05 6.71-7.5 10.57-15.14 10.57-63.63 0-127.25-.01-190.88-.07-12.03-.02-19.17-8.62-16.7-19.84 1.6-7.21 7.17-11.74 15.1-12.04 4.17-.16 8.33-.03 13-.03zm-24.12-36.19c-5.28-6.2-6.3-12.76-2.85-19.73 3.22-6.49 9.13-8.24 15.86-8.24 25.64.01 51.27-.06 76.91.04 13.07.04 20.66 10.44 16.33 22.08-2.25 6.06-6.63 9.76-13.08 9.8-27.97.18-55.94.2-83.9-.07-3.01-.03-6-2.36-9.27-3.88z"/></svg>` | |
icons['link'] = icon; | |
const editorContainer = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#editor-container') | |
const toolbarContainer = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#toolbar-container') | |
const myQuill = new Quill(editorContainer, { | |
modules: { | |
toolbar: { | |
container: toolbarContainer, | |
}, | |
}, | |
theme: 'snow' | |
}); | |
const normalizeNative = (nativeRange) => { | |
if (nativeRange) { | |
const range = nativeRange; | |
if (range.baseNode) { | |
range.startContainer = nativeRange.baseNode; | |
range.endContainer = nativeRange.focusNode; | |
range.startOffset = nativeRange.baseOffset; | |
range.endOffset = nativeRange.focusOffset; | |
if (range.endOffset < range.startOffset) { | |
range.startContainer = nativeRange.focusNode; | |
range.endContainer = nativeRange.baseNode; | |
range.startOffset = nativeRange.focusOffset; | |
range.endOffset = nativeRange.baseOffset; | |
} | |
} | |
if (range.startContainer) { | |
return { | |
start: { node: range.startContainer, offset: range.startOffset }, | |
end: { node: range.endContainer, offset: range.endOffset }, | |
native: range | |
}; | |
} | |
} | |
return null | |
}; | |
myQuill.selection.getNativeRange = () => { | |
const dom = myQuill.root.getRootNode(); | |
const selection = getRange(dom); | |
const range = normalizeNative(selection); | |
return range; | |
}; | |
let fromEditor = false; | |
editorContainer.addEventListener("pointerup", (e) => { | |
fromEditor = false; | |
}); | |
editorContainer.addEventListener("pointerout", (e) => { | |
fromEditor = false; | |
}); | |
editorContainer.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => { | |
fromEditor = true; | |
}); | |
document.addEventListener("selectionchange", () => { | |
if (fromEditor) { | |
myQuill.selection.update() | |
} | |
}); | |
myQuill.on('text-change', () => { | |
// keep qull data inside _data to communicate with Gradio | |
document.querySelector("#rich-text-root")._data = myQuill.getContents() | |
}) | |
return myQuill | |
} | |
} | |
customElements.define('rich-text-editor', RichTextEditor); |