TextSphere / about_app.txt
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TextSphere: Your AI-Powered Assistant
TextSphere is an interactive AI-powered web app built using Streamlit and Hugging Face's Transformers. Currently, it offers four powerful AI-driven tasks:
Question Answering: Upload a PDF or enter text to ask questions and get instant answers. It's like having your own AI-powered search engine, perfect for exploring documents!
Text Classification: Classify your text as positive or negative using sentiment analysis. It's a great tool for analyzing reviews, opinions, or feedback!
Language Translation: Translate English text into multiple languages, including French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Hindi. Break the language barrier with ease!
Text Summarization: Upload a PDF or input text, and let the app summarize long documents or articles into concise, readable summaries.
Streamlit-based UI: Easy-to-use interface with an interactive sidebar for navigation.
AI Models: Powered by Hugging Face models for natural language processing tasks.
PDF Upload: Upload PDFs for Question Answering and Text Summarization.
Made with ❤️ by Baibhav Malviya.