DefineClass.CampaignObject = { __parents = { "PropertyObject" }, } function CampaignObject:SetId(id) self.Id = id local template = self:GetCampaignTemplate() if template then setmetatable(self, { __index = template, __toluacode = template.__toluacode }) end end function CampaignObject:GetCampaignTemplate() if self.template_key and Game and Game.Campaign and CampaignPresets[Game.Campaign] then local campaign = CampaignPresets[Game.Campaign] local subobjects = campaign[self.template_key] return table.find_value(subobjects, "Id", self.Id) end end function CampaignObject:GetDefaultPropertyValue(prop, prop_meta) prop_meta = prop_meta or self:GetPropertyMetadata(prop) if prop_meta and prop ~= "Id" then local template = self:GetCampaignTemplate() if template then return template:GetProperty(prop) end end return PropertyObject.GetDefaultPropertyValue(self, prop, prop_meta) end function CampaignObject:LoadFirstPriorityProps(obj, prop_data) -- load id and template_key first, so other props can find their template local idx = table.find(prop_data, "Id") if idx then obj:SetId(prop_data[idx + 1]) end idx = table.find(prop_data, "template_key") if idx then obj.template_key = prop_data[idx + 1] end end function CampaignObject:__fromluacode(prop_data, arr) local obj = self:new(arr) self:LoadFirstPriorityProps(obj, prop_data) SetObjPropertyList(obj, prop_data) return obj end GameVar("gv_NextSquadUniqueId", 1) GameVar("gv_CurrentSectorId", false) GameVar("gv_ActiveCombat", false) GameVar("gv_SatelliteView", false) GameVar("gv_Sectors", {}) GameVar("gv_ConflictSectorIds", {}) GameVar("gv_Cities", {}) GameVar("gv_Squads", {}) GameVar("gv_UnitData", {}) GameVar("gv_Quests", {}) GameVar("gv_OldQuestStatus", {}) GameVar("gv_NextUnitDataUniqueId", 1) GameVar("gv_SaveCamera", false) GameVar("gv_DisabledPopups", {}) GameVar("gv_Cheats", {}) GameVar("gv_LastSectorTakenByPlayer", false) GameVar("gv_AITargetModifiers", {}) PersistableGlobals.NetTimeFactor = false local persistable_pause_reasons = {["UI"] = true, ["SatelliteConflict"] = true, ["EndGame"] = true} if FirstLoad then CampaignPauseReasons = {} PDAOpenedByPlayer = {} g_LatestSave = false g_PersistentUnitData = false end function OnMsg.SaveGameStart(game) LastPlaytime = GetCurrentPlaytime() PlaytimeCheckpoint = GetPreciseTicks() Game.playthrough_time = LastPlaytime -- store LastPlaytime in savegame end function OnMsg.ZuluGameLoaded(game) LastPlaytime = Game.playthrough_time -- restore LastPlaytime from savegame g_PersistentUnitData = {} for i, ud in sorted_pairs(gv_UnitData) do if ud.PersistentSessionId then local unitList = g_PersistentUnitData[ud.PersistentSessionId] or {} unitList[#unitList + 1] = ud g_PersistentUnitData[ud.PersistentSessionId] = unitList end end end function OnMsg.NewGame() g_PersistentUnitData = {} end function OnMsg.UnitDataCreated(ud) if not ud.PersistentSessionId then return end if not g_PersistentUnitData then g_PersistentUnitData = {} end local unitList = g_PersistentUnitData[ud.PersistentSessionId] or {} unitList[#unitList + 1] = ud g_PersistentUnitData[ud.PersistentSessionId] = unitList end function OnMsg.NewGame(game) local diffMoneyChangePerc = PercentModifyByDifficulty(GameDifficulties[Game.game_difficulty]:ResolveValue("startMoneyBonus")) game.Money = game.Money or (MulDivRound(const.Satellite.StartingMoney, diffMoneyChangePerc, 100)) game.Components = game.Components or 0 game.DailyIncome = game.DailyIncome or 0 game.CampaignTime = game.CampaignTime or const.StoryBits.StartDate SetUILCustomTime(game.CampaignTime) game.CampaignTimeStart = game.CampaignTime game.CampaignTimeFactor = game.CampaignTimeFactor or const.Satellite.CampaignTimeNormalSpeed game.PersistableCampaignPauseReasons = {} CampaignPauseReasons = {} end function OnMsg.PreLoadSessionData() CampaignPauseReasons = table.copy(Game.PersistableCampaignPauseReasons) for k, v in pairs(CampaignPauseReasons) do -- patch so that old saves can work, will remove it soon if not persistable_pause_reasons[k] then CampaignPauseReasons[k] = nil end end ObjModified(CampaignPauseReasons) end -- campaign speed function PauseCampaignTime(reason) if Game then SetCampaignSpeed(0, reason) end end function ResumeCampaignTime(reason) if Game then SetCampaignSpeed(Game.CampaignTimeFactor, reason) end end function SetCampaignSpeed(speed, reason) NetSyncEvent("SetCampaignSpeed", speed, reason) end function _SetCampaignSpeed(speed, reason) if not Game then return end --while host boots up first Game, client has no Game -- set speed in session data NetUpdateHash("_SetCampaignSpeed", Game.CampaignTime, speed, reason) local old_is_paused = IsCampaignPaused() local old_factor = Game and Game.CampaignTimeFactor if reason then if speed == 0 then CampaignPauseReasons[reason] = true if persistable_pause_reasons[reason] then Game.PersistableCampaignPauseReasons[reason] = true end else CampaignPauseReasons[reason] = nil if persistable_pause_reasons[reason] then Game.PersistableCampaignPauseReasons[reason] = nil end end end if speed and speed > 0 then Game.CampaignTimeFactor = speed end ObjModified(Game) if IsCampaignPaused() ~= old_is_paused or (Game and Game.CampaignTimeFactor ~= old_factor) then Msg("CampaignSpeedChanged") end ObjModified(CampaignPauseReasons) end function IsCampaignPaused() return not not next(CampaignPauseReasons) end local host_suffix, guest_suffix = "_mp_coop_host", "_mp_coop_guest" function GetUICampaignPauseReason(reason) local is_host = not netInGame or NetIsHost() return string.format("%s%s", reason, is_host and host_suffix or guest_suffix) end function GetPauseUIReasonExists(reason) local guestExist = string.format("%s%s", reason, guest_suffix) local hostExist = string.format("%s%s", reason, host_suffix) guestExist = CampaignPauseReasons[guestExist] hostExist = CampaignPauseReasons[hostExist] return guestExist or hostExist, guestExist, hostExist end function OnMsg.NetGameLeft() PDAOpenedByPlayer[2] = nil end function OnMsg.NetPlayerLeft(player, reason) PDAOpenedByPlayer[] = nil end function OnMsg.ChangeMap() PDAOpenedByPlayer = {} end function NetSyncEvents.SetPDAOpened(playerId, state) local inMpGame = netInGame and table.count(netGamePlayers) > 1 local isHost = not inMpGame or NetIsHost(playerId) PDAOpenedByPlayer[playerId] = state local pausedByPDAOpen = PDAOpenedByPlayer[1] and PDAOpenedByPlayer[2] if not inMpGame then pausedByPDAOpen = PDAOpenedByPlayer[netUniqueId] end _SetCampaignSpeed(pausedByPDAOpen and 0 or false, "PDAOpened") end function IsCampaignPausedByOtherPlayer() if netInGame then local suffix = NetIsHost() and guest_suffix or host_suffix for k, v in pairs(CampaignPauseReasons) do if v and string.match(k, string.format("%s$", suffix)) then return true end end end return false end function ClearRemotePauseReasons(reasons) local cleared = {} local suffix = NetIsHost() and guest_suffix or host_suffix for k, v in pairs(reasons) do if v then if type(k) == "string" and string.match(k, string.format("%s$", suffix)) then cleared[#cleared + 1] = k reasons[k] = nil end end end return cleared end function GetAllSuffixReasons(reasons) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(reasons) do if v and type(k) == "string" and (k:ends_with(guest_suffix) or k:ends_with(host_suffix)) then res[#res + 1] = k end end return res end function GetRemoteSuffixReasons(reasons) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(reasons) do if v and type(k) == "string" and k:ends_with(guest_suffix) then res[#res + 1] = k end end return res end function OnMsg.NetPlayerLeft(player, reason) --clear other player pause layer reasons ClearRemotePauseReasons(CampaignPauseReasons) local cleared = GetRemoteSuffixReasons(PauseReasons) for i, r in ipairs(cleared) do _SetPauseLayerPause(false, r) end end function ClearAllSuffixReasons(reasons) local suffixReasons = GetAllSuffixReasons(reasons) for i, sR in ipairs(suffixReasons) do reasons[sR] = nil end end function OnMsg.ChangeMapDone() ClearAllSuffixReasons(CampaignPauseReasons) ClearAllSuffixReasons(PauseReasons) end function OnMsg.NetGameLeft() ClearAllSuffixReasons(CampaignPauseReasons) local cleared = GetAllSuffixReasons(PauseReasons) for i, r in ipairs(cleared) do _SetPauseLayerPause(false, r) end end function IsCampaignPausedByRemotePlayerOnly() return DoPauseReasonsContainRemotePlayerOnlyPause(CampaignPauseReasons) end function IsGamePausedByRemotePlayerOnly() return DoPauseReasonsContainRemotePlayerOnlyPause(PauseReasons) end function IsCampaignOrGamePausedByRemotePlayerOnly() local pausedByRemote, reason = IsCampaignPausedByRemotePlayerOnly() if pausedByRemote then return pausedByRemote, reason end return IsGamePausedByRemotePlayerOnly() end function DoPauseReasonsContainRemotePlayerOnlyPause(reasons) --checks that game is paused by ui on exactly on remote machine only, if it is also paused locally it returns false if netInGame then local his_suffix = NetIsHost() and guest_suffix or host_suffix local my_suffix = NetIsHost() and host_suffix or guest_suffix local has_mine = false local has_his, his_reason = false for k, v in pairs(reasons) do if v and type(k) == "string" then if not has_his and string.match(k, string.format("%s$", his_suffix)) then has_his = true his_reason = k elseif not has_mine and string.match(k, string.format("%s$", my_suffix)) then has_mine = true end end end return has_his and not has_mine, his_reason end return false end function IsCampaignPausedByRemoteBobbyRayOnly() if not netInGame then return false end local his_suffix = NetIsHost() and guest_suffix or host_suffix local my_suffix = NetIsHost() and host_suffix or guest_suffix for k, v in pairs(CampaignPauseReasons) do if v and type(k) == "string" then if not string.match(k, "PDABrowserBobbyRay") and string.match(k, his_suffix) then return false end end end return true end function NetSyncEvents.SetCampaignSpeed(speed, reason) _SetCampaignSpeed(speed, reason) end function NetEvents.SetLayerPause(pause, reason, keep_sounds) _SetPauseLayerPause(pause, reason, keep_sounds) end function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate(classes) table.insert(, { id = "PauseReason", editor = "text", default = false }) end function SetPauseLayerPause(pause, layer, keep_sounds) -- Try to determine a unique id for this layer. local reason = false if layer then if type(layer) == "string" then reason = layer elseif #(layer.PauseReason or "") > 0 then reason = layer.PauseReason elseif type(layer) == "table" then reason = layer.class end end reason = reason or "UnknownPause" reason = GetUICampaignPauseReason(reason) -- Convert to co-op aware if GetMapName() ~= "" and not IsChangingMap() then NetEchoEvent("SetLayerPause", pause, reason, keep_sounds) else _SetPauseLayerPause(pause, reason, keep_sounds) end end function _SetPauseLayerPause(pause, layer, keep_sounds) if pause then Pause(layer, keep_sounds) else Resume(layer) end local dlg = GetDialog("MPPauseHint") if dlg then dlg:OnContextUpdate(dlg.context) end end function OnMsg.SaveGameStart(save) if save and not save.autosave then SetPauseLayerPause(true, "SavingGame") end end function OnMsg.SaveGameDone(save) SetPauseLayerPause(false, "SavingGame") end function IsCampaignMap(map_name) for _, preset in pairs(CampaignPresets) do for _, sector in pairs(preset.Sectors or empty_table) do if sector.Map == map_name then return true end end end end local function SingleplayerPauseCampaignTime(pause, reason) if not Game then return end -- In multiplayer allow sp unpause only (and it needs to go through an event) if IsInMultiplayerGame() then if not pause then SetCampaignSpeed(pause and 0 or Game.CampaignTimeFactor, reason) end return end _SetCampaignSpeed(pause and 0 or (Game and Game.CampaignTimeFactor), reason) end function OnMsg.BugReportStart() PauseCampaignTime(GetUICampaignPauseReason("InGameMenu")) end function OnMsg.BugReportEnd() ResumeCampaignTime(GetUICampaignPauseReason("InGameMenu")) end function CloseBugReporter() local template_id = config.BugReporterXTemplateID local dlg = GetDialog(template_id) if not dlg then return end dlg:Close() end OnMsg.OpenSatelliteView = CloseBugReporter OnMsg.CloseSatelliteView = CloseBugReporter function OnMsg.InGameMenuOpen() SingleplayerPauseCampaignTime(true, "InGameMenu") end function OnMsg.InGameMenuClose() SingleplayerPauseCampaignTime(false, "InGameMenu") end function OnMsg.EnterSector() OpenDialog("MPPauseHint", GetInGameInterface()) end -- session data function GatherSessionData() --FunctionProfilerStart() local time_start = GetPreciseTicks() PauseInfiniteLoopDetection("GatherSessionData") Msg("GatherSessionData") if Platform.developer then --printf("Msg GatherSessionData in %dms", GetPreciseTicks() - time_start) end local time_to_lua_code = GetPreciseTicks() g_PresetForbidSerialize = true local save_data = pstr("return "):append(TupleToLuaCodePStr({ game = Game, gvars = GetPersistableGameVarValues(), })) g_PresetForbidSerialize = false if Platform.developer then local time = GetPreciseTicks() - time_to_lua_code --printf("TupleToLuaCodePStr in %dms", time) end Msg("GatherSessionDataEnd") ResumeInfiniteLoopDetection("GatherSessionData") --FunctionProfilerStop() if Platform.developer then --printf("GatherSesionData in %dms", GetPreciseTicks() - time_start) end return save_data end function GetGameVarFromSession(session_data, name) return session_data.gvars[name] end function GetSectorDataFromSession(session_data, sector_id) return session_data.gvars.gv_Sectors[sector_id].sector_data end local function GameDataToLuaValue(data, env) local func, err = load(data, nil, nil, env) if not func then return err end local ok, data = procall(func) if not ok then return data or "runtime err" end return nil, data end function GenerateMultiplayerGuestCampaignName() assert(netGamePlayers and table.count(netGamePlayers) > 1) local campaign = Game and Game.Campaign or rawget(_G, "DefaultCampaign") or "HotDiamonds" assert(CampaignPresets[campaign]) return _InternalTranslate(CampaignPresets[campaign].DisplayName) end function LoadGameSessionData(data, metadata) local wasInMultiplayerGame = IsInMultiplayerGame() collectgarbage("stop") SkipAnySetpieces() ChangeGameState( { loading_savegame = true } ) if GetMap() == "" then ResetGameTime() -- NetUpdateHash can be called before loading a new map else ChangeMap("") end ClearItemIdData() ZuluNewGame() local env = LuaValueEnv{ -- place functions that can be used in the save here PlaceInventoryItem = PlaceInventoryItem, PlaceUnitData = PlaceUnitData, PlaceStatusEffect = PlaceCharacterEffect, PlaceCharacterEffect = PlaceCharacterEffect, InvalidPos = InvalidPos, GetMissingSourceFallback = function() print("Loading SaveGame Environment: Func source missing!") return function() print("Loading SaveGame Environment: Missing func!") end end, } local err, data = GameDataToLuaValue(data, env) assert(not err, err) if not err then FixupSessionData(metadata, data) for _, name in ipairs(GameVars) do if data.gvars[name] == nil then local value = GameVarValues[name] if type(value) == "function" then value = value() end _G[name] = value or false else _G[name] = data.gvars[name] end end Game = if Platform.console and IsInMultiplayerGame() and not NetIsHost() then Game.playthrough_name = GenerateMultiplayerGuestCampaignName() end Game.Campaign = Game.Campaign or DefaultCampaign -- !!! backwards compatibility before rev 277827 if not IsKindOf(Game, "GameSettings") then Game = GameSettings:new(Game) end Game.loaded_from_id = Game.save_id Game.combat_outcomes = Game.combat_outcomes or {defeats = {}, retreats = {}, victories = {}} NetGossip("LoadGame",, Game.loaded_from_id, GetGameSettingsTable(Game), Game.combat_outcomes, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) -- We don't need to filter texts from an unbought merc, because these are never displayed in the UI as UserTexts (even though they exist in memory); relevant for resyncs after merc creation is started but before it is finished local custom_merc = data.gvars.g_ImpTest and -- backward compatibility (old saves will have these as strings) if custom_merc and custom_merc.created then if type( == "string" then = CreateUserText(, "name") end if type(custom_merc.nick) == "string" then custom_merc.nick = CreateUserText(custom_merc.nick, "name") end -- this is required because some savegames have become inconsistent on steam; the g_ImpTest and gv_UnitData UserTexts with the same text but different steam ids; see mantis#219504 local merc_unit_data = data.gvars.gv_UnitData[] if merc_unit_data then merc_unit_data.Name = merc_unit_data.Nick = custom_merc.nick end local user_texts = {, custom_merc.nick} local loading = _InternalTranslate(LoadingUnitName) SetCustomFilteredUserTexts(user_texts, { loading, loading }) local errors = AsyncFilterUserTexts(user_texts) if errors then for _, err in ipairs(errors) do SetCustomFilteredUserText(err.user_text) end end end Msg("PreLoadSessionData", data) local sat_view = gv_SatelliteView local sectorToEnter = gv_ActiveCombat or gv_CurrentSectorId if sectorToEnter then local floatingTextConfig = config.FloatingTextEnabled config.FloatingTextEnabled = false EnterSector(sectorToEnter) config.FloatingTextEnabled = floatingTextConfig end if sat_view or not sectorToEnter then if gv_SaveCamera then SetCamera(unpack_params(gv_SaveCamera)) gv_SaveCamera = false end OpenSatelliteView(nil, (InitialConflictNotStarted() and not AnyPlayerSquads()) and "openLandingPage", "force_loading", "wait") end local abort_threshold = 5 * 40 -- 40 seconds eyeballed local count = 0 while IsChangingMap() or GetMap() == "" do WaitMsg("ChangeMapDone", 200) if GetMap() == "" and (IsInMultiplayerGame() ~= wasInMultiplayerGame or count >= abort_threshold) then ChangeGameState( { loading_savegame = false } ) collectgarbage("collect") collectgarbage("restart") return "lost connection or timed out during LoadGameSessionData" end count = count + 1 end Msg("LoadSessionData") if mapdata and metadata and mapdata.NetHash ~= metadata.mapNetHash then ValidateMapGameplay() end end local browser_history = data.gvars.PDABrowserHistoryState -- backward compatibility (old saves didn't need future DLC to open BobbyRayGun's webpage, saved in browser history) -- there is only at most one entry to remove so this should be safe if not IsDlcAvailable("future") then for i, v in ipairs(browser_history) do if v.mode == "banner_page" and v.mode_param == "PDABrowserBobbyRay" then table.remove(browser_history, i) break end end end ChangeGameState( { loading_savegame = false } ) collectgarbage("collect") collectgarbage("restart") return err end function CreateSessionCampaignObject(obj, class, session_objs, template_key) local id = obj.Id if not session_objs[id] then session_objs[id] = class:new{template_key = template_key} session_objs[id]:SetId(id) end end function DeleteSessionCampaignObject(obj, class, session_objs) local id = obj.Id if session_objs[id] then session_objs[id]:delete() session_objs[id] = nil end end function InitSessionCampaignObjects(class, session_objs, template_key) local campaign_objs = CampaignPresets[Game.Campaign][template_key] or empty_table for i = 1, #campaign_objs do CreateSessionCampaignObject(campaign_objs[i], class, session_objs, template_key) end end function PatchSessionCampaignObjects(class, session_objs, template_key) local campaign_objs = CampaignPresets[Game.Campaign][template_key] or empty_table for i = 1, #campaign_objs do local obj = campaign_objs[i] local id = obj.Id if not session_objs[id] then CreateSessionCampaignObject(obj, class, session_objs, template_key) end end end function ZuluNewGame(new_game_params, campaign) local unit_data = new_game_params and new_game_params.KeepUnitData and gv_UnitData DoneGame() local game = GameClass:new() game.save_id = random_encode64(48) game.combat_outcomes = {defeats = {}, retreats = {}, victories = {}} if not new_game_params or new_game_params.game_rules == nil then ForEachPreset("GameRuleDef", function(rule) if rule.init_as_active then game:AddGameRule( end end) end Game = game ApplyNewGameOptions(new_game_params) InitGameVars() if campaign then Game.Campaign = Game.CampaignTime = campaign.starting_timestamp SetUILCustomTime(Game.CampaignTime) Game.CampaignTimeStart = Game.CampaignTime end if unit_data then gv_UnitData = unit_data end if not GameState.loading_savegame then NetGossip("NewGame",, game.save_id, GetGameSettingsTable(game)) local campaign = GetCurrentCampaignPreset() NetGossip("CampaignStage", campaign and, "early", GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game.CampaignTime) end Msg("NewGame", game) CloseMenuDialogs() return game end function OnMsg.CombatEnd(combat) local team = GetCampaignPlayerTeam() local defeated = not team or team:IsDefeated() local stats_tbl = defeated and Game.combat_outcomes.defeats or Game.combat_outcomes.victories stats_tbl[gv_CurrentSectorId] = (stats_tbl[gv_CurrentSectorId] or 0) + 1 NetGossip("Combat", "Outcomes", Game.combat_outcomes, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) end function OnMsg.ConflictEnd(sector, _, __, ___, ____, isRetreat) if not isRetreat then return end local sector_id = sector.Id Game.combat_outcomes.retreats[sector_id] = (Game.combat_outcomes.retreats[sector_id] or 0) + 1 NetGossip("Combat", "Retreat", sector_id, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) NetGossip("Combat", "Outcomes", Game.combat_outcomes, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) end function NewGameSession(campaign, new_game_params) LogData = {} Msg("NewGameSessionStart") ZuluNewGame(new_game_params, campaign) InitSessionCampaignObjects(SatelliteSector, gv_Sectors, "Sectors") InitSessionCampaignObjects(CampaignCity, gv_Cities, "Cities") ForEachMerc(function(mId) CreateUnitData(mId, mId, InteractionRand()) end) Msg("InitSessionCampaignObjects") end function HasGameSession() return not not next(gv_Sectors or empty_table) end DefaultCampaign = "HotDiamonds" if FirstLoad then g_DisclaimerSplashScreen = false end function StartCampaign(campaign_id, new_game_params) local campaign = CampaignPresets[campaign_id or false] or GetCurrentCampaignPreset() if campaign.DisclaimerOnStart then local duration = ReadDurationFromText(_InternalTranslate(campaign.DisclaimerOnStart)) g_DisclaimerSplashScreen = SplashText(campaign.DisclaimerOnStart, "DisclaimerOnStart", 600, 1500, duration) g_DisclaimerSplashScreen:SetMouseCursor("UI/Cursors/Hand.tga") local res = g_DisclaimerSplashScreen:Wait() g_DisclaimerSplashScreen = false if res then return "abort" end end LoadingScreenOpen("idLoadingScreen", "new game") ClearItemIdData() NewGameSession(campaign, new_game_params) campaign:OnStartCampaign() NewGameObj = false LoadingScreenClose("idLoadingScreen", "new game") end function QuickStartCampaign(campaign_id, new_game_params, initSector) EditorDeactivate() local campaign = CampaignPresets[campaign_id or false] or GetCurrentCampaignPreset() local init_sector = initSector or campaign.InitialSector ClearItemIdData() NewGameSession(campaign, new_game_params) ForEachPreset("GameRuleDef", function(rule) if rule.init_as_active then Game:AddGameRule( end end) SectorLoadingScreenOpen("idQuickStartCampaign", "quick start", init_sector) MapForEach("map", "Unit", DoneObject) Game.Money = const.Satellite.StartingMoneyQuickStart Game.isDev = not new_game_params or not new_game_params.testModGame local unit_ids = GetTestCampaignSquad() CreateNewSatelliteSquad({Side = "player1", CurrentSector = init_sector, Name = SquadName:GetNewSquadName("player1")}, unit_ids, 14, 1234567) for _, unitId in ipairs(unit_ids) do Msg("MercHired", unitId, 1234, 14) gv_UnitData[unitId]:CallReactions("OnMercHired", 1234, 14) SetMercStateFlag(unitId, "CurrentDailySalary", DivRound(1234, 14)) end campaign:OnStartCampaign("QuickStart") gv_InitialHiringDone = true SectorLoadingScreenClose("idQuickStartCampaign", "quick start") EnterFirstSector(init_sector, "force") end function GetTestCampaignSquad() local starting_parties = { { "Igor", "Kalyna", "Omryn", "Livewire", }, { "Barry", "MD", "Steroid", "Igor", }, { "Mouse", "Igor", "Grunty", "Fauda", }, { "Tex", "MD", "Buns", }, { "Wolf", "Steroid", "Fox", "Kalyna", }, { "Red", "Fauda", "Kalyna", "Igor", }, { "Thor", "Buns", "Steroid", "Livewire", }, } return table.rand(starting_parties) end GameVar("gv_InitialHiringDone", false) GameVar("gv_AIMBrowserEverClosed", false) function InitialConflictNotStarted() return not GameState.entered_sector and not gv_InitialHiringDone end function OnMsg.EnterSector() gv_InitialHiringDone = true end function CanLoadGame() if netInGame and not NetIsHost() or GetDialog("ModifyWeaponDlg") or (not Game and not IsMainMenuMap()) or IsGameReplayRunning() or IsGameReplayRecording() or AutosaveRequest or GetGameBlockingLoadingScreen() or g_PhotoMode or GetDialog("Intro") or GetDialog("Outro") or GetDialog("DemoOutro") then return false end return true end function OnMsg.CanSaveGameQuery(query) if not Game then query.no_game = true elseif not Game.CampaignStarted then query.no_real_campaign = true end end function HireInitialMercsWarning(callback, ...) local args = {...} CreateRealTimeThread(function() if WaitQuestion(GetInGameInterface(), T(1000599, "Warning"), T(133085287026, "You have no team. Are you sure you want to start?"), T(689884995409, "Yes"), T(782927325160, "No")) == "ok" then callback(table.unpack(args)) end end) end function OnMsg.DoneMap() CloseDialog("InGameInterface") CloseDialog("BadgeHolderDialog") CloseDialog("FloatingTextDialog") end ----------- Sector dynamic data ---------------------------- DefineClass.GameDynamicDataObject = { __parents = {"Object"}, } DefineClass.GameDynamicSpawnObject = { __parents = {"GameDynamicDataObject"}, spawner = false } local function save_val(data, name, val, default) data[name] = val ~= default and val or nil end local axis_z = axis_z local invalid_pos = InvalidPos() function GameDynamicSpawnObject:GetDynamicData(data) save_val(data, "pos", self:GetPos(), invalid_pos) save_val(data, "angle", self:GetAngle(), 0) save_val(data, "axis", self:GetAxis(), axis_z) save_val(data, "scale", self:GetScale(), 100) end local function load_val(obj, data, name, setter) local v = data[name] if v then obj[setter](obj, data[name]) end end function GameDynamicSpawnObject:SetDynamicData(data) load_val(self, data, "pos", "SetPos") load_val(self, data, "angle", "SetAngle") load_val(self, data, "axis", "SetAxis") load_val(self, data, "scale", "SetScale") end function GameDynamicSpawnObject:GetError() -- CheckSavegameObjectsAreEssentials local detail_class = self:GetDetailClass() if detail_class == "Default" then local entity = self:GetEntity() local entity_data = EntityData[self:GetEntity()] detail_class = entity and entity_data and entity_data.entity.DetailClass or "Essential" end if detail_class ~= "Essential" then return string.format("'%s' goes to savegame but is '%s'(must be Essential)!", self.class, detail_class) end end function ApplyDynamicData() local sector_data_code = gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] and gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId].sector_data local err, sector_data = LuaCodeToTuple(sector_data_code) if err then assert(false, string.format("ApplydynamicData error:%s",err)) return end if next(sector_data) == nil then return end SuspendPassEdits("ApplyDynamicData") local dataToHandle = {} for i, data in ipairs(sector_data.dynamic_data) do local handle = data.handle dataToHandle[handle] = data end FixupSectorData(sector_data, dataToHandle) local spawn_data = sector_data.spawn -- remove(dont spawn) units that were destroyed -- todo: is this check actually correct? do we need to store which units were deleted or can we depend on this? local deleted = false local deleted_corpse_marker = {} local length = #(spawn_data or "") for i = 1, length, 2 do local class = spawn_data[i] if class == "Unit" then local handle = spawn_data[i + 1] local data = dataToHandle[handle] local sessionId = data.session_id local ud = gv_UnitData[sessionId] if not ud then spawn_data[i] = nil spawn_data[i + 1] = nil deleted = true end elseif IsKindOf(g_Classes[class], "AL_CorpseMarker") then local handle = spawn_data[i + 1] local data = dataToHandle[handle] if not data.corpse then spawn_data[i] = nil spawn_data[i + 1] = nil deleted = true deleted_corpse_marker[handle] = true end end end if deleted then table.compact(spawn_data) end -- spawn objects for i = 1, #(spawn_data or ""), 2 do local class = spawn_data[i] local handle = spawn_data[i + 1] assert(not HandleToObject[handle], string.format("'%s' with invalid saved handle[%d]", class, handle)) PlaceObject(class, {handle = handle or nil}) end -- load dynamic data -- NOTE: First load the AL markers so the units can properly restore their Visit command using the visitables -- AL_Mourn_FromCorspe/AL_Maraud_FromCorspe are spawned dynamicly and get handles greater than Units -- Hence AL markers need to be loaded before Units(editor AL markers are always with smaller handles than Units) local loaded = {} for _, data in ipairs(sector_data.dynamic_data) do local handle = data.handle local obj = HandleToObject[handle] if IsValid(obj) then if IsKindOf(obj, "AmbientLifeMarker") then loaded[handle] = true procall(obj.SetDynamicData, obj, data) if IsKindOfClasses(obj, "AL_Mourn", "AL_Maraud") and obj.corpse then -- SUB-NOTE: corpses should be loaded before their "visitors" -- since :CanVisit() needs the corpse side to re-check visit conditions local corpse_handle = obj.corpse.handle loaded[corpse_handle] = true procall(obj.corpse.SetDynamicData, obj.corpse, dataToHandle[corpse_handle]) end elseif IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") and data.behavior == "Visit" then -- NOTE: bug from r335315 was setting :SetBehavior(visitable) instead of :SetBehavior({visitable}) local marker_handle = type(data.behavior_params[1]) == "table" and data.behavior_params[1][1] or data.behavior_params[1] if marker_handle and deleted_corpse_marker[marker_handle] then data.behavior = false data.behavior_params = false end end end end RebuildVisitables() -- now other objects can be loaded local load_last = {} for _, data in ipairs(sector_data.dynamic_data) do local handle = data.handle if not loaded[handle] then local obj = HandleToObject[handle] if IsValid(obj) then if IsKindOf(obj, "Interactable") then -- NOTE: Interactable needs it objects in collections properly init to apply its effects table.insert(load_last, data) else loaded[handle] = true procall(obj.SetDynamicData, obj, data) end end end end -- Interactable now can apply its effects when all its elements are loaded, e.g. SetObjectMarking() for _, data in ipairs(load_last) do local handle = data.handle local obj = HandleToObject[handle] loaded[handle] = true procall(obj.SetDynamicData, obj, data) end -- load other 'handles' like 'combat' Msg("LoadDynamicData", sector_data) ResumePassEdits("ApplyDynamicData") return sector_data.lua_revision_on_save end -- Some dynamic data like object's vangle, vpos and such depend on visual properties which -- prevent two saves back to back to be the same. Additionally MapForEach is not -- deterministic across loading a save. if FirstLoad then g_TestingSaveLoadSystem = false end local gofPermanent = const.gofPermanent function GatherSectorDynamicData() if not GameState.entered_sector or not gv_CurrentSectorId or IsChangingMap() then return end local time = GetPreciseTicks() -- enum all spawned objects (how to tell them? use a base class for now) and create the sector_data.spawn section local spawn_data = {} local dynamic_data = {} local data = {} local function persist_non_permanent(obj) if obj:GetGameFlags(gofPermanent) ~= 0 then return end local handle = obj:GetHandle() spawn_data[#spawn_data + 1] = obj.class spawn_data[#spawn_data + 1] = handle procall(obj.GetDynamicData, obj, data) if next(data) ~= nil then data.handle = handle dynamic_data[#dynamic_data + 1] = data data = {} end end MapForEach("map", "GameDynamicSpawnObject", persist_non_permanent) MapForEach("detached", "Unit", persist_non_permanent) -- enum all Objects with gofPermanent and create the sector_data.dynamic_data section by calling GetDynamicData on each one PauseInfiniteLoopDetection("Saving") MapForEach("map", "GameDynamicDataObject", nil, nil, gofPermanent, function(obj) procall(obj.GetDynamicData, obj, data) if next(data) ~= nil then data.handle = obj:GetHandle() dynamic_data[#dynamic_data + 1] = data data = {} end end) ResumeInfiniteLoopDetection("Saving") --sort table.sortby_field(dynamic_data, "handle") local spawnDataPaired = {} for i = 1, #spawn_data, 2 do local class = spawn_data[i] local handle = spawn_data[i + 1] spawnDataPaired[#spawnDataPaired + 1] = { class = class, handle = handle } end table.sortby_field(spawnDataPaired, "handle") table.iclear(spawn_data) for i, pair in ipairs(spawnDataPaired) do spawn_data[#spawn_data + 1] = pair.class spawn_data[#spawn_data + 1] = pair.handle end if Platform.developer and g_TestingSaveLoadSystem then --remove keys that would always differ g_LoadingHintsNextIdx = 1 local badKeys = { "vangle", "vpos", "vpos_time", "vangle_time" } for i, dat in ipairs(dynamic_data) do for i, key in ipairs(badKeys) do if dat[key] then dat[key] = nil end end end end local sector_data = { spawn = spawn_data, dynamic_data = dynamic_data } Msg("SaveDynamicData", sector_data) Msg("PreSaveSectorData", sector_data) gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] = gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] or { } --[[ -- uncomment do debug invalid table key type assert fail in TableToLuaCode during save local function sanity_check(tbl, label) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do local kt = type(k) local kl if kt ~= "boolean" and kt ~= "number" and kt ~= "string" then assert(false, string.format("invalid key type (%s) found in %s", tostring(kt), label)) kl = string.format("invalid (type %s)", kt) else kl = tostring(k) end if type(v) == "table" then sanity_check(v, label .. string.format("[\"%s\"]", kl)) end end end sanity_check(sector_data, "sector_data")--]] gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId].sector_data = tostring(TableToLuaCode(sector_data, nil, pstr("", 1024))) if Platform.developer then local len = #gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId].sector_data time = GetPreciseTicks() - time printf("Sector %s data saved in %d b (%d kb) for %dms", gv_CurrentSectorId, len, len / 1024, time) end end function SavegameSectorDataFixups.FormatChange(sector_data) -- spawn_data to array local spawn_data = {} for i, data in ipairs(sector_data.spawn) do spawn_data[i * 2 - 1] = data[1] spawn_data[i * 2] = data[2] end sector_data.spawn = spawn_data -- fold outside table with handle to data local dynamic_data = sector_data.dynamic_data for i, data in ipairs(dynamic_data) do if data[1] == "exploration_selection" then sector_data.exploration_selection = data[2] else data[2].handle = data[1] dynamic_data[i] = data[2] end end -- move all values to sector_data for key, data in pairs(dynamic_data) do if type(key) == "string" then assert(sector_data[key] == nil) sector_data[key] = data end end end local members_to_nil = { "on_die_hit_descr", "default_move_style", "cur_move_style", "cur_idle_style", "on_die_hit_descr", "infected", "aware", } function SavegameSessionDataFixups.OptimizeUnitMembers(data) local sectors = GetGameVarFromSession(data, "gv_Sectors") for sector, sector_data_org in pairs(sectors) do local modified local err, sector_data = LuaCodeToTuple(sector_data_org.sector_data) if err then print(string.format("OptimizeSectorDatas error for sector %s: %s", sector, err)) elseif next(sector_data) ~= nil then for _, data in ipairs(sector_data.dynamic_data) do local mod for _, member_name in ipairs(members_to_nil) do if data[member_name] == false then data[member_name] = nil mod = true end end if mod then modified = (modified or 0) + 1 end end end if modified then sector_data_org.sector_data = tostring(TableToLuaCode(sector_data, nil, pstr("", 1024))) --print(string.format("%s: modified %d records", sector, modified)) end end end function OnMsg.GatherSessionData() GatherSectorDynamicData() end ---------------Spawners----------- function UpdateSpawners() FireNetSyncEventOnHostOnce("UpdateSpawners") end function NetSyncEvents.UpdateSpawners() UpdateSpawnersLocal() end function UpdateSpawnersLocal() if IsEditorActive() or GameState.loading_savegame or not mapdata.GameLogic then return end SuspendPassEdits("UpdateSpawners") -- despawners first - otherwise duplicate SessionID can arise MapForEach("map", "ConditionalSpawnMarker", function(obj) local _, despawn_cond = obj:GetSpawnDespawnConditions() if despawn_cond then obj:Update() end end) -- everything should be clean now MapForEach("map", "ConditionalSpawnMarker", function(obj) obj:Update() end) ResumePassEdits("UpdateSpawners") g_TriggerEnemySpawners = false end OnMsg.QuestParamChanged = UpdateSpawners OnMsg.CombatStart = UpdateSpawners OnMsg.TurnStart = UpdateSpawners OnMsg.CombatStartRepositionDone = UpdateSpawners OnMsg.DbgStartExploration = UpdateSpawners OnMsg.CloseConversationDialog = UpdateSpawners function OnMsg.CloseSatelliteView() if GameState.loading_savegame then return end UpdateSpawnersLocal() --this is a sync msg end function OnMsg.CombatEnd(combat) if not combat.test_combat then UpdateSpawners() end end function OnMsg.PostNewMapLoaded() if not GameState or not GameState.loading_savegame then -- update spawned objects when start the game or load the map from editor UpdateSpawners() end end function OnMsg.OnDbgLoadLocation() UpdateSpawners() end function GenerateUniqueUnitDataId(base, sector, unit) gv_NextUnitDataUniqueId = (gv_NextUnitDataUniqueId or 0) + 1 return string.format("%s:%s:%s:%d", base, sector, unit, gv_NextUnitDataUniqueId-1) end function OnMsg.PreLoadSessionData() ForEachMerc(function(mId) local unitData = CreateUnitData(mId, mId, InteractionRand()) local props = UnitPropertiesStats:GetProperties() for _, prop in ipairs(props) do if prop.category == "Stats" then unitData:SetBase(, unitData[]) end end end) end function UpdateCombatExplorationConflictState(reset_all) if reset_all then ChangeGameState{Combat = false, Exploration = false, Conflict = false, ConflictScripted = false} else local combat = not not g_Combat local conflict = not not IsConflictMode(gv_CurrentSectorId) ChangeGameState{Combat = combat, Exploration = not combat, Conflict = conflict, ConflictScripted = conflict} end end local function lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset() UpdateCombatExplorationConflictState() end OnMsg.CombatEnd = lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset OnMsg.CombatStart = lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset OnMsg.ConflictEnd = lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset OnMsg.ConflictStart = lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset OnMsg.ExplorationStart = lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset OnMsg.EnterSector = lUpdateCombatExplorationConflictStateNoReset function OnMsg.NewGameSessionStart() UpdateCombatExplorationConflictState("reset") end function OnMsg.GameStateChanged(changed) if changed.Combat == true then SetGroupVolumeReason("combat", "Ambience", 500, 1000) elseif changed.Combat == false then SetGroupVolumeReason("combat", "Ambience", const.SoundMaxVolume, 1000) end end AppendClass.MapDataPreset = { properties = { { category = "Jagged Alliance 3", id = "Region", editor = "preset_id", default = "Jungle", preset_class = "GameStateDef", preset_group = "region", }, { category = "Jagged Alliance 3", id = "MainMenuRegion", editor = "combo", default = "Default", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "region", "Default") end, name = "Region for main menu", help = "Choose a region to use as a main menu scene for this map, overriding the normal region of the map", }, { category = "Jagged Alliance 3", id = "Weather", name = "Force weather", editor = "combo", default = "none", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "weather", "none") end }, { category = "Jagged Alliance 3", id = "Tod", name = "Force time of day", editor = "combo", default = "none", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "time of day", "none") end }, { category = "Audio", id = "Reverb" }, { category = "Audio", id = "ReverbIndoor", name = "Reverb Indoor", editor = "preset_id", extra_item = "default from Region", default = "default from Region", preset_class = "ReverbDef", preset_group = "Default", }, { category = "Audio", id = "ReverbOutdoor", name = "Reverb Outdoor", editor = "preset_id", extra_item = "default from Region", default = "default from Region", preset_class = "ReverbDef", preset_group = "Default", }, } } AppendClass.GameStateDef = { properties = { {id = "ReverbIndoor", name = "Reverb Indoor", editor = "preset_id", default = "AboveGround_Indoor", preset_class = "ReverbDef", preset_group = "Default", no_edit = function(self) return ~= "region" end, }, {id = "ReverbOutdoor", name = "Reverb Outdoor", editor = "preset_id", default = "AboveGround_Outdoor", preset_class = "ReverbDef", preset_group = "Default", no_edit = function(self) return ~= "region" end, }, {id = "WeatherCycle", name = "Weather Cycle", editor = "choice", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return ~= "region" end, items = function (self) return table.keys2(WeatherCycle) end, }, } } function OnMsg.GameStateChanged(changed) if ChangingMap then return end local GameStateDefs = GameStateDefs for state_id, state in sorted_pairs(changed) do local state_def = GameStateDefs[state_id] if state_def and == "weather" then -- wind markers should react to this DelayedCall(0, ApplyWindMarkers) break end end end ----- Timers MapVar("Timers", {}) function TimerCreate(id, text, time) table.remove_entry(Timers, Timers[id]) local timer = { id = id, text = text or "", time = time or 0, last_update = GameTime(), } Timers[id] = timer Timers[#Timers + 1] = timer TimersUpdateTime(gv_ActiveCombat == gv_CurrentSectorId and 0) return timer end function TimerGetData(id) return Timers[id] end function TimerWait(id) while true do local data = TimerGetData(id) if not data or data.time <= 0 or data.StopTCE then return data and (data.StopTCE and "break" or "finished") end WaitMsg("TimerFinished") end end function TimerDelete(id) table.remove_entry(Timers, Timers[id]) Timers[id] = nil TimersUpdateTime(gv_ActiveCombat == gv_CurrentSectorId and 0) end function TimersUpdateTime(delta) local dialog = GetInGameInterfaceModeDlg() local control = dialog and dialog:ResolveId("idTimerText") local context = control and control.context local now = GameTime() for i = #Timers, 1, -1 do local timer = Timers[i] local time = timer.time - (delta and delta or now - timer.last_update) if time <= 0 then timer.time = 0 Msg("TimerFinished", -- Dont remove timers after they've finished -- as their finished state needs to be observed for -- an indeterminate amount of time. else timer.time = time timer.last_update = now if context then context.text = timer.text context.time = time ObjModified(context) context = nil end end end if context and context.time > 0 then context.time = 0 ObjModified(context) end end function OnMsg.CombatStart() TimersUpdateTime(0) end function OnMsg.CombatEnd() TimersUpdateTime(0) end function OnMsg.NewCombatTurn(team) if g_CurrentTeam and g_Teams[g_CurrentTeam].control == "UI" then TimersUpdateTime(const.Combat.TimerTurnTime or 0) end end function OnMsg.SaveDynamicData(data) for _, timer in ipairs(Timers) do data.Timers = data.Timers or {} data.Timers[#data.Timers + 1] = { id =, time = timer.time, textId = timer.text and TGetID(timer.text) } end end function OnMsg.LoadDynamicData(data) Timers = data.Timers or Timers for _, timer in ipairs(Timers) do timer.last_update = GameTime() if not timer.text and timer.textId then timer.text = T{timer.textId, TranslationTable[timer.textId]} or Untranslated("Name not localized") end Timers[] = timer end end function lGetGameStartTypes() local types = { { id = "Campaign", Name = T(831335436250, "NEW GAME"), func = function() StartNewGame() end, }, { id = "QuickStart", Name = T(419695626381, "QUICK START"), func = function() StartQuickStartGame() end } } return types end function MultipleCampaignPresetsPresent() local t = table.keys(CampaignPresets) return t and #t > 1 end function StartNewGame() EditorDeactivate() local IGmain = GetDialog("InGameMenu") if IGmain then CloseDialog("InGameMenu") end local dlg = GetDialog("PreGameMenu") local multipleCampaignPresets = MultipleCampaignPresetsPresent() if not dlg then CreateRealTimeThread(function() ResetGameSession() local dlg = OpenDialog("PreGameMenu") dlg:SetMode("NewGame") dlg:ResolveId("idSubMenuTittle"):SetText(T(831335436250, "NEW GAME")) dlg:ResolveId("idSubContent"):SetMode(multipleCampaignPresets and "newgame01" or "newgame02") Msg("PreGameMenuOpen") end) elseif dlg.Mode ~= "NewGame" then dlg:SetMode("NewGame") dlg:ResolveId("idSubMenuTittle"):SetText(T(831335436250, "NEW GAME")) dlg:ResolveId("idSubContent"):SetMode(multipleCampaignPresets and "newgame01" or "newgame02") end end function StartQuickStartGame() EditorDeactivate() CreateRealTimeThread(QuickStartCampaign, "HotDiamonds", { difficulty = "Normal" }) end GameStartTypes = lGetGameStartTypes() function ApplyNewGameOptions(newGameObj) if newGameObj then if Platform.console and IsInMultiplayerGame() and not NetIsHost() then newGameObj.campaign_name = GenerateMultiplayerGuestCampaignName() -- haven't seen a need for this (it is overwritten on LoadGame), but better safe than sorry end OptionsObj = OptionsObj or OptionsCreateAndLoad() Game.playthrough_name = newGameObj.campaign_name Game.testModGame = AreModdingToolsActive() if newGameObj["difficulty"] then Game.game_difficulty = newGameObj["difficulty"] OptionsObj["Difficulty"] = newGameObj["difficulty"] end for gameRule, value in pairs(newGameObj["game_rules"]) do if value then Game:AddGameRule(gameRule) end end SetGameRulesOptions() --do not apply settings in multiplayer game as they are locked if newGameObj["settings"] and not IsInMultiplayerGame() then for option, value in pairs(newGameObj["settings"]) do OptionsObj[option] = value end end CreateRealTimeThread(function() OptionsObject.WaitApplyOptions(OptionsObj) OptionsObj = false end) end end function OnMsg.DevUIMapChangePrep() local campaign = CampaignPresets["HotDiamonds" or false] or GetCurrentCampaignPreset() NewGameSession(campaign) end function IsDemoSector(sector) return not not table.find(Presets.Build_Settings.Demo.DemoMaps.Value, sector) end function OnMsg.GatherGameEntities(_, additional_blacklist_textures) local blacklist_sectors = {} for _, preset in ipairs(Presets.CampaignPreset or empty_table) do for _, campaign in ipairs(preset or empty_table) do for _, sector in ipairs(campaign.Sectors or empty_table) do if not IsDemoSector(sector.Map) then blacklist_sectors[sector.Id] = end end end end local sectors = table.keys(blacklist_sectors, "sorted") for _, sector in ipairs(sectors) do local image = string.format("UI/LoadingScreens/%s/", blacklist_sectors[sector], sector) table.insert(additional_blacklist_textures, image) end end local function FindUnitSafePos(unit, arrival_dir_destinations) local new_pos, interaction_pos if not unit:IsValidPos() then return end if unit.behavior == "Visit" then local marker = unit.behavior_params[1] and unit.behavior_params[1][1] local visitable = IsKindOf(marker, "AmbientLifeMarker") and marker:GetVisitable() local interaction_pos = visitable and (IsPoint(visitable[2]) and visitable[2] or marker:GetPos()) if not interaction_pos or not terrain.IsPassable(interaction_pos) then unit:SetBehavior() unit:SetCommand("Idle") end elseif unit:HasStatusEffect("ManningEmplacement") then local handle = unit:GetEffectValue("hmg_emplacement") local obj = HandleToObject[handle] if IsKindOf(obj, "MachineGunEmplacement") then interaction_pos = SnapToPassSlab(unit) else unit:LeaveEmplacement(true) end end if not interaction_pos or not terrain.IsPassable(interaction_pos) then local x, y, z = FindFallDownPos(interaction_pos or unit.traverse_tunnel and unit.traverse_tunnel:GetExit() or unit) if x then new_pos = point(x, y, z) end end -- find destinations local destinations if IsValid(unit.routine_spawner) then local dest = GetPassSlab(unit.routine_spawner) if not dest then local sx, sy, sz = FindFallDownPos(unit.routine_spawner) if sx then dest = point(sx, sy, sz) end end if dest then destinations = { dest } end end if not destinations then destinations = arrival_dir_destinations[unit.arrival_dir] if not destinations then destinations = {} arrival_dir_destinations[unit.arrival_dir] = destinations local markers = GetAvailableEntranceMarkers(unit.arrival_dir) for i, marker in ipairs(markers) do local pos = GetPassSlab(marker) if pos then table.insert(destinations, pos) end end end end if destinations and #destinations > 0 then local start_pos = new_pos or interaction_pos or GetPassSlab(unit) or unit:GetPos() local pfclass = CalcPFClass("player1") local pfflags = const.pfmImpassableSource if not new_pos then local has_path, closest_pos = pf.HasPosPath(start_pos, destinations, pfclass, 0, 0, nil, 0, nil, pfflags) if has_path and table.find(destinations, closest_pos) then return -- there is a path to destinations end end local best_pos for i, dest in ipairs(destinations) do local has_path, closest_pos = pf.HasPosPath(dest, start_pos, pfclass, 0, 0, nil, 0, nil, pfflags) if closest_pos and (not best_pos or IsCloser(start_pos, closest_pos, best_pos)) then best_pos = closest_pos end end if best_pos then new_pos = best_pos end end if unit:IsDead() then if new_pos then unit:SetPos(new_pos) -- the dead command will do the rest end return end if unit.ephemeral then DoneObject(unit) return end if not new_pos then new_pos = unit:GetPos() end if not CanOccupy(unit, new_pos) then local has_path, closest_pos = pf.HasPosPath(new_pos, new_pos, CalcPFClass("player1"), 0, 0, unit, 0, nil, const.pfmImpassableSource) if closest_pos then new_pos = closest_pos end end if unit.behavior == "Visit" then unit:SetBehavior() unit:SetCommand("Idle") elseif unit:HasStatusEffect("ManningEmplacement") then unit:LeaveEmplacement(true) end unit:SetPos(new_pos) end function ValidateMapGameplay() local arrival_dir_destinations = {} local units = g_Units for i = #units, 1, -1 do FindUnitSafePos(units[i], arrival_dir_destinations) end end