DefineClass("Tree", "EntityClass") DefineClass.BaseFlag = { __parents = { "Object" }, } function BaseFlag:Init() -- commented variants do not produce good results (half of the placed objects have animations phase very close to each other) --local phase = BraidRandom(EncodeVoxelPos(self) % max_int, duration) --local phase = BraidRandom(point_pack(self:GetPosXYZ()) % max_int, duration) local duration = GetAnimDuration(self:GetEntity(), self:GetAnim()) local phase = AsyncRand(duration) self:SetAnimPhase(1, phase) end function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate() table.iappend(, { {category = "Visuals", id = "NightOnly", name = "Night Only", editor = "bool", default = false}, }) end function GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0(self) return self._nightonly_intensity0 end function SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0(self, intensity) self._nightonly_intensity0 = intensity end function GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1(self) return self._nightonly_intensity1 end function SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1(self, intensity) self._nightonly_intensity1 = intensity end function ApplyNightOnly(night) MapForEach("map", "Light", function(light) if light.NightOnly then if night then if rawget(light, "_nightonly_intensity0") then light.SetIntensity0, light.GetIntensity0 = nil, nil light.SetIntensity1, light.GetIntensity1 = nil, nil light:SetIntensity0(light._nightonly_intensity0) light:SetIntensity1(light._nightonly_intensity1) light._nightonly_intensity0 = false light._nightonly_intensity1 = false end else if not rawget(light, "_nightonly_intensity0") then light._nightonly_intensity0 = light:GetIntensity0() light._nightonly_intensity1 = light:GetIntensity1() light:SetIntensity0(0) light:SetIntensity1(0) light.GetIntensity0, light.SetIntensity0 = GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0, SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0 light.GetIntensity1, light.SetIntensity1 = GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1, SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1 end end end end) end function OnMsg.GameEnterEditor() ApplyNightOnly(true) end function OnMsg.GameExitEditor() ApplyNightOnly(GameState.Night) end function OnMsg.GameStateChanged(changed) if changed.Night then ApplyNightOnly(true) elseif changed.Day or changed.Sunrise or changed.Sunset then ApplyNightOnly(false) end end function OnMsg.NewMapLoaded() if GameState.Night then ApplyNightOnly(true) elseif GameState.Day or GameState.Sunrise or GameState.Sunset then ApplyNightOnly(false) end end --[[ To create objects which play sound depending on which state they are placed on the map: - manually create a class for them inheriting DecorStateFXObject, or set DecorStateFXObject as parent class for them in the ArtSpec - in the FX editor, create a new ActionFXSound for each of the states you want to associate with sounds, with the following properties - Action: DecorState - Moment: start - Actor: choose the class of the object - Target: type the name of the state - Sound: choose the sound bank from the list - AttachToObj: check - if you want the sound to stop when the object switches to another state: - in EndRules: click "Add", then in EndMoment add "end" ]] local function GetParticlesType(pattern) local items = {} for name in pairs(ParticleSystemPresets) do if string.match(name, pattern) then table.insert(items, name) end end table.insert(items, "") table.sort(items) return items end DefineClass.DecorGameStatesFilter = { __parents = {"Object", "EditorTextObject"}, properties = { { category = "DecorStateFXObject", id = "ActivationRequiredStates", name = "Map States", editor = "set", three_state = true, default = false, items = function() return GetGameStateFilter() end, buttons = {{name = "Check Game States", func = "PropertyDefGameStatefSetCheck"}}, help = "Click once for the states required to be enabled(green), twice for the states required to be disabled(red). All other states are don't care.", }, }, editor_text_offset = point(0, 0, 150 * guic), old_map_states = false, -- objects's map states we are interested in during the last GameState activated = false, } function DecorGameStatesFilter:GameInit() self.old_map_states = {} for state in pairs(self.ActivationRequiredStates) do self.old_map_states[state] = not not GameState[state] end self:UpdateGameState() end function DecorGameStatesFilter:UpdateGameState() if not self.old_map_states then return end local is_destroyed = IsGenericObjDestroyed(self) local should_be_active = not is_destroyed if should_be_active then for state, required_value in pairs(self.ActivationRequiredStates) do local game_state_value = not not GameState[state] should_be_active = should_be_active and (required_value == game_state_value) if game_state_value ~= self.old_map_states[state] then self.old_map_states[state] = game_state_value PlayFX(state, game_state_value and "start" or "end", self, self:GetStateText()) end end end self.activated = should_be_active self:OnGameStateUpdated() self:EditorTextUpdate() end local efVisible = const.efVisible local efVisibleNot = bnot(efVisible) function DecorGameStatesFilter:SetEnumFlags(flags) if band(flags, efVisible) ~= 0 then if not IsEditorActive() and self:GetEntity() == "ParticleSoundPlaceholder" then flags = band(flags , efVisibleNot) end end Object.SetEnumFlags(self, flags) end function DecorGameStatesFilter:OnGameStateUpdated() if self:GetNumStates() == 0 then if self.activated and IsEditorActive() then self:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) else self:ClearEnumFlags(efVisible) end end end function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorEnter() EditorTextObject.EditorEnter(self) if self:GetNumStates() == 0 then self:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) end end function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorExit() EditorTextObject.EditorExit(self) self:UpdateGameState() end function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorGetText() local text = "" if not MatchGameState(self.ActivationRequiredStates) then local mismatch_states = {"Mismatch States:"} for state, active in pairs(self.ActivationRequiredStates) do local game_state_active = not not GameState[state] if active ~= game_state_active then table.insert(mismatch_states, state) end end text = string.format("%s\n%s", text, table.concat(mismatch_states, " ")) end return text end function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorGetTextColor() return MatchGameState(self.ActivationRequiredStates) and EditorTextObject.EditorGetTextColor(self) or const.clrRed end DefineClass.DecorStateFXObject = { __parents = { "Object", "FXObject", "DecorGameStatesFilter" }, properties = { { id = "Pos", name = "Pos", editor = "point", default = InvalidPos(), help = "in meters", scale = "m" }, { id = "Angle", editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, max = 360*60 - 1, slider = true, scale = "deg"}, { category = "DecorStateFXObject", id = "Preset", editor = "dropdownlist", default = "", items = function(self) return GetParticlesType(self.particles_pattern) end, }, }, place_category = false, place_name = false, particles_pattern = "", entity_scale = 100, particles = false, } function DecorStateFXObject:Init() self:SetScale(self.entity_scale) end function DecorStateFXObject:GameInit() CreateGameTimeThread(function() Sleep(1) -- workaround for sound FX being disabled during map load, pending investigation if IsValid(self) then self:SetState(self:GetState()) self:ForEachAttach("Light", Stealth_HandleLight) ResetVoxelStealthParamsCache() end end) self:PlaceParticles() end function DecorStateFXObject:Done() self:DestroyParticles() end function DecorStateFXObject:SetPos(pos, ...) Object.SetPos(self, pos, ...) if self.particles then self.particles:SetPos(pos, ...) end end function DecorStateFXObject:SetAngle(angle, ...) Object.SetAngle(self, angle, ...) if self.particles then self.particles:SetAngle(angle, ...) end end function DecorStateFXObject:DestroyParticles() if not self.particles then return end DoneObject(self.particles) self.particles = false end function DecorStateFXObject:PlaceParticles() if not ParticleSystemPresets[self.Preset] then return end self.particles = PlaceParticles(self.Preset) self.particles.HelperEntity = false self.particles:SetPos(self:GetPos()) self.particles:SetAngle(self:GetAngle()) end function DecorStateFXObject:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id) if prop_id == "Preset" then self:DestroyParticles() self:PlaceParticles() end end function DecorStateFXObject:SetState(...) PlayFX("DecorState", "end", self, self:GetStateText()) Object.SetState(self, ...) if self:GetEnumFlags(efVisible) ~= 0 then if not self:IsKindOf("AutoAttachObject") or self:GetAutoAttachMode() ~= "OFF" then -- NOTE: some lights are playng their sounds on their single "idle" anim despite beiing turner OFF PlayFX("DecorState", "start", self, self:GetStateText()) end end end function DecorStateFXObject:OnGameStateUpdated() DecorGameStatesFilter.OnGameStateUpdated(self) if self.particles then if self.activated then self.particles:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) else self.particles:ClearEnumFlags(efVisible) end end end function DecorStateFXObject:EditorEnter() DecorGameStatesFilter.EditorEnter(self) if self.particles then self.particles:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) end end function DecorStateFXObject:OnXFilterSetVisible(visible) if self.particles then if visible then self.particles:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) else self.particles:ClearEnumFlags(efVisible) end end end function OnMsg.GatherPlaceCategories(list) ClassDescendants("DecorStateFXObject", function(class_name, class) if class.place_category or class.place_name then local place_name = class.place_name or class_name local category = class.place_category or "Effects" table.insert(list, {class_name, place_name, "Common", category}) end end) end DefineClass.DecorStateFXObjectNoSound = { __parents = {"DecorStateFXObject", "EditorVisibleObject", "EditorTextObject", "StripCObjectProperties"}, entity = "ParticleSoundPlaceholder", entity_scale = 10, color_modifier = RGB(100, 100, 0), } function DecorStateFXObjectNoSound:Init() self:SetColorModifier(self.color_modifier) end DefineClass.DecorStateFXObjectWithSound = { __parents = {"DecorStateFXObject", "SoundSource"}, properties = { -- Required for map saving purposes only. { id = "CollectionIndex", name = "Collection Index", editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true }, { id = "CollectionName", name = "Collection Name", editor = "choice", items = GetCollectionNames, default = "", dont_save = true, buttons = {{ name = "Collection Editor", func = function(self) if self:GetRootCollection() then OpenCollectionEditorAndSelectCollection(self) end end }}, }, }, entity = "ParticleSoundPlaceholder", entity_scale = 10, sounds_pattern = "", editor_text_offset = point(0, 0, 150 * guic), } function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:EditorGetText() return string.format("%s\n%s", DecorGameStatesFilter.EditorGetText(self), SoundSource.EditorGetText(self)) end function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:EditorGetTextColor() return MatchGameState(self.ActivationRequiredStates) and DecorStateFXObject.EditorGetTextColor(self) or const.clrRed end function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:Init() local sounds = self:GetProperty("Sounds") if sounds then return end local sounds = {} for _, entry in ipairs(Presets.SoundPreset.ENVIRONMENT) do if string.match(, self.sounds_pattern) then table.insert(sounds, end end self:AddSoundsEntry(sounds[1 + self:Random(#sounds)], nil, self.ActivationRequiredStates) end function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:GetAvailableSounds(ignore_editor) if not self.activated then return end return SoundSourceBase.GetAvailableSounds(self, ignore_editor) end function OnMsg.GameStateChanged(changed) if CurrentMap == "" or ChangingMap then return end MapForEach("map", "DecorGameStatesFilter", function(decor) decor:UpdateGameState() end) end function OnMsg.GatherFXActions(list) list[#list+1] = "DecorState" end DefineClass.DecorStateFXAutoAttachObject = { __parents = {"DecorStateFXObject", "AutoAttachObject"}, } function DecorStateFXAutoAttachObject:SetState(...) -- NOTE: DecorStateFXObject expects GetStateText() to have the old anim so it needs to be called first DecorStateFXObject.SetState(self, ...) AutoAttachObject.SetState(self, ...) end DefineClass.ShadowOnlyObject = { __parents = {"EditorObject", "Object"}, } function ShadowOnlyObject:Init() self:Hide() end function ShadowOnlyObject:Hide() self:SetGameFlags(const.gofSolidShadow) self:SetOpacity(0) end function ShadowOnlyObject:Show() self:ClearGameFlags(const.gofSolidShadow) self:SetOpacity(100) end function ShadowOnlyObject:EditorEnter() self:Show() end function ShadowOnlyObject:EditorExit() self:Hide() end -- use CreateShadowOnlyVersion as parent in ArtSpec to create ShadowOnly version using the same entity DefineClass.CreateShadowOnlyVersion = {} function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate(classdefs) for class_name, classdef in pairs(classdefs) do local idx = table.find(classdef.__parents, "CreateShadowOnlyVersion") if idx then local parents = table.copy(classdef.__parents) parents[idx] = "ShadowOnlyObject" local new_class_def = DefineClass(class_name .. "_ShadowOnly", table.unpack(parents)) new_class_def.entity = classdef.entity or class_name end end end -------------- specific objects -------------- DefineClass.Laptop = { __parents = { "DecorStateFXObject" }, entity = "Corp_Laptop_01", } DefineClass.WW2_Flag = { __parents = { "DecorStateFXObject" }, fx_actor_class = "WW2_Flag", } DefineClass("WW2_FlagHill_France", "WW2_Flag") DefineClass("WW2_FlagHill_Legion", "WW2_Flag") DefineClass.Shanty_WindTower = { __parents = {"GroundAlignedObj", "Canvas", "DecorStateFXObject", "AnimMomentHook"}, fx_actor_class = "Shanty_WindTower", anim_moments_hook = true, anim_moments_single_thread = true, } function Shanty_WindTower:SetState(...) DecorStateFXObject.SetState(self, ...) AnimMomentHook.SetState(self, ...) end local function SetMaterialTypeToClassDef(cls) local def = g_Classes[cls] if def then def.material_type = table.get(EntityData, cls, "entity", "material_type") end end function OnMsg.EntitiesLoaded() local lst = ClassDescendantsList("WW2_Flag") for _, cls in ipairs(lst or empty_table) do SetMaterialTypeToClassDef(cls) end end DefineClass("SatelliteViewWater", "WaterObj") DefineClass.WalkableEntity = { __parents = { "CObject" }, flags = {efPathSlab = true}, } DefineClass.Vehicle = { __parents = { "CombatObject", "AutoAttachObject" }, } DefineClass.HorizonObject = { __parents = { "CObject" }, max_allowed_radius = 200 * guim, flags = { efSelectable = false, cofComponentCollider = false }, }