DefineClass("TestValidator") IsGameReplayRunning = empty_func if Platform.developer then RecursiveCallMethods.GetTestData = "call" end function IsGameRecordingSupported() return config.SupportGameRecording and Libs.Network == "sync" end GameRecordVersion = 2 function ApplyRecordVersion(record) local version = not record and GameRecordVersion or record.version or 1 if version == GameRecordCurrentVersion then return end GameRecordCurrentVersion = version if version == 1 then RECORD_GTIME = 1 RECORD_EVENT = 2 RECORD_PARAM = 3 --RECORD_RAND = 4 --RECORD_HANDLE = 5 RECORD_RTIME = 6 RECORD_ETYPE = 7 --RECORD_HASH = 8 RECORD_SPEED = 9 else RECORD_GTIME = 1 RECORD_EVENT = 2 RECORD_PARAM = 3 RECORD_RTIME = 4 RECORD_ETYPE = 5 RECORD_SPEED = 6 end end if FirstLoad then GameRecordCurrentVersion = false ApplyRecordVersion() end config.GameRecordsPath = "AppData/GameRecords" local records_path = config.GameRecordsPath MapVar("GameRecord", false) -- to be available in the saves MapVar("GameReplay", false) MapVar("GameReplayThread", false) if FirstLoad then GameRecordScheduled = false GameReplayScheduled = false GameReplayPath = false GameReplaySaveLoading = false GameReplayUnresolved = false GameReplayWaitMap = false GameReplayToInject = false GameReplayFastForward = false GameRecordSaveRequests = false end function IsGameReplayRunning() return IsValidThread(GameReplayThread) and GameReplay end if not IsGameRecordingSupported() then return end local IsGameReplayRunning = IsGameReplayRunning function OnMsg.ChangeMap() GameReplayPath = false GameRecordScheduled = false StopGameReplay() end function OnMsg.NewMapLoaded() GameReplay = false GameRecord = GameRecordScheduled GameRecordScheduled = false if not not GameRecord then Msg("GameRecordingStarted") end end function OnMsg.NetGameJoined() GameRecord = false end function OnMsg.GameTestsBegin(auto_test) table.change(config, "GameTests_GameRecording", { EnableGameRecording = false, }) end function OnMsg.GameTestsEnd(auto_test) table.restore(config, "GameTests_GameRecording", true) end function SerializeRecordParams(...) return SerializeEx(const.SerializeCustom, CustomSerialize, ...) end function UnserializeRecordParams(params_str) return UnserializeEx(const.SerializeCustom, CustomUnserialize, params_str) end function PrepareRecordForSaving(record) record = record or GameRecord if record ~= GameRecord then return end record.game_time = GameTime() end function PlayGameRecord(record, start_idx) record = record or GameReplayScheduled if not record then return end assert(IsGameTimeThread()) assert(record.start_rand == MapLoadRandom) start_idx = start_idx or 1 GameReplay = record GameReplayScheduled = false GameReplaySaveLoading = false GameReplayThread = CurrentThread() if GameReplayWaitMap then WaitWakeup() -- ensure the map loading is complete end ApplyRecordVersion(record) local desync_any local total_time = Max((record[#record] or empty_table)[RECORD_GTIME] or 0, record.game_time or 0) local start_time = GameTime() if start_idx > #record or start_time > record[start_idx][RECORD_GTIME] then GameTestsPrint("Replay injection start mismatch!") start_idx = 1 while start_idx <= #record and start_time > record[start_idx][RECORD_GTIME] do start_idx = start_idx + 1 end end local version = record.version or 1 GameTestsPrint("Replay start at", Min(start_idx, #record), "/", #record, "events", "|", start_time, "/", total_time, "ms", "|", "Lua rev", record.lua_rev or 0, "/", LuaRevision, "|", "assets rev", record.assets_rev or 0, "/", AssetsRevision) for i = start_idx,#record do local event_time = record[i][RECORD_GTIME] local delay = event_time - now() local yield if delay > 0 then yield = record[i][RECORD_SPEED] == 0 Sleep(delay) else local last_record = record[i - 1] local prev_real_time = last_record and last_record[RECORD_RTIME] or record.real_time yield = prev_real_time ~= record[i][RECORD_RTIME] end if yield then -- make sure all game time threads created by the previous event have been started WaitAllOtherThreads() end if GameReplayThread ~= CurrentThread() or GameReplay ~= record then return end print("Replay", i, '/', #record) CreateGameTimeThread(function(record, i) local entry = record[i] local event, params_str = entry[RECORD_EVENT], entry[RECORD_PARAM] GameReplayUnresolved = false local success, err = ExecuteSyncEvent(event, UnserializeRecordParams(params_str)) if not success then GameTestsError("Replay", i, '/', #record, event, err) end if GameReplayUnresolved then GameTestsPrint("Replay", i, '/', #record, event, "unresolved objects:") for _, data in ipairs(GameReplayUnresolved) do local handle, class, pos = table.unpack(data) GameTestsPrint("\t", class, handle, "at", pos) end end Msg("GameRecordPlayed", i, record) end, record, i) end Sleep((record.game_time or 0) - now()) Sleep(0) Sleep(0) Sleep(0) Sleep(0) GameTestsPrint("Replay finished") Msg("GameReplayEnd", record) end local function IsSameClass(obj, class) if not obj then return -- object handle changed or object not yet spawned end if not class or obj.class == class then return true end local classdef = g_Classes[class] return not classdef or IsKindOf(classdef, obj.class) or IsKindOf(obj, class) -- recorded class renamed end function CustomSerialize(obj) local handle = obj.handle if handle and IsValid(obj) and obj:IsValidPos() then if obj:GetGameFlags(const.gofSyncObject | const.gofPermanent) == 0 then StoreErrorSource(obj, "Async object in sync event") end local record = GameRecord local handles = record and record.handles if handles then local class = obj.class handles[handle] = class return { handle, class, obj:GetPos() } end end end function CustomUnserialize(tbl) local handle, class, pos = table.unpack(tbl) local obj = HandleToObject[handle] if IsSameClass(obj, class) then return obj end local map_obj = MapGetFirst(pos, 0, class) if map_obj then return map_obj end GameReplayUnresolved = table.create_add(GameReplayUnresolved, tbl) end function CreateRecordedEvent(event_type) local origGameEvent = _G[event_type] _G[event_type] = function(event, ...) if IsGameReplayRunning() then if not config.GameReplay_EventsDuringPlaybackExpected then print("Ignoring", event_type, event, "during replay!") end return end local record = GameRecord if record then local params, err = SerializeRecordParams(...) assert(params, err) CreateGameTimeThread(function(event, event_type, record, params) -- in a thread to have the correct sync values (as the event will be started in a thread) local time = GameTime() local n = #record while n > 0 and record[n][RECORD_GTIME] > time do record[n] = nil n = n - 1 end n = n + 1 record[n] = { [RECORD_GTIME] = time, [RECORD_EVENT] = event, [RECORD_PARAM] = params, [RECORD_RTIME] = RealTime(), [RECORD_ETYPE] = event_type, [RECORD_SPEED] = GetTimeFactor(), } if config.GameRecordingAutoSave then SaveGameRecord() end end, event, event_type, record, params) end return origGameEvent(event, ...) end end function CreateRecordedMapLoadRandom() local origInitMapLoadRandom = InitMapLoadRandom InitMapLoadRandom = function() local rand if GameReplayScheduled then CreateGameTimeThread(PlayGameRecord) rand = GameReplayScheduled.start_rand else rand = origInitMapLoadRandom() if mapdata and mapdata.GameLogic and config.EnableGameRecording then assert(Game) assert(not IsGameReplayRunning()) GameReplay = false GameRecordScheduled = { start_rand = rand, map_name = GetMapName(), map_hash = mapdata.NetHash, os_time = os.time(), real_time = RealTime(), game = CloneObject(Game), lua_rev = LuaRevision, assets_rev = AssetsRevision, handles = {}, version = GameRecordVersion, net_update_hash = config.DebugReplayDesync, } Msg("GameRecordScheduled") end end return rand end end function CreateRecordedGenerateHandle() local origGenerateSyncHandle = GenerateSyncHandle GenerateSyncHandle = function(self) local h0, h = NextSyncHandle, origGenerateSyncHandle() if IsGameReplayRunning() and GameReplay.NextSyncHandle and GameReplay.handles and not IsSameClass(self, GameReplay.handles[h]) then -- the handle should be associated with another object, not yet spawn because of a previois desync NextSyncHandle = GameReplay.NextSyncHandle h = origGenerateSyncHandle() NextSyncHandle = h0 end return h end end function RegisterGameRecordOverrides() CreateRecordedEvent("NetSyncEvent") CreateRecordedMapLoadRandom() CreateRecordedGenerateHandle() end function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate() RegisterGameRecordOverrides() GameTests.PlayGameRecords = TestGameRecords end function TestGameRecords() local list = {} for _, test in ipairs(GetHGProjectTests()) do for _, info in ipairs(test.test_replays) do local name = string.format("%s.%s",, info:GetRecordName()) if info.Disabled then GameTestsPrint("Skipping disabled test replay", name) else list[#list + 1] = {name = name, record = info.Record} end end end GameTestsPrintf("Found %d game records to test.", #(list or "")) for i, entry in ipairs(list) do GameTestsPrintf("Testing record %d/%d %s", i, #list, local st = RealTime() local err, record = LoadGameRecord(entry.record) if err then GameTestsPrintf("Failed to load record %s", entry.record, err) else err = ReplayGameRecord(record) if err then GameTestsError("Replay error:", err) elseif not WaitReplayEnd() then GameTestsError("Replay timeout.") else GameTestsPrint("Replay finished in:", RealTime() - st, "ms") end end end end local function GenerateRecordPath(record) local err = AsyncCreatePath(records_path) if err then assert(err) return false end record = record or GameRecord local name = string.format("Record_%s_%s","%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", record.os_time), GetMapName()) if record.continue then name = name .. "_continue" end return string.format("%s/%s.lua", records_path, name) end function SaveGameRecord() if not GameRecord then return end local path = GameReplayPath or GenerateRecordPath(GameRecord) GameRecord.NextSyncHandle = NextSyncHandle if not GameRecordSaveRequests then GameRecordSaveRequests = {} CreateRealTimeThread(function() while true do for path, record in pairs(GameRecordSaveRequests) do GameRecordSaveRequests[path] = nil WaitSaveGameRecord(path, record) end if not next(GameRecordSaveRequests) then GameRecordSaveRequests = false break end end end) end GameRecordSaveRequests[path] = GameRecord end function WaitSaveGameRecord(path, record) record = record or GameRecord if not record then return end PrepareRecordForSaving(record) local code = pstr("return ", 64*1024) TableToLuaCode(record, nil, code) path = path or GenerateRecordPath(record) local err = AsyncStringToFile(path, code) if err then return err end Msg("GameReplaySaved", path) return nil, path end function ReplayGameRecord(record) record = record or not IsGameReplayRunning() and GameRecord or GameReplay local err if type(record) == "string" then local _, _, ext = SplitPath(record) local path = ext ~= "" and record or string.format("%s/%s.lua", records_path, record) err, record = LoadGameRecord(path) end if not record then return err or "No record found!" end PrepareRecordForSaving(record) Msg("GameRecordEnd", record) StopGameReplay() Msg("GameReplayStart", record) GameReplayScheduled = record if record.start_save then GameReplaySaveLoading = true GameReplayThread = CreateRealTimeThread(ReplayLoadGameSpecificSave, record) else CloseMenuDialogs() CreateRealTimeThread(function() LoadingScreenOpen("idLoadingScreen", "ReplayGameRecord") GameReplayWaitMap = true local game = CloneObject( ChangeMap("") NewGame(game) local map_name = record.map_name local map_hash = record.map_hash if map_hash and map_hash ~= table.get(MapData, map_name, "NetHash") then local matched for map, data in sorted_pairs(MapData) do if map_hash == data.NetHash then matched = map break end end if not matched then GameTestsPrint("Replay map has been modified!") elseif matched ~= map_name then GameTestsPrint("Replay map changed to", matched) end map_name = matched or map_name end ChangeMap(map_name) GameReplayWaitMap = false Wakeup(GameReplayThread) LoadingScreenClose("idLoadingScreen", "ReplayGameRecord") end) end end function ResaveGameRecord(path) local _, _, ext = SplitPath(path) local path = ext ~= "" and path or string.format("%s/%s.lua", records_path, path) local err, record = LoadGameRecord(path) if not record then return err or "No record found!" end StopGameReplay() if record.start_save then assert(false, "Not implemented!") else CloseMenuDialogs() CreateRealTimeThread(function() table.change(config, "ResaveGameRecord", { FixedMapLoadRandom = record.start_rand, StartGameOnPause = true, }) ChangeMap(record.map_name) table.restore(config, "ResaveGameRecord") GameReplayPath = path end) end end function WaitReplayEnd() while not WaitMsg("GameReplayEnd", 100) do if not IsChangingMap() and not IsValidThread(GameReplayThread) then return end end return true end function StopGameReplay() local thread = not GameReplaySaveLoading and GameReplayThread if not IsValidThread(thread) then return end GameReplayScheduled = false GameReplayThread = false Msg("GameReplayEnd") DeleteThread(thread, true) return true end function LoadGameRecord(path) local func, err = loadfile(path, nil, _ENV) if not func then return err end local success, record = procall(func) if not success then return record end return nil, record end function OnMsg.LoadGame() if not GameReplayToInject then return end StopGameReplay() if not GameRecord then print("Replay injection failed: No saved record found (maybe a saved game during a replay?)") return end for _, key in ipairs{"start_rand", "map_name", "os_time", "lua_rev", "assets_rev"} do if GameRecord[key] ~= GameReplayToInject[key] then print("Replay injection failed: Wrong game!") return end end print("Replay Injection Success.") CreateGameTimeThread(PlayGameRecord, GameReplayToInject, #GameRecord + 1) GameReplayToInject = false end function ToggleGameReplayInjection(record) record = record or GameRecord or GameReplay if record and record == GameReplayToInject then record = false print("Replay Injection Cancelled") elseif record then print("Replay Injection Ready") else print("No record found to inject") end GameReplayToInject = record end ---- function ReplayLoadGameSpecificSave(save, callbackOnload) print("You must implement your game loading function in ReplayLoadGameSpecificSave to use game replays with saves.") return true end function ReplayToggleFastForward(set) if not IsGameReplayRunning() then set = false elseif set == nil then set = not GameReplayFastForward end if GameReplayFastForward == set then return end GameReplayFastForward = set TurboSpeed(set, true) end function OnMsg.GameReplayEnd(record) if GameReplayFastForward then ReplayToggleFastForward() end -- allow to continue the recording if record then record.continue = true GameRecord = record end end function OnMsg.GameRecordPlayed(i, record) if record and GameReplayFastForward then local events_before_end = config.ReplayFastForwardBeforeEnd or 10 if i >= #record - events_before_end then print(events_before_end, "events before the end reached, stopping fast forward...") ReplayToggleFastForward() SetTimeFactor(0) end end end ---- if config.DebugReplayDesync then if FirstLoad then GameRecordSyncLog = false GameRecordSyncTest = false GameRecordSyncIdx = false HashLogSize = 32 end function OnMsg.AutorunEnd() pairs = totally_async_pairs end function OnMsg.ReloadLua() pairs = g_old_pairs end function OnMsg.NetUpdateHashReasons(enable_reasons) local record = GameRecord or GameRecordScheduled or GameReplay or GameReplayScheduled enable_reasons.GameRecord = record and record.net_update_hash and true or nil end function OnMsg.LoadGame() GameRecordSyncLog = false end local function StartSyncLogSaving(replay) local err = AsyncCreatePath("AppData/ReplaySyncLogs") if err then print("Failed to create NetHashLogs folder:", err) return end GameRecordSyncLog = true GameRecordSyncTest = replay and ((GameRecordSyncTest or 0) + 1) or false GameRecordSyncIdx = 1 end function OnMsg.GameRecordScheduled() StartSyncLogSaving() end function OnMsg.GameReplayStart() StartSyncLogSaving(true) end function OnMsg.GameReplayEnd(record) NetSaveHashLog("E", "Replay", GameRecordSyncTest) GameRecordSyncLog = false end function OnMsg.GameRecordEnd(record) NetSaveHashLog("E", "Record") GameRecordSyncLog = false end function OnMsg.SyncEvent() if not GameRecordSyncIdx then return end if GameRecordSyncTest then NetSaveHashLog(GameRecordSyncIdx, "Replay", GameRecordSyncTest) else NetSaveHashLog(GameRecordSyncIdx, "Record") end GameRecordSyncIdx = GameRecordSyncIdx + 1 end function NetSaveHashLog(prefix, logtype, suffix) if not GameRecordSyncLog then return end local str = pstr("") NetGetHashLog(str) if #str == 0 then return end local path = string.format("AppData/ReplaySyncLogs/%s%s%s.log", (prefix and tostring(prefix) .. "_" or ""), logtype, suffix and ("_" .. tostring(suffix)) or "") CreateRealTimeThread(function(path, str) local err = AsyncStringToFile(path, str) if err then printf("Failed to save %s: %s", path, err) end end, path, str) end function OnMsg.BugReportStart(print_func) local replay = IsGameReplayRunning() if not replay then return end print_func("\nGame replay running:", replay.lua_rev, replay.assets_rev) end end -- config.DebugReplayDesync if Platform.developer then function TestValidator:CollectTestData() local data = {} if Platform.developer then self:GetTestData(data) end return data end function TestValidator:rfnTestData(orig_data) local new_data = self:CollectTestData() local ignore_missing = true -- avoid breaking existing tests when adding or removing test validation entries if table.equal_values(orig_data, new_data, -1, ignore_missing) then return end GameTestsError("Test data validation failed for", self.class, "\n--- Orig data: ", ValueToStr(orig_data), "\n--- New data: ", ValueToStr(new_data)) end function TestValidator:CreateValidation() local data = self:CollectTestData() if next(data) == nil then print("No test data to validate!") return end NetSyncEvent("ObjFunc", self, "rfnTestData", data) print("Test data collected:", ValueToStr(data)) end function TestValidator:AsyncCheatValidate() self:CreateValidation() end function ReplayCreateUpdateScript() local record = GameReplay or GameRecord if not record then print("No replay running!") return end local lua_rev = record.lua_rev or LuaRevision local assets_rev = record.assets_rev or AssetsRevision local src_path = ConvertToOSPath("svnSrc/") local assets_path = ConvertToOSPath("svnAssets/") local scrip = { "@echo off", "cd " .. src_path, "svn cleanup", "svn up -r " .. lua_rev, "cd " .. assets_path, "svn cleanup", "svn up -r " .. assets_rev, } local path = string.format("%sUpdateToRev_%d_%d.bat", src_path, lua_rev, assets_rev) local err = AsyncStringToFile(path, table.concat(scrip, "\n")) if err then print("Failed to create script:", err) else print("Script created at:", path) end end end -- Platform.developer