local slab_x = const.SlabSizeX |
local slab_y = const.SlabSizeY |
function GetGridMarkerTypesCombo() |
local marker_types = PresetGroupCombo("GridMarkerType", "Default")() |
ClassDescendantsList("GridMarker", |
function(name, class_def) |
local props = class_def.properties |
local prop = table.find_value(props, "id", "Type") |
table.insert_unique(marker_types,prop.default) |
end) |
return marker_types |
end |
DefineClass.VoxelSnappingObj = { |
__parents = { "EditorCallbackObject" } |
} |
function VoxelSnappingObj:SnapToVoxel() |
self:SetPos(SnapToVoxel(self:GetPos())) |
end |
function VoxelSnappingObj:EditorCallbackPlace() |
self:SnapToVoxel() |
end |
function VoxelSnappingObj:EditorCallbackMove() |
self:SnapToVoxel() |
end |
function GridMarkerFightAreaCombo(first) |
local markers = MapGetMarkers() |
local items = { first } |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
if marker.FightAreaId ~= "" then |
items[#items + 1] = marker.FightAreaId |
end |
end |
return items |
end |
DefineClass.GridMarker = { |
__parents = { "EditorMarker", "GameDynamicDataObject", "VoxelSnappingObj", "StripCObjectProperties", "StripComponentAttachProperties" }, |
enum_flags = { efCollision = false }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Type", name = "Type", editor = "dropdownlist", items = function() return GetGridMarkerTypesCombo() end, default = "Position" }, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Groups", name = "Groups", editor = "string_list", items = function() return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, default = false, arbitrary_value = true, }, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Group", name = "Group-for-load-compat", editor = "text", default = "", no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "ID", name = "ID", editor = "text", help = "Unique ID of the marker - leave alone, unless necessary", default = "" }, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Comment", name = "Comment", editor = "text", help = "Anything that would help you organize the markers", default = "" }, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Documentation", editor = "documentation", dont_save = true, }, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "AreaWidth", name = "Area Width", editor = "number", default = 1, help = "Defining a voxel-aligned rectangle with North-South and East-West axis" }, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "AreaHeight", name = "Area Height", editor = "number", default = 1, help = "Defining a voxel-aligned rectangle with North-South and East-West axis" }, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "Reachable", name = "Reachable only", editor = "bool", default = true, help = "Area of marker includes only tiles reachable from marker position, not the entire rectangle"}, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "GroundVisuals", name = "Ground Visuals", editor = "bool", default = false, help = "Show ground mesh on the marker area"}, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "DeployRolloverText", name = "Deploy Rollover Text", editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, no_edit = function(self) return self.Type ~= "Entrance" and self.Type ~= "DeployArea" end, help = "Show floating text when area is rollovered"}, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "Color", no_edit = true, default = RGB(255, 255, 255), }, |
{ category = "Trigger Logic", id = "Trigger", name = "Trigger", editor = "dropdownlist", items = { "once", "activation", "deactivation", "always", "change", }, default = "once", help = "Effects are executed:\n once - once per game playthrough\n activation - every period when the conditions change from false to true\n always - every period when the conditions are true\n change - every time the conditions change between true and false"}, |
{ category = "Trigger Logic", id = "TriggerConditions", name = "Trigger Conditions", editor = "nested_list", base_class = "Condition", default = false, help = "Conditions to check periodically" }, |
{ category = "Trigger Logic", id = "SequentialTriggerEffects", name = "Execute Trigger Effects Sequentially", editor = "bool", default = true, help = "Whether effects should wait for each other when executing in order."}, |
{ category = "Trigger Logic", id = "TriggerEffects", name = "Trigger Effects", editor = "nested_list", base_class = "Effect", default = false, |
help = "Effects to execute, depending of trigger and conditions result that are checked periodicaly"}, |
{ category = "Enabled Logic", id = "EnabledConditions", name = "Enable Conditions", editor = "nested_list", base_class = "Condition", default = false, help = "Conditions that enable or disable the marker", }, |
{ category = "Spawn Object", id = "Routine", editor = "combo", default = "Ambient", items = function (self) return UnitRoutines end, |
no_edit = function(self) return not IsGridMarkerWithDefenderRole(self) end }, |
{ category = "Spawn Object", id = "RoutineArea", editor = "combo", default = "self", items = function (self) local g = table.copy(GridMarkerGroupsCombo()) g[1+#g] = "self" return g end, |
no_edit = function(self) return not IsGridMarkerWithDefenderRole(self) end }, |
{ category = "Spawn Object", id = "Name", editor = "text", translate = true, default = "", lines = 1, |
no_edit = function(self) return not IsGridMarkerWithDefenderRole(self) end }, |
{ category = "Spawn Object", id = "Suspicious", editor = "bool", default = false, help = "Set spawned units to Suspicious state", |
no_edit = function(self) return not IsGridMarkerWithDefenderRole(self) end }, |
{ category = "Archetype", id = "Archetypes", name = "Preferred Archetypes", editor = "string_list", |
items = function() return PresetsCombo("EnemyRole") end, default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return not IsGridMarkerWithDefenderRole(self) end, |
help = "Used for Defender priority markers", |
}, |
{ id = "ArchetypesTriState", name="UnitRoles", category = "Archetype", editor = "set", default = false, three_state = true, items = function() return PresetsCombo("EnemyRole") end, |
help = "Only allow or forbid. Not functional if preffered archetypes is used."}, |
{ category = "Archetype", id = "UnitDef", name = "Unit Definition", editor = "dropdownlist", |
default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("UnitDataCompositeDef") end, |
help = "Used for Defender priority markers", |
}, |
{ category = "Fight Area", id = "FightAreaId", name = "Fight Area ID", editor = "text", default = "", help = "if non-empty the marker area will be registered as a fight area, allowing units to be assigned to it via this ID" }, |
{ category = "Fight Area", id = "FightArea3d", name = "3D", editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return self.FightAreaId == "" end }, |
{ id = "Handle", }, |
{ id = "spawned_by_template", }, |
{ id = "Angle", editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "deg" }, |
{ id = "CollectionIndex", name = "Collection Index", editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true }, |
}, |
activation_thread = false, |
contour_polyline = false, |
area_ground_mesh = false, |
EditorRolloverText = "Base grid marker with area", |
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/radar.tga", |
last_conditions_eval = false, |
trigger_count = 0, |
area_box = false, |
area_thickness_divisor = 30, |
area_positions = false, |
area_effect = false, |
area_outside_repulse = false, |
fl_text = false, |
ground_visuals = false, |
recalc_area_on_pass_rebuild = true, |
hide_reason = false, |
GetDocumentation = function(self) |
return GameMarkerDocs["GridMarker-"..self.class] or GameMarkerDocs["GridMarker-"..self.Type] |
end, |
} |
function GridMarker:Init() |
g_GridMarkersContainer:AddToLabel("GridMarker", self) |
g_GridMarkersContainer:AddToLabel(self.Type, self) |
self:UpdateVisuals(self.Type) |
end |
function GridMarker:GameInit() |
self.activation_thread = CreateGameTimeThread(self.TriggerThreadProc, self) |
end |
function GridMarker:Done() |
if IsValidThread(self.activation_thread) then |
DeleteThread(self.activation_thread) |
self.activation_thread = false |
end |
self:HideArea() |
RecalcGroups(self) |
self:RemoveFloatTxt() |
g_GridMarkersContainer:RemoveFromLabel("GridMarker", self) |
g_GridMarkersContainer:RemoveFromLabel(self.Type, self) |
end |
function GridMarker:SetPos(...) |
local lastPosX, lastPosY = WorldToVoxel(self:GetPos()) |
EditorMarker.SetPos(self, ...) |
self:RecalcAreaPositions() |
local posX, posY = WorldToVoxel(self:GetPos()) |
if self.Type == "BorderArea" and (lastPosX ~= posX or lastPosY ~= posY) then |
self:RecalcImpassableOutsideBorderArea(nil, { x = lastPosX, y = lastPosY}) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:SetAreaWidth(val) |
self.AreaWidth = val |
self:RecalcAreaPositions() |
end |
function GridMarker:SetAreaHeight(val) |
self.AreaHeight = val |
self:RecalcAreaPositions() |
end |
function GetGridRangeContour(marker) |
local chamf_div = marker.area_thickness_divisor |
local contour_width = marker.Type == "BorderArea" and const.ContoursWidth or 2 * slab_x / chamf_div |
local radius2D = slab_x / chamf_div |
local contour |
if marker.Type == "BorderArea" then |
local bbox = marker:GetBBox() |
local mx, my, mz = marker:GetPosXYZ() |
local z = (mz or terrain.GetHeight(mx, my)) + const.ContoursOffsetZ |
local x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = bbox:xyzxyz() |
x1 = x1 - slab_x / 2 |
x2 = x2 + slab_x / 2 |
y1 = y1 - slab_y / 2 |
y2 = y2 + slab_y / 2 |
contour = { GetMapBorderPstr(box(x1, y1, z, x2, y2, z), contour_width, radius2D) } |
elseif marker.Reachable or marker.Type == "BorderArea" then |
local positions = marker:GetAreaPositions(true) |
contour = GetRangeContour(positions, contour_width, radius2D) |
else |
local bbox = marker:GetBBox() |
local mx, my, mz = marker:GetPosXYZ() |
local z = (mz or terrain.GetHeight(mx, my)) + const.ContoursOffsetZ |
local x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = bbox:xyzxyz() |
x1 = x1 - slab_x / 2 |
x2 = x2 + slab_x / 2 |
y1 = y1 - slab_y / 2 |
y2 = y2 + slab_y / 2 |
local box_contour = GetRectContourPStr(box(x1, y1, z, x2, y2, z), contour_width, radius2D) |
if box_contour then |
contour = { box_contour } |
end |
end |
return contour |
end |
function GridMarker:RecalcAreaPositions(force_show) |
self.area_positions = false |
if self.Type == "BorderArea" then |
g_BorderAreaRangeContour = GetGridRangeContour(self) or false |
end |
if force_show or self:IsAreaVisible() then |
self:ShowArea() |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorEnter() |
if self:GetGameFlags(const.gofPermanent) == 0 then |
return |
end |
EditorMarker.EditorEnter(self) |
self:RecalcAreaPositions() |
self:SetVisible(true) |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorExit() |
self.area_box = nil |
if self:GetGameFlags(const.gofPermanent) == 0 then |
return |
end |
self:SetVisible(false) |
EditorMarker.EditorExit(self) |
self:RecalcAreaPositions() |
end |
function GridMarker:RemoveFloatTxt() |
if self.fl_text then |
self.fl_text:delete() |
self.fl_text = false |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:SetVisible(bShow) |
if bShow then |
self:UpdateVisuals(self.Type) |
self:SetEnumFlags(const.efVisible) |
if self:IsAreaVisible() then |
self:ShowArea() |
end |
else |
if not self:IsAreaVisible() then |
self:HideArea() |
end |
self:DestroyAttaches("Text") |
self:ClearEnumFlags(const.efVisible) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:SetColor(clr) |
self.Color = clr |
self:SetColorModifier(clr) |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorGetText() |
return false |
end |
function GridMarker:GetDuplicatedStateHash() |
return self:CalculatePersistHash() |
end |
function GridMarker:SetType(marker_type) |
self:UpdateVisuals(marker_type) |
g_GridMarkersContainer:RemoveFromLabel(self.Type, self) |
self.Type = marker_type |
g_GridMarkersContainer:AddToLabel(marker_type, self) |
if self.Type == "BorderArea" then |
if rawget(self, "Reachable") == nil then |
self:SetProperty("Reachable", false) |
end |
end |
if self:IsAreaVisible() then |
self:ShowArea() |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:SetGroups(groups) |
CObject.SetGroups(self, groups) |
self:UpdateVisuals(self.Type) |
end |
function GridMarker:SetID(id) |
self.ID = id |
self:UpdateVisuals(self.Type) |
end |
function GridMarker:UpdateVisuals(marker_type, force) |
if IsChangingMap() then |
return |
end |
assert(marker_type) |
local marker_type_item = Presets.GridMarkerType.Default[marker_type] |
if marker_type_item and (force or marker_type ~= self.Type or self:GetEntity() ~= marker_type_item.Entity) then |
self:ChangeEntity(marker_type_item.Entity or self.entity) |
self:SetScale(marker_type_item.Scale or 100) |
if self.AreaWidth == self:GetDefaultPropertyValue("AreaWidth") and self.AreaHeight == self:GetDefaultPropertyValue("AreaHeight") then |
self.AreaWidth = marker_type_item.AreaWidth |
self.AreaHeight = marker_type_item.AreaHeight |
end |
if (not self.Groups or #self.Groups == 0) and marker_type_item.MarkerGroup and marker_type_item.MarkerGroup ~= "" then |
self:AddToGroup(marker_type_item.MarkerGroup) |
end |
self.area_thickness_divisor = MulDivRound(slab_x, 2, marker_type_item.AreaThickness) |
end |
if marker_type_item then |
self:SetColorModifier(marker_type_item.Color) |
end |
self:UpdateText(marker_type_item) |
end |
function GridMarker:UpdateText(marker_type_item) |
self:DestroyAttaches("Text") |
local bbox = GetEntityBoundingBox(self:GetEntity()) |
local ztop = bbox:max():z() + 50 * guic |
local text = PlaceObject("Text") |
self:Attach(text) |
if self.Groups and #self.Groups > 0 and self.ID and self.ID ~= "" then |
text:SetText(string.format("%s-%s", table.concat(self.Groups, ","), self.ID)) |
elseif self.Groups and #self.Groups > 0 then |
text:SetText(table.concat(self.Groups, ",")) |
elseif self.ID and self.ID ~= "" then |
text:SetText(self.ID) |
else |
text:SetText("") |
end |
if marker_type_item then |
text:SetColorModifier(marker_type_item.Color) |
end |
text:SetAttachOffset(point(0, 0, ztop)) |
end |
function GridMarker:SnapToVoxel() |
VoxelSnappingObj.SnapToVoxel(self) |
RefreshOverlappingGridMarkersOffset() |
end |
function GridMarker:SetAngle(angle, ...) |
EditorMarker.SetAngle(self, CardinalDirection(angle), ...) |
end |
function GridMarker:SetAxisAngle(axis, angle, ...) |
EditorMarker.SetAxisAngle(self, axis, CardinalDirection(angle), ...) |
end |
function GridMarker:TriggerThreadProc() |
if not self.TriggerConditions and not self.TriggerEffects then |
return |
end |
Sleep(1) |
while IsValid(self) do |
self:ActivateTrigger({}) |
Sleep(1000) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:ActivateTrigger(context) |
if self.Trigger == "once" and self.last_conditions_eval then return end |
if IsSetpiecePlaying() then return end |
if not Game or not Game.CampaignStarted then return end |
local prev_conditions_eval = self.last_conditions_eval |
self.last_conditions_eval = self:EvaluateTriggerConditions(context) |
if self.Trigger == "always" or |
(self.Trigger == "once" and self.last_conditions_eval) or |
((self.Trigger == "activation" or self.Trigger == "change") and self.last_conditions_eval and not prev_conditions_eval) or |
((self.Trigger == "deactivation" or self.Trigger == "change") and not self.last_conditions_eval and prev_conditions_eval) then |
self:ExecuteTriggerEffects(context) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:EvaluateTriggerConditions(context) |
return self:IsMarkerEnabled() and EvalConditionList(self.TriggerConditions, self, context) |
end |
function GridMarker:ExecuteTriggerEffects(context) |
self.trigger_count = self.trigger_count + 1 |
ObjModified(self) |
if self.SequentialTriggerEffects then |
ExecuteSequentialEffects(self.TriggerEffects, "ObjAndContext", self.handle, context) |
else |
ExecuteEffectList(self.TriggerEffects, self, context) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:IsMarkerEnabled(context) |
if EvalConditionList(self.EnabledConditions, self, context) then |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
function GridMarker:SetDynamicData(data) |
self.last_conditions_eval = data.last_conditions_eval |
self.trigger_count = data.trigger_count |
end |
function GridMarker:GetDynamicData(data) |
data.last_conditions_eval = self.last_conditions_eval or nil |
data.trigger_count = self.trigger_count ~= 0 and self.trigger_count or nil |
end |
function GridMarker:IsVoxelInsideArea2D(x, y) |
local markerOnTerrain = not self:IsValidZ() |
local pos_voxel_x, pos_voxel_y, pos_voxel_z = WorldToVoxel(self) |
local area_width = self.AreaWidth |
local area_left = pos_voxel_x - area_width / 2 |
if x < area_left then return end |
if x >= area_left + area_width then return end |
local area_height = self.AreaHeight |
local area_top = pos_voxel_y - area_height / 2 |
if y < area_top then return end |
if y >= area_top + area_height then return end |
return pos_voxel_z, markerOnTerrain |
end |
function GridMarker:IsVoxelInsideArea(x, y, z) |
local pos_voxel_z, markerOnTerrain = self:IsVoxelInsideArea2D(x, y) |
if not pos_voxel_z then |
return false |
end |
local passX, passY, passZ = GetPassSlabXYZ(VoxelToWorld(x, y, z)) |
if passX and not passZ and markerOnTerrain then |
return true |
end |
if z then |
local markerX, markerY, markerZ = GetPassSlabXYZ(VoxelToWorld(x, y, pos_voxel_z)) |
if markerX and markerX == passX and markerY == passY and markerZ == passZ then |
markerX = nil |
end |
return not markerX and abs(pos_voxel_z - z) <= 2 |
end |
return true |
end |
function GridMarker:GetMarkerCornerPositions() |
local positions = self:GetAreaPositions() |
if not positions or #positions == 0 then |
return {} |
end |
local pos_voxel_x, pos_voxel_y = self:GetPosXYZ() |
local area_width = self.AreaWidth * slab_x |
local area_height = self.AreaHeight * slab_y |
local area_left = pos_voxel_x - area_width / 2 |
local area_right = area_left + area_width |
local area_top = pos_voxel_y - area_height / 2 |
local area_bottom = area_top + area_height |
local p1 = positions[1] |
local x, y = point_unpack(p1) |
local left_top_min, left_top_min_x, left_top_min_y = p1, x, y |
local right_top_min, right_top_min_x, right_top_min_y = p1, x, y |
local left_bottom_min, left_bottom_min_x, left_bottom_min_y = p1, x, y |
local right_bottom_min, right_bottom_min_x, right_bottom_min_y = p1, x, y |
for i = 2, #positions do |
local p = positions[i] |
local x, y = point_unpack(p) |
if IsCloser2D(area_left, area_top, x, y, left_top_min_x, left_top_min_y) then |
left_top_min = p |
left_top_min_x = x |
left_top_min_y = y |
end |
if IsCloser2D(area_right, area_top, x, y, right_top_min_x, right_top_min_y) then |
right_top_min = p |
right_top_min_x = x |
right_top_min_y = y |
end |
if IsCloser2D(area_left, area_bottom, x, y, left_bottom_min_x, left_bottom_min_y) then |
left_bottom_min = p |
left_bottom_min_x = x |
left_bottom_min_y = y |
end |
if IsCloser2D(area_right, area_bottom, x, y, right_bottom_min_x, right_bottom_min_y) then |
right_bottom_min = p |
right_bottom_min_x = x |
right_bottom_min_y = y |
end |
end |
local result = { |
{ point(point_unpack(left_top_min)) }, |
{ point(point_unpack(right_top_min)) }, |
{ point(point_unpack(right_bottom_min)) }, |
{ point(point_unpack(left_bottom_min)) }, |
} |
return result |
end |
local ignore_occupied_bit = 1 |
local outside_repulse_bit = 2 |
local skip_tunnels_bit = 4 |
local z_tolerance_bit = 8 |
function GridMarker:GetAreaPositions(ignore_occupied, outside_repulse, skip_tunnels, z_tolerance) |
local area_positions = self.area_positions |
if not area_positions then |
area_positions = {} |
self.area_positions = area_positions |
end |
local key = |
(ignore_occupied and ignore_occupied_bit or 0) | |
((outside_repulse or outside_repulse == nil and self.area_outside_repulse) and outside_repulse_bit or 0) | |
(skip_tunnels and skip_tunnels_bit or 0) | |
(z_tolerance and z_tolerance_bit or 0) |
local positions = area_positions[key] |
if positions then |
return positions |
end |
if z_tolerance then |
local p = self:GetAreaPositions(ignore_occupied, outside_repulse, skip_tunnels) |
positions = self:FilterZTolerance(p) |
if #positions == #p then |
area_positions[key] = p |
return p |
end |
elseif outside_repulse or outside_repulse == nil and self.area_outside_repulse then |
local p = self:GetAreaPositions(ignore_occupied, false, skip_tunnels) |
positions = FilterPackedPositionsRepulsionZone(p) |
if #positions == #p then |
area_positions[key] = p |
return p |
end |
elseif skip_tunnels then |
local p = self:GetAreaPositions(ignore_occupied, false, false) |
positions = table.ifilter(p, function(_, packed_pos) return not pf.GetTunnel(point_unpack(packed_pos)) end) |
if #positions == #p then |
area_positions[key] = p |
return p |
end |
elseif not (IsEditorActive() and IsDeployMarker(self)) and self.Reachable then |
local width = self.AreaWidth * slab_x |
local height = self.AreaHeight * slab_y |
if width == 0 or height == 0 then |
return empty_table |
end |
local pos = GetPassSlab(self) or self:GetPos() |
local area_left = pos:x() - width/2 |
local area_top = pos:y() - height/2 |
local restrict_area = box(area_left, area_top, area_left + width, area_top + height) |
positions = GetCombatPathDestinations(nil, pos, nil, nil, nil, nil, restrict_area, ignore_occupied, "move_through_occupied", "avoid_mines") |
if not ignore_occupied and not g_Combat then |
local allUnits = MapGet("map", "Unit") |
local unitPositionsPacked = {} |
for i, u in ipairs(allUnits) do |
if not u:IsValidPos() then goto continue end |
if gv_Deployment and not IsUnitDeployed(u) then goto continue end |
unitPositionsPacked[point_pack(SnapToVoxel(u:GetPosXYZ()))] = true |
::continue:: |
end |
local total = #positions |
for i = 1, total do |
local pos = positions[i] |
if unitPositionsPacked[pos] then |
positions[i] = nil |
end |
end |
table.compact(positions) |
end |
else |
positions = self:GetAllVoxels() |
end |
if #positions == 0 then |
area_positions[key] = empty_table |
return empty_table |
end |
local values = {} |
for _, v in ipairs(positions) do |
values[v] = true |
end |
positions.values = values |
area_positions[key] = positions |
return positions |
end |
function OnMsg.OnPassabilityChanged() |
for _, marker in ipairs(g_GridMarkersContainer and g_GridMarkersContainer.labels.GridMarker) do |
marker.area_positions = false |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:ResetRepulseAreaPositions() |
local area_positions = self.area_positions |
if not area_positions then |
return |
end |
area_positions["reachable|ignore_occupied|outside_repulse|skip_tunnels"] = nil |
area_positions["reachable|outside_repulse|skip_tunnels"] = nil |
area_positions["reachable|ignore_occupied|outside_repulse"] = nil |
area_positions["reachable|outside_repulse"] = nil |
end |
function GridMarker:GetBBox() |
local sizex = self.AreaWidth * slab_x |
local sizey = self.AreaHeight * slab_y |
local posx, posy, posz = self:GetPosXYZ() |
local bbox = sizebox(posx - sizex / 2, posy - sizey / 2, sizex, sizey) |
local border_box = not IsEditorActive() and GetBorderAreaLimits() |
if border_box then |
bbox = IntersectRects(bbox, border_box) |
end |
local minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = bbox:xyzxyz() |
local x1, y1 = VoxelToWorld(WorldToVoxel(minx, miny)) |
local x2, y2 = VoxelToWorld(WorldToVoxel(maxx, maxy)) |
if x1 < minx then x1 = x1 + (minx - x1 + slab_x - 1) / slab_x * slab_x end |
if y1 < miny then y1 = y1 + (miny - y1 + slab_y - 1) / slab_y * slab_y end |
if x2 >= maxx then x2 = x2 - (x2 - maxx + slab_x) / slab_x * slab_x end |
if y2 >= maxy then y2 = y2 - (y2 - maxy + slab_y) / slab_y * slab_y end |
local z = SnapToVoxelZ(posx, posy, posz) |
return box(x1, y1, z, x2, y2, z) |
end |
function GridMarker:GetAllVoxels(filter) |
local bbox = self:GetBBox() |
local x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = bbox:xyzxyz() |
local voxels = {} |
local insert = table.insert |
for x = x1, x2, slab_x do |
for y = y1, y2, slab_y do |
insert(voxels, point_pack(x, y, z1)) |
end |
end |
return voxels |
end |
local corner_offs = { |
A = {a = point(20*guic, 20*guic, 0)}, |
B = {b = point(-20*guic, 20*guic, 0)}, |
C = {c = point(-20*guic, -20*guic, 0)}, |
D = {d = point(20*guic, -20*guic, 0)}, |
} |
function GridMarker:GetAreaTrianglePtOffs(i, j, width, height) |
local corner = i == 1 and j == 1 and "A" or i == width and j == 1 and "B" or |
i == width and j == height and "C" or i == 1 and j == height and "D" |
return corner_offs[corner] or empty_table |
end |
function GridMarker:GetAreaTriangleFadeArg(pt, center, width, height) |
local w = width * slab_x |
local h = height * slab_y |
local max_dist, dist |
if w > h then |
max_dist = h / 2 |
dist = abs(pt:y() - center:y()) |
else |
max_dist = w / 2 |
dist = abs(pt:x() - center:x()) |
end |
return 100 - MulDivRound(dist, 100, max_dist) |
end |
function GridMarker:GetAreaBox() |
local area = self.area_box |
if not area then |
local center_x, center_y = self:GetPosXYZ() |
local width, height = self.AreaWidth, self.AreaHeight |
local x = center_x - (width / 2) * slab_x - slab_x / 2 |
local y = center_y - (height / 2) * slab_y - slab_y / 2 |
area = box(x, y, x + width * slab_x, y + height * slab_y) |
local border = GetBorderAreaLimits() |
if border then |
area = IntersectRects(border, area) |
end |
self.area_box = area |
end |
return area |
end |
function GridMarker:GetAreaTrianglePstr() |
local v_pstr = pstr("") |
if IsDeployMarker(self) then |
local voxels = self:GetAreaPositions(true) |
local points = table.imap(voxels, function(v) return point(point_unpack(v)) end) |
local xAvg, yAvg = AppendVerticesAOETilesWithDF(v_pstr, points, {}, {}, RGB(255, 255, 255), 100) |
if true then return v_pstr end |
end |
local white = const.clrWhite |
local center = self:GetPos() |
local first_x = center:x() - (self.AreaWidth/2)*slab_x - slab_x/2 |
local first_y = center:y() - (self.AreaHeight/2)*slab_y - slab_y/2 |
local first_z = center:z() |
local voxels = {} |
local z_offset = guim/4 |
local width, height = self.AreaWidth, self.AreaHeight |
if not IsEditorActive() then |
local border = GetBorderAreaLimits() |
if border then |
local new_box = IntersectRects(border, box(first_x, first_y, first_x + self.AreaWidth*slab_x, first_y + self.AreaHeight*slab_y)) |
center = new_box:Center() |
width = (new_box:sizex() + slab_x/2) / slab_x |
height = (new_box:sizey() + slab_y/2) / slab_y |
first_x = new_box:minx() |
first_y = new_box:miny() |
end |
end |
for i = 1, width do |
for j = 1, height do |
local x = first_x + (i - 1) * slab_x |
local y = first_y + (j - 1) * slab_y |
local a = point(x, y, SnapToVoxelZ(x, y, first_z) + z_offset) |
local b = point(x + slab_x, y, SnapToVoxelZ(x + slab_x, y, first_z) + z_offset) |
local c = point(x + slab_x, y + slab_y, SnapToVoxelZ(x + slab_x, y + slab_y, first_z) + z_offset) |
local d = point(x, y + slab_y, SnapToVoxelZ(x, y + slab_y, first_z) + z_offset) |
local offs = self:GetAreaTrianglePtOffs(i, j) |
local a_arg = self:GetAreaTriangleFadeArg(a, center, width, height) |
local b_arg = self:GetAreaTriangleFadeArg(b, center, width, height) |
local c_arg = self:GetAreaTriangleFadeArg(c, center, width, height) |
local d_arg = self:GetAreaTriangleFadeArg(d, center, width, height) |
v_pstr:AppendVertex(a + (offs.a or point30), white, a_arg) |
v_pstr:AppendVertex(b + (offs.b or point30), white, b_arg) |
v_pstr:AppendVertex(d + (offs.d or point30), white, d_arg) |
v_pstr:AppendVertex(b + (offs.b or point30), white, b_arg) |
v_pstr:AppendVertex(c + (offs.c or point30), white, c_arg) |
v_pstr:AppendVertex(d + (offs.d or point30), white, d_arg) |
end |
end |
return v_pstr |
end |
function GridMarker:IsAreaVisible() |
if IsEditorActive() then |
return LocalStorage.FilteredCategories.GridMarker ~= "invisible" and |
(table.find(mv_SelectedGridMarkers, self) or self.Type == "Entrance" or self.Type == "BorderArea") |
end |
if not self:IsMarkerEnabled() then return false end |
local conflict = GetSectorConflict() |
if self.Type == "Entrance" then |
if gv_DeploymentStarted and gv_Deployment == "attack" then |
return true |
end |
if not gv_DeploymentStarted and not (conflict and conflict.disable_travel) then |
local exitInteractable = MapGetMarkers("ExitZoneInteractable", self.Groups and self.Groups[1]) |
exitInteractable = exitInteractable and exitInteractable[1] |
return exitInteractable and exitInteractable:GetNextSector() |
end |
end |
if gv_DeploymentStarted and gv_Deployment == "defend" and (self.Type == "Defender" or self.Type == "DefenderPriority") then |
return true |
end |
if self.Type == "BorderArea" then |
if self.hide_reason and next(self.hide_reason) then |
return false |
end |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
function GridMarker:IsAreaShown() |
return not not self.contour_polyline |
end |
function GridMarker:UpdateHideReason(reason, hide) |
if not hide then hide = nil end |
if not self.hide_reason then self.hide_reason = {} end |
self.hide_reason[reason] = hide |
if self:IsAreaVisible() then |
self:ShowArea() |
else |
self:HideArea() |
end |
end |
local updateBorderMarkerVisiblity = function(reason, hide) |
local marker = GetBorderAreaMarker() |
if marker then |
marker:UpdateHideReason(reason, hide) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.SettingActionCamera() updateBorderMarkerVisiblity("actioncamera", true) end |
function OnMsg.ActionCameraRemoved() updateBorderMarkerVisiblity("actioncamera", false) end |
function OnMsg.SetpieceStarting() updateBorderMarkerVisiblity("setpiece", true) end |
function OnMsg.SetpieceEnding() updateBorderMarkerVisiblity("setpiece", false) end |
function GridMarker:ShowArea() |
self:HideArea() |
if self.AreaWidth == 0 or self.AreaHeight == 0 then |
return |
end |
local marker_type = Presets.GridMarkerType.Default[self.Type] |
local area_color = marker_type and marker_type.Color or self.Color |
local shader_or_material = IsEditorActive() and "default_mesh" |
local contour |
if self.Type == "BorderArea" then |
shader_or_material = CRM_RangeContourControllerPreset:GetById(IsEditorActive() and "MapBorderAreaEdgeEditor" or "MapBorderAreaEdge"):Clone() |
shader_or_material.fade_inout_start = RealTime() |
shader_or_material:SetIsInside(true) |
contour = g_BorderAreaRangeContour |
else |
contour = GetGridRangeContour(self) |
end |
if IsDeployMarker(self) and not IsEditorActive() then |
self.area_ground_mesh = GridMarkerDeploymentVisuals:new({ |
marker = self, |
}) |
self.area_ground_mesh:SetPos(point30) |
else |
self.contour_polyline = contour and PlaceContourPolyline(contour, area_color, shader_or_material) or false |
if self.ground_visuals or IsEditorActive() and self.GroundVisuals then |
local textstyle = "DeploymentArea" |
local mat = false |
self.area_ground_mesh = PlaceGroundRectMesh(self:GetAreaTrianglePstr(), textstyle, mat) |
end |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:HideArea() |
if self.contour_polyline then |
DestroyContourPolyline(self.contour_polyline) |
self.contour_polyline = false |
end |
if self.area_ground_mesh then |
self.area_ground_mesh:delete() |
self.area_ground_mesh = false |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:IsMarkerAreaPosition(pt) |
if not self.Reachable then return true end |
local x, y, z = SnapToPassSlabXYZ(pt) |
local packed_pos = x and point_pack(x, y, z) or IsPoint(pt) and point_pack(pt) or point_pack(pt:GetPosXYZ()) |
local area_positions = self:GetAreaPositions(true) |
if (area_positions.values or empty_table)[packed_pos] then |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
function GridMarker:IsInsideArea2D(pt) |
if self.Reachable then |
return self:IsMarkerAreaPosition(pt) |
else |
local x, y = WorldToVoxel(pt) |
return self:IsVoxelInsideArea2D(x, y) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:IsInsideArea(pt) |
if self.Reachable then |
return self:IsMarkerAreaPosition(pt) |
else |
local x, y, z = WorldToVoxel(pt) |
return self:IsVoxelInsideArea(x, y, z) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value) |
if prop_id == "AreaWidth" |
or prop_id == "AreaHeight" |
or prop_id == "Reachable" |
or prop_id == "Color" |
or prop_id == "GroundVisuals" |
then |
self:RecalcAreaPositions() |
if prop_id == "AreaWidth" or prop_id == "AreaHeight" then |
self:RecalcImpassableOutsideBorderArea(prop_id, old_value) |
end |
end |
end |
local function EditorSelectObjects(objects) |
if not IsEditorActive() then |
EditorActivate() |
end |
editor.ClearSel() |
editor.AddToSel(objects) |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorCallbackPlace() |
VoxelSnappingObj.EditorCallbackPlace(self) |
if GedGridMarkerEditor then |
UpdateGedGridMarkerRoot() |
ObjModified(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
end |
editor.ClearSel() |
editor.AddToSel({self}) |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorCallbackClone(marker) |
if GedGridMarkerEditor then |
UpdateGedGridMarkerRoot("with_cursor_obj") |
ObjModified(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorCallbackMove() |
EditorMarker.EditorCallbackMove(self) |
VoxelSnappingObj.EditorCallbackMove(self) |
self:RecalcAreaPositions("force show") |
end |
function GridMarker:EditorCallbackDelete() |
GedGridMarkerEditorRebuildRootOnDeletedMarker() |
end |
function GridMarker:OnEditorDelete() |
GedGridMarkerEditorRebuildRootOnDeletedMarker() |
end |
function GridMarker:GetError() |
local firstVal |
for name, value in pairs(self.ArchetypesTriState) do |
if type(firstVal) ~= "boolean" then firstVal = value end |
if value ~= firstVal then |
return "Marker has both allowed and forbidden entries in ArchetypesTriState." |
end |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:GetWarning() |
if self.Type == "Entrance" and (not self.Groups or #self.Groups == 0) then |
return "Entrance marker has no group!" |
end |
if self.Type == "Entrance" and not self.Reachable then |
return "Entrance marker should be set to reachable only to prevent units from getting stuck!" |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:AddPosition(positions, around_center) |
local pos, idx |
if around_center then |
idx = table.find(positions, point_pack(self:GetPos():SetInvalidZ())) |
if idx then |
pos = positions[idx] |
else |
local min_dist = max_int |
for i, packed_pt in ipairs(positions) do |
local pt = point(point_unpack(packed_pt)) |
local dist = pt:Dist(self:GetPos()) |
if dist < min_dist then |
pos = packed_pt |
idx = i |
min_dist = dist |
end |
end |
end |
end |
if not pos then |
pos, idx = table.interaction_rand(positions, "GridMarker") |
end |
if idx then |
positions[idx] = positions[#positions] |
positions[#positions] = nil |
end |
return point(point_unpack(pos)) |
end |
function GridMarker:GetRandomPositions(number, around_center, positions, req_pos, avoid_close_pos) |
positions = positions or self:GetAreaPositions() |
if not next(positions) then |
return empty_table, self:GetAngle() |
end |
assert(number <= #positions) |
local x, y, z |
if req_pos then |
x, y, z = req_pos:xyz() |
else |
if around_center then |
x, y, z = self:GetPosXYZ() |
else |
local packedPoint = table.interaction_rand(positions, "GridMarker") |
x, y, z = point_unpack(packedPoint) |
end |
end |
z = z or terrain.GetHeight(x, y) |
local level_z = SnapToVoxelZ(x, y, z) |
local first_x, first_y, first_z = SnapToPassSlabXYZ(x, y, level_z) |
if first_x and not self.Reachable and not first_z then |
first_z = level_z |
end |
local result = table.icopy(positions) |
if first_x then |
local close_dist = number*guim |
local scores = {} |
for i, packedPos in ipairs(positions) do |
local x, y, z = point_unpack(packedPos) |
if not z and first_z then |
z = terrain.GetHeight(x, y) |
end |
local distance = GetLen(x - first_x, y - first_y, z and first_z and z - first_z or 0) |
local score |
if avoid_close_pos then |
score = distance > close_dist and distance or max_int |
else |
score = distance < close_dist and distance or max_int |
end |
if z and first_z and z ~= first_z then |
score = score + close_dist + 100 |
end |
scores[packedPos] = score |
end |
local reqPositionPacked = point_pack(first_x, first_y, first_z) |
if not scores[reqPositionPacked] then |
table.insert(result, reqPositionPacked) |
end |
scores[reqPositionPacked] = -1 |
table.stable_sort(result, function(a, b) return scores[a] < scores[b] end) |
end |
for i = #result, number + 1, -1 do |
result[i] = nil |
end |
for i, packed_pos in ipairs(result) do |
result[i] = point(point_unpack(packed_pos)) |
end |
return result |
end |
function GridMarker:GetExtraEditorText(texts) |
end |
function GridMarker:GetGroupsText() |
if not self.Groups then return "" end |
return table.concat(self.Groups, ",") |
end |
function GridMarker:GetEditorTypeText() |
return Untranslated("[<Type>]") |
end |
function GridMarker:GetEditorText() |
local texts = {Untranslated("<style GedName><EditorTypeText></style> <GroupsText> <ID><if(not_eq(trigger_count,0))><color 0 196 0>(<trigger_count> triggers)<color></if></style>")} |
if self.Comment ~= "" then |
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated("\t<style GedComment><Comment></style>") |
end |
GetEditorConditionsAndEffectsText(texts, self) |
self:GetExtraEditorText(texts) |
return table.concat(texts, "\n") |
end |
function GridMarker:SetGroup(g) |
self.Groups = { g } |
end |
local function SortMarkers(markers) |
table.sort(markers, function(a, b) |
local a_type = IsKindOf(a, "AmbientLifeMarker") and "AL" or a.Type |
local b_type = IsKindOf(b, "AmbientLifeMarker") and "AL" or b.Type |
if a_type < b_type then |
return true |
elseif a_type > b_type then |
return false |
else |
return (a.Groups and a.Groups[1] or "") < (b.Groups and b.Groups[1] or "") |
end |
end) |
end |
function GetGridMarkers(no_sorting, with_cursor_obj, no_AL_markers) |
if GetMap() == "" or IsChangingMap() then |
return {} |
end |
local function filter(marker, with_cursor_obj) |
return (with_cursor_obj or not EditorCursorObjs[marker]) and not marker:IsKindOf("SetpieceMarker") |
end |
local markers = MapGetMarkers("GridMarker", nil, filter, with_cursor_obj) or {} |
if not no_AL_markers then |
table.iappend(markers, MapGet("map", "AmbientLifeMarker", filter, with_cursor_obj)) |
end |
if not no_sorting then |
SortMarkers(markers) |
end |
return markers |
end |
function UpdateGedGridMarkerRoot(with_cursor_obj) |
local grid_markers = GetGridMarkers(nil, with_cursor_obj) |
table.clear(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
for _, marker in ipairs(grid_markers) do |
table.insert(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot, marker) |
end |
end |
function GedGridMarkerEditorRebuildRootOnDeletedMarker() |
if not GedGridMarkerEditor then return end |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
UpdateGedGridMarkerRoot() |
ObjModified(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
end) |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
XEditorShowGridMarkersAreas = config.ModdingToolsInUserMode or false |
end |
function XEditorUpdateGridMarkersAreas() |
if not IsEditorActive() then return end |
MapForEachMarker(nil, nil, function(marker) |
if XEditorShowGridMarkersAreas then |
marker:ShowArea() |
else |
if not table.find(mv_SelectedGridMarkers, marker) then |
marker:HideArea() |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
OnMsg.GameEnterEditor = XEditorUpdateGridMarkersAreas |
OnMsg.ChangeMapDone = XEditorUpdateGridMarkersAreas |
MapVar("gv_AllMarkersGroups", false) |
function GridMarkerGroupsCombo() |
if not gv_AllMarkersGroups then |
local groups = {} |
local markers = GetGridMarkers("no sorting", nil, "no AL markers") |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
for _, group in ipairs(marker.Groups or empty_table) do |
groups[group] = true |
end |
end |
gv_AllMarkersGroups = table.keys2(groups, true) |
end |
local items = table.icopy(gv_AllMarkersGroups) |
local groups = table.keys2(Groups or empty_table, "sorted") |
table.append(items, groups) |
return items |
end |
OnMsg.ChangeMapDone = function() |
gv_AllMarkersGroups = false |
gv_AllMarkersGroups = GridMarkerGroupsCombo() |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
GedGridMarkerEditor = false |
GedGridMarkerEditorRoot = false |
s_DestroyingContainers = false |
end |
function OverlappingGridMarkersOffset(markers) |
markers = markers or GetGridMarkers("no sorting", "with_cursor_obj") |
local pos_markers = {} |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
local pos = marker:GetPos() |
local id |
if pos:z() then |
id = string.format("%d-%d-%d", pos:x(), pos:y(), pos:z()) |
else |
id = string.format("%d-%d", pos:x(), pos:y()) |
end |
pos_markers[id] = pos_markers[id] or {} |
table.insert(pos_markers[id], marker) |
end |
for _, overlap_markers in pairs(pos_markers) do |
if #overlap_markers > 1 then |
OffsetOverlappingMarkers(overlap_markers) |
end |
end |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
OffsetMarkers = {} |
end |
local dir = point(0, slab_y/4) |
local up = point(0, 0, 4096) |
local angle = 90 * 60 |
function OffsetOverlappingMarkers(markers) |
local pos_packed = point_pack(markers[1]:GetPos()) |
for idx, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
if idx > 4 then break end |
table.insert(OffsetMarkers, marker) |
local pos = marker:GetPos() |
marker:SetPos(pos + (pos:IsValidZ() and dir:SetZ(0) or dir)) |
dir = RotateAxis(dir, up, angle) |
end |
end |
function RemoveOverlappingGridMarkersOffset() |
for _, marker in pairs(OffsetMarkers) do |
if IsValid(marker) then |
VoxelSnappingObj.SnapToVoxel(marker) |
end |
end |
OffsetMarkers = {} |
end |
function RefreshOverlappingGridMarkersOffset() |
if GedGridMarkerEditor and not terminal.IsKeyPressed(const.vkAlt) then |
RemoveOverlappingGridMarkersOffset() |
OverlappingGridMarkersOffset() |
end |
end |
function GedGridMarkerEditorContext() |
local classes = ClassDescendantsListInclusive("GridMarker") |
local context = {} |
context.rollovers = {} |
context.icons = {} |
for _, cls in ipairs(classes) do |
context.rollovers[cls] = g_Classes[cls].EditorRolloverText |
context.icons[cls] = g_Classes[cls].EditorIcon |
end |
context.WarningsUpdateRoot = "root" |
return context |
end |
function SelectMarkerInGedGridMarkerEditor(selected_markers) |
if not selected_markers or #selected_markers == 0 then |
return |
end |
assert(GedGridMarkerEditor) |
local selected_marker_indeces = {} |
for _, marker in ipairs(selected_markers) do |
table.insert(selected_marker_indeces, table.find(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot, marker)) |
end |
GedGridMarkerEditor:SetSelection("root", selected_marker_indeces) |
end |
function OpenGedGridMarkersEditor(selected_markers) |
if GedGridMarkerEditor then |
if selected_markers then |
SelectMarkerInGedGridMarkerEditor(selected_markers) |
end |
return |
end |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
if not GedGridMarkerEditor or not IsValid(GedGridMarkerEditor) then |
GedGridMarkerEditorRoot = GetGridMarkers() |
GedGridMarkerEditor = OpenGedApp("GedGridMarkerEditor", GedGridMarkerEditorRoot, GedGridMarkerEditorContext()) or false |
if GedGridMarkerEditor then |
OverlappingGridMarkersOffset(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
end |
SelectMarkerInGedGridMarkerEditor(selected_markers, GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
end |
end) |
end |
function GridMarkerEditorSelect(root, obj, prop_id, socket) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(root, obj, prop_id, socket) |
if not GedGridMarkerEditor then |
GedGridMarkerEditorRoot = GetGridMarkers() |
GedGridMarkerEditor = OpenGedApp("GedGridMarkerEditor", GedGridMarkerEditorRoot, GedGridMarkerEditorContext()) or false |
if GedGridMarkerEditor then |
OverlappingGridMarkersOffset(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot) |
end |
end |
local handle = string.match(prop_id, "h_(.*)_") |
local idx = table.find(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot, "handle", tonumber(handle or "0")) |
if idx then |
GedGridMarkerEditor:SetSelection("root", idx) |
end |
end,root, obj, prop_id, socket) |
end |
local SelectionFromGed |
function OnMsg.GedOnEditorSelect(obj, selected, ged_editor) |
if selected and ged_editor == GedGridMarkerEditor then |
SelectionFromGed = true |
EditorSelectObjects({obj}) |
SelectionFromGed = false |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.GedOnEditorMultiSelect(data, selected, ged_editor) |
if selected and ged_editor == GedGridMarkerEditor then |
SelectionFromGed = true |
EditorSelectObjects(data.__objects) |
SelectionFromGed = false |
end |
end |
function SelectInGedEditorSelected(objects) |
if not GedGridMarkerEditor or SelectionFromGed then |
return |
end |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(objects) |
local ged_selection = {} |
for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "GridMarker") then |
local marker_ged_idx = table.find(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot,obj) |
if marker_ged_idx then |
table.insert(ged_selection, marker_ged_idx) |
end |
end |
end |
local filter = GedGridMarkerEditor:FindFilter("root") |
if filter then |
for _, idx in ipairs(ged_selection) do |
if not filter:FilterObject(GedGridMarkerEditorRoot[idx]) then |
GedGridMarkerEditor:ResetFilter("root") |
break |
end |
end |
end |
GedGridMarkerEditor:SetSelection("root", ged_selection) |
end, objects) |
end |
MapVar("mv_SelectedGridMarkers", {}) |
function OnMsg.EditorSelectionChanged(objects) |
objects = objects or {} |
local old_markers = mv_SelectedGridMarkers |
mv_SelectedGridMarkers = {} |
for _, obj in ipairs(old_markers) do |
if obj and IsValid(obj) then |
if not obj:IsAreaVisible() then |
if not XEditorShowGridMarkersAreas then |
obj:HideArea() |
end |
end |
end |
end |
for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "GridMarker") then |
obj:ShowArea() |
mv_SelectedGridMarkers[#mv_SelectedGridMarkers+1] = obj |
end |
end |
SelectInGedEditorSelected(objects) |
end |
DefineClass.GridMarkerFilter = { |
__parents = { "GedFilter" }, |
properties = { |
{ id = "Type", name = "Type", editor = "dropdownlist", items = function() return GetGridMarkerTypesCombo()end, default = "" }, |
{ id = "Group", name = "Group", editor = "dropdownlist", items = function() return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, default = "" }, |
{ id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", editor = "preset_id", default = "", preset_class = "QuestsDef" }, |
} |
} |
function GridMarkerFilter:CheckQuestFilter(marker) |
return CheckMarkerQuestDependencies(marker, self.QuestId) |
end |
function GridMarkerFilter:FilterObject(marker) |
if self.Type ~= "" and self.Type ~= marker.Type then |
return false |
end |
if self.Group ~= "" and not table.find(marker.Groups, self.Group) then |
return false |
end |
if self.QuestId ~= "" and not self:CheckQuestFilter(marker) then |
return false |
end |
return true |
end |
function GridMarkerFilter:DoneFiltering(displayed_items, filtered) |
local markers = GetGridMarkers() |
for idx, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
if marker:GetGameFlags(const.gofPermanent) ~= 0 then |
marker:SetVisible(not filtered[idx]) |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.GedClosing(ged_id) |
if GedGridMarkerEditor and GedGridMarkerEditor.ged_id == ged_id then |
RemoveOverlappingGridMarkersOffset() |
GedGridMarkerEditor = false |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.GedPropertyEdited(ged_id, object, prop_id, old_value) |
if GedGridMarkerEditor and GedGridMarkerEditor.ged_id == ged_id then |
local obj = GedGridMarkerEditor:ResolveObj("root") |
if prop_id=="Groups" then |
RecalcGroups() |
end |
ObjModified(obj) |
end |
end |
OnMsg.SaveMap = RemoveOverlappingGridMarkersOffset |
OnMsg.PostSaveMap = OverlappingGridMarkersOffset |
function OnMsg.ChangeMap() |
if GedGridMarkerEditor then |
GedGridMarkerEditor:Send("rfnApp", "Exit") |
end |
end |
function GedOpPlaceGridMarker(socket, marker, marker_type) |
XEditorStartPlaceObject(marker_type == "GridMarker" and "GridMarker-Position" or marker_type) |
end |
function MapGetMarkers(marker_type, group, filter, ...) |
if group == "" then group = nil end |
if group and not Groups[group] then |
return |
end |
local all_markers = g_GridMarkersContainer.labels[marker_type or "GridMarker"] |
if not group and not filter then |
return all_markers |
end |
local markers |
for _, marker in ipairs(all_markers) do |
if (not group or marker:IsInGroup(group)) and (not filter or filter(marker, ...)) then |
if not markers then markers = {} end |
table.insert(markers, marker) |
end |
end |
return markers |
end |
function MapCountMarkers(marker_type, group, filter, ...) |
if group == "" then group = nil end |
if group and not Groups[group] then |
return 0 |
end |
local all_markers = g_GridMarkersContainer.labels[marker_type or "GridMarker"] |
local count = 0 |
for _, marker in ipairs(all_markers) do |
if (not group or marker:IsInGroup(group)) and (not filter or filter(marker, ...)) then |
count = count + 1 |
end |
end |
return count |
end |
function MapForEachMarker(marker_type, group, exec, ...) |
g_GridMarkersContainer:ForEachInLabel(marker_type or "GridMarker", function(marker, ...) |
if not group or group == "" or marker:IsInGroup(group) then |
exec(marker, ...) |
end |
end, ...) |
end |
function MapGetFirstMarker(marker_type, filter) |
return g_GridMarkersContainer:GetFirstInLabel(marker_type or "GridMarker", filter) |
end |
function UpdateEntranceAreasVisibility() |
if CurrentMap == "" or IsChangingMap() then return end |
MapForEachMarker("Entrance", false, function(marker) |
if marker:IsAreaVisible() then |
marker:ShowArea() |
else |
marker:HideArea() |
end |
end) |
end |
function OnMsg.ValidateMap() |
if not mapdata.GameLogic or not IsCampaignMap(GetMapName()) then |
return |
end |
local defender_markers = 0 |
local border_area_markers = 0 |
local first_ba_marker |
MapForEach("map", "GridMarker", function(marker) |
if marker.Type == "Entrance" and not SnapToPassSlabXYZ(marker) then |
StoreErrorSource(marker, string.format("Entrance marker '%s' on impassable!", marker.class)) |
end |
if marker.Type == "Defender" then |
defender_markers = defender_markers + 1 |
elseif marker.Type == "BorderArea" then |
if not first_ba_marker then |
first_ba_marker = marker |
end |
border_area_markers = border_area_markers + 1 |
end |
if defender_markers > 0 and border_area_markers > 1 then |
return "break" |
end |
end) |
if defender_markers == 0 then |
local w, h = terrain.GetMapSize() |
StoreWarningSource(point(w/2, h/2), "This map has no defender markers, where should defenders be placed in case of a conflict?") |
end |
local msg = BorderAreaMarkerMessage(border_area_markers) |
if msg then |
StoreErrorSource(first_ba_marker, msg) |
end |
end |
OnMsg.ValidateMap = ValidateGameObjectProperties("GridMarker") |
function GetBorderAreaMarker() |
if not g_GridMarkersContainer then return false end |
local label = g_GridMarkersContainer.labels["BorderArea"] |
assert(not label or #label <= 1) |
return label and label[1] |
end |
MapVar("g_InteractableAreaMarkers", {}) |
MapVar("g_BorderAreaRangeContour", false) |
MapVar("g_GridMarkersContainer", false) |
function OnMsg.NewMap() |
for _, marker in ipairs(g_InteractableAreaMarkers) do |
marker:RemoveFloatTxt() |
end |
table.clear(g_InteractableAreaMarkers) |
g_GridMarkersContainer = LabelContainer:new{} |
end |
function OnMsg.NewMapLoaded() |
MapForEachMarker("Entrance", nil, function(marker) table.insert(g_InteractableAreaMarkers, marker) end) |
SetImpassableOutsideBorderMarker() |
end |
local function GetMinMaxBorder(x, y, width, height, noOffset) |
local voxel_left = x - width / 2 |
local voxel_top = y - height / 2 |
local left, top = VoxelToWorld(voxel_left - 1, voxel_top - 1) |
local right, bottom = VoxelToWorld(voxel_left + width, voxel_top + height) |
local offset = noOffset and 0 or slab_x / 2 |
return left + offset, top + offset, right - offset, bottom - offset |
end |
function SetImpassableOutsideBorderMarker(clear) |
local bam = GetBorderAreaMarker() |
if IsValid(bam) then |
local x, y = WorldToVoxel(bam) |
local left, top, right, bottom = GetMinMaxBorder(x, y, bam.AreaWidth, bam.AreaHeight, true) |
local width, height = terrain.GetMapSize() |
if clear then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(0, 0, width, height, false) |
end |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(0, 0, width, top, true) |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(0, bottom, width, height, true) |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(0, top, left, bottom, true) |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(right, top, width, bottom, true) |
end |
end |
function GridMarker:RecalcImpassableOutsideBorderArea(prop_id, old_value) |
if not self.Type == "BorderArea" then return end |
local offset = slab_x / 2 |
local newX, newY = WorldToVoxel(self) |
local newAreaW = self.AreaWidth |
local newAreaH = self.AreaHeight |
local oldX, oldY, oldAreaW, oldAreaH |
if prop_id and old_value then |
oldX = newX |
oldY = newY |
oldAreaW = prop_id == "AreaWidth" and old_value or self.AreaWidth |
oldAreaH = prop_id == "AreaHeight" and old_value or self.AreaHeight |
elseif not prop_id and old_value then |
oldX = old_value.x |
oldY = old_value.y |
oldAreaW = self.AreaWidth |
oldAreaH = self.AreaHeight |
end |
local newL, newT, newR, newB = GetMinMaxBorder(newX, newY, newAreaW, newAreaH) |
local oldL, oldT, oldR, oldB = GetMinMaxBorder(oldX, oldY, oldAreaW, oldAreaH) |
local intersect = BoxIntersectsBox(box(newL, newT, newR, newB), box(oldL, oldT, oldR, oldB)) |
if not intersect then |
SetImpassableOutsideBorderMarker("clear") |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(newL, newT, newR, newB)) |
return |
end |
local function UpdateBorders() |
if newL < oldL then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(newL, newT, oldL, newB, false) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(newL, newT, oldL, newB)) |
elseif newL > oldL then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(oldL, oldT, newL - offset, oldB, true) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(oldL, oldT, newL, oldB)) |
end |
if newT < oldT then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(newL, newT, newR, oldT, false) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(newL, newT, newR, oldT)) |
elseif newT > oldT then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(oldL, oldT, oldR, newT - offset, true) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(oldL, oldT, oldR, newT)) |
end |
if newR < oldR then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(newR + offset, oldT, oldR, oldB, true) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(newR, oldT, oldR, oldB)) |
elseif newR > oldR then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(oldR, newT, newR, newB, false) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(oldR, newT, newR, newB)) |
end |
if newB < oldB then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(oldL, newB + offset, oldR, oldB, true) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(oldL, newB, oldR, oldB)) |
elseif newB > oldB then |
terrain.SetForcedImpassableBox(newL, oldB, newR, newB, false) |
terrain.RebuildPassability(box(newL, oldB, newR, newB)) |
end |
end |
UpdateBorders(newL, newT, newR, newB, oldL, oldT, oldR, oldB) |
end |
function OnMsg.PostNewMapLoaded() |
MapForEachMarker("GridMarker", nil, function(marker) |
marker:RecalcAreaPositions() |
end) |
UpdateEntranceAreasVisibility() |
end |
local batchedWork = false |
local maxPerTick = 4 |
local maxTicksPerTick = 3 |
local delay = 33 |
local function ProcessGridMarkersOnPassChanged() |
local c = 0 |
local ignoreCount = IsChangingMap() or IsEditorActive() |
local start = GetPreciseTicks() |
for marker, _ in pairs(batchedWork) do |
c = c + 1 |
batchedWork[marker] = nil |
if marker:IsAreaShown() and marker:GetGameFlags(const.gofPermanent) ~= 0 then |
marker:RecalcAreaPositions() |
end |
if not ignoreCount and (c >= maxPerTick or GetPreciseTicks() - start >= maxTicksPerTick) then |
break |
end |
end |
if next(batchedWork) then |
DelayedCall(delay, ProcessGridMarkersOnPassChanged) |
else |
batchedWork = false |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.OnPassabilityChanged(clip) |
if IsEditorSaving() then return end |
batchedWork = batchedWork or {} |
clip = clip:grow(slab_x * 10) |
MapForEach(clip, "GridMarker", function(marker, batchedWork) |
if marker.recalc_area_on_pass_rebuild and marker.Reachable and marker.Type ~= "BorderArea" then |
batchedWork[marker] = true |
end |
end, batchedWork) |
DelayedCall(delay, ProcessGridMarkersOnPassChanged) |
end |
function BorderAreaMarkerMessage(count) |
if count > 1 then |
return "Border area markers should be no more than one per map." |
elseif count == 0 then |
return "Border area marker not present on map." |
end |
end |
function GetBorderAreaLimits() |
local bam = GetBorderAreaMarker() |
if not IsValid(bam) then return end |
local bam_pos_x, bam_pos_y = bam:GetPosXYZ() |
local border_min_x = bam_pos_x - slab_x * (bam.AreaWidth / 2) - slab_x / 2 |
local border_min_y = bam_pos_y - slab_y * (bam.AreaHeight / 2) - slab_y / 2 |
local border_max_x = border_min_x + bam.AreaWidth * slab_x |
local border_max_y = border_min_y + bam.AreaHeight * slab_y |
return box(border_min_x, border_min_y, border_max_x, border_max_y) |
end |
function RemoveNeighborVoxelsFromTable(pos, voxels) |
local x1, y1, z1 = VoxelToWorld(WorldToVoxel(pos)) |
for i = #voxels, 1, -1 do |
local x2, y2, z2 = VoxelToWorld(WorldToVoxel(point_unpack(voxels[i]))) |
if z1 == z2 and abs(x1 - x2) <= slab_x and abs(y1 - y2) <= slab_y then |
table.remove(voxels, i) |
end |
end |
end |
function GetReachablePositionsFromPos(pos, count) |
assert(count > 0) |
if count == 1 then |
local pfflags = const.pfmDestlock + const.pfmImpassableSource + const.pfmVoxelAligned |
local has_path, closest_pos = pf.HasPosPath(pos, pos, CalcPFClass("player1"), 0, 0, nil, 0, nil, pfflags) |
return { closest_pos or pos } |
end |
local width = count * slab_x |
local height = count * slab_y |
local path = PlaceObject("CombatPath") |
local area_left = pos:x() - width/2 |
local area_top = pos:y() - height/2 |
path.restrict_area = box(area_left, area_top, area_left + width, area_top + height) |
path:RebuildPaths(nil, 200000, pos) |
local voxels = table.keys(path.paths_ap, true) |
local pos1 = path.closest_free_pos and point(point_unpack(path.closest_free_pos)) or pos |
local positions = {pos1} |
RemoveNeighborVoxelsFromTable(pos1, voxels) |
for i = 1, count - 1 do |
local v = table.rand(voxels, point_pack(pos)) |
assert(v) |
local pos_v = point(point_unpack(v)) |
table.insert(positions, pos_v) |
RemoveNeighborVoxelsFromTable(pos_v, voxels) |
end |
return positions |
end |
function GetInteractableAreaMarkerRollover(m) |
if gv_DeploymentStarted then |
return (not SelectedObj or IsFirstSquadDeployment(SelectedObj.Squad)) and GetDeploymentAreaRollover(m) |
end |
end |
ArchetypesSorted = false |
function ArchetypesCombo() |
if not ArchetypesSorted then |
ArchetypesSorted = table.keys2(Archetypes, true) |
end |
return ArchetypesSorted |
end |
DefineClass.RepositionMarker = { |
__parents = {"GridMarker"}, |
properties = |
{ |
{ category = "Marker", id = "Color", name = "Color", editor = "color", default = RGB(255, 0, 255)}, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Type", name = "Type", editor = "text", default = "Reposition", no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Grid Marker", id = "Groups", name = "Groups", editor = "string_list", no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "AreaHeight", name = "Area Height", editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "AreaWidth", name = "Area Width", editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Marker", id = "Reachable", name = "Reachable only", editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Logic", id = "Trigger", name = "Trigger", editor = "dropdownlist", default = "once", items = { "once", "activation", "deactivation", "always", "change", }, no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Logic", id = "Effects", name = "Effects", editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Archetype", id = "Archetypes", name = "Preferred Archetypes", editor = "string_list", default = false, no_edit = true }, |
{ category = "Logic", id = "TargetUnits", name = "Target Units", editor = "dropdownlist", items = PresetsCombo("UnitDataCompositeDef"), default = "" }, |
}, |
EditorRolloverText = "AI Reposition location", |
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/refresh repost retweet.tga", |
recalc_area_on_pass_rebuild = false, |
} |
function LightsMarkerGroups() |
local light_marker_groups = {} |
local groups = GetBehaviorGroups() |
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do |
local objects = Groups[group] |
for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "LightsMarker") then |
table.insert(light_marker_groups, group) |
break |
end |
end |
end |
return light_marker_groups |
end |
DefineClass.LightsMarker = { |
__parents = {"GridMarker"}, |
EditorRolloverText = "Lights Turn On/Off Marker", |
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/refresh repost retweet.tga", |
lights_off = false, |
lights_intensities = false, |
} |
function LightsMarker:TurnLightOff(light) |
self.lights_intensities = self.lights_intensities or {} |
if not self.lights_intensities[light] then |
self.lights_intensities[light] = light:GetIntensity() |
end |
light:SetIntensity(0) |
end |
function LightsMarker:TurnLightOn(light) |
if not self.lights_intensities then return end |
if self.lights_intensities[light] then |
light:SetIntensity(self.lights_intensities[light]) |
end |
self.lights_intensities[light] = nil |
if not next(self.lights_intensities) then |
self.lights_intensities = false |
end |
end |
function LightsMarker:GetDynamicData(data) |
data.lights_off = self.lights_off |
if not self.lights_intensities then return end |
data.lights_intensities = {} |
for light, intensity in pairs(self.lights_intensities) do |
if light.handle then |
data.lights_intensities[light.handle] = intensity |
end |
end |
end |
function LightsMarker:SetDynamicData(data) |
self.lights_off = data.lights_off |
if not data.lights_intensities then return end |
local invalid_handles = {} |
self.lights_intensities = {} |
for handle, intensity in pairs(data.lights_intensities) do |
local light = HandleToObject[handle] |
if light then |
self.lights_intensities[light] = intensity |
light:SetIntensity(0) |
else |
table.insert(invalid_handles, handle) |
end |
end |
for _, handle in ipairs(invalid_handles) do |
self.lights_intensities[handle] = nil |
end |
if not next(self.lights_intensities) then |
self.lights_intensities = false |
end |
end |
function MapGetLightsMarkers(marker_type, group, filter, ...) |
return MapGetMarkers(marker_type, group, function(marker, ...) |
return marker:IsKindOf("LightsMarker") and (not filter or filter(marker, ...)) |
end, ...) |
end |
function OnMsg.ZuluGameLoaded() |
local lights_markers = MapGetLightsMarkers() |
local lights = GetLights() |
for _, light in ipairs(lights) do |
for _, marker in ipairs(lights_markers) do |
if marker.lights_off and (not marker.lights_intensities or not marker.lights_intensities[light]) then |
if marker:IsInsideArea2D(light) then |
marker:TurnLightOff(light) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function GetEditorFilterNonLeafMarkerClasses() |
return {"UnitMarker"} |
end |
function EditorViewAbridged(obj, id, filter_type) |
local value = obj.class |
if obj:HasMember("GetEditorView") then |
value = _InternalTranslate(T{obj:GetEditorView(), obj}) |
if not filter_type or filter_type=="quest" then |
value = value:gsub(" %(" .. id .. "%)", "") |
value = value:gsub("[Qq]uest " .. id .. ":? ", "") |
elseif filter_type=="conversation" then |
value = value:gsub(" " .. id , "") |
elseif filter_type=="banter" then |
end |
end |
return value |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
g_DebugMarkersInfo = false |
end |
function GatherMarkerScriptingData() |
local markers_data = {} |
local map_name = GetMapName() |
local grid_markers = GetGridMarkers(nil, nil, "no AL markers") |
for idx, marker in ipairs(grid_markers) do |
local data = {} |
local name = string.format("%s#%03d", marker.Type, marker.handle % 1000) |
if marker.ID ~= "" then |
name = name .. " " .. marker.ID |
end |
if PropObjHasMember(marker, "DisplayName") and marker.DisplayName and marker.DisplayName ~= "" then |
name = name .. " \"" .. _InternalTranslate(marker.DisplayName) .. "\"" |
end |
if marker.Groups and next(marker.Groups) then |
name = name .. " (" .. table.concat(marker.Groups, ", ") .. ")" |
end |
local BanterEffects = {} |
marker:ForEachSubObject("BanterFunctionObjectBase", function(effect, parents) |
table.insert_unique(BanterEffects, effect) |
end) |
local LootTableIds = {} |
marker:ForEachSubObject("ConditionalLoot", function(condLoot, parents) |
if condLoot.LootTableId then |
table.insert_unique(LootTableIds, condLoot.LootTableId) |
end |
end) |
local path = marker.Type .. " " .. marker.ID |
local data = { |
type = marker.Type, |
name = name, |
path = path, |
handle = marker.handle, |
map = map_name, |
Groups = marker.Groups, |
BanterGroups = next(marker.BanterGroups) and marker.BanterGroups or nil, |
SpecificBanters = next(marker.SpecificBanters) and marker.SpecificBanters or nil, |
BanterTriggerEffects = next(BanterEffects) and BanterEffects or nil, |
ApproachedBanters = next(marker.ApproachedBanters) and marker.ApproachedBanters or nil, |
ApproachBanterGroup = marker.ApproachBanterGroup or nil, |
LootTableIds = next(LootTableIds) and LootTableIds or nil, |
} |
local items = {} |
marker:ForEachSubObject("QuestFunctionObjectBase", function(obj, parents) |
table.insert_unique(items, { |
filter_type = "quest", |
type = obj.class, |
reference_id = obj.QuestId, |
editor_view_abridged = EditorViewAbridged(obj, obj.QuestId, "quest"), |
var = rawget(obj, "Prop") or rawget(obj, "Vars"), |
var2 = rawget(obj, "Prop2"), |
}) |
end) |
marker:ForEachSubObject("ConversationFunctionObjectBase", function(obj, parents) |
table.insert_unique(items, { |
filter_type = "conversation", |
type = obj.class, |
reference_id = obj.Conversation, |
editor_view_abridged = EditorViewAbridged(obj, obj.Conversation, "conversation"), |
}) |
end) |
marker:ForEachSubObject("BanterFunctionObjectBase", function(obj, parents) |
for _, banter_str in ipairs(obj.Banters) do |
table.insert_unique(items, { |
filter_type = "banter", |
type = obj.class, |
reference_id = banter_str, |
editor_view_abridged = EditorViewAbridged(obj, banter_str, "banter"), |
}) |
end |
end) |
data.items = (next(items) or IsKindOf(marker, "UnitMarker")) and items or nil |
local hasBanter = data.BanterGroups or data.SpecificBanters or data.BanterTriggerEffects or data.ApproachedBanters or data.ApproachBanterGroup |
local hasLootTable = data.LootTableIds |
if IsKindOf(marker, "UnitMarker") or next(items) or hasBanter or hasLootTable then |
table.insert_unique(markers_data, data) |
end |
end |
if markers_data and next(markers_data) then |
table.sortby_field(markers_data, "handle") |
g_DebugMarkersInfo = g_DebugMarkersInfo or {} |
g_DebugMarkersInfo[map_name] = markers_data |
end |
return markers_data |
end |
function ForEachDebugMarkerData(info_type, preset, call_fn) |
for map, markers_data in sorted_pairs(g_DebugMarkersInfo or empty_table) do |
local currCampaignPreset = GetCurrentCampaignPreset() |
local currSectors = currCampaignPreset and currCampaignPreset.Sectors |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers_data) do |
if currSectors and table.find(currSectors, "Map", marker.map) then |
local items = marker.items |
for _, item in ipairs(items) do |
if item.filter_type == info_type and item.reference_id == preset.id then |
call_fn(marker, item) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function IsGridMarkerWithDefenderRole(marker) |
local preset = marker and Presets.GridMarkerType.Default[marker.Type] |
return preset and preset.DefenderRole |
end |
function CheckMarkersPos() |
local allGridMarkers = GetGridMarkers("no sorting", nil, "no AL markers") |
local border = GetBorderAreaLimits() |
for _, marker in ipairs(allGridMarkers) do |
if not IsKindOf(marker, "ShowHideCollectionMarker") and border and not border:Point2DInside(marker:GetPos()) then |
StoreErrorSource(marker, "Marker placed outside the border.") |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.SaveMap() |
CheckMarkersPos() |
local markers_data = GatherMarkerScriptingData() |
local folder = GetMap() |
if markers_data and next(markers_data) then |
local path = folder .. "markers.debug.lua" |
SaveSVNFile(path, TableToLuaCode(markers_data, nil, pstr("", 1024))) |
end |
end |
local function LoadDebugMarkersInfo(map) |
local file = GetMapFolder(map) .. "markers.debug.lua" |
if not IsFSUnpacked() and MapData[map] and not MapData[map].ModMapPath then |
MountMap(map) |
end |
if io.exists(file) then |
local err, str = AsyncFileToString(GetMapFolder(map) .. "markers.debug.lua") |
if str then |
local _, markers_data = LuaCodeToTuple(str) |
local map_name = markers_data and markers_data[1].map |
if map_name then |
g_DebugMarkersInfo = g_DebugMarkersInfo or {} |
g_DebugMarkersInfo[map_name] = markers_data |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function LoadMapPatchMarkersInfo(mapPatchPath) |
local path, name, ext = SplitPath(mapPatchPath) |
local mapName = string.gsub(name, ".debug", "") |
local err, str = AsyncFileToString(mapPatchPath) |
if err then return err end |
local _, markers_data = LuaCodeToTuple(str) |
if mapName then |
g_DebugMarkersInfo = g_DebugMarkersInfo or {} |
g_DebugMarkersInfo[mapName] = markers_data |
end |
end |
local function LoadModMapPatchDebugMarkers(modData) |
local err, mapPatchesMarkerData = AsyncListFiles(modData.mod_path .. "MapPatches", "*.debug.lua") |
if err then return err end |
for _, mapPatchMarkersPath in ipairs(mapPatchesMarkerData) do |
LoadMapPatchMarkersInfo(mapPatchMarkersPath) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.LastEditedModChanged(mod) |
g_DebugMarkersInfo = {} |
for map, data in sorted_pairs(MapData) do |
LoadDebugMarkersInfo(map) |
end |
LoadModMapPatchDebugMarkers(mod) |
end |
function OnMsg.ChangeMapDone(map) |
if GetMap() ~= "" then |
MapForEachMarker(false, false, function(marker) |
marker:UpdateVisuals(marker.Type) |
end) |
end |
if Platform.developer then |
if not g_DebugMarkersInfo then |
g_DebugMarkersInfo = g_DebugMarkersInfo or {} |
for map, data in sorted_pairs(MapData) do |
LoadDebugMarkersInfo(map) |
end |
else |
LoadDebugMarkersInfo(map) |
end |
end |
if AreModdingToolsActive() and LastEditedMod then |
LoadModMapPatchDebugMarkers(LastEditedMod) |
end |
end |
function SaveDebugMarkersLootTablesCSV() |
local csv = {} |
for map, data in sorted_pairs(g_DebugMarkersInfo) do |
local map_data = {} |
for _, marker in ipairs(data) do |
for _, loot_table_id in ipairs(marker.LootTableIds) do |
map_data[loot_table_id] = map_data[loot_table_id] or 0 |
map_data[loot_table_id] = map_data[loot_table_id] + 1 |
end |
end |
for k,v in sorted_pairs(map_data) do |
csv[#csv+1] = { map = map, id = k, count = v } |
end |
end |
local fields = { "map", "id", "count" } |
local filename = "DebugMarkersLootTables.csv" |
local err = SaveCSV(filename, csv, fields, fields, ",") |
print(err or "CSV saved to", ":", ConvertToOSPath(filename), "") |
end |
function LootPerSectorCSV() |
if not SelectedObj or not SelectedObj:IsKindOf("Unit") then |
print("Run this with a merc selected on a gameplay map, please") |
return |
end |
local csv = {} |
local class_to_group = {} |
for group, items in pairs(Presets.InventoryItemCompositeDef) do |
if type(group) ~= "number" then |
for _, class in ipairs(items) do |
class_to_group[class.id] = group |
end |
end |
end |
local current_sector_id = gv_CurrentSectorId |
local map_to_sector = {} |
local campaign = Game and Game.Campaign or rawget(_G, "DefaultCampaign") or "HotDiamonds" |
local campaign_presets = rawget(_G, "CampaignPresets") or empty_table |
for _, sector in ipairs(campaign_presets[campaign] and campaign_presets[campaign].Sectors or empty_table) do |
if sector.Map then |
map_to_sector[sector.Map] = sector |
gv_CurrentSectorId = sector.Id |
local _, enemySquads = GetSquadsInSector(sector.Id, "excludeTravelling", not "includeMilitia", "excludeArriving") |
local items = {} |
for i = #enemySquads, 1, -1 do |
for j = #enemySquads[i].units, 1, -1 do |
local id = enemySquads[i].units[j] |
local unit = gv_UnitData[id] |
Unit.DropLoot(unit) |
unit:ForEachItem(function(item, slot_name, left, top, items) |
csv[#csv+1] = { |
map =sector.Map, |
dropped_from = ObjectClass(unit), |
label1 = sector.Label1 or "none", |
label2 = sector.Label2 or "none", |
tier = string.format("%d.%d", sector.MapTier / 10, sector.MapTier%10), |
class = ObjectClass(item), |
item_group = class_to_group[ObjectClass(item)] or "none", |
count = item.Amount or 1, |
condition = item.Condition or 0, |
guaranteed_drop = item.guaranteed_drop and 1 or 0, |
drop_chance = item.drop_chance } |
end, items) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
for map, data in sorted_pairs(g_DebugMarkersInfo) do |
local map_data = {} |
local loot = {} |
local sector = map_to_sector[map] |
if sector then |
gv_CurrentSectorId = sector.Id |
for _, marker in ipairs(data) do |
for _, loot_table_id in ipairs(marker.LootTableIds) do |
if not LootDefs[loot_table_id] then |
print("Invalid loot id in ", marker) |
else |
LootDefs[loot_table_id]:GenerateLoot(SelectedObj, {}, AsyncRand(), loot) |
end |
end |
end |
for _, item in ipairs(loot) do |
csv[#csv+1] = { |
map = map, |
dropped_from = "Marker", |
label1 = sector.Label1 or "none", |
label2 = sector.Label2 or "none", |
tier = string.format("%d.%d", sector.MapTier / 10, sector.MapTier%10), |
class = ObjectClass(item), |
item_group = class_to_group[ObjectClass(item)] or "none", |
count = item.Amount or 1, |
condition = item.Condition or 0, |
guaranteed_drop = item.guaranteed_drop and 1 or 0, |
drop_chance = item.drop_chance |
} |
end |
end |
end |
gv_CurrentSectorId = current_sector_id |
local fields = { "map", "dropped_from", "tier", "label1", "label2", "class", "item_group", "count", "condition", "drop_chance", "guaranteed_drop" } |
local filename = "LootPerSector.csv" |
local err = SaveCSV(filename, csv, fields, fields, ",") |
print(err or "CSV saved to", ":", ConvertToOSPath(filename), "") |
end |
function OnMsg.EditorCategoryFilterChanged(c, filter) |
if c == "Markers" then |
local markers = GetGridMarkers("no sorting", nil, "no AL markers") |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
marker:SetVisible(filter ~= "invisible") |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SaveMapCheckMarker = { |
__parents = {"Object"}, |
} |
if Platform.developer then |
function GetShowHideCollectionMarkerBiggestRange() |
local biggest |
ForEachMap(nil, function() |
local map_biggest |
MapForEach("map", "ShowHideCollectionMarker", function(marker) |
local collection_idx = marker:GetCollectionIndex() |
if collection_idx and collection_idx ~= 0 then |
MapForEach("map", "collection", collection_idx, true, function(o) |
local dist = marker:GetDist(o) |
map_biggest = ((not map_biggest) or (dist > map_biggest)) and dist or map_biggest |
end) |
end |
end) |
if map_biggest then |
biggest = ((not biggest) or (map_biggest > biggest)) and map_biggest or biggest |
print(string.format("%s: %d / %d", GetMapName(), map_biggest, biggest)) |
else |
print(string.format("No SaveMapCheckMarker objects on map %s", GetMapName())) |
end |
end) |
if biggest then |
print(string.format("Biggest Range: %d", biggest)) |
end |
return biggest |
end |
end |