if FirstLoad then |
g_LastExploration = false |
end |
MapVar("g_Exploration", false) |
DefineClass.Exploration = { |
__parents = { "InitDone" }, |
visibility_thread = false, |
npc_custom_highlight_thread = false, |
map_border_thread = false, |
sus_thread = false, |
npc_movement_thread = false, |
nearby_enemies = false, |
hash_nearby_enemies = false, |
fx_nearby_enemies = false, |
} |
function Exploration:Init() |
assert(not g_Combat) |
NetUpdateHash("Exploration_Init") |
if #(g_Teams or "") == 0 then |
SetupDummyTeams() |
end |
UpdateTeamDiplomacy() |
Msg("ExplorationStart") |
self.visibility_thread = CreateGameTimeThread(Exploration.VisibilityInvalidateThread, self) |
self.npc_custom_highlight_thread = CreateGameTimeThread(Exploration.NPCCustomHighlightThread, self) |
self.map_border_thread = CreateGameTimeThread(Exploration.UpdateMapBorderThread, self) |
self.sus_thread = CreateGameTimeThread(Exploration.SusThread, self) |
self.npc_movement_thread = CreateGameTimeThread(Exploration.NPCMovementThread, self) |
local team = GetPoVTeam() |
local alive_player_units |
for _, unit in ipairs(team.units) do |
alive_player_units = alive_player_units or not unit:IsDead() |
end |
if not alive_player_units then return end |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if not unit:IsDead() and unit:IsAware() and unit.team and unit.team:IsEnemySide(team) then |
NetSyncEvent("ExplorationStartCombat") |
return |
end |
end |
end |
function Exploration:Done() |
if IsValidThread(self.visibility_thread) then DeleteThread(self.visibility_thread) end |
if IsValidThread(self.npc_custom_highlight_thread) then |
DeleteThread(self.npc_custom_highlight_thread) |
HighlightCustomUnitInteractables("delete") |
end |
if IsValidThread(self.map_border_thread) then DeleteThread(self.map_border_thread) end |
if IsValidThread(self.sus_thread) then |
NetUpdateHash("Exploration:Done_killing_sus_thread") |
DeleteThread(self.sus_thread) |
self:UpdateSusVisualization(false) |
end |
if IsValidThread(self.npc_movement_thread) then DeleteThread(self.npc_movement_thread) end |
end |
function Exploration:VisibilityInvalidateThread() |
local last_computed_visibility_msg_time = 0 |
while true do |
assert(g_Exploration and not g_Combat) |
VisibilityUpdate() |
UpdateApproachBanters() |
if GameTime() > last_computed_visibility_msg_time then |
Msg("ExplorationComputedVisibility") |
last_computed_visibility_msg_time = GameTime() + 1000 |
end |
UpdateMarkerAreaEffects() |
local timeBetweenTicks = 500 |
Sleep(timeBetweenTicks) |
Msg("ExplorationTick", timeBetweenTicks) |
ListCallReactions(g_Units, "OnExplorationTick") |
end |
end |
function Exploration:NPCCustomHighlightThread() |
while true do |
assert(g_Exploration and not g_Combat) |
HighlightCustomUnitInteractables() |
Sleep(2000) |
end |
end |
function Exploration:UpdateMapBorderThread() |
while true do |
assert(g_Exploration and not g_Combat) |
if gv_CurrentSectorId then |
local cursor_pos = GetCursorPos() |
UpdateBorderAreaMarkerVisibility(cursor_pos) |
end |
Sleep(50) |
end |
end |
function Exploration:SusThread() |
self:UpdateSusVisualization(empty_table) |
while true do |
assert(g_Exploration and not g_Combat) |
local pus = GetAllPlayerUnitsOnMap() |
local unit = pus and pus[1] |
NetUpdateHash("ExplorationSuspicionThread", GameState.sync_loading, unit or false, #(GetAllEnemyUnits(unit) or ""), HasAnyAttackActionInProgress()) |
if not GameState.sync_loading and unit and unit.team and not HasAnyAttackActionInProgress() then |
local enemies = GetAllEnemyUnits(unit) |
if #enemies > 0 then |
local allies = GetAllAlliedUnits(unit) |
allies = table.copy(allies) |
allies[#allies + 1] = unit |
local changes = UpdateSuspicion(allies, enemies, "intermediate") |
allies = table.ifilter(allies, function(_, u) return u.team and not u.team.player_team end) |
UpdateSuspicion(enemies, allies) |
AlertPendingUnits("sync_code") |
if changes then |
self:UpdateSusVisualization(changes) |
end |
else |
self:UpdateSusVisualization(false) |
end |
end |
Sleep(35) |
end |
end |
function Exploration:UpdateSusVisualization(data) |
local playerMercs = GetAllPlayerUnitsOnMap() |
if not data or IsSetpiecePlaying() then |
for _, obj in ipairs(self.fx_nearby_enemies) do |
DoneObject(obj) |
end |
self.hash_nearby_enemies = false |
self.nearby_enemies = false |
local change |
for _, unit in pairs(playerMercs) do |
change = change or unit.suspicion ~= 0 |
unit.suspicion = 0 |
end |
if change then |
UnitsSusBeingRaised = {} |
ObjModified("UnitsSusBeingRaised") |
end |
return |
end |
self.nearby_enemies = data |
self.hash_nearby_enemies = self.hash_nearby_enemies or {} |
local drawnData = self.hash_nearby_enemies |
if not self.fx_nearby_enemies then self.fx_nearby_enemies = {} end |
local stillValid = {} |
for i, ally in ipairs(playerMercs) do |
local dataForAlly = table.find_value(data, "sees", ally) |
local shouldHaveMesh = (ally.suspicion or 0) > 0 or ally:HasStatusEffect("Hidden") or dataForAlly |
if not shouldHaveMesh then goto continue end |
local hash = ally.handle |
stillValid[hash] = true |
if not drawnData[hash] then |
local newMesh = SpawnDetectionIndicator(ally) |
drawnData[hash] = newMesh |
self.fx_nearby_enemies[#self.fx_nearby_enemies + 1] = newMesh |
end |
local mesh = drawnData[hash] |
mesh:SetProgress(MulDivRound(ally.suspicion or 0, 1000, SuspicionThreshold)) |
if dataForAlly then |
mesh:SetGameFlags(const.gofLockedOrientation) |
local unit = dataForAlly.unit |
mesh:Face(unit:GetPos()) |
mesh:Rotate(axis_z, 90 * 60) |
mesh.mesh3:SetVisible(true) |
elseif mesh:GetGameFlags(const.gofLockedOrientation) ~= 0 then |
mesh:ClearGameFlags(const.gofLockedOrientation) |
mesh:SetAngle(90 * 60) |
mesh.mesh3:SetVisible(false) |
end |
::continue:: |
end |
local raisingSus = {} |
for _, d in ipairs(data) do |
local unit = d.unit |
local ally = d.sees |
if not data[unit] or data[unit].amount < d.amount then |
data[unit] = d |
end |
local hash = ally.handle |
if d.amount > 0 or unit:HasStatusEffect("Suspicious") then |
if unit.command ~= "OverheardConversationHeadTo" then |
EnsureUnitHasAwareBadge(unit) |
PlayUnitStartleAnim(unit) |
raisingSus[hash] = true |
end |
end |
end |
UnitsSusBeingRaised = raisingSus |
ObjModified("UnitsSusBeingRaised") |
local fade_out = MercDetectionConsts:GetById("MercDetectionConsts").fade_out |
for hash, mesh in pairs(drawnData) do |
if not stillValid[hash] then |
if IsValid(mesh) then |
mesh:SetOpacity(0, fade_out) |
CreateMapRealTimeThread(function() |
Sleep(fade_out) |
if IsValid(mesh) then |
DoneObject(mesh) |
end |
end) |
end |
drawnData[hash] = nil |
table.remove_value(self.fx_nearby_enemies, mesh) |
end |
end |
end |
function Exploration:NPCMovementThread() |
Sleep(2 * 1000) |
while true do |
assert(g_Exploration and not g_Combat) |
NpcRandomMovement() |
Sleep(10 * 1000) |
end |
end |
function SyncStartExploration() |
if not GetInGameInterface() then |
ShowInGameInterface(true, false, { Mode = "IModeExploration" }) |
elseif not GetInGameInterfaceMode() ~= "IModeExploration" then |
SetInGameInterfaceMode("IModeExploration") |
end |
cameraTac.SetForceOverview(false) |
cameraTac.SetForceMaxZoom(false) |
cameraTac.SetFixedLookat(false) |
if g_LastExploration then |
local oldSusThread = g_LastExploration.sus_thread |
assert(not IsValidThread(oldSusThread)) |
end |
if g_Exploration then |
DoneObject(g_Exploration) |
end |
assert(not g_Combat) |
NetUpdateHash("SyncStartExploration") |
g_Exploration = Exploration:new() |
g_LastExploration = g_Exploration |
if not SelectedObj then |
local igi = GetInGameInterfaceModeDlg() |
if igi then |
igi:NextUnit() |
end |
end |
if GetUIStyleGamepad() then |
local unitsInMap = GetAllPlayerUnitsOnMap() |
unitsInMap = table.ifilter(unitsInMap, function(_, o) return o:IsLocalPlayerControlled() and not o:IsDead() end) |
SelectionSet(unitsInMap) |
end |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.StartExploration() |
SyncStartExploration() |
end |
function StartExploration() |
NetSyncEvent("StartExploration") |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.ExplorationStartCombat(team_idx, unit_id) |
if g_Combat or g_StartingCombat then return end |
if not g_Exploration then return end |
if config.GamepadTestOnly then return end |
print("starting combat") |
if not (GameState.Conflict or GameState.ConflictScripted) then |
KickOutUnits() |
end |
local team |
if team_idx ~= nil then |
if team_idx then |
team = g_Teams[team_idx] |
end |
else |
team = GetPoVTeam() |
end |
local unit = unit_id and g_Units[unit_id] |
SetActivePause() |
g_StartingCombat = true |
g_Exploration:Done() |
g_Exploration = false |
CreateGameTimeThread(function() |
if g_Combat then |
return |
end |
local igi = GetInGameInterfaceMode() |
if IsKindOf(igi, "IModeExploration") then |
igi:StopFollow() |
end |
CloseWeaponModificationCoOpAware() |
QuestTCEEvaluation() |
while IsSetpiecePlaying() do |
WaitMsg("SetpieceEnded", 100) |
end |
local combat = Combat:new{ |
stealth_attack_start = g_LastAttackStealth, |
last_attack_kill = g_LastAttackKill, |
} |
g_Combat = combat |
g_Combat.starting_unit = unit |
if team then |
g_CurrentTeam = table.find(g_Teams, team) |
end |
if #Selection > 1 and g_CurrentTeam and g_Combat:AreEnemiesAware(g_CurrentTeam) then |
SelectObj() |
end |
combat:Start() |
SetInGameInterfaceMode("IModeCombatMovement") |
end) |
end |
function AreEnemiesPresent() |
for i, team in ipairs(g_Teams) do |
if (team.side == "enemy1" or team.side == "enemy2") and next(team.units) then |
return true |
end |
end |
end |
function NpcRandomMovement() |
local radius = 10*guim |
NetUpdateHash("NpcRandomMovement_Start") |
for i, team in ipairs(g_Teams) do |
if team.control == "AI" then |
for j, unit in ipairs(team.units) do |
if not unit.command and unit:IsValidPos() and not unit:IsDead() and not IsSetpieceActor(unit) and not unit.being_interacted_with then |
local cx, cy, cz = unit:GetVisualPosXYZ() |
local dx = unit:Random(2*radius) - radius |
local dy = unit:Random(2*radius) - radius |
local target_pos = SnapToPassSlab(cx + dx, cy + dy, cz) |
if target_pos then |
unit:SetCommand("GotoSlab", target_pos) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |