MapVar("g_EnvSound", false) |
MapVar("g_EnvSoundChannel", false) |
MapVar("g_EnvSoundTimeEnd", 0) |
MapVar("g_EnvSoundFadeOut", 3000) |
if FirstLoad then |
g_EnvSndDebugPrints = false |
end |
function ToggleEnvSndDebugPrints() |
g_EnvSndDebugPrints = not g_EnvSndDebugPrints |
end |
function EnvSndDebugPrint(...) |
if g_EnvSndDebugPrints then |
print(...) |
end |
end |
local listener_size = point(const.SlabSizeX, const.SlabSizeY, 0) |
function IsPointInsideRoom(pos) |
return not not EnumVolumes("Room", sizebox(pos - listener_size, listener_size * 2)) |
end |
function IsListenerInsideRoom(listener_pos) |
return IsPointInsideRoom(listener_pos or GetListenerPos()) |
end |
local function GetEnvObjects(pos) |
local pos_zero_Z = pos:SetZ(0) |
local max_range = GetLocationMaxRange() |
local pt_range = point(max_range, max_range, const.SanePosMaxZ) |
local box_range = box(pos_zero_Z - pt_range, pos_zero_Z + pt_range) |
return MapGet(box_range) |
end |
MapVar("g_LastEnvLocations", false) |
MapVar("g_LastEnvLocationsPos", false) |
function EnvironmentSoundUpdate() |
if IsEditorActive() then return end |
local pos = GetListenerPos() |
local cam_pos = camera.GetPos() |
local high = cam_pos:z() - pos:z() > 8 * guim and "High" or "Low" |
local locations = g_LastEnvLocations |
if not g_LastEnvLocations or not g_LastEnvLocationsPos or g_LastEnvLocationsPos:Dist(pos) > guim then |
local objs = GetEnvObjects(pos) |
locations = GetEnvironmentLocation(pos, objs) |
g_LastEnvLocations = locations |
g_LastEnvLocationsPos = pos |
end |
local sound, env_sound_fade, env_sound_volume = GetAtmosphericSound(locations, high) |
if env_sound_volume then |
env_sound_volume = MulDivTrunc(env_sound_volume, 1000, 100) |
env_sound_volume = IsListenerInsideRoom(pos) and (env_sound_volume / 2) or env_sound_volume |
end |
if g_EnvSound ~= sound then |
if g_EnvSoundChannel then |
SetSoundVolume(g_EnvSoundChannel, -1, g_EnvSoundFadeOut) |
EnvSndDebugPrint(string.format("Stopping '%s', Fade Out: %d", g_EnvSound, g_EnvSoundFadeOut)) |
end |
g_EnvSoundChannel = false |
if sound then |
g_EnvSoundChannel = PlaySound(sound, env_sound_volume, g_EnvSoundFadeOut) |
local duration = GetSoundDuration(g_EnvSoundChannel) or 0 |
g_EnvSoundTimeEnd = RealTime() + duration |
EnvSndDebugPrint(string.format("Playing '%s' for %d, '%s' Fade Out: %d", sound, duration, g_EnvSound, g_EnvSoundFadeOut)) |
end |
elseif g_EnvSoundChannel then |
SetSoundVolume(g_EnvSoundChannel, env_sound_volume, g_EnvSoundFadeOut) |
if RealTime() - g_EnvSoundTimeEnd >= 0 then |
SetSoundVolume(g_EnvSoundChannel, -1, g_EnvSoundFadeOut) |
g_EnvSoundChannel = PlaySound(sound, env_sound_volume, g_EnvSoundFadeOut) |
local duration = GetSoundDuration(g_EnvSoundChannel) or 0 |
g_EnvSoundTimeEnd = RealTime() + duration |
EnvSndDebugPrint(string.format("Re-Playing '%s' for %d, Fade Out: %d", sound, duration, g_EnvSoundFadeOut)) |
end |
end |
g_EnvSound = sound |
g_EnvSoundFadeOut = env_sound_fade or 3000 |
end |
function OnMsg.DoneMap() |
if g_EnvSoundChannel then |
StopSound(g_EnvSoundChannel) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.GameEnterEditor() |
EnvSndDebugPrint(string.format("Stopping environmental sounds in editor")) |
StopSound(g_EnvSoundChannel) |
g_EnvSound = false |
g_EnvSoundChannel = false |
end |
MapGameTimeRepeat("EnvSound", 333, EnvironmentSoundUpdate) |
function OnMsg.GatherSounds(used_sounds) |
local atmo_sounds = Presets.SoundPreset.ATMOSPHERIC or {} |
for _, preset in ipairs(atmo_sounds) do |
if not preset.Regions or table.find(preset.Regions, "Jungle") or table.find(preset.Regions, "Underground") then |
for _, bank in ipairs(preset) do |
used_sounds[bank.file] = true |
end |
end |
end |
end |