AppendClass.EntitySpecProperties = { |
properties = { |
{ id = "env_colorized", name = "EnvColorized Group", editor = "combo", items = GetEnvColorizedGroups, category = "Misc", default = "", entitydata = true, }, |
{ id = "default_colors", name = "Default colors", editor = "nested_obj", base_class = "ColorizationPropSet", inclusive = true, default = false, }, |
}, |
} |
local function InsertClass(class_parent_str, new_class) |
if not new_class or new_class == "" then return class_parent_str end |
if not class_parent_str or class_parent_str == "" then |
class_parent_str = new_class |
elseif not string.find(class_parent_str, "EnvColorized") then |
class_parent_str = class_parent_str .. "," .. new_class |
end |
return class_parent_str |
end |
function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate() |
local old_ExportEntityDataForSelf = EntitySpecProperties.ExportEntityDataForSelf |
function EntitySpecProperties:ExportEntityDataForSelf() |
local data = old_ExportEntityDataForSelf(self) |
if self.env_colorized and self.env_colorized ~= "" and not self:IsPropertyDefault("env_colorized") then |
data.entity.class_parent = InsertClass(data.entity.class_parent, "EnvColorized") |
end |
return data |
end |
end |
EnvColorizedGroups = false |
local function CollectGroups() |
if not EnvColorizedGroups then |
EnvColorizedGroups = { "EnvColorized" } |
local class_list = ClassDescendantsListInclusive("EnvColorized") |
local groups = { ["EnvColorized"] = true } |
for _, class in ipairs(class_list) do |
local class_table = _G[class] |
if not groups[class_table.env_colorized] then |
groups[class_table.env_colorized] = true |
table.insert(EnvColorizedGroups, class_table.env_colorized) |
end |
end |
end |
return EnvColorizedGroups |
end |
function GetEnvColorizedGroups() |
local list = table.copy(CollectGroups()) |
table.insert(list, 1, "") |
return list |
end |
function GetEnvColorizedFilters(obj, prop_meta, validate_fn) |
if validate_fn == "validate_fn" then |
return "validate_fn", function(value, obj, prop_meta) |
return table.find(CollectGroups(), value) or IsKindOf(g_Classes[value], "EnvColorized") |
end |
end |
local list = { } |
for _, group in ipairs(CollectGroups()) do |
local text = "GROUP " .. group |
if group == "EnvColorized" then |
text = "All EnvColorized Objects" |
end |
table.insert(list, { text = text, value = group } ) |
end |
local class_list = ClassDescendantsList("EnvColorized") |
for _, class in ipairs(class_list) do |
table.insert(list, { text = class, value = class } ) |
end |
return list |
end |
DefineClass.EnvColorized = { |
__parents = {"ColorizableObject", "CObject" }, |
properties = { |
{ id = "env_colorized", name = "EnvColorized Group", editor = "text", read_only = true, dont_save = true}, |
}, |
flags = { cfEditorCallback = true, }, |
env_colorized = "EnvColorized", |
} |
function EnvColorized:ColorizationReadOnlyReason() |
return "Object is EnvColorized. Colorization for such objects is controlled by EnvironmentColorPalette Editor." |
end |
function EnvColorized:ColorizationPropsDontSave(i) |
return true |
end |
DefineClass.EnvironmentColorEntryBase = { |
__parents = {"ColorizationPropSet"}, |
properties = {}, |
EditorExcludeAsNested = true, |
} |
function EnvironmentColorEntryBase:AcceptsClass(obj_class) |
return false |
end |
function EnvironmentColorEntryBase:AcceptsTerrain(terrain_id) |
return false |
end |
function EnvironmentColorEntryBase:__eq(b) |
return rawequal(self, b) |
end |
DefineClass.EnvironmentColorEntry = { |
__parents = {"EnvironmentColorEntryBase"}, |
properties = { |
{ id = "filter_class", editor = "choice", items = GetEnvColorizedFilters, default = "", }, |
{ id = "hue_variation1", editor = "number", slider = true, min = 0, default = 0, max = 900, scale = 10, }, |
{ id = "hue_variation2", editor = "number", slider = true, min = 0, default = 0, max = 900, scale = 10, }, |
{ id = "hue_variation3", editor = "number", slider = true, min = 0, default = 0, max = 900, scale = 10, }, |
}, |
EditorExcludeAsNested = true, |
} |
function EnvironmentColorEntry:GetEditorView() |
local filter_name = "" |
if self.filter_class == "EnvColorized" then filter_name = "All EnvColorized Objects" |
elseif rawget(_G, self.filter_class) then filter_name = "Entity " .. self.filter_class |
else filter_name = "Group " .. self.filter_class end |
return Untranslated(filter_name .. " " .. _InternalTranslate(ColorizationPropSet.GetEditorView(self))) |
end |
local IsKindOf = IsKindOf |
function EnvironmentColorEntry:AcceptsClass(obj_class) |
local filter_value = self.filter_class |
if not filter_value or filter_value == "" then return false end |
local class_table = _G[obj_class] |
if not IsKindOf(class_table, "EnvColorized") then return false end |
if filter_value == "EnvColorized" then return true end |
if filter_value == obj_class then return true end |
if filter_value == class_table.env_colorized then return true end |
return false |
end |
DefineClass.EnvironmentTerrainColorEntry = { |
__parents = {"EnvironmentColorEntryBase"}, |
properties = { |
{ id = "terrain_id", editor = "choice", items = PresetsCombo("TerrainObj"), default = "", }, |
}, |
EditorExcludeAsNested = true, |
} |
function EnvironmentTerrainColorEntry:GetEditorView() |
local filter_name = string.format("Terrain %s - %s", self.terrain_id, _InternalTranslate(ColorizationPropSet.GetEditorView(self))) |
return filter_name |
end |
function EnvironmentTerrainColorEntry:AcceptsTerrain(terrain_id) |
return terrain_id == self.terrain_id |
end |
DefineClass.EnvironmentColorPalette = { |
__parents = { "Preset" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "Match (AND)", id = "regions", editor = "string_list", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "region") end, help = "Match if current region is any of the list. Leave empty to always match." }, |
{ category = "Match (AND)", id = "lightmodels", editor = "preset_id_list", preset_class = "LightmodelPreset", default = false, help = "Match if current lightmodel is any of the list. Leave empty to always match." }, |
{ category = "Match (AND)", id = "enabled", editor = "bool", default = true, help = "Should match?" }, |
}, |
GlobalMap = "EnvironmentColorPalettes", |
ContainerClass = "EnvironmentColorEntryBase", |
HasSortKey = true, |
HasGroups = false, |
EditorCustomActions = { |
{ |
FuncName = "ApplyOnCurrentMap", |
Icon = "CommonAssets/UI/Ged/play", |
Menubar = "Test", |
Name = "Apply", |
Toolbar = "main", |
}, |
}, |
Documentation = "Changes the color of various aspects of the environment like vegetation, terrains or rocks.", |
} |
function EnvironmentColorPalette:GetEditorView() |
local regions = "any" |
if self.regions and #self.regions > 0 and self.regions[1] then |
regions = table.concat(table.map(self.regions or {}, function(v) return v or "" end ), ", ") |
end |
local lightmodels = "any" |
if self.lightmodels and #self.lightmodels > 0 and self.lightmodels[1] then |
lightmodels = table.concat(table.map(self.lightmodels or {}, function(v) return v or "" end ), ", ") |
end |
local act_string = false |
if not self.enabled then |
act_string = "disabled" |
elseif regions == "any" and lightmodels == "any" and self.enabled then |
act_string = "always matched" |
else |
act_string = "[RG] " .. regions .. " [LM] " .. lightmodels |
end |
local preset_name = self.id |
local is_active = LastEnvColorizedCache and LastEnvColorizedCache.EnvColorSource == self.id |
if is_active then |
preset_name = "<color 89 192 98>" .. preset_name .. "</color>" |
end |
return Untranslated(preset_name .. "<color 128 128 168> - " .. act_string .. "</color>") |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
LastEnvColorizedCache = false |
end |
envpalette_print = CreatePrint{ |
"envpalette", |
format = "printf", |
output = function() end, |
} |
function EnvironmentColorPalette:CalcEnvCache() |
local class_list = ClassDescendantsListInclusive("EnvColorized") |
local class_to_color = {} |
for _, class in ipairs(class_list) do |
class_to_color[class] = false |
end |
local terrain_to_color = {} |
ForEachPreset("TerrainObj", function(preset) terrain_to_color[preset.id] = false end) |
local IsKindOf = IsKindOf |
for _, child in ipairs(self) do |
for _, class in ipairs(class_list) do |
if child:AcceptsClass(class) then |
class_to_color[class] = child |
end |
end |
ForEachPreset("TerrainObj", function(preset) |
if child:AcceptsTerrain(preset.id) then |
terrain_to_color[preset.id] = child |
end |
end) |
end |
return { |
EnvColorizedToColor = class_to_color, |
TerrainToColor = terrain_to_color, |
EnvColorSource = self.id, |
EnvColorizedHash = table.hash(class_to_color), |
TerrainHash = table.hash(terrain_to_color), |
} |
end |
function ModifyHueByOffset(color, offset) |
if offset == 0 then return color end |
local r, g, b = GetRGB(color) |
local h, s, v = UIL.RGBtoHSV(r,g,b) |
h = h + offset |
if h < 0 then |
h = h + 256 |
else |
h = h % 256 |
end |
return RGB(UIL.HSVtoRGB(h, s, v)) |
end |
local xxhash = xxhash |
local MulDivRound = MulDivRound |
local function ApplyToObject(class_to_color, obj) |
local palette = class_to_color[obj:GetEntity()] or class_to_color[obj.class] |
if not palette then return end |
obj:SetColorization(palette) |
local x, y = obj:GetPosXYZ() |
local seed = xxhash(x, y) |
local offset1 = palette.hue_variation1 - MulDivRound((seed >> 0 ) & 0xFF, palette.hue_variation1 * 2, 0xFF) |
local offset2 = palette.hue_variation2 - MulDivRound((seed >> 8 ) & 0xFF, palette.hue_variation2 * 2, 0xFF) |
local offset3 = palette.hue_variation3 - MulDivRound((seed >> 16) & 0xFF, palette.hue_variation3 * 2, 0xFF) |
obj:SetEditableColor1(ModifyHueByOffset(obj:GetEditableColor1(), offset1 / 10)) |
obj:SetEditableColor2(ModifyHueByOffset(obj:GetEditableColor2(), offset2 / 10)) |
obj:SetEditableColor3(ModifyHueByOffset(obj:GetEditableColor3(), offset3 / 10)) |
return true |
end |
function ApplyCurrentEnvColorizedToObj(obj) |
if not LastEnvColorizedCache or not IsKindOf(obj, "EnvColorized") then |
return false |
end |
return ApplyToObject(LastEnvColorizedCache.EnvColorizedToColor, obj) |
end |
function EnvironmentColorPalette:ApplyOnCurrentMap(force) |
local oldEnvCache = LastEnvColorizedCache |
local envcache = self:CalcEnvCache() |
LastEnvColorizedCache = envcache |
if force or not oldEnvCache or oldEnvCache.EnvColorizedHash ~= envcache.EnvColorizedHash then |
MapForEach("map", "EnvColorized", function(obj, envcache) |
ApplyToObject(envcache.EnvColorizedToColor, obj) |
end, envcache) |
end |
if force or not oldEnvCache or oldEnvCache.TerrainHash ~= envcache.TerrainHash then |
ReloadTerrains() |
hr.TR_ForceReloadNoTextures = 1 |
end |
ObjModified(Presets.EnvironmentColorPalette) |
end |
function EnvColorizedTerrainColor(terrain_obj) |
local color_mod = terrain_obj.color_modifier |
if LastEnvColorizedCache then |
local override_value = LastEnvColorizedCache.TerrainToColor[terrain_obj.id] |
if override_value then |
color_mod = override_value:GetEditableColor1() |
end |
end |
return color_mod |
end |
local ApplyCurrentEnvColorizedToObj = ApplyCurrentEnvColorizedToObj |
function OnMsg.EditorCallback(id, objects, ...) |
if id == "EditorCallbackPlace" or id == "EditorCallbackPlaceCursor" or id == "EditorCallbackClone" then |
for i = 1, #objects do |
local obj = objects[i] |
ApplyCurrentEnvColorizedToObj(obj) |
for _, attach in ipairs(obj:GetAttaches()) do |
ApplyCurrentEnvColorizedToObj(attach) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local ignore_lightmodels = {"SatelliteView"} |
local function FindEnvColorPalette(region, lightmodel) |
for _, lm_name in ipairs(ignore_lightmodels) do |
if string.find(lightmodel, lm_name) then |
return false |
end |
end |
local best_match = false |
ForEachPreset(EnvironmentColorPalette, function(preset) |
local lm_found = not preset.lightmodels or #preset.lightmodels == 0 or table.find(preset.lightmodels, lightmodel) |
local region_found = not preset.regions or #preset.regions == 0 or table.find(preset.regions, region) |
if lm_found and region_found and preset.enabled and not best_match then |
best_match = preset |
end |
end) |
return best_match |
end |
function ApplyCurrentEnvironmentColorPalette(force) |
local lightmodel_id = CurrentLightmodel and CurrentLightmodel[1] and CurrentLightmodel[1].id |
local region_id = CurrentMap and CurrentMap ~= "" and MapData[CurrentMap] and MapData[CurrentMap].Region |
local envpalette = FindEnvColorPalette(region_id, lightmodel_id) |
envpalette_print("Applying palette '%s' from region '%s' and lightmodel '%s', forced '%s'. Previous '%s'", |
envpalette and envpalette.id or "none", region_id, lightmodel_id, not not force, LastEnvColorizedCache and LastEnvColorizedCache.EnvColorSource or "none") |
if envpalette then |
envpalette:ApplyOnCurrentMap(force) |
return true |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.LightmodelChange(view, lightmodel, time, prev_lm) |
if lightmodel then |
if not ChangingMap then |
ApplyCurrentEnvironmentColorPalette() |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.NewMapLoaded() |
LastEnvColorizedCache = false |
ApplyCurrentEnvironmentColorPalette(true) |
end |