if FirstLoad then |
g_VSDbgVisModeThread = false |
restoreDbgValue = false |
g_VSDbgMode = false |
end |
function OnMsg.NewMapLoaded() |
g_VSDbgVisModeThread = false |
g_VSDbgMode = false |
end |
local dbgVectorsOffset = 200 |
local z_vector = point(0,0,3000) |
local vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range = 8 |
local last_cam, last_lookat, last_cursor_slab |
local function PlaceLitVector(pos) |
local v = GetVoxelStealthParams(pos) |
if band(v, const.vsFlagIlluminated) ~= 0 then |
DbgAddVector(pos:SetX(pos:x() - dbgVectorsOffset), z_vector, const.clrWhite) |
end |
if band(v, const.vsFlagTallGrass) ~= 0 then |
DbgAddVector(pos:SetX(pos:x() + dbgVectorsOffset), z_vector, const.clrGreen) |
end |
end |
local function PlaceCursorLitVectors(pos) |
if not pos then return end |
local _, overall_illum, lights, lights_illum = DebugGetVoxelStealthParams(pos) |
for idx, l in ipairs(lights) do |
if IsValid(l) then |
local l_pos = l:GetPos() |
DbgAddVector(l_pos, pos - l_pos, const.clrYellow) |
local text = string.format("%.2f / %.2f", lights_illum[idx], const.vsIlluminationThreshold) |
DbgAddText(text, (l_pos + pos) / 2, const.clrYellow, nil, const.clrBlack) |
end |
end |
local text = string.format("Overall: %.2f/%.2f", overall_illum, const.vsIlluminationThreshold) |
DbgAddText(text, pos, const.clrYellow, nil, const.clrBlack) |
end |
local function PlaceLitVectorsAround(pos_around) |
if not pos_around then return end |
DbgAddVector(pos_around, z_vector * 2, const.clrMagenta) |
local x, y, z = pos_around:xyz() |
local pt = point(x - vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range, y - vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range, z - vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range) |
for i = -vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range, vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range do |
for j = -vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range, vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range do |
for k = -2 * vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range, 2 * vs_dbg_vis_voxel_range do |
local pos = SnapToPassSlab(x + i * const.SlabSizeX, y + j * const.SlabSizeY, z + k * const.SlabSizeZ) |
if pos then |
PlaceLitVector(pos) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function PlaceMapAreaLitVoxels() |
local sizex, sizey = terrain.GetMapSize() |
local bbox = box(0, 0, sizex, sizey) |
ForEachStealthParamVoxel(bbox, const.vsFlagIlluminated + const.vsFlagTallGrass, function(pos, stealth_mask) |
pos = pos:IsValidZ() and pos or pos:SetTerrainZ() |
if band(stealth_mask, const.vsFlagIlluminated) ~= 0 then |
DbgAddVector(pos:SetX(pos:x() - dbgVectorsOffset), z_vector, const.clrWhite) |
end |
if band(stealth_mask, const.vsFlagTallGrass) ~= 0 then |
DbgAddVector(pos:SetX(pos:x() + dbgVectorsOffset), z_vector, const.clrGreen) |
end |
end) |
end |
local function GetCursorSlabForLitCheck() |
local cursor_obj = GetPreciseCursorObj() |
local cursor_slab = cursor_obj and cursor_obj:GetPos() or GetCursorPos() |
local z = cursor_slab:z() |
local lit_check = point(VoxelToWorld(WorldToVoxel(cursor_slab))) |
return z and lit_check:SetZ(z) or lit_check |
end |
local function LightAroundCursor(cursor_slab) |
hr.VoxelStealthParamsDebugCacheCleared = false |
PlaceCursorLitVectors(cursor_slab) |
end |
local function IsLitChanged(cursor_slab) |
return last_cursor_slab ~= cursor_slab or hr.VoxelStealthParamsDebugCacheCleared |
end |
local function DrawCameraVectors(cursor_slab, cam, lookat) |
DbgClear() |
local box = GetVoxelBox(0, GetCameraLookatTerrainPos()) |
PlaceLitVectorsAround(box and box:Center() or GetCameraLookatTerrainPos()) |
LightAroundCursor(cursor_slab) |
last_cursor_slab = cursor_slab |
last_cam = cam |
last_lookat = lookat |
end |
local function DrawMapVectors(cursor_slab) |
DbgClear() |
LightAroundCursor(cursor_slab) |
PlaceMapAreaLitVoxels() |
last_cursor_slab = cursor_slab |
end |
function CycleVSDbgVisMode() |
g_VSDbgMode = (g_VSDbgMode or 0) + 1 |
if g_VSDbgMode == 3 then |
g_VSDbgMode = false |
end |
if g_VSDbgMode == 1 then |
print("Voxel Stealth Dbg Camera Look At is ON") |
ResetVoxelStealthParamsCache() |
ShowLightShadowsStats(1000) |
if g_VSDbgVisModeThread then return end |
if not hr.VoxelStealthParamsDebug then |
restoreDbgValue = true |
hr.VoxelStealthParamsDebug = true |
end |
g_VSDbgVisModeThread = CreateMapRealTimeThread(function() |
repeat |
local cam, lookat = GetCamera() |
local cursor_slab = GetCursorSlabForLitCheck() |
if IsLitChanged(cursor_slab) or cam ~= last_cam or lookat ~= last_lookat then |
DrawCameraVectors(cursor_slab, cam, lookat) |
end |
Sleep(500) |
until false |
end) |
elseif g_VSDbgMode == 2 then |
print("Voxel Stealth Dbg Whole Map ON") |
ResetVoxelStealthParamsCache() |
ShowLightShadowsStats(1000) |
DeleteThread(g_VSDbgVisModeThread) |
g_VSDbgVisModeThread = CreateMapRealTimeThread(function() |
repeat |
local cursor_slab = GetCursorSlabForLitCheck() |
if IsLitChanged(cursor_slab) then |
DrawMapVectors(cursor_slab) |
end |
Sleep(500) |
until false |
end) |
else |
print("Voxel Stealth Dbg OFF") |
DbgClear() |
if restoreDbgValue then |
restoreDbgValue = false |
hr.VoxelStealthParamsDebug = false |
end |
DeleteThread(g_VSDbgVisModeThread) |
HideLightShadowsStats() |
g_VSDbgVisModeThread = false |
end |
end |
local s_StealthCacheProperty = { |
["DetailClass"] = true, |
["Exterior"] = true, |
["Interior"] = true, |
["AttenuationRadius"] = true, |
["InteriorAndExteriorWhenHasShadowmap"] = true, |
["Intensity"] = true, |
["ConstantIntensity"] = true, |
["ConeInnerAngle"] = true, |
["ConeOuterAngle"] = true, |
} |
function OnMsg.GedPropertyEdited(_, obj, prop_id, old_value) |
if s_StealthCacheProperty[prop_id] and IsKindOf(obj, "Light") then |
Msg("LightsStateUpdated") |
end |
end |
local function check_light_objects(objects) |
local function is_light_edited(obj) |
if obj:IsKindOf("Light") then return true end |
local light_edited |
obj:ForEachAttach(function(attach) |
if is_light_edited(attach) then |
light_edited = true |
return "break" |
end |
end) |
return light_edited |
end |
for _, obj in ipairs(table.validate(objects)) do |
if is_light_edited(obj) then |
Msg("LightsStateUpdated") |
break |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.EditorCallback(id, objects, ...) |
if id == "EditorCallbackRotate" or id == "EditorCallbackPlace" or id == "EditorCallbackMove" or id == "EditorCallbackDelete" then |
check_light_objects(objects) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.EditorResetZ() |
local sel = editor.GetSel() |
if #(sel or empty_table) > 0 then |
check_light_objects(sel) |
end |
end |