DefineClass("Tree", "EntityClass") |
DefineClass.BaseFlag = { |
__parents = { "Object" }, |
} |
function BaseFlag:Init() |
local duration = GetAnimDuration(self:GetEntity(), self:GetAnim()) |
local phase = AsyncRand(duration) |
self:SetAnimPhase(1, phase) |
end |
function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate() |
table.iappend(Light.properties, { |
{category = "Visuals", id = "NightOnly", name = "Night Only", editor = "bool", default = false}, |
}) |
end |
function GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0(self) |
return self._nightonly_intensity0 |
end |
function SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0(self, intensity) |
self._nightonly_intensity0 = intensity |
end |
function GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1(self) |
return self._nightonly_intensity1 |
end |
function SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1(self, intensity) |
self._nightonly_intensity1 = intensity |
end |
function ApplyNightOnly(night) |
MapForEach("map", "Light", function(light) |
if light.NightOnly then |
if night then |
if rawget(light, "_nightonly_intensity0") then |
light.SetIntensity0, light.GetIntensity0 = nil, nil |
light.SetIntensity1, light.GetIntensity1 = nil, nil |
light:SetIntensity0(light._nightonly_intensity0) |
light:SetIntensity1(light._nightonly_intensity1) |
light._nightonly_intensity0 = false |
light._nightonly_intensity1 = false |
end |
else |
if not rawget(light, "_nightonly_intensity0") then |
light._nightonly_intensity0 = light:GetIntensity0() |
light._nightonly_intensity1 = light:GetIntensity1() |
light:SetIntensity0(0) |
light:SetIntensity1(0) |
light.GetIntensity0, light.SetIntensity0 = GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0, SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity0 |
light.GetIntensity1, light.SetIntensity1 = GetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1, SetStoredNightOnlyIntensity1 |
end |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
function OnMsg.GameEnterEditor() |
ApplyNightOnly(true) |
end |
function OnMsg.GameExitEditor() |
ApplyNightOnly(GameState.Night) |
end |
function OnMsg.GameStateChanged(changed) |
if changed.Night then |
ApplyNightOnly(true) |
elseif changed.Day or changed.Sunrise or changed.Sunset then |
ApplyNightOnly(false) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.NewMapLoaded() |
if GameState.Night then |
ApplyNightOnly(true) |
elseif GameState.Day or GameState.Sunrise or GameState.Sunset then |
ApplyNightOnly(false) |
end |
end |
local function GetParticlesType(pattern) |
local items = {} |
for name in pairs(ParticleSystemPresets) do |
if string.match(name, pattern) then |
table.insert(items, name) |
end |
end |
table.insert(items, "") |
table.sort(items) |
return items |
end |
DefineClass.DecorGameStatesFilter = { |
__parents = {"Object", "EditorTextObject"}, |
properties = { |
{ category = "DecorStateFXObject", id = "ActivationRequiredStates", name = "Map States", |
editor = "set", three_state = true, default = false, |
items = function() return GetGameStateFilter() end, |
buttons = {{name = "Check Game States", func = "PropertyDefGameStatefSetCheck"}}, |
help = "Click once for the states required to be enabled(green), twice for the states required to be disabled(red). All other states are don't care.", |
}, |
}, |
editor_text_offset = point(0, 0, 150 * guic), |
old_map_states = false, |
activated = false, |
} |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:GameInit() |
self.old_map_states = {} |
for state in pairs(self.ActivationRequiredStates) do |
self.old_map_states[state] = not not GameState[state] |
end |
self:UpdateGameState() |
end |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:UpdateGameState() |
if not self.old_map_states then return end |
local is_destroyed = IsGenericObjDestroyed(self) |
local should_be_active = not is_destroyed |
if should_be_active then |
for state, required_value in pairs(self.ActivationRequiredStates) do |
local game_state_value = not not GameState[state] |
should_be_active = should_be_active and (required_value == game_state_value) |
if game_state_value ~= self.old_map_states[state] then |
self.old_map_states[state] = game_state_value |
PlayFX(state, game_state_value and "start" or "end", self, self:GetStateText()) |
end |
end |
end |
self.activated = should_be_active |
self:OnGameStateUpdated() |
self:EditorTextUpdate() |
end |
local efVisible = const.efVisible |
local efVisibleNot = bnot(efVisible) |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:SetEnumFlags(flags) |
if band(flags, efVisible) ~= 0 then |
if not IsEditorActive() and self:GetEntity() == "ParticleSoundPlaceholder" then |
flags = band(flags , efVisibleNot) |
end |
end |
Object.SetEnumFlags(self, flags) |
end |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:OnGameStateUpdated() |
if self:GetNumStates() == 0 then |
if self.activated and IsEditorActive() then |
self:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) |
else |
self:ClearEnumFlags(efVisible) |
end |
end |
end |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorEnter() |
EditorTextObject.EditorEnter(self) |
if self:GetNumStates() == 0 then |
self:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) |
end |
end |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorExit() |
EditorTextObject.EditorExit(self) |
self:UpdateGameState() |
end |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorGetText() |
local text = "" |
if not MatchGameState(self.ActivationRequiredStates) then |
local mismatch_states = {"Mismatch States:"} |
for state, active in pairs(self.ActivationRequiredStates) do |
local game_state_active = not not GameState[state] |
if active ~= game_state_active then |
table.insert(mismatch_states, state) |
end |
end |
text = string.format("%s\n%s", text, table.concat(mismatch_states, " ")) |
end |
return text |
end |
function DecorGameStatesFilter:EditorGetTextColor() |
return MatchGameState(self.ActivationRequiredStates) and EditorTextObject.EditorGetTextColor(self) or const.clrRed |
end |
DefineClass.DecorStateFXObject = { |
__parents = { "Object", "FXObject", "DecorGameStatesFilter" }, |
properties = { |
{ id = "Pos", name = "Pos", editor = "point", default = InvalidPos(), help = "in meters", scale = "m" }, |
{ id = "Angle", editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, max = 360*60 - 1, slider = true, scale = "deg"}, |
{ category = "DecorStateFXObject", id = "Preset", editor = "dropdownlist", default = "", |
items = function(self) return GetParticlesType(self.particles_pattern) end, |
}, |
}, |
place_category = false, |
place_name = false, |
particles_pattern = "", |
entity_scale = 100, |
particles = false, |
} |
function DecorStateFXObject:Init() |
self:SetScale(self.entity_scale) |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:GameInit() |
CreateGameTimeThread(function() |
Sleep(1) |
if IsValid(self) then |
self:SetState(self:GetState()) |
self:ForEachAttach("Light", Stealth_HandleLight) |
ResetVoxelStealthParamsCache() |
end |
end) |
self:PlaceParticles() |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:Done() |
self:DestroyParticles() |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:SetPos(pos, ...) |
Object.SetPos(self, pos, ...) |
if self.particles then |
self.particles:SetPos(pos, ...) |
end |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:SetAngle(angle, ...) |
Object.SetAngle(self, angle, ...) |
if self.particles then |
self.particles:SetAngle(angle, ...) |
end |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:DestroyParticles() |
if not self.particles then return end |
DoneObject(self.particles) |
self.particles = false |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:PlaceParticles() |
if not ParticleSystemPresets[self.Preset] then return end |
self.particles = PlaceParticles(self.Preset) |
self.particles.HelperEntity = false |
self.particles:SetPos(self:GetPos()) |
self.particles:SetAngle(self:GetAngle()) |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id) |
if prop_id == "Preset" then |
self:DestroyParticles() |
self:PlaceParticles() |
end |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:SetState(...) |
PlayFX("DecorState", "end", self, self:GetStateText()) |
Object.SetState(self, ...) |
if self:GetEnumFlags(efVisible) ~= 0 then |
if not self:IsKindOf("AutoAttachObject") or self:GetAutoAttachMode() ~= "OFF" then |
PlayFX("DecorState", "start", self, self:GetStateText()) |
end |
end |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:OnGameStateUpdated() |
DecorGameStatesFilter.OnGameStateUpdated(self) |
if self.particles then |
if self.activated then |
self.particles:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) |
else |
self.particles:ClearEnumFlags(efVisible) |
end |
end |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:EditorEnter() |
DecorGameStatesFilter.EditorEnter(self) |
if self.particles then |
self.particles:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) |
end |
end |
function DecorStateFXObject:OnXFilterSetVisible(visible) |
if self.particles then |
if visible then |
self.particles:SetEnumFlags(efVisible) |
else |
self.particles:ClearEnumFlags(efVisible) |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.GatherPlaceCategories(list) |
ClassDescendants("DecorStateFXObject", function(class_name, class) |
if class.place_category or class.place_name then |
local place_name = class.place_name or class_name |
local category = class.place_category or "Effects" |
table.insert(list, {class_name, place_name, "Common", category}) |
end |
end) |
end |
DefineClass.DecorStateFXObjectNoSound = { |
__parents = {"DecorStateFXObject", "EditorVisibleObject", "EditorTextObject", "StripCObjectProperties"}, |
entity = "ParticleSoundPlaceholder", |
entity_scale = 10, |
color_modifier = RGB(100, 100, 0), |
} |
function DecorStateFXObjectNoSound:Init() |
self:SetColorModifier(self.color_modifier) |
end |
DefineClass.DecorStateFXObjectWithSound = { |
__parents = {"DecorStateFXObject", "SoundSource"}, |
properties = { |
{ id = "CollectionIndex", name = "Collection Index", editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true }, |
{ id = "CollectionName", name = "Collection Name", editor = "choice", |
items = GetCollectionNames, default = "", dont_save = true, |
buttons = {{ name = "Collection Editor", func = function(self) |
if self:GetRootCollection() then |
OpenCollectionEditorAndSelectCollection(self) |
end |
end }}, |
}, |
}, |
entity = "ParticleSoundPlaceholder", |
entity_scale = 10, |
sounds_pattern = "", |
editor_text_offset = point(0, 0, 150 * guic), |
} |
function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:EditorGetText() |
return string.format("%s\n%s", DecorGameStatesFilter.EditorGetText(self), SoundSource.EditorGetText(self)) |
end |
function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:EditorGetTextColor() |
return MatchGameState(self.ActivationRequiredStates) and DecorStateFXObject.EditorGetTextColor(self) or const.clrRed |
end |
function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:Init() |
local sounds = self:GetProperty("Sounds") |
if sounds then return end |
local sounds = {} |
for _, entry in ipairs(Presets.SoundPreset.ENVIRONMENT) do |
if string.match(entry.id, self.sounds_pattern) then |
table.insert(sounds, entry.id) |
end |
end |
self:AddSoundsEntry(sounds[1 + self:Random(#sounds)], nil, self.ActivationRequiredStates) |
end |
function DecorStateFXObjectWithSound:GetAvailableSounds(ignore_editor) |
if not self.activated then |
return |
end |
return SoundSourceBase.GetAvailableSounds(self, ignore_editor) |
end |
function OnMsg.GameStateChanged(changed) |
if CurrentMap == "" or ChangingMap then return end |
MapForEach("map", "DecorGameStatesFilter", function(decor) |
decor:UpdateGameState() |
end) |
end |
function OnMsg.GatherFXActions(list) |
list[#list+1] = "DecorState" |
end |
DefineClass.DecorStateFXAutoAttachObject = { |
__parents = {"DecorStateFXObject", "AutoAttachObject"}, |
} |
function DecorStateFXAutoAttachObject:SetState(...) |
DecorStateFXObject.SetState(self, ...) |
AutoAttachObject.SetState(self, ...) |
end |
DefineClass.ShadowOnlyObject = { |
__parents = {"EditorObject", "Object"}, |
} |
function ShadowOnlyObject:Init() |
self:Hide() |
end |
function ShadowOnlyObject:Hide() |
self:SetGameFlags(const.gofSolidShadow) |
self:SetOpacity(0) |
end |
function ShadowOnlyObject:Show() |
self:ClearGameFlags(const.gofSolidShadow) |
self:SetOpacity(100) |
end |
function ShadowOnlyObject:EditorEnter() |
self:Show() |
end |
function ShadowOnlyObject:EditorExit() |
self:Hide() |
end |
DefineClass.CreateShadowOnlyVersion = {} |
function OnMsg.ClassesGenerate(classdefs) |
for class_name, classdef in pairs(classdefs) do |
local idx = table.find(classdef.__parents, "CreateShadowOnlyVersion") |
if idx then |
local parents = table.copy(classdef.__parents) |
parents[idx] = "ShadowOnlyObject" |
local new_class_def = DefineClass(class_name .. "_ShadowOnly", table.unpack(parents)) |
new_class_def.entity = classdef.entity or class_name |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.Laptop = { |
__parents = { "DecorStateFXObject" }, |
entity = "Corp_Laptop_01", |
} |
DefineClass.WW2_Flag = { |
__parents = { "DecorStateFXObject" }, |
fx_actor_class = "WW2_Flag", |
} |
DefineClass("WW2_FlagHill_France", "WW2_Flag") |
DefineClass("WW2_FlagHill_Legion", "WW2_Flag") |
DefineClass.Shanty_WindTower = { |
__parents = {"GroundAlignedObj", "Canvas", "DecorStateFXObject", "AnimMomentHook"}, |
fx_actor_class = "Shanty_WindTower", |
anim_moments_hook = true, |
anim_moments_single_thread = true, |
} |
function Shanty_WindTower:SetState(...) |
DecorStateFXObject.SetState(self, ...) |
AnimMomentHook.SetState(self, ...) |
end |
local function SetMaterialTypeToClassDef(cls) |
local def = g_Classes[cls] |
if def then |
def.material_type = table.get(EntityData, cls, "entity", "material_type") |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.EntitiesLoaded() |
local lst = ClassDescendantsList("WW2_Flag") |
for _, cls in ipairs(lst or empty_table) do |
SetMaterialTypeToClassDef(cls) |
end |
end |
DefineClass("SatelliteViewWater", "WaterObj") |
DefineClass.WalkableEntity = { |
__parents = { "CObject" }, |
flags = {efPathSlab = true}, |
} |
DefineClass.Vehicle = { |
__parents = { "CombatObject", "AutoAttachObject" }, |
} |
DefineClass.HorizonObject = { |
__parents = { "CObject" }, |
max_allowed_radius = 200 * guim, |
flags = { efSelectable = false, cofComponentCollider = false }, |
} |