if Platform.cmdline then return end |
if FirstLoad then |
debug_pass_draw = false |
end |
function OnMsg.DoneMap() |
debug_pass_draw = false |
rawset(_G, "g_APCostsShown", false) |
end |
DefineClass.DebugPassDraw = |
{ |
__parents = { "CObject" }, |
entity = "Floor_Planks", |
flags = { |
efSelectable = false, efWalkable = false, efCollision = false, |
efApplyToGrids = false, efShadow = false, efSunShadow = false, |
cfConstructible = false, |
cofComponentColorizationMaterial = true, |
cofComponentCollider = false, |
}, |
} |
function DbgDrawPFLevelPass(on, offsetz) |
debug_pass_draw = debug_pass_draw or {} |
for i = #debug_pass_draw, 0, -1 do |
if IsValid(debug_pass_draw[i]) then DoneObject(debug_pass_draw[i]) end |
debug_pass_draw[i] = nil |
end |
if on == false then |
return |
end |
local tile_size = const.SlabSizeX |
local tile_z = const.SlabSizeZ |
local scale = const.PassTileSize * 100 / const.SlabSizeX |
local color1_central = RGB(120,180,130) |
local color1_intermediate = RGB(150,220,160) |
offsetz = offsetz or 5*guic |
local function func(x, y, z) |
local o = PlaceObject("DebugPassDraw") |
table.insert(debug_pass_draw, o) |
NetTempObject(o) |
o:SetScale(scale) |
local vx, vy, vz = WorldToVoxel(x, y, z) |
local _x, _y, _z = VoxelToWorld(vx, vy, vz) |
local inside_tile = abs(x - _x) < tile_size / 2 and abs(y - _y) < tile_size / 2 |
if inside_tile then |
o:SetColorModifier(color1_central) |
else |
o:SetColorModifier(color1_intermediate) |
o:SetAngle(90*60) |
end |
o:SetPos(x, y, z + offsetz) |
end |
local sizex, sizey = terrain.GetMapSize() |
terrain.ForEachPassCenter(func, box(0, 0, 0, sizex, sizey, 100000)) |
return #debug_pass_draw |
end |
function DbgDrawPassSlabs(on, show_terrain_pass, offsetz, bbox) |
local sizex, sizey = terrain.GetMapSize() |
bbox = bbox or box(0, 0, 0, sizex, sizey, 100000) |
debug_pass_draw = debug_pass_draw or {} |
local i, n = 1, #debug_pass_draw |
while i <= n do |
local obj = debug_pass_draw[i] |
if not IsValid(obj) or obj:GetPos():InBox(bbox) then |
if IsValid(obj) then DoneObject(obj) end |
debug_pass_draw[i] = debug_pass_draw[n] |
debug_pass_draw[n] = nil |
n = n - 1 |
else |
i = i + 1 |
end |
end |
if on == false then |
return |
end |
local floor = IsEditorActive() and XEditorFilters:GetFilter("HideFloor") or 0 |
if floor == 0 then floor = 999 end |
local color = RGB(120, 180, 130) |
local colorWater = RGB(0, 0, 130) |
local scale = const.PassTileSize * 100 / const.SlabSizeX |
local scaleWater = scale * 60 / 100 |
local ptGrow = point(const.SlabSizeX, const.SlabSizeY, const.SlabSizeZ * 2) |
offsetz = offsetz or 5*guic |
local hide_roofs = IsEditorActive() and not LocalStorage.FilteredCategories["Roofs"] or nil |
local function func(x, y, z) |
if not z and not show_terrain_pass then |
return |
end |
if not terrain.IsPassable(x, y, z, 0) then |
return |
end |
local pt = point(x, y, (z or terrain.GetHeight(x, y)) + offsetz) |
local volume = Extend(empty_box, pt):grow(ptGrow) |
local room = EnumVolumes(volume, "smallest") |
local bld_meta = VolumeBuildingsMeta[room and room.building or false] |
if bld_meta and bld_meta[floor] and pt:z() >= bld_meta[floor].box:minz() - 5 * guim / 10 then |
return |
end |
if hide_roofs then |
local slab, z = WalkableSlabByPoint(pt, true, bnot(const.gofSolidShadow)) |
if GetPassSlab(x, y, z) then |
local threshold = IsKindOf(slab, "TerrainCollision") and 15 * guic or 7 * guic |
if abs(z - pt:z()) >= threshold then |
return |
end |
end |
end |
local o = PlaceObject("DebugPassDraw") |
table.insert(debug_pass_draw, o) |
NetTempObject(o) |
o:SetColorModifier(color) |
o:SetScale(scale) |
o:SetPos(pt) |
local pass_type = terrain.GetPassType(point(x, y, z)) |
if pass_type == pathfind_water_pass_type_idx then |
local o = PlaceObject("DebugPassDraw") |
table.insert(debug_pass_draw, o) |
NetTempObject(o) |
o:SetColorModifier(colorWater) |
o:SetScale(scaleWater) |
o:SetPos(pt:x(), pt:y(), pt:z() + offsetz) |
end |
end |
ForEachPassSlab(bbox, func) |
return #debug_pass_draw |
end |
function DbgDrawCombatNodes(combatPath, max_cost) |
DbgClearVectors() |
DbgClearTexts() |
local tile_size = const.SlabSizeX |
local ap_mul = const.Scale.AP |
local color = const.clrPaleBlue |
local offs = tile_size*25/100 |
local offsz = 10*guic |
for pk_pos, ap in pairs(combatPath and combatPath.paths_ap or empty_table) do |
if not max_cost or ap <= max_cost then |
local x1, y1, z1 = point_unpack(pk_pos) |
z1 = (z1 or terrain.GetHeight(x1, y1)) + offsz |
local txt |
if ap % ap_mul == 0 then |
txt = string.format("%d", ap / ap_mul) |
else |
txt = string.format("%d.%.2d", ap / ap_mul, Max(1, (ap % ap_mul) * 100 / ap_mul)) |
end |
local p = point(x1, y1, z1) |
DbgAddText(txt, p, color) |
local prev_pos = combatPath.paths_prev_pos[pk_pos] |
if prev_pos then |
local x2, y2, z2 = point_unpack(prev_pos) |
z2 = (z2 or terrain.GetHeight(x2, y2)) + offsz |
local dx = (x2 - x1) / tile_size |
local dy = (y2 - y1) / tile_size |
local p2 = point(x2, y2, z2) |
if dx == 0 or dy == 0 then |
p2 = p - SetLen(p - p2, tile_size) |
else |
for k = Min(abs(dx), abs(dy)), 2, -1 do |
if dx % k == 0 and dy % k == 0 then |
p2 = p + point(tile_size * dx / k, tile_size * dy / k, 0) |
break |
end |
end |
end |
local v = p - p2 |
local len = v:Len() |
DbgAddVector(p - SetLen(v, len - offs), SetLen(v, len - 2*offs), color) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function DbgDrawCombatPositions(unit, max_cost) |
if not IsValid(unit) then return end |
local combatPath = PlaceObject("CombatPath") |
combatPath:RebuildPaths(unit, max_cost or unit.ActionPoints) |
DbgDrawCombatNodes(combatPath) |
DoneObject(combatPath) |
end |
function DbgRecalcDrawCombatNodes(unit) |
if not rawget(_G, "g_APCostsShown") then |
return |
end |
if unit ~= SelectedObj then |
return |
end |
if IsValid(SelectedObj) then |
DbgDrawCombatNodes(GetCombatPath(SelectedObj)) |
else |
DbgDrawCombatNodes(false) |
end |
end |
OnMsg.SelectedObjChange = DbgRecalcDrawCombatNodes |
OnMsg.UnitAPChanged = DbgRecalcDrawCombatNodes |
OnMsg.UnitMovementDone = DbgRecalcDrawCombatNodes |
function OnMsg.UnitAPChanged(unit) |
if unit == SelectedObj then |
DbgRecalcDrawCombatNodes() |
end |
end |
local function DbgCollapsePointsInBox(b, steps) |
local pts = {} |
ForEachPassSlab(b, function(x, y, z) |
pts[#pts + 1] = stance_pos_pack(x, y, z, 0) |
end) |
local collapsed = CollapsePoints(pts, steps) |
for _, pt in ipairs(pts) do |
local x, y, z = stance_pos_unpack(pt) |
if table.find(collapsed, pt) then |
ShowMe(point(x,y,z)) |
else |
end |
end |
end |
function DbgShowVisFieldCollapsedPositionsArroundCursor(steps, radius) |
ClearShowMe() |
DbgClear() |
steps = steps or 1 |
local cursor = GetCursorPos() |
radius = radius or 10*guim |
local b = box(cursor:x() - radius, cursor:y() - radius, 0, cursor:x() + radius + const.SlabSizeX, cursor:y() + radius + const.SlabSizeX, MapSlabsBBox_MaxZ) |
DbgCollapsePointsInBox(b, steps) |
end |