if not FirstLoad then return end |
hr.TrimParticles = 1 |
hr.MaxVisHeight = 25 |
hr.EnablePostProcRadialBlur = 0 |
hr.EnablePostProcDistanceBlur = 0 |
hr.EnableScreenSpaceAmbientObscurance = 0 |
hr.EnablePostProcAA = 1 |
hr.Shadowmap = 1 |
hr.ShadowPCFSize = 3 |
hr.ShadowCSMCascades = (Platform.ps4 or Platform.xbox_one and not Platform.xbox_one_x) and 3 or 4 |
hr.ShadowCSMRangeMinimum = 30 |
hr.ShadowCSMRangeMultiplier = 200 |
hr.ShadowSDSMEnable = true |
hr.SSRZThickness = 0.07 |
hr.SSRZThicknessCoef = 0.005 |
hr.EnableDeposition = 1 |
hr.MaxTrails = 128 |
hr.GrassFadeRangeMin = 80 |
hr.GrassFadeRangeMax = 120 |
hr.FarZ = 2048*1414 |
hr.NearZ = 500 |
hr.CameraMaxZoomSlow = "0.05" |
hr.CameraMaxZoomSpeed = "0.5" |
hr.CameraMaxPanSpeed = 3 |
hr.CameraMaxPanSpeedFast = 40 |
hr.CameraMaxClampZ = 1200000 |
hr.CameraMaxClampXY = 700000 |
ShadingConst = {} |
SetupVarTable(ShadingConst, "ShadingConst.") |
SetVarTableLock(ShadingConst, true) |
ShadingConst.ConstructionStage0Color = RGBA(40, 125, 130, 30) |
ShadingConst.ConstructionStage1Color = RGBA(50, 70, 130, 30) |
ShadingConst.ConstructionStage2Color = RGBA(45, 185, 25, 30) |
ShadowBias = { |
Small = { |
clamp = "0.0", |
slope = "0.0", |
offset = "0.0", |
}, |
Medium = { |
clamp = "0.0", |
slope = "0.0", |
offset = "0.0", |
}, |
Large = { |
clamp = "0.0", |
slope = "0.0", |
offset = "0.0", |
}, |
LowSlope = { |
clamp = "0.0", |
slope = "0.0", |
offset = "0.0", |
}, |
Terrain = { |
clamp = "0.0", |
slope = "0.0", |
offset = "0.0", |
} |
} |
hr.ShadowmapSize = 4096 |
hr.LightShadowsSize = 4096 |
hr.NumberOfLightsWithShadows = 64 |
if Platform.neo or Platform.scorpio then |
hr.UIL_TextureWidth = 4096 |
hr.UIL_TextureHeight = 4096 |
else |
hr.UIL_TextureWidth = 2048 |
hr.UIL_TextureHeight = 2048 |
end |
hr.FovAngle = 70*60 |
hr.FovAngleAutoMinY = 40 |
hr.FovAngleAutoMaxY = 60 |
hr.FovAngleAutoLimits = 0 |
hr.HorizonWaterRange = 3000000 |
hr.ShadowFrustumNearCapOffset = 130 |
ShaderLists = {} |
hr.ShadowFadeOutRangePercent = 30 |
hr.ForceRefractionCopy = 1 |
hr.EnableShaderCompilation = 1 |
hr.TODSunriseTime = 3*60 + 50 |
hr.TODSunriseAzi = 114*60 |
hr.TODSunsetTime = 20*60 + 10 |
hr.TODSunsetAzi = 246*60 |
hr.TODSunMaxElevation = 60*60 |
hr.TODSunShadowMinAltitude = 15*60 |
const.MovieCorrectionDesaturation = 0 |
const.MovieCorrectionGamma = 1700 |
hr.ShadowSDSMReadbackLatency=1 |
if Platform.xbox then |
hr.EnableShaderCompilation = 0 |
end |
InsertProceduralMeshShaders({ |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"RANGE_CONTOUR"}, name = "range_contour", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"RANGE_CONTOUR_DEFAULT"}, name = "range_contour_default", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"INSIDE_BORDER"}, name = "inside_border_active", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"COMBAT_BORDER"}, name = "combat_border", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "runtime" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"INSIDE_BORDER", "INACTIVE"}, name = "inside_border_inactive", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"INSIDE_BORDER", "INACTIVE"}, name = "enemy_aware_range", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "never" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"RANGE_CONTOUR"}, name = "path_contour", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "runtime" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"CENTERED_LINE"}, name = "centered_line", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "runtime" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"VISION_LINE"}, name = "vision_line", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "runtime" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"EXIT_ZONE"}, name = "exit_zone", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"CONE"}, name = "cone", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "runtime" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"MAP_BORDER"}, name = "map_border", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"GROUND_STROKES"}, name = "ground_strokes", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "runtime" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"DEPLOYMENT_GRID"}, name = "deployment_grid", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "Overwatch.fx", defines = {"AOE_TILES_SECTOR"}, name = "aoe_tiles_sector", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "Overwatch.fx", defines = {"OVERWATCH_WALLS"}, name = "overwatch_lines", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "Overwatch.fx", defines = {"GRENADE_SPHERE"}, name = "grenade_sphere", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "Overwatch.fx", defines = {"GRENADE_AOE_TILES_SPHERE"}, name = "grenade_aoe_tiles_sphere", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"MELEE_AOE_TILES"}, name = "melee_aoe_tiles", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"AOE_TILES_CIRCLE"}, name = "aoe_tiles_circle", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"AOE_TILES_CYLINDER"}, name = "aoe_tiles_cylinder", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
{ shaderid = "RangeContours.fx", defines = {"AWARENESS_INDICATOR"}, name = "awareness_indicator", topology = const.ptTriangleList, cull_mode = const.cullModeNone, |
blend_mode = const.blendNormal, depth_test = "always" }, |
}) |
hr.HairRoughness = 100 |
hr.HairMetallic = 50 |
function LimitTextureMips() |
local resources = { |
{res = "UI/SatelliteView/SatView.dds", MinLevel = 1}, |
{res = "Textures/2216029.dds", MinLevel = 2}, |
} |
local folders = { |
"UI/Mercs/", |
"UI/Enemies/", |
"UI/NPCs/", |
} |
for _,folder in ipairs(folders) do |
local err, files = AsyncListFiles(folder, "*", "") |
for _,file in ipairs(files) do |
resources[#resources+1] = {res = file, MinLevel = 1} |
end |
end |
for _,res in ipairs(resources) do |
local updated = ResourceManager.SetMetadataField(ResourceManager.GetResourceID(res.res), "MinLevel", res.MinLevel) |
assert(updated) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.Start() |
if Platform.ps4 and not Platform.ps4_pro or Platform.xbox_one and not Platform.xbox_one_x then |
LimitTextureMips() |
end |
end |