GameVar("gv_CombatTaskCDs", {}) |
function GenerateCombatTasks(amount) |
amount = amount or 1 |
for i = 1, amount do |
local unitTasks = GetAvailableCombatTasks() |
if #unitTasks <= 0 then print("No more eligible combat tasks.") return end |
local unitTaskCombo = unitTasks[InteractionRand(#unitTasks, "CombatTasks") + 1] |
local unitId = unitTaskCombo.unitId |
local taskId |
local favouredRoll = InteractionRand(100, "CombatTasks") |
if #unitTaskCombo.favoured > 0 and favouredRoll < const.CombatTask.FavouredChance then |
taskId = unitTaskCombo.favoured[InteractionRand(#unitTaskCombo.favoured, "CombatTasks") + 1] |
else |
taskId = unitTaskCombo.general[InteractionRand(#unitTaskCombo.general, "CombatTasks") + 1] |
end |
local taskDef = CombatTaskDefs[taskId] |
GiveCombatTask(taskDef, unitId) |
end |
RefreshCombatTasks() |
return true |
end |
function GetAvailableCombatTasks() |
local presets = PresetArray(CombatTask) |
local units = GetCurrentMapUnits() |
local result = {} |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
if not gv_CombatTaskCDs[unit.session_id] or gv_CombatTaskCDs[unit.session_id] <= Game.CampaignTime then |
local availableTasks = {} |
for _, preset in ipairs(presets) do |
if not gv_CombatTaskCDs[preset.id] or gv_CombatTaskCDs[preset.id] <= Game.CampaignTime then |
if preset:CanBeSelected(unit) then |
availableTasks[#availableTasks+1] = preset.id |
end |
end |
end |
if #availableTasks > 0 then |
result[#result+1] = {} |
result[#result].unitId = unit.session_id |
result[#result].general = availableTasks |
local favouredTasks = {} |
for _, taskId in ipairs(availableTasks) do |
if CombatTaskDefs[taskId]:IsFavoured(unit) then |
favouredTasks[#favouredTasks+1] = taskId |
end |
end |
result[#result].favoured = favouredTasks |
end |
end |
end |
return result |
end |
function GiveCombatTask(preset, unitId) |
local unit = g_Units[unitId] |
if not unit then return end |
CreateGameTimeThread(function() |
WaitLoadingScreenClose() |
Sleep(1000) |
PlayVoiceResponse(unit, "CombatTaskGiven") |
end) |
local cooldown = Game.CampaignTime + preset.cooldown |
gv_CombatTaskCDs[preset.id] = cooldown |
local mercCooldown = Game.CampaignTime + const.CombatTask.MercCooldown |
gv_CombatTaskCDs[unitId] = mercCooldown |
unit:AddCombatTask(preset.id) |
RefreshCombatTasks() |
end |
function GetCombatTasksInSector() |
if #g_Units <= 0 then return end |
local units = GetCurrentMapUnits() |
local tasks = {} |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
for _, task in ipairs(unit.combatTasks) do |
tasks[#tasks+1] = task |
end |
end |
return tasks |
end |
function FindActiveCombatTask(id) |
local units = GetCurrentMapUnits() |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
local task = unit:FirstCombatTaskById(id) |
if task then |
return task |
end |
end |
return false |
end |
function RollForCombatTasks() |
local sector = gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] |
if CountAnyEnemies("skipAnimals") < const.CombatTask.RequiredEnemies then return end |
if sector.combatTaskGenerate == "afterFirstConflict" and not sector.firstConflictWon then return end |
if sector.combatTaskGenerate ~= "always" then return end |
if gv_CombatTaskCDs[sector.Id] and Game.CampaignTime < gv_CombatTaskCDs[sector.Id] then return end |
local chance = const.CombatTask.ChanceToGive |
for i = 1, sector.combatTaskAmount do |
local roll = InteractionRand(100, "CombatTasks") |
if roll < chance then |
local success = GenerateCombatTasks(1) |
if success then |
local sectorCooldown = Game.CampaignTime + const.CombatTask.SectorCooldown |
gv_CombatTaskCDs[sector.Id] = sectorCooldown |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.InitCombatTasks() |
if g_TestCombat and g_TestCombat.combatTask then |
local units = GetCurrentMapUnits() |
local unitId = units[InteractionRand(#units, "CombatTasks") + 1].session_id |
local preset = CombatTaskDefs[g_TestCombat.combatTask] |
GiveCombatTask(preset, unitId) |
else |
RollForCombatTasks() |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.EnterSector(game_start, load_game) |
if game_start or load_game or (netInGame and not NetIsHost()) then return end |
NetSyncEvent("InitCombatTasks") |
end |
function FinishCombatTasks() |
local tasks = GetCombatTasksInSector() |
for _, task in ipairs(tasks) do |
if task.state == "inProgress" then |
local completed = (task.currentProgress >= task.requiredProgress and not task.reverseProgress) |
or (task.currentProgress < task.requiredProgress and task.reverseProgress) |
if completed then |
task:Complete() |
else |
task:Fail() |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.CombatEnd() |
if CountAnyEnemies() <= 0 then |
FinishCombatTasks() |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.ConflictEnd(sector, bNoVoice, playerAttacking, playerWon, isAutoResolve, isRetreat, fromMap) |
if not sector.firstConflictWon and playerWon and IsPlayerSide(sector.Side) then |
sector.firstConflictWon = true |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.UnitDied(unit) |
if IsMerc(unit) then |
for _, task in ipairs(unit.combatTasks) do |
task:Fail() |
end |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.UnitRetreat(unit) |
if IsMerc(unit) then |
for _, task in ipairs(unit.combatTasks) do |
task:Fail() |
end |
end |
end |
MapVar("CombatTaskUIAnimations", {}) |
function RefreshCombatTasks() |
ObjModified("combat_tasks") |
end |
OnMsg.OpenSatelliteView = RefreshCombatTasks |
OnMsg.CloseSatelliteView = RefreshCombatTasks |
GameVar("gv_CombatTasksCompleted", 0) |
GameVar("gv_RecentlyCompletedCombatTasks", {}) |
function OnMsg.CombatTaskFinished(taskId, unit, success) |
if success then |
gv_CombatTasksCompleted = gv_CombatTasksCompleted + 1 |
gv_RecentlyCompletedCombatTasks[#gv_RecentlyCompletedCombatTasks+1] = { |
taskId = taskId, |
unitId = unit.session_id |
} |
if gv_CombatTasksCompleted % const.CombatTask.CompletedForBonus == 0 then |
CombatTaskBonusReward() |
SendMercOfTheWeekEmail() |
gv_RecentlyCompletedCombatTasks = {} |
end |
end |
end |
function CombatTaskBonusReward() |
local bonus = const.CombatTask.BonusReward |
CombatLog("important", T{646683516115, "Combat task completion bonus - received <money(bonus)>", bonus = bonus}) |
AddMoney(bonus, "deposit") |
end |
function SendMercOfTheWeekEmail() |
local emailGroup = Presets.Email.MercOfTheWeek |
local emailPreset = emailGroup[InteractionRand(#emailGroup, "CombatTasks")+1] |
local combo = gv_RecentlyCompletedCombatTasks[InteractionRand(#gv_RecentlyCompletedCombatTasks, "CombatTasks")+1] |
local context = {unitId = combo.unitId, taskId = combo.taskId, reward = const.CombatTask.BonusReward} |
ReceiveEmail(emailPreset.id, context) |
end |