DefineClass.Camp = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Standing", |
editor = "number", default = 0, min = -100, max = 100, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.CampaignCity = { |
__parents = { "CampaignObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Id", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "DisplayName", name = "Display Name", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "Loyalty", name = "Loyalty", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "template_key", |
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "currentCivilianDeathPenalty", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, min = 0, max = 30, }, |
}, |
} |
function CampaignCity:GetEditorView() |
return self.DisplayName or Untranslated(self.Id or "(unnamed city)") |
end |
DefineClass.EnemySquadUnit = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "weightedList", name = "Unit List", help = "Weighted list with unit types to choose from", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "UnitTypeListWithWeights", }, |
{ id = "UnitCountMin", name = "Unit Count Min", |
editor = "number", default = false, min = 0, }, |
{ id = "UnitCountMax", name = "Unit Count Max", |
editor = "number", default = false, min = 0, }, |
}, |
} |
function EnemySquadUnit:GetError() |
if not self.weightedList then |
return "Choose at least one unit type" |
elseif not self.UnitCountMin or not self.UnitCountMax then |
return "Choose units count range (min-max)" |
elseif self.UnitCountMin > self.UnitCountMax then |
return "min should not be more than max" |
end |
end |
function EnemySquadUnit:GetEditorView() |
if self.weightedList then |
return tostring(self.UnitCountMin).."-"..tostring(self.UnitCountMax).." {"..table.concat(table.map(self.weightedList, "unitType"), "/").."}" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.EventOperationOutcome = { |
__parents = { "Preset", }, |
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Weight", help = "Event 'Weight' when choose outcome", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Stat", name = "Unit Stat", help = "Weight depends from that stat", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitStatsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "Desending", help = "The way the weight depends from the stat. Desending: heigher stat->lower weight", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "PopupId", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "PopupNotification", preset_group = "Outcome", }, |
{ id = "Condition", |
editor = "func", default = function (self,operation_id,sector, mercs) |
return true |
end, params = "self,operation_id,sector, mercs", }, |
{ id = "Effect", |
editor = "func", default = function (self,operation_id,sector, mercs) end, params = "self,operation_id,sector, mercs", }, |
}, |
HasParameters = true, |
GlobalMap = "EventOperationsOutcomes", |
EditorMenubarName = "Event Operation Outcomes", |
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/delivery fast packing truck.png", |
EditorMenubar = "Scripting", |
} |
function EventOperationOutcome:GetWeight(operation_id, sector, mercs) |
if self.Weight and self.Weight>0 then |
return self.Weight |
end |
local stat = self.Stat |
if stat and mercs and #mercs>0 then |
local max_merc = table.max(mercs, function(m) return m[stat] end ) |
local max_stat = max_merc[stat] |
return self.Descending and Min((100-max_stat), 20) or max_stat |
end |
return 0 |
end |
DefineClass.Intel = { |
__parents = { "CampaignObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Id", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Description", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "Discoverable", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "discovered", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "template_key", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
} |
function Intel:GetCampaignTemplate() |
if self.template_key and Game and Game.Campaign and CampaignPresets[Game.Campaign] then |
local campaign = CampaignPresets[Game.Campaign] |
local sector = table.find_value(campaign.Sectors, "Id", self.sector_id) |
return sector and sector.Intel and table.find_value(sector.Intel, "Id", self.Id) |
end |
end |
function Intel:LoadFirstPriorityProps(prop_data, obj) |
CampaignObject.LoadFirstPriorityProps(self, prop_data, obj) |
local idx = table.find(prop_data, "sector_id") |
if idx then |
obj.sector_id = prop_data[idx + 1] |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SatelliteSector = { |
__parents = { "CampaignObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "SetId", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, id) |
if self.modId then return end |
self.name = id |
CampaignObject.SetId(self, id) |
end, no_edit = true, params = "self, id", }, |
{ id = "Setdisplay_name", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, display_name) |
self.display_name = display_name |
if self.modId then return end |
if display_name then |
self.name = string.format("%s %s", self.Id, _InternalTranslate(display_name)) |
else |
self.name = self.Id |
end |
end, no_edit = true, params = "self, display_name", }, |
{ id = "OnEditorSetProperty", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, prop_id) |
if not self.modId and prop_id == "Roads" or prop_id == "BlockTravel" then |
SatelliteSectorSetDirectionsProp(self, prop_id) |
end |
if g_SatelliteUI then |
g_SatelliteUI:UpdateSectorVisuals(self.Id) |
end |
if prop_id == "WeatherZone" then |
g_WeatherZones = false |
end |
end, no_edit = true, params = "self, prop_id", }, |
{ category = "Data", id = "generated_hint", help = "<center>This is an automatically-generated empty sector.", |
editor = "help", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return not self.generated end, }, |
{ category = "Data", id = "inherited_hint", help = "<center>This is an inherited sector - use the button below to override it in this DLC.", |
editor = "help", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return not self.inherited end, }, |
{ category = "Data", id = "edit_sector_button", |
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Edit sector", func = "EditGeneratedSector", is_hidden = function(self) if self.modId or config.ModdingToolsInUserMode then return true end |
return IsKindOf(self, "GedMultiSelectAdapter") or not self.inherited and not self.generated end }, }, }, |
{ id = "Id", |
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, }, |
{ category = "Underground", id = "HideUnderground", name = "Hide underground", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Underground", id = "CanGoUp", name = "Can go overground", help = "Whether this underground sector has a travel connection to its overground sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = function(self) return not self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Underground", id = "underground_sector_buttons", |
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Add underground sector", func = "AddUndergroundSector", is_hidden = function(self) if IsKindOf(self, "GedMultiSelectAdapter") then return true end |
if self.modId or config.ModdingToolsInUserMode then return true end |
local campaign = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "CampaignPreset") |
return not self.Id or |
self.Id:ends_with("_Underground") or |
(campaign and table.find(campaign.Sectors, "Id", self.Id .. "_Underground")) end }, {name = "Select underground sector", func = "SelectUndergroundSector", is_hidden = function(self) if IsKindOf(self, "GedMultiSelectAdapter") then return true end |
if self.modId or config.ModdingToolsInUserMode then return true end |
local campaign = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "CampaignPreset") |
return not self.Id or |
self.Id:ends_with("_Underground") or |
not (campaign and table.find(campaign.Sectors, "Id", self.Id .. "_Underground")) end }, {name = "Remove sector", func = "RemoveSector", is_hidden = function(self) if self.modId or config.ModdingToolsInUserMode then return true end |
return IsKindOf(self, "GedMultiSelectAdapter") or not self.Id or self.inherited or not self.Id:ends_with("_Underground") end }, }, }, |
{ id = "MapPosition", help = "delete me", |
editor = "point", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "XMapPosition", |
editor = "point", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "IconMapPosition", |
editor = "point", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "Map", name = "Map", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return ListMaps() end, }, |
{ id = "MapTier", name = "Tier", help = "Used in the 'PlayerIsInSectorsOfTier' conditional effect to, for example, spawn loot on the map.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = 10, step = 5, min = 0, max = 50, }, |
{ id = "Label1", name = "Label 1", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return config.ModdingToolsInUserMode end, }, |
{ id = "modId", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "Label2", name = "Label 2", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return config.ModdingToolsInUserMode end, }, |
{ id = "RunLoyaltyLogic", name = "Run loyalty logic", help = "Whether this sector will grant/remove loyalty on conflict resolution", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "GroundSector", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "template_key", |
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display name", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, context = SatelliteSectorLocContext(), }, |
{ id = "Side", |
editor = "combo", default = "enemy1", items = function (self) return Sides end, }, |
{ id = "StickySide", name = "Sticky side", help = "Prevents changing the side of the sector unless it is forced from a conditinal effect or 'SatelliteSectorSetSide' with 'force' param.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "TerrainType", name = "Terrain type", help = "Terrain type modifies the travel time", |
editor = "preset_id", default = "Savanna", |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, preset_class = "SectorTerrain", }, |
{ id = "WeatherZone", name = "Weather zone", help = "Weather Zone the sector belongs to. Sectors within the same Weather Zone have the same weather cycle.", |
editor = "combo", default = "Default", items = function (self) |
local campaignPreset |
if self.modId then |
local modItem = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "ModItemSector") |
campaignPreset = modItem and CampaignPresets[modItem.campaignId] |
else |
campaignPreset = GetCurrentCampaignPreset() |
end |
return campaignPreset and WeatherZoneCombo(campaignPreset) or {} |
end, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "Passability", |
editor = "combo", default = "Land", |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, items = function (self) return {"Land", "Water", "Land and Water", "Blocked"} end, }, |
{ category = "City", id = "City", name = "Associated city", |
editor = "combo", default = "none", items = function (self) return table.iappend({"none"}, table.map(GetCurrentCampaignPreset().Cities, "Id")) end, }, |
{ category = "City", id = "ShowCity", name = "Show city name", help = "Whether to show the city name on the sector", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "reveal_allowed", help = "This sector can be revealed by the player, and traits on them are shown in the satellite view. At the start of the campaign mainland sectors are not visible.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "never_autoresolve", name = "Never autoresolve", help = "Conflicts on this sector can never be autoresolved", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "discovered", name = "Discovered", help = "The player has been to this sector, or has started travelling to it via some method. In use only for underground sectors.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ category = "Conflict", id = "AutoResolveDefenderBonus", name = "AutoResolve defender bonus", help = "Percent by which defender power is increased in this sector", |
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "Mine", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "DailyIncome", help = "Profit per day at 100% loyalty", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Mine end, min = 0, }, |
{ id = "intel_progress", name = "Intel progress", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "Depletion", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Mine end, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "DepletionTime", help = "In how many days the mine will deplete. This should be randomized each game around this value.", |
editor = "number", default = 90, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Mine end, min = 1, max = 500, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "mine_work_days", |
editor = "number", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "mine_depleted", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "mine_enabled", |
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "income_mods", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Mine", id = "depletion_mods", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Hospital", id = "Hospital", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Hospital", id = "HospitalLocked", name = "Hospital locked", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "Guardpost", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "PatrolRespawnTime", name = "Attack spawn (+24h preparation)", |
editor = "number", default = 172800, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, scale = "h", min = 0, }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "InitialSpawn", name = "Initial squad spawn", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "TargetSectors", name = "Target sectors", help = "Target sectors for spawned enemy squads.", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo("") end, }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "ExtraDefenderSquads", name = "Extra defender squads", help = "Squads that will be spawned as extra defenders (4th shield)", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, preset_class = "EnemySquads", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "EnemySquadsList", name = "Enemy squads list", help = "A random squad from the list will be chosen on guardpost spawn time", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, preset_class = "EnemySquads", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "Guardpost", id = "StrongEnemySquadsList", name = "Strong enemy squads list", help = 'When the guardpost performs a "strong attack" it will swap the currently primed squad with one from this array.', |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, preset_class = "EnemySquads", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "Militia", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "MaxMilitia", |
editor = "number", default = 8, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Militia end, min = 1, max = 50, }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "MilitiaTrainingCost", name = "Training cost", |
editor = "number", default = 750, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Militia end, min = 1, max = 10000, }, |
{ category = "Conflict", id = "ForceConflict", name = "Force conflict", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Conflict", id = "InitialSquads", name = "Initial squads", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return table.keys(EnemySquadDefs, true) end, }, |
{ category = "Conflict", id = "CustomConflictDescr", name = "Custom conflict description", help = "The first time a conflict is initiated in this sector, this description preset will be shown.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("ConflictDescription", "Default") end, }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "militia_training", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "militia_training_progress", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "militia_squad_id", |
editor = "number", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Militia", id = "militia_training_payed_cost", |
editor = "number", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Operation", id = "training_stat", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Operation", id = "custom_operations", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Operation", id = "operations_temp_data", help = "Temp data for assigned mercs before the actual operation start/change. Valid only when the UI is opened in 'change' mode.", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Operation", id = "started_operations", help = "Started operations for the sector", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "Intel", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "intel_discovered", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "player_visited", help = "Marked as visited when a player squad reaches the sector's center on the satellite.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "autoresolve_disabled", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "InterestingSector", name = "Interesting sector", help = "Will be listed as one after GatherIntel operation completes and will start voice responses if passed by.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "MinFlareCarriers", name = "Min flare carriers", help = "Minimum number of Roaming NPCs to carry a light during Night or Underground", |
editor = "number", default = 1, slider = true, min = 0, max = 20, }, |
{ id = "MaxFlareCarriers", name = "Max flare carriers", help = "Minimum number of Roaming NPCs to carry a light during Night or Underground", |
editor = "number", default = 3, slider = true, min = function(self) return self.MinFlareCarriers end, max = function(self) return 20 end, }, |
{ id = "RAndRAllowed", name = "R&R allowed", help = "R&R operation is available in this sector", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "RepairShop", name = "Repair shop", help = "Allows Craft Ammo, Craft Explosives operations in this sector", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "bidirectionalRoadApply", name = "Apply roads to adjacent sectors", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return not self.modId end, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "Roads", name = "Roads", help = "Roads only improve the quality of travel and lack of a road doesn't prevent travel between sectors", |
editor = "directions_set", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "ImpassableForEnemies", name = "Impassable for enemies", help = "Enemy squads can't pass through this sector", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Diamond Briefcase", id = "ImpassableForDiamonds", name = "Impassable for diamonds", help = "Diamond shipments can't pass through this sector", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "bidirectionalBlockApply", name = "Apply block travel to adjacent sectors", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return not self.modId end, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "BlockTravel", name = "Block travel", help = "Blocks travel and adds ui indication for that in the satellite view (red/white line)", |
editor = "directions_set", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Travel", id = "BlockTravelRiver", name = "Block travel - invisible", help = "Blocks travel without displaying it on the sat view", |
editor = "directions_set", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.GroundSector end, }, |
{ id = "sector_data", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "dead_units", help = "All dead units on the map before removing and converting them to bags. Used for adding their staff to the stash", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "sector_inventory", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "sector_repair_items", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "sector_repair_items_queued", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "sector_craft_ammo_items_queued", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "sector_craft_explosive_items_queued", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "conflict", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "conflict_backup", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "guardpost_obj", |
editor = "nested_obj", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "GuardpostSessionObject", }, |
{ id = "image", name = "Image", |
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/SatelliteView/SectorImages/_Highlands", image_preview_size = 200, }, |
{ id = "override_loading_screen", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, no_edit = true, image_preview_size = 200, }, |
{ category = "Events", id = "Events", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "SectorEvent", }, |
{ id = "ExecutedEvents", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Port", id = "Port", name = "Port", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Port", id = "PortLocked", name = "Port locked", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Port", id = "CanBeUsedForArrival", name = "Can be used for arrival", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Port", id = "BobbyRayDeliveryCostMultiplier", name = "Bobby Ray delivery cost multiplier", |
editor = "number", default = 100, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanBeUsedForArrival end, scale = "%", }, |
{ category = "Port", id = "SectorImagePreview", name = "Sector image preview", |
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/PDA/ss_i1.png", no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanBeUsedForArrival end, }, |
{ category = "Diamond Briefcase", id = "DBSourceSector", name = "Source sector", help = "Travelling squads carrying diamond shipments will spawn on this sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Diamond Briefcase", id = "DBDestinationSector", name = "Destination sector", help = "Travelling squads carrying diamond shipments will path to this sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Diamond Briefcase", id = "DBRecalc", help = "You only need to run this once when applying multiple changes. It will take a while!", |
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Recalculate Diamond Routes", func = "GenerateDBCacheStatic", is_hidden = function(self) return config.ModdingToolsInUserMode end }, }, }, |
{ category = "Port", id = "PricePerTile", name = "Price per tile", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "enabled_auto_deploy", |
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "awareness_sequence", name = "Awareness sequence", |
editor = "choice", default = "Standard", items = function (self) return { "Standard", "Skip Setpiece", "Skip All" } end, }, |
{ id = "last_enter_campaign_time", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "last_own_campaign_time", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Music", id = "MusicCombat", name = "Music combat", help = "Music in turn based mode", |
editor = "combo", default = "Battle_Easy", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset") end, }, |
{ category = "Music", id = "MusicConflict", name = "Music conflict", help = "In real time exploration but the sector is still in conflict", |
editor = "combo", default = "Village_Conflict", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset") end, }, |
{ category = "Music", id = "MusicExploration", name = "Music exploration", help = "Real time exploration and there is no conflict in the sector", |
editor = "combo", default = "Jungle_Exploration", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset") end, }, |
{ category = "Squads", id = "enemy_squads", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, base_class = "SatelliteSquad", }, |
{ category = "Squads", id = "ally_squads", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, base_class = "SatelliteSquad", }, |
{ category = "Squads", id = "underground_squads", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, base_class = "SatelliteSquad", }, |
{ category = "Squads", id = "ally_and_militia_squads", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, base_class = "SatelliteSquad", }, |
{ category = "Squads", id = "all_squads", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, base_class = "SatelliteSquad", }, |
{ category = "Warning State", id = "warningStateEnabled", name = "Enable warning state", help = "If enabled the first time you are discovered by enemies you will enter a Warning State.\nA timer is set. Enemies become neutral until the timer expires. And effects can be executed.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Warning State", id = "warningReceived", name = "Warning received", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Warning State", id = "inWarningState", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "Warning State", id = "warningTimerText", name = "Warning timer text", help = "Text to display when the Warning State is active.", |
editor = "text", default = T(888882045986, "Exit the Area"), no_edit = function(self) return not self.warningStateEnabled end, translate = true, }, |
{ category = "Warning State", id = "warningStateTimer", name = "Warning state timer", help = "How long (sec) will the Warning State hold.", |
editor = "number", default = 30000, no_edit = function(self) return not self.warningStateEnabled end, scale = "sec", min = 0, }, |
{ category = "Warning State", id = "warningBanters", name = "Warning banters", help = "List of banters from which to choose one to play when spotted by the nearest enemy.", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, no_edit = function(self) return not self.warningStateEnabled end, preset_class = "BanterDef", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "Combat Tasks", id = "combatTaskGenerate", name = "When to generate", help = "When to generate Combat Tasks. Chances and cooldowns are independant and are always taken into account.", |
editor = "choice", default = "always", items = function (self) return {"always", "afterFirstConflict", "never"} end, }, |
{ category = "Combat Tasks", id = "combatTaskAmount", name = "Maximum amount", help = "Maximum Combat Tasks that can be given.", |
editor = "number", default = 1, min = 0, }, |
{ category = "Combat Tasks", id = "firstConflictWon", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "conflictLoyaltyGained", help = "Checks whether to give loyalty on Conflict Win. Resets on sector lost and sector defended.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<if_any(inherited,generated)><color 128 128 128></if><Id><opt(u(display_name),' ','')><if(inherited)> [inherited]</if><if(generated)> [generated - empty]</if>"), |
FilterClass = "SatelliteSectorGedFilter", |
generated = false, |
inherited = false, |
} |
function SatelliteSector:GetError() |
local errors = {} |
if self.Guardpost and not next(self.EnemySquadsList) then |
table.insert(errors, string.format("%s: Please select at least one enemy squad for guardpost", self.Id)) |
elseif self.Guardpost then |
for _, squad in ipairs(self.EnemySquadsList) do |
if squad == "" then |
table.insert(errors, string.format("Please remove empty entries from guardpost enemy squads", self.Id)) |
break |
end |
end |
end |
local radios = Presets.RadioStationPreset["Default"] |
if not radios[self.MusicCombat] then |
table.insert(errors, string.format("%s: '%s' Music Combat radio station is invalid!", self.Id, self.MusicCombat)) |
end |
if not radios[self.MusicConflict] then |
table.insert(errors, string.format("%s: '%s' Music Conflict radio station is invalid!", self.Id, self.MusicConflict)) |
end |
if not radios[self.MusicExploration] then |
table.insert(errors, string.format("%s: '%s' Music Exploration radio station is invalid!", self.Id, self.MusicExploration)) |
end |
local mapdata = MapData[self.Map] |
local region = mapdata and mapdata.Region |
if region and GameStateDefs[region].WeatherCycle and not self.WeatherZone then |
table.insert(errors, string.format("Sectors from region %s need to have WeatherZone defined", region)) |
end |
return next(errors) and table.concat(errors, "\n") or nil |
end |
function SatelliteSector:OnEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste) |
if parent.mod and IsKindOf(parent, "ModItemSector") then |
self.Id = parent.sectorId |
self.Map = parent:GetMapName() |
self.modId = parent.mod.id |
self.bidirectionalRoadApply = true |
self.bidirectionalBlockApply = true |
parent.SatelliteSectorObj = self |
parent:PostLoad() |
end |
end |
function SatelliteSector:EditGeneratedSector(root, prop_id, ged) |
self.inherited = nil |
self.generated = nil |
ObjModified(self) |
ged:SetUiStatus("editing_sector", "Editing sector...") |
if g_SatelliteUI then |
g_SatelliteUI:RebuildSectorGrid() |
end |
ged:SetUiStatus("editing_sector") |
end |
function SatelliteSector:AddUndergroundSector(root, prop_id, ged) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
local id = self.Id .. "_Underground" |
local sector = PlaceObject("SatelliteSector") |
sector.GroundSector = self.Id |
sector:SetId(id) |
local sectors = GetParentTable(self) |
local idx = table.find(sectors, "Id", self.Id) + 1 |
table.insert(sectors, idx, sector) |
UpdateParentTable(sector, sectors) |
ged:SetUiStatus("add_sector", "Adding sector...") |
CreateSessionCampaignObject(sector, SatelliteSector, gv_Sectors, "Sectors") |
if g_SatelliteUI then |
g_SatelliteUI:RebuildSectorGrid() |
end |
ObjModified(sectors) |
Sleep(100) |
ged:SetSelection("root", { idx }, nil, "notify") |
ged:SetUiStatus("add_sector") |
end) |
end |
function SatelliteSector:SelectUndergroundSector(root, prop_id, ged) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
ged:ResetFilter("root") |
Sleep(100) |
ged:SetSelection("root", { table.find(GetParentTable(self), "Id", self.Id .. "_Underground") }, nil, "notify") |
end) |
end |
function SatelliteSector:RemoveSector(root, prop_id, ged) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
local sectors = GetParentTable(self) |
table.remove_value(sectors, self) |
GetParentTableOfKind(self, "CampaignPreset"):PostLoad() |
if not table.find(sectors, "Id", self.Id) then |
DeleteSessionCampaignObject(self, SatelliteSector, gv_Sectors) |
end |
ged:SetUiStatus("remove_sector", "Removing sector...") |
if g_SatelliteUI then |
g_SatelliteUI:RebuildSectorGrid() |
end |
ObjModified(sectors) |
Sleep(100) |
ged:SetSelection("root", { table.find(GetParentTable(self), "Id", self.Id:gsub("_Underground", "")) }, nil, "notify") |
ged:SetUiStatus("remove_sector") |
end) |
end |
function SatelliteSector:GenerateDBCacheStatic(root, prop_id, ged) |
GenerateDynamicDBPathCache("save", ged) |
end |
function SatelliteSector:GetTravelPrice(squad) |
local cost = self.PricePerTile or const.Satellite.DefaultPortPricePerTile |
local discounts = false |
local cityHere = gv_Cities[self.City] |
if cityHere and cityHere.Loyalty > 0 then |
local discount = Lerp(0, 50, cityHere.Loyalty, 100) |
cost = cost - MulDivRound(cost, discount, 100) |
if not discounts then discounts = {} end |
discounts[#discounts + 1] = { |
label = T(342530626078, "Loyalty"), |
percent = discount |
} |
end |
if IsKindOf(squad, "SatelliteSquad") then |
for _, id in ipairs(squad.units) do |
local unit = gv_UnitData[id] |
if HasPerk(unit, "Negotiator") then |
local discount = CharacterEffectDefs.Negotiator:ResolveValue("discountPercent") |
if not discounts then discounts = {} end |
discounts[#discounts + 1] = { |
label = T{542222741234, "<Nick> <em>(<perkName>)</em>", Nick = unit.Nick, perkName = CharacterEffectDefs.Negotiator.DisplayName}, |
percent = discount, |
} |
cost = cost - MulDivRound(cost, discount, 100) |
break |
end |
end |
end |
return cost, discounts |
end |
function SatelliteSector:IsReadOnly() |
return self.generated or self.inherited or (config.ModdingToolsInUserMode and not self.modId) |
end |
DefineClass.SatelliteSectorGedFilter = { |
__parents = { "GedFilter", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "HideGenerated", name = "Hide inherited/empty", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "City", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return table.iappend({"don't care", "any", "none"}, table.map(GetCurrentCampaignPreset().Cities, "Id")) end, }, |
{ id = "Mine", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return { true, false, "don't care" } end, }, |
{ id = "Events", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return { true, false, "don't care" } end, }, |
{ id = "Guardpost", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return { true, false, "don't care" } end, }, |
{ id = "Region", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "region", "don't care") end, }, |
{ id = "Port", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return { true, false, "don't care" } end, }, |
{ id = "Militia", |
editor = "choice", default = "don't care", items = function (self) return { true, false, "don't care" } end, }, |
{ id = "Music", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset") end, }, |
{ id = "Weather", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
}, |
} |
function SatelliteSectorGedFilter:FilterObject(sector) |
if self.HideGenerated and (sector.inherited or sector.generated) then return false end |
if self.Mine ~= "don't care" and self.Mine ~= sector.Mine then return false end |
if self.Guardpost ~= "don't care" and self.Guardpost ~= sector.Guardpost then return false end |
if self.City == "any" then |
if sector.City == "none" then return false end |
elseif self.City ~= "don't care" and self.City ~= sector.City then return false end |
if self.Events ~= "don't care" and self.Events ~= (sector.Events and #sector.Events > 0) then return false end |
if self.Region ~= "don't care" then |
local region = sector.Map and MapData[sector.Map] and MapData[sector.Map].Region |
if self.Region ~= region then return false end |
end |
if self.Port ~= "don't care" and self.Port ~= sector.Port then |
return false |
end |
if self.Militia ~= "don't care" and self.Militia ~= sector.Militia then |
return false |
end |
if self.Music then |
local music_match |
if sector.MusicCombat and string.match(sector.MusicCombat, self.Music) then |
music_match = true |
end |
if sector.MusicConflict and string.match(sector.MusicConflict, self.Music) then |
music_match = true |
end |
if sector.MusicExploration and string.match(sector.MusicExploration, self.Music) then |
music_match = true |
end |
if not music_match then |
return false |
end |
end |
if self.Weather then |
if not (sector.WeatherZone and string.match(string.lower(sector.WeatherZone), string.lower(self.Weather)) )then |
return false |
end |
end |
return true |
end |
DefineClass.SatelliteSquad = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Side", |
editor = "combo", default = "enemy1", items = function (self) return Sides end, }, |
{ id = "Name", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "image", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "UniqueId", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "CurrentSector", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "PreviousSector", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "PreviousLandSector", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "Sleep", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Retreat", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "VisualPos", |
editor = "point", default = false, }, |
{ id = "XVisualPos", |
editor = "point", default = false, }, |
{ id = "route", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, }, |
{ id = "water_route", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, }, |
{ id = "water_travel", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "returning_water_travel", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "water_travel_rest_timer", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "traversing_shortcut_start", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "traversing_shortcut_start_sId", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "traversing_shortcut_water", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "uninterruptable_travel", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "joining_squad", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "units", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, }, |
{ id = "militia", help = "Militia squad", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "arrival_squad", help = "Squad not on the map yet", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "diamond_briefcase", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "shipment_preset_id", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "guardpost", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "diamond_briefcase_dynamic", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "always_visible", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "villain", help = "Villain squad", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "ref", help = "Used by UI in objects which pretend to be squads, because of duck typing it needs to be in the squad definition as well", |
editor = "bool", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "enemy_squad_def", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "wait_in_sector", |
editor = "number", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "arrive_in_sector", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "vrForActivity", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, }, |
{ id = "squad_bag", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, base_class = "InventoryItem", }, |
{ id = "on_reach_quest", |
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "on_reach_var", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
} |
function SatelliteSquad:CancelTravel() |
NetSyncEvent("SquadCancelTravel", self.UniqueId) |
end |
DefineClass.SectorOperation = { |
__parents = { "Preset", "CampaignSpecific", }, |
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Custom", help = "Custom operations show only certain properties", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "CustomRepeat", name = "Repeat", help = "Operation reamains enabled on completion and can be performed again", |
editor = "bool", default = false, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Custom end, }, |
{ id = "operation_type", name = "Type", help = "Operation categories by action", |
editor = "set", default = false, items = function (self) return {"Healing"} end, }, |
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display name", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "short_name", name = "Short Name", |
editor = "text", default = T(814680295449, "Operation"), translate = true, }, |
{ id = "sub_title", name = "Sub Title", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "progress_sub_title", name = "Sub Title in Progress", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "description", name = "Description", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "log_msg_start", name = "LogMsgOnStart", help = "Log message on operation start", |
editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, }, |
{ id = "image", name = "Image", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, }, |
{ id = "icon", name = "Icon", help = "Satellite view on-screen merc icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Professions", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "SectorOperationProfession", auto_expand = true, }, |
{ id = "ShowInCombatBadge", help = "Show in Combat Badge", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "ShowPauseProgress", help = "Show saved operation progress when no mercs are attached", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "error_msg", name = "ErrorMessage", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "RequiredItem", name = "Required Item", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return table.keys2(InventoryItemDefs, "sorted", "") end, }, |
{ id = "RequiredResources", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "Money", items = function (self) |
local items = table.imap(SectorOperationResouces, "id") |
table.sort(items) |
return items |
end, }, |
{ id = "GetSectorSlots", help = "Maximum merc slots per profession for this operation in the sector", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, prof, sector) |
return 1 |
end, params = "self, prof, sector", }, |
{ id = "related_stat", name = "Associated Stat", help = "Stat which is used to advance the operation per tick (50 for no selected stat)", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return UnitPropertiesStats:GetProperties() end, }, |
{ id = "related_stat_2", name = "Second Associated Stat", help = "Between the two stats - the one with higher value is counted", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return UnitPropertiesStats:GetProperties() end, }, |
{ id = "min_requirement_stat", name = "Min Requirement Stat", help = "Given Stat at given value required for mercs to be able to perform the operation", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return UnitPropertiesStats:GetProperties() end, }, |
{ id = "min_requirement_stat_value", name = "Min Requirement Value", help = "Min value of the stat required for mercs to be able to perform the operation", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "target_contribution", name = "Target Contribution", help = "Each tick the merc contributes his Associated Stat (or 50 if no stat is set) towards a value that has to reach Target Contribution to finish the Operation", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, }, |
{ id = "target_example", name = "Target Example Time", help = "The time (in hours) it would take for a full set of mercs with stat 100 to finish the operation.", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, dont_save = true, read_only = true, }, |
{ id = "bonus_perks", name = "Bonus Perks", help = "Each perk provides additional contribution", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "SectorOperationBonusPerk", auto_expand = true, }, |
{ id = "Tick", name = "Tick", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc) |
local sector = merc:GetSector() |
local progress_per_tick = self:ProgressPerTick(merc) |
if CheatEnabled("FastActivity") then |
progress_per_tick = progress_per_tick*100 |
end |
self:ModifyProgress(progress_per_tick, sector) |
self:CheckCompleted(merc, sector) |
end, params = "self, merc", }, |
{ id = "SectorMercsTick", name = "SectorMercsTick", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc) end, params = "self, merc", }, |
{ id = "CheckCompleted", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, sector) |
if self:ProgressCurrent(merc, sector) >= self:ProgressCompleteThreshold(merc, sector) then |
self:Complete(sector) |
end |
end, params = "self, merc, sector", }, |
{ id = "Complete", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, sector) |
local mercs = GetOperationProfessionals(sector.Id, self.id) |
local merc_names = {} |
for _, merc in ipairs(mercs) do |
merc_names[#merc_names + 1] = merc.Nick |
merc:SetCurrentOperation("Idle") |
end |
self:OnComplete(sector, mercs) |
if next(merc_names) then |
CombatLog("important", T{352089713704, "<em><mercs></em> finished <em><activity></em> in <SectorName(sector)>", mercs = ConcatListWithAnd(merc_names),activity = self.display_name, sector = sector}) |
end |
Msg("OperationCompleted", self, mercs, sector) |
end, params = "self, sector", }, |
{ id = "OnComplete", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, sector, mercs) |
if self.Custom then |
local ca = sector.custom_operations[self.id] |
if not self.CustomRepeat then |
ca.status = "completed" |
else |
ca.progress = 0 |
end |
local script = ca.EffectsOnSuccess |
if script then |
ExecuteEffectList(script) |
end |
local loot_table = ca.LootTableId |
if loot_table then |
local apply = ca.GrantItemApply |
local units= apply=="all" and mercs or {mercs[1]} |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
local items = {} |
local loot_tbl = LootDefs[loot_table] |
if loot_tbl then |
loot_tbl:GenerateLoot(self, {}, unit:Random(), items) |
local squad = unit.Squad |
local all_squad_mercs = gv_Squads[squad].units |
AddItemsToSquadBag(unit.Squad, items) |
if #items>0 then |
unit:AddItemsToInventory(items) |
end |
if #items>0 then |
for idx, merc in ipairs(all_squad_mercs) do |
if #items<=0 then break end |
local u = gv_UnitData[merc] |
u:AddItemsToInventory(items) |
end |
end |
if #items > 0 then |
local stash = GetSectorInventory(sector.Id) |
if stash then |
AddItemsToInventory(stash, items, true) |
end |
end |
if #items>0 then |
CombatLog("important", T{825769344536, "Inventory full. <name> can not grant all items", name = unit:GetDisplayName()}) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end, params = "self, sector, mercs", }, |
{ id = "ProgressPerTick", name = "ProgressPerTick", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, prediction) |
if self.Custom then |
local bonus = 0 |
local perks = self.bonus_perks |
for _, bp in ipairs(self.bonus_perks or empty_table) do |
if HasPerk(merc, bp.perk) then |
bonus = bonus + bp.bonus |
end |
end |
local _, val = self:GetRelatedStat(merc) |
return (val or 50) + bonus |
end |
return 0 |
end, params = "self, merc, prediction", }, |
{ id = "ProgressCompleteThreshold", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, sector, prediction) |
if self.Custom then |
return self.target_contribution |
end |
return 0 |
end, params = "self, merc, sector, prediction", }, |
{ id = "ProgressCurrent", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, sector, prediction) |
return self.Custom and sector.custom_operations and sector.custom_operations[self.id] and sector.custom_operations[self.id].progress or -1 |
end, params = "self, merc, sector, prediction", }, |
{ id = "OnSetOperation", name = "OnSetOperation", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, arg) end, params = "self, merc, arg", }, |
{ id = "OnRemoveOperation", name = "OnRemoveOperation", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc) end, params = "self, merc", }, |
{ id = "OnMove", name = "OnMove", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc,already_synced) |
local operation_id = self.id |
if operation_id== "Traveling" or operation_id == "Idle" or operation_id== "Arriving" then |
return |
end |
local sector = merc:GetSector() |
local mercs = GetOperationProfessionals(sector.Id, operation_id,false, merc.session_id) |
if #mercs<=0 then |
if already_synced then |
local event_id = GetOperationEventId(merc, operation_id) |
RemoveTimelineEvent(event_id) |
NetSyncEvents.InterruptSectorOperation(sector.Id,operation_id) |
else |
NetSyncEvent("InterruptSectorOperation", sector.Id,operation_id) |
end |
Msg("OperationCompleted", SectorOperations[operation_id], mercs, sector) |
end |
end, params = "self, merc,already_synced", }, |
{ id = "GetOperationCost", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, profession, idx) |
return {} |
end, params = "self, merc, profession, idx", }, |
{ id = "FilterAvailable", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, profession) |
return not self.min_requirement_stat or merc[self.min_requirement_stat] >= self.min_requirement_stat_value |
end, params = "self, merc, profession", }, |
{ id = "CanPerformOperation", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, profession) |
return self:CanPerformOperationBase(merc, profession) |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, merc, profession", }, |
{ id = "CanPerformOperationBase", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, profession) |
local cost = self:GetOperationCost(merc, profession) |
if not CanPayOperation(cost, merc:GetSector()) then |
return "OperationResourceError", {activity = self.display_name} |
elseif merc:IsTravelling() then |
return "OperationTravelError", {activity = self.display_name} |
elseif self.RequiredItem and not merc:HasItem(self.RequiredItem) then |
return "OperationMissingItemError", {activity = self.display_name, item = InventoryItemDefs[self.RequiredItem].DisplayName} |
end |
end, no_edit = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, merc, profession", }, |
{ id = "HasOperation", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, sector) |
if self.Custom then |
return sector.custom_operations and sector.custom_operations[self.id] and |
sector.custom_operations[self.id].status == "enabled" |
end |
return true |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, sector", }, |
{ id = "IsEnabled", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, sector) |
return true |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, sector", }, |
{ id = "GetDescription", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc) |
return self.description |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, merc", }, |
{ id = "GetTimelineEventDescription", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, sector_id, eventcontext) |
local mercs |
local professionId = self.Professions and self.Professions[1] and self.Professions[1].id |
if eventcontext.mercs then |
mercs = table.map(eventcontext.mercs, function(id) return gv_UnitData[id].Nick end) |
else |
mercs = GetOperationProfessionalsGroupedByProfession(sector_id, self.id) |
mercs = table.map(professionId and mercs[professionId] or mercs, "Nick") |
end |
mercs = ConcatListWithAnd(mercs) |
return T{366696912627, "<em><mercs></em> will finish <activityName>.", mercs = mercs, activityName = self.display_name} |
end, params = "self, sector_id, eventcontext", }, |
{ id = "GetAssignMessage", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, nameCombination, costTexts) |
costTexts = T(210127148759, "<newline>It will cost ") .. table.concat(costTexts, T(642697486575, ", ")) .. T(194271688304, ".") |
return T{810287359580, "Do you want to assign mercs - <names> to this Operation? <costTexts>", names = nameCombination, costTexts = costTexts} |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, nameCombination, costTexts", }, |
{ id = "SectorOperationStats", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, sector, check_only) |
if self.Custom then |
local lines = {} |
if self.min_requirement_stat and self.min_requirement_stat_value then |
local prop = table.find_value(UnitPropertiesStats:GetProperties(), "id", self.min_requirement_stat) |
if check_only then return true end |
lines[#lines + 1] = {text = T{300232421689, "Min Required <name>", name = prop.name}, value = T{139355455984, "<min_requirement_stat_value>",self}} |
end |
local progressVal = MulDivTrunc(self:ProgressCurrent(nil, sector) or 0, 100, self:ProgressCompleteThreshold(nil, sector)) |
if check_only then return true end |
lines[#lines + 1] = {text = T(349715428104, "Current Progress"), value = T{257328164584, "<percent(value)>", value = progressVal}} |
return lines, progressVal |
end |
return false, false |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, sector, check_only", }, |
{ id = "GetErrorMessage", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc) |
local genericError = self:CanPerformOperation(merc) |
if genericError and self.error_msg then |
return self.error_msg |
end |
if genericError == "OperationMissingItemError" then |
return T{996660950207, "Missing required item <ItemName(RequiredItem)>.", self} |
end |
if genericError then |
return Untranslated(genericError) |
end |
return false |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, merc", }, |
{ id = "ModifyProgress", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, value, sector) |
if self.Custom then |
local ac = sector.custom_operations and sector.custom_operations[self.id] |
if ac then |
ac.progress = ac.progress + value |
end |
end |
end, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, value, sector", }, |
{ id = "BoostProgress", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, perc, sector) |
local progress = self:ProgressCompleteThreshold(nil,sector) * perc / 100 |
self:ModifyProgress(Min(progress, self:ProgressCompleteThreshold(nil, sector) - self:ProgressCurrent(nil, sector)), sector) |
ObjModified(sector) |
end, no_edit = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Custom end, params = "self, perc, sector", }, |
{ id = "GetRelatedStat", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc, sector) |
local stat1 = self.related_stat |
local stat2 = self.related_stat_2 |
if stat1 or stat2 then |
local stat = stat1 |
if not stat1 or (stat2 and merc[stat2] > merc[stat1]) then |
stat = stat2 |
end |
return stat, merc[stat] |
end |
end, params = "self, merc, sector", }, |
}, |
HasSortKey = true, |
HasParameters = true, |
GlobalMap = "SectorOperations", |
EditorMenubarName = "Sector Operations", |
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/location marker pin.png", |
EditorMenubar = "Scripting", |
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4500", |
Documentation = "Creates a new sector operation that could be accessed through the sector operation menu. Allows adding new quests along with setting up variables that are related to them.", |
} |
DefineModItemPreset("SectorOperation", { EditorName = "Sector operation", EditorSubmenu = "Campaign & Maps" }) |
function SectorOperation:Gettarget_example() |
return self.target_contribution / (4*self:GetSectorSlots()*100) |
end |
DefineClass.SectorOperationBonusPerk = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "perk", name = "Perk", help = "Mercs with this perk provide bonus contribution per tick", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
return preset.object_class == "Perk" |
end, |
}, |
{ id = "bonus", name = "Bonus", help = "Value of the bonus contribution per tick", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.SectorOperationProfession = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "id", name = "Id", help = "Profession", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display Name", help = "Profession", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "description", name = "Description", help = "Profession", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "display_name_all_caps", name = "Display Name All Caps", help = "Profession", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "display_name_plural", name = "Display Name Plural", help = "Profession", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "display_name_plural_all_caps", name = "Display Name Plural All Caps", help = "Profession", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
}, |
} |