myspace / Lua /ClassDefs /ClassDef-PresetDefs.generated.lua
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-- ========== GENERATED BY ClassDef Editor (Ctrl-Alt-F3) DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY! ==========
DefineClass.ActionCameraDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "EyeZOffset", help = "Z offset of camera eye from attacker Groin spot",
editor = "number", default = 1200, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "EyeBackOffset", help = "Offset behind the back of the attacker, vector <target, attacker>",
editor = "number", default = 3000, scale = "m", },
{ id = "EyeAttackerOffset", help = "Distance between camera eye and attacker, perpendicular to attacker-target vector",
editor = "number", default = 800, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "AttackerTargetDistParam", help = "Parameter used to determine offsets LookAtTargetOffset and LookAtZOffset",
editor = "number", default = 20000, scale = "m", },
{ id = "LookAtTargetOffset", help = "Distance between camera LookAt and target for <AttackerTargetDistParam> attacker-target distance, perpendicular to attacker-target vector",
editor = "number", default = 4200, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "LookAtZOffset", help = "Z offset of camera lookat from target Groin spot",
editor = "number", default = -1000, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "FovX", help = "Horizontal field of view angle in action camera mode",
editor = "number", default = 2400, scale = "deg", },
{ id = "FloatSphereRadius", help = 'The camera eye "floats" between random points from the sphere surface',
editor = "number", default = 50, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "FloatInterpolationTime", help = "Time for moving camera between two points from the float sphere surface",
editor = "number", default = 1200, },
{ id = "FloatEasing", help = "Float interpolation uses this easing",
editor = "combo", default = 7, items = function (self) return const.EasingCombo end, },
{ id = "HidingMode", name = "Object Hiding Mode", help = "CMT is the system that hides tree tops, walls etc.",
editor = "combo", default = "NoCMT", items = function (self) return ActionCameraHidingModeCombo end, },
{ id = "btn_test",
editor = "buttons", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, buttons = { {name = "Test", func = "ExecTestActionCamera"}, }, },
{ category = "Stances", id = "Standing",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "NoRotate", name = "NoRotate",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Stances", id = "Crouch", name = "Crouched",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Stances", id = "Prone",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Stances", id = "CoverLow", name = "Low Cover",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Stances", id = "CoverHigh", name = "High Cover",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "SetPieceOnly", name = "Setpiece only", help = "Can only be used in setpieces, never chosen in gameplay",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "DOF Settings", id = "DOFStrengthNear", name = "Strength Near",
editor = "number", default = 0, slider = true, min = 0, max = 1000, },
{ category = "DOF Settings", id = "DOFStrengthFar", name = "Strength Far",
editor = "number", default = 0, slider = true, min = 0, max = 1000, },
{ category = "DOF Settings", id = "DOFNear", name = "Scaling Near Dist", help = "in promiles, 0 = camera, 1000 = attacker(dist to camera), 2000 = enemy(dist to camera + attacker dist)",
editor = "number", default = 800, slider = true, min = 0, max = 2500, },
{ category = "DOF Settings", id = "DOFFar", name = "Scaling Far Dist", help = "in promiles, 0 = camera, 1000 = attacker(dist to camera), 2000 = enemy(dist to camera+attacker dist)",
editor = "number", default = 2000, slider = true, min = 0, max = 2500, },
{ category = "DOF Settings", id = "DOFNearSpread", name = "Spread Near", help = "%",
editor = "number", default = 150, scale = 1000, slider = true, min = 0, max = 2000, },
{ category = "DOF Settings", id = "DOFFarSpread", name = "Spread Far", help = "%",
editor = "number", default = 150, scale = 1000, slider = true, min = 0, max = 2000, },
HasGroups = false,
EditorMenubarName = "Action Camera Editor",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/video",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
function ActionCameraDef:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
local props = {"DOFStrengthNear", "DOFStrengthFar", "DOFNear", "DOFFar"}
if table.find(props, prop_id) then
function ActionCameraDef:SetDOFParams(time, attacker, target, camera_pos)
attacker = attacker or MapGetFirst("map", "ActionCameraTestDummy_Player")
target = target or MapGetFirst("map", "ActionCameraTestDummy_Enemy")
if not attacker or not target then
CreateMessageBox(nil, T(634182240966, "Error"), T(626828916856, "ActionCameraTestDummy_Player or ActionCameraTestDummy_Target do not exist on the map"))
if not IsPoint(attacker) then
local headSpotIdx = attacker:GetSpotBeginIndex("Head")
attacker = headSpotIdx and headSpotIdx ~= -1 and attacker:GetSpotLoc(headSpotIdx) or attacker:GetVisualPos()
if not IsPoint(target) then
local headSpotIdx = target:GetSpotBeginIndex("Head")
target = headSpotIdx and headSpotIdx ~= -1 and target:GetSpotLoc(headSpotIdx) or target:GetVisualPos()
camera_pos = camera_pos or camera.GetPos()
hr.EnablePostProcDOF = 1
local function CalcGUIM_Distance(value_0_2000)
local attacker_distance = (attacker - camera_pos):Len()
local target_distance = (target - camera_pos):Len() + 1000
if value_0_2000 <= 1000 then
return MulDivRound(value_0_2000, attacker_distance, 1000)
local attacker_to_target = abs(target_distance - attacker_distance)
return attacker_distance + MulDivRound(value_0_2000 - 1000, attacker_to_target, 1000)
local near_distance = CalcGUIM_Distance(self.DOFNear)
local far_distance = CalcGUIM_Distance(self.DOFFar)
local defocus_near = MulDivRound(near_distance, self.DOFNearSpread, 1000)
local defocus_far = MulDivRound(far_distance, self.DOFFarSpread, 1000)
SetDOFParams(self.DOFStrengthNear, near_distance - defocus_near, near_distance,
self.DOFStrengthFar, far_distance, far_distance + defocus_far, 0)
DefineClass.AnimationStyle = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Animations", id = "Unit",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetAnimationStyleUnits() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "VariationGroup",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Conditions", id = "GameStates",
editor = "set", default = false, three_state = true, items = function (self) return GetGameStateFilter() end, },
{ category = "Conditions", id = "Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, max = 1000000, },
{ category = "Conditions", id = "CanPlay",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit)
return true
end, params = "self, unit", },
{ id = "EditorView",
editor = "text", default = T(951373618311, --[[PresetDef AnimationStyle default]] "<Name> <color 45 138 138>(Weight: <Weight>)"), no_edit = true, translate = true, },
{ category = "Preset", id = "Id",
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, },
{ category = "Preset", id = "Group",
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, },
GlobalMap = "AnimationStyles",
function AnimationStyle:GetRandomAnimId(id, unit)
local animations = self[id]
local count = animations and #animations or 0
local total_weight = count > 0 and animations[count].total_weight or 0
if total_weight == 0 then
local idx
if count > 1 then
local roll = unit:Random(total_weight)
idx = GetRandomItemByWeight(animations, roll, "total_weight")
return animations[idx or 1].Animation
function AnimationStyle:GetMainAnimId(id)
local best_weight, best_anim = 0
for _, anim in ipairs(self[id]) do
if anim.Weight > best_weight then
best_anim = anim.Animation
return best_anim
function AnimationStyle:GenerateTotalWeight(id)
local total_weight = 0
for _, data in ipairs(self[id]) do
if data.Animation then
total_weight = total_weight + data.Weight
data.total_weight = total_weight
function AnimationStyle:AnimationsCombo()
local entity = GetAnimationStyleUnitEntity(self.Unit)
if not entity then return end
local states = GetStates(entity)
for i = #states, 1, -1 do
local state = states[i]
if string.starts_with(state, "_") or IsErrorState(entity, GetStateIdx(state)) then
table.remove(states, i)
return states
function AnimationStyle:SetUnit(value)
self.Unit = value
function AnimationStyle:SetVariationGroup(value)
self.VariationGroup = value
function AnimationStyle:SetName(value)
self.Name = value
function AnimationStyle:GenerateUniqueStyleId()
if ~= "AmbientLifeMarker - WIP - DON'T USE" then
self:SetGroup(string.format("%s: %s", self.Unit, self.VariationGroup))
local name = string.format("%s: %s", self.Unit, self.Name) = self:GenerateUniquePresetId(name)
if ~= name then
self.Name = string.sub(, #self.Unit + 2)
----- AnimationStyle GetAnimationStyleCombo(set, class)
function GetAnimationStyleCombo(set, class)
local items = {}
local insert = table.insert_unique
for k, variations in ipairs(Presets.AnimationStyle) do
for i, style in ipairs(variations) do
if (not set or style.Unit == set) and (not class or style.class == class) then
insert(items, style.Name)
table.insert(items, 1, "")
return items
----- AnimationStyle GetAnimationStyle(unit, name)
function GetAnimationStyle(unit, name)
if name and name ~= "" then
local set = unit:GetAnimationStyleUnit()
local id = set and string.format("%s: %s", set, name)
return AnimationStyles[id]
----- AnimationStyle GetRandomAnimationStyle(unit, variation_group)
function GetRandomAnimationStyle(unit, variation_group)
local set = unit:GetAnimationStyleUnit()
local groupname = string.format("%s: %s", set, variation_group)
local list = Presets.AnimationStyle[groupname]
local total_weight = 0
for i, entry in ipairs(list) do
if entry:CanPlay(unit) and MatchGameState(entry.GameStates) then
total_weight = total_weight + entry.Weight
if total_weight == 0 then
local style = list[1]
if #list > 1 then
local roll = unit:Random(total_weight)
for i, entry in ipairs(list) do
if entry:CanPlay(unit) and MatchGameState(entry.GameStates) then
roll = roll - entry.Weight
if roll < 0 then
style = entry
return style
DefineClass.AnimationStyleAnim = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Animation",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self)
local obj = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "AnimationStyle")
if not obj then return end
return obj:AnimationsCombo()
end, },
{ id = "Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, max = 1000000, },
{ id = "total_weight", help = "Hidden value. It allows binary search to speed up random choice.",
editor = "number", default = false, no_edit = true, },
DefineClass.BanterDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Id",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "banterDebug", name = "Debug",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Why Is This Banter Not Playing?", func = "DebugSpecificBanter"}, }, },
{ id = "loggable", name = "Log", help = "Whether to log banter lines.",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "FilePerGroup", name = "FilePerGroup",
editor = "bool", default = false,
default = "BantersDef", },
{ id = "SingleFile", name = "SingleFile",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "isRadio", name = "Radio",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "Once", name = "OncePerCampaign",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "banterGroup", name = "Interrupt Association Id", help = "Banter's of the same interrupt id will interrupt each other. Banters interrupt actors playing other banters by default.",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "cooldown", name = "Cooldown", help = "Banter cooldown - if the banter is on cooldown it won't play",
editor = "number", default = false, },
{ id = "disabledInConflict", name = "Do not play during conflict", help = "Disable banter while in conflict. NotNow VR plays if no other is available.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "KillOnAnyActorAware", name = "Kill On Combat Start", help = "Kill if any actor becomes aware",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "FX", name = "FX",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return BanterFXCombo end, },
{ id = "conditions", name = "Conditions", help = "The banter is only playable if all conditions are met.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", },
{ id = "Lines",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "BanterLine", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "OnEditorSetProperty",
editor = "func", default = function (self)
if == "MercBanters" and not self.cooldown then
self.cooldown = 2629746000 -- One month default cooldown
end, no_edit = true, },
GlobalMap = "Banters",
GedEditor = "BanterEditor",
EditorMenubarName = "Banters",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/chat comment review text",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "3000",
Documentation = "Creates a new banter preset that is played between a defined set of actors. See the New Quest sample mod in the Sample Mods section for an example on how to build a banter.",
DefineModItemPreset("BanterDef", { EditorName = "Banter", EditorSubmenu = "Campaign & Maps" })
function BanterDef:OnPreSave()
for i, l in ipairs(self.Lines) do
if l.MultipleTexts and l.Text and l.Text ~= "" then
l.Text = false
if l.MultipleTexts and l.Character then
l.Character = "any"
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopCategory = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "UrlSuffix",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "GetSubCategories",
editor = "func", default = function (self) end, },
{ id = "BelongsInCategory",
editor = "func", default = function (self, item)
return item:GetCategory() == self
end, params = "self, item", },
HasSortKey = true,
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopDeliveryDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "MinTime", help = "in days",
editor = "number", default = false, },
{ id = "MaxTime", help = "in days",
editor = "number", default = false, },
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "TimeDescription",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Price",
editor = "number", default = false, },
HasGroups = false,
HasSortKey = true,
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopSubCategory = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Category",
editor = "combo", default = "Other", template = true, items = function (self) return PresetArray("BobbyRayShopCategory") end, },
{ id = "BelongsInSubCategory",
editor = "func", default = function (self, item)
return item:GetSubCategory() == self
end, params = "self, item", },
HasSortKey = true,
DefineClass.Caliber = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "ImpactForce", help = "impact force modifier",
editor = "number", default = 0, },
Documentation = "Defines a new caliber type that an inventory item of type Ammo could use.",
DefineModItemPreset("Caliber", { EditorName = "Caliber mod", EditorSubmenu = "Item" })
DefineClass.CampaignPreset = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Satellite Settings", id = "sectors_offset", name = "Sectors offset",
editor = "point", default = point(0, 0, 0), },
{ category = "Satellite Settings", id = "sector_size", name = "Sector size",
editor = "point", default = point(356, 356), read_only = true, },
{ category = "Satellite Settings", id = "map_size", name = "Map size",
editor = "point", default = point(0, 0), },
{ category = "Preset", id = "DisplayName", name = "Display name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ category = "Satellite Settings", id = "map_file", name = "Map image",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
{ category = "Satellite Settings", id = "underground_file", name = "Underground map image",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
{ category = "Satellite Settings", id = "decorations", name = "Custom images on map",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "SatelliteViewDecorationDef", },
{ category = "Preset", id = "Description", name = "Description",
editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "InheritSectorsFrom", name = "Inherit sectors from",
editor = "choice", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return self.save_in == "" or IsKindOf(self, "ModItem") end, no_validate = true, items = function (self)
-- can inherit the sectors from any CampaignPreset with the save id in the base game, or another DLC
local ret = { { text = "", value = false } }
ForEachPresetExtended("CampaignPreset", function(preset)
if == and preset.save_in ~= self.save_in then
table.insert(ret, { text = preset.save_in ~= "" and preset.save_in or "<base game>", value = preset.save_in })
return ret
end, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "sector_topleft", name = "Top-left sector",
editor = "text", default = "A1", read_only = function(self) return next(self.Sectors or empty_table) and not self.editing_size end, validate = function(self, value) return ValidateSectorId(value) end, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "sector_bottomright", name = "Bottom-right sector",
editor = "text", default = "A1", read_only = function(self) return next(self.Sectors or empty_table) and not self.editing_size end, validate = function(self, value) return ValidateSectorId(value) end, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "size_btns",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Edit range of defined sectors", func = "EditSize", is_hidden = function(self) return self.editing_size end }, {name = "Confirm new size", func = "UpdateSize", is_hidden = function(self) return not self.editing_size end }, }, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "SectorRange", name = "Sector range", help = "Total range of sectors",
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "sector_columns", name = "Sector columns",
editor = "number", default = 1, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "sector_rowsstart", name = "Sector rows start",
editor = "number", default = 1, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "sector_rows", name = "Sector rows end",
editor = "number", default = 1, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "InitialSector", name = "Initial sector", help = "The sector in which the campaign starts",
editor = "text", default = "A1", validate = function(self, value) local err = ValidateSectorId(value)
if err then return err end
local x, y = sector_unpack(value)
if x < self.sector_rowsstart or x > self.sector_rows or y < 1 or y > self.sector_columns then
return "The starting sector is not withing the map boundaries."
end end, },
{ category = "Map Size & Sectors", id = "map_editor_btn",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Edit sectors for current Game's campaign", func = "OpenGedSatelliteSectorEditor", is_hidden = function(self) return not Game or not next(gv_Sectors) end }, }, },
{ id = "Cities",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "CampaignCity", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "Sectors",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = true, no_validate = true, base_class = "SatelliteSector", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "EffectsOnStart", name = "Effects on campaign start", help = "Effects that are executed when the campaign is started.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "Initialize", help = "Called once when the campaign starts for the first time.",
editor = "func", default = function (self)
end, },
{ id = "FirstRunInterface", help = "Called after initialize, setups the initial interface.",
editor = "func", default = function (self, interfaceType)
--used for debugging
if interfaceType == "QuickStart" then
TutorialHintsState.LandingPageShown = true
Game.CampaignTime = Game.CampaignTimeStart + const.Satellite.MercArrivalTime / 2
SetCampaignSpeed(0, "UI")
g_PDALoadingFlavor = false
if not gv_SatelliteView then OpenSatelliteView(nil, "openLandingPage") end
g_PDALoadingFlavor = true
end, params = "self, interfaceType", },
{ id = "starting_year", name = "Starting date, year",
editor = "number", default = 2001, },
{ id = "starting_month", name = "Starting date, month, 1-12",
editor = "number", default = 4, },
{ id = "starting_day", name = "Starting date, day, 1-31",
editor = "number", default = 1, },
{ id = "starting_hour", name = "Starting date, hour, 0-23", help = "Enter local time and it will be converted to GMT; if you want the campaign to start at 06:00 and you're in GMT+02 (Sofia winter), enter 8",
editor = "number", default = 8, },
{ id = "starting_timestamp", name = "Starting time",
editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true, },
{ id = "DisclaimerOnStart", name = "Disclaimer on start",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 2, },
GlobalMap = "CampaignPresets",
EditorMenubarName = "Campaign",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/chart map paper sheet travel.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
editing_size = false,
EnableReloading = false,
Documentation = "Creates a new campaign which you can associate with new sectors, quests, conversations, banters and many more features.",
DocumentationLink = "Docs/ModTools/",
function CampaignPreset:EditSize(root, prop_id, ged)
self.editing_size = true
ged:Send("rfnApp", "FocusProperty", "SelectedObject", "sector_topleft")
function CampaignPreset:ValidateSize()
local x1, y1 = sector_unpack(self.sector_topleft)
local x2, y2 = sector_unpack(self.sector_bottomright)
if x2 < x1 or y2 < y1 then
self.sector_bottomright = self.sector_topleft
function CampaignPreset:UpdateSize()
function CampaignPreset:GetSectorRange()
local x1, y1 = self.sector_rowsstart, 1
local x2, y2 = self.sector_rows, self.sector_columns
return string.format("%s-%s", sector_pack(x1, y1), sector_pack(x2, y2))
function CampaignPreset:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
if ged and prop_id:starts_with("starting") then
self.starting_timestamp = os.time {
year = self.starting_year,
month = self.starting_month,
day = self.starting_day,
hour = self.starting_hour
if prop_id == "InheritSectorsFrom" then
function CampaignPreset:OnEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste)
if not is_paste then
self.starting_timestamp = os.time {
year = self.starting_year,
month = self.starting_month,
day = self.starting_day,
hour = self.starting_hour
function CampaignPreset:OnStartCampaign(...)
ExecuteEffectList(self.EffectsOnStart, self)
Game.CampaignStarted = true
function CampaignPreset:FindInheritSectorsPreset(current)
local parent
ForEachPresetExtended("CampaignPreset", function(preset)
if == and preset.save_in == current.InheritSectorsFrom then
parent = preset
return parent
function CampaignPreset:RoundOutSectors()
self.Sectors = self.Sectors or {}
-- calculate bounding box of all sectors into 'bbox'
local bbox = box(
point(sector_unpack(self.sector_bottomright)) + point(1, 1)
-- build inheritance list (of campaign presets, by order of inheritance)
local parents, current = { self }, self
local sector_by_id = {}
-- create id to sector map for each campaign preset
local sectors = {}
for _, sector in ipairs(current.Sectors) do
local x, y = sector_unpack(sector.Id)
bbox = Extend(bbox, point(x, y))
sectors[sector.Id] = sector
sector_by_id[current] = sectors
current = self:FindInheritSectorsPreset(current)
if current then
if table.find(parents, current) then break end -- prevent infinite loop in case of a cycle
table.insert(parents, current)
until not current
-- update size properties, according to the total bounding box
self.sector_rowsstart = bbox:minx()
self.sector_rows = bbox:maxx() - 1
self.sector_columns = bbox:maxy() - 1
-- perform sector inheritance
local function inherit_sector(sector_id)
for _, campaign_preset in ipairs(parents) do
local sector = sector_by_id[campaign_preset][sector_id]
if sector then
if campaign_preset ~= self then
sector = sector:Clone()
sector.inherited = true
table.insert(self.Sectors, sector)
UpdateParentTable(sector, self.Sectors)
return true
for y = 1, self.sector_columns do
for x = self.sector_rowsstart, self.sector_rows do
local sector_id = sector_pack(x, y)
if not inherit_sector(sector_id) then -- no sector at that point
local sector = GenerateEmptySector(sector_id)
table.insert(self.Sectors, sector)
UpdateParentTable(sector, self.Sectors)
inherit_sector(sector_id .. "_Underground")
table.sortby_field(self.Sectors, "Id")
function CampaignPreset:RemoveGeneratedSectors()
local sectors = self.Sectors or {}
for idx = #sectors, 1, -1 do
if sectors[idx].generated or sectors[idx].inherited then
table.remove(sectors, idx)
self.editing_size = nil
function CampaignPreset:PostLoad()
function CampaignPreset:OnPreSave()
function CampaignPreset:OnPostSave()
function CampaignPreset:GetWarning()
if self.InheritSectorsFrom and not self:FindInheritSectorsPreset(self) then
return "Unable to find DLC to inherit sectors from."
DefineClass.ChanceToHitModifier = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "RequireTarget", name = "Require Target",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "RequireActionType", name = "Require Action Type",
editor = "choice", default = "Any Attack", items = function (self) return CombatActionAttacksCombo end, },
{ id = "CalcValue",
editor = "func", default = function (self, attacker, target, body_part_def, action, weapon1, weapon2, lof, aim, opportunity_attack, attacker_pos, target_pos) end, params = "self, attacker, target, body_part_def, action, weapon1, weapon2, lof, aim, opportunity_attack, attacker_pos, target_pos", },
HasParameters = true,
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/bullseye focus goal target.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
DefineClass.CombatAction = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName", name = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "DisplayNameShort", name = "DisplayNameShort", help = "Shortened display name. Used for firing modes and such.",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Description", name = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 5, },
{ id = "basicAttack", name = "Basic Attack",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "CostBasedOnWeapon", name = "Cost based on weapon",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "ActionPoints",
editor = "number", default = 0,
no_edit = function(self) return self.CostBasedOnWeapon end, scale = "AP", },
{ id = "ActionPointDelta",
editor = "number", default = 0,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.CostBasedOnWeapon end, scale = "AP", },
{ id = "SimultaneousPlay", name = "Can play simultaneously with other units",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "LocalChoiceAction", name = "Can play in the co-op unit move", help = "Used for interactions that opens local dialog (looting). Such actions do not wait the other units order to finish first",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "DisableAimAnim", name = "No Aim Animation", help = "If checked the unit wont play aim animations",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "InterruptInExploration", name = "Interrupt Action in Exploration",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "IsTargetableAttack", name = "Is Targetable Attack", help = "Melee and AOE attacks marked with this will allow the user to choose a body part to attack. Single target attacks marked with this allow for aiming *and* choosing body parts (otherwise the crosshair will open, but the only option will be the default body part)",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "IsAimableAttack", name = "Is Aimable Attack", help = "Whether the attack can be aimed. Only works if the attack also triggers the crosshair (is a single attack or AOE attack set as Targetable)",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "StealthAttack", name = "Stealth Attack", help = "Whether the attack can be executed as a Stealth Attack. Stealth Attacks have a chance to kill non-Lieutenant enemies instantly and have increased Critical Chance against Lieutenants.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "MoveStep", name = "Move Before Targeting", help = "Whether the attack has an incorporated optional move step before targeting, allowing the player to try out different positions before attacking.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "UseFreeMove", name = "Use Free Move", help = "Whether the action uses AP provided by the Free Move status",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "AlwaysHits", name = "Always Hits", help = "Whether the attack always hits (skips CtH)",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "DontShowWith", name = "Dont Show With in Badge", help = 'Whether to show "With" text in interactables when multiple units are to perform this action.',
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "RequireState", name = "Require State", help = "What gamestate this action requires to be displayed to the player.",
editor = "choice", default = "combat", items = function (self) return { "any", "combat", "exploration" } end, },
{ id = "MultiSelectBehavior", name = "Multi-Select Behavior", help = "What happens when multiple units are selected in exploration mode and the action is executed.",
editor = "choice", default = "all", items = function (self) return { "all", "hidden", "nearest", "first" } end, },
{ id = "RequireTargets", name = "Require Targets", help = "If the action can only be used if a valid target is present.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "RequireWeapon", name = "Require Weapon", help = "If the action requires a weapon to be displayed to the player.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "ActionCamera",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "InteractionLoadingBar",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/Icons/Hud/", },
{ id = "IconFiringMode",
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/Hud/fire_mode_button", },
{ id = "ShowIn",
editor = "choice", default = "CombatActions", items = function (self) return {false, "CombatActions", "Stances", "Special", "SignatureAbilities"} end, },
{ id = "ActionType", name = "Action Type",
editor = "choice", default = "Other", items = function (self) return {"Melee Attack", "Ranged Attack", "Other", "Passive", "Toggle"} end, },
{ id = "AimType", name = "Aim Type",
editor = "choice", default = "none", items = function (self) return {"none", "line", "cone", "mobile", "melee", "melee-charge", "parabola aoe", "line aoe", "allies-attack"} end, },
{ id = "ActivePauseBehavior",
editor = "choice", default = "unpause", items = function (self) return {"unpause", "queue", "instant"} end, },
{ id = "QueuedBadgeText",
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return self.ActivePauseBehavior ~= "queue" end, template = true, translate = true, },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "ConfigurableKeybind",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "ActionShortcut",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "ActionShortcutDev",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "KeybindingFromAction",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "FiringModeMember", name = "Member of Firing Mode",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CombatAction", preset_group = "FiringModeMetaAction", },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "ActionShortcut2",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "ActionGamepad",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Keybindings", id = "KeybindingSortId",
editor = "text", default = "2500", },
{ id = "GetUIState", help = 'Returns if the CombatAction is available for execution. Possible values: "enabled", "disabled", "hidden".',
editor = "func", default = function (self, units, args)
local unit = units[1]
local cost = self:GetAPCost(unit, args)
if cost < 0 then return "hidden" end
if not unit:UIHasAP(cost,, args) then
return "disabled", AttackDisableReasons.NoAP
return "enabled"
end, params = "self, units, args", },
{ id = "GetVisibility",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units, target)
if gv_Deployment then return "hidden" end
local real_action = self:ResolveAction(units)
if not real_action then return "hidden" end
self = real_action
--check game state
if self.RequireState == "combat" and not g_Combat then return "hidden" end
if self.RequireState == "exploration" and g_Combat then return "hidden" end
if #units > 1 and self.MultiSelectBehavior == "hidden" then return "hidden" end
--check weapon
if not units[1] or self.RequireWeapon and not self:GetAttackWeapons(units[1]) then
return "hidden"
-- check availability first so that we don't end up disabled when GetUIState says hidden
local state, reason = self:GetUIState(units, { target = target })
if state == "enabled" or (state ~= "hidden" and not reason) then
--check targets
if self.RequireTargets and (not IsValid(target) and not IsPoint(target)) and not self:GetAnyTarget(units) then
return "disabled", AttackDisableReasons.NoTarget
--check availability
--return self:GetUIState(units, { target = target })
return state, reason
end, no_edit = true, params = "self, units, target", },
{ id = "GetTargets", help = "Generates an array of possible targets.",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units)
return CombatActionGetAttackableEnemies(self, units and units[1])
end, params = "self, units", },
{ id = "GetAnyTarget",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units)
return CombatActionGetOneAttackableEnemy(self, units and units[1])
end, params = "self, units", },
{ id = "EvalTarget", help = "Highest evaluated target will be chosen automatically (on actions that use it).",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units, target, args)
--return units[1]:CalcChanceToHit(target, self, args, "chance_only")
if not units or not units[1] then return 0 end
local unitList = g_unitOrder[units[1]]
if not unitList then return 0 end
local orderIdx = unitList[target]
if orderIdx then return -orderIdx end
return 0
end, params = "self, units, target, args", },
{ id = "GetDefaultTarget", help = "Gets the default target for this action",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit)
local best_eval, best_target
local units = {unit}
local targets = self:GetTargets(units)
local distance_to_best = 0
for _, target in ipairs(targets or empty_table) do
local eval = self:EvalTarget(units, target)
if not best_eval or eval > best_eval then
distance_to_best = IsKindOf(target, "Unit") and unit:GetDist(target:GetPos()) or 0
best_target, best_eval = target, eval
elseif eval == best_eval then
local distance_to_this = IsKindOf(target, "Unit") and unit:GetDist(target:GetPos()) or 0
if distance_to_this < distance_to_best then
distance_to_best = distance_to_this
best_target = target
return best_target, best_eval
end, params = "self, unit", },
{ id = "UIBegin", help = "Called when this action is selected from the UI; intended use is to switch to a custom targeting mode\n\nOptionally can provide a target.",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units, args)
MultiTargetExecute(self.MultiSelectBehavior, units, function (unit)
self:Execute({unit}, args)
end, args and
end, params = "self, units, args", },
{ id = "Execute", help = "Order an action. Run will be called in the first possible moment.",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units, args)
local unit = units[1]
local ap = self:GetAPCost(unit, args)
NetStartCombatAction(, unit, ap, args)
end, params = "self, units, args", },
{ id = "Run", help = "Performs the ordered action in Execute",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, ap, ...)
assert(not "Run should be predefined'")
end, params = "self, unit, ap, ...", },
{ id = "GetAPCost",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, args)
if self.CostBasedOnWeapon then
local weapon = self:GetAttackWeapons(unit, args)
return weapon and unit:GetAttackAPCost(self, weapon, nil, args and args.aim or 0, self.ActionPointDelta) or -1
return self.ActionPoints
end, params = "self, unit, args", },
{ id = "GetMinAimRange",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, weapon)
return false
end, params = "self, unit, weapon", },
{ id = "GetActionResults",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, args)
return {}
end, params = "self, unit, args", },
{ id = "GetActionDamage", help = "Currently only used for display purposes, but that could change.",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, target, args)
return 0
end, params = "self, unit, target, args", },
{ id = "GetMaxAimRange",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, weapon)
return false
end, params = "self, unit, weapon", },
{ id = "GetAttackWeapons",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, args)
return args and args.weapon or unit:GetActiveWeapons()
end, params = "self, unit, args", },
{ id = "GetActionDescription",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units)
local description = self.Description
if (description or "") == "" then
description = self:GetActionDisplayName()
return description
end, params = "self, units", },
{ id = "GetActionDisplayName",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units)
local name = self.DisplayName
if (name or "") == "" then
name = Untranslated(
return name
end, params = "self, units", },
{ id = "GetActionIcon",
editor = "func", default = function (self, units)
return self.Icon
end, params = "self, units", },
{ id = "IdDefault",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "ResolveAction",
editor = "func", default = function (self, context)
return self
end, params = "self, context", },
{ id = "GetAimParams",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit, weapon)
if self.AimType == "cone" then
return weapon:GetAreaAttackParams(, unit)
elseif self.AimType == "mobile" then
local shots = self:ResolveValue("mobile_num_shots") or 1
local move_ap = self:ResolveValue("mobile_move_ap")
return { num_shots = shots, move_ap = move_ap * const.Scale.AP}
elseif self.AimType == "parabola aoe" or self.AimType == "line aoe" then
return weapon.AreaOfEffect
return 0
end, params = "self, unit, weapon", },
{ id = "IsToggledOn",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit)
return false
end, no_edit = function(self) return self.ActionType ~= "Toggle" end, params = "self, unit", },
HasSortKey = true,
HasParameters = true,
GlobalMap = "CombatActions",
EditorMenubarName = "Combat Actions",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/focus goal marketing target.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "-9",
function CombatAction:OnPreSave(by_user_request, ged)
self.IdDefault = .. "default"
Preset.OnPreSave(self, by_user_request, ged)
function CombatAction:GetError()
if not self.DisplayName then return "CombatActions must have a DisplayName" end
----- CombatAction
function CombatActionAttacksCombo()
local items = { "Any Attack", "Any Melee Attack", "Any Ranged Attack" }
ForEachPreset("CombatAction", function(item)
if item.ActionType ~= "Other" then
items[#items + 1] =
return items
function GetConfigurableKeybindCombatActions()
local ids = table.keys2(CombatActions)
return table.ifilter(ids, function(idx, id)
return CombatActions[id].ConfigurableKeybind or CombatActions[id].ActionShortcut
DefineClass.CombatStance = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "idle_anim", name = "Stance Anim",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "move_anim", name = "Movement Anim",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "Noise", help = "Range (in tiles) in which the unit alerts unaware enemies when moving in this stance",
editor = "number", default = 3, min = 0, max = 100, },
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/human male man people person.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
DefineClass.ConflictDescription = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "description", name = "Description", help = "Will fallback to default if missing.",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "title", name = "Title", help = "Will fallback to default if missing.",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
GlobalMap = "ConflictDescriptionDefs",
EditorMenubarName = "Satellite Conflict Descriptions",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/info large outline",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
DefineClass.ContainerNames = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
DefineClass.Conversation = {
__parents = { "Preset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Preset", id = "Id",
editor = "combo", default = false, validate = function(self, value) return ValidateIdentifier(self, value) end, items = function (self) return GetConversationCharactersCombo end, },
{ id = "DefaultActor", name = "Default actor", help = "The default non-player unit talking in this conversation.",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "UnitDataCompositeDef", },
{ id = "AssignToGroup", name = "Assign to group", help = "Assign the conversation to units from this group.",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, },
{ id = "DefaultActorPortraitOverride", name = "Override Default Actor Portrait",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
{ id = "Conditions", name = "Conditions", help = "Assign the conversation only if these are true.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "Enabled", help = "To disable conversation for test purposes.",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "disabledInConflict", name = "Do not play during conflict", help = "Disable conversation while in conflict. NotNow VR plays instead.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "StartOnMsg", name = "Start OnMsg", help = "Starts when any of these messages is invoked.",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = false, arbitrary_value = true, },
{ id = "IncludeInVoiceScripts", name = "Include in voice recording scripts",
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = function(self) return config.ModdingToolsInUserMode end, },
HasParameters = true,
SingleFile = false,
GlobalMap = "Conversations",
ContainerClass = "ConversationPhrase",
GedEditor = "ConversationEditor",
EditorMenubarName = "Conversations",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/baloon chat conversation texting.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "3010",
FilterClass = "ConversationEditorFilter",
SubItemFilterClass = "ConversationEditorPhraseFilter",
EditorCustomActions = {
Name = "Test",
FuncName = "TestConversation",
Icon = "CommonAssets/UI/Ged/play",
Menubar = "Test",
Name = "Test conversation",
Shortcut = "Ctrl-T",
Toolbar = "main",
EditorView = Untranslated("<id><color 0 128 0><opt(u(Comment),' ','')><color 128 128 128><opt(u(save_in),' - ','')>"),
Documentation = "Allows adding a new conversation triggered by an actor or a group of actors. See the New Quest sample mod in the Sample Mods section for an example on how to build a conversation.",
DocumentationLink = "Docs/ModTools/",
function Conversation:OnEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste, duplicate_id)
if is_paste then
if duplicate_id then
for _, condition in ipairs(self.Conditions or empty_table) do
if rawget(condition, "Conversation")==duplicate_id then
condition.Conversation = self.Id
self:ForEachSubObject("ConversationPhrase", function(obj, parents)
for _, condition in ipairs(obj.Conditions or empty_table) do
if rawget(condition, "Conversation")==duplicate_id then
condition.Conversation =
for _, effect in ipairs(obj.Effects or empty_table) do
if rawget(effect, "Conversation")==duplicate_id then
effect.Conversation =
self[1] = ConversationPhrase:new { id = "Greeting", Keyword = "Greeting", KeywordT = T(774381032385, "Greeting") }
self[2] = ConversationPhrase:new { id = "Goodbye", Keyword = "Goodbye", KeywordT = T(557225474228, "Goodbye") }
function Conversation:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
if prop_id == "DefaultActor" then
self:ForEachSubObject("ConversationLine", function(obj, parents)
if obj.Character == old_value or obj.Character == then
obj.Character = self.DefaultActor
if prop_id == "Id" then
local msg = "This will update the references to this conversation from within itself,\nbut external references will NOT be updated!"
if ged:WaitQuestion("Rename", msg, "Yes", "No") ~= "ok" then
for _, prop in ipairs(obj:GetProperties()) do
if prop.editor == "preset_id" and prop.preset_class == "Conversation" and
obj:GetProperty( == old_value
function Conversation:OnPreSave(user_requested)
self:ForEachSubObject("ConversationLine", function(obj, parents)
if self.DefaultActor and (obj.Character == "<default>" or obj.Character == then
obj.Character = self.DefaultActor
function Conversation:GetError()
if not self.DefaultActor then
return "Please specify the default actor."
local has_end_phrase
self:ForEachSubObject("ConversationPhrase", function(phrase)
if phrase.GoTo == "<end conversation>" then
has_end_phrase = true
if not has_end_phrase then
return "Conversation doesn't have any phrase with <end conversation> GoTo property."
function Conversation:GetWarning()
--using default portrait for goldmaster is only a warning (mods)
if not config.ModdingToolsInUserMode then return end
return self:UsingDefaultBigPortrait()
function Conversation:UsingDefaultBigPortrait()
local defaults = {}
self:ForEachSubObject("ConversationLine", function(obj, parents, key, defaults)
local unit_def = UnitDataDefs[obj.Character]
if obj.Character and unit_def and
unit_def:IsDefaultPropertyValue("BigPortrait", unit_def:GetPropertyMetadata("BigPortrait"), unit_def:GetProperty("BigPortrait")) then
table.insert_unique(defaults, obj.Character)
end, defaults)
if next(defaults) then
return "Using default BigPortrait property for: " .. table.concat(defaults, ",")
function Conversation:GetSaveData(file_path, presets, ...)
for idx, preset in ipairs(presets) do
self:CreatePresetDiffFile(preset, string.gsub(file_path, ".lua", ".diff.txt"))
return Preset.GetSaveData(self, file_path, presets, ...)
function Conversation:CreatePresetDiffFile(preset, diff_path)
local diffText = { }
for _, conv in ipairs(preset) do
diffText[#diffText + 1] = conv:GetReadableText(0)
SaveSVNFile(diff_path, table.concat(diffText, "\n"))
DefineClass.ConversationInterjection = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Lines",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ConversationLine", },
{ id = "Conditions", help = "All conditions must be true for the phrase to be available.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", },
{ id = "Effects", help = "Effects that are executed after the phrase is displayed.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", },
{ id = "AlwaysInterject", help = "Allows the interjection to be played again, even if the player has already heard it.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
StoreAsTable = true,
function ConversationInterjection:GetEditorView()
local actors = {}
for _, line in ipairs(self.Lines or empty_table) do
if line.Character ~= "<default>" then
table.insert_unique(actors, line.Character)
return "<color 160 64 160>" .. table.concat(actors, " & ") .. "</color>"
function ConversationInterjection:GetReadableText(indentation_level)
local diffText = { }
for _,line in ipairs(self.Lines) do
diffText[#diffText + 1] = line:GetReadableText(indentation_level + 1)
return table.concat(diffText, "\n")
DefineClass.ConversationInterjectionList = {
__parents = { "ConversationLineBase", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "MaxPlayed", name = "Max played",
editor = "number", default = 1, },
{ id = "Interjections",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ConversationInterjection", inclusive = true, auto_expand = true, },
StoreAsTable = true,
EditorView = Untranslated(""),
function ConversationInterjectionList:GetEditorView()
local list = { "Interjections" }
if self.MaxPlayed > 1 then
list[#list + 1] = string.format("(max %d)", self.MaxPlayed)
for _, item in ipairs(self.Interjections or empty_table) do
list[#list + 1] = "["..item:GetEditorView().."]"
return table.concat(list, " ")
function ConversationInterjectionList:OnAfterEditorNew(root, ged, is_paste)
if not is_paste then
self.Interjections = { ConversationInterjection:new() }
function ConversationInterjectionList:GetReadableText(indentation_level)
local diffText = { }
for _,i in ipairs(self.Interjections) do
diffText[#diffText + 1] = i:GetReadableText(indentation_level)
return table.concat(diffText, "\n")
DefineClass.ConversationKeyword = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
GlobalMap = "ConversationKeywords",
GedEditor = "",
DefineClass.ConversationLine = {
__parents = { "ConversationLineBase", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Character", help = "The character that says this line.",
editor = "choice", default = "<default>", items = function (self) return GetConversationCharactersCombo end, },
{ id = "Annotation", help = 'Extra context for voice actors, e.g. "angry", "sad", etc.',
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsPropCombo("Conversation", "Annotation", "", "recursive") end, },
{ id = "SoundBefore", name = "Sound before", help = "Play sound before line and line voice over",
editor = "browse", default = false, folder = "Sounds/ConversationEffects/", },
{ id = "SoundAfter", name = "Sound after", help = "Play sound after line and line voice over",
editor = "browse", default = false, folder = "Sounds/ConversationEffects/", },
{ id = "SoundType", name = "Sound Type",
editor = "preset_id", default = "ConversationsSFX", preset_class = "SoundTypePreset", preset_group = "VoiceoverConversations", },
{ id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false,
context = ConversationLineContext("Character", "Annotation"), translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 7, },
{ id = "AlwaysInterject", help = "Allows the interjection to be played again, even if the player has already heard it.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
StoreAsTable = true,
EditorView = Untranslated("<if(not_eq(Character,'<default>'))><Character>:</if> \"<Text>\""),
function ConversationLine:GetReadableText(indentation_level)
return self.Text and string.format("%s%s: %s", string.rep("\t", indentation_level), self.Character, TDevModeGetEnglishText(self.Text, nil, false)) or ""
DefineClass.ConversationLineBase = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
DefineClass.ConversationPhrase = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", "Container", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ category = "General", id = "id", name = "Id",
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, buttons = { {name = "Copy Id", func = "CopyFullIdToClipboard"}, {name = "Change", func = "ChangeId"}, }, },
{ category = "General", id = "Keyword",
editor = "combo", default = "", buttons = { {name = "Add to combo", func = "AddKeywordToCombo"}, }, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("ConversationKeyword") end, },
{ category = "General", id = "KeywordT",
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, translate = true, },
{ category = "General", id = "Tag", help = "Tags are used to automatically aggregate several keywords in a sub-menu (named after the Tag) if there are too many keywords. Keywords with tags are by default aligned left.",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return PresetsPropCombo("Conversation", "Tag", "", "recursive") end, },
{ category = "General", id = "TagT",
editor = "text", default = false, no_edit = true, translate = true, },
{ category = "General", id = "Align",
editor = "choice", default = "left", items = function (self) return { "left", "right" } end, },
{ category = "General", id = "StoryBranchIcon",
editor = "preset_id", default = "conversation_chat", preset_class = "ConversationStoryBranchIcons", },
{ category = "General", id = "Comment",
editor = "text", default = false, lines = 1, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "Enabled", help = "Is this keyword initially enabled.",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "AutoRemove", name = "Auto remove", help = "Is this phrase auto-removed once it is displayed to the player.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "VariantPhrase", name = "Variant phrase", help = "A random phrase from the active variant phrases is picked. Variant phrases have lower priority than non-variant phrases that have not yet been seen, so they can be activated only after all the non-variant phrases have been seen by the player.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "ShowDisabled", name = "Show disabled", help = "Displays the phrase dimmed if the conditions are not met, and there are no other enabled phrases with the same Keyword.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "ShowPhraseRollover", name = "Show Phrase Rollover", help = "Shows phrase rollover - autogenerated or overwritten if available. If false is set no rollover is displaed even if there is atogenerated.",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "PhraseRolloverText", name = "Phrase rollover text", help = "Show that text when rollover the phrase. That text will override the automatically generated one from conditions.",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 2, max_lines = 4, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "PhraseRolloverTextAuto", name = "Phrase rollover text autogenerated", help = "Show that text when the phrase is rollovered. That text is auto-generated from conditions via GetUIText.",
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, lines = 2, max_lines = 4, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "PhraseConditionRolloverText", name = "Current phrase rollover text for executed phrase", help = "Show that text when the phrase is displayed. That text will override the automatically generated one from conditions.",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 2, max_lines = 4, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "PhraseConditionRolloverTextAuto", name = "Current Phrase Rollover Text Autogenerated", help = "Show that text when the phrase is displayed. That text is auto-generated from conditions via GetConditionPhraseTopRolloverText.",
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, lines = 2, max_lines = 4, },
{ category = "Activation", id = "Conditions", help = "All conditions must be true for the phrase to be available.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", },
{ category = "Activation", id = "NoBackOption", name = "No Back option", help = "Do not add a 'Back' option to the list of child phrases.",
editor = "bool", default = false,
no_edit = function(obj) return #obj == 0 end, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "Lines", help = "The list of conversation lines to display when this phrase is activated.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ConversationLineBase", },
{ category = "Execution", id = "Effects", help = "Effects that are executed after the phrase is displayed.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", },
{ category = "Execution", id = "CompleteQuests", name = "Complete quests", help = "Sets quests status to 'completed'",
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "QuestsDef", item_default = "", },
{ category = "Execution", id = "GiveQuests", name = "Give quests", help = "Sets quests status to 'given'",
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "QuestsDef", item_default = "", },
{ category = "Execution", id = "GoTo", name = "Go to", help = "Next phrase tree to jump to after this one - by default stay in the same tree.",
editor = "choice", default = "", items = function (self) return GetPhraseIdsCombo(GetParentTableOfKindNoCheck(self, "Conversation"), "skip_greetings", { "", "<back>", "<root>", "<end conversation>" }) end, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "PlayGoToPhrase", name = 'Play "Go to" phrase', help = 'If set, plays all lines from the phrase jumped to with the "Go to" property and executes its Effects.',
editor = "bool", default = false, },
StoreAsTable = true,
ComboFormat = Untranslated("<Keyword>"),
ContainerClass = "ConversationPhrase",
EditorName = "Phrase",
function ConversationPhrase:GetFullId(root)
return ComposePhraseId(root:FindSubObjectParentList(self), self, 2)
function ConversationPhrase:CopyFullIdToClipboard(root, prop_id, ged)
local full_id = self:GetFullId(root)
ged:ShowMessage("Phrase ID Copied to Clipboard", full_id)
function ConversationPhrase:ChangeId(root, prop_id, ged)
local old_id =
local new_id = ged:WaitUserInput("Enter new Id",
if not new_id then return end
-- this phrase and all children phrases have their ids changed
local id_changes = {} -- old_id => new_id
self:ForEachSubObject("ConversationPhrase", function(phrase)
local old_full_id = phrase:GetFullId(root) = new_id
id_changes[old_full_id] = phrase:GetFullId(root) = old_id
end) = new_id
-- enumerate all references, updating matching ids
local count = 0
ForEachPhraseReferenceInPresets(root, function(parents, obj, phrase_id_prop)
local new_id = id_changes[obj[phrase_id_prop]]
if new_id then
obj[phrase_id_prop] = new_id
count = count + 1
ged:ShowMessage("Information", string.format("A total of %d references to this phrase (or children phrases) were updated to use the new ids.", count))
function ConversationPhrase:AddKeywordToCombo()
if self.Keyword ~= "" and not table.find(Presets.ConversationKeyword.Default, "id", self.Keyword) then
local keyword = ConversationKeyword:new()
function ConversationPhrase:GetEditorView()
local texts = {}
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated("<color 100 100 200><if(Enabled)>+</if><def(Keyword,'[new phrase]')></color>")
local condition = self.Conditions and self.Conditions[1]
local txt = condition and _InternalTranslate(condition:GetEditorView(), condition) or ""
if txt and txt~="" then
txt = utf8.len(txt) <= 30 and txt or (utf8.sub(txt, 1, 30) .. "...")
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated(" <color 150 150 100>["..txt.."]</color> ")
local txt
local interjections, line_interjections = {}, {}
local default_actor = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "Conversation").DefaultActor
for _, line in ipairs(self.Lines) do
if line:IsKindOf("ConversationLine") then
txt = txt or line and line.Text
if line.Character ~= "<default>" and line.Character ~= default_actor then
table.insert(line_interjections, string.format("[%s]", line.Character))
elseif line:IsKindOf("ConversationInterjectionList") then
table.insert(interjections, "\t\t" .. line:GetEditorView())
if next(line_interjections) then
table.insert(interjections, 1, "\t\tLine interjections: " .. table.concat(line_interjections, " ") )
if txt and txt ~= "" then
txt = TDevModeGetEnglishText(txt)
txt = utf8.len(txt) <= 50 and txt or (utf8.sub(txt, 1, 50) .. "...")
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated(" "..string.format("<literal %s>%s", #txt, txt).." ")
local comment = self.Comment
if #(comment or "") > 0 then
comment = comment:match("^([^\n]*)")
comment = utf8.len(comment) <= 20 and comment or (utf8.sub(comment, 1, 20) .. "...")
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated("<color 0 128 0>-- ".. comment .."</color>")
local phrase_text = table.concat(texts, "")
if self.Effects or self.Conditions or next(interjections) then
local text_lines = {phrase_text}
if next(interjections) then
text_lines[#text_lines+1] = Untranslated("<color 160 64 160>" .. table.concat(interjections, "\n") .. "</color>")
GetEditorConditionsAndEffectsText(text_lines, self)
GetEditorStringListPropText(text_lines, self, "CompleteQuests")
GetEditorStringListPropText(text_lines, self, "GiveQuests")
phrase_text = table.concat(text_lines, "\n")
if self.GoTo ~= "" and self.Keyword ~= "Goodbye" then
local command = self.GoTo:starts_with("<end") and "" or "Go to "
phrase_text = phrase_text .. Untranslated(string.format("\n\t\t<color 191 124 28>%s%s</color>", command, self.GoTo))
return phrase_text
function ConversationPhrase:GenerateId(conversation)
local id = self.Keyword:gsub("[^%w_+-]", "")
local parent_list = conversation:FindSubObjectParentList(self)
local parent = parent_list[#parent_list]
local orig_id, idx = id, 1
while table.find(parent, "id", id) or id == "" do
idx = idx + 1
id = orig_id .. tostring(idx)
end = id
function ConversationPhrase:OnAfterEditorNew(root, ged, is_paste)
if is_paste then
self.KeywordT = g_ConversationTs[self.Keyword] or T(RandomLocId(), self.Keyword)
self.Lines = { ConversationLine:new() }
function ConversationPhrase:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
local conversation = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "Conversation")
if prop_id == "Keyword" and self.Keyword ~= "" then
if not then
self.KeywordT = g_ConversationTs[self.Keyword] or T(RandomLocId(), self.Keyword)
elseif prop_id == "Tag" then
self.Align = self.Tag == "" and "right" or "left"
self.TagT = self.Tag == "" and "" or g_ConversationTs[self.Tag] or T(RandomLocId(), self.Tag)
function ConversationPhrase:GetError()
if self.VariantPhrase and self.ShowDisabled then
return "Variant phrases can't have the 'Show disabled' property"
function ConversationPhrase:GetPhraseRolloverTextAuto(game)
local rollover_texts = {}
for _, cond in ipairs(self.Conditions or empty_table) do
local text = cond:HasMember("GetUIText") and not cond:GetError() and cond:GetUIText(self, false, game)
if text and text~="" then
table.insert(rollover_texts, 1, text)
for _, eff in ipairs(self.Effects or empty_table) do
local text = eff:HasMember("GetUIText") and not eff:GetError() and eff:GetUIText(self, false, game)
if text and text~="" then
table.insert(rollover_texts, 1, text)
if next(rollover_texts) then
if game then
return table.concat(rollover_texts, "\n")
return _InternalTranslate(table.concat(rollover_texts, "\n"))
return ""
function ConversationPhrase:GetPhraseConditionRolloverTextAuto(game)
local rollover_texts = {}
for _, cond in ipairs(self.Conditions or empty_table) do
local text = cond:HasMember("GetPhraseTopRolloverText") and not cond:GetError() and cond:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(self, false, game)
if text and text~="" then
table.insert(rollover_texts, 1, text)
for _, eff in ipairs(self.Effects or empty_table) do
local text = eff:HasMember("GetPhraseTopRolloverText") and not eff:GetError() and eff:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(self, false, game)
if text and text~="" then
table.insert(rollover_texts, 1, text)
if next(rollover_texts) then
if game then
return table.concat(rollover_texts, "\n")
return _InternalTranslate(table.concat(rollover_texts, "\n"))
return ""
function ConversationPhrase:__fromluacode(table, arr)
local obj = PropertyObject.__fromluacode(self, table, arr)
if g_ConversationTs[obj.Keyword] then obj.KeywordT = g_ConversationTs[obj.Keyword] end
if g_ConversationTs[obj.Tag] then obj.TagT = g_ConversationTs[obj.Tag] end
if obj.Keyword ~= "" then g_ConversationTs[obj.Keyword] = obj.KeywordT end
if obj.Tag ~= "" then g_ConversationTs[obj.Tag] = obj.TagT end
return obj
function ConversationPhrase:GetReadableText(indentation_level)
local diffText = { }
diffText[#diffText + 1] = string.format("%s[Keyword: %s]", string.rep("\t", indentation_level), TDevModeGetEnglishText(self.KeywordT))
if self.Lines then
for _,line in ipairs(self.Lines) do
diffText[#diffText + 1] = line:GetReadableText(indentation_level + 1)
for _,phrase in ipairs(self) do
diffText[#diffText + 1] = phrase:GetReadableText(indentation_level + 1)
return table.concat(diffText, "\n")
----- ConversationPhrase a global allowing T ID reuse; see OnAfterEditorNew
if FirstLoad then
g_ConversationTs = {}
DefineClass.ConversationStoryBranchIcons = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Preset", id = "icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, image_preview_size = 20, },
GlobalMap = "StoryBranchIcons",
DefineClass.CraftOperationId = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
GlobalMap = "CraftOperationIds",
GedEditor = "",
DefineClass.CraftOperationsRecipeDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "CraftOperationId", help = "which craft operation displays that recipe",
editor = "combo", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Add to combo", func = "AddCraftOperationIdToCombo"}, }, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("CraftOperationId") end, show_recent_items = 5,},
{ id = "Ingredients", name = "Ingredients",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "RecipeIngredient", },
{ id = "ResultItem", name = "Result Item",
editor = "nested_obj", default = false, base_class = "RecipeIngredient", },
{ id = "CraftTime", name = "Craft Time", help = "The time in hours needed to craft the item from a crafter with skill 50",
editor = "number", default = false, slider = true, min = 0, max = 360000, },
{ category = "Conditions", id = "RequiredCrafter", name = "RequiredCrafter", help = "Required Crafter",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "UnitDataCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
return IsMerc(gv_UnitData[])
{ category = "Conditions", id = "QuestConditions",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "QuestConditionBase", },
{ category = "General", id = "btnAddItem",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Add Ingredients To Current Unit", func = "UIPlaceIngredientsInInventory"}, }, template = true, },
HasSortKey = true,
HasParameters = true,
GlobalMap = "CraftOperationsRecipes",
EditorMenubarName = "Craft Operations Recipes Editor",
EditorShortcut = "",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/auction court hammer judge justice law.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4061",
Documentation = "Creates a new Crafting Operation Recipe that is accessed through the sector operations menu.",
DefineModItemPreset("CraftOperationsRecipeDef", { EditorName = "Crafting operation recipe", EditorSubmenu = "Satellite" })
function CraftOperationsRecipeDef:AddCraftOperationIdToCombo()
if self.CraftOperationId ~= "" and not table.find(CraftOperationIds, "id", self.CraftOperationId) then
local id = CraftOperationId:new()
DefineClass.EliteEnemyName = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "name", name = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
GlobalMap = "EliteEnemyNames",
DefineClass.Email = {
__parents = { "MsgReactionsPreset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Email", id = "title", name = "Title",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ category = "Email", id = "sender", name = "Sender",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ category = "Email", id = "body", name = "Body",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 4, max_lines = 20, },
{ category = "Email", id = "label", name = "Label",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("EmailLabel", "Default") end, },
{ category = "Email", id = "attachments", name = "Attachments",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "EmailAttachment", },
{ category = "Reactions", id = "sendConditions", name = "Send Conditions", help = "If these conditions exist they will be evaluated periodically for one time emails.",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", },
{ category = "Reactions", id = "repeatable", name = "Repeatable",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Reactions", id = "delayAfterCombat", name = "Delay After Combat", help = "When an email should be send during combat. It is instead send after the combat ends.",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
GlobalMap = "Emails",
EditorMenubarName = "Emails",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/email envelope mail message.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4000",
Documentation = "Allows creating new emails received in the Email tab.",
DefineClass.EmailLabel = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "name", name = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "hiddenWhenEmpty", name = "Hidden when empty", help = "Hides the label if there are no received emails marked with it",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
GlobalMap = "EmailLabels",
DefineClass.EmploymentHistoryLine = {
__parents = { "MsgReactionsPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Preset", id = "help", help = "Caution:\n1. Renaming Ids or deleting presets will invalidate the related history logs from older saves.\n2. Do NOT add Translations to the save(inside AddEmploymentHistoryLog) or else when switching langauages those words/phrases won't be translated.\n\t Instead add ids and other indicative vars to the context and then use them in the GetText function.",
editor = "help", default = false, },
{ id = "text", name = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "GetText", name = "GetText",
editor = "func", default = function (self, context)
return T{self.text, context}
end, params = "self, context", },
GlobalMap = "EmploymentHistoryLines",
EditorMenubarName = "Employment History Line",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "5010",
DefineClass.EnemyRole = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName", name = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Icon", name = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
{ id = "BadgeIcon", name = "BadgeIcon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
DefineClass.EnemySquads = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "displayName", name = "Squad Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "SquadPowerRange", name = "Squad Power Range", help = "Shows min squad power: lowestPowerUnits * lowestAmountSpawned. And max squad power: highestPowerUnits * higestAmountSpawned",
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ id = "Units",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "EnemySquadUnit", auto_expand = true, },
{ category = "Bombard", id = "Bombard",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Diamond Briefcase", id = "DiamondBriefcase", name = "Has Diamond Shipment",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Diamond Briefcase", id = "DiamondBriefcaseCarrier", name = "Carrier", help = "Valid carries are unit defs with only a single unit to be spawned from them. The chance to spawn should be set to 100%",
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return self:GetValidCarriers() end, },
{ category = "Bombard", id = "BombardOrdnance", name = "Ordnance",
editor = "preset_id", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Bombard end, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
return preset.object_class == "Ordnance"
{ category = "Bombard", id = "BombardShots", name = "Num Shells",
editor = "number", default = 1,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Bombard end, min = 1, },
{ category = "Bombard", id = "BombardAreaRadius", name = "Area Radius", help = "in tiles",
editor = "number", default = 3,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Bombard end, min = 1, max = 99, },
{ category = "Bombard", id = "BombardLaunchOffset", name = "Launch Offset", help = "defines the direction of the fall together with Launch Angle; if left as 0 the shells will fall directly down",
editor = "number", default = 5000,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Bombard end, scale = "m", },
{ category = "Bombard", id = "BombardLaunchAngle", name = "Launch Angle", help = "defines the direction of the fall together with Launch Offset",
editor = "number", default = 1200,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Bombard end, scale = "deg", },
{ category = "Patrol", id = "patrolling", name = "Patrolling", help = "The squad will be set to travel between the specified waypoints when spawned.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Patrol", id = "waypoints", name = "Waypoints",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, no_edit = function(self) return not self.patrolling end, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ category = "AutoResolveTest", id = "playerSquadAutoTest", name = "Player Squad", help = "Leave as false to use current squad.",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return EnemySquadsComboItems() end, },
{ category = "AutoResolveTest", id = "buttonTestInAutoResolve",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Test in AutoResolve", func = "TestInAutoResolve"}, }, template = true, },
GlobalMap = "EnemySquadDefs",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/group",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4010",
EditorPreview = Untranslated("<Preview>"),
function EnemySquads:GetError()
if #(self.Units or "") == 0 then
return "Add units in squad"
function EnemySquads:GetValidCarriers()
local arr = { { } }
for i, u in ipairs(self.Units) do
if u.UnitCountMax == 1 and u.UnitCountMin == 1 then
local name = u:GetEditorView()
local item = { name = name, value = i }
arr[#arr + 1] = item
return arr
function EnemySquads:GetPreview()
local texts = {}
for _, squad_unit_def in ipairs(self.Units) do
texts[#texts + 1] = squad_unit_def:GetEditorView()
return table.concat(texts, ", ")
function EnemySquads:GetSquadPowerRange()
local minSquadPower = 0
local maxSquadPower = 0
for _, unitGroups in ipairs(self.Units) do
local lowestPower
local highestPower
local minCount = unitGroups.UnitCountMin
local maxCount = unitGroups.UnitCountMax
for _, unitData in ipairs(unitGroups.weightedList) do
local unitPreset = UnitDataDefs[unitData.unitType]
if unitPreset then
local power = GetPowerOfUnit(unitPreset, "noMods")
if not lowestPower or lowestPower > power then
lowestPower = power
if not highestPower or highestPower < power then
highestPower = power
minSquadPower = minSquadPower + (lowestPower and (lowestPower * minCount) or 0)
maxSquadPower = maxSquadPower + (highestPower and (highestPower * maxCount) or 0)
return tostring(minSquadPower) .. " - " .. tostring(maxSquadPower)
function EnemySquads:TestInAutoResolve(root, prop_id, ged)
if not gv_SatelliteView then
print("Must be in sat view")
local dlg = GetSatelliteDialog()
local selected_squad = dlg.selected_squad
if not self.playerSquadAutoTest then
NetEchoEvent("CheatSatelliteTeleportSquad", selected_squad.UniqueId, "B1")
local sector = gv_Sectors["A1"]
sector.Side = "player1"
local allySquads, enemySquads = GetSquadsInSector(sector.Id, nil, "includeMilitia")
for _, squad in ipairs(enemySquads) do
for _, squad in ipairs(allySquads) do
GenerateEnemySquad(, sector.Id, "Effect", nil, "enemy1")
if self.playerSquadAutoTest then
local isMilitia = EnemySquadDefs[self.playerSquadAutoTest] and EnemySquadDefs[self.playerSquadAutoTest].group == "MilitiaAutoresolveTest"
GenerateEnemySquad(self.playerSquadAutoTest, sector.Id, "Effect", nil, isMilitia and "ally" or "player1", isMilitia)
NetEchoEvent("CheatSatelliteTeleportSquad", selected_squad.UniqueId, sector.Id)
DefineClass.EntityVariation = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Entities",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return table.keys(EntityData) end, },
DefineClass.GameTerm = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
DefineClass.GameUpdate = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "General", id = "Title",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ category = "General", id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, wordwrap = true, lines = 3, },
{ category = "General", id = "open_as_read", name = "Mark as read on open",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
HasGroups = false,
HasSortKey = true,
GlobalMap = "GameUpdates",
EditorMenubarName = "Game Updates Editor",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/appointment calendar date day event month schedule.png",
EditorMenubar = "Editors.Other",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4130",
StoreAsTable = true,
DefineClass.GuardpostObjective = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Sector", name = "Sector", help = "The sector on which badges should be placed. (optional)",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetGuardpostCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "Description", name = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, max_lines = 2, },
{ id = "DescriptionCompleted", name = "DescriptionCompleted",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, max_lines = 2, },
{ id = "DescriptionFailed", name = "DescriptionFailed",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, max_lines = 2, },
{ id = "OnComplete", name = "OnComplete",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", },
{ id = "OnRegenerate", name = "OnRegenerate",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", },
GlobalMap = "GuardpostObjectives",
EditorMenubarName = "Guardpost Objectives",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4040",
DefineClass.HistoryOccurence = {
__parents = { "MsgReactionsPreset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "text", name = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "repeatable", name = "Repeatable",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "GetText", name = "GetText",
editor = "func", default = function (self, context)
return T{self.text, context}
end, params = "self, context", },
{ id = "conditions", name = "Conditions",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return self.repeatable end, base_class = "Condition", },
{ id = "sector", name = "Sector",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
GlobalMap = "HistoryOccurences",
EditorMenubarName = "History Occurence",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "5000",
Documentation = "Setting up conditions for new history occurrences in the History tab.",
DefineClass.IMPErrorNetClientTexts = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
DefineClass.IMPErrorPswdTexts = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
DefineClass.IdleStyle = {
__parents = { "AnimationStyle", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Animations", id = "Animations",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AnimationStyleAnim", format = "<Animation> <color 45 138 138>(Weight: <Weight>)"},
{ category = "Animations", id = "Start",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "Stop",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
PresetClass = "AnimationStyle",
function IdleStyle:GetRandomAnim(unit)
return self:GetRandomAnimId("Animations", unit)
function IdleStyle:GetMainAnim()
return self:GetMainAnimId("Animations")
function IdleStyle:OnPreSave()
function IdleStyle:HasAnimation(anim)
return table.find(self.Animations, "Animation", anim) and true or false
----- IdleStyle GetIdleStyleCombo(set)
function GetIdleStyleCombo(set)
return GetAnimationStyleCombo(set, "IdleStyle")
DefineClass.ImpAnswer = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "answer", name = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 5, },
{ id = "is_default", name = "Default answer",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "stats_changes", name = "Stat changes",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ImpStatChange", },
{ id = "perk_changes", name = "Perk changes",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ImpPerkChange", },
function ImpAnswer:GetEditorView()
local texts = {}
local txt = _InternalTranslate(self.answer or "")
if txt and txt~="" then
txt = utf8.len(txt) <= 30 and txt or (utf8.sub(txt, 1, 30) .. "...")
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated(" <color 150 150 100>["..txt.."]</color> ")
for _, stat in ipairs(self.stats_changes) do
texts[#texts+1] = stat:GetEditorView()
for _, perk in ipairs(self.perks_changes) do
texts[#texts+1] = perk:GetEditorView()
return table.concat(texts, " ")
DefineClass.ImpPerkChange = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "perk", name = "Perk",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, template = true, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
return preset.object_class and IsKindOf(g_Classes[preset.object_class], "Perk")
{ id = "change", name = "Value change",
editor = "number", default = 0, },
function ImpPerkChange:GetEditorView()
return T{202072264314, "<perk>:<change>", self}
DefineClass.ImpQuestionDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "question", name = "Question",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 10, },
{ id = "answers", name = "Answers",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ImpAnswer", },
HasSortKey = true,
GlobalMap = "ImpQuestions",
EditorMenubarName = "IMP Questions Editor",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/conversation discussion language.png",
EditorMenubar = "Characters",
DefineClass.ImpStatChange = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "stat", name = "Stat",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitStatsComboTranslated() end, },
{ id = "change", name = "Value change",
editor = "number", default = 0, },
function ImpStatChange:GetEditorView()
return T{818103125130, "<stat>:<change>", self}
DefineClass.IntelPointOfInterestDef = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
GlobalMap = "IntelPOIPresets",
DefineClass.LaddersMaterials = {
__parents = { "SlabMaterials", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassAsGroupPresetDef",
group = "LaddersMaterials",
DefineClass.LightmodelSelectionRule = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "region", name = "Region",
editor = "choice", default = "any", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "region", "any") end, },
{ id = "weather", name = "Weather",
editor = "choice", default = "any", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "weather", "any") end, },
{ id = "tod", name = "Time of Day",
editor = "choice", default = "any", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "time of day", "any") end, },
{ id = "lightmodel", name = "Lightmodel",
editor = "preset_id", default = "ArtPreview", preset_class = "LightmodelPreset", },
{ id = "priority", name = "Priority",
editor = "number", default = 100, step = 100, slider = true, min = 100, max = 500, },
GlobalMap = "LightmodelSelectionRules",
EditorMenubarName = "Lightmodel Selection Rules",
Documentation = "Contains information on use of Light models and tweaking of properties like World Region, Weather Condition and Time Of Day.",
DefineModItemPreset("LightmodelSelectionRule", { EditorName = "Lightmodel Selection Rule", EditorSubmenu = "Campaign & Maps" })
function LightmodelSelectionRule:GetEditorView()
local tag = function(value, preset_table)
if value == "any" then
return "any"
local rgb = table.concat({GetRGB(preset_table[value].Color)}, " ")
return "<color " .. rgb .. ">" .. value .. "</color>"
tag(self.region, GameStateDefs) .. " - " ..
tag(, GameStateDefs) .. " - " ..
tag(self.tod, GameStateDefs) ..
(self.priority > 100 and string.format(" (priority: %s)", self.priority) or "") ..
"<tab 300>" .. self.lightmodel
function LightmodelSelectionRule:SortPresets()
local presets = Presets[self.PresetClass or self.class] or empty_table
local function cmp(a, b)
if a == "any" and b == "any" then return false end
if a == "any" then return true end
if b == "any" then return false end
return tostring(a) < tostring(b)
for _, group in ipairs(presets) do
table.sort(group, function(a, b)
if a.priority == b.priority then
if a.region == b.region then
if == then
return cmp(a.tod, b.tod)
return cmp(,
return cmp(a.region, b.region)
return cmp(a.priority, b.priority)
function LightmodelSelectionRule:OnEditorSelect(selected, ged)
local function RebuildAttaches()
SuspendPassEdits("rebuild autoattaches")
MapForEach("map", "AutoAttachObject", function(o)
ResumePassEdits("rebuild autoattaches")
if selected then
local state_descr = {}
if self.tod ~= "any" then
state_descr[self.tod] = true
if ~= "any" then
state_descr[] = true
if self.region ~= "any" then
state_descr[self.region] = true
local _, old_values = ChangeGameStateExclusive(state_descr)
if not LightmodelSelectionRuleGameState then
LightmodelSelectionRuleGameState = old_values
gv_ForceWeatherTodRegion = { tod = self.tod, weather =, region = self.region }
if LightmodelSelectionRuleThread then
LightmodelSelectionRuleThread = CreateRealTimeThread(function()
SetLightmodelOverride(false, self.lightmodel)
LightmodelSelectionRuleThread = false
if LightmodelSelectionRuleGameState then
LightmodelSelectionRuleGameState = false
gv_ForceWeatherTodRegion = false
if LightmodelSelectionRuleThread then
LightmodelSelectionRuleThread = CreateRealTimeThread(function()
SetLightmodelOverride(false, false)
LightmodelSelectionRuleThread = false
----- LightmodelSelectionRule SelectLightmodel
function SelectLightmodel(region, weather, tod)
local best_match, best_match_quality = false, 0
for id, rule in pairs(LightmodelSelectionRules) do
local match_quality = 0
if rule.region == region then
match_quality = match_quality + 100
elseif rule.region == "any" then
match_quality = match_quality + 10
match_quality = match_quality - 100
if == weather then
match_quality = match_quality + 90
elseif == "any" then
match_quality = match_quality + 9
match_quality = match_quality - 100
if rule.tod == tod then
match_quality = match_quality + 80
elseif rule.tod == "any" then
match_quality = match_quality + 8
match_quality = match_quality - 100
match_quality = match_quality * rule.priority / 100
if match_quality > best_match_quality then
best_match, best_match_quality = id, match_quality
return LightmodelSelectionRules[best_match].lightmodel
if FirstLoad then
LightmodelSelectionRuleGameState = false
LightmodelSelectionRuleThread = false
function ChangeGameStateExclusive(state_descr)
local state_types = {}
for state_name, set in pairs(state_descr) do
local map_state = GameStateDefs[state_name]
if not map_state then
assert(false, "Game state does not exist!")
if state_types[] then
assert(false, "State type already encountered!")
state_types[] = true
for id, state in pairs(GameStateDefs) do
if state_types[] and not state_descr[id] and not state.AutoSet then
state_descr[id] = false
local old_values = {}
for id in pairs(GameStateDefs) do
old_values[id] = GameState[id]
return ChangeGameState(state_descr), old_values
DefineClass.LoadingScreenHint = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 4, },
HasSortKey = true,
GlobalMap = "LoadingScreenHints",
EditorMenubarName = "Loading Screen Hints",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/friends group presentation.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
DefineClass.LootEntryInventoryItem = {
__parents = { "LootDefEntry", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Loot", id = "item", name = "Item",
editor = "choice", default = "", items = function (self) return InventoryItemCombo end, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "stack_min", name = "Stack (Min)",
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000000, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "stack_max", name = "Stack (Max)",
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, max = 1000000, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "Condition", name = "Condition", help = "Item's condition in percents",
editor = "number", default = 100, slider = true, min = 1, max = 100, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "RandomizeCondition", name = "Randomize Condition", help = "Randomize item condition within +/- 30",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "Double", name = "Double", help = "Double or halve the item depending on difficulty and chances (25% on easy to double, 50% on hard to halve)",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Conditions", id = "generate_chance", name = "Generate Chance", help = "Generate chance is used instead of creating new loot def entry with this item and empty table.",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, max = 100, },
{ id = "guaranteed", name = "Guaranteed Drop",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "drop_chance_mod", name = "Drop Chance Modifier",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, },
{ id = "BaseDropChance", name = "Base Drop Chance",
editor = "number", default = 0, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ id = "DropChance",
editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true, },
EntryView = Untranslated("<color 75 105 198><item><stack_suffix>"),
EditorName = "Item",
function LootEntryInventoryItem:Setitem(value)
self.item = value
if #(value or "") > 0 and InventoryItemDefs[value].object_class == "QuestItem" then
self.guaranteed = true
function LootEntryInventoryItem:GenerateLoot(looter, looted, seed, items)
-- exclude this item from generation
if self.generate_chance <= 0 then
elseif self.generate_chance < 100 then
local rand
rand, seed = BraidRandom(seed, 100)
if rand >= self.generate_chance then
-- stacks
local amount
local min, max = self:GetStackSize()
if min >= max then
amount = max
amount, seed = BraidRandom(seed, max - min + 1)
amount = min + amount
if self.Double then
local roll
roll, seed = BraidRandom(seed, 100)
local value = GameDifficulties[Game.game_difficulty]:ResolveValue("chanceToHalveDoubleLoot") or 0
if roll < value then
amount = amount / 2
local chance = self:GetDropChance()
local maxPossibleWeaponCondPenalty = Game and GameDifficulties[Game.game_difficulty]:ResolveValue("maxPossibleWeaponCondPenalty") or 0
local lootConditionRandomization = const.Weapons.LootConditionRandomization
while amount > 0 do
local item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.item)
item.drop_chance = chance
item.guaranteed_drop = self.guaranteed
if IsKindOf(item, "InventoryStack") then
item.Amount = Min(amount, item.MaxStacks)
amount = amount - item.Amount
amount = amount - 1
local condition = self.Condition
if self.RandomizeCondition then
local rnd
rnd, seed = BraidRandom(seed, 2*lootConditionRandomization)
local diffRnd = 0
diffRnd, seed = - (BraidRandom(seed, maxPossibleWeaponCondPenalty))
condition = Clamp(condition - lootConditionRandomization + rnd + diffRnd ,1, 100)
item.Condition = condition
NetUpdateHash("ItemGenerated", item.class, item.Condition)
items[#items + 1] = item
function LootEntryInventoryItem:ListChances(items, env, chance)
local item
local min, max = self:GetStackSize()
if min > 1 or max > 1 then
item = string.format("Item: %s (%d-%d)", self.item, Max(1, self.stack_min), Max(self.stack_min, self.stack_max))
item = string.format("Item: %s", self.item)
items[item] = (items[item] or 0.0) + chance
function LootEntryInventoryItem:GetBaseDropChance()
local template = InventoryItemDefs[self.item]
local class = template and g_Classes[template.object_class]
return class and class.base_drop_chance or 0
function LootEntryInventoryItem:GetDropChance()
if self.guaranteed then
return 100
local base = self:GetBaseDropChance()
return MulDivRound(base, self.drop_chance_mod, 100)
function LootEntryInventoryItem:Getstack_suffix()
local min, max = self:GetStackSize()
if min > 1 or max > 1 then
return T{819375042261, "(<min>-<max>)", min = min, max = max}
return ""
function LootEntryInventoryItem:GetStackSize()
local min = Max(1, self.stack_min)
local max = Max(min, self.stack_max)
return min, max
DefineClass.LootEntryUpgradedWeapon = {
__parents = { "LootDefEntry", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Loot", id = "weapon", name = "Weapon",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
return and"Firearm")
{ category = "Loot", id = "Condition", name = "Condition", help = "Item's condition in percents",
editor = "number", default = 100, slider = true, min = 1, max = 100, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "RandomizeCondition", name = "Randomize Condition", help = "Randomize item condition within +/- 30",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Loot", id = "upgrades", name = "Upgrades",
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "WeaponComponent", item_default = "", },
{ id = "guaranteed", name = "Guaranteed Drop",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "drop_chance_mod", name = "Drop Chance Modifier",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, },
{ id = "BaseDropChance", name = "Base Drop Chance",
editor = "number", default = 0, dont_save = true, read_only = true, },
{ id = "DropChance",
editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true, },
EntryView = Untranslated("Upgraded <weapon>"),
EditorName = "Upgraded Weapon",
function LootEntryUpgradedWeapon:ListChances(items, env, chance)
local item = "Weapon " .. (self.weapon or "")
for i, upgrade in ipairs(self.upgrades) do
item = string.format("%s%s%s", item, i == 1 and " with upgrades " or ", ", upgrade)
items[item] = (items[item] or 0.0) + chance
function LootEntryUpgradedWeapon:GenerateLoot(looter, looted, seed, items)
local weapon_items, upgrades = {}, {}
local weapon = self.weapon
if not weapon then return end
local item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.weapon)
local condition = self.Condition
if self.RandomizeCondition then
local rnd
rnd, seed = BraidRandom(seed, 2*const.Weapons.LootConditionRandomization)
condition = Clamp(condition - const.Weapons.LootConditionRandomization + rnd ,1, 100)
local diffRnd = 0
diffRnd, seed = - (BraidRandom(seed, GameDifficulties[Game.game_difficulty]:ResolveValue("maxPossibleWeaponCondPenalty") or 0))
condition = Clamp(condition + diffRnd ,1, 100)
item.Condition = condition
NetUpdateHash("ItemGenerated", item.class, item.Condition)
item.drop_chance = self:GetDropChance()
item.guaranteed_drop = self.guaranteed
for _, id in ipairs(self.upgrades) do
item:SetWeaponComponent(false, id)
table.insert(items, item)
function LootEntryUpgradedWeapon:GetBaseDropChance()
local template = InventoryItemDefs[self.weapon]
local class = template and g_Classes[template.object_class]
return class and class.base_drop_chance or 0
function LootEntryUpgradedWeapon:GetDropChance()
if self.guaranteed then
return 100
local base = self:GetBaseDropChance()
return MulDivRound(base, self.drop_chance_mod, 100)
function LootEntryUpgradedWeapon:GetError()
local compatible
for _, slot in ipairs(g_Classes[self.weapon] and g_Classes[self.weapon].ComponentSlots) do
for _, component in ipairs(slot.AvailableComponents) do
compatible = compatible or {}
compatible[component] = slot
local slots
local errors
for _, component in ipairs(self.upgrades) do
if not WeaponComponents[component] then
errors = errors or {}
errors[#errors+1] = "Invalid component: " .. component
local slot = compatible[component]
if not slot then
errors = errors or {}
errors[#errors+1] = "Incompatible component: " .. component
slots = slots or {}
if slots[slot] then
errors = errors or {}
errors[#errors+1] = "More than one upgrade for slot " .. slot
slots[slot] = component
if next(errors) then
return table.concat(errors, "\n")
DefineClass.LootEntryWeaponComponent = {
__parents = { "LootDefEntry", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Loot", id = "item", name = "Item",
editor = "choice", default = "", items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("WeaponComponent", "Default") end, },
EntryView = Untranslated("<color 75 105 198><item>"),
EditorName = "Weapon Component",
function LootEntryWeaponComponent:GenerateLoot(looter, looted, seed, items)
items[#items + 1] = self.item
function LootEntryWeaponComponent:ListChances(items, env, chance)
local item = string.format("Item: %s", self.item)
items[item] = (items[item] or 0.0) + chance
DefineClass.MercHireStatus = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "RolloverText",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
DefineClass.MercNationalities = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Icon", name = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
DefineClass.MercSpecializations = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
{ id = "name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "rolloverText",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
DefineClass.MercStat = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "ShortenedName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
DefineClass.MercTiers = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
DefineClass.MercTrackedStat = {
__parents = { "MsgReactionsPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "name", name = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "description", name = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "hide", name = "Hide", help = "Don't show in AIM Evaluation Page.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Reactions", id = "DisplayValue", name = "Display Value",
editor = "func", default = function (self, merc)
local value = GetTrackedStat(merc,
return value and T{227251647374, "<value>", value = value} or T(555613400236, "-")
end, params = "self, merc", },
HasSortKey = true,
GlobalMap = "MercTrackedStats",
EditorMenubarName = "Merc Tracked Stats",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
DefineClass.MoraleEffect = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 1, },
{ id = "Cooldown", help = "in turns",
editor = "number", default = -1, },
{ id = "GlobalCooldown", help = "in turns",
editor = "number", default = -1, },
{ id = "Activation",
editor = "choice", default = "positive", items = function (self) return { "positive", "negative" } end, },
{ id = "AppliedTo",
editor = "choice", default = "ally", items = function (self) return { "ally", "teammate", "enemy", "custom"} end, },
{ id = "GetTargetUnit",
editor = "func", default = function (self, team) end,
no_edit = function(self) return self.AppliedTo ~= "custom" end, params = "self, team", },
{ id = "Activate",
editor = "func", default = function (self, unit) end, params = "self, unit", },
GlobalMap = "MoraleEffects",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
DefineClass.MoveStyle = {
__parents = { "AnimationStyle", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Animations", id = "Move",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AnimationStyleAnim", format = "<Animation> <color 45 138 138>(Weight: <Weight>)"},
{ category = "Animations", id = "Idle",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AnimationStyleAnim", format = "<Animation> <color 45 138 138>(Weight: <Weight>)"},
{ category = "Animations", id = "MoveStart",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "MoveStart_Left",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "MoveStart_Right",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "MoveStop_FootLeft",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "MoveStop_FootRight",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "TurnOnSpot_Left",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ category = "Animations", id = "TurnOnSpot_Right",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return self:AnimationsCombo() end, },
{ id = "StepFX",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return {"", "StepWalk", "StepRun"} end, },
PresetClass = "AnimationStyle",
function MoveStyle:GetRandomMoveAnim(unit)
return self:GetRandomAnimId("Move", unit)
function MoveStyle:GetMainMoveAnim()
return self:GetMainAnimId("Move")
function MoveStyle:HasMoveAnim(anim)
return table.find(self.Move, "Animation", anim) and true or false
function MoveStyle:OnPreSave()
----- MoveStyle GetMoveStyleCombo(set)
function GetMoveStyleCombo(set)
return GetAnimationStyleCombo(set, "MoveStyle")
DefineClass.MultiplayerGameType = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
GlobalMap = "MultiplayerGameTypes",
DefineClass.PlayerColor = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "color",
editor = "color", default = 4278190080, },
GlobalMap = "PlayerColors",
DefineClass.PopupNotification = {
__parents = { "Preset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Title",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Image",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, image_preview_size = 100, },
{ id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, wordwrap = true, lines = 5, },
{ id = "GamepadText",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, wordwrap = true, lines = 5, },
{ id = "Actor",
editor = "combo", default = "narrator", items = function (self) return VoiceActors end, },
{ id = "OnceOnly", help = "The popup will be shown only once no matter how many times it is called for in effects",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "btn_test", help = "Shows the pop-up in game",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Test", func = "Test"}, }, },
{ id = "Test",
editor = "func", default = function (self)
end, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Quest", help = "For which quest we store how many times the popup has been shown",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", },
{ id = "QuestVariable", help = "In which quest variable we store how many times the popup has been shown",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.Quest, "Num") end, },
GlobalMap = "PopupNotifications",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/blog news newspaper page",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4020",
Documentation = "Allows adding of new presets with tile, text and image that are used mainly in tutorials and starting help.",
DefineModItemPreset("PopupNotification", { EditorName = "Popup notification", EditorSubmenu = "Campaign & Maps" })
DefineClass.QuestBadgePlacement = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "BadgeUnit", name = "Badge on Unit", help = "The unit/group to place the badge on, if it exists on the current map.",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, },
{ id = "BadgePreset", name = "Badge Preset",
editor = "combo", default = "DefaultQuestBadge", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("BadgePresetDef")() end, },
{ id = "Sector", name = "Sector", help = "The sector on which badges should be placed. (optional)",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "PlaceOnAllOfGroup", help = "By default the badge is only placed on the first match.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
function QuestBadgePlacement:GetEditorView()
return (self.Sector and Untranslated("Sector: <u(Sector)>", self) or Untranslated("")) .. (self.BadgeUnit and Untranslated(" Unit: <u(BadgeUnit)>", self) or Untranslated(""))
DefineClass.QuestNote = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, lines = 3, max_lines = 8, },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Idx",
editor = "number", default = 1, read_only = true, },
{ id = "Scouting", help = "If set to true then this note can be uncovered by the scouting operation.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "ShowWhenCompleted", help = "(NO EFFECT AT THE MOMENT)If set to true the note will become visible, once completed.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "AddInHistory", help = "Adds the note in the History when completed.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Conditionals", id = "ShowConditions", name = "Show Condition",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
{ category = "Conditionals", id = "HideConditions", name = "Hide Condition",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
{ category = "Conditionals", id = "CompletionConditions", name = "Completion Condition",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "Badges", name = "Badges",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "QuestBadgePlacement", inclusive = true, },
function QuestNote:GetEditorView()
return Untranslated("(<Idx>)")..Untranslated(_InternalTranslate(self.Text))
function QuestNote:GetWarning()
if not self.Scouting and not next(self.ShowConditions) and not self.ShowWhenCompleted then
return "Note without 'scouting' and 'show conditions'."
if not next(self.HideConditions) and not next(self.CompletionConditions) then
return "Note without 'hide' and 'complete' conditions."
function QuestNote:OnEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste)
local maxidx = parent.LastNoteIdx or 0
self.Idx = maxidx +1
parent.LastNoteIdx = self.Idx
DefineClass.QuestVarBool = {
__parents = { "QuestVarDeclaration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "Value",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function QuestVarBool:GetEditorView()
return Untranslated("bool <Name> = ")..Untranslated(tostring(self.Value))
DefineClass.QuestVarDeclaration = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function QuestVarDeclaration:GetEditorView()
function QuestVarDeclaration:GetError()
local quest_def = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "QuestsDef")
local id =
local variables = quest_def.Variables
local found_self_name = 0
for idx,var in ipairs(variables) do
if var.Name and var.Name == self.Name then
found_self_name = found_self_name + 1
if found_self_name>1 then
return "Duplicated variable name.Place choose another!"
function QuestVarDeclaration:GetWarning()
if not LocalStorage.QuestEditorFilter or not LocalStorage.QuestEditorFilter.CheckVars then
if self.Name == "Completed" or self.Name == "Given" or self.Name == "Failed" or self.Name == "NotStarted" then
local quest_def = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "QuestsDef")
local id =
local res = QuestGatherGameDepending({}, id, self.Name)
if not res then
return "Variable not used (checked: conversation, maps, quests, sector events)"
function QuestVarDeclaration:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
local quest_def = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "QuestsDef")
local id =
local quest = QuestGetState(id)
if rawget(quest, self.Name) == nil then
DefineClass.QuestVarNum = {
__parents = { "QuestVarDeclaration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "Value", name = "Value, min",
editor = "number", default = 0, },
{ id = "RandomRangeMax", name = "Value, max (optional)", help = 'If set the starting value will be random number between "Value, min" and this number. Both values are inclusive. Leave blank to set value to exactly "Value, min".',
editor = "number", default = false, },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function QuestVarNum:GetEditorView()
return Untranslated("int <Name> = ")..Untranslated(tostring(self.Value))
function QuestVarNum:GetError()
if self.RandomRangeMax and self.RandomRangeMax <= self.Value then
return "Value max must be greater than min"
DefineClass.QuestVarTCEState = {
__parents = { "QuestVarDeclaration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Value", name = "Value",
editor = "choice", default = false, no_edit = true, items = function (self) return {true, false, "done"} end, },
function QuestVarTCEState:GetEditorView()
return string.format("TCE %s = %s",self.Name,tostring(self.Value))
function QuestVarTCEState:GetWarning()
if not self.Name then return end
local quest_def = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "QuestsDef")
local tces = quest_def.TCEs
local used_tce = false
for _, tce in ipairs(tces) do
if tce.ParamId==self.Name then
used_tce = true
if not used_tce then
return "TCE var is declared but not used ("..self.Name..")"
DefineClass.QuestVarText = {
__parents = { "QuestVarDeclaration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "Value",
editor = "text", default = "", },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function QuestVarText:GetEditorView()
return Untranslated("str <Name> = <Value>")
DefineClass.QuestsDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Preset", id = "Chapter",
editor = "combo", default = "Landing",
sort_order = -1, items = function (self) return PresetsPropCombo("QuestsDef", "Chapter", "Landing") end, },
{ category = "Preset", id = "QuestGroup",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return QuestGroups end, },
{ category = "Preset", id = "Variables",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "QuestVarDeclaration", },
{ category = "Preset", id = "NoteDefs", name = "NoteDefs",
editor = "nested_list", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.Hidden end, base_class = "QuestNote", inclusive = true, no_descendants = true, },
{ category = "General", id = "DevNotes", name = "Developer Notes",
editor = "text", default = false, wordwrap = true, lines = 5, },
{ category = "General", id = "DisplayName", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ category = "General", id = "Image", name = "Image",
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/PDA/Quest/tasks_img_01",
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Main end, image_preview_size = 200, },
{ category = "General", id = "Hidden", name = "Hidden", help = "If true the quest is never shown in the quest log.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "General", id = "Main", name = "Main", help = "Whether this quest is part of the main quest line.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "Author",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return config.ModdingToolsInUserMode end, preset_class = "HGMember", },
{ category = "Status", id = "LineVisibleOnGive", name = "Line visible on 'given'", help = 'Showing which log line is automatically set to visible when the quest enters "given"',
editor = "choice", default = 0, items = function (self) return GetQuestNoteLinesCombo( end, },
{ category = "Status", id = "EffectOnChangeVarValue", name = "Effect On rise bool var",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "QuestEffectOnStatus", inclusive = true, format = "<Prop>"},
{ category = "Triggered Conditional Event", id = "TCEs", name = "Triggered Conditional Event",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "TriggeredConditionalEvent", inclusive = true, },
{ category = "Triggered Conditional Event", id = "KillTCEsConditions", name = "Kill TCEs Conditions",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
SingleFile = false,
GlobalMap = "Quests",
GedEditor = "QuestsEditor",
EditorMenubarName = "Quests Editor",
EditorShortcut = "Ctrl-Alt-Q",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/magnifier microbes research.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "3020",
FilterClass = "QuestEditorFilter",
Documentation = "Allows adding of new quests, as well as setting up variables in them. Each quest can be set up with its conditions as Given, Completed or Failed. See the New Quest sample mod in the Sample Mods section for an example on how to build a quest.",
function QuestsDef:OnChangeVarValue(var_id, prev_val, new_val)
local rise_flag = not prev_val and new_val
if rise_flag then
if var_id=="Given" and self.LineVisibleOnGive>0 then
local quest = QuestGetState( or "")
local note_idx = quest.LineVisibleOnGive
if table.find(quest.NoteDefs or empty_table, "Idx", note_idx) then
quest.note_lines[note_idx] = GetQuestNoteCampaignTimestamp(quest.note_lines)
for _, status_effect in ipairs(self.EffectOnChangeVarValue or empty_table) do
if status_effect.Prop == var_id then
ExecuteEffectList(status_effect.Effects, QuestGetState(, var_id)
function QuestsDef:GetEditorView()
local quest = gv_Quests and QuestGetState(
local texts = { Untranslated( }
if GedQuestRefData then
local data = GedQuestRefData[]
if data then
texts = { Untranslated("<color 212 180 64>"), Untranslated(, Untranslated("</color>") }
if data.from then table.insert(texts, Untranslated("<color 0 128 0><literal 1><</color>")) end
if then table.insert(texts, Untranslated("<color 196 64 64><literal 1>></color>")) end
local color
local status = "not_started"
local given = QuestIsBoolVar(quest,"Given", true)
local completed =QuestIsBoolVar(quest,"Completed", true)
local failed = QuestIsBoolVar(quest,"Failed", true)
if given and not completed and not failed then
color = RGB(75, 105, 198)
status = "given"
if completed and not failed then
color = RGB(0, 128, 0)
status = "completed"
if failed then
color =RGB( 250,10,10)
status = "failed"
local clr = color and string.format("<color %d %d %d>", GetRGB(color)) or ""
local uclr = color and "</color>" or ""
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated(clr .. " ("..status..")" .. uclr)
if self.NoteDefs and #self.NoteDefs > 0 then
if self.Hidden then
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated("<color 255 0 0> (Notes: " .. #self.NoteDefs .. " " .. " (hidden))</color> ")
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated(" (Notes: " .. #self.NoteDefs .. ")")
if self.Comment ~= "" then
texts[#texts+1] = Untranslated("<color 0 128 0> -- " .. self.Comment)
return table.concat(texts, "")
function QuestsDef:GetError()
if not gv_Quests then
return "Please start this editor on a map with gameplay"
local used = {}
if self.TCEs then
for _, tce in ipairs(self.TCEs) do
if not tce.ParamId then
return "Add unique Variable to store triggered conditions/effects state in"
if used[tce.ParamId] then
return "Variable "..(tce.ParamId).. " is already used choose another one"
used[tce.ParamId] = true
if self.PlaceBadge and not self.BadgeUnit then
return "Place Badge is true, but no target unit provided"
local duplicateIdx = {}
local idxSet = {}
for i, n in ipairs(self.NoteDefs) do
if idxSet[n.Idx] then
duplicateIdx[#duplicateIdx + 1] = n.Idx
idxSet[n.Idx] = true
if #duplicateIdx > 0 then
return "Duplicate note ids (merge conflict?) Indices: " .. table.concat(duplicateIdx, ", ")
function QuestsDef:OnEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste, old_id)
if not is_paste then
-- default kill tce condition
self.KillTCEsConditions = {QuestKillTCEsOnCompleted:new{}}
-- default status variables
self.Variables = {QuestVarBool:new{Name = "Completed"},
QuestVarBool:new{Name = "Given"},
QuestVarBool:new{Name = "Failed"},
QuestVarBool:new{Name = "NotStarted", Value = true},}
else -- is_paste
function QuestsDef:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
if prop_id == "Id" then
function QuestsDef:ChangeQuestId(old_id, new_id)
self:ForEachSubObject("PropertyObject", function(obj)
if obj:GetProperty("QuestId") == old_id then
obj:SetProperty("QuestId", new_id)
----- QuestsDef build parent table cache, used by QuestKillTCEsOnCompleted
function OnMsg.DataLoaded()
DefineClass.RecipeDef = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Ingredients", name = "Ingredients",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "RecipeIngredient", },
{ id = "ResultItems", name = "Result Items",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "RecipeIngredient", },
{ id = "Difficulty",
editor = "number", default = 45, },
{ id = "MechanicalRoll", name = "Mechanical Roll",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "ExplosivesRoll", name = "Explosives Roll",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "RevertCondition", name = "Revert Condition",
editor = "choice", default = "none", items = function (self) return {"none", "attacks", "damage"} end, },
{ id = "RevertConditionValue", name = "Revert Condition Value",
editor = "number", default = 5,
no_edit = function(obj) return obj.RevertCondition=="none" end, },
{ category = "General", id = "btnAddItem",
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Add Ingredients To Current Unit", func = "UIPlaceIngredientsInInventory"}, }, template = true, },
HasParameters = true,
GlobalMap = "Recipes",
EditorMenubarName = "Recipes Editor",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/appliance electrical juicer kitchen mixer.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4060",
Documentation = "Defines a new recipe with ingredients and result items that can be performed in the inventory.",
DefineModItemPreset("RecipeDef", { EditorName = "Combine recipe", EditorSubmenu = "Item" })
DefineClass.RecipeIngredient = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "item", name = "Item ID",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, template = true, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", },
{ id = "amount", name = "Amount",
editor = "number", default = 1, },
function RecipeIngredient:GetEditorView()
return T{422241156445, "<item> : <amount>", self}
DefineClass.RuleAutoPlaceSoundSources = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Placement", id = "DeleteOld", name = "Delete Old Markers", help = "Requires EmitterType to be select so it knows which markers to delete",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "EmitterType", name = "Emitter Type", help = "Type of the emitter to place",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return EmitterTypeCombo end, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "ClassPatterns", name = "Class Patterns",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ClassPattern", },
{ category = "Placement", id = "MinDist", name = "Minimum Distance", help = "The minimum distance to keep among placed sound sources which are of the same EmitteryType or listed in EmittersAway or from objects of class OriginAwayClass",
editor = "number", default = 10000, scale = "m", },
{ category = "Placement", id = "EmittersAway", name = "Emitters Away", help = "Types of the emitters to keep away from(using MinDist), e.g. Animals will not be placed close to Animals",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "EmitterTypeClass", },
{ category = "Placement", id = "OriginAwayClass", name = "Origin Away from Class", help = "Type of objects to keep away from(using MinDist)",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "BeachPoints", name = "Beach Points", help = "In addition to class patterns below matches beach points too(using MinDist as grid tile step)",
editor = "bool", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.OnWater end, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "BeachPointsWaterStep", name = "Beach Points Water Step", help = "Step used to check for water around point - if a point is on ground and at least one of its 4 neighbours is water it is considered as a Beach Point",
editor = "number", default = 10000,
no_edit = function(self) return not self.BeachPoints end, scale = "m", },
{ category = "Placement", id = "BorderRelation",
editor = "combo", default = "any", items = function (self) return {"any", "Inside Border Area", "Outside Border Area"} end, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "BorderTolerance", name = "Border Tolerance", help = "Border area extension/shrinkage",
editor = "number", default = 0,
no_edit = function(self) return self.BorderRelation == "any" end, scale = "voxelSizeX", },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "OnWater", name = "On Water", help = "requires the sample position to be on water",
editor = "bool", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.BeachPoints or self.OnLand end, },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "OnLand", name = "On Land", help = "requires the sample position to be on land",
editor = "bool", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.BeachPoints or self.OnWater end, },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "WaterNearBy", name = "Water Near By", help = "Water around required in this distance, 0 if not required",
editor = "number", default = 0,
no_edit = function(self) return self.OnWater end, scale = "m", },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "LandNearBy", name = "Land Near By", help = "Land around required in this distance, 0 if not required",
editor = "number", default = 0,
no_edit = function(self) return self.BeachPoints or self.OnLand end, scale = "m", },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "Regions", help = "Works only on maps from specific regions",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "region") end, },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "Terrain",
editor = "texture_picker", default = false, items = function (self) return GetTerrainTexturesItems end, multiple = true, thumb_width = 128, thumb_height = 128, base_color_map = true, },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "ClassCountAround", name = "Class Count Around",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ClassCountAround", },
{ category = "Requirements", id = "Filter", help = "returns true whether this object should emit a sound source",
editor = "func", default = function (self, obj)
return true
end, params = "self, obj", },
{ category = "Emmiters", id = "SoundSamples", name = "Sound Banks", help = "How many sound samples to choose randomly(by weight) from sound candidates",
editor = "number", default = 3, },
{ category = "Emmiters", id = "SoundCandidates", name = "Sound Bank Candidates", help = "Sound candidates each with its own weight used by randomization",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AutoPlacedSoundSourceWeight", },
EditorMenubarName = "AutoRuledEmitters Editor",
EditorMenubar = "Editors.Audio",
EditorCustomActions = {
FuncName = "RunSingleRule",
Icon = "CommonAssets/UI/Ged/play",
Menubar = "Process",
Name = "Run Singe Rule",
Toolbar = "main",
function RuleAutoPlaceSoundSources:OnEditorSetProperty(prop_id, old_value, ged)
if prop_id == "EmitterType" then
self.EmittersAway = self.EmittersAway or {}
if self.EmitterType ~= "" and not table.find_value(self.EmittersAway, "EmitterType", self.EmitterType) then
table.insert(self.EmittersAway, PlaceObj("EmitterTypeClass",{'EmitterType',self.EmitterType}))
table.remove_value(self.EmittersAway, "EmitterType", old_value)
if #self.EmittersAway == 0 then
self.EmittersAway = false
function RuleAutoPlaceSoundSources:GetPlacePos(rand, spot_pos, spot_radius)
local rand_pos = point(rand(spot_radius), 0, 0)
rand_pos = RotateAxis(rand_pos, point(4096, 0, 0), rand(360 * 60))
rand_pos = RotateAxis(rand_pos, point(0, 4096, 0), rand(360 * 60))
rand_pos = RotateAxis(rand_pos, point(0, 0, 4096), rand(360 * 60))
local pos = spot_pos + rand_pos
local x, y, z = pos:xyz()
local w, h = terrain.GetMapSize()
x = Clamp(x, 0, w - 1)
y = Clamp(y, 0, h - 1)
local terrain_z = terrain.GetHeight(pos)
z = (z < terrain_z) and terrain_z or z
return point(x, y, z)
function RuleAutoPlaceSoundSources:MatchBorderRelation(pos)
if self.BorderRelation == "any" then
return true
local border_area = GetBorderAreaLimits():grow(self.BorderTolerance)
local pos_inside = pos:InBox2D(border_area)
if self.BorderRelation == "Inside Border Area" then
return pos_inside
return not pos_inside
function RuleAutoPlaceSoundSources:GetError()
local text, delim = "", ""
if #(self.ClassPatterns or empty_table) == 0 and not self.BeachPoints then
text = "Either 'Class Patterns' must be non-empty or 'Beach Points' must be checked"
delim = "\n"
if #(self.SoundCandidates or empty_table) == 0 and self.SoundSamples > 0 then
text = string.format("%s%sNo 'Sound Samples' specified but spawning %d of them is required!", text, delim, self.SoundSamples)
delim = "\n"
for idx, sample in ipairs(self.SoundCandidates or empty_table) do
if not sample.Sound or sample.Sound == "" then
text = string.format("%s%sNo Sound Bank specified for sound candidate %d.", text, delim, idx)
delim = "\n"
local class = self.OriginAwayClass
if class and class ~= "" then
local classes = ExpandRuleClasses(class)
if #classes == 0 then
text = string.format("%s%sNo classes expanded for OriginAwayClass='%s'!", text, delim, class)
delim = "\n"
if self.DeleteOld and == "" then
text = string.format("%s%sDeleteOld requires id set!", text, delim)
delim = "\n"
return text ~= "" and text
DefineClass.SatelliteShortcutPreset = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "start_sector",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "end_sector",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "shortcut_direction_entrance_sector", help = "The sector which denotes the direction in which the start sector is being entered from",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "shortcut_direction_exit_sector", help = "The sector which denotes the direction in which the exit sector is being entered from",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "speed_const", help = "The constant denoting the shortcut's speed",
editor = "combo", default = "RiverTravelTime", items = function (self) return ConstCategoryToCombo(const.SatelliteShortcut) end, },
{ id = "terrain", name = "Travel Breakdown Terrain Description",
editor = "combo", default = "Shortcut_River", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("SectorTerrain") end, },
{ id = "entry_direction_start", name = "Deployment Entry At Start Sector",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return { false, "North", "South", "East", "West" } end, },
{ id = "entry_direction_end", name = "Deployment Entry At End Sector",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return { false, "North", "South", "East", "West" } end, },
{ id = "one_way", name = "One way",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "disabled", name = "Disabled By Default",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "GetEditorView",
editor = "func", default = function (self)
return .. " (" .. tostring(self.start_sector) .. " - " .. tostring(self.end_sector) .. ")"
end, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "GetPath", help = "The points to draw the shortcut curve",
editor = "func", default = function (self)
return empty_table
end, },
{ id = "GetShortcutVisibilitySectors",
editor = "func", default = function (self)
return self.VisibilitySectors
end, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "VisibilitySectors", help = "Sectors which are visible while travelling on the shortcut",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "TravelTimeInSectors", help = "How many sectors this shortcut is long. This is multiplied by const.Satellite.RiverTravelTime",
editor = "number", default = false, },
{ id = "water_shortcut",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
GlobalMap = "SatelliteShortcuts",
function SatelliteShortcutPreset:GetShortcutEnabled()
gv_SatelliteShortcutState = gv_SatelliteShortcutState or {}
local runtimeState = gv_SatelliteShortcutState[]
if runtimeState and runtimeState.enabled then
return runtimeState.enabled
return not self.disabled
function SatelliteShortcutPreset:GetTravelTime()
gv_SatelliteShortcutState = gv_SatelliteShortcutState or {}
local runtimeState = gv_SatelliteShortcutState[]
local constName = runtimeState and runtimeState.speed_const or self.speed_const or "RiverTravelTime"
local timeConst = const.SatelliteShortcut[constName]
return self.TravelTimeInSectors * timeConst
DefineClass.SatelliteTimelineEventDef = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Title",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Hint",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "GetIcon", name = "GetIcon",
editor = "func", default = function (self,eventCtx) end, params = "self,eventCtx", },
{ id = "GetTextContext", name = "GetTextContext",
editor = "func", default = function (self,eventCtx) end, params = "self,eventCtx", },
{ id = "GetDescriptionText", name = "GetDescriptionText",
editor = "func", default = function (self,eventCtx)
return self.Text, self.Title, self.Hint
end, params = "self,eventCtx", },
{ id = "GetMapLocation", name = "GetMapLocation",
editor = "func", default = function (self,eventCtx) end, params = "self,eventCtx", },
{ id = "GetAssociatedMercs", name = "GetAssociatedMercs",
editor = "func", default = function (self,eventCtx) end, params = "self,eventCtx", },
{ id = "OnClick", name = "OnClick",
editor = "func", default = function (self,eventCtx) end, params = "self,eventCtx", },
GlobalMap = "SatelliteTimelineEvents",
DefineClass.SatelliteWarning = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Title",
editor = "text", default = T(998836062590, --[[PresetDef SatelliteWarning default]] "Warning"), translate = true, },
{ id = "Body",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "OkText",
editor = "text", default = T(357769680740, --[[PresetDef SatelliteWarning default]] "OK"), translate = true, },
GlobalMap = "SatelliteWarnings",
DefineClass.SectorTerrain = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "TravelMod", name = "Travel Modifier", help = "Modifies travel times through this sector",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 500, },
{ id = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, template = true, translate = true, },
GlobalMap = "SectorTerrainTypes",
DefineClass.SkinDecalData = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Decal", id = "DecEntity", name = "Decal Entity",
editor = "choice", default = "", items = function (self) return ClassDescendantsCombo("SkinDecal") end, },
{ category = "Decal", id = "DecType",
editor = "preset_id", default = "", preset_class = "SkinDecalType", },
{ category = "Placement", id = "Spot", name = "Attach Spot",
editor = "choice", default = "", no_validate = true, items = function (self) return EntitySpotsCombo end, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "DecOffsetX", name = "Offset X (red axis)",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "cm", slider = true, min = -5000, max = 5000, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "DecOffsetY", name = "Offset Y (green axis)",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "cm", slider = true, min = -5000, max = 5000, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "DecOffsetZ", name = "Offset Z (blue axis)",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "cm", slider = true, min = -5000, max = 5000, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "InvertFacing", name = "Invert Facing (along red axis)",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "DecAttachAxis", name = "Rotation Axis",
editor = "choice", default = "+X", items = function (self) return table.keys(SkinDecalAttachAxis, "sorted") end, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "DecAttachAngleRange", name = "Rotation Range",
editor = "range", default = range(0, 360),
slider = true, min = 0, max = 360, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "DecScale", name = "Scale",
editor = "number", default = 100, slider = true, min = 1, max = 500, },
{ category = "Placement", id = "ClrMod", name = "Color Modifier",
editor = "color", default = 4284769380, },
DefineClass.SkinDecalMetadata = {
__parents = { "Preset", "SkinDecalData", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
EditorMenubarName = "Skin decal presets",
EditorMenubar = "Editors.Art",
DefineClass.SkinDecalType = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "ClearedByWater", name = "Cleared By Water",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "DefaultEntity", name = "Default Entity",
editor = "choice", default = "", items = function (self) return ClassDescendantsCombo("Decal") end, },
{ id = "DefaultScale", name = "Default Scale",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", min = 1, max = 1000, },
GlobalMap = "SkinDecalTypes",
function SkinDecalType:GetError()
if not IsValidEntity(self.DefaultEntity) then
return "Invalid entity"
DefineClass.StanceToStanceAP = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "start_stance", name = "Starting Stance",
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("CombatStance", "Default") end, },
{ id = "end_stance", name = "End Stance",
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("CombatStance", "Default") end, },
{ id = "ap_cost", name = "AP Cost",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "AP", },
DefineClass.StatGainingPrerequisite = {
__parents = { "MsgReactionsPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "StatGaining", id = "parameters", name = "Parameters",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "PresetParam", },
{ category = "StatGaining", id = "relatedStat", name = "Related Stat",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return UnitPropertiesStats:GetProperties() end, },
{ category = "StatGaining", id = "failChance", name = "Fail Chance", help = "Chance to fail on top of all other checks.",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 100, },
{ category = "StatGaining", id = "oncePerMapVisit", name = "Once Per Map Visit",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
GlobalMap = "StatGainingPrerequisites",
EditorMenubarName = "Stat Gaining Prerequisites",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
function StatGainingPrerequisite:ResolveValue(key)
local value = self:GetProperty(key)
if value then return value end
if self.parameters then
local found = table.find_value(self.parameters, "Name", key)
if found then
return found.Value
DefineClass.TacticalNotification = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "text", name = "Text",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "secondaryText", name = "SecondaryText",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "removalGroup", name = "Group",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "duration", name = "Duration",
editor = "number", default = 1500, },
{ id = "style", name = "Style",
editor = "combo", default = "red", items = function (self) return { "red", "yellow", "blue" } end, },
{ id = "combatLog", name = "Log in Combat Log",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "combatLogType",
editor = "combo", default = "short", no_edit = function(self) return not self.combatLog end, items = function (self) return { "short", "important", "debug" } end, },
DefineClass.TargetBodyPart = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "description", name = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "display_name_caps", name = "Display Name Caps",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "damage_mod", name = "Damage Modifier",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "%", },
{ id = "tohit_mod", name = "Chance To Hit Modifier",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "%", },
{ id = "applied_effect", name = "Applied Effect",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("CharacterEffectCompositeDef", "Default") end, },
{ id = "default", name = "Default target",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = false, },
{ id = "armorPart", name = "ArmorPart", help = "The inventory slot which serves as armor for this body part.",
editor = "text", default = false, },
function TargetBodyPart:GetError()
local duplicated_default
if self.default then
--check to see if a second one is set as default
ForEachPresetInGroup("TargetBodyPart", "Default", function(preset)
if ~= and preset.default then
duplicated_default = true
if duplicated_default then return "More than one body part is set as default target" end
DefineClass.TestCombat = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "show_in_cheats", name = "Show in Cheats", help = "Can be tested from main menu cheats",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "SortKey", name = "SortKey", help = "The lower the number, the earlier it occurs in the list",
editor = "number", default = 0, },
{ id = "skip_deployment", name = "Skip Deployment", help = "Directly in combat mode",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id",
editor = "combo", default = "A1",
no_edit = function(self) return end, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
{ id = "map", name = "Map", help = "Use this property if you want to test combat in a test map (which is not defined as a sector map)",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return ListMaps() end, },
{ id = "TimeOfDay", name = "Time of Day",
editor = "combo", default = "Day", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "time of day", "Any") end, },
{ id = "Weather", name = "Weather",
editor = "combo", default = "Default", items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("GameStateDef", "weather", "Default") end, },
{ id = "real_gameplay", name = "Real Gameplay", help = "Attack or defend the sector, using real gameplay spawning logic (Entrance and Defender markers)",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "DisplayText", name = "DisplayText",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Alt_Shortcut", help = "Alt + [shortcut] will quickstart this test",
editor = "number", default = false, min = 1, max = 5, },
{ id = "reveal_intel", name = "Reveal Intel",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "squads",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "TestCombatSquad", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "player_role", name = "Player Role", help = "The player attacks or defends the sector",
editor = "combo", default = "attack",
no_edit = function(self) return not self.real_gameplay end, items = function (self) return {"attack", "defend"} end, },
{ id = "attacker_dir", name = "Attacker Dir", help = "Direction from which the attacker (player or enemy - determined by Player Role prop) enters the sector",
editor = "combo", default = "North",
no_edit = function(self) return not self.real_gameplay end, items = function (self) return const.WorldDirections end, },
{ id = "trigger_enemy_spawners", name = "Trigger Enemy Spawners", help = "Spawn all units from there spawner markers, ignoring their conditions",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return TriggerEnemySpawnersCombo(self:GetCombatMap()) end, },
{ id = "disable_enemy_spawners", name = "Disable Enemy Spawners", help = "Do not spawn units from these markers",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return TriggerEnemySpawnersCombo(self:GetCombatMap()) end, },
{ id = "OnMapLoaded", help = 'Use this to customize conditions in the test combat. \nCalled in a real time thread OnMsg("PostNewMapLoaded")',
editor = "func", default = function (self) end, },
{ id = "OnCombatStart", help = 'Use this to customize conditions in the test combat. \nCalled in a real time thread OnMsg("CombatStart")',
editor = "func", default = function (self) end, },
{ id = "combatTask", name = "Combat Task", help = "Preselect a Combat Task for the combat.",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CombatTask", },
{ id = "enter_sector_btn",
editor = "buttons", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, buttons = { {name = "Test", func = "TestCombatTest"}, }, },
HasSortKey = true,
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/outline starburst.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "-10",
FilterClass = "TestCombatFilter",
function TestCombat:GetError()
local err = self:VerifyPlayerSquad()
if err then
return err
local map = GetMapName()
local combat_map = self:GetCombatMap()
if not combat_map or map ~= combat_map or GameState.loading then
if self.real_gameplay then
if not next(MapGetMarkers("ExitZoneInteractable", self.attacker_dir)) then
return string.format("No %s Entrance markers on the map", self.attacker_dir)
if not next(MapGetMarkers("Defender", false, function(m) return m:IsMarkerEnabled() end)) and not next(MapGetMarkers("DefenderPriority", false, function(m) return m:IsMarkerEnabled() end)) then
return "No Enabled Defender markers on the map"
for _, squad in ipairs(self.squads) do
if squad.spawn_location == "On Marker" then
if not next(MapGetMarkers(squad.spawn_marker_type, squad.spawn_marker_group)) then
return string.format("No %s %s markers on the map", squad.spawn_marker_type, squad.spawn_marker_group)
function TestCombat:VerifyPlayerSquad()
local player_squads = 0
for _, squad in ipairs(self.squads) do
if squad.squad_type ~= "NPC" then
player_squads = player_squads + 1
if player_squads == 0 then
return "No Player squad defined"
elseif player_squads > 1 then
return "More than one Player squad defined"
function TestCombat:GetCombatMap()
local sector = table.find_value(CampaignPresets[DefaultCampaign].Sectors, "Id", self.sector_id)
local map = or sector and sector.Map
return map
function TestCombat:GetEditorView()
return .. " <color 0 128 0>" .. ( or self.sector_id)
DefineClass.TestCombatSquad = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "squad_type",
editor = "choice", default = "CurrentPlayerSquad", items = function (self) return {"CurrentPlayerSquad", "Custom", "NPC"} end, },
{ id = "Mercs", name = "Mercs", help = "List of your team to deploy",
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {},
no_edit = function(self) return self.squad_type ~= "Custom" end, preset_class = "UnitDataCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
if IsMerc(preset) then
return true
item_default = "", },
{ id = "npc_squad_id",
editor = "preset_id", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.squad_type ~= "NPC" end, preset_class = "EnemySquads", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
if ~= "Test Encounters" then return obj end
{ id = "side",
editor = "choice", default = "player1",
read_only = function(self) return self.squad_type ~= "NPC" end, items = function (self) return Sides end, },
{ id = "spawn_location",
editor = "choice", default = "Standard", items = function (self) return {"Standard", "On Marker"} end, },
{ id = "tier", name = "Tier", help = "Level up, give more perks and more expensive weapons for higher tiers.",
editor = "choice", default = 1, items = function (self) return {1,2,3} end, },
{ id = "spawn_marker_type", name = "Marker Type", help = "For enemies: Defender marker type and no marker group places enemies using defender priority logic",
editor = "combo", default = "Defender",
no_edit = function(self) return self.spawn_location == "Standard" end, items = function (self) return GetGridMarkerTypesCombo() end, },
{ id = "spawn_marker_group", name = "Marker Group", help = "Where to spawn squad",
editor = "combo", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.spawn_location == "Standard" end, items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, },
function TestCombatSquad:SetProperty(id, value)
local prev = self[id]
PropertyObject.SetProperty(self, id,value)
if id == "squad_type" then
if value == "NPC" then
if prev ~= "NPC" then
self:SetProperty("side", "enemy1")
self:SetProperty("side", "player1")
function TestCombatSquad:GetEditorView()
if self.squad_type == "CurrentPlayerSquad" then
return "Current Player Squad"
elseif self.squad_type == "Custom" then
return "Custom Player Squad"
local def = EnemySquadDefs[self.npc_squad_id]
return string.format("[%s] %s\n%s", self.side, tostring(self.npc_squad_id), def and def:GetPreview() or "")
DefineClass.TriggeredConditionalEvent = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "QuestId", name = "QuestId",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "ParamId", name = "Param id", help = "The name of the param in the quest table which will be used to store the state of the TriggeredConditionalEvent",
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId, "TCEState") end, },
{ id = "Trigger", name = "Trigger",
editor = "choice", default = "activation", items = function (self) return {"always", "activation", "deactivation", "change"} end, },
{ id = "Once", name = "Once",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "Conditions", name = "Conditions",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", },
{ id = "SequentialEffects", name = "Execute Effects Sequentially", help = "Whether effects should wait for each other when executing in order.",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "Effects", name = "Effects",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "requiredSectors",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, read_only = true, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, },
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(ParamId)>"),
function TriggeredConditionalEvent:Update()
if not self.Effects then
local questId = self.QuestId
local paramId = self.ParamId
local quest = QuestGetState(questId)
if not quest then
local state = quest[paramId]
if self.Once and state == "done" then
-- evaluate
local evaluation
if next(self.requiredSectors) then
local weAreHere = not gv_SatelliteView
weAreHere = weAreHere and table.find(self.requiredSectors, gv_CurrentSectorId)
evaluation = weAreHere and EvalConditionList(self.Conditions) or false
evaluation = EvalConditionList(self.Conditions)
-- trigger
local exec = false
local trigger = self.Trigger
if trigger == "always" then
exec = evaluation
elseif (trigger == "activation" or trigger == "change") and not state then
exec = evaluation
elseif (trigger == "deactivation" or trigger == "change") and state == true and not evaluation then
exec = true
local done = false
if exec then
if self.Once then
rawset(quest, paramId, "done")
done = true
if self.SequentialEffects then
ExecuteSequentialEffects(self.Effects, "QuestAndState", questId, paramId)
ExecuteEffectList(self.Effects, quest, state)
if not done then
rawset(quest, paramId, evaluation)
return exec
function TriggeredConditionalEvent:GetError()
if not self.ParamId then
return "Add unique Variable to store triggered conditions/effects state in"
if not self.Effects then
return "Add at least one effect to execute"
for _, eff in ipairs(self.Effects) do
if next(eff.RequiredObjClasses) then
if table.find(eff.RequiredObjClasses, "Unit") then
return "Can't use effects that require a unit ("..eff.class..")"
return "Can't use effects that require an object ("..eff.class..")"
function TriggeredConditionalEvent:OnAfterEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste)
local quest_def = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "QuestsDef")
self.QuestId =
DefineClass.TutorialHint = {
__parents = { "Preset", "CampaignSpecific", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "PopupId", help = "Popup notification preset id.",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "PopupNotification", },
{ category = "Popup Preview", id = "PopupTitle",
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, translate = true, },
{ category = "Popup Preview", id = "PopupText",
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, translate = true, wordwrap = true, lines = 5, },
{ id = "TutorialPopupTitle",
editor = "text", default = T(767566189526, --[[PresetDef TutorialHint default]] "Tutorial"), no_edit = function(self) return ~= "TutorialPopups" end, translate = true, },
{ id = "Text",
editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, lines = 3, max_lines = 8, },
{ id = "GamepadText",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 3, max_lines = 8, },
{ id = "StoreAsTable",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "StaticPopup", help = "Static popups show in the left corner under snype.",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Conditionals", id = "ShowConditions", name = "Show Condition",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
{ category = "Conditionals", id = "HideConditions", name = "Hide Condition",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
{ category = "Conditionals", id = "CompletionConditions", name = "Completion Condition",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Condition", inclusive = true, },
HasSortKey = true,
GlobalMap = "TutorialHints",
EditorMenubarName = "Tutorial Hints Editor",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/alert attention danger error warning.png",
EditorMenubar = "Scripting",
EditorMenubarSortKey = "4030",
Documentation = "Allows adding new tutorial hint pop-up in the HUD or setting up a pop-up window preset created in the Popup Notification mod item.",
function TutorialHint:GetWarning()
function TutorialHint:GetPopupTitle(id)
local id = self.PopupId
local preset = PopupNotifications[id]
return preset and preset.Title
function TutorialHint:GetPopupText(id)
local id = self.PopupId
local preset = PopupNotifications[id]
return preset and preset.Text
DefineClass.UnitBodyPartCollider = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "id",
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return {"Head","Arms","Torso","Groin","Legs"} end, },
{ id = "TargetSpots",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, no_validate = true, item_default = "", items = function (self) return {"Head","Neck","Torso","Groin","Shoulderl","Shoulderr","Elbowl","Elbowr","Wristl","Wristr","Pelvisl","Pelvisr","Kneel","Kneer","Ribsupperl","Ribsupperr","Ribslowerl","Ribslowerr","Tail"} end, },
{ id = "Colliders",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "UnitColliderBase", format = "<Text>"},
DefineClass.UnitCollider = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "BodyParts",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "UnitBodyPartCollider", format = "<id>"},
HasSortKey = true,
HasParameters = true,
GlobalMap = "UnitColliders",
DefineClass.UnitColliderBase = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "TargetSpot", help = "Associate every collider with a target spot",
editor = "combo", default = "", no_validate = true, items = function (self) return {"Head","Neck","Torso","Groin","Shoulderl","Shoulderr","Elbowl","Elbowr","Wristl","Wristr","Pelvisl","Pelvisr","Kneel","Kneer","Ribsupperl","Ribsupperr","Ribslowerl","Ribslowerr","Tail"} end, },
{ id = "Type",
editor = "text", default = false, read_only = true, },
function UnitColliderBase:Text()
return ""
DefineClass.UnitColliderCapsule = {
__parents = { "UnitColliderBase", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Spot1", help = "Capsule segment point 1",
editor = "combo", default = "", no_validate = true, items = function (self) return {"Head","Neck","Torso","Groin","Shoulderl","Shoulderr","Elbowl","Elbowr","Wristl","Wristr","Pelvisl","Pelvisr","Kneel","Kneer","Ribsupperl","Ribsupperr","Ribslowerl","Ribslowerr","Tail"} end, },
{ id = "Spot2", help = "Capsule segment point 2",
editor = "combo", default = "", no_validate = true, items = function (self) return {"Head","Neck","Torso","Groin","Shoulderl","Shoulderr","Elbowl","Elbowr","Wristl","Wristr","Pelvisl","Pelvisr","Kneel","Kneer","Ribsupperl","Ribsupperr","Ribslowerl","Ribslowerr","Tail"} end, },
{ id = "Radius", help = "Capsule radius",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "Type",
editor = "text", default = "Capsule", read_only = true, },
function UnitColliderCapsule:Text()
return string.format("Capsule, Spot1=%s, Spot2=%s, Radius=%d, TargetSpot=%s", self.Spot1, self.Spot2, self.Radius, self.TargetSpot)
DefineClass.UnitColliderSphere = {
__parents = { "UnitColliderBase", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Spot", help = "Sphere center",
editor = "combo", default = "", no_validate = true, items = function (self) return {"Head","Neck","Torso","Groin","Shoulderl","Shoulderr","Elbowl","Elbowr","Wristl","Wristr","Pelvisl","Pelvisr","Kneel","Kneer","Ribsupperl","Ribsupperr","Ribslowerl","Ribslowerr","Tail"} end, },
{ id = "Radius", help = "Sphere radius",
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "cm", },
{ id = "Type",
editor = "text", default = "Sphere", read_only = true, },
function UnitColliderSphere:Text()
return string.format("Sphere, Spot=%s, Radius=%d, TargetSpot=%s", self.Spot, self.Radius, self.TargetSpot)
DefineClass.WeaponComponent = {
__parents = { "WeaponComponentSharedClass", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ category = "General", id = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = "", template = true, image_preview_size = 400, },
{ id = "Slot",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("WeaponUpgradeSlot", "Default") end, },
{ id = "Visuals",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "WeaponComponentVisual", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "EnableWeapon",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return InventoryItemCombo end, },
{ id = "ModificationEffects",
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "WeaponComponentEffect", item_default = "", },
{ category = "Costs", id = "Cost", name = "Cost (Parts)", help = "The cost of the upgrade in parts",
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, },
{ category = "Costs", id = "AdditionalCosts",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, template = true, base_class = "WeaponComponentCost", },
{ category = "Costs", id = "ModificationDifficulty",
editor = "combo", default = 46, items = function (self) return const.WeaponModDifficultyPresets end, },
{ category = "Can Be Attached To", id = "CanBeAttachedTo", name = "Can Be Attached To",
editor = "buttons", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, template = true,
buttons = function(obj) return WeaponComponentExtraButtons(obj) end, },
{ category = "Misc", id = "BlockSlots", name = "Block Slots",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("WeaponUpgradeSlot", "Default") end, },
{ category = "Misc", id = "ModifyRightHandGrip", name = "Modify the right hand grip",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ category = "Misc", id = "EnableAimFX", name = "Enable Aim FX",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
HasParameters = true,
GlobalMap = "WeaponComponents",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/cog outline.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
FilterClass = "WeaponComponentFilter",
GetWarning = false,
Documentation = "Creates a new weapon component that could be used in a weapon as a base component or through the Modify UI screen of a weapon. The Z_Blockings group is used to make certain components incompatible with others at the same time.",
DefineModItemPreset("WeaponComponent", { EditorName = "Weapon component", EditorSubmenu = "Item" })
function WeaponComponent:GetWarning()
local myParams = self.Parameters or empty_table
for i, effId in ipairs(self.ModificationEffects) do
local effect = WeaponComponentEffects[effId]
if effect and effect.RequiredParams then
local requiredParams = effect.RequiredParams
for i, param in ipairs(requiredParams) do
if not table.find(myParams, "Name", param) then
return "Missing param " .. param .. " for effect " .. effId
DefineClass.WeaponComponentBlockPair = {
__parents = { "WeaponComponentSharedClass", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Weapon",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
local classdef = g_Classes[preset.object_class]
return IsKindOf(classdef, "Firearm")
{ id = "ComponentBlockOne",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "WeaponComponent", },
{ id = "ComponentBlockTwo",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "WeaponComponent", },
GlobalMap = "WeaponComponentBlockPairs",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/cog outline.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
DefineClass.WeaponComponentEffect = {
__parents = { "MsgActorReactionsPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Display Data", id = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 5, },
{ category = "Params", id = "RequiredParams",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = false, arbitrary_value = true, },
{ category = "Stat Modifier", id = "StatToModify", name = "StatToModify",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return ClassModifiablePropsNonTranslatableCombo(g_Classes.Firearm) end, },
{ category = "Stat Modifier", id = "ModificationType",
editor = "combo", default = "Add", items = function (self) return { "Add", "Multiply", "Subtract" } end, },
{ category = "Stat Modifier", id = "CaliberChange",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("Caliber", "Default") end, },
{ category = "Stat Modifier", id = "Scale",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return table.keys(const.Scale) end, },
{ category = "Used In", id = "UsedIn", name = "Used In",
editor = "buttons", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, template = true,
buttons = function(obj) return WeaponComponentEffectUsedIn(obj) end, },
HasSortKey = true,
HasParameters = true,
GlobalMap = "WeaponComponentEffects",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/cog outline.png",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
EditorMenubarName = "WeaponComponentEffect",
function WeaponComponentEffect:VerifyReaction(event, reaction_def, reaction_actor, ...)
if IsKindOf(reaction_actor, "BaseWeapon") then
return reaction_actor:HasComponent(
if IsKindOf(reaction_actor, "UnitInventory") then
if reaction_actor:FindItemInSlot(reaction_actor.current_weapon, function(weapon, id) return IsKindOf(weapon, "FirearmBase") and weapon:HasComponent(id) end, then
return true
function WeaponComponentEffect:GetReactionActors(event, reaction_def, ...)
return ZuluReactionGetReactionActors_Light(event, reaction, ...)
DefineClass.WeaponComponentSharedClass = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
PresetClass = "WeaponComponentSharedClass",
EditorMenubarName = "WeaponComponent Editor",
DefineClass.WeaponComponentSlot = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "SlotType",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("WeaponUpgradeSlot", "Default") end, },
{ id = "Modifiable",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "CanBeEmpty",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "AvailableComponents",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return WeaponSlotComponentComboItems end, },
{ id = "DefaultComponent",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return WeaponSlotDefaultComponentComboItems end, },
function WeaponComponentSlot:GetEditorView()
local mod_text = self.Modifiable and "" or "(non-modifiable)"
local text = self.SlotType and Presets.WeaponUpgradeSlot.Default[self.SlotType].DisplayName or "Component"
return Untranslated(text) .. " " .. Untranslated(mod_text)
DefineClass.WeaponComponentVisual = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Entity",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetWeaponComponentEntities end, },
{ id = "Slot",
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("WeaponUpgradeSlot", "Default") end, },
{ id = "ApplyTo",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta)
local classdef = g_Classes[preset.object_class]
return IsKindOf(classdef, "Firearm")
{ id = "OverrideHolsterSlot",
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return { "", "Shoulder", "Leg" } end, },
{ id = "ModifyRightHandGrip",
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, },
{ id = "Icon", name = "Custom Icon", help = "icon used for this particular component; leave empty to uae component default",
editor = "ui_image", default = "", template = true, image_preview_size = 400, },
StoreAsTable = true,
function WeaponComponentVisual:GetError()
if not self.Slot then
return "No slot"
if not self.Entity then
return "No entity"
function WeaponComponentVisual:GetEditorView()
return string.format("%s component (%s)", self.Slot or "unspecified", self:IsGeneric() and "any weapon" or self.ApplyTo)
function WeaponComponentVisual:Match(id)
return self:IsGeneric() or self.ApplyTo == id
function WeaponComponentVisual:IsGeneric()
return (self.ApplyTo or "") == ""
DefineClass.WeaponPropertyDef = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "bind_to", name = "Property", help = "The name of the property to bind to.",
editor = "text", default = false, },
{ id = "display_name", name = "Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "short_display_name", name = "Short Display Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "description", name = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "max_progress", name = "Max Progress Bar Value", help = "The max value of the bar",
editor = "number", default = 100, },
{ id = "reverse_bar", name = "Reverse Bar",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "show_in_inventory", name = "Show in inventory rollover",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "DisplayForContext",
editor = "func", default = function (self, context)
return context:IsWeapon()
end, params = "self, context", },
{ id = "GetProp",
editor = "func", default = function (self, item, unit_id)
return item:GetProperty(self.bind_to)
end, params = "self, item, unit_id", },
{ id = "Getbase_Prop",
editor = "func", default = function (self, item, unit_id)
return item:GetProperty("base_"..self.bind_to)
end, params = "self, item, unit_id", },
DefineClass.WeaponType = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Name",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
{ id = "Description",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 2, max_lines = 100, },
{ id = "Icon",
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/Icons/Weapons/M16A2", image_preview_size = 100, },
DefineClass.WeaponUpgradeSlot = {
__parents = { "ListPreset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ id = "DisplayName",
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, },
Documentation = "Creates a new possible weapon slot that could be defined for a weapon preset and referenced in a Weapon Component preset.",
DefineModItemPreset("WeaponUpgradeSlot", { EditorName = "Weapon slot", EditorSubmenu = "Item" })