DefineClass.AmmoProperties = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "Caliber", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("Caliber", "Default") end, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "MaxStacks", name = "Max Stacks", help = "Ammo can stack up to that number.", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, slider = true, min = 1, max = 10000, }, |
{ id = "Modifications", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, template = true, base_class = "CaliberModification", inclusive = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "AppliedEffects", name = "Applied Effects", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, template = true, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", preset_group = "Default", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ammo_type_icon", name = "Ammo Type Icon", help = "Ammo type icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.ArmorProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Slot", |
editor = "combo", default = "Torso", template = true, items = function (self) return {"Head", "Torso", "Legs"} end, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "PenetrationClass", |
editor = "number", default = 1, template = true, |
name = function(self) return "Penetration Class: " .. (PenetrationClassIds[self.PenetrationClass] or "") end, slider = true, min = 1, max = 5, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "DamageReduction", name = "Damage Reduction (Base)", help = "How much damage the armor absorbs when the attack lands in an area covered by the armor.", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "AdditionalReduction", name = "Damage Reduction (Additional)", help = "Additional damage reduction applied when the effective Penetration Class of the attack is lower than the Penetration Class of the armor protecting the hit body part.", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "ProtectedBodyParts", name = "Protected Body Parts", |
editor = "set", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("TargetBodyPart", "Default") end, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "Camouflage", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopAmmoProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopItemProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CategoryPair", |
editor = "preset_id", default = "12gauge", no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, preset_class = "BobbyRayShopSubCategory", preset_group = "Ammo", }, |
}, |
} |
function BobbyRayShopAmmoProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_Ammo(self) |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopArmorProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopUsedItemProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CategoryPair", |
editor = "preset_id", default = "UtilityArmor", no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, preset_class = "BobbyRayShopSubCategory", preset_group = "Armor", }, |
}, |
} |
function BobbyRayShopArmorProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_Armor(self) |
end |
function BobbyRayShopArmorProperties:GetShopDescription() |
local hasDesc = self.Description and self.Description ~= "" |
local hasHint = self.AdditionalHint and self.AdditionalHint ~= "" |
local protectedParts = {} |
for part,val in sorted_pairs(self.ProtectedBodyParts) do |
local preset= Presets.TargetBodyPart.Default[part] |
table.insert(protectedParts, preset.display_name) |
end |
local protectedPartsText = "" |
if #protectedParts > 0 then |
protectedPartsText = T{378508273050, "<bullet_point> Body parts - <parts>", parts = table.concat(protectedParts, ", ")} |
end |
local text = hasDesc and self.Description or hasHint and self.AdditionalHint or "" |
return protectedPartsText .. "\n" .. text |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopFirearmProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopWeaponProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
} |
function BobbyRayShopFirearmProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_Firearm(self) |
end |
function BobbyRayShopFirearmProperties:GenerateInventoryEntries(stacks) |
local items = {} |
if self.Used then |
local new_item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.class, self) |
new_item.Condition = self.Condition |
RestoreCloneWeaponComponents(new_item, self) |
new_item.Cost = new_item.Cost |
table.insert(items, new_item) |
else |
items = BobbyRayShopItemProperties.GenerateInventoryEntries(self, stacks) |
end |
for _, weapon in ipairs(items) do |
local ammo = GetAmmosWithCaliber(weapon.Caliber, "sort")[1] |
if ammo then |
local tempAmmo = PlaceInventoryItem(ammo.id) |
tempAmmo.Amount = tempAmmo.MaxStacks |
weapon:Reload(tempAmmo, "suspend_fx") |
DoneObject(tempAmmo) |
end |
end |
return items |
end |
function BobbyRayShopFirearmProperties:GetShopSubIcon() |
return CountWeaponUpgrades(self) > 0 and "UI/Inventory/w_mod" or "" |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CanAppearInShop", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "Tier", name = "Tier", |
editor = "combo", default = 1, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, items = function (self) return { 1, 2, 3 } end, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "MaxStock", |
editor = "number", default = 3, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, min = 0, max = 99, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "RestockWeight", |
editor = "number", default = 100, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, min = 0, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "Stock", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, template = true, min = 0, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "New", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "Seen", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "LastRestock", |
editor = "number", default = -1, no_edit = true, template = true, min = -1, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CanBeConsumed", |
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CategoryPair", |
editor = "preset_id", default = "Missing", no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, preset_class = "BobbyRayShopSubCategory", preset_group = "_Missing", }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "ShopStackSize", |
editor = "number", default = 1, no_edit = function(self) return not (g_Classes[self.id] and g_Classes[self.id].MaxStacks) or not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, min = 1, max = 99, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CanAppearStandard", |
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
} |
function BobbyRayShopItemProperties:GetShopDescription() |
return (self.Description and self.Description ~= "" and self.Description) or self.AdditionalHint |
end |
function BobbyRayShopItemProperties:GetShopSubIcon() |
return self.SubIcon |
end |
function BobbyRayShopItemProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
return {{ Untranslated("(design)"), Untranslated("Not implemented") }} |
end |
function BobbyRayShopItemProperties:GetCategory() |
return BobbyRayShopGetCategory(BobbyRayShopGetSubCategory(self.CategoryPair).Category) |
end |
function BobbyRayShopItemProperties:GetSubCategory() |
return BobbyRayShopGetSubCategory(self.CategoryPair) |
end |
function BobbyRayShopItemProperties:GenerateInventoryEntries(stacks) |
local items = {} |
if self.MaxStacks then |
local total_amount = stacks * (self.ShopStackSize or 1) |
local stacks = DivCeil(total_amount, self.MaxStacks) |
local remainder = total_amount - (stacks - 1) * self.MaxStacks |
for i = 1, stacks - 1 do |
local item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.class, self) |
item.Amount = item.MaxStacks |
table.insert(items, item) |
end |
local item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.class, self) |
item.Amount = remainder |
table.insert(items, item) |
else |
for i = 1, stacks do |
table.insert(items, PlaceInventoryItem(self.class, self)) |
end |
end |
return items |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopMeleeWeaponProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopWeaponProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
} |
function BobbyRayShopMeleeWeaponProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_MeleeWeapon(self) |
end |
function BobbyRayShopMeleeWeaponProperties:GetShopSubIcon() |
return self.SubIcon |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopOtherProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopItemProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CategoryPair", |
editor = "preset_id", default = "Other", no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, preset_class = "BobbyRayShopSubCategory", preset_group = "Other", }, |
}, |
} |
function BobbyRayShopOtherProperties:GetShopDescription() |
return self.AdditionalHint |
end |
function BobbyRayShopOtherProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_Other(self) |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopUsedItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopItemProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CanAppearUsed", |
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CanAppearStandard", |
editor = "bool", default = true, no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "Used", |
editor = "bool", default = false, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
} |
function BobbyRayShopUsedItemProperties:GenerateInventoryEntries(stacks) |
if self.Used then |
local items = {} |
local new_item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.class, self) |
new_item.Condition = self.Condition |
new_item.Cost = new_item.Cost |
table.insert(items, new_item) |
return items |
else |
return BobbyRayShopItemProperties.GenerateInventoryEntries(self, stacks) |
end |
end |
function BobbyRayShopUsedItemProperties:GetShopConditionPercent() |
return Untranslated{"<percent(condPercent)>", condPercent = self:GetConditionPercent()} |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayShopWeaponProperties = { |
__parents = { "BobbyRayShopUsedItemProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "CategoryPair", |
editor = "preset_id", default = "UtilityWeapons", no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanAppearInShop end, template = true, preset_class = "BobbyRayShopSubCategory", preset_group = "Weapons", }, |
}, |
} |
function BobbyRayShopWeaponProperties:GetShopStats(stacks) |
if self:GetSubCategory().id == "MeleeWeapons" then |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_MeleeWeapon(self) |
else |
return BobbyRayStoreGetStats_Firearm(self) |
end |
end |
function BobbyRayShopWeaponProperties:GetShopDescription() |
local hasDesc = self.Description and self.Description ~= "" |
local hasHint = self.AdditionalHint and self.AdditionalHint ~= "" |
return hasDesc and self.Description or hasHint and self.AdditionalHint or FindPreset("WeaponType", self.WeaponType).Description |
end |
function BobbyRayShopWeaponProperties:GetShopSubIcon() |
if IsKindOf(self, "Firearm") then |
return CountWeaponUpgrades(self) > 0 and "UI/Inventory/w_mod" or "" |
else |
return BobbyRayShopItemProperties.GetShopSubIcon(self) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.CapacityItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MaxCapacity", name = "Max Capacity", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, template = true, min = 0, max = 10000, }, |
{ id = "capacity", |
editor = "number", default = false, no_edit = true, template = true, min = 0, max = 10000, }, |
{ id = "deplete_progress", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, template = true, min = 0, max = 10000, }, |
{ id = "Deplete", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, amount, holder) |
self.capacity = self.capacity or self.MaxCapacity |
AddScaledProgress(self, "deplete_progress", "capacity", -amount) |
if self.capacity == 0 then |
local container_slot_name = GetContainerInventorySlotName(holder) |
local item = holder:RemoveItem(container_slot_name, self) |
if item then |
DoneObject(item) |
return true |
end |
end |
end, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, params = "self, amount, holder", }, |
{ id = "IsDepleted", |
editor = "func", default = function (self) |
return (self.capacity or self.MaxCapacity) <= 0 |
end, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.ExplosiveProperties = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "CenterUnitDamageMod", name = "Unit Damage Modifier (Center)", help = "modifier applied to damage when damaging units in the central tile of the explosion", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 500, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "CenterObjDamageMod", name = "Object Damage Modifier (Center)", help = "modifier applied to damage when damaging objects in the central tile of the explosion", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 500, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "CenterAppliedEffects", name = "Applied Effects (Center)", help = "status effects applied in the central tile of the explosion", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, template = true, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", preset_group = "Default", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "AreaOfEffect", name = "Area of Effect", help = "the blast range (radius) in number of tiles", |
editor = "number", default = 3, template = true, min = 0, max = 20, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "CenterAreaOfEffect", name = "Central Area of Effect", help = "the central blast area radius in number of tiles", |
editor = "number", default = 1, template = true, min = 1, max = 20, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "AreaUnitDamageMod", name = "Unit Damage Modifier (Area)", help = "modifier applied to damage when damaging units outside the central tile of the explosion", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 500, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "AreaObjDamageMod", name = "Object Damage Modifier (Area)", help = "modifier applied to damage when damaging objects outside the central tile of the explosion", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 500, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "AreaAppliedEffects", name = "Applied Effects (Area)", help = "status effects applied outside the central tile of the explosion", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, template = true, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", preset_group = "Default", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "PenetrationClass", |
editor = "number", default = 5, template = true, |
name = function(self) return "Penetration Class: " .. (PenetrationClassIds[self.PenetrationClass] or "") end, slider = true, min = 1, max = 5, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "coneShaped", name = "Cone Shaped", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "coneAngle", name = "Cone Angle", help = "The angle of the bigger cone arc", |
editor = "number", default = 30, no_edit = function(self) return not self.coneShaped end, template = true, min = 1, max = 360, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "BurnGround", |
editor = "bool", default = true, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Explosion", id = "DeathType", |
editor = "choice", default = "Normal", template = true, items = function (self) return {"Normal", "BlowUp"} end, }, |
{ id = "dbg_explosion_buttons", |
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Set Debug Explosion Source", func = "DbgSetExplosionType"}, }, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.FirearmProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "Caliber", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("Caliber", "Default") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "btnAddAmmo", |
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Add Ammo To Current Unit", func = "UIPlaceInInventoryAmmo"}, }, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "Damage", help = "Damage of the firearm", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 1000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "ObjDamageMod", name = "Objects damage modifier", help = "Multiplicative damage modifier against objects (non-units)", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 1000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "AimAccuracy", name = "Aim Accuracy", help = "Base chance to hit increase per aim action", |
editor = "number", default = 2, template = true, scale = "%", min = 1, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "CritChance", name = "Crit Chance", help = "Base chance to cause a critical hit which deals more damage.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "CritChanceScaled", name = "Crit Chance (Scaled)", help = "Additional chance to cause a critical hit (scaled by level, specified number is at merc level 10)", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "MagazineSize", name = "Magazine Size", help = "Number of bullets in a single clip", |
editor = "number", default = 1, template = true, min = 1, max = 1000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "PenetrationClass", |
editor = "number", default = 1, template = true, |
name = function(self) return "Penetration Class: " .. (PenetrationClassIds[self.PenetrationClass] or "") end, slider = true, min = 1, max = 5, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "IgnoreCoverReduction", name = "Ignore Cover Reduction", help = "If > 0 attacks with this weapon will ignore the damage reduction that would normally apply for targets in cover.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "WeaponRange", name = "Range", help = "Range at which the penalty of the gun is 100.", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, slider = true, min = 1, max = 200, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "PointBlankBonus", help = "attacks get bonus CTH in point-blank range", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 1, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "OverwatchAngle", name = "Overwatch Angle", help = "overwatch area cone angle", |
editor = "number", default = 2400, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return |
(self.PreparedAttackType ~= "Overwatch" and self.PreparedAttackType ~= "Both" and self.PreparedAttackType ~= "Machine Gun") |
end, scale = "deg", slider = true, min = 1, max = 5400, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "BuckshotConeAngle", name = "Buckshot Cone Angle", |
editor = "number", default = 1600, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return not table.find(self.AvailableAttacks, "Buckshot") end, scale = "deg", min = 60, max = 7200, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "BuckshotFalloffDamage", name = "Buckshot Falloff Damage", help = "what percent of nominal damage is the attack dealing at max range (cone length)", |
editor = "number", default = 25, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return not table.find(self.AvailableAttacks, "Buckshot") end, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "BuckshotFalloffStart", name = "Buckshot Falloff Start", help = "at what percent of the max distance (cone length) does the damage falloff start", |
editor = "number", default = 50, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return not table.find(self.AvailableAttacks, "Buckshot") end, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "Noise", name = "Noise Range", help = "Range (in tiles) in which the weapon alerts unaware enemies when firing.", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "RangePenalty", name = "Range Penalty", |
editor = "accuracy_chart", default = "", dont_save = true, template = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "HandSlot", help = "One-haneded or two-handed weapon.", |
editor = "combo", default = "OneHanded", template = true, items = function (self) return { "OneHanded", "TwoHanded" } end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "Entity", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return GetWeaponEntities end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "fxClass", name = "FX Class", help = "use to override the default fx class of this weapon", |
editor = "combo", default = "", template = true, items = function (self) return ItemTemplatesCombo("FirearmProperties") end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "ComponentSlots", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, template = true, base_class = "WeaponComponentSlot", inclusive = true, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "Color", |
editor = "combo", default = "Olive", template = true, items = function (self) return Presets.WeaponColor.Default end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "BaseDifficulty", help = 'Base difficulty value compared against the "Mechanical" skill.', |
editor = "number", default = false, template = true, min = 0, max = 10000000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "HolsterSlot", help = "By default Two Handed weapons go on shoulders, One Handed go to legs", |
editor = "combo", default = "", template = true, items = function (self) return { "", "Shoulder", "Leg" } end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "ModifyRightHandGrip", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "PreparedAttackType", name = "Prepared Attack Type", |
editor = "choice", default = "Overwatch", template = true, items = function (self) return { "Overwatch", "Pin Down", "None", "Both", "Machine Gun" } end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "AvailableAttacks", name = "Available Attacks", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, template = true, preset_class = "CombatAction", preset_group = "WeaponAttacks", item_default = "", }, |
{ category = "ActionPoints", id = "ShootAP", name = "Shoot", help = "Action points needed to shoot a single shot", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, template = true, scale = "AP", min = 1000, max = 50000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "ActionPoints", id = "ReloadAP", name = "Reload", help = "Action points needed to reload the gun", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, template = true, scale = "AP", min = 1000, max = 50000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "ActionPoints", id = "MaxAimActions", name = "Max Aim Actions", help = "Max number of aim actions allowed", |
editor = "number", default = 3, min = 0, max = 5, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Debug", id = "SetRange", name = "Range", |
editor = "number", default = 10, dont_save = true, template = true, slider = true, min = 0, max = 50, }, |
{ category = "Debug", id = "DPS", |
editor = "number", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, template = true, min = 0, max = 1000, }, |
}, |
} |
function FirearmProperties:GetDPS() |
return self:GetProperty("Damage") * Max(0, GetRangeAccuracy(self, self:GetProperty("SetRange")*const.SlabSizeX)) / 100 |
end |
function FirearmProperties:HasPointBlankBonus() |
return self.PointBlankBonus ~= 0 |
end |
DefineClass.GrenadeProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", "MishapProperties", "ExplosiveProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Combat", id = "BaseDamage", name = "Base Damage", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, min = 0, max = 200, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "Scatter", help = "area in which the grenade may scatter defined as a radius in tiles.", |
editor = "number", default = 3, template = true, min = 0, max = 20, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "AttackAP", name = "Attack AP", help = "AP to throw the greanade", |
editor = "number", default = 6000, template = true, scale = "AP", step = 1000, slider = true, min = 1000, max = 15000, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "BaseRange", name = "Throw Range (Min)", help = "Number of tiles that this grenade can be thrown by a unit with 0 Strength.", |
editor = "number", default = 5, template = true, min = -10, max = 30, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "ThrowMaxRange", name = "Throw Range (Max)", help = "Number of tiles that this grenade can be thrown by a unit with 100 Strength.", |
editor = "number", default = 15, template = true, min = -10, max = 30, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "CanBounce", |
editor = "bool", default = true, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "InaccurateMinOffset", name = "Min Offset (Inaccurate Throw)", help = "Minimum distance to the target point for inaccurate throws, at 10 tiles", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, template = true, scale = "m", min = 1, max = 20000, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "InaccurateMaxOffset", name = "Max Offset (Inaccurate Throw)", help = "Maximum distance to the target point for inaccurate throws, at 10 tiles", |
editor = "number", default = 5000, template = true, scale = "m", min = 1, max = 20000, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "IgnoreCoverReduction", name = "Ignore Cover Reduction", help = "If > 0 attacks with this weapon will ignore the damage reduction that would normally apply for targets in cover.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "Noise", name = "Noise", help = "Range (in tiles) in which the explosion alerts unaware enemies.", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "ThrowNoise", name = "Throw Noise", help = "Range (in tiles) in which items that do not explode immediately can still alert enemies when they land.", |
editor = "number", default = 3, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "aoeType", name = "AOE Type", help = "additional effect that happens after the explosion (optional)", |
editor = "choice", default = "none", template = true, items = function (self) return {"none", "fire", "smoke", "teargas", "toxicgas"} end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Entity", |
editor = "choice", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, template = true, items = function (self) return ClassDescendantsCombo("GrenadeVisual") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ActionIcon", name = "Throw Action Icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.HeavyWeaponProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", "MishapProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "Caliber", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("Caliber", "Default") end, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "AttackAP", name = "Attack AP", help = "AP to throw the greanade", |
editor = "number", default = 6000, template = true, scale = "AP", step = 1000, slider = true, min = 1000, max = 15000, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "BombardRadius", help = "defines the radius (in tiles) of the zone where the bombard ordnance can fall", |
editor = "number", default = 4, template = true, min = 0, max = 10, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "ComponentSlots", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, template = true, base_class = "WeaponComponentSlot", inclusive = true, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "Entity", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return GetWeaponEntities end, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.InventoryItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "Icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = "", template = true, image_preview_size = 400, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "SubIcon", help = "A small icon on the bootom left side of the item's icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = "", template = true, image_preview_size = 30, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ItemType", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, template = true, preset_class = "WeaponType", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "DisplayName", name = "Display Name", |
editor = "text", default = false, template = true, translate = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "DisplayNamePlural", name = "Display Name Plural", |
editor = "text", default = false, template = true, translate = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "colorStyle", name = "Color Style", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, template = true, preset_class = "TextStyle", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Description", |
editor = "text", default = false, template = true, translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 3, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "AdditionalHint", name = "Additional Hint", help = "Additional keywords text to add to item's rollover hint. Added after the autogenerated keyswors for weapons.", |
editor = "text", default = false, template = true, translate = true, lines = 1, max_lines = 10, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "LargeItem", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, slider = true, min = 0, max = 1, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Cumbersome", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, slider = true, min = 0, max = 1, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "UnitStat", name = "Unit Stat", help = "Unit Properties stat.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return GetUnitStatsCombo() end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Valuable", name = "Valuable Item (for VR only)", help = "Will check whether to play the ValuableItemFound VR", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 1, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "btnAddItem", |
editor = "buttons", default = false, buttons = { {name = "Add To Current Unit", func = "UIPlaceInInventory"}, }, template = true, }, |
{ category = "BobbyRayShop", id = "Cost", help = "How much this item costs to buy in $", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, template = true, min = 0, max = 10000000, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "loot_def", name = "LootDef", help = "Loot def for the items ValuableItemContainer contains", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, no_edit = function(self) return self.object_class ~= "ValuableItemContainer" end, template = true, preset_class = "LootDef", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "locked", name = "Locked", help = "Locked items cannot be moved from their slot. They also disappear when the bearer dies.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Reactions", id = "OnItemGained", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, owner, slot) end, template = true, params = "self, owner, slot", }, |
{ category = "Reactions", id = "OnItemLost", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, owner, slot) end, template = true, params = "self, owner, slot", }, |
{ id = "owner", name = "Owner", help = "The item owner if any.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "extra_tag", help = "Extra data to identify unique items. Note that for stacking items this will be wiped when they're stacked.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "base_drop_chance", |
editor = "number", default = 5, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "drop_chance", |
editor = "number", default = 0, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "guaranteed_drop", |
editor = "bool", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, }, |
}, |
} |
function InventoryItemProperties:GetColoredName(plural) |
local style = TextStyles[self.colorStyle] |
if style then |
local r, g, b = GetRGB(style.TextColor) |
local colorTag = string.format("<color %i %i %i>", r, g, b) |
return T{236471449642, "<colorTag><name></color>", colorTag = colorTag, name = plural and self.DisplayNamePlural or self.DisplayName } |
else |
return plural and self.DisplayNamePlural or self.DisplayName |
end |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:GetEquipCost() |
return const["Action Point Costs"].EquipItem |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:GetUIWidth() |
return self:IsLargeItem() and 2 or 1 |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:GetUIHeight() |
return 1 |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:GetRolloverType() |
return self.ItemType |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:IsLargeItem() |
return self.LargeItem ~= 0 |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:IsCumbersome() |
return self.Cumbersome ~= 0 |
end |
function InventoryItemProperties:IsValuable() |
return self.Valuable ~= 0 |
end |
DefineClass.InventoryTab = { |
__parents = { "ListPreset", }, |
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "display_name", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, lines = 2, max_lines = 100, }, |
{ id = "icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = "UI/Inventory/tabs_all.png", image_preview_size = 100, }, |
{ id = "item_classes", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = false, }, |
{ id = "FilterItem", |
editor = "func", default = function (self, item) |
if not next(self.item_classes) then |
return true |
end |
return IsKindOfClasses(item, self.item_classes) |
end, template = true, params = "self, item", }, |
}, |
GlobalMap = "InventoryTabs", |
} |
DefineClass.ItemUpgradeProperties = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Slot", |
editor = "combo", default = "Modification", template = true, items = function (self) return {"Underslung", "Muzzle", "Sights", "Magazine", "Modification"} end, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.ItemWithCondition = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", "ScrapableItem", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Condition", id = "Condition", help = "The overall condition of the item which is lowered when the item is fired/hit", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, min = 0, max = 10000, }, |
{ category = "Condition", id = "RepairCost", name = "Repair Cost", help = "How long it takes to repair the item using Mechanical skill. Each hour a mechanic contributes his/her skill towards repair. To increase Condition by 1 point the merc has to contribute this much points.", |
editor = "number", default = 80, template = true, min = 0, max = 1000, }, |
{ category = "Condition", id = "Repairable", name = "Repairable", help = "Whether the item can be repaired", |
editor = "bool", default = true, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Condition", id = "Reliability", help = "For guns. Percentage. How fast or slowly condition is lost when the gun is fired. High percentage means that the gun is more reliable.", |
editor = "number", default = 40, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) local class = g_Classes[self.object_class or false] |
return not IsKindOf(class, "FirearmBase") end, slider = true, min = 0, max = 98, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Condition", id = "Degradation", help = "For armors. When the armor is hit how much of the damage is transfered as condition loss.", |
editor = "number", default = 50, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) local class = g_Classes[self.object_class or false] |
return not IsKindOf(class, "Armor") end, slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, }, |
{ category = "Condition", id = "repair_progress", |
editor = "number", default = 0, no_edit = true, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
function ItemWithCondition:AmountOfScrapPartsFromItem() |
local parts = self:GetScrapParts() |
if self.Condition and self.Condition < 50 then |
parts = parts / 2 |
end |
return parts |
end |
DefineClass.MeleeWeaponProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Combat", id = "BaseChanceToHit", name = "Base Chance To Hit", help = "Multiplies chance to hit finaly. Used to define differently accurate weapon types.", |
editor = "number", default = 90, template = true, slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "CritChance", name = "Crit Chance", help = "Base chance to cause a critical hit which deals more damage.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "CritChanceScaled", name = "Crit Chance (Scaled)", help = "Additional chance to cause a critical hit (scaled by level, specified number is at merc level 10)", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "BaseDamage", name = "Base Damage", help = "Melee weapon damage scales based on damage. This property defines the base cost.", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, min = 0, max = 200, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "AimAccuracy", name = "Aim Accuracy", help = "Base chance to hit increase per aim action", |
editor = "number", default = 2, template = true, scale = "%", min = 1, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "PenetrationClass", |
editor = "number", default = 1, template = true, |
name = function(self) return "Penetration Class: " .. (PenetrationClassIds[self.PenetrationClass] or "") end, slider = true, min = 1, max = 5, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "DamageMultiplier", name = "Damage Multiplier", help = "In %. Strength stat is multiplied by this percentage when multiplying melee damage", |
editor = "number", default = 200, template = true, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 1000, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "IgnoreCoverReduction", name = "Ignore Cover Reduction", help = "If > 0 attacks with this weapon will ignore the damage reduction that would normally apply for targets in cover.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "CanThrow", name = "Can Throw", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "WeaponRange", name = "Range", help = "Range at which the penalty of the gun is 100.", |
editor = "number", default = 8, template = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.CanThrow end, slider = true, min = 1, max = 20, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "Charge", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "IsUnarmed", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Action Points", id = "AttackAP", name = "Attack", help = "Action Points needed to make a basic attack.", |
editor = "number", default = 5000, template = true, scale = "AP", min = 0, max = 30000, }, |
{ category = "Action Points", id = "MaxAimActions", name = "Max Aim Actions", help = "Max number of allowed aim actions.", |
editor = "number", default = 2, template = true, min = 0, max = 4, }, |
{ category = "Melee Weapon", id = "Noise", help = "How much noise the weapon makes when attacking.", |
editor = "number", default = 100, template = true, min = 0, max = 1000, }, |
{ category = "Melee Weapon", id = "NeckAttackType", |
editor = "choice", default = "bleed", template = true, items = function (self) return {"choke", "bleed", "lethal"} end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "Entity", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return GetWeaponEntities end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "fxClass", name = "FX Class", help = "use to override the default fx class of this weapon", |
editor = "combo", default = "", template = true, items = function (self) return ItemTemplatesCombo("MeleeWeaponProperties") end, }, |
{ category = "Body & Components", id = "HolsterSlot", help = "By default Two Handed weapons go on shoulders, One Handed go to legs", |
editor = "combo", default = "", template = true, items = function (self) return { "", "Shoulder", "Leg" } end, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.MiscItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Execution", id = "effect_moment", name = "Effect moment", |
editor = "choice", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return InventoryItemEffectMoments end, }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "Effects", help = "Effects that are executed when consuming an item.", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, template = true, base_class = "Effect", }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "action_name", name = "Name", help = "Action name", |
editor = "text", default = false, template = true, translate = true, }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "destroy_item", name = "Destroy item", help = "Destroy item after execution.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "onlyOnMap", name = "Only on Map", help = "Can be used only when the unit is on a loaded map.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "APCost", name = "AP Cost", help = "How much does the item cost to use while in combat.", |
editor = "number", default = 2, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.OrdnanceProperties = { |
__parents = { "ExplosiveProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "Caliber", |
editor = "combo", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("Caliber", "Default") end, }, |
{ category = "Caliber", id = "MaxStacks", name = "Max Stacks", help = "Ammo can stack up to that number.", |
editor = "number", default = 10, template = true, slider = true, min = 1, max = 10000, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "BaseDamage", name = "Base Damage", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, min = 0, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "Noise", name = "Noise", help = "Range (in tiles) in which the explosion alerts unaware enemies.", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "aoeType", name = "AOE Type", help = "additional effect that happens after the explosion (optional)", |
editor = "choice", default = "none", template = true, items = function (self) return {"none", "fire", "smoke", "teargas", "toxicgas"} end, }, |
{ category = "Combat", id = "CanBounce", |
editor = "bool", default = false, template = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Entity", |
editor = "choice", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, template = true, items = function (self) return ClassDescendantsCombo("GrenadeVisual") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ammo_type_icon", name = "Ammo Type Icon", help = "Ammo type icon", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.QuestItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
} |
DefineClass.ScrapableItem = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Condition", id = "ScrapParts", name = "Scrap Parts", help = "The number for Parts that are given to the player when its scraped", |
editor = "number", default = 0, template = true, min = 0, max = 1000, }, |
}, |
} |
function ScrapableItem:GetScrapParts() |
return self.ScrapParts |
end |
function ScrapableItem:AmountOfScrapPartsFromItem() |
return self:GetScrapParts() |
end |
DefineClass.StatBoostItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "Stat boost item", id = "stat", name = "Stat", |
editor = "choice", default = false, template = true, items = function (self) return GetUnitStatsCombo end, }, |
{ category = "Stat boost item", id = "boost", name = "Boost value", |
editor = "number", default = false, template = true, }, |
}, |
} |
DefineClass.TransmutedItemProperties = { |
__parents = { "ItemWithCondition", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "OriginalItemId", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", }, |
{ id = "RevertCondition", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return {"attacks", "damage"} end, }, |
{ id = "RevertConditionCounter", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
}, |
} |
function TransmutedItemProperties:MakeTransmutation(fromitem) |
local new_item, prev_item |
if fromitem =="revert" then |
new_item = PlaceInventoryItem(self.OriginalItemId) |
prev_item = self |
else |
new_item = self |
prev_item = fromitem |
end |
new_item.Condition = prev_item.Condition |
return new_item, prev_item |
end |