DefineClass.ApplyGuiltyOrRighteous = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "effectType", name = "effectType", help = "Whether the effect is possive or negative (proud or guilty)", |
editor = "combo", default = "positive", items = function (self) return { "positive", "negative" } end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Apply guilty or righteous effect on unit"), |
Documentation = "Apply guilty or righteous effect on unit", |
} |
function ApplyGuiltyOrRighteous:__exec(obj, context) |
ApplyGuiltyOrRighteousEffect(self.effectType) |
end |
function ApplyGuiltyOrRighteous:GetUIText(effect) |
if self.effectType == "positive" then |
return T(235589045798, "Some mercs may <em>approve</em> of this.") |
else |
return T(596690068964, "Some mercs may <em>regret</em> this.") |
end |
end |
function ApplyGuiltyOrRighteous:GetEditorView() |
local helperText = self.effectType == "positive" and "positive(righteous)" or "negative(guilty)" |
return Untranslated("Apply " .. helperText .. " effect on unit" ) |
end |
DefineClass.BanterSetUnitInteraction = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", "BanterFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Banters", name = "Banters", help = "List of banters to play.", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "BanterDef", item_default = "", }, |
{ id = "Enabled", name = "Enabled", help = "Whether the banter is enabled.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set banters to play when interacting with unit."), |
Documentation = "Set banters to play when interacting with unit.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function BanterSetUnitInteraction:GetError() |
if not self.Banters then |
return "No banters" |
end |
for i,banter_id in ipairs(self.Banters) do |
if not Banters[banter_id] then |
return "Invalid banter ID " .. banter_id |
end |
end |
end |
function BanterSetUnitInteraction:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
local triggered = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if not triggered or not context.target_units then return end |
for i,unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
unit.banters = self.Enabled and table.copy(self.Banters) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayConsumeStock = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ItemConsumeProbability", help = "Probability of each item to get picked for consumption", |
editor = "number", default = 13, |
default = const.BobbyRay.FakePurchase_PickProbability, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ id = "MinimumStockConsumption", help = "Minimum percentage of available stock consumed", |
editor = "number", default = 25, |
default = const.BobbyRay.FakePurchase_StockConsumedMin, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ id = "MaximumStockConsumption", help = "Maximum percentage of available stock consumed (if only one unit is available, it is always consumed)", |
editor = "number", default = 50, |
default = const.BobbyRay.FakePurchase_StockConsumedMax, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
}, |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Bobby Ray", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Consumes some of Bobby Ray's stock"), |
Documentation = "Consumes some of Bobby Ray's stock to simulate other buyers.\n\nEach item is evaluated independently.\nA roll with ItemConsumeProbability change determines whether an item will be purchased or not.\nIf chosen, a percentage of its stock is consumed (at least one unit is always consumed), between Min and Max StockConsumption values.", |
} |
function BobbyRayConsumeStock:__exec(obj, context) |
BobbyRayStoreConsumeRandomStock(self.ItemConsumeProbability, self.MinimumStockConsumption, self.MaximumStockConsumption) |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRayRestockShop = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "RestockModifier_Standard", help = "Modifier to the number of standard items chosen for restock per event (applied to the Restock_StandardPercentage variables defined in the const editor).\n\n100 causes no change.", |
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 10, max = 500, modifiable = true, }, |
{ id = "RestockModifier_Used", help = "Modifier to the number of used items chosen for restock per event (applied to the Restock_UsedPercentage variables defined in the const editor).\n\n100 causes no change.", |
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", slider = true, min = 10, max = 500, modifiable = true, }, |
}, |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Bobby Ray", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Restocks Bobby Ray's Shop"), |
Documentation = "Restocks Bobby Ray's Shop\n\nFrom the whole pool of items that can appear in the shop (with respect to tier), a percentage between Restock_PercentageMin and Restock_PercentageMax (see the const editor, with separate variables controlling standard and used items) is restocked.\n\nThe above values are further multiplied by this effect's RestockModifier. Values below 100 decrease the number of items picked for restocking, values above 100 increase it.\n\nItems already present in the shop get their stock recalculated (never decreased, but restocking may have no effect), otherwise a new entry is created.", |
} |
function BobbyRayRestockShop:__exec(obj, context) |
BobbyRayStoreRestock(self.RestockModifier_Standard, self.RestockModifier_Used) |
end |
DefineClass.BobbyRaySetState = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "State", |
editor = "combo", default = "Closed", items = function (self) return {"Closed", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} end, }, |
}, |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Bobby Ray", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Sets shop tier availability"), |
Documentation = "Possible values are:\nClosed (default, 0)\nTier-i unlocked (i>=1)", |
} |
function BobbyRaySetState:__exec(obj, context) |
SetQuestVar(QuestGetState("BobbyRayQuest"), "UnlockedTier", self.State == "Closed" and 0 or self.State) |
end |
DefineClass.ChangeTiredness = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "delta", name = "Delta", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
"UnitData", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Changes a unit's Energy"), |
Documentation = "Changes a unit's Energy", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function ChangeTiredness:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOfClasses(obj, "Unit", "UnitData") and not obj:IsDead() then |
obj:ChangeTired(self.delta) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.CityGrantLoyalty = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "City", help = "Change loyalty of the specified city", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return table.map(GetCurrentCampaignPreset().Cities, "Id") end, }, |
{ id = "Amount", help = "Amount of loyalty to change with.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "SpecialConversationMessage", name = "Special Conversation Message", help = "The message to display in the log when the effect is executed from a conversation phrase.", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Add <Amount> to city <u(City)> loyalty."), |
Documentation = "Grants a given value of loyalty to a given city. The loyalty can be negative.", |
} |
function CityGrantLoyalty:GetError() |
if not self.City then |
return "Missing City" |
end |
end |
function CityGrantLoyalty:__exec(obj, context) |
local msgPrefix = false |
if IsKindOf(obj, "QuestsDef") and QuestIsBoolVar(obj,"Completed",true) then |
msgPrefix = T{858740141061, "Mission <DisplayName> completed", DisplayName = obj.DisplayName} |
else |
msgPrefix = self.SpecialConversationMessage or "" |
end |
CityModifyLoyalty(self.City, self.Amount, msgPrefix) |
end |
function CityGrantLoyalty:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local city = gv_Cities and gv_Cities[self.City] |
local city_name =city and city.DisplayName or Untranslated(self.City) |
if self.Amount>0 then |
return T{571842717111, "Gained <em><Amount> Loyalty</em> with <em><City></em>",Amount = self.Amount, City = city_name} |
elseif self.Amount<0 then |
return T{749649970601, "Lost <em><Amount> Loyalty</em> with <em><City></em>",Amount = -self.Amount, City = city_name} |
end |
end |
DefineClass.CompleteGuardpostObjective = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "GuardpostObjective", name = "GuardpostObjective", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "GuardpostObjective", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Complete guardpost objective <u(GuardpostObjective)>"), |
Documentation = "Complete a guardpost objective, weakening the guardpost.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sectors", |
} |
function CompleteGuardpostObjective:__exec(obj, context) |
SetGuardpostObjectiveCompleted(self.GuardpostObjective) |
end |
DefineClass.ConversateWithUnit = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Group", name = "Group", help = "The group to affect. If left as default (empty) the interactable the effect is attached to will be affected.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Start a conversation with the unit of group"), |
Documentation = "Start a conversation with the unit of group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function ConversateWithUnit:GetError() |
if not self.Group then |
return "No group" |
end |
end |
function ConversateWithUnit:__exec(obj, context) |
local interactable = false |
local allInGroup = Groups[self.Group] |
for i, obj in ipairs(allInGroup) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Interactable") then |
interactable = obj |
break |
end |
end |
if not interactable then return end |
local unitsOnMap = GetAllPlayerUnitsOnMap() |
local closestUnit = false |
local closestDistance = false |
for i, u in ipairs(unitsOnMap) do |
if not CanInteractWith_SyncHelper(u, interactable) then goto continue end |
local dist = IsValid(u) and u:GetDist(interactable) |
if not closestDistance or dist < closestDistance then |
closestDistance = dist |
closestUnit = u |
end |
::continue:: |
end |
if closestUnit then |
local conversation = FindEnabledConversation(interactable) |
if conversation then |
OpenConversationDialog(closestUnit, conversation, false, "interaction", interactable) |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.CustomCodeEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "custom_code", name = "Custom Code", help = "Runs this code.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Execute custom code"), |
Documentation = "Executes custom code", |
} |
function CustomCodeEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
if not self.custom_code then return end |
local custom_code_func, err = load(self.custom_code) |
if custom_code_func then |
procall(custom_code_func) |
else |
assert(custom_code_func) |
print(err) |
end |
end |
function CustomCodeEffect:GetError() |
if self.custom_code then |
local func, err = load(self.custom_code) |
if not func then |
return err |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.DisableInteractionMarkerEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Group", name = "Group", help = "The group to affect. If left as default (empty) the interactable the effect is attached to will be affected.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "Negate", name = "Negate", help = "Enable interaction markers instead.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Disable interaction markers of a specific group.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactable", |
} |
function DisableInteractionMarkerEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
local groupName = self.Group |
if groupName == "" then |
if context and context.interactable and IsKindOf(context.interactable, "Interactable") then |
context.interactable.enabled = self.Negate |
elseif IsKindOf(obj, "Interactable") then |
obj.enabled = self.Negate |
else |
assert(not "Non interactable object with DisableInteractionMarker effect and no group.") |
end |
return |
end |
MapForEach("map", "Interactable", function(m) |
if table.find(m.Groups, groupName) then |
m.enabled = self.Negate |
end |
end) |
end |
function DisableInteractionMarkerEffect:GetEditorView() |
if self.Group == "" then |
if self.Negate then |
return T(299761711576, "Enable attached interaction marker.") |
else |
return T(311484226676, "Disable attached interaction marker.") |
end |
end |
if self.Negate then |
return T{697268621451, "Enable interaction markers of group <u(Group)>", self} |
else |
return T{571476004863, "Disable interaction markers of group <u(Group)>", self} |
end |
end |
DefineClass.EndSectorWarningState = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated("End the current sector's Warning State"), |
Documentation = "End the Warning State for the current sector.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function EndSectorWarningState:__exec(obj, context) |
if gv_SatelliteView then return end |
EndWarningState() |
end |
DefineClass.ExecForEachUnitInSector = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Sector", help = "Sector id", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "Effects", name = "Effects", help = "Effects to execute.", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", }, |
}, |
Documentation = 'Executes effects for all units in all squads in the given sector. Target unit effects must be with TargetUnit = "current unit"', |
EditorView = Untranslated("For each unit from sector '<u(Sector)>' execute all nested effects."), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function ExecForEachUnitInSector:__exec(obj, context) |
local effects = self.Effects |
if not effects or #effects == 0 then return true end |
if not context then context = {} end |
context.is_sector_unit = true |
context.target_units = {} |
local squads = GetSquadsInSector(self.Sector) |
for i, squad in ipairs(squads) do |
for j, unit_id in ipairs(squad.units) do |
local unit = gv_UnitData[unit_id] |
context.target_units[1] = unit |
for _, effect in ipairs(effects) do |
effect:__exec(unit, context) |
end |
end |
end |
context.is_sector_unit = false |
end |
DefineClass.Explosion = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "LocationGroup", name = "Location Group", help = "Object group defining the location of the effect.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return table.keys2(Groups) end, }, |
{ id = "ExplosionType", help = "What kind of grenade/mine is the explosion caused by.", |
editor = "combo", default = "Landmine", items = function (self) return GrenadesComboItems({"Landmine"}) end, }, |
{ id = "Damage", help = "Damage to be done.", |
editor = "number", default = 30, min = 0, max = 200, }, |
{ id = "AreaOfEffect", name = "Area of Effect", help = "the blast range (radius) in number of tiles.", |
editor = "number", default = 3, min = 0, max = 20, }, |
{ id = "Noise", name = "Noise", help = "Range (in tiles) in which the explosion alerts unaware enemies.", |
editor = "number", default = 20, template = true, min = 0, max = 100, modifiable = true, }, |
{ id = "AppliedEffect", name = "Applied Effect", help = "What effect to be applied on the victim when the damage is dealt.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", preset_group = "Default", }, |
{ id = "aoeType", name = "AOE Type", help = "additional effect that happens after the explosion (optional)", |
editor = "choice", default = "none", template = true, items = function (self) return {"none", "fire", "smoke", "teargas", "toxicgas"} end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = T(892386429862, "Create an explosion"), |
Documentation = "Create an explosion", |
} |
function Explosion:GetError() |
if not self.LocationGroup then |
return "Set the Location Group" |
end |
end |
function Explosion:__exec(obj, context) |
local objs = Groups and self.LocationGroup and Groups[self.LocationGroup] or empty_table |
if #objs <= 0 then |
return |
end |
local pos = AveragePoint(objs) |
local weapon = PlaceObject((self.ExplosionType == "Landmine") and "Landmine" or "Grenade") |
weapon.AreaOfEffect = self.AreaOfEffect |
weapon.BaseDamage = self.Damage |
weapon.Noise = self.Noise |
weapon.AppliedEffect = self.AppliedEffect |
weapon.aoeType = self.aoeType |
local proj = PlaceObject("FXGrenade") |
proj:SetPos(pos) |
proj.fx_actor_class = self.ExplosionType |
CreateGameTimeThread(function() |
ExplosionDamage(nil, weapon, pos, proj) |
DoneObject(proj) |
DoneObject(weapon) |
end) |
end |
DefineClass.FailGuardpostObjective = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "GuardpostObjective", name = "GuardpostObjective", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "GuardpostObjective", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Fail guardpost objective <u(GuardpostObjective)>"), |
Documentation = "Fail a guardpost objective", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sectors", |
} |
function FailGuardpostObjective:__exec(obj, context) |
SetGuardpostObjectiveFailed(self.GuardpostObjective) |
end |
DefineClass.ForceResetAmbientLife = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Forces Reset of Ambient Life Behavior(Alt-Shift-A cheat)"), |
Documentation = "Does the same thing as the Alt + Shift + A which resets the Ambient life", |
} |
function ForceResetAmbientLife:__exec(obj, context) |
Msg("AmbientLifeDespawn") |
Msg("WallVisibilityChanged") |
g_AmbientLifeSpawn = true |
Msg("AmbientLifeSpawn") |
end |
function ForceResetAmbientLife:__waitexec(obj, context) |
self:__exec(obj, context) |
WaitMsg("AmbientLifeSpawned") |
end |
function ForceResetAmbientLife:__skip(obj, context) |
self:__exec(obj, context) |
end |
DefineClass.GoBerserk = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Go Berserk"), |
Documentation = "Go Berserk", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GoBerserk:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") and not obj:IsDead() then |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GrantExperienceEffect = { |
__parents = { "UnitTarget", "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "Choose one of the predefined amounts", |
editor = "combo", default = "XPQuestReward_Small", items = function (self) return GetQuestRewardConstItems() end, }, |
{ id = "logImportant", name = "Log as Important", help = "Whther to show the XP gain as important message in the combat log.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = T(785742586188, "Grant <u(Amount)> to unit <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Grant experience to units. This is to be used when a map is loaded, for satellite view use GrantExperienceSector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GrantExperienceEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
if not context then context = {} end |
local units = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if units and context.target_units then |
local amount = self.Amount |
if type(amount) == "string" then |
if const[amount] then |
amount = const[amount] |
else |
amount = tonumber(amount) |
end |
end |
RewardTeamExperience({ RewardExperience = amount }, { units = context.target_units }, self.logImportant) |
end |
end |
function GrantExperienceEffect:UnitCheck(unit, obj, context) |
return true |
end |
DefineClass.GrantExperienceSector = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Sector", name = "Sector", help = "Sector", |
editor = "combo", default = "current", items = function (self) return table.iappend({{text="current",value="current"}}, GetCampaignSectorsCombo()) end, }, |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "Choose one of the predefined amounts", |
editor = "combo", default = "XPQuestReward_Small", items = function (self) return GetQuestRewardConstItems() end, }, |
{ id = "logImportant", name = "Log as Important", help = "Whther to show the XP gain as important message in the combat log.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = T(990833526031, "Grant <u(Amount)> to all player units on sector <u(Sector)>"), |
Documentation = "Grant experience to all player mercs on the specified sector.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GrantExperienceSector:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector_id |
local getUnits = false |
if self.Sector == "current" then |
sector_id = gv_CurrentSectorId |
getUnits = not gv_SatelliteView |
else |
sector_id = self.Sector |
end |
local units = GetPlayerSectorUnits(sector_id, getUnits) |
if units then |
local amount = self.Amount |
if type(amount) == "string" then |
if const[amount] then |
amount = const[amount] |
else |
amount = tonumber(amount) |
end |
end |
RewardTeamExperience({ RewardExperience = amount }, { units = units, sector = sector_id }, self.logImportant) |
end |
end |
function GrantExperienceSector:GetError() |
local amount = self.Amount |
if type(amount) == "string" and not const[amount] and not tonumber(amount) then |
return "Invalid amount " .. tostring(amount) .. " - should be a number or a const" |
end |
end |
function GrantExperienceSector:UnitCheck(unit, obj, context) |
return true |
end |
function GrantExperienceSector:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local sector_id |
local getUnits = false |
if self.Sector == "current" then |
sector_id = gv_CurrentSectorId |
getUnits = not gv_SatelliteView |
else |
sector_id = self.Sector |
end |
local units = game and GetPlayerSectorUnits(sector_id, getUnits) or T(111137020067, "[Mercs]") |
local names = game and ConcatListWithAnd(table.map(units, function(o) return o.Nick; end)) or units |
local amount = self.Amount |
if type(amount) == "string" then |
if const[amount] then |
amount = const[amount] |
else |
amount = tonumber(amount) |
end |
end |
if amount>0 then |
return T{894599074999, "Gained XP: <unit> (<Amount>)",Amount = amount, unit = names} |
elseif amount<0 then |
return T{955913519115, "Lost XP: <unit> (<Amount>)",Amount = amount, unit = names} |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupAddStatusEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Status", name = "Status", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Add <u(Status)> effect to units in group <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Add status effect to units in group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupAddStatusEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "StatusEffectObject") then |
unit:AddStatusEffect(self.Status) |
end |
end |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print("GroupAddStatusEffect couldn't find group", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupAlert = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Alert units from <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Alert units from given group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupAlert:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local units = {} |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
units[#units + 1] = unit |
end |
end |
if not next(units) then |
print("GroupAlert couldn't find group", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
CreateGameTimeThread(function() |
gv_CombatStartFromConversation = true |
TriggerUnitAlert("script", units, "aware") |
end, units) |
end |
DefineClass.GroupAssignToArea = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Mode", name = "Assign Mode", |
editor = "combo", default = "overwrite", items = function (self) return { "overwrite", "add", "clear" } end, }, |
{ id = "IndividualAreas", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Mode == "clear" end, no_validate = true, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GridMarkerFightAreaCombo("") end, max_items = 64, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Assign units from <u(TargetUnit)> to tactical area(s)"), |
Documentation = "Assigns units from given group to tactical area(s)", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupAssignToArea:__exec(obj, context) |
if not g_TacticalMap then return end |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local reset = self.Mode == "overwrite" |
local area |
if self.Mode ~= "clear" and (#(self.IndividualAreas or empty_table) > 0) then |
area = self.IndividualAreas |
end |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
g_TacticalMap:AssignUnit(unit, area, reset) |
end |
end |
end |
function GroupAssignToArea:GetEditorView() |
if self.Mode == "clear" or #(self.IndividualAreas or empty_table) == 0 then |
return Untranslated("Clear assignment for units from <u(TargetUnit)>") |
else |
local areas = "" |
for _, area in ipairs(self.IndividualAreas) do |
if #areas == 0 then |
areas = area |
else |
areas = areas .. ", " .. area |
end |
end |
if self.Mode == "add" then |
return Untranslated(string.format("Add areas to assignement for units from <u(TargetUnit)>: [%s]", areas)) |
end |
return Untranslated(string.format("Assign units from <u(TargetUnit)> to areas [%s]", areas)) |
end |
return self.EditorView |
end |
DefineClass.GroupChangeName = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ChangeName", name = "Change Name", help = "Name to be changed to", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change the name for units from <u(TargetUnit)> to <u(ChangeName)>"), |
Documentation = "Change the name of units from given group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupChangeName:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
unit.Name = self.ChangeName |
ObjModified(unit) |
end |
end |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print(self.id, " couldn't find any units of: ", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
end |
function GroupChangeName:GetError() |
if not self.ChangeName then |
return "Set Change Name" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupChangeTiredness = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Mode", |
editor = "choice", default = "Absolute", items = function (self) return { "Absolute", "Delta" } end, }, |
{ id = "Level", |
editor = "choice", default = 0, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Mode ~= "Absolute" end, items = function (self) return UnitTirednessComboItems end, }, |
{ id = "Delta", |
editor = "number", default = 1, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Mode == "Absolute" end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change Energy for units from <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Change Energy for units from given group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupChangeTiredness:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
if self.Mode == "Absolute" then |
unit:SetTired(self.Level) |
else |
unit:ChangeTired(self.Delta) |
end |
end |
end |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print("GroupChangeTiredness couldn't find any units of: ", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
end |
function GroupChangeTiredness:GetError() |
if self.Mode == "Delta" and self.Delta == 0 then |
return "No effect" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupRemoveStatusEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Status", name = "Status", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Remove <u(Status)> effect from units in group <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Remove status effect from units in group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupRemoveStatusEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "StatusEffectObject") then |
o:RemoveStatusEffect(self.Status) |
end |
end |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print("GroupRemoveStatusEffect couldn't find any units of: ", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetAITargetModifier = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Group", name = "Group", help = "Unit group that will receive the modifier", |
editor = "combo", default = "false", items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
{ id = "Target", help = "Target unit group subject to the modifier", |
editor = "combo", default = "false", items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
{ id = "Modifier", help = "Modifier value, 100% means no modification (reset to default)", |
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("AI target modifier for <u(Group)> against <u(Target)> <Modifier>%"), |
Documentation = "Set AI Targeting modifier of a group of units against another group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetAITargetModifier:__exec(obj, context) |
if self.Modifier == 100 then |
if gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group] then |
gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group][self.Target] = nil |
if next(gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group]) == nil then |
gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group] = nil |
end |
end |
else |
gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group] = gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group] or {} |
gv_AITargetModifiers[self.Group][self.Target] = self.Modifier |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetArchetype = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Archetype", |
editor = "choice", default = "<default>", items = function (self) return table.keys2(Archetypes, true, "<default>") end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change archetype for units from <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Change archetype for units from given group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetArchetype:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local units = {} |
local archetype = self.Archetype |
if archetype == "<default>" then |
archetype = nil |
end |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
unit.script_archetype = archetype |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetBehaviorAdvanceTo = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MarkerId", help = "Marker description: can specify an id.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", help = "Marker description: marker group.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GetBehaviorGroups end, }, |
{ id = "MarkerType", help = "Marker description: markers type.", |
editor = "combo", default = "Position", items = function (self) return GetGridMarkerTypesCombo end, }, |
{ id = "PropagateAnimParams", help = "AdvanceTo behavior passes the control to Roam behavior on finish and if this checked all the AnimParams here will be propagated to Roam", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> Advance(s) to the marker"), |
Documentation = "Set units behavior to Advance towar a map marker.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetBehaviorAdvanceTo:__exec(obj, context) |
local markers = MapGetMarkers(self.MarkerType, self.MarkerGroup, function(o) |
return o:IsMarkerEnabled() and ((self.MarkerId or "" == "") or o.ID == self.MarkerID) |
end) |
if #(markers or empty_table) == 0 then |
printf("SetBehaviorAdvanceTo didn't find any markers (type %s, group %s, id %s)", tostring(self.MarkerType), tostring(self.MarkerGroup), tostring(self.MarkerId)) |
return |
end |
if g_Combat then return end |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local params = self:GetAnimParams() |
params.PropagateAnimParams = self.PropagateAnimParams |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") and not o:IsDead() then |
local marker = table.interaction_rand(markers, "GridMarker", o) |
o:SetCommandParams("AdvanceTo", params) |
o:SetCommand("AdvanceTo", marker:GetHandle()) |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetBehaviorExit = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", help = "Exit marker group.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", |
no_edit = function(self) return self.closest end, items = function (self) return GetBehaviorGroups end, }, |
{ id = "closest", name = "Closest Available", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "delay", name = "Delay", |
editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "sec", min = 0, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> exit the map via <u(MarkerGroup)> marker"), |
Documentation = "Units exit the map using a specified marker", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetBehaviorExit:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local units = context.target_units or empty_table |
for i = #units, 1, -1 do |
if not IsKindOf(units[i], "Unit") then |
table.remove(units, i) |
end |
end |
if #units == 0 then |
return |
end |
local marker_group = not self.closest and self.MarkerGroup or "" |
local markers = MapGetMarkers("Entrance", marker_group) |
if not markers or #markers == 0 then |
return |
end |
local marker |
if marker_group == "" then |
local ucenter = AveragePoint2D(units) |
marker = ChooseClosestObject(markers, ucenter) |
else |
marker = table.interaction_rand(markers, "GridMarker") |
end |
local start_time = self.delay + GameTime() |
if g_Combat then |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
if not unit:IsDead() then |
unit:SetBehavior("ExitMap", { marker, start_time }) |
end |
end |
else |
local params = self:GetAnimParams() |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
if unit.command == "ExplosionFly" then |
unit:SetCommandParams("ExitMap", params) |
unit:SetBehavior("ExitMap", { marker, start_time }) |
elseif not unit:IsDead() then |
unit:SetCommandParams("ExitMap", params) |
unit:SetCommand("ExitMap", marker, start_time) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function GroupSetBehaviorExit:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Set behavior of <u(TargetUnit)> to ExitMap at <u(MarkerGroup)>") |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetBehaviorIdle = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set behavior of <u(TargetUnit)> to Idle"), |
Documentation = "Set units behavior to Idle", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetBehaviorIdle:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local params = self:GetAnimParams() |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") and not o:IsDead() then |
o:SetBehavior() |
o:SetCommandParams("Idle", params) |
o:SetCommand("Idle") |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetBehaviorPatrol = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", help = "Patrol markers group", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GetBehaviorGroups end, }, |
{ id = "Repeat", name = "Repeat Route", help = "Repeat route?", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Orient", name = "End Orient", help = "Use marker orientation on the end", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> patrol(s) between <u(MarkerGroup)> markers"), |
Documentation = "Set unit behavior to Patrol between markers", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetBehaviorPatrol:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local params = self:GetAnimParams() |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") and not o:IsDead() then |
o:SetCommandParams("Patrol", params) |
local behaviorParams = {self.MarkerGroup, 1, self.Repeat, self.Orient} |
if g_Combat then |
o:SetBehavior("Patrol", behaviorParams) |
elseif o.being_interacted_with then |
o:QueueCommand("Patrol", unpack_params(behaviorParams)) |
else |
o:SetCommand("Patrol", unpack_params(behaviorParams)) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetBehaviorRoam = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MarkerId", help = "Marker description: can specify an id.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", help = "Marker description: marker group.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GetBehaviorGroups end, }, |
{ id = "MarkerType", help = "Marker description: markers type.", |
editor = "combo", default = "Position", items = function (self) return GetGridMarkerTypesCombo end, }, |
{ id = "Orient", name = "End Orient", help = "Use marker orientation on the end", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> roam(s) around marker"), |
Documentation = "Set units behavior to Roam around a map's marker.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetBehaviorRoam:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local markers = MapGetMarkers(self.MarkerType, self.MarkerGroup, function(o) |
return o:IsMarkerEnabled() and ((self.MarkerId or "" == "") or o.ID == self.MarkerID) |
end) |
if #(markers or empty_table) == 0 then |
printf("SetBehaviorRoam didn't find any markers (type %s, group %s, id %s)", tostring(self.MarkerType), tostring(self.MarkerGroup), tostring(self.MarkerId)) |
return |
end |
local params = self:GetAnimParams() |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") and not o:IsDead() then |
local marker = table.interaction_rand(markers, "GridMarker", o) |
o:SetCommandParams("Roam", params) |
if g_Combat then |
o:SetBehavior("Roam", { marker, self.Orient }) |
elseif o.being_interacted_with then |
o:QueueCommand("Roam", marker, self.Orient) |
else |
o:SetCommand("Roam", marker, self.Orient) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetImmortal = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "setImmortal", name = "Set immortal to", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set the immortal property of units from <u(TargetUnit)> to <select(setImmortal, 'false', 'true')>"), |
Documentation = "Set the immortal property of units from a given group.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetImmortal:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
unit.immortal = self.setImmortal |
ObjModified(unit) |
end |
end |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print(self.id, " couldn't find any units of: ", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetInfected = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "setInfected", name = "Set infected to", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set the infected property of units from <u(TargetUnit)> to <select(setInfected, 'false', 'true')>"), |
Documentation = "Set the infected property of units from a given group. (Some animations change based on this property)", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetInfected:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
unit.infected = self.setInfected |
ObjModified(unit) |
end |
end |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print(self.id, " couldn't find any units of: ", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetRoutine = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Routine", help = "Set units of group to particular routine, or the one from their spawner.", |
editor = "combo", default = "spawner", items = function (self) local r = table.copy(UnitRoutines) r[#r+1] = "spawner" return r end, }, |
{ id = "RoutineArea", help = "Area to play the routine in, or use the one from the spawner.", |
editor = "combo", default = "spawner", items = function (self) local g = table.copy(GridMarkerGroupsCombo()) g[1+#g] = "spawner" return g end, }, |
{ id = "PropagateAnimParams", help = "AdvanceTo behavior passes the control to Roam behavior on finish and if this checked all the AnimParams here will be propagated to Roam", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set routine of <u(TargetUnit)> to <u(Routine)>"), |
Documentation = "Set routine of units", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetRoutine:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local params = self:GetAnimParams() |
params.PropagateAnimParams = self.PropagateAnimParams |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") then |
o.routine = self.Routine == "spawner" and o.routine_spawner.Routine or self.Routine |
o.routine_area = self.RoutineArea == "spawner" and "self" or self.RoutineArea |
o.behavior = false |
o:SetCommandParams("Idle", params) |
o:SetCommand("Idle") |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupSetSide = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Side", help = "The new side of group.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return Sides end, }, |
{ id = "CreateSquad", help = "If set to false the units will not create a new squad. Keep in mind they will be ejected from their old squad so they will despawn on the next presence check.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change the side of <u(TargetUnit)> to <u(Side)>"), |
Documentation = "Change groups side", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupSetSide:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if not next(context.target_units) then |
print("GroupSetSide couldn't find group", self.TargetUnit) |
return |
end |
if self.CreateSquad then |
local squads = {} |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") and o.Squad then |
table.insert_unique(squads, o.Squad) |
local memberArrayName = "members" .. o.Squad |
local memberArray = squads[memberArrayName] |
if not memberArray then |
memberArray = {} |
squads[memberArrayName] = memberArray |
end |
memberArray[#memberArray + 1] = o.session_id |
end |
end |
for i, s in ipairs(squads) do |
local squadObj = gv_Squads[s] |
local createNew = false |
if squadObj.Side ~= self.Side then |
local units = squadObj.units |
for _, u in ipairs(units) do |
local unit = g_Units[u] |
if not table.find(context.target_units, unit) then |
createNew = true |
break |
end |
end |
end |
if createNew then |
local unitsToChangeSide = squads["members" .. s] |
CreateNewSatelliteSquad({ |
Side = self.Side, |
CurrentSector = squadObj.CurrentSector, |
Name = SquadName:GetNewSquadName(self.Side, unitsToChangeSide) |
}, unitsToChangeSide) |
else |
SetSatelliteSquadSide(s, self.Side) |
end |
end |
else |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") then |
local ud = gv_UnitData[o.session_id] |
RemoveUnitFromSquad(ud, "script") |
if self.Side == "neutral" then |
o.IsMerc = function() return false end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
for _, o in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsKindOf(o, "Unit") then |
o:SetSide(self.Side) |
end |
end |
Msg("GroupChangeSide", self.TargetUnit, self.Side, context.target_units) |
CheckGameOver() |
end |
function GroupSetSide:__waitexec(obj, context) |
self:__exec(obj, context) |
end |
function GroupSetSide:GetError() |
if not self.Side then |
return "Set the new side!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.GroupTeleport = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "AnimParams", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", help = "Marker group where the units should be teleported to.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GetBehaviorGroups end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> will be teleported to <u(MarkerGroup)> marker"), |
Documentation = "Units group teleports to a specified marker", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function GroupTeleport:__exec(obj, context) |
context = type(context) == "table" and context or {} |
self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
local units = context.target_units or empty_table |
for i = #units, 1, -1 do |
if not IsKindOf(units[i], "Unit") then |
table.remove(units, i) |
end |
end |
if #(units or empty_table) == 0 then |
return string.format("No units from group '%s' to teleport", self.TargetUnit) |
end |
local markers = MapGetMarkers(nil, self.MarkerGroup) |
if not markers or #markers == 0 then |
return string.format("No markets in '%s' to teleport group '%s' to", self.MarkerGroup, self.TargetUnit) |
end |
local unit_pos, units_left = {} |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
units_left = {} |
local dest = GetUnitsDestinations(units, marker) |
for idx, unit in ipairs(units) do |
if dest[idx] then |
table.insert(unit_pos, unit) |
unit_pos[unit] = point(point_unpack(dest[idx])) |
else |
table.insert(units_left, unit) |
end |
end |
if #units_left == 0 then break end |
units = units_left |
end |
if #units_left > 0 then |
for _, unit in ipairs(units_left) do |
StoreErrorSource(unit, string.format("No position found for group '%s' teleport to markers '%s'!", self.TargetUnit, self.MarkerGroup)) |
end |
end |
for _, unit in ipairs(unit_pos) do |
NetSyncEvent("StartCombatAction", netUniqueId, "Teleport", unit, g_Combat and 0 or false, unit_pos[unit]) |
end |
return string.format("%d unit(s) from '%s' teleported to '%s'", #units, self.TargetUnit, self.MarkerGroup) |
end |
function GroupTeleport:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Teleport <u(TargetUnit)> to <u(MarkerGroup)>") |
end |
DefineClass.Heal = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
"UnitData", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Restore unit's health"), |
Documentation = "Restores unit's health", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function Heal:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOf(obj, "UnitData") then |
HealUnitData(obj) |
else |
obj:ReviveOnHealth() |
end |
end |
DefineClass.HealWounds = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Heal unit's wounds"), |
Documentation = "Heals unit's wounds", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function HealWounds:__exec(obj, context) |
obj:RemoveStatusEffect("Wounded", "all") |
end |
DefineClass.HerbalMedicineEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "berserkChance", name = "Berserk Chance", |
editor = "number", default = 15, }, |
{ id = "apChance", name = "AP Chance", |
editor = "number", default = 15, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
"UnitData", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Grant AP or Go Berserk"), |
Documentation = "Grant AP or Go Berserk", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function HerbalMedicineEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") and not obj:IsDead() then |
local berserkRoll = InteractionRand(100, "HerbalMedicine") |
local apRoll = InteractionRand(100, "HerbalMedicine") |
if berserkRoll < self.berserkChance then |
end |
if apRoll < self.apChance then |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.HideQuestBadge = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Show", help = "Show the badge instead. (if it was hidden with this effect)", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Quest", name = "Quest", help = "Which quest to associate this badge with. If the effect is placed on a quest it will attempt to find it itself.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", }, |
{ id = "BadgeIdx", name = "Badge Id", |
editor = "number", default = 1, |
sort_order = 9, min = 1, }, |
{ id = "Preview", |
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, read_only = true, |
sort_order = 10, }, |
{ id = "LogLine", name = "Log Line", help = "Change the state of that line.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestNoteLinesCombo(self.Quest) end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Hide a quest badge", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function HideQuestBadge:__exec(obj, context) |
local questState = (self.Quest and gv_Quests[self.Quest]) or (IsKindOf(obj, "QuestsDef") and obj) or false |
assert(questState) |
if not questState then return end |
local magicParam = badgeHideIdentifierNote |
local preset, index = self:GetLinePreset() |
assert(preset) |
if not preset then return end |
magicParam = magicParam .. tostring(index) .. "@" .. tostring(self.BadgeIdx) |
if self.Show then |
questState[magicParam] = nil |
else |
questState[magicParam] = true |
end |
UpdateQuestBadges(questState) |
if g_SatelliteUI then |
local badge = preset.Badges[self.BadgeIdx] |
if badge and badge.Sector then |
g_SatelliteUI:UpdateSectorVisuals(badge.Sector) |
end |
end |
end |
function HideQuestBadge:GetError() |
if not self.Quest or self.Quest=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
if not Quests[self.Quest] then |
return "Missing quest!" |
end |
if not self.LogLine then |
return "Specify the line!" |
end |
local preset = self:GetLinePreset() |
if not preset then |
return "Invalid line!" |
end |
if not preset.Badges or #preset.Badges == 0 then |
return "This line doesn't place badges." |
end |
if self.BadgeIdx > #preset.Badges then |
return "Badge id out of range" |
end |
end |
function HideQuestBadge:GetLinePreset() |
local line = self.LogLine |
local quest = Quests[self.Quest] |
if not quest or not line then return end |
local notePreset = table.find_value(quest.NoteDefs, "Idx", line) |
if not notePreset then return end |
return notePreset, line |
end |
function HideQuestBadge:GetEditorView() |
local actionWord = self.Show and "Show " or "Hide " |
actionWord = actionWord .. self.BadgeIdx .. " " |
if self.LogLine then |
local linePreset = self:GetLinePreset() |
if not linePreset then |
return Untranslated("Hide Badge: Missing quest!") |
end |
local text = linePreset and linePreset.Text or "log line not found" |
if linePreset.Badges then |
local badge = linePreset.Badges[self.BadgeIdx] |
self.Preview = "Badge on " .. (badge.BadgeUnit or "") .. " in " .. (badge.Sector or "") |
return Untranslated(actionWord .. "badge placed by <u(Quest)>: ").. Untranslated(text) |
else |
self.Preview = "Invalid badge" |
return Untranslated("Invalid badge") |
end |
else |
self.Preview = "" |
return Untranslated(actionWord .. "badge placed by <u(Quest)>: invalid log line specified") |
end |
end |
DefineClass.InteractingMercReduceItemCondition = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ItemId", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return ClassDescendantsCombo("InventoryItem") end, }, |
{ id = "Equipped", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "ReduceAmount", |
editor = "number", default = 1, min = 1, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Reduce the condition of an interaction merc's item", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Reduce the condition of interaction merc's <u(ItemId)> by <ReduceAmount>"), |
} |
function InteractingMercReduceItemCondition:__exec(obj, context) |
local unit = context and context.target_units |
unit = unit and unit[1] |
if not unit then return end |
local item = false |
if self.Equipped then |
item = unit:GetItemInSlot("Handheld A", self.ItemId) or |
unit:GetItemInSlot("Handheld B", self.ItemId) |
else |
item = unit:GetItemInSlot("Inventory", self.ItemId) |
end |
if not item then return end |
unit:ItemModifyCondition(item, -self.ReduceAmount) |
CombatLog("short", T{597332256786, "<DisplayName> condition decreased by <dmg>.", DisplayName = item.DisplayName, dmg = self.ReduceAmount}) |
end |
function InteractingMercReduceItemCondition:GetError() |
if not self.ItemId then |
return "Set Item!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.KillTimer = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Name", name = "Name", help = "Name of the timer.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "StopTCE", name = "Stop TCE", help = "Wether to execute the effects after the timer or not.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Kill timer <Name>"), |
Documentation = "Kills the visual UI timer displayed in the upper center of the screen", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "UI & Log", |
} |
function KillTimer:__exec(quest, context, TCE) |
local data = TimerGetData(self.Name) |
if data then |
data.time = 0 |
data.StopTCE = self.StopTCE |
Msg("TimerFinished", data.id) |
end |
end |
function KillTimer:GetError() |
if not self.Name then |
return "KillTimer needs a name!" |
end |
if GetParentTableOfKindNoCheck(self, "TestHarness") then |
return |
end |
end |
DefineClass.LightsSetState = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "MarkerId", help = "Marker description: can specify an id.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", help = "Marker description: marker group.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return LightsMarkerGroups end, }, |
{ id = "MarkerType", help = "Marker description: markers type.", |
editor = "combo", default = "Position", items = function (self) return GetGridMarkerTypesCombo end, }, |
{ id = "TurnOn", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "EssentialLights", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "OptionalLights", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "AttachedLights", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Turns ON/OFF Lights inside marker's area", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function LightsSetState:GetEditorView() |
return string.format("Turns Lights %s in %s marker(s) area(s)", self.TurnOn and "ON" or "OFF", self.MarkerGroup) |
end |
function LightsSetState:__exec(obj, context) |
local markers = MapGetLightsMarkers(self.MarkerType, self.MarkerGroup, function(o) |
return o:IsMarkerEnabled() and ((self.MarkerId or "" == "") or o.ID == self.MarkerID) |
end) |
if #(markers or empty_table) == 0 then |
printf("%s didn't find any markers (type %s, group %s, id %s)", self.class, tostring(self.MarkerType), tostring(self.MarkerGroup), tostring(self.MarkerId)) |
return |
end |
local lights = GetLights(function(light) |
local detail = light:GetDetailClass() |
if not self.EssentialLights and detail == "Essential" then |
return false |
end |
if not self.OptionalLights and detail == "Optional" then |
return false |
end |
if not self.AttachedLights and light:GetParent() then |
return false |
end |
return true |
end) |
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do |
marker.lights_off = not self.TurnOn |
for _, light in ipairs(lights) do |
if marker:IsInsideArea2D(light) then |
if marker.lights_off then |
marker:TurnLightOff(light) |
else |
marker:TurnLightOn(light) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
Msg("LightsStateUpdated") |
end |
DefineClass.LockpickableSetState = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Group", name = "Group", help = "The group in which the lockpick resides.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "State", help = "The state to set the locking in.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return { "unlocked", "locked", "change-difficulty" } end, }, |
{ id = "NewDifficulty", name = "New Difficulty", help = 'The difficulty to change to if the state is "change-difficulty".', |
editor = "choice", default = "None", items = function (self) return const.DifficultyPresetsNew end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change the state of lockpickables in <u(Group)> to <u(State)>"), |
Documentation = "Change lockpickable (containers, doors) state.", |
} |
function LockpickableSetState:__exec(obj, context) |
for _, o in ipairs(Groups[self.Group]) do |
if o:IsKindOf("Lockpickable") then |
if self.State == "change-difficulty" then |
o.lockpickDifficulty = self.NewDifficulty |
else |
o:SetLockpickState(self.State == "unlocked" and "closed" or self.State) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function LockpickableSetState:GetError() |
if not self.State then |
return "Set the new state!" |
end |
if not self.Group then |
return "Set the group" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.LogMessageAdd = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "message", name = "Message", help = "The message to display.", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Log:<message>"), |
Documentation = "Add a short message in game log", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "UI & Log", |
} |
function LogMessageAdd:__exec(obj, context) |
CombatLog("important", self.message) |
end |
function LogMessageAdd:GetError() |
if not self.message or self.message == "" then |
return "Add a message" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.ModifySatelliteAggro = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Halt", help = "Stop passive aggro increase", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "AggroAmount", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "HaltDays", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "AmountIsPercent", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Modify Satellite aggro", |
} |
function ModifySatelliteAggro:GetEditorView() |
if self.Halt then |
if self.HaltDays then |
return Untranslated("Halt satellite aggro for " .. self.HaltDays .. " days.") |
end |
return Untranslated("Halt satellite aggro") |
elseif self.AggroAmount == 0 and not self.Halt then |
return Untranslated("Unhalt satellite aggro") |
elseif self.AmountIsPercent then |
return Untranslated("Add " .. self.AggroAmount / 100 .. "% satellite aggro") |
else |
return Untranslated("Add " .. self.AggroAmount .. " satellite aggro") |
end |
end |
function ModifySatelliteAggro:__exec(obj, context) |
gv_SatelliteAttacksHalted = self.Halt |
if gv_SatelliteAttacksHalted then |
gv_SatelliteAggro = 0 |
gv_SatelliteAttacksHaltedFor = self.HaltDays |
return |
end |
ModifySatelliteAggression(self.AggroAmount, self.AmountIsPercent) |
end |
function ModifySatelliteAggro:GetError() |
if not self.AggroAmount then |
return "No amount specified" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.ModifyTrapSpawnersEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "TrapSpawnProperties", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Group", name = "Spawner Group", help = "The spawner group to affect.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, }, |
{ category = "Spawner", id = "SpawnActive", name = "Override Spawner Status", help = "Override whether the spawner is active. If disabled any spawned traps will be despawned.", |
editor = "combo", default = "don't change", items = function (self) return {"don't change", "enable", "disable"} end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change trap spawners of group <u(Group)>"), |
Documentation = "Change the properties of trap spawners in a specific group.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Traps", |
} |
function ModifyTrapSpawnersEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
local props = self:GetPropertyList() |
for i, s in ipairs(Groups[self.Group]) do |
if s:IsKindOf("TrapSpawnMarker") then |
s:ApplyPropertyList(props) |
end |
end |
if self.SpawnActive ~= "dont change" then |
for i, s in ipairs(Groups[self.Group]) do |
if s:IsKindOf("TrapSpawnMarker") then |
s:SetActive(self.SpawnActive == "enable") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.MusicSetPlaylist = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Playlist", name = "Playlist", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset", "Default") end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Changes the current playlist"), |
Documentation = "Changes the current playlist", |
} |
function MusicSetPlaylist:__exec(obj, context) |
StartRadioStation(self.Playlist) |
end |
DefineClass.MusicSetSectorPlaylist = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "SectorID", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "MusicExploration", name = "Exploration Music", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset", "Default") end, }, |
{ id = "MusicConflict", name = "Conflict Music", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset", "Default") end, }, |
{ id = "MusicCombat", name = "Combat Music", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset", "Default") end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Changes the playlists of a sector"), |
Documentation = "Changes the playlists of a sector", |
} |
function MusicSetSectorPlaylist:__exec(obj, context) |
if GetSectorMusicOverride("MusicExploration") ~= self.MusicExploration then |
SetSectorMusicOverride(self.SectorID, "MusicExploration", self.MusicExploration) |
end |
if GetSectorMusicOverride("MusicConflict") ~= self.MusicConflict then |
SetSectorMusicOverride(self.SectorID, "MusicConflict", self.MusicConflict) |
end |
if GetSectorMusicOverride("MusicCombat") ~= self.MusicCombat then |
SetSectorMusicOverride(self.SectorID, "MusicCombat", self.MusicCombat) |
end |
ResetSectorStation() |
end |
DefineClass.MusicSetTrack = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Playlist", name = "Playlist", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("RadioStationPreset", "Default") end, }, |
{ id = "Track", name = "Track", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return RadioPlaylistCombo(self.Playlist) end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Plays a track and then continues with the current playlist(radio station)"), |
Documentation = "Plays a track and then continues with the current playlist(radio station)", |
} |
function MusicSetTrack:__exec(obj, context) |
local _, playlist = RadioPlaylistCombo(self.Playlist) |
local track = table.find_value(playlist, "path", self.Track) |
MusicPlayTrack(track) |
end |
DefineClass.NeutralNPCDontMove = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "NPC Name", help = "The name of the NPC to associate.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Prevent neutral unit from moving in combat."), |
Documentation = "Prevents neutral unit from moving in combat.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function NeutralNPCDontMove:__exec(obj, context) |
local units = Groups[self.TargetUnit] or empty_table |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
unit.neutral_ai_dont_move = true |
end |
end |
function NeutralNPCDontMove:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Specify Target Unit" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.NpcUnitGiveItem = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "LootTableFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ItemId", name = "Item", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", }, |
{ id = "LootTableId", name = "LootTable", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "LootDef", }, |
{ id = "DontDrop", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "NPC Name", help = "The name of the NPC to associate.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Give <u(ItemId)>/<u(LootTableId)> to <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Give an item to an npc, and have them equip items", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function NpcUnitGiveItem:__exec(obj, context) |
local units = empty_table |
local group = Groups[self.TargetUnit] |
if group then |
local unitClass = {} |
for i, obj in ipairs(group) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") then |
unitClass[#unitClass + 1] = obj |
end |
end |
units = unitClass |
else |
units = context.target_units or units |
end |
if not units or not units[1] then return end |
local items = {} |
if self.ItemId and self.ItemId~="" then |
table.insert(items, PlaceInventoryItem(self.ItemId)) |
end |
if self.LootTableId then |
local loot_tbl = LootDefs[self.LootTableId] |
if loot_tbl then |
loot_tbl:GenerateLoot(self, {}, InteractionRand(nil, "NpcGive"), items) |
end |
end |
local unit = units[1] |
for i, item in ipairs(items) do |
item.drop_chance = self.DontDrop and 0 or 100 |
if unit:CanAddItem("Handheld A", item) then |
unit:AddItem("Handheld A", item) |
elseif unit:CanAddItem("Head", item) then |
unit:AddItem("Head", item) |
elseif unit:CanAddItem("Torso", item) then |
unit:AddItem("Torso", item) |
elseif unit:CanAddItem("Legs", item) then |
unit:AddItem("Legs", item) |
else |
unit:AddItem("Inventory", item) |
end |
end |
unit:UpdateOutfit() |
end |
function NpcUnitGiveItem:GetError() |
if not self.ItemId and not self.LootTableId then |
return "No items set" |
end |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "No target unit" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.NpcUnitTakeItem = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ItemId", name = "Item", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", }, |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "NPC Name", help = "The name of the NPC to associate.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Take <u(ItemId)> from <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Take an item from an NPC", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function NpcUnitTakeItem:__exec(obj, context) |
local units = empty_table |
local group = Groups[self.TargetUnit] |
if group then |
local unitClass = {} |
for i, obj in ipairs(group) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") then |
unitClass[#unitClass + 1] = obj |
end |
end |
units = unitClass |
else |
units = context.target_units or units |
end |
if not units or not units[1] then return end |
local unit = units[1] |
local itemsToRemove = {} |
local itemsToRemoveSlots = {} |
unit:ForEachItem(false, function(item, slot) |
if item.class == self.ItemId then |
itemsToRemove[#itemsToRemove + 1] = item |
itemsToRemoveSlots[#itemsToRemoveSlots + 1] = slot |
end |
end) |
for i, item in ipairs(itemsToRemove) do |
unit:RemoveItem(itemsToRemoveSlots[i], item) |
end |
unit:UpdateOutfit() |
end |
function NpcUnitTakeItem:GetError() |
if not self.ItemId then |
return "No items set" |
end |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "No target unit" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.PhraseSetEnabled = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Conversation", help = "The conversation the phrase is in.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "Conversation", }, |
{ id = "PhraseId", help = "The Id of the phrase to enable/disable.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetPhraseIdsCombo(self.Conversation) end, }, |
{ id = "Enabled", help = "Enable or disable the phrase.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enables or disables a particular conversation phrase.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function PhraseSetEnabled:GetEditorView() |
local enable = self.Enabled and Untranslated("Enable phrase ") or Untranslated("Disable phrase ") |
return Untranslated("<u(Conversation)>: ") .. enable .. Untranslated("<u(PhraseId)>") |
end |
function PhraseSetEnabled:__exec(obj, context) |
SetPhraseEnabledState(self.Conversation .. "." .. self.PhraseId, self.Enabled) |
end |
function PhraseSetEnabled:OnAfterEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste) |
local preset = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "Conversation") |
if preset:IsKindOf("Conversation") then |
self.Conversation = preset.id |
end |
end |
DefineClass.PhraseSetSeen = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Conversation", help = "The conversation the phrase is in.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "Conversation", }, |
{ id = "PhraseId", help = "The Id of the phrase to enable/disable.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetPhraseIdsCombo(self.Conversation) end, }, |
{ id = "Seen", help = "Sets the phrase as not seen (highlighted) by default; check the box to set the phrase as seen (dimmed) instead.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Changes a conversation's phrase \"seen\" (dimmed) status.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function PhraseSetSeen:GetEditorView() |
local seen = self.Seen and Untranslated("seen") or Untranslated("not seen") |
return Untranslated("<u(Conversation)>: Set phrase<u(PhraseId)> as ") .. seen |
end |
function PhraseSetSeen:__exec(obj, context) |
SetPhraseSeen(self.Conversation .. "." .. self.PhraseId, self.Seen) |
end |
function PhraseSetSeen:OnAfterEditorNew(parent, ged, is_paste) |
local preset = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "Conversation") |
if preset:IsKindOf("Conversation") then |
self.Conversation = preset.id |
end |
end |
DefineClass.PlayBanterEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "BanterFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Banters", name = "Banters", help = "List of banters to play.", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "BanterDef", item_default = "", }, |
{ id = "searchInMarker", name = "Include Marker Units", help = "The only valid actors for a banter are the units passed by the previous conditions. By setting this on units inside a GridMarker will also be included as valid actors.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "banterSequentialWaitFor", name = "Wait For", help = "The banter event to wait for (if executing sequentially).", |
editor = "choice", default = "BanterDone", items = function (self) return {"", "BanterStart", "BanterDone", "BanterLineStart", "BanterLineDone"} end, }, |
{ id = "searchInMap", name = "Include Whole Map", help = "The only valid actors for a banter are the units passed by the previous conditions. By setting this on units from the whole map will be considered. Your banter might spawn on a unit off screen.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "FallbackToMerc", name = "Radio", help = "If enabled the banter will appear over the first merc on map if the banter actor is not present on the map.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "WaitSetpieceEnd", help = "if enabled the banter will wait for the setpiece to end", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "anyFallback", name = "Use any unit as fallback for Radio.", help = "Use this if the Radio banter is not played.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "AnyActorOverrideGroup", name = "Any Actor Override Group", help = 'Banter lines with actor "any" will be played by the first /object/ from the group.', |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "An effect to play a banter.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function PlayBanterEffect:GetError() |
if not self.Banters then |
return "No banters" |
end |
for i,banter_id in ipairs(self.Banters) do |
if not Banters[banter_id] then |
return "Invalid banter ID " .. banter_id |
end |
end |
end |
function PlayBanterEffect:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Play banter(s): ").. Untranslated(table.concat(self.Banters, ", ")) |
end |
function PlayBanterEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
local is_marker = IsKindOf(obj, "GridMarker") |
local context_is_table = context and type(context)=="table" |
local targetUnitsTable = context_is_table and rawget(context, "target_units") |
targetUnitsTable = targetUnitsTable and table.icopy(targetUnitsTable) |
local units = targetUnitsTable or (is_marker and { obj } or {}) |
if self.searchInMarker and is_marker then |
MapForEach("map", "Unit", function(u) |
if obj:IsInsideArea(u:GetPos()) then |
units[#units + 1] = u |
end |
end) |
elseif self.searchInMap then |
MapForEach("map", "Unit", function(u) |
units[#units + 1] = u |
end) |
MapForEach("map", "CheeringDummy", function(u) |
units[#units + 1] = u |
end) |
end |
if context_is_table and rawget(context, "interactable") then |
units = table.copy(units) |
table.insert(units, 1, context.interactable) |
end |
local fallback = false |
if self.FallbackToMerc then |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if unit:IsPlayerAlly() and not unit:IsDead() then |
fallback = unit |
break |
end |
end |
if not fallback and self.anyFallback then |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if not unit:IsDead() then |
fallback = unit |
break |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local banters, banterActors = FilterAvailableBanters(self.Banters, context, units, fallback) |
if not banters then |
CombatLog("debug","No banters can be played with the selected actors") |
return |
end |
local idx = InteractionRand(#banters, "PlayBanterEffect") + 1 |
local banterToPlay = banters[idx] |
local actorsToPlayWith = banterActors[idx] |
local anyActorOverride = self.AnyActorOverrideGroup |
if context_is_table and context and context.found_merc then |
anyActorOverride = context.found_merc |
end |
local banterObj = PlayBanter(banterToPlay, actorsToPlayWith, fallback, anyActorOverride, self.WaitSetpieceEnd) |
if banterObj then |
local playerPos = IsValid(obj) and obj:GetPos() |
if playerPos then |
banterObj:SetPos(playerPos) |
end |
local resumeData = {} |
resumeData.preset = banterObj.preset.id |
local banterUnits = {} |
for i, u in ipairs(banterObj.associated_units) do |
banterUnits[#banterUnits + 1] = u.handle |
end |
resumeData.units = banterUnits |
resumeData.fallbackUnit = banterObj.fallback_actor and banterObj.fallback_actor.handle |
resumeData.any_actor_override = banterObj.any_actor_override and banterObj.any_actor_override.handle |
resumeData.playerHandle = banterObj.handle |
if playerPos then resumeData.player_pos = playerPos end |
g_PlayingBanterEffects[self] = resumeData |
end |
return banterObj |
end |
function PlayBanterEffect:__skip(obj, context) |
for i, banterId in ipairs(self.Banters) do |
SkipBanterFromUI(banterId) |
end |
end |
function PlayBanterEffect:__waitexec(obj, context) |
local banterObj = self:__exec(obj, context) |
local event = self.banterSequentialWaitFor |
if banterObj and event ~= "" then |
local notTimedOut, preset_id |
while preset_id ~= banterObj.preset.id do |
notTimedOut, preset_id = WaitMsg(event) |
end |
end |
end |
function PlayBanterEffect:GetError() |
if #self.Banters == 0 then |
return "Add at least one banter" |
end |
if self.searchInMarker and self.searchInMap then |
return "Don't select both search in marker and search in map." |
end |
end |
function PlayBanterEffect:GetResumeData() |
local resumeData = g_PlayingBanterEffects[self] |
if resumeData and resumeData.playerHandle then |
local player = HandleToObject[resumeData.playerHandle] |
if IsValid(player) then |
resumeData.current_line = (player.current_line and player.current_line + 1) or 1 |
return "PlayBanterEffect", resumeData |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.PlayNotNowVR = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated('Unit plays "NotNow" VR'), |
Documentation = 'Unit plays "NotNow" VR.', |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function PlayNotNowVR:__exec(obj, context) |
PlayVoiceResponse(obj, "NotNow") |
end |
DefineClass.PlaySetpiece = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "setpiece", name = "Setpiece", help = "The id of the set piece preset to play.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "SetpiecePrg", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Play <setpiece> setpiece"), |
Documentation = "Play a Set-piece.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function PlaySetpiece:__exec(obj, context) |
local triggerUnits = false |
if type(context) == "table" and rawget(context, "target_units") then |
triggerUnits = rawget(context, "target_units") |
elseif Groups[obj] then |
triggerUnits = Groups[obj] |
elseif gv_CurrentSectorId then |
triggerUnits = table.map(GetPlayerMercsInSector(gv_CurrentSectorId), function(o) return g_Units[o] end) |
end |
local foundMerc = false |
if type(context) == "table" and rawget(context, "found_merc") then |
foundMerc = rawget(context, "found_merc") |
foundMerc = g_Units[foundMerc] |
end |
local setpiece = Setpieces[self.setpiece] |
if setpiece.TakePlayerControl then |
local dlg = OpenDialog("XSetpieceDlg", false, { |
setpiece = self.setpiece, |
setpiece_seed = InteractionRand(nil, "Setpiece"), |
triggerUnits = triggerUnits, |
extra_params = foundMerc and { {foundMerc} } |
}) |
if GameState.entering_sector then |
dlg:FadeOut(0) |
end |
else |
CreateGameTimeThread(function() |
StartSetpiece(self.setpiece, false, InteractionRand(nil, "Setpiece"), triggerUnits, foundMerc) |
end) |
end |
end |
function PlaySetpiece:__waitexec(obj, context) |
self:__exec(obj, context) |
local setpiece = Setpieces[self.setpiece] |
if setpiece.TakePlayerControl then |
WaitMsg("SetpieceEnded") |
else |
WaitMsg("SetpieceEndExecution") |
end |
end |
function PlaySetpiece:GetError() |
if not self.setpiece then return "No setpiece set." end |
end |
DefineClass.PlayUnitVoiceResponse = { |
__parents = { "UnitTarget", "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "VoiceResponse", name = "Voice Response", help = "Voice response type to choose a phrase from; the phrases of the current unit will be used.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetVoiceResponseCombo(self, self.TargetUnit) end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> plays '<u(VoiceResponse)>'"), |
Documentation = "Target unit plays voice response", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function PlayUnitVoiceResponse:__exec(obj, context) |
if not self.VoiceResponse then return end |
if not context then context = {} end |
local units = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if units and context.target_units then |
local unit = context.target_units[ AsyncRand(# context.target_units) +1] |
if not unit or not self.VoiceResponse then return end |
PlayVoiceResponse(unit, self.VoiceResponse, true) |
end |
end |
function PlayUnitVoiceResponse:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Choose target unit" |
end |
if not self.VoiceResponse then |
return "Choose voice response id" |
end |
end |
function PlayUnitVoiceResponse:UnitCheck(unit, obj, context) |
return true |
end |
DefineClass.PlayerGrantMoney = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "Amount of money to grant.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Grant <money(Amount)>"), |
Documentation = "Give money to player.", |
} |
function PlayerGrantMoney:__exec(obj, context) |
AddMoney(self.Amount, "deposit") |
end |
function PlayerGrantMoney:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local amount = self.Amount |
if amount>0 then |
return T{666348317447, "<money(Amount)> acquired",Amount = amount} |
elseif amount<0 then |
return T{194741866993, "Paid <money(Amount)>",Amount = amount} |
end |
end |
function PlayerGrantMoney:GetPhraseFX() |
return "ConversationMoneyGained" |
end |
DefineClass.PlayerPayMoney = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "Amount of money to pay.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Pay <money(Amount)>"), |
Documentation = "Take money from player.", |
} |
function PlayerPayMoney:__exec(obj, context) |
AddMoney(-self.Amount, "expense") |
end |
function PlayerPayMoney:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local amount = self.Amount |
return T{194741866993, "Paid <money(Amount)>",Amount = amount} |
end |
function PlayerPayMoney:GetUIText(context) |
return T{982094780061, "Give <money(Amount)>", Amount = self.Amount} |
end |
DefineClass.QuestEffectBase = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "QuestFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Quests", |
} |
function QuestEffectBase:OnAfterEditorNew(obj, socket, paste, old_id) |
if not paste then |
local quest_def = GetParentTableOfKindNoCheck(obj, "QuestsDef") |
if quest_def then |
self.QuestId = quest_def.id |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.QuestKillTCE = { |
__parents = { "QuestEffectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", help = "Quest to change.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", }, |
{ id = "TCE", name = "TCE", help = "Quest TCE to kill", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId, "TCEState") end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Kills '<u(TCE)>' TCE from '<u(QuestId)>' quest"), |
Documentation = "Kills specific TCE from a given quest", |
} |
function QuestKillTCE:__exec(obj, context) |
if not RunningSequentialEffects then return false end |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId == "" or not self.TCE or self.TCE == "" then return false end |
for i = #RunningSequentialEffects, 1, -1 do |
local run_state = RunningSequentialEffects[i] |
if run_state[5] == self.QuestId and run_state[6] == self.TCE then |
DeleteThread(run_state[1]) |
table.remove(RunningSequentialEffects, i) |
return |
end |
end |
end |
function QuestKillTCE:GetError() |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.QuestSetVariableBool = { |
__parents = { "QuestEffectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", help = "Quest to change.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
return QuestHasVariable(preset, "QuestVarBool") |
end, |
}, |
{ category = "General", id = "Prop", name = "Quest Variable", help = "Quest variable to change.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId,"Bool") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Toggle", name = "Toggle Current Value", help = "Toggles the current flag value (changes it from 'true' to 'false' and vice versa).", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Set", name = "Change to", help = "Value to set.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, |
no_edit = function(self) return self.Toggle end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "A way to change the quest's flag. If not 'Toggle' then changes the flag to 'Set' value, else toggle the flag's value.", |
} |
function QuestSetVariableBool:__exec(obj, context) |
local quest = QuestGetState(self.QuestId or "") |
if not quest then return end |
if self.Toggle then |
SetQuestVar(quest, self.Prop, not rawget(quest, self.Prop)) |
else |
SetQuestVar(quest, self.Prop, self.Set) |
end |
end |
function QuestSetVariableBool:GetError() |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
if not self.Prop then |
return "Specify the param to change!" |
end |
end |
function QuestSetVariableBool:GetEditorView() |
if self.Toggle then |
return Untranslated("Quest <u(QuestId)>: toggle <u(Prop)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Quest <u(QuestId)>: <u(Prop)> = " .. tostring(self.Set)) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.QuestSetVariableNum = { |
__parents = { "QuestEffectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", help = "Quest to change.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
return QuestHasVariable(preset, "QuestVarNum") |
end, |
}, |
{ category = "General", id = "Prop", name = "Quest Variable", help = "Quest variable to change.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId,"Num") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "Value to set.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "RandomRangeMax", name = "Random Amount Max", help = 'If set, the amount will be a random number between "Amount" and this number. Both values are inclusive.', |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Percent", name = "Percent", help = "Percent change to current value, if operation is modify.", |
editor = "number", default = 100, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Operation", name = "Operation", help = "Modify the current value with amount/percent or set a new one.", |
editor = "combo", default = "modify", items = function (self) return {"set", "modify"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Change a quest variable's value. Modifies the current value wiyh amount/percent or sets a new amount.", |
} |
function QuestSetVariableNum:__exec(obj, context) |
local quest = QuestGetState(self.QuestId or "") |
if not quest then return end |
local prev_val = rawget(quest,self.Prop) |
local new_val |
local mod_amount = self.Amount |
if self.RandomRangeMax then |
mod_amount = mod_amount + InteractionRand(self.RandomRangeMax - mod_amount + 1, "QuestVariableNum") |
end |
if self.Operation=="set" then |
new_val = mod_amount |
elseif self.Operation=="modify" then |
new_val = (prev_val or 0) + mod_amount |
if self.Percent~=0 then |
new_val = MulDivRound(new_val, self.Percent, 100) |
end |
end |
SetQuestVar(quest, self.Prop, new_val) |
end |
function QuestSetVariableNum:GetError() |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
if not self.Prop then |
return "Specify the param to change!" |
end |
if self.RandomRangeMax and self.RandomRangeMax < self.Amount then |
return "Max cannot be smaller than min (Amount)." |
end |
if self.Operation~="set" then |
local quest = QuestGetState(self.QuestId or "") |
local prev_val = rawget(quest,self.Prop) |
if not prev_val then |
return "This prop has not set any value and can not be changed" |
end |
end |
end |
function QuestSetVariableNum:GetEditorView() |
local printValue = "<Amount>" |
if self.RandomRangeMax then |
printValue = printValue .. "-<RandomRangeMax>" |
end |
if self.Operation=="set" then |
return Untranslated("Quest <u(QuestId)>:<u(Prop)> = " .. printValue) |
elseif self.Operation=="modify" then |
return Untranslated("Quest <u(QuestId)>:<u(Prop)> = <Percent>% from (<u(Prop)> + " .. printValue .. ")") |
end |
end |
DefineClass.QuestSetVariableSpecialValue = { |
__parents = { "QuestEffectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", help = "Quest to change.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
return QuestHasVariable(preset, "QuestVarNum") |
end, |
}, |
{ category = "General", id = "Prop", name = "Quest Variable", help = "Quest variable to change.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, no_validate = true, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId,"Num") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Special", name = "Special value type", help = "Value to set.", |
editor = "combo", default = "current campaign time", items = function (self) return {"current campaign time"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set a quest number variable to a special value, chosen from the Special property.", |
} |
function QuestSetVariableSpecialValue:__exec(obj, context) |
local quest = QuestGetState(self.QuestId or "") |
if not quest then return end |
local new_val |
if self.Special == "current campaign time" then |
new_val = Game.CampaignTime |
end |
SetQuestVar(quest, self.Prop, new_val) |
end |
function QuestSetVariableSpecialValue:GetError() |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
end |
function QuestSetVariableSpecialValue:GetEditorView() |
if self.Special == "current campaign time" then |
return Untranslated("Quest <u(QuestId)>:<u(Prop)> = current campaign time") |
end |
end |
DefineClass.QuestSetVariableText = { |
__parents = { "QuestEffectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", help = "Quest to change.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
return QuestHasVariable(preset, "QuestVarText") |
end, |
}, |
{ category = "General", id = "Prop", name = "Quest Variable", help = "Quest variable to change", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId, "Text") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Text", name = "Text", help = "Value to set.", |
editor = "text", default = '""', }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Quest <u(QuestId)>:<u(Prop)> = '<u(Text)>'"), |
Documentation = "Change a quest's text variable.", |
} |
function QuestSetVariableText:__exec(obj, context) |
local quest = QuestGetState(self.QuestId or "") |
if not quest then return end |
SetQuestVar(quest, self.Prop, self.Text) |
end |
function QuestSetVariableText:GetError() |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
if not self.Prop then |
return "Specify the param to change!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.QuestSetVariableTimer = { |
__parents = { "QuestEffectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "QuestId", name = "Quest id", help = "Quest to change.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
return QuestHasVariable(preset, "QuestVarNum") |
end, |
}, |
{ category = "General", id = "Prop", name = "Quest Variable", help = "Quest variable to change.", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetQuestsVarsCombo(self.QuestId,"Num") end, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "TimeAmount", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "TimeAmountRangeMax", help = "If set the time amount will be randomed between TimeAmount and this value.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Timescale", |
editor = "choice", default = "h", items = function (self) return GetTimeScalesCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set a timer to a quest variable.", |
} |
function QuestSetVariableTimer:__exec(obj, context) |
local quest = QuestGetState(self.QuestId or "") |
if not quest then return end |
local prev_val = rawget(quest, self.Prop) |
local timeAmount = self.TimeAmount |
if self.TimeAmountRangeMax ~= 0 then |
timeAmount = timeAmount + InteractionRand(self.TimeAmountRangeMax - timeAmount + 1, "QuestVariableTimer") |
end |
timeAmount = timeAmount * (const.Scale[self.Timescale] or const.Scale.h) |
local triggerTime = Game.CampaignTime + timeAmount |
SetQuestVar(quest, self.Prop, triggerTime) |
end |
function QuestSetVariableTimer:GetError() |
if not self.QuestId or self.QuestId=="" then |
return "Specify the quest!" |
end |
if not self.Prop then |
return "Specify the param to change!" |
end |
if (self.TimeAmountRangeMax or 0) ~= 0 and self.TimeAmountRangeMax < self.TimeAmount then |
return "Max cannot be smaller than min (TimeAmount)." |
end |
end |
function QuestSetVariableTimer:GetEditorView() |
local printValue = "<TimeAmount>" |
if (self.TimeAmountRangeMax or 0) ~= 0 then |
printValue = printValue .. "-<TimeAmountRangeMax>" |
end |
return Untranslated("Set quest timer in <u(QuestId)>:<u(Prop)> for after " .. printValue .. " " .. self.Timescale) |
end |
DefineClass.RadioStartConversation = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "ConversationFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Conversation", name = "Conversation", help = "Conversation to start.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "Conversation", }, |
{ id = "Icon", |
editor = "combo", default = "UI/Hud/radio", items = function (self) return GetRadioConversationIconsCombo end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Start radio conversation <u(Conversation)>."), |
Documentation = "Starts a specific radio conversation - no groups or conditions are checked.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function RadioStartConversation:__exec(obj, context) |
StartConversationEffect(self.Conversation, {radio = true, icon = self.Icon}) |
end |
function RadioStartConversation:__waitexec(obj, context) |
StartConversationEffect(self.Conversation, {radio = true, icon = self.Icon}, "wait") |
end |
function RadioStartConversation:GetError() |
if not self.Conversation then |
return "Please specify conversation" |
end |
end |
function RadioStartConversation:GetResumeData(thread, stack, stack_index) |
return "RadioStartConversation", self.Conversation, self.Icon |
end |
DefineClass.RandomEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Effects", name = "Effects", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", }, |
}, |
ReturnClass = "", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Play a random effect from a list."), |
Documentation = "Play a random effect from a list.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "", |
} |
function RandomEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
local num = #self.Effects |
if num > 0 then |
local roll = InteractionRand(num, "RandomEffect") + 1 |
self.Effects[roll]:__exec() |
end |
end |
function RandomEffect:GetError() |
if not self.Effects or #self.Effects < 1 then |
return "Please specify some effects" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.RandomEffectWithCondition = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Effects", name = "Effects", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "ConditionalEffect", }, |
}, |
ReturnClass = "", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Play a random effect from a list whose conditions evaluate to true."), |
Documentation = "Play a random effect from a list whose conditions evaluate to true.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "", |
} |
function RandomEffectWithCondition:__exec(obj, context) |
local valid = {} |
for i, eff in ipairs(self.Effects) do |
if EvalConditionList(eff.Conditions, obj, context) then |
valid[#valid + 1] = eff |
end |
end |
local num = #valid |
if num > 0 then |
local roll = InteractionRand(num, "RandomEffect") + 1 |
local effRolled = valid[roll] |
local effects = effRolled.Effects |
for _, effect in ipairs(effects) do |
effect:__exec(obj, context) |
end |
end |
end |
function RandomEffectWithCondition:GetError() |
if not self.Effects or #self.Effects < 1 then |
return "Please specify some effects" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.RechargeCDs = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
"UnitData", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Recharge a unit's CDs"), |
Documentation = "Recharge a unit's CDs", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function RechargeCDs:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOfClasses(obj, "Unit", "UnitData") and not obj:IsDead() then |
obj:RechargeSignatures() |
end |
end |
DefineClass.RegenerateGuardpostObjective = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "GuardpostObjective", name = "GuardpostObjective", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "GuardpostObjective", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Regenerate guardpost objective <u(GuardpostObjective)>"), |
Documentation = "Regenerate a completed guardpost objective.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sectors", |
} |
function RegenerateGuardpostObjective:__exec(obj, context) |
SetGuardpostObjectiveRegenerated(self.GuardpostObjective) |
end |
DefineClass.ReplaceMercEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ExistingMerc", name = "Existing Merc", help = "Existing merc to replace.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return MercPresetCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "NewMercDef", name = "New Merc Definition", help = "New merc definition to use for replacement.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return MercPresetCombo() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Replace <u(ExistingMerc)> with <u(NewMercDef)> keeping his progress."), |
Documentation = "Replace a merc with another definition while keeping his progress. Example use: switch Larry to Larry_Clean.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function ReplaceMercEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
ReplaceMerc(self.ExistingMerc, self.NewMercDef, "keepInventory") |
end |
function ReplaceMercEffect:GetError() |
if not self.ExistingMerc then |
return "Choose an existing merc to replace" |
end |
if not self.NewMercDef then |
return "Choose a new merc definition to replace the existing one with" |
end |
end |
function ReplaceMercEffect:GetUIText(context,template, game) |
local merc = gv_UnitData and gv_UnitData[self.Merc] |
local name |
if not merc then |
name = game and "" or Untranslated("[MercName]") |
else |
name = merc.Nick or merc.Name |
end |
return T{246469241790, "Recruit merc (<em><name></em>)", name= name} |
end |
DefineClass.ResetAmbientLife = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Ephemeral", name = "Ephemeral Only", help = "All ambient life units or just ephemeral ones.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "KickPerpetualUnits", name = "Kick Perpetual Units", help = "If checked perpetual units will be reset too, otherwise they will stay in their markers.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "ForceImmediateKick", name = "Force Immediate Kick", help = "Forces immedite kick so the marker and the unit can be used right away - usually clearing the marker happens after playing exit animation. Anyway if UnitsStealForPerpetualMarkers effect is scheduled right after this one it can not work as expected since it will be called before the destructors and the units/marker will be still busy", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Reset Ambient Life Behavior"), |
Documentation = "Forces all units in ambient life behavior to check the condition of the spot they are using and makes them leave if that condition is not met", |
} |
function ResetAmbientLife:__exec(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if (not self.Ephemeral or unit.ephemeral) and unit:IsVisiting() then |
unit:ResetAmbientLife(self.KickPerpetualUnits, self.ForceImmediateKick) |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.RestoreHealth = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "amount", name = "Amount", |
editor = "number", default = 9999, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
"UnitData", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Restore unit's health"), |
Documentation = "Restores unit's health", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function RestoreHealth:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOfClasses(obj, "Unit", "UnitData") and not obj:IsDead() then |
obj.HitPoints = Min(obj.MaxHitPoints, obj.HitPoints + self.amount) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SatelliteShortcutSetSpeed = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "shortcut_id", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("SatelliteShortcutPreset") end, }, |
{ id = "speed_const", help = "The constant denoting the shortcut's speed", |
editor = "combo", default = "RiverTravelTime", items = function (self) return ConstCategoryToCombo(const.SatelliteShortcut) end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set the speed of a satellite shortcut", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SatelliteShortcutSetSpeed:__exec(obj, context) |
SatelliteShortcutChangeSpeed(self.shortcut_id, self.speed_const) |
end |
function SatelliteShortcutSetSpeed:GetError() |
if not self.shortcut_id then |
return "Specify shortcut!" |
end |
end |
function SatelliteShortcutSetSpeed:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable satellite shortcut <u(shortcut_id)>", self) |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable satellite shortcut <u(shortcut_id)>", self) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SatelliteShortcutUnlockEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "shortcut_id", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetsCombo("SatelliteShortcutPreset") end, }, |
{ id = "enable", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable a satellite shortcut", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SatelliteShortcutUnlockEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
SatelliteShortcutSetEnabled(self.shortcut_id, self.enable) |
end |
function SatelliteShortcutUnlockEffect:GetError() |
if not self.shortcut_id then |
return "Specify shortcut!" |
end |
end |
function SatelliteShortcutUnlockEffect:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable satellite shortcut <u(shortcut_id)>", self) |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable satellite shortcut <u(shortcut_id)>", self) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.ScatterAmbientLife = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Scatter Ambient Life"), |
Documentation = "orders all of the ambient life units on the map (ones spawned from AmbientZones) to stop what they are doing on the spot and trigger the conflict logic.", |
} |
function ScatterAmbientLife:__exec(obj, context) |
ChangeGameState({ConflictScripted=true}) |
end |
DefineClass.SectorAddOperationProgress = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "operation", name = "Operation", help = "Operation to add progress to.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return table.keys(SectorOperations) end, }, |
{ id = "perc", name = "Add Perc", help = "Percent of the target progress that will be added.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, max = 100, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Adds progress to a given operation in a given sector", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Adds <percent(perc)> progress to <u(operation)> in sector <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorAddOperationProgress:__exec(obj, context) |
SectorOperations[self.operation]:BoostProgress(self.perc, gv_Sectors[self.sector_id]) |
end |
function SectorAddOperationProgress:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorDisableAutoResolve = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "value", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/Disable auto-resolve on the sector", |
} |
function SectorDisableAutoResolve:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if sector then |
sector.autoresolve_disabled = not self.value |
end |
end |
function SectorDisableAutoResolve:GetEditorView() |
if self.value then |
return Untranslated("Enable auto-resolve for sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable auto-resolve for sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorDisableAutoResolve:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorEnableAutoDeploy = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "deploy", help = "Enable/disable auto-deploy on enter.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/Disable auto-deploy mode on sector enter", |
} |
function SectorEnableAutoDeploy:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if sector then |
sector.enabled_auto_deploy = self.deploy |
end |
end |
function SectorEnableAutoDeploy:GetEditorView() |
if self.deploy then |
return Untranslated("Enable auto-deploy for sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable auto-deploy for sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorEnableAutoDeploy:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorEnableCustomOperation = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "LootTableFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "operation", name = "Operation", help = "Custom operation.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCustomOperations() end, }, |
{ id = "DisplayLog", name = "Display in Log", help = "Whether to display enabling the Operation in the combat log", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "EffectsOnSuccess", name = "On Success", help = "Effects that are executed after the operation is completed.", |
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "Effect", }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "LootTableId", name = "Loot Table Id", help = "Loot table to generate items that will be granted after the operation is completed.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "LootDef", }, |
{ category = "Execution", id = "GrantItemApply", name = "GrantItemApply", help = 'Loot table roll - "first"(merc) - only once, "all"(mercs) for each merc', |
editor = "combo", default = "first", items = function (self) return {"first", "all"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enables custom operation in the sector", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Enables custom Operation <u(operation)> in sector <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorEnableCustomOperation:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if not sector then return end |
sector.custom_operations = sector.custom_operations or {} |
sector.custom_operations[self.operation] = { |
status = "enabled", |
progress = 0, |
EffectsOnSuccess = self.EffectsOnSuccess, |
LootTableId = self.LootTableId, |
GrantItemApply = self.GrantItemApply |
} |
ObjModified(sector) |
ObjModified(gv_Squads) |
if self.DisplayLog then |
CombatLog("important",T{537039992460, "New <em>Sector Operation</em> available (<em><SectorId(sector)></em>): <em><ActivityName></em>", ActivityName = SectorOperations[self.operation] and SectorOperations[self.operation].display_name or "", sector = self.sector_id}) |
end |
end |
function SectorEnableCustomOperation:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
elseif not self.operation then |
return "Specify custom operation!" |
end |
end |
function SectorEnableCustomOperation:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
return T{588881082990, "Operation is available: <em><ActivityName></em>", ActivityName = SectorOperations[self.operation] and SectorOperations[self.operation].display_name or ""} |
end |
DefineClass.SectorEnableWarningState = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Enable", name = "Enable", help = "Enable", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = "current", items = function (self) return table.iappend({{text="current",value="current"}}, GetCampaignSectorsCombo()) end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/Disable the Warning State mechanic for sector. (does NOT trigger it)", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Change <u(sector_id)> sector's WarningStateEnabled to <Bool(Enable)>. (does NOT trigger it)"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorEnableWarningState:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector_id = self.sector_id == "current" and gv_CurrentSectorId or self.sector_id |
local sector = gv_Sectors[sector_id] |
sector.warningStateEnabled = self.Enable |
end |
DefineClass.SectorEnterConflict = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "conflict_mode", help = "Force or resolve conflict in that sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return table.iappend({{text="current",value="current"}}, GetCampaignSectorsCombo()) end, }, |
{ id = "disable_travel", help = "Disables all travel zones on the map.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "lock_conflict", help = "Killing all enemies on the map cannot resolve a locked conflict, only scripts can.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "no_exploration_resolve", help = "dont resolve conflict in exploration", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "descr_id", help = 'This text is displayed when the "Conflict" text is rolled over and in the description of the conflict window. Define texts in the conflict descriptions editor.', |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("ConflictDescription", "Default") end, }, |
{ id = "spawn_mode", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return {"attack", "defend", "explore"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Forces/Resolve conflict mode for the speciafied sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorEnterConflict:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = self.sector_id == "current" and gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] or gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if not sector then return end |
if self.conflict_mode then |
ForceEnterConflictEffect( |
sector, |
self.spawn_mode, |
self.disable_travel, |
self.lock_conflict, |
self.descr_id, |
self.no_exploration_resolve and "force-exploration-only" or "force" |
) |
else |
sector.ForceConflict = false |
if gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] == sector then |
if sector.conflict then |
sector.conflict.locked = false |
end |
CheckMapConflictResolved("no voice") |
else |
ResolveConflict(sector, "no voice") |
end |
end |
end |
function SectorEnterConflict:GetEditorView() |
if self.conflict_mode then |
return Untranslated("Force conflict mode for sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Remove forced conflict mode for sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorEnterConflict:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorGrantIntel = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Grants intel for the sector", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Grant intel for sector <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorGrantIntel:__exec(obj, context) |
DiscoverIntelForSector(self.sector_id) |
end |
function SectorGrantIntel:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
function SectorGrantIntel:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local campaign = CampaignPresets[Game and Game.Campaign or DefaultCampaign] |
local sector = gv_Sectors and gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] or table.find_value(campaign.Sectors, "Id", self.sector_id) |
if sector and sector.intel_discovered then |
return T{903574434021, "<em>Intel</em> is already available for <em><SectorName(sector)></em>", sector = sector} |
end |
return T{223883822777, "Gained <em>Intel</em> for <em><SectorName(sector)></em>", sector = sector} |
end |
DefineClass.SectorModifyEnemySquads = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "percent", name = "Percent", help = "Percent for enemy count modification.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "count", name = "Count", help = "Specific count for enemy count modification.", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "UnitTemplate", name = "UnitTemplate", help = "Unit template that will be affected or all if false.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetEnemySquadsUnitTemplates("all") end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "The spawned enemy squads in that sector get their units or specified type of units decreased or increased by that specified percent. To remove all units from unittype, set pecent to -100", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorModifyEnemySquads:__exec(obj, context) |
local value, valueType = self.percent, "percent" |
local count = self.count |
if count and count ~= 0 then |
value = count |
valueType = "count" |
end |
ModifySectorEnemySquads(self.sector_id, value, valueType, self.UnitTemplate) |
end |
function SectorModifyEnemySquads:GetEditorView() |
local value, valueType = self.percent, "percent" |
local count = self.count |
if count and count ~= 0 then |
value = count |
valueType = "count" |
end |
local valString = valueType == "percent" and (tostring(value) .. "%") or tostring(value) |
if value > 0 then |
if self.UnitTemplate then |
return Untranslated("Increases <u(UnitTemplate)> units in enemy squads force in <u(sector_id)> by " .. valString) |
else |
return Untranslated("Increases all enemies in <u(sector_id)> by ".. valString) |
end |
else |
if self.UnitTemplate then |
return Untranslated("Decreases <u(UnitTemplate)> units in enemy squads force in <u(sector_id)> by " .. valString) |
else |
return Untranslated("Decreases all enemies in <u(sector_id)> by " .. valString) |
end |
end |
end |
function SectorModifyEnemySquads:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorModifyMineProperties = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "DepletionTime", name = "Depletion Income Modifier Percent", help = "% modifier for depletion time", |
editor = "number", default = false, min = 1, max = 500, }, |
{ id = "DailyIncome", name = "Daily Income Modifier Percent", help = "% modifier for profit per day at 100% loyalty. For instance 200 would double, and 50 would halve", |
editor = "number", default = false, min = 0, max = 1000, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Modify diamond mine properties for a given sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorModifyMineProperties:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if self.DepletionTime then |
if not sector.depletion_mods then sector.depletion_mods = {} end |
sector.depletion_mods[#sector.depletion_mods + 1] = self.DepletionTime |
end |
if self.DailyIncome then |
if not sector.income_mods then sector.income_mods = {} end |
sector.income_mods[#sector.income_mods + 1] = self.DailyIncome |
end |
end |
function SectorModifyMineProperties:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Modify diamond mine related properties on <sector_id>") |
end |
function SectorModifyMineProperties:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
function SectorModifyMineProperties:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
if self.DailyIncome and next(gv_Sectors) then |
local name = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id].display_name |
if self.DailyIncome > 100 then |
return T{830978589245, "<Name> diamond production increased by <(value -100)>%", value = self.DailyIncome, Name = name} |
end |
if self.DailyIncome<100 then |
return T{340934605682, "<Name> diamond production decreased by <(100-value)>%", value = self.DailyIncome, Name = name} |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorRemoveCustomOperation = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "operation", name = "Operation", help = "Remove custom operation.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCustomOperations() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Removes custom operation in the sector, sets operation mercs to Idle", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Removes custom Operation <u(operation)> in sector <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorRemoveCustomOperation:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if not sector then return end |
local operation = self.operation |
if sector.custom_operations and sector.custom_operations[operation] then |
sector.custom_operations[operation] = nil |
end |
local mercs = GetPlayerSectorUnits(self.sector_id) |
SectorOperation_CancelByGame(mercs, operation, true) |
ObjModified(sector) |
ObjModified(gv_Squads) |
end |
function SectorRemoveCustomOperation:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
elseif not self.operation then |
return "Specify custom operation!" |
end |
end |
function SectorRemoveCustomOperation:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
return T{565334741205, "<ActivityName> Operation is unavailable", ActivityName = SectorOperations[self.operation] and SectorOperations[self.operation].display_name or ""} |
end |
DefineClass.SectorReplaceEnemySquadList = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "EnemySquadsList", name = "Enemy Squads List", help = "A random squad from the list will be chosen on guardpost spawn time.", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "EnemySquads", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
if preset.group ~= "Test Encounters" then return obj end |
end, |
item_default = "", }, |
{ id = "StrongEnemySquadsList", name = "Strong Enemy Squads List", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "EnemySquads", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
if preset.group ~= "Test Encounters" then return obj end |
end, |
item_default = "", }, |
{ id = "ExtraDefenderSquads", name = "Extra Defender Squads", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, preset_class = "EnemySquads", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
if preset.group ~= "Test Encounters" then return obj end |
end, |
item_default = "", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Overrides EnemySquadList in sector <u(sector_id)>"), |
Documentation = "Overrides EnemySquadList in a given sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorReplaceEnemySquadList:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if not sector then return end |
if sector.EnemySquadsList and #sector.EnemySquadsList > 0 then |
sector.EnemySquadsList = table.copy(self.EnemySquadsList) |
end |
if sector.StrongEnemySquadsList and #sector.StrongEnemySquadsList > 0 then |
sector.StrongEnemySquadsList = table.copy(self.StrongEnemySquadsList) |
end |
if sector.ExtraDefenderSquads and #sector.ExtraDefenderSquads > 0 then |
sector.ExtraDefenderSquads = table.copy(self.ExtraDefenderSquads) |
end |
end |
function SectorReplaceEnemySquadList:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorReplaceTargetSectors = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "TargetSectors", name = "Target Sectors", help = "Target sectors for spawned enemy squads.", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo("") end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Overrides TargetSectors in a given sector"), |
Documentation = "Overrides TargetSectors in a given sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorReplaceTargetSectors:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if sector then |
sector.TargetSectors = table.copy(self.TargetSectors, "deep") |
end |
end |
function SectorReplaceTargetSectors:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetAwarenessSequence = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "awareness_sequence", name = "Awareness Sequence", |
editor = "choice", default = "Standard", items = function (self) return { "Standard", "Skip Setpiece", "Skip All" } end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/Disable auto-deploy mode on sector enter", |
} |
function SectorSetAwarenessSequence:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if sector then |
sector.awareness_sequence = self.awareness_sequence |
end |
end |
function SectorSetAwarenessSequence:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated(string.format("Set Awareness Sequence for for sector <u(sector_id)> to %s", self.awareness_sequence)) |
end |
function SectorSetAwarenessSequence:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetCustomConflictDesc = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "descr_id", help = 'This text is displayed when the "Conflict" text is rolled over and in the description of the conflict window. Define texts in the conflict descriptions editor.', |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("ConflictDescription", "Default") end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set a custom conflict description for the given sector. Cleared when the conflict is resolved.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetCustomConflictDesc:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
sector.CustomConflictDescr = self.descr_id |
if sector.conflict and not sector.conflict.descr_id then |
sector.conflict.descr_id = self.descr_id |
end |
end |
function SectorSetCustomConflictDesc:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Set conflict description <u(descr_id)> for <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
function SectorSetCustomConflictDesc:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
if not self.descr_id then |
return "Specify description preset!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetForceConflict = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "force", name = "Force Conflict", help = "Force conflict value.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/Disable 'force conflict' for the sector - entering sectors with force conflict set to true results in conflict mode with or without enemy presence in the sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetForceConflict:__exec(obj, context) |
if not gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] then return end |
gv_Sectors[self.sector_id].ForceConflict = self.force |
end |
function SectorSetForceConflict:GetEditorView() |
if self.force then |
return Untranslated("Enable sector <u(sector_id)> force conflict") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable sector <u(sector_id)> force conflict") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetForceConflict:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetHospital = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "enable", help = "Add/remove hospital in sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/disable hospital in specified sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetHospital:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
sector.HospitalLocked = not self.enable |
sector.Hospital = true |
Msg("BuildingLockChanged", self.sector_id) |
end |
function SectorSetHospital:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
return T{588881082990, "Operation is available: <em><ActivityName></em>", ActivityName = SectorOperations["HospitalTreatment"] and SectorOperations["HospitalTreatment"].display_name or ""} |
end |
function SectorSetHospital:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable hospital in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable hospital in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetHospital:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetMap = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "MapFile", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return ListMaps() end, }, |
{ id = "image", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, }, |
{ id = "loading_screen", |
editor = "ui_image", default = false, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Change the map of a sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetMap:__exec(obj, context) |
local sectorPreset = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if sectorPreset then |
sectorPreset.Map = self.MapFile |
if self.image and self.image ~= "" then |
sectorPreset.image = self.image |
end |
if self.loading_screen and self.loading_screen ~= "" then |
sectorPreset.override_loading_screen = self.loading_screen |
end |
end |
end |
function SectorSetMap:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Change the sector map of <u(sector_id)> to <u(MapFile)>", self) |
end |
function SectorSetMap:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
elseif self.enable_sticky and self.disable_sticky then |
return "You cannot both enable and disable sticky side, choose one" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetMilitia = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "enable", help = "Set militia in sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/disable militia in specified sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetMilitia:__exec(obj, context) |
gv_Sectors[self.sector_id].Militia = self.enable |
end |
function SectorSetMilitia:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable militia in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable militia in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetMilitia:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetMineProperties = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Depletion", |
editor = "combo", default = "no-change", items = function (self) return { "no-change", "enabled", "disabled" } end, }, |
{ id = "HasMine", |
editor = "combo", default = "no-change", items = function (self) return { "no-change", "enabled", "disabled" } end, }, |
{ id = "DepletionTime", help = "In how many days the mine will deplete", |
editor = "number", default = false, min = 1, max = 500, }, |
{ id = "DailyIncome", help = "Profit per day at 100% loyalty", |
editor = "number", default = false, min = 0, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set diamond mine properties for a given sector.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetMineProperties:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if self.Depletion ~= "no-change" then |
sector.Depletion = self.Depletion == "enabled" |
end |
if self.HasMine ~= "no-change" then |
sector.Mine = self.HasMine == "enabled" |
end |
if self.DepletionTime then |
sector.DepletionTime = self.DepletionTime |
end |
if self.DailyIncome then |
sector.DailyIncome = self.DailyIncome |
end |
end |
function SectorSetMineProperties:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Set diamond mine related properties on <sector_id>") |
end |
function SectorSetMineProperties:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetPort = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "enable", help = "Add/remove port in sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/disable port in specified sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetPort:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
sector.PortLocked = not self.enable |
sector.Port = true |
if sector.Side == "player1" or sector.Side == "player2" then |
gv_PlayerSectorCounts["Port"] = gv_PlayerSectorCounts["Port"] + 1 |
end |
Msg("BuildingLockChanged", self.sector_id) |
end |
function SectorSetPort:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable port in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable port in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetPort:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetRAndROperation = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "enable", help = "Set RAndR operation in sector.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/disable RAndR operation in specified sector", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetRAndROperation:__exec(obj, context) |
gv_Sectors[self.sector_id].RAndRAllowed = self.enable |
end |
function SectorSetRAndROperation:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable RAndR in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable RAndR in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetRAndROperation:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetRepairShopOperation = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "enable", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enable/Disable Repair Shop operations in the specified sector.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetRepairShopOperation:__exec(obj, context) |
gv_Sectors[self.sector_id].RepairShop = self.enable |
end |
function SectorSetRepairShopOperation:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable then |
return Untranslated("Enable Repair Shop operations in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Disable Repair Shop operations in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetRepairShopOperation:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSetSide = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "side", name = "Side", help = "Choose side for sector.", |
editor = "combo", default = "player1", items = function (self) return table.iappend(table.map(SideDefs, "Id"), {"dont-change"}) end, }, |
{ id = "enable_sticky", name = "Enable Sticky Side", help = "This will forcefully set sticky side to true.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "disable_sticky", name = "Disable Sticky Side", help = "This will forcefully set sticky side to false.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Change sector side and sticky side option (optional)", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSetSide:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if not sector then return end |
if self.enable_sticky then |
sector.StickySide = true |
elseif self.disable_sticky then |
sector.StickySide = false |
end |
if self.side == "dont-change" then |
if g_StartingCombat then return end |
UpdateSectorControl(self.sector_id) |
else |
SatelliteSectorSetSide(self.sector_id, self.side, "force") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetSide:GetEditorView() |
if self.enable_sticky then |
return Untranslated("Set side <u(side)> and enable sticky side in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
elseif self.disable_sticky then |
return Untranslated("Set side <u(side)> and disable sticky side in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
else |
return Untranslated("Set side <u(side)> in sector <u(sector_id)>") |
end |
end |
function SectorSetSide:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
elseif self.enable_sticky and self.disable_sticky then |
return "You cannot both enable and disable sticky side, choose one" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSpawnSquad = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "squad_def_id", name = "Squad", help = "Pre-defined enemy squad.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return EnemySquadsComboItems("exclude test squads") end, }, |
{ id = "side", name = "Side", |
editor = "combo", default = "enemy1", items = function (self) return {"enemy1", "enemy2", "ally"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Spawns a predefined squad on the sector", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Spawn a <u(squad_def_id)> squad in sector <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSpawnSquad:__exec(obj, context) |
if not gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] then return end |
GenerateEnemySquad(self.squad_def_id, self.sector_id, "Effect", nil, self.side) |
end |
function SectorSpawnSquad:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
elseif not self.squad_def_id then |
return "Specify squad!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorSquadDespawn = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "Militia", name = "Remove militia", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "Enemies", name = "Remove enemies", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Removes all enemy and militia squads in that sector.", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Removes enemy squads and militia in <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorSquadDespawn:__exec(obj, context) |
local squads = GetSectorSquads(self.sector_id) |
for i = #squads, 1, -1 do |
local squad = squads[i] |
if self.Enemies and IsEnemySquad(squad.UniqueId) or |
self.Militia and squad.militia |
then |
RemoveSquad(squad) |
end |
end |
if not gv_SatelliteView and self.sector_id == gv_CurrentSectorId then |
LocalCheckUnitsMapPresence() |
end |
end |
function SectorSquadDespawn:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SectorTrainMilitia = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "Amount", |
editor = "number", default = false, |
default = const.Satellite.MilitiaUnitsPerTraining, min = 1, max = 8, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Grants intel for the sector", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Train <u(Amount)> militia on <u(sector_id)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorTrainMilitia:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
local _, trained =SpawnMilitia(self.Amount, sector) |
if trained == 0 then return end |
local logText = T{769055535456, "<amount> militia dispatched to <SectorName(sector)>", |
amount = trained, |
sector = sector |
} |
CombatLog("important", logText) |
end |
function SectorTrainMilitia:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
function SectorTrainMilitia:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local campaign = CampaignPresets[Game and Game.Campaign or DefaultCampaign] |
local sector = gv_Sectors and gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] or table.find_value(campaign.Sectors, "Id", self.sector_id) |
return T{445122419956, "Sent <em>Militia</em> to <em><SectorName(sector)></em>", sector = sector} |
end |
DefineClass.SectorsGrantIntel = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Grants intel for an array of sectors", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Grant intel for sectors <list(sector_id, ', ')>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SectorsGrantIntel:__exec(obj, context) |
DiscoverIntelForSectors(self.sector_id) |
end |
function SectorsGrantIntel:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
function SectorsGrantIntel:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local campaign = CampaignPresets[Game and Game.Campaign or DefaultCampaign] |
local knew = {} |
local new = {} |
for i, s in ipairs(self.sector_id) do |
local sector = gv_Sectors and gv_Sectors[s] or table.find_value(campaign.Sectors, "Id", s) |
if sector then |
if sector.intel_discovered then |
knew[#knew + 1] = T{427357563595, "<em><SectorName></em>", SectorName = sector and sector.display_name or "",} |
else |
new[#new + 1] = T{165345603261, "<em><SectorName></em> (sector <SectorId(sId)>)", SectorName = sector and sector.display_name or "", sId = s} |
end |
end |
end |
local textCombined = false |
if #new > 0 then |
textCombined = T{309239191160, "Gained <em>Intel</em> for <sectors>.", sectors = table.concat(new, ", ")} |
end |
if #knew > 0 then |
local knewText = T{124400089767, "Intel for <sectors> is already available.", sectors = table.concat(knew, ", ")} |
if textCombined then |
textCombined = textCombined .. T(226690869750, "<newline>") .. knewText |
else |
textCombined = knewText |
end |
end |
return textCombined |
end |
DefineClass.SetBadgeEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Remove", help = "Remove the badge instead.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "BadgeUnit", name = "Badge on Unit", help = "The unit/group to place the badge on, if it exists on the current map.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GridMarkerGroupsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "BadgePreset", name = "Badge Preset", help = "The badge preset to spawn.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "BadgePresetDef", }, |
{ id = "Quest", name = "Quest", help = "Which quest to associate this badge with. If the effect is placed on a quest it will attempt to find it itself.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", }, |
}, |
EditorView = T(946118376279, "Place a badge of preset <u(BadgePreset)> on unit <u(BadgeUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Place a badge on a unit.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function SetBadgeEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
local quest = (self.Quest and gv_Quests[self.Quest]) or (IsKindOf(obj, "QuestsDef") and obj) or false |
assert(quest) |
if not quest then return end |
if not self.BadgeUnit then return end |
local prefix = "" |
if self.Remove then |
prefix = badgeRemoveIdentifier |
end |
quest[badgeParamIdentifier .. self.BadgeUnit] = prefix .. (self.BadgePreset or "") |
UpdateQuestBadges(quest) |
end |
DefineClass.SetBehaviorVisitAL = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ActorGroup", name = "Actor Group", help = "Unit group that will exit the map.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
{ id = "MarkerGroup", name = "Marker Group", help = "Exit marker group.", |
editor = "combo", default = "", |
no_edit = function(self) return self.closest end, items = function (self) return GetALMarkersGroups end, }, |
{ id = "Kick", name = "Kick", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(ActorGroup)> visits <u(MarkerGroup)> marker"), |
Documentation = "Units vists specified Ambient Life marker", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function SetBehaviorVisitAL:__exec(obj, context) |
local group_actors = ValidateUnitGroupForEffectExec(self.ActorGroup, self, obj) |
local actors = table.ifilter(group_actors, function(_, actor) |
return IsKindOf(actor, "Unit") and not actor.perpetual_marker |
end) |
if #actors == 0 then return end |
local actor = actors[1] |
if not IsValid(actor) then return end |
local visitables = table.ifilter(g_Visitables, function(_, visitable) |
local marker_groups = visitable[1].Groups |
local from_group = not not table.find(marker_groups, self.MarkerGroup) |
return from_group |
end) |
if #visitables == 0 then return end |
local marker_visitable = visitables[1] |
if marker_visitable.reserved == actor.handle then |
return |
end |
local marker = marker_visitable[1] |
if marker_visitable.reserved then |
if not self.Kick then |
return |
end |
local unit = HandleToObject[marker_visitable.reserved] |
if IsValid(unit) then |
unit:FreeVisitable(marker_visitable) |
unit:SetCommand("Idle") |
end |
end |
actor:ReserveVisitable(marker_visitable) |
if marker:Random(100) < marker.ChanceSpawn then |
marker.perpetual_unit = actor |
actor.perpetual_marker = marker |
end |
if GameState and (GameState.entering_sector or GameState.setpiece_playing) and marker.Teleport then |
actor.teleport_allowed_once = true |
end |
actor:SetCommand("Visit", marker_visitable) |
end |
function SetBehaviorVisitAL:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Sets <u(ActorGroup)> to visit <u(MarkerGroup)> marker") |
end |
DefineClass.SetDeploymentModeEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "DeploymentMode", name = "Deployment Mode", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = "defend", items = function (self) return {"defend", "attack"} end, }, |
{ id = "DeploymentDir", name = "Deployment Direction", help = "Deployment Direction during attack", |
editor = "combo", default = "North", |
no_edit = function(self) return self.DeploymentMode == "defend" end, items = function (self) return {"North", "East", "South", "West"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set Deployment Mode(and direction if attacking)r", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set Deployment Mode"), |
} |
function SetDeploymentModeEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
SetDeploymentMode(self.DeploymentMode) |
if self.DeploymentMode == "attack" then |
gv_DeploymentDir = self.DeploymentDir |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SetSectorAutoResolveDefenderBonus = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "autoResolveDefenderBonus", name = "Auto Resolve Defender Bonus", |
editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = "current", items = function (self) return table.iappend({{text="current",value="current"}}, GetCampaignSectorsCombo()) end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Set a sector's Auto Resolve Defender Bonus.", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set <u(sector_id)> sector's Auto Resolve Defender Bonus to <u(autoResolveDefenderBonus)>"), |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SetSectorAutoResolveDefenderBonus:__exec(obj, context) |
local sector_id = self.sector_id == "current" and gv_CurrentSectorId or self.sector_id |
local sector = gv_Sectors[sector_id] |
sector.AutoResolveDefenderBonus = self.autoResolveDefenderBonus |
end |
DefineClass.SetSectorDiscovered = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "sector_id", name = "Sector Id", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Sets a sector to discovered", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function SetSectorDiscovered:__exec(obj, context) |
local sectorPreset = gv_Sectors[self.sector_id] |
if sectorPreset then |
sectorPreset.discovered = true |
if g_SatelliteUI then |
g_SatelliteUI:UpdateSectorVisuals(self.sector_id) |
end |
end |
end |
function SetSectorDiscovered:GetEditorView() |
return Untranslated("Set <u(sector_id)> to discovered", self) |
end |
function SetSectorDiscovered:GetError() |
if not self.sector_id then |
return "Specify sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.SetTimer = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Name", name = "Name", help = "Name of the timer.", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Label", name = "Label", help = "The label to display on the timer.", |
editor = "text", default = false, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "Time", name = "Time", help = "Time (in secs) to wait.", |
editor = "number", default = 60000, scale = "sec", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set timer <Name>"), |
Documentation = "The effect set a visual UI timer displayed in the upper center of the screen", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "UI & Log", |
} |
function SetTimer:__exec(quest, context, TCE) |
if not (GameState.Conflict or GameState.ConflictScripted or GameState.Combat) then |
StoreErrorSource("once", "SetTimer running in a sector without Conflict/Combat!") |
end |
TimerCreate(self.Name, self.Label, self.Time) |
end |
function SetTimer:__waitexec(quest, context, TCE) |
self:__exec(quest, context, TCE) |
return TimerWait(self.Name) |
end |
function SetTimer:__skip(quest, context, TCE) |
return self:__exec(quest, context, TCE) |
end |
function SetTimer:GetError() |
if not self.Name then |
return "SetTimer needs a name!" |
end |
if not self.Time then |
return "SetTimer needs time specified!" |
end |
if GetParentTableOfKindNoCheck(self, "TestHarness") then |
return |
end |
local container = GetParentTableOfKind(self, "TriggeredConditionalEvent") |
if not container then |
return "SetTimer can only be used in TCEs" |
end |
if not container.SequentialEffects then |
return "SetTimer can be used only in TCEs with Sequential Effects execution!" |
end |
end |
function SetTimer:GetResumeData(thread, stack, stack_index) |
return "TimerWait", self.Name |
end |
DefineClass.ShowGuardpostObjective = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "GuardpostObjective", name = "GuardpostObjective", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "GuardpostObjective", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Make guardpost objective <u(GuardpostObjective)> visible."), |
Documentation = "Make a guardpost objective visible.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sectors", |
} |
function ShowGuardpostObjective:__exec(obj, context) |
SetGuardpostObjectiveSeen(self.GuardpostObjective) |
end |
DefineClass.ShowPopup = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "PopupId", help = "Popup notification preset id.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "PopupNotification", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Show popup notification <u(PopupId)>"), |
Documentation = "Displays popup notification", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "UI & Log", |
} |
function ShowPopup:GetError() |
if not self.PopupId then |
return "No PopupId" |
end |
end |
function ShowPopup:__exec(obj, context) |
local id = self.PopupId |
local preset = PopupNotifications[id] |
if not preset then |
StoreErrorSource(Presets.PopupNotification[1][1], "Trying to show missing pop-up: " .. id) |
return |
end |
if preset.OnceOnly and gv_DisabledPopups[id] then |
return |
end |
ShowPopupNotification(id) |
end |
function ShowPopup:__waitexec(obj, context) |
self:__exec(obj, context) |
Msg("ClosePopup" .. self.PopupId) |
end |
function ShowPopup:__skip(quest, context, TCE) |
return self:__exec(quest, context, TCE) |
end |
function ShowPopup:GetResumeData(thread, stack, stack_index) |
return "ShowPopup", self.PopupId |
end |
DefineClass.SleepEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Sleep", name = "Sleep", help = "Sleep time in ms.", |
editor = "number", default = 1000, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "An effect to delay other effects' execution.", |
} |
function SleepEffect:GetEditorView() |
return T(206265192932, "Delay: <u(Sleep)> ms") |
end |
function SleepEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
return |
end |
function SleepEffect:__waitexec(obj, context) |
Sleep(self.Sleep) |
end |
function SleepEffect:__skip(quest, context, TCE) |
end |
function SleepEffect:GetResumeData(thread, stack, stack_index) |
local remainig = GetThreadStatus(thread) - GameTime() |
assert(type(remainig) == "number") |
assert(remainig >= 0) |
return "Sleep", remainig |
end |
DefineClass.StartDeploymentInCurrentSector = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "WaitClicked", name = "Wait Clicked", help = "Waits for the button to be clicked before continuing to trigger next effects.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "EntranceZone", name = "EntranceZone", help = "Specific entrance zone", |
editor = "choice", default = "custom", items = function (self) return {"attacker", "defender", "custom"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Enter deployment mode if it is valid for the currently loaded sector", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Enter deployment mode"), |
} |
function StartDeploymentInCurrentSector:__exec(obj, context) |
if self.EntranceZone and self.EntranceZone ~= "custom" then |
SetDeploymentMode(self.EntranceZone) |
else |
gv_Deployment = "custom" |
end |
StartDeployment() |
end |
function StartDeploymentInCurrentSector:__waitexec(obj, context) |
self:__exec(obj, context) |
if self.WaitClicked then |
WaitMsg("DeploymentModeDone") |
end |
end |
function StartDeploymentInCurrentSector:__skip(quest, context, TCE) |
return self:__exec(quest, context, TCE) |
end |
function StartDeploymentInCurrentSector:GetResumeData(thread, stack, stack_index) |
return "StartDeploymentInCurrentSector", self.EntranceZone |
end |
DefineClass.TriggerGuardPostAttack = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "guardpost_sector_id", name = "Guardpost Sector", help = "Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "effect_target_sector_ids", name = "Target Sectors", help = "Attack one of these sectors.", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "last captured", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo("last captured") end, }, |
{ id = "time", name = "Time", help = "Time to pass before spawning the squad.", |
editor = "number", default = 43200, scale = "h", }, |
{ id = "custom_quest_id", name = "Custom Quest Id", help = "This could would be used in quests (ex. to check if the attack squad was defeated - with SquadDefeated condition).", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "reach_quest_id", name = "Reach Quest Id", help = "Quest to set variables to true when squad reaches it destination sector.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", }, |
{ id = "reach_quest_var", name = "Var to check", help = "Variable in reach quest to set to true when squad reaches it destination sector", |
editor = "set", default = false, max_items_in_set = 1, items = function (self) return table.keys2(QuestGetVariables(self.reach_quest_id), "sorted") end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Spawns enemy squad from guardpost after time.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function TriggerGuardPostAttack:GetEditorView() |
local targets = Untranslated(table.concat(self.effect_target_sector_ids, ", ")) |
return T{926384305749, "Spawns enemy squad from guardpost on <u(guardpost_sector_id)> to (<targets>) after <CampaignTime(time)>", self, targets = targets} |
end |
function TriggerGuardPostAttack:__exec(obj, context) |
local gp = g_Guardposts[self.guardpost_sector_id] |
if not gp then |
StoreErrorSource(self, "TriggerGuardPostAttack - guardpost_sector_id should be sector with guardpost.") |
end |
if table.find(self.effect_target_sector_ids, "last captured") and not gv_LastSectorTakenByPlayer then |
return |
end |
if gp then |
gp:ForceSetNextSpawnTimeAndSector(self.time, self.effect_target_sector_ids, self.custom_quest_id, self.reach_quest_id, self.reach_quest_var) |
end |
end |
function TriggerGuardPostAttack:GetError() |
if not self.guardpost_sector_id then |
return "Specify Guardpost Sector" |
elseif not self.effect_target_sector_ids[1] or self.effect_target_sector_ids[1] == "" then |
return "Specify Target Sector!" |
end |
local sector = gv_Sectors and gv_Sectors[self.guardpost_sector_id] |
if sector and not sector.Guardpost then |
return "Sector should be a guardpost sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.TriggerSectorWarningState = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Trigger the current sector's Warning State"), |
Documentation = "Triggers the Warning State for the current sector.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function TriggerSectorWarningState:__exec(obj, context) |
if gv_SatelliteView then return end |
local sector = gv_Sectors[gv_CurrentSectorId] |
local alliedUnits = GetPlayerSectorUnits(gv_CurrentSectorId, "getUnits") |
local enemyUnits = GetAllEnemyUnits(alliedUnits[1]) |
local triggeringUnit |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") and table.find(alliedUnits, obj) then |
triggeringUnit = obj |
else |
triggeringUnit = alliedUnits[1] |
end |
EnterWarningState(enemyUnits, alliedUnits, triggeringUnit) |
end |
DefineClass.TriggerSquadAttack = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "source_sector_id", name = "Source Sector", help = "Source Sector id.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "effect_target_sector_ids", name = "Target Sectors", help = "Attack one of these sectors.", |
editor = "string_list", default = {}, item_default = "last captured", items = function (self) return GetCampaignSectorsCombo("last captured") end, }, |
{ id = "reach_quest_id", name = "Reach Quest Id", help = "Quest to set variables to true when squad reaches it destination sector.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "QuestsDef", }, |
{ id = "reach_quest_var", name = "Var to check", help = "Variable in reach quest to set to true when squad reaches it destination sector", |
editor = "set", default = false, max_items_in_set = 1, items = function (self) return table.keys2(QuestGetVariables(self.reach_quest_id), "sorted") end, }, |
{ id = "custom_quest_id", name = "Custom Quest Id", help = "This could would be used in quests (ex. to check if the attack squad was defeated - with SquadDefeated condition).", |
editor = "text", default = false, }, |
{ id = "EnemySquadsList", name = "Enemy Squads List", help = "A random squad from the list will be chosen on guardpost spawn time", |
editor = "preset_id_list", default = {}, |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Guardpost end, preset_class = "EnemySquads", preset_filter = function (preset, obj, prop_meta) |
if preset.group ~= "Test Encounters" then return obj end |
end, |
item_default = "", }, |
{ id = "Squad", name = "Squad", help = "Squad that will be spawned in the sector on campaign start", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return EnemySquadsComboItems("exclude test squads") end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Spawns specific enemy squad after time.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Sector effects", |
} |
function TriggerSquadAttack:GetEditorView() |
local targets = Untranslated(table.concat(self.effect_target_sector_ids, ", ")) |
return T{768343821287, "Spawns specific enemy squad to (<targets>)", self, targets = targets} |
end |
function TriggerSquadAttack:__exec(obj, context) |
if table.find(self.effect_target_sector_ids, "last captured") and not gv_LastSectorTakenByPlayer then |
return |
end |
local sector = gv_Sectors[self.source_sector_id] |
if not sector then return end |
local sector_ids = self.effect_target_sector_ids |
if gv_LastSectorTakenByPlayer then |
table.replace(sector_ids, "last captured", gv_LastSectorTakenByPlayer) |
end |
local target_sector_id = table.interaction_rand(sector_ids, "TriggerSquadAttack") |
local squad_id = GenerateEnemySquad(self.Squad, self.source_sector_id, "TriggerSquadAttack") |
if squad_id then |
gv_CustomQuestIdToSquadId[self.custom_quest_id or self.Squad] = squad_id |
local squad = gv_Squads[squad_id] |
squad.on_reach_quest = self.reach_quest_id |
squad.on_reach_var = self.reach_quest_var |
if target_sector_id ~= self.source_sector_id then |
SendSatelliteSquadOnRoute(squad, target_sector_id) |
local timeToReach = GetTotalRouteTravelTime(squad.CurrentSector, squad.route, squad) |
AddTimelineEvent("squad-attack-" .. squad.UniqueId, Game.CampaignTime + timeToReach, "squad-attack", squad.UniqueId) |
end |
return squad_id |
end |
StoreErrorSource(sector, string.format("Sector '%s' does not have enemy squad '%s'", self.source_sector_id, self.Squad)) |
end |
function TriggerSquadAttack:GetError() |
if not self.Squad then |
return "Specify Squad" |
elseif not self.effect_target_sector_ids[1] or self.effect_target_sector_ids[1] == "" then |
return "Specify Target Sector!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitAddGrit = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "amount", name = "Amount", |
editor = "number", default = 30, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
"UnitData", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Add grit to the unit."), |
Documentation = "Add grit to the unit.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitAddGrit:__exec(obj, context) |
local unit = obj |
if IsKindOf(unit, "UnitData") then |
unit = g_Units[unit.session_id] |
end |
if IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") and not unit:IsDead() then |
unit:ApplyTempHitPoints(self.amount) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitAddStatusEffect = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Status", name = "Status", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Add <u(Status)> effect to the unit"), |
Documentation = "Add status effect to a unit", |
} |
function UnitAddStatusEffect:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") and not obj:IsDead() then |
obj:AddStatusEffect(self.Status) |
end |
if not context then context = {} end |
local units = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if units and context.target_units then |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if self.Status == "Wounded" then |
obj:AddWounds(1) |
else |
obj:AddStatusEffect(self.Status) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitAddStatusEffect:UnitCheck(unit, obj, context) |
return IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") and not unit:IsDead() |
end |
function UnitAddStatusEffect:GetEditorView() |
return T(237536962390, "Add <u(Status)> to the unit") |
end |
DefineClass.UnitApplyAppearance = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "Target Unit", help = "Target unit for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
{ id = "Appearance", name = "Appearance", help = "Appearance to set.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "AppearancePreset", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("<u(TargetUnit)> changes appearance to <Appearance>"), |
Documentation = "Changes the appearance of an unit", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitApplyAppearance:__exec(obj, context) |
local units = Groups[self.TargetUnit] or empty_table |
if units[1] then |
units[1]:ApplyAppearance(self.Appearance) |
end |
end |
function UnitApplyAppearance:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Choose target unit to die" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitDie = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "TargetGroup", name = "Target Group", help = "Target group for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
{ id = "skipAnim", name = "Skip Animation", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "killImmortal", name = "Kill Immortal", help = "Makes units mortal and then kills them.", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Units from group <u(TargetGroup)> die"), |
Documentation = "Kill units from specified group", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitDie:__exec(obj, context) |
local group = Groups[self.TargetGroup] or empty_table |
for i, v in ipairs(group) do |
if IsKindOf(v, "Unit") and not v:IsDead() then |
v.villain = false |
if self.killImmortal then |
v.immortal = false |
end |
v:SetCommand("Die", self.skipAnim) |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitDie:GetError() |
if not self.TargetGroup then |
return "Choose target unit to die" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitEnvEffectTick = { |
__parents = { "UnitTarget", "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "EffectType", |
editor = "choice", default = "Burning", items = function (self) return {"Burning", "ToxicGas", "TearGas", "Smoke", "Darkness"} end, }, |
{ id = "CombatMoment", |
editor = "choice", default = "n/a", items = function (self) return {"start turn", "end turn", "n/a"} end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Trigger <u(EffectType)> tick for <u(TargetUnit)>"), |
Documentation = "Trigger environmental effect tick for target unit", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitEnvEffectTick:__exec(obj, context) |
if not context then context = {} end |
local units = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if units and context.target_units then |
local moment = (self.CombatMoment ~= "n/a") and self.CombatMoment or nil |
local func = EnvEffectBurningTick |
if self.EffectType == "ToxicGas" then |
func = EnvEffectToxicGasTick |
elseif self.EffectType == "TearGas" then |
func = EnvEffectTearGasTick |
elseif self.EffectType == "Smoke" then |
func = EnvEffectSmokeTick |
elseif self.EffectType == "Darkness" then |
func = EnvEffectDarknessTick |
end |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if IsValid(unit) and IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") and not unit:IsDead() then |
func(unit, nil, moment) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitEnvEffectTick:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Choose target unit" |
end |
end |
function UnitEnvEffectTick:UnitCheck(unit, obj, context) |
return true |
end |
DefineClass.UnitGrantAP = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ap", name = "AP", help = "Action Points to Give", |
editor = "number", default = 8, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Grant <u(ap)> AP to the unit"), |
Documentation = "Modify unit's AP", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitGrantAP:__exec(obj, context) |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") and not obj:IsDead() then |
if self.ap > 0 then |
obj:GainAP(self.ap*const.Scale.AP) |
else |
obj:ConsumeAP(self.ap*const.Scale.AP) |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitGrantItem = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "LootTableFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ItemId", name = "Item", help = "The id of the item that will be granted.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", }, |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "How many items are granted.", |
editor = "number", default = 1, min = 1, }, |
{ id = "LootTableId", name = "Loot Table Id", help = "Loot table to generate items that will be granted.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "LootDef", }, |
{ id = "GrantedItemsTextUI", |
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "GrantedItemsEditorTextUI", |
editor = "text", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, translate = true, }, |
{ id = "GeneratedItems", |
editor = "prop_table", default = false, dont_save = true, no_edit = true, }, |
{ id = "actor", name = "Log Actor", help = "How to log the received items.", |
editor = "choice", default = "important", items = function (self) return {"short", "important"} end, }, |
}, |
Documentation = "Give item to a merc or to any from its squad.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitGrantItem:GetEditorView() |
if self.ItemId and self.LootTableId then |
return Untranslated("<u(ItemId)>(<Amount>) and \'<u(LootTableId)>\' loot table items are given to the merc") |
end |
if self.ItemId then |
return Untranslated("<u(ItemId)>(<Amount>) given to the merc") |
end |
if self.LootTableId then |
return Untranslated("Loot table items \'<u(LootTableId)>\' given to the merc") |
end |
return "" |
end |
function UnitGrantItem:__exec(obj, context) |
local unit_id = type(obj) == "string" and obj or obj.session_id |
local squad = gv_UnitData[unit_id] and gv_UnitData[unit_id].Squad |
if not squad then |
local squads = GetSectorSquadsFromSide(gv_CurrentSectorId, "player1") |
squad = #squads>0 and squads[1].UniqueId |
end |
assert(squad, "There is not unit or player squad on the sector") |
if not squad then |
if g_PlayerSquads and #g_PlayerSquads>0 then |
squad = g_PlayerSquads[1].UniqueId |
end |
end |
assert(squad, "There is not any player squad.The item is not given.") |
if not squad then return end |
local sector = gv_Squads[squad].CurrentSector |
local all_mercs = gv_Squads[squad].units |
if unit_id then |
all_mercs = table.copy(all_mercs) |
table.remove_entry(all_mercs, unit_id) |
table.insert(all_mercs, 1, unit_id) |
end |
unit_id = unit_id or all_mercs[1] |
local items = UnitGrantItem.GenerateItems(self, "game") or {} |
CombatLogActorOverride = self.actor |
AddItemsToSquadBag(squad, items) |
for idx, merc in ipairs(all_mercs) do |
if #items<=0 then break end |
local unit = g_Units[merc] or gv_UnitData[merc] |
unit:AddItemsToInventory(items) |
end |
if #items > 0 then |
local unit = g_Units[unit_id] |
if unit then |
unit:DropItemsInContainer(items, |
function(unit, item, amount) |
CombatLog("important", T{740183432105, " Inventory full. <amount><em><item></em> dropped by <name>", amount = amount>1 and Untranslated(amount.." x ") or "", item = amount>1 and item.DisplayNamePlural or item.DisplayName, name = unit:GetDisplayName()}) |
end) |
else |
local stash = GetSectorInventory(sector) |
if stash then |
AddItemsToInventory(stash, items, true) |
end |
end |
end |
if self.ItemId then |
local amount = self.Amount |
local item |
if amount > 0 then |
amount = AddItemToSquadBag(squad, self.ItemId, amount) |
end |
for idx, merc in ipairs(all_mercs) do |
if amount <= 0 then break end |
local unit = g_Units[merc] or gv_UnitData[merc] |
amount = unit:AddToInventory(self.ItemId, amount) |
end |
if amount > 0 then |
local unit = g_Units[unit_id] |
if unit then |
unit:DropItemContainer(self.ItemId, amount, |
function(unit, item, amount) |
CombatLog("important", T{740183432105, " Inventory full. <amount><em><item></em> dropped by <name>", amount = amount>1 and Untranslated(amount.." x ") or "", item = amount>1 and item.DisplayNamePlural or item.DisplayName, name = unit:GetDisplayName()}) |
end) |
else |
local stash = GetSectorInventory(sector) |
if stash then |
local itm = PlaceInventoryItem(self.ItemId) |
AddItemsToInventory(stash, {itm},true) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
self.GeneratedItems = false |
CombatLogActorOverride = false |
end |
function UnitGrantItem:GetError() |
if (not self.ItemId or self.ItemId == "") and not self.LootTableId then |
return "Set Item or loot table!" |
end |
end |
function UnitGrantItem:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local item = self.ItemId and InventoryItemDefs[self.ItemId] |
if item then |
local item_name = item.DisplayName |
local item_name_pl = item.DisplayNamePlural |
if self.ItemId == "Money" then |
return T{283114521154, "<em><money(Amount)></em> obtained", Amount = self.Amount} |
else |
return T{215465168779, "<Amount> x <em><item></em> obtained", Amount = self.Amount, item = self.Amount<=1 and item_name or item_name_pl} |
end |
end |
self:GenerateItems(game) |
if game then |
if self.GrantedItemsTextUI and self.GrantedItemsTextUI ~= "" then |
return T{871249882862, "<items_list> obtained", items_list = self.GrantedItemsTextUI} |
end |
else |
if self.GrantedItemsEditorTextUI and self.GrantedItemsEditorTextUI ~= "" then |
return T{871249882862, "<items_list> obtained", items_list = self.GrantedItemsEditorTextUI} |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitGrantItem:GenerateItems(game) |
if game and self.GeneratedItems then return self.GeneratedItems end |
if not game and self.GrantedItemsEditorTextUI then return end |
local items = {} |
local loot_tbl = LootDefs[self.LootTableId] |
if loot_tbl then |
loot_tbl:GenerateLoot(self, {}, InteractionRand(nil, "Loot"), items) |
end |
if #items > 0 then |
if game then |
self.GeneratedItems = items |
self.GrantedItemsTextUI = GetItemsNamesText(items) |
else |
self.GrantedItemsEditorTextUI = GetItemsNamesText(items) |
end |
end |
return items |
end |
function UnitGrantItem:GetPhraseFX() |
return "ConversationItemGained" |
end |
DefineClass.UnitJoinAsMerc = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "Target Unit", help = "Target unit for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
{ id = "Merc", help = "The Merc to join the team.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return MercPresetCombo() end, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Make <u(TargetUnit)> join team as <u(Merc)>"), |
Documentation = "Unit joins as a specified merc.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitJoinAsMerc:__exec(obj, context) |
local units = Groups[self.TargetUnit] or empty_table |
units = table.ifilter(units, function(_, u) |
return IsKindOf(u, "Unit") |
end) |
local unit_id = type(obj) == "string" and obj or obj.session_id |
local squad = gv_UnitData[unit_id] and gv_UnitData[unit_id].Squad |
squad = squad and gv_Squads[squad] |
if units[1] and squad and self.Merc then |
units[1]:JoinSquadAs(self.Merc, squad) |
end |
end |
function UnitJoinAsMerc:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Choose target unit to join" |
end |
if not self.Merc then |
return "Choose merc as which the unit joins" |
end |
end |
function UnitJoinAsMerc:GetUIText(context,template, game) |
local merc = gv_UnitData and gv_UnitData[self.Merc] |
local name |
if not merc then |
name = game and "" or Untranslated("[MercName]") |
else |
name = merc.Nick or merc.Name |
end |
return T{246469241790, "Recruit merc (<em><name></em>)", name= name} |
end |
DefineClass.UnitMakeNonVillain = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "UnitId", |
editor = "choice", default = false, items = function (self) return GetPersistentSessionIds() end, }, |
{ id = "HealHP", help = "whether to also heal the unit to full", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Make <UnitId> non villain."), |
Documentation = "Make all instances of the specified persistant villain unit non-villain (killable)", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitMakeNonVillain:__exec(obj, context) |
local units = g_PersistentUnitData[self.UnitId] |
for i, u in ipairs(units) do |
MakeUnitNonVillain(u) |
local mapUnit = g_Units[u.session_id] |
if mapUnit and self.HealHP then |
mapUnit.HitPoints = mapUnit.Health |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitSetConflictIgnore = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ConflictIgnore", name = "Conflict Ignore", help = "Whether to be afraid in conflicts or not.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "Target Unit", help = "Target unit for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set <u(TargetUnit)> ConflictIgnore to <if(ConflictIgnore)>true</if><if(not(ConflictIgnore))>false</if>."), |
Documentation = "Sets units to be affraid(or not) during confict.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitSetConflictIgnore:__exec(obj, context) |
local objects = Groups[self.TargetUnit] or empty_table |
for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do |
if IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") then |
obj.conflict_ignore = self.ConflictIgnore |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitSetConflictIgnore:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Choose TargetUnit!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitSetHireStatus = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Status", name = "Hire Status", help = "The hiring status to set.", |
editor = "choice", default = "Available", items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("MercHireStatus", "Default") end, }, |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "Target Unit", help = "Target unit for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetTargetUnitCombo() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set <u(TargetUnit)> to status <u(Status)>"), |
Documentation = "Sets the hiring status of the merc to a specified value.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitSetHireStatus:__exec(obj, context) |
if not self.Status then return false end |
local unit = UnitDataDefs[self.TargetUnit] |
local unitData = gv_UnitData[unit.id] |
if not unitData then return end |
unitData.HireStatus = self.Status |
end |
function UnitSetHireStatus:GetError() |
if not self.Status then |
return "Choose unit hiring status to set!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitSetOnline = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Online", name = "Online", help = "Whether to set it online or offline.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "Target Unit", help = "Target unit for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetTargetUnitCombo() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Set <u(TargetUnit)> messenger availability to <u(Status)>"), |
Documentation = "Sets a merc's online/offline status in the PDA messenger. When offline mercs cannot be hired.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitSetOnline:__exec(obj, context) |
local unit = UnitDataDefs[self.TargetUnit] |
local unitData = gv_UnitData[unit.id] |
if not unitData then return end |
unitData:SetMessengerOnline(self.Online) |
end |
function UnitSetOnline:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "Choose targetunit!" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitSetStatusEffectImmunity = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Status", name = "Status", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", }, |
{ id = "Immune", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "Reason", help = "Text label used for keeping track of the different reasons a unit can have for being immune to the specific status effect. All reasons must be cleared in order for the unit to be able to receive the effect again.", |
editor = "text", default = "script", }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
ReturnClass = "", |
EditorView = Untranslated(""), |
Documentation = "Add or remove immunity to specified status effect to a target unit", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "", |
} |
function UnitSetStatusEffectImmunity:GetEditorView() |
if self.Immune then |
return Untranslated("Make unit immune to <u(Status)>") |
end |
return Untranslated("Clear immunity to <u(Status)> from unit") |
end |
function UnitSetStatusEffectImmunity:__exec(obj, context) |
if self.Immune then |
obj:AddStatusEffectImmunity(self.Status, self.Reason) |
else |
obj:RemoveStatusEffectImmunity(self.Status, self.Reason) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitStartConversation = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "ConversationFunctionObjectBase", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Conversation", name = "Conversation", help = "Conversation to start.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "Conversation", }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Start conversation <u(Conversation)>."), |
Documentation = "Starts a specific conversation - no groups or conditions are checked.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactions", |
} |
function UnitStartConversation:__exec(obj, context) |
StartConversationEffect(self.Conversation, context) |
end |
function UnitStartConversation:__waitexec(obj, context) |
StartConversationEffect(self.Conversation, context, "wait") |
end |
function UnitStartConversation:GetError() |
if not self.Conversation then |
return "Please specify conversation" |
end |
end |
function UnitStartConversation:new(...) |
local ret = Effect.new(self, ...) |
if rawget(ret, "Group") then |
ret.Conversation = ret.Group |
ret.Group = nil |
end |
return ret |
end |
function UnitStartConversation:GetResumeData(thread, stack, stack_index) |
return "UnitStartConversation", self.Conversation |
end |
DefineClass.UnitStatBoost = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Stat", name = "Stat", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitStatsCombo() end, }, |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "How much to boost the specified Stat.", |
editor = "number", default = false, }, |
{ id = "source", name = "Source", help = "What kind of source is the thing that provides the stat boost.", |
editor = "combo", default = "Book", items = function (self) return {"Book", "Other"} end, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Boost unit's stat <Stat>"), |
Documentation = "Boosts unit's stat", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitStatBoost:__exec(obj, context) |
if not obj.is_clone then |
local modId |
if self.source == "Book" then |
modId = string.format("StatBoostBook-%s-%s-%d", self.Stat, obj.session_id, GetPreciseTicks()) |
GainStat(obj, self.Stat, self.Amount, modId, "Studying") |
else |
modId = string.format("StatBoost-%s-%s-%d", self.Stat, obj.session_id, GetPreciseTicks()) |
GainStat(obj, self.Stat, self.Amount, modId) |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitStatBoost:GetError() |
if not self.Stat then |
return "Choose stat" |
elseif not self.Amount then |
return "Choose amount" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitTakeDamage = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Damage", |
editor = "number", default = 5, min = 0, }, |
{ id = "FloatingText", help = "Will only be displayed if the target unit is visible for the player; <Damage> parameter will be provided for the text.", |
editor = "text", default = T(477545213542, "<Damage>"), translate = true, }, |
{ id = "LogMessage", help = "<Damage> and <Name> parameters will be provided for the text.", |
editor = "text", default = T(879191059352, "<em><Name></em> takes <em><Damage></em> damage."), translate = true, }, |
}, |
RequiredObjClasses = { |
"Unit", |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Deal <Damage> damage to the unit"), |
Documentation = "Deal damage to the unit", |
} |
function UnitTakeDamage:__exec(obj, context) |
if not context then context = {} end |
local units = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, context) |
if units and context.target_units then |
local floating_text = T{self.FloatingText, Damage = self.Damage} |
local pov_team = GetPoVTeam() |
for _, unit in ipairs(context.target_units) do |
if not unit:IsDead() then |
local has_visibility = HasVisibilityTo(pov_team, obj) |
local log_msg = T{self.LogMessage, { Name = unit:GetLogName(), Damage = self.Damage}} |
unit:TakeDirectDamage(self.Damage, has_visibility and floating_text or false, "short", log_msg) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitTakeDamage:UnitCheck(unit, obj, context) |
return true |
end |
DefineClass.UnitTakeItem = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "ItemId", name = "Item", help = "The id of the item that will be taken.", |
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "InventoryItemCompositeDef", }, |
{ id = "Amount", name = "Amount", help = "How many items to take.", |
editor = "number", default = 1, min = 1, }, |
{ id = "AnySquad", name = "Any player squad", help = "if true: takes item from any player's squad. if false: takes item from current squad", |
editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ id = "AddToLogVar", name = "Add to log", help = "Add message to log.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Take <u(ItemId)>(<Amount>) from merc(s) in squad."), |
Documentation = "Removes the first given item from the inventory of a merc in the squad.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitTakeItem:AddToLog(unit, item, amount) |
if self.AddToLogVar then |
local unit_name |
if type(unit)=="number" then |
unit_name = g_Classes.SquadBag.DisplayName |
else |
unit_name = unit:GetDisplayName() |
end |
CombatLog("short", T{795253111432, "<amount> x <em><item></em> taken from <name>", amount = amount>=1 and amount or "", item = amount>1 and item.DisplayNamePlural or item.DisplayName, name = unit_name}) |
end |
end |
function UnitTakeItem:__exec(obj, context) |
local unit_id = false |
if type(obj) == "string" then |
unit_id = obj |
elseif IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") then |
unit_id = obj.session_id |
end |
local all_mercs = false |
local squad = unit_id and gv_UnitData[unit_id] and gv_UnitData[unit_id].Squad |
if squad then |
all_mercs = table.copy(gv_Squads[squad].units) |
if self.AnySquad then |
local side = gv_Squads[squad].Side |
if side=="player1" then |
table.iappend(all_mercs,GetAllPlayerUnitsOnMapSessionId()) |
end |
for sq_id, sqd in pairs(gv_Squads) do |
if sq_id~=squad and (sqd.Side ==side) then |
table.iappend(all_mercs, sqd.units ) |
end |
end |
all_mercs = table.get_unique(all_mercs) |
end |
table.remove_entry(all_mercs, unit_id) |
table.insert(all_mercs, 1, unit_id) |
else |
all_mercs = GetAllPlayerUnitsOnMapSessionId() |
end |
TakeItemFromMercs(all_mercs, self.ItemId, self.Amount, |
function(unit, item, unit_amount, effect) |
effect:AddToLog(unit, item, unit_amount) |
end, |
self) |
InventoryUIRespawn() |
end |
function UnitTakeItem:GetError() |
if not self.ItemId then |
return "Set Item!" |
end |
end |
function UnitTakeItem:GetUIText(context, template, game) |
local item_name = InventoryItemDefs[self.ItemId].DisplayName |
local item_name_pl = InventoryItemDefs[self.ItemId].DisplayNamePlural |
local unit_id = ConversationGetPlayerMerc() |
local has_item = HasItemInSquad(unit_id, self.ItemId, self.Amount) |
if self.ItemId=="Money" then |
return has_item and T{304179156341, "Give <em><money(Amount)></em>", Amount = self.Amount} |
or T{231000532062, "<em><money(Amount)></em> required", Amount = self.Amount} |
end |
if template then |
return T{template, Amount = self.Amount, item = self.Amount<=1 and item_name or item_name_pl} |
else |
return has_item and T{590581690149, "Give <em><Amount> <item></em>",Amount =self.Amount, item = self.Amount<=1 and item_name or item_name_pl} |
or T{635806839384, "<em><Amount> <item></em> required",Amount =self.Amount, item = self.Amount<=1 and item_name or item_name_pl} |
end |
end |
function UnitTakeItem:GetPhraseTopRolloverText(negative, template, game) |
local item_name = InventoryItemDefs[self.ItemId].DisplayName |
local item_name_pl = InventoryItemDefs[self.ItemId].DisplayNamePlural |
if self.ItemId=="Money" then |
return T{792302629761, "Delivered <em><money(Amount)></em>",Amount = self.Amount} |
else |
return T{652398655206, "Delivered <Amount> x <em><item></em>",Amount = self.Amount, item = self.Amount<=1 and item_name or item_name_pl} |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitsAddToAmbientLife = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Group", name = "Group", help = "Units Group to add to Ambient Life.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Add objects of group to Ambient Zone"), |
Documentation = "Add objects of group to Ambient Zone marker's responsibilities.", |
} |
function UnitsAddToAmbientLife:GetError() |
if not self.Group then |
return "Choose Units Group!" |
end |
end |
function UnitsAddToAmbientLife:__exec(obj, context) |
local group_units = Groups[self.Group] or empty_table |
if #group_units == 0 then return end |
local zone |
MapForEach("map", "AmbientZoneMarker", function(marker) |
zone = marker |
return false |
end) |
if zone then |
zone:RegisterUnits(table.ifilter(group_units, function(i, u) |
return IsKindOf(u, "Unit") |
end)) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitsDespawnAmbientLife = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Ephemeral", name = "Ephemeral Only", help = "All ambient life units or just ephemeral ones.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Despawn all Ambient Life Units"), |
Documentation = "Despawn all ambient units - abrupt, don't wait for exit animations.", |
} |
function UnitsDespawnAmbientLife:__exec(obj, context) |
MapForEach("map", "AmbientZoneMarker", function(zone) |
for _, units in ipairs(zone.units) do |
for idx = #units, 1, -1 do |
local unit = units[idx] |
if not self.Ephemeral or unit.ephemeral then |
table.remove(units, idx) |
DoneObject(unit) |
end |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
DefineClass.UnitsKickAmbientLife = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "AL_Group", name = "AL Group", help = "Target unit for match.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetALMarkerGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Kicks Ambient Life <AL_Group> group from Their Markers"), |
Documentation = "Forces all units in ambient life behavior visiting specific group cancel their visit behavior", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function UnitsKickAmbientLife:__exec(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if IsVisitingUnit(unit) then |
if unit.last_visit:IsInGroup(self.AL_Group) then |
unit:SetBehavior() |
unit:SetCommand("Idle") |
unit.perpetual_marker = false |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function UnitsKickAmbientLife:GetError() |
if not self.AL_Group then |
return "Choose group of AL markers to kick units from" |
end |
end |
function UnitsKickAmbientLife:GetUIText(context,template, game) |
local merc = gv_UnitData and gv_UnitData[self.Merc] |
local name |
if not merc then |
name = game and "" or Untranslated("[MercName]") |
else |
name = merc.Nick or merc.Name |
end |
return T{246469241790, "Recruit merc (<em><name></em>)", name= name} |
end |
DefineClass.UnitsKickFromPerpetualMarkers = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "Ephemeral", name = "Ephemeral Only", help = "All ambient life units or just ephemeral ones.", |
editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Kick Units from Perpetual Markers"), |
Documentation = "Kicks all Ambient Life units which are in perpetual markers", |
} |
function UnitsKickFromPerpetualMarkers:__exec(obj, context) |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if (not self.Ephemeral or unit.ephemeral) and unit.perpetual_marker then |
unit:SetBehavior() |
unit:SetCommand("Idle") |
unit.perpetual_marker = false |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.UnitsStealForPerpetualMarkers = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
EditorView = Untranslated("Steal Units for Perpetual Markers"), |
Documentation = "Steal units for perpetual markers as if the Ambient Life is respawn", |
} |
function UnitsStealForPerpetualMarkers:__exec(obj, context) |
AmbientLifePerpetualMarkersSteal() |
end |
DefineClass.UpdateInteractablesHighlight = { |
__parents = { "Effect", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
Documentation = "Disable interaction markers of a specific group.", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Interactable", |
} |
function UpdateInteractablesHighlight:__exec(obj, context) |
if CurrentMap == "" or IsChangingMap() then return end |
if not g_Units then return end |
local ui_units = {} |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if IsValid(unit) and not unit:IsDead() and unit.team and unit.team.control == "UI" then |
table.insert(ui_units, unit) |
end |
end |
if #ui_units == 0 then return end |
MapForEach("map", "Interactable", function(interactable) |
if not IsValid(interactable) then return end |
for _, unit in ipairs(ui_units) do |
if not UICanInteractWith(unit, interactable) then |
interactable:HighlightIntensely(false, "unit-nearby") |
end |
end |
if not (IsKindOf(interactable, "ContainerMarker") and interactable:IsMarkerEnabled()) then |
interactable:HighlightIntensely(false, "cursor") |
interactable:HighlightIntensely(false, "unit-nearby") |
end |
end) |
end |
function UpdateInteractablesHighlight:GetEditorView() |
return T(680362306074, "Forces update of all highlighted interactables") |
end |
DefineClass.WaitNpcIdle = { |
__parents = { "Effect", "UnitTarget", }, |
__generated_by_class = "EffectDef", |
properties = { |
{ id = "TargetUnit", name = "NPC Name", help = "The name of the NPC to associate.", |
editor = "combo", default = false, items = function (self) return GetUnitGroups() end, }, |
}, |
EditorView = Untranslated("Wait for the NPC to become idle"), |
Documentation = "Wait for the NPC to become idle (requires sequential execution)", |
EditorNestedObjCategory = "Units", |
} |
function WaitNpcIdle:__exec(obj, context) |
assert(false) |
end |
function WaitNpcIdle:__waitexec(obj, context) |
local ctx = {} |
local units = self:MatchMapUnits(obj, ctx) |
local firstUnit = units and ctx.target_units |
firstUnit = firstUnit and firstUnit[1] |
if firstUnit then |
WaitIdle(firstUnit) |
end |
end |
function WaitNpcIdle:GetResumeData() |
return "WaitNpcIdle", self.TargetUnit |
end |
function WaitNpcIdle:GetError() |
if not self.TargetUnit then |
return "No target unit" |
end |
end |