myspace / Lua /ClassDefs /ClassDef-AI.generated.lua
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-- ========== GENERATED BY ClassDef Editor (Ctrl-Alt-F3) DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY! ==========
DefineClass.AIArchetype = {
__parents = { "Preset", },
__generated_by_class = "PresetDef",
properties = {
{ category = "Execution", id = "Behaviors",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AIBehavior", },
{ category = "Strategy", id = "PrefStance", name = "Stance Preference", help = "Stance to use in optimal positions",
editor = "choice", default = "Standing", items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("CombatStance", "Default") end, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "MoveStance", name = "Movement Stance",
editor = "choice", default = "Standing", items = function (self) return PresetGroupCombo("CombatStance", "Default") end, },
{ category = "Strategy", id = "OptLocSearchRadius", name = "Optimal Location Search Radius", help = "(in tiles)",
editor = "number", default = 20, min = 1, max = 100, },
{ category = "Strategy", id = "OptLocPolicies", name = "Optimal Location Policies",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AIPositioningPolicy", class_filter = function (name, class, obj)
return class.optimal_location
{ category = "Targeting", id = "TargetBaseScore", name = "Base Score Weight", help = "Score weight based on default attack/aiming logic and chance to hit target.",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", },
{ category = "Targeting", id = "TargetScoreRandomization",
editor = "number", default = 20, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 100, },
{ category = "Targeting", id = "TargetingPolicies", name = "Additional Policies", help = "Additoinal targeting policies that modify target score (optional)",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AITargetingPolicy", },
{ category = "Execution", id = "BaseAttackWeight", name = "Base Attack Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "BaseMovementWeight", name = "Base Movement Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, min = 0, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "BaseAttackTargeting", help = "if any parts are set the unit will pick one of them randomly for each of its basic attacks; otherwise it will always use the default (torso) attacks",
editor = "set", default = false, items = function (self) return table.keys2(Presets.TargetBodyPart.Default) end, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "TargetChangePolicy", help = 'Defines the way the unit handles a stituation where the intended attack target is no longer valid (e.g. dead or Downed). "restart" will force a complete reevaluation of the unit\'s turn, allowing them to perform additional movement if necessary, while "recalc" will only recalculate potential targets from the current position (default behavior).',
editor = "choice", default = "recalc", items = function (self) return {"recalc", "restart"} end, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "FallbackAction", name = "Fallback Action", help = "Defines the way the unit reacts when the AI didn't find anything to do in its turn. By default units will revert to their Unaware status. If this is set to something else, the unit will first attempt to do the chosen action and still revert to Unaware if it fails to do so.",
editor = "choice", default = "revert", items = function (self) return { "revert", "overwatch" } end, },
{ category = "Execution", id = "SignatureActions", name = "Signature Actions",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AISignatureAction", class_filter = function (name, class, obj)
return not class.hidden
GlobalMap = "Archetypes",
EditorIcon = "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/calculator",
EditorMenubar = "Combat",
DefineClass.AIBaseHealPolicy = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "MaxHp", name = "Max Hit Points", help = "Percentage of max HP under which allies are considered as targets for healing.",
editor = "number", default = 70, scale = "%", min = 0, max = 100, },
{ id = "BleedingWeight", name = "Bleeding Weight", help = "amount added to score if the target unit has Bleeding",
editor = "number", default = 30, min = 0, },
{ id = "HpWeight", name = "Missing Hp Weight", help = "missing hp percent converts to score at this rate",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", min = 0, },
{ id = "SelfHealMod", name = "Self Heal Modifier", help = "multiplies the result score when targeting the same unit",
editor = "number", default = 50, scale = "%", min = 0, },
{ id = "CanUseMod", name = "Can Use Mod", help = "modifier applied if the heal action can be used this turn",
editor = "number", default = 100, },
DefineClass.AICChanceToHit = {
__parents = { "AIConsideration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Range",
editor = "range", default = range(1, 100), min = 0, max = 100, },
Name = T(706047359198, --[[ClassDef AI AICChanceToHit value]] "Chance to hit is <percent(RangeText)>"),
ComboFormat = T(774449858743, --[[ClassDef AI AICChanceToHit value]] "Chance to hit"),
function AICChanceToHit:Score(obj, context)
return obj:CalcChanceToHit(, self)
DefineClass.AICMyDistanceTo = {
__parents = { "AIConsideration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Target",
editor = "combo", default = "target", items = function (self) return {"target"} end, },
{ id = "Range",
editor = "range", default = range(0, 0), min = 0, max = 1000000, },
Name = Untranslated("My distance to <Target> is <RangeText>"),
ComboFormat = Untranslated("My distance to ..."),
function AICMyDistanceTo:Score(obj, context)
local target =
if not target then
return 0
local distance = obj:GetDist(target)
local min = self.Range.from
local max =
if distance < min then
return 0
elseif distance >= max then
return 100
return MulDiv(100, distance - min, max - min)
DefineClass.AICMyStatusEffect = {
__parents = { "AIConsideration", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Effect",
editor = "preset_id", default = false, preset_class = "CharacterEffectCompositeDef", },
{ id = "Status",
editor = "choice", default = "on", items = function (self) return {"on", "off"} end, },
Name = Untranslated("My status <Effect> is <Status>"),
ComboFormat = Untranslated("My status effect"),
function AICMyStatusEffect:Score(obj, context)
return obj:HasStatusEffect(id) and 100 or 0
DefineClass.AIConsideration = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
Name = "",
ComboFormat = T(470337975431, --[[ClassDef AI AIConsideration value]] "<class>"),
function AIConsideration:Score(obj, context)
return 0
function AIConsideration:GetEditorView()
return Untranslated("<Name>")
function AIConsideration:GetRangeText()
return T{570065600041, "[<min> - <max>]", min = self.Range.from, max =}
DefineClass.AIPolicyAttackAP = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyAttackAP:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local unit = context.unit
local ap = context.dest_ap[dest] or 0
return ap > context.default_attack_cost and 100 or 0
DefineClass.AIPolicyDealDamage = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "CheckLOS",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
function AIPolicyDealDamage:GetEditorView()
return string.format("Deal Damage (%s)", self.CheckLOS and "w/ LOS" or "w/o LOS")
function AIPolicyDealDamage:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
if self.CheckLOS and not g_AIDestEnemyLOSCache[dest] then
return 0
return context.dest_target_score[dest] or 0
DefineClass.AIPolicyDistanceFromStart = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Away",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
{ id = "Distance", help = "in tiles",
editor = "number", default = 5, min = 0, },
function AIPolicyDistanceFromStart:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local upos = context.unit_stance_pos
local threshold = self.Distance * const.SlabSizeX
local dist = stance_pos_dist(dest, upos)
if self.Away and dist >= threshold then
return self.Weight
elseif not self.Away and dist <= threshold then
return self.Weight
return 0
function AIPolicyDistanceFromStart:GetEditorView()
if self.Away then
return string.format("Be %d tiles away from starting location", self.Distance)
return string.format("Be no more than %d tiles away from starting location", self.Distance)
DefineClass.AIPolicyEvadeEnemies = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "RangeBase", name = "Preferred Range (Base)",
editor = "combo", default = "Effective", items = function (self) return { "Weapon", "Absolute" } end, },
{ id = "Range", name = "Minimum Range", help = "Percent of base preferred range",
editor = "number", default = 80, min = 0, max = 1000, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyEvadeEnemies:GetEditorView()
if self.RangeBase == "Absolute" then
return string.format("Keep enemies farther than %d tiles", self.Range)
return string.format("Keep enemies farther than %d%% of weapon range", self.RangeBase)
function AIPolicyEvadeEnemies:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local x, y, z = point_unpack(grid_voxel)
local base_range = self.RangeBase == "Effective" and context.EffectiveRange or context.ExtremeRange
local range = MulDivRound(self.Range, base_range, 100)
local enemy_in_range
for _, enemy in ipairs(context.enemies) do
enemy_in_range = enemy_in_range or AIRangeCheck(context, grid_voxel, enemy, context.enemy_grid_voxel[enemy], self.RangeBase, false, self.Range)
return enemy_in_range and 0 or 100
DefineClass.AIPolicyFlanking = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "AllyPlannedPosition", help = "consider allies being on their destination positions instead of their current ones (when available)",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "ReserveAttackAP", name = "Reserve Attack AP", help = "do not consider locations where the unit will be out of ap and couldn't attack",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyFlanking:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local unit = context.unit
local ap = context.dest_ap[dest] or 0
if self.ReserveAttackAP and ap < context.default_attack_cost then
return 0
if not context.position_override then
context.position_override = {}
if self.AllyPlannedPosition then
for _, ally in ipairs( do
local dest = ally.ai_context and ally.ai_context.ai_destination
if dest then
local x, y, z = stance_pos_unpack(dest)
context.position_override[ally] = point(x, y, z)
local x, y, z = stance_pos_unpack(dest)
context.position_override[unit] = point(x, y, z)
if not context.enemy_surrounded then
context.enemy_surrounded = {}
for _, enemy in ipairs(context.enemies) do
if enemy:IsSurrounded() then
context.enemy_surrounded[enemy] = true
local delta = 0
for _, enemy in ipairs(context.enemies) do
local new_surrounded = enemy:IsSurrounded(context.position_override)
if new_surrounded and not context.enemy_surrounded[enemy] then
delta = delta + 1
elseif not new_surrounded and context.enemy_surrounded[enemy] then
delta = delta - 1
return delta * self.Weight
DefineClass.AIPolicyHealingRange = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", "AIBaseHealPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyHealingRange:GetEditorView()
return string.format("Be in range to heal allies under %d%% HP", self.MaxHp)
function AIPolicyHealingRange:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local target, score = AISelectHealTarget(context, dest, grid_voxel, self)
return score or 0
DefineClass.AIPolicyHighGround = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyHighGround:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local ux, uy, uz = point_unpack(context.unit_grid_voxel)
local x, y, z = point_unpack(grid_voxel)
return self.Weight * (z - uz)
DefineClass.AIPolicyIndoorsOutdoors = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Indoors",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
function AIPolicyIndoorsOutdoors:GetEditorView()
return self.Indoors and "Be Indoors" or "Be Outdoors"
function AIPolicyIndoorsOutdoors:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
return AICheckIndoors(dest) == self.Indoors
DefineClass.AIPolicyLastEnemyPos = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyLastEnemyPos:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local last_pos = context.unit.last_known_enemy_pos
if not last_pos then return 0 end
local dist = context.unit:GetDist(last_pos)
local dx, dy, dz = stance_pos_unpack(dest)
if dist == 0 then
return (last_pos:Dist(dx, dy, dz) == 0) and self.Weight or 0
return self.Weight - MulDivRound(last_pos:Dist(dx, dy, dz), self.Weight, dist)
DefineClass.AIPolicyLosToEnemy = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Invert",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
function AIPolicyLosToEnemy:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local los = g_AIDestEnemyLOSCache[dest]
if self.Invert then
return g_AIDestEnemyLOSCache[dest] and 0 or 100
return g_AIDestEnemyLOSCache[dest] and 100 or 0
function AIPolicyLosToEnemy:GetEditorView()
if self.Invert then
return "Do not have LOS to enemies"
return "Have LOS to enemies"
DefineClass.AIPolicyProximity = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "AllyPlannedPosition", help = "consider allies being on their destination positions instead of their current ones (when available)",
editor = "bool", default = false,
no_edit = function(self) return self.TargetUnits ~= "allies" end, },
{ id = "TargetUnits", name = "TargetUnits",
editor = "choice", default = "enemies", items = function (self) return { "allies", "enemies"} end, },
{ id = "TargetDist", name = "Target Distance", help = "which distance (in tiles) is used to score the target location",
editor = "choice", default = "min", items = function (self) return { "min", "average", "total"} end, },
{ id = "MinScore", help = "scores below this will result in zero evaluation for this location",
editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyProximity:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local unit = context.unit
local target_enemies = self.TargetUnits == "enemies"
local units = target_enemies and context.enemies or context.allies
local tdist = self.TargetDist
local score = 0
local num = 0
local scale = const.SlabSizeX
for _, other in ipairs(units) do
if other ~= unit then
local upos
if target_enemies then
upos = context.enemy_pack_pos_stance[other]
upos = context.ally_pack_pos_stance[other]
if self.AllyPlannedPosition and other.ai_context then
upos = other.ai_context.ai_destination or upos
local dist = stance_pos_dist(dest, upos) / scale
if tdist == "total" or tdist == "average" then
score = score + dist
assert(tdist == "min")
if not score or score > dist then
score = dist
if tdist == "average" and num > 0 then
score = score / num
return score >= self.MinScore and score or 0
DefineClass.AIPolicyStimRange = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Rules",
editor = "nested_list", default = false, base_class = "AIStimRule", inclusive = true, },
{ id = "CanTargetSelf",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
function AIPolicyStimRange:GetEditorView()
return string.format("Be in range to heal allies under %d%% HP", self.MaxHp)
function AIPolicyStimRange:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
context.voxel_stim_score = context.voxel_stim_score or {}
if context.voxel_stim_score[grid_voxel] then
return context.voxel_stim_score[grid_voxel]
local x, y, z = stance_pos_unpack(dest)
local ppos = point_pack(x, y, z)
local score, target
local unit = context.unit
if self.CanTargetSelf then
score = AIEvalStimTarget(unit, unit, self.Rules)
target = (score > 0) and unit
for _, ally in ipairs(context.allies) do
if IsMeleeRangeTarget(unit, ppos, nil, ally) then
local ally_score = AIEvalStimTarget(unit, ally, self.Rules)
if ally_score > score then
score, target = ally_score, ally
elseif ally_score == score and unit:GetDist(target) > unit:GetDist(ally) then
score, target = ally_score, ally
score = MulDivRound(score, self.Weight, 100)
context.voxel_stim_score[grid_voxel] = score
return score
DefineClass.AIPolicyTakeCover = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "visibility_mode", name = "Visibility Mode",
editor = "choice", default = "self", items = function (self) return {"self", "team", "all"} end, },
function AIPolicyTakeCover:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local score = 0
local tbl = context.enemies or empty_table
for _, enemy in ipairs(tbl) do
local visible = true
if self.visibility_mode == "self" then
visible = context.enemy_visible[enemy]
elseif self.visibility_mode == "team" then
visible = context.enemy_visible_by_team[enemy]
if visible then
local cover = GetCoverFrom(dest, context.enemy_pack_pos_stance[enemy])
score = score + self.CoverScores[cover]
return score / Max(1, #tbl)
function AIPolicyTakeCover:GetEditorView()
return "Seek Cover"
----- AIPolicyTakeCover CoverScores
AIPolicyTakeCover.CoverScores = {
[const.CoverPass] = 0,
[const.CoverNone] = 0,
[const.CoverLow] = 50,
[const.CoverHigh] = 100,
DefineClass.AIPolicyWeaponRange = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "EnvState", name = "Environmental State",
editor = "set", default = false, three_state = true, items = function (self) return AIEnvStateCombo end, },
{ id = "RangeBase", name = "Preferred Range (Base)",
editor = "combo", default = "Weapon", items = function (self) return { "Melee", "Weapon", "Absolute" } end, },
{ id = "RangeMin", name = "Preferred Range (Min)", help = "Percent of base preferred range",
editor = "number", default = 80,
no_edit = function(self) return self.RangeBase == "Melee" end, min = 0, max = 1000, },
{ id = "RangeMax", name = "Preferred Range (Max)", help = "Percent of base preferred range",
editor = "number", default = 120,
no_edit = function(self) return self.RangeBase == "Melee" end, min = 0, max = 1000, },
{ id = "DownedWeightModifier", name = "Downed Enemy Weight Modifier",
editor = "number", default = 5, scale = "%", min = 0, },
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
function AIPolicyWeaponRange:GetEditorView()
if self.RangeBase == "Melee" then
return "Be in Melee range"
elseif self.RangeBase == "Absolute" then
return string.format("Be in %d to %d tiles range", self.RangeMin, self.RangeMax)
return string.format("Be in %d%% to %d%% of weapon range", self.RangeMin, self.RangeMax)
function AIPolicyWeaponRange:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
for state, value in pairs(self.EnvState) do
if value ~= not not GameState[state] then
return 0
local enemy_grid_voxel = context.enemy_grid_voxel
local range_type = self.RangeBase
local range_min = self.RangeMin
local range_max = self.RangeMax
local weight = 0
for _, enemy in ipairs(context.enemies) do
if AIRangeCheck(context, grid_voxel, enemy, enemy_grid_voxel[enemy], range_type, range_min, range_max) then
if enemy:IsIncapacitated() then
weight = self.DownedWeightModifier
return 100
return weight
DefineClass.AIPositioningPolicy = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = false, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "RequiredKeywords",
editor = "string_list", default = {}, template = true, item_default = "", items = function (self) return AIKeywordsCombo end, arbitrary_value = true, },
{ id = "Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", },
{ id = "Required",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
function AIPositioningPolicy:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
assert(false, "EvalDest is not implemetned for class " .. self.class)
function AIPositioningPolicy:GetEditorView()
return self.class
function AIPositioningPolicy:MatchUnit(unit)
for _, keyword in ipairs(self.RequiredKeywords) do
if not table.find(unit.AIKeywords or empty_table, keyword) then
return true
DefineClass.AIRetreatPolicy = {
__parents = { "AIPositioningPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "optimal_location",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "end_of_turn",
editor = "bool", default = true, read_only = true, no_edit = true, },
{ id = "Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", },
{ id = "Required",
editor = "bool", default = true, },
function AIRetreatPolicy:EvalDest(context, dest, grid_voxel)
local vx, vy = point_unpack(grid_voxel)
local markers = context.entrance_markers or MapGetMarkers("Entrance")
context.entrance_markers = markers
local score = 0
for _, marker in ipairs(markers) do
context.entrance_marker_dir = context.entrance_marker_dir or {}
local marker_dir = context.entrance_marker_dir[marker]
if not marker_dir then
marker_dir = marker:GetVisualPos() - context.unit:GetVisualPos()
marker_dir = marker_dir:SetZ(0)
if marker_dir:Len() > 0 then
marker_dir = SetLen(marker_dir, guim)
context.entrance_marker_dir[marker] = marker_dir
if marker:IsVoxelInsideArea(vx, vy) then
-- score based on direction
for _, enemy_dir in pairs(context.enemy_dir) do
local dot = Dot2D(marker_dir, enemy_dir) / guim
score = score + guim - dot
return score / Max(1, #(context.enemies or empty_table))
function AIRetreatPolicy:GetEditorView()
return "Retreat"
DefineClass.AITargetingCancelShot = {
__parents = { "AITargetingPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "BaseScore", name = "Base Score", help = "score for valid targets who are not threatening an ally",
editor = "number", default = 100, },
{ id = "AllyThreatenedScore", name = "Threatened Score", help = "score for valid targets who are threatening an ally",
editor = "number", default = 100, },
function AITargetingCancelShot:GetEditorView()
return "Use CancelShot"
function AITargetingCancelShot:EvalTarget(unit, target)
if not target:HasPreparedAttack() and not target:CanActivatePerk("MeleeTraining") then
return 0
local enemies = {target}
for _, ally in ipairs( do
if ally:IsThreatened(enemies) then
return self.AllyThreatenedScore
return self.BaseScore
DefineClass.AITargetingEnemyHealth = {
__parents = { "AITargetingPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Score",
editor = "number", default = 100, },
{ id = "Health",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", min = 1, max = 100, },
{ id = "AboveHealth",
editor = "bool", default = false, },
function AITargetingEnemyHealth:GetEditorView()
if self.AboveHealth then
return string.format("Enemy health >= %d%%", self.Health)
return string.format("Enemy health <= %d%%", self.Health)
function AITargetingEnemyHealth:EvalTarget(unit, target)
local health_perc = MulDivRound(target.HitPoints, 100, target.MaxHitPoints)
if self.AboveHealth then
return health_perc >= self.Health and self.Score or 0
return health_perc <= self.Health and self.Score or 0
DefineClass.AITargetingEnemyWeapon = {
__parents = { "AITargetingPolicy", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Score",
editor = "number", default = 100, },
{ id = "EnemyWeapon",
editor = "choice", default = "AssaultRifle", items = function (self) return AIEnemyWeaponsCombo() end, },
function AITargetingEnemyWeapon:GetEditorView()
if self.EnemyWeapon == "Unarmed" then
return "Unarmed enemies"
return string.format("Enemies armed with %s", self.EnemyWeapon)
function AITargetingEnemyWeapon:EvalTarget(unit, target)
if self.EnemyWeapon == "Unarmed" then
if not target:GetActiveWeapons() then
return self.Score
elseif g_Classes[self.EnemyWeapon] then
if target:GetActiveWeapons(self.EnemyWeapon) then
return self.Score
else -- by weapon type
local _, _, list = target:GetActiveWeapons("Firearm")
for _, item in ipairs(list) do
if item.WeaponType == self.EnemyWeapon then
return self.Score
return 0
DefineClass.AITargetingPolicy = {
__parents = { "PropertyObject", },
__generated_by_class = "ClassDef",
properties = {
{ id = "Weight",
editor = "number", default = 100, scale = "%", },
function AITargetingPolicy:GetEditorView()
return self.class
function AITargetingPolicy:EvalTarget(unit, target)