if FirstLoad then |
g_CheatsEnabledInC = Platform.cheats |
end |
Platform.cheats = rawget(_G, "g_CheatsEnabledInC") |
function AreCheatsEnabled() |
return Platform.cheats or Platform.trailer or AreModdingToolsActive() |
end |
function OnMsg.InitSessionCampaignObjects() |
gv_Cheats.Teleport = Platform.developer |
gv_Cheats.WeakDamage = false |
gv_Cheats.StrongDamage = false |
gv_Cheats.GodMode = {} |
gv_Cheats.InfiniteAP = {} |
gv_Cheats.Invulnerability = {} |
gv_Cheats.AutoResolve = false |
gv_Cheats.FreeParts = false |
gv_Cheats.FreeMeds = false |
gv_Cheats.SkillCheck = false |
gv_Cheats.FastActivity = false |
gv_Cheats.FullVisibility = false |
gv_Cheats.CombatUIHidden = false |
gv_Cheats.IWUIHidden = false |
gv_Cheats.ReplayUIHidden = false |
gv_Cheats.OptionalUIHidden = false |
gv_Cheats.BigGuns = false |
gv_Cheats.AlwaysHit = false |
gv_Cheats.AlwaysMiss = false |
gv_Cheats.SignatureNoCD = false |
gv_Cheats.oneHpEnemies = false |
gv_Cheats.ShowSquadsPower = false |
for _, side in ipairs(SideDefs) do |
gv_Cheats.GodMode[side.Id] = false |
gv_Cheats.InfiniteAP[side.Id] = false |
gv_Cheats.Invulnerability[side.Id] = false |
end |
end |
function CheatEnabled(id, side) |
if Platform.developer and id == "Teleport" then return true end |
if not gv_Cheats then return false end |
local value = gv_Cheats[id] |
if type(value) == "table" then |
value = (side and value[side]) or false |
end |
return value |
end |
local function GetSideUnits(side) |
local idx = table.find(g_Teams, "side", side) |
return idx and g_Teams[idx].units |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatEnable(id, state, side, args) |
local tbl = gv_Cheats |
local key = id |
if type(gv_Cheats[id]) == "table" then |
if not side then |
return |
end |
tbl = gv_Cheats[id] |
key = side |
end |
if state == nil then |
state = not tbl[key] |
else |
state = not not state |
end |
tbl[key] = state |
if id == "GodMode" then |
local units = GetSideUnits(side) |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
unit:GodMode("god_mode", state) |
end |
elseif id == "InfiniteAP" then |
local units = GetSideUnits(side) |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
unit:GodMode("infinite_ap", state) |
end |
elseif id == "Invulnerability" then |
local units = GetSideUnits(side) |
for _, unit in ipairs(units) do |
unit:GodMode("invulnerable", state) |
end |
elseif id == "FullVisibility" then |
g_VisibilityUpdated = false |
InvalidateVisibility() |
elseif id == "CombatUIHidden" then |
HideCombatUI(tbl.CombatUIHidden) |
elseif id == "IWUIHidden" then |
HideInWorldCombatUI(tbl.IWUIHidden, "cheat") |
elseif id == "ReplayUIHidden" then |
HideReplayUI(tbl.ReplayUIHidden) |
elseif id == "OptionalUIHidden" then |
HideOptionalUI(tbl.OptionalUIHidden) |
elseif id == "PanicUnit" then |
local unit = args |
if IsValid(unit) and IsKindOf(unit, "Unit") then |
unit:AddStatusEffect("Panicked") |
end |
elseif id == "BigGuns" then |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
unit:UpdateOutfit() |
end |
elseif id == "AlwaysHit" and state then |
gv_Cheats.AlwaysMiss = false |
elseif id == "AlwaysMiss" and state then |
gv_Cheats.AlwaysHit = false |
elseif id == "Teleport" then |
RevealAllSectors() |
elseif id == "OneHpEnemies" then |
for _, unit in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if (unit.team.side == "enemy1" or unit.team.side == "enemy2") and not unit:IsDead() then |
unit.HitPoints = state and 1 or unit.MaxHitPoints |
end |
end |
UpdateAllBadgesAndModes() |
end |
end |
function CheatTeleportToCursor() |
local sat = GetSatelliteDialog() |
if sat then |
local sel_sq = sat.selected_squad |
if not sel_sq then |
print("Teleport: There is no active squad") |
else |
local sectorWin = g_SatelliteUI and g_SatelliteUI:GetSectorOnPos("mouse") |
if not sectorWin then |
print("Teleport: There is no satellite sector under cursor") |
else |
NetSyncEvent("CheatSatelliteTeleportSquad", sel_sq.UniqueId, sectorWin.context.Id) |
end |
end |
return |
end |
if not SelectedObj and #Selection == 0 then |
print("Teleport: There is no active unit") |
return |
end |
local pos = GetCursorPassSlab() |
if not pos then |
print("Teleport: There is no proper teleport position at " .. tostring(pos)) |
return |
end |
local function teleport(unit, pos) |
NetSyncEvent("StartCombatAction", netUniqueId, "Teleport", unit, g_Combat and 0 or false, pos) |
end |
if #Selection > 1 then |
local units = Selection |
local dest = GetUnitsDestinations(units, pos) |
for i, u in ipairs(units) do |
if dest[i] then |
teleport(u, point(point_unpack(dest[i]))) |
end |
end |
elseif IsKindOf(SelectedObj, "Unit") then |
teleport(SelectedObj, pos) |
end |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatLevelUp(unit, maxLevel) |
if not unit then unit = SelectedObj end |
if not unit then return end |
local cur_level = unit:GetLevel() |
local nXPTable = #XPTable |
local level = maxLevel and nXPTable or Min(cur_level + 1, nXPTable) |
local next_level_exp = GetXPTable(level) |
local xpDiff = next_level_exp - unit.Experience |
ReceiveStatGainingPoints(unit, xpDiff) |
unit.Experience = next_level_exp |
local newLevel = unit:GetLevel() |
if newLevel > cur_level then |
unit.perkPoints = unit.perkPoints + (newLevel - cur_level) |
TutorialHintsState.GainLevel = true |
end |
unit:SyncWithSession("map") |
ObjModified(unit) |
InventoryUIRespawn() |
PerksUIRespawn() |
CombatLog("important", T{134899495484, "<DisplayName> has reached <em>level <level></em>", SubContext(unit, { level = unit:GetLevel() })}) |
Msg("UnitLeveledUp", unit) |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.RestoreEnergy() |
for _, unit in sorted_pairs(gv_UnitData) do |
if IsMerc(unit) then |
for _, neg_energy_effect in ipairs(RedEnergyEffects) do |
unit:RemoveStatusEffect(neg_energy_effect) |
ObjModified(unit) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatRevealTraps(side) |
local idx = table.find(g_Teams or empty_table, "side", side) |
if not idx then return end |
CheatRevealTraps(g_Teams[idx]) |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatAddAmmo(unit) |
CheatAddAmmo(unit) |
end |
function CheatAddAmmo(in_unit) |
if not in_unit then in_unit = SelectedObj end |
if not in_unit or not IsKindOf(in_unit, "UnitInventory") then return end |
local squadId = in_unit.Squad |
local unitsInSquad = gv_Squads[squadId].units |
for key, item in sorted_pairs(InventoryItemDefs) do |
if item.object_class=="Ammo" or item.object_class=="Ordnance" then |
AddItemToSquadBag(squadId, item.id, item:GetProperty("MaxStacks")) |
end |
end |
local unit |
local tempAmmo |
local function reload_weapon(weapon) |
if weapon.ammo then |
weapon.ammo.Amount = weapon.MagazineSize |
else |
tempAmmo = PlaceInventoryItem(GetAmmosWithCaliber(weapon.Caliber, "sort")[1].id) |
tempAmmo.Amount = tempAmmo.MaxStacks |
weapon:Reload(tempAmmo, "suspend_fx" and true) |
DoneObject(tempAmmo) |
end |
ObjModified(weapon) |
end |
for i = 1, #unitsInSquad do |
unit = gv_UnitData[unitsInSquad[i]] |
unit:ForEachItem("Firearm", function(weapon) |
reload_weapon(weapon) |
for slot, sub in sorted_pairs(weapon.subweapons) do |
reload_weapon(sub) |
end |
end) |
InventoryUpdate(unit) |
end |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatAddMercStats() |
CheatAddMercStats() |
end |
function CheatAddMercStats() |
local unit = SelectedObj |
if not unit or not IsMerc(unit) then return end |
for _, stat in ipairs(GetUnitStatsCombo()) do |
local modId = string.format("StatBoost-%s-%s-%d", stat, unit.session_id, GetPreciseTicks()) |
GainStat(unit, stat, 10, modId) |
end |
end |
function HideCombatUI(hide) |
local dlg = GetInGameInterfaceModeDlg() |
if dlg and dlg:IsKindOf("IModeCommonUnitControl") then |
dlg.idLeft:SetVisible(not hide) |
dlg.idLeftTop:SetVisible(not hide) |
dlg.idBottom:SetVisible(not hide) |
dlg.idRight:SetVisible(not hide) |
dlg.idMenu:SetVisible(not hide) |
local blackboard = dlg.targeting_blackboard |
if blackboard and blackboard.movement_avatar and blackboard.movement_avatar.rollover then |
if hide then |
blackboard.movement_avatar_visible = blackboard.movement_avatar:GetEnumFlags(const.efVisible) ~= 0 |
blackboard.movement_avatar:SetVisible(false) |
elseif blackboard.movement_avatar_visible then |
blackboard.movement_avatar_visible = nil |
blackboard.movement_avatar:SetVisible(true) |
end |
blackboard.movement_avatar.rollover:SetTransparency(hide and 255 or 0) |
end |
if blackboard and blackboard.fx_path then |
for i, mesh in ipairs(blackboard.fx_path.steps_objects) do |
mesh:SetVisible(not hide) |
end |
end |
dlg.effects_target_pos_last = false |
end |
local badge_dlg = GetDialog("BadgeHolderDialog") |
if badge_dlg then |
badge_dlg:SetVisible(not hide) |
end |
if hide then |
HideCombatLog() |
end |
local combatLogFader = GetDialog("CombatLogMessageFader") |
if combatLogFader then |
combatLogFader:SetVisible(not hide) |
end |
local tutorialDialog = GetDialog("TutorialPopupDialog") |
if tutorialDialog then |
tutorialDialog:SetVisible(not hide) |
end |
end |
MapVar("InWorldCombatUIHiddenCodeRenderables", false) |
if FirstLoad then |
HiddenInWorldCombatUIReasons = {} |
end |
function HideInWorldCombatUI(hide, reason) |
if hide then |
if not next(HiddenInWorldCombatUIReasons) then |
DoHideInWorldCombatUI(true) |
end |
HiddenInWorldCombatUIReasons[reason] = true |
else |
HiddenInWorldCombatUIReasons[reason] = nil |
if not next(HiddenInWorldCombatUIReasons) then |
DoHideInWorldCombatUI(false) |
end |
end |
end |
function DoHideInWorldCombatUI(hide) |
local dlg = GetInGameInterfaceModeDlg() |
if dlg and dlg:IsKindOf("IModeCommonUnitControl") then |
dlg.effects_target_pos_last = false |
end |
if hide then |
InWorldCombatUIHiddenCodeRenderables = setmetatable({}, weak_values_meta) |
MapForEach("map", "CodeRenderableObject", function(o) |
if not o:IsKindOfClasses("Wire", "BlackPlane") then |
if not (o:GetEnumFlags(const.efVisible) == 0) then |
table.insert(InWorldCombatUIHiddenCodeRenderables, o) |
o:ClearEnumFlags(const.efVisible) |
end |
end |
end) |
else |
for _, o in ipairs(InWorldCombatUIHiddenCodeRenderables) do |
if IsValid(o) then |
o:SetEnumFlags(const.efVisible) |
end |
end |
end |
if GetMap() ~= "" then |
MapForEach("map", "Interactable", function(o) |
if not o.until_interacted_with_highlight then return end |
local visuals = o.visuals_cache |
for i, v in ipairs(visuals) do |
v:SetObjectMarking(-1) |
v:ClearHierarchyGameFlags(const.gofObjectMarking) |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
function HideReplayUI(hide) |
ObjModified("replay_ui") |
end |
function HideOptionalUI(hide) |
ObjModified("combat_tasks") |
end |
function CthVisible() |
return table.find(ModsLoaded, "id", "KAJY0RB") |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatRespecPerkPoints(unit) |
for _, effect in ipairs(unit.StatusEffects) do |
if IsKindOf(effect, "Perk") and effect:IsLevelUp() then |
unit:RemoveStatusEffect(effect.class) |
unit.perkPoints = unit.perkPoints + 1 |
end |
end |
ObjModified(unit) |
end |
function CheatRespecPerkPoints(unit) |
CheatLog("RespecPerkPoints") |
if not IsKindOf(unit, "StatusEffectObject") then return end |
NetSyncEvent("CheatRespecPerkPoints", unit) |
end |
function CheatBoostUnitStats(unit, amount) |
unit = unit or SelectedObj |
amount = amount or 90 |
unit.Health = amount |
unit.Agility = amount |
unit.Dexterity = amount |
unit.Strength = amount |
unit.Wisdom = amount |
unit.Leadership = amount |
unit.Marksmanship = amount |
unit.Mechanical = amount |
unit.Explosives = amount |
unit.Medical = amount |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatAddMerc(id) |
local ud = gv_UnitData[id] |
if not ud then |
ud = CreateUnitData(id, id, InteractionRand(nil, "Satellite")) |
end |
UIAddMercToSquad(id) |
HiredMercArrived(gv_UnitData[id]) |
Msg("MercHired", id, 0, 14) |
end |
function CheatLog(cheat, param, param2) |
if param2 then |
DebugPrint("Cheat", cheat, param, param2) |
NetGossip("Cheat", cheat, param, param2, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) |
elseif param then |
DebugPrint("Cheat", cheat, param) |
NetGossip("Cheat", cheat, param, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) |
else |
DebugPrint("Cheat", cheat) |
NetGossip("Cheat", cheat, GetCurrentPlaytime(), Game and Game.CampaignTime) |
end |
end |
function CheatSelectAnyUnit() |
CheatLog("SelectAnyUnit") |
local obj |
local mouseTarget = terminal.desktop.last_mouse_target |
if mouseTarget.parent and IsKindOf(mouseTarget.parent, "CombatBadge") then |
obj = mouseTarget.parent.unit |
elseif IsKindOf(mouseTarget, "StatusEffectIcon") then |
obj = mouseTarget:ResolveId("node"):ResolveId("node").unit |
end |
obj = obj or SelectionMouseObj() |
if not IsKindOf(obj, "Unit") then |
obj = MapGetFirst(GetVoxelBBox(GetCursorPos()), "Unit") |
end |
SelectObj(obj) |
end |
function CheatClearSelection() |
CheatLog("ClearSelection") |
SelectObj() |
end |
function CheatGrantSelectedObjAP(ap) |
CheatLog("GrantSelectedObjAP", ap) |
if not g_Combat or not SelectedObj then return end |
NetSyncEvent("CheatGrantObjAP", SelectedObj, ap) |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.CheatGrantObjAP(unit, ap) |
unit:InterruptPreparedAttack() |
unit:GainAP(ap * const.Scale.AP) |
unit:RecalcUIActions() |
end |
function CheatRemoveSelectedObjAP(ap) |
CheatLog("RemoveSelectedObjAP", ap) |
if not g_Combat or not SelectedObj then return end |
SelectedObj:ConsumeAP(ap * const.Scale.AP) |
end |
function CheatDbgStartCombat() |
CheatLog("DbgStartCombat", GetMapName()) |
DbgStartCombat(GetMapName(), { |
TestTeamDef:new{ |
mercs = { "Barry", "Ivan", "Buns" }, |
team_color = RGB(0, 0, 200), |
ai_control = false, |
}, |
TestTeamDef:new{ |
mercs = { "Grizzly", "Grunty", "Gus" }, |
team_color = RGB(200, 0, 0), |
ai_control = true, |
enemy = true |
}, |
}) |
end |
function CheatAddWeapon(context) |
CheatLog("AddWeapon", context.id) |
UIPlaceInInventory(nil, context) |
end |
function CheatEnableTeleport() |
CheatLog("EnableTeleport") |
NetSyncEvent("CheatEnable", "Teleport", true) |
end |
function NetSyncCheatEnableIG(cheat) |
CheatLog(cheat) |
NetSyncEvent("CheatEnable", cheat) |
end |
function CheatSelectedObjLevelUp(max_level) |
CheatLog("SelectedObjLevelUp", max_level) |
if IsKindOfClasses(SelectedObj, "Unit", "UnitData") then |
local u = SelectedObj |
local dlg = GetDialog("FullscreenGameDialogs") |
if dlg then |
u = dlg:GetContext().unit |
end |
NetSyncEvent("CheatLevelUp", u, max_level) |
end |
end |
function CheatRestoreEnergy() |
CheatLog("RestoreEnergy") |
NetSyncEvent("RestoreEnergy") |
end |
function CheatRevealTrapsIG() |
CheatLog("RevealTraps") |
local pov_team = GetPoVTeam() |
if pov_team then |
NetSyncEvent("CheatRevealTraps", pov_team.side) |
end |
end |
function NetSyncCheatIG(cheat, param) |
CheatLog(cheat, param) |
NetSyncEvent(cheat, param) |
end |
function CheatSetLoyalty(city, loyalty) |
CheatLog("SetLoyalty", city, loyalty) |
NetSyncEvent("CheatCityModifyLoyalty", city, loyalty) |
end |
function CheatToggleHideTreeRoofs() |
CheatLog("ToggleHideTreeRoofs") |
ToggleVisibilitySystems("ActionShortcut") |
end |
function CheatAddMercIG(merc_id) |
CheatLog("AddMerc") |
if not next(GetPlayerMercSquads()) then |
DbgStartExploration(nil, {merc_id}) |
else |
NetSyncEvent("CheatAddMerc", merc_id) |
end |
end |
function CheatRemoveMercIG(merc) |
CheatLog("RemoveMerc") |
if not g_Combat then |
UIRemoveMercFromSquad(merc) |
ObjModified("hud_squads") |
else |
CreateMessageBox(self.desktop, T({"Warning."}), T({"You must be out of combat to remove a mercenary."}), T({"OK"})) |
end |
end |
function CheatSetMercHireStatus(merc_id, status) |
CheatLog("SetMercHireStatus", merc_id, status) |
local merc = gv_UnitData[merc_id] |
merc.HireStatus = status |
if status == "Dead" then |
merc.HiredUntil = Game.CampaignTime |
elseif status == "Hired" then |
UIAddMercToSquad(merc_id) |
HiredMercArrived(merc, 14) |
else |
merc.HiredUntil = false |
end |
local mercUnit = g_Units[merc_id] |
if mercUnit then |
mercUnit.HireStatus = status |
mercUnit.HiredUntil = merc.HiredUntil |
end |
print("Set", merc_id, "to", status) |
end |
function CheatSetMercHireStatusWithRehire(merc_id, status) |
CheatLog("SetMercHireStatusWithRehire", merc_id, status) |
local merc = gv_UnitData[merc_id] |
UIAddMercToSquad(merc_id) |
HiredMercArrived(merc, 1) |
merc.HireStatus = "Hired" |
merc.MessengerOnline = true |
merc.HiredUntil = Game.CampaignTime + const.Scale.day |
local mercUnit = g_Units[merc_id] |
if mercUnit then |
mercUnit.HireStatus = "Hired" |
mercUnit.MessengerOnline = true |
mercUnit.HiredUntil = Game.CampaignTime + const.Scale.day |
end |
print("Set", merc_id, "to", status) |
end |
function CheatPoVTeam(cheat) |
CheatLog("PoVTeam", cheat) |
local pov_team = GetPoVTeam() |
if pov_team then |
NetSyncEvent("CheatEnable", cheat, nil, pov_team.side) |
end |
end |
function CheatHealAllMercs() |
CheatLog("HealAllMercs") |
UIHealAllMercs() |
end |
function UIHealAllMercs() |
for _, u in ipairs(g_Units) do |
if u.team and u.team.player_team then |
local dead = u:IsDead() |
if dead then |
UIAddMercToSquad(u.session_id, u.OldSquad) |
else |
NetSyncEvent("HealMerc", u.session_id) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function GetCameraLookatTerrainPos() |
local _, lookat = GetCamera() |
return lookat:SetTerrainZ() |
end |
local function checkSquad(squad) |
if squad then |
local check_sector = gv_SatelliteView or squad.CurrentSector == gv_CurrentSectorId |
if check_sector and squad.Side == "player1" and #(squad.units or "") < const.Satellite.MercSquadMaxPeople then |
return squad |
end |
end |
end |
local function getSquadForNewMerc() |
local satellite = GetSatelliteDialog() |
local squad = checkSquad(satellite and satellite:HasMember("selected_squad") and satellite.selected_squad) |
squad = squad or checkSquad(gv_Squads[g_CurrentSquad]) |
if not squad then |
for _, s in ipairs(GetPlayerMercSquads()) do |
if checkSquad(s) then |
squad = s |
break |
end |
end |
end |
return squad |
end |
function GetAvailableMercsByName(show_all) |
local available = {} |
local current_merc_ids = {} |
for _, s in ipairs(g_SquadsArray) do |
for _, merc_id in ipairs(s.units or empty_table) do |
current_merc_ids[merc_id] = true |
end |
end |
for k, v in pairs(UnitDataDefs) do |
if IsMerc(v) and (not current_merc_ids[k] or show_all) and v.Nick then |
available[#available + 1] = {[1] = _InternalTranslate(v.Nick), [2] = v} |
end |
end |
table.sort(available, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) |
return available |
end |
function GetGroupedMercsForCheats(groups_count, show_all, justNames) |
groups_count = groups_count or 4 |
local mercs = GetAvailableMercsByName(show_all) |
if not next(mercs) then return end |
local per_group = Max(#mercs / groups_count, 1) |
local groups = {[1] = {start_char = string.sub(mercs[1][1], 1, 1)}} |
local idx = 1 |
if justNames then |
local mercsList = {} |
for i, m in ipairs(mercs) do |
if not Presets.UnitDataCompositeDef.IMP[m[2].id] then |
table.insert(mercsList, m[2].id) |
end |
end |
return mercsList |
end |
for i, m in ipairs(mercs) do |
local first_char = string.sub(m[1], 1, 1) |
local prev_first_char = mercs[i-1] and string.sub(mercs[i-1][1], 1, 1) |
local try_less_per_group = idx % 2 == 0 and per_group - #groups[idx] < 4 |
if idx < groups_count and (#groups[idx] >= per_group or try_less_per_group) and first_char ~= prev_first_char then |
groups[idx].end_char = prev_first_char |
idx = idx + 1 |
groups[idx] = {start_char = first_char} |
end |
table.insert(groups[idx], m[2]) |
end |
groups[idx].end_char = string.sub(mercs[#mercs][1], 1, 1) |
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do |
group.display_name = Untranslated("<u(start_char)> .. <u(end_char)>", group) |
end |
groups[#groups + 1] = { display_name = Untranslated("Beasts"), UnitDataDefs.Beast_Crocodile, UnitDataDefs.Beast_Hyena, UnitDataDefs.Schliemann } |
return groups |
end |
local function GetMercSquad(merc_id, squad_id) |
local squad = squad_id and checkSquad(gv_Squads[squad_id]) or getSquadForNewMerc() |
if type(merc_id)~= "string" then |
merc_id = merc_id.selected_object and merc_id.selected_object.id |
end |
if not merc_id then |
assert(false, "Wrong merc param passed to function") |
return |
end |
return merc_id, squad |
end |
function UIAddMercToSquad(merc_id, squad_id) |
local merc_id, squad = GetMercSquad(merc_id, squad_id) |
if merc_id then |
NetSyncEvent("AddMercToSquad", merc_id, squad and squad.UniqueId, GetCameraLookatTerrainPos()) |
end |
end |
function UIRemoveMercFromSquad(merc) |
if merc then |
NetSyncEvent("RemoveMercFromSquad", merc.session_id) |
end |
end |
function UIQuickTestUnit(merc_id, squad_id) |
if type(merc_id)~= "string" then |
merc_id = merc_id.selected_object and merc_id.selected_object.id |
end |
if merc_id then |
for _, squad in pairs(gv_Squads) do |
RemoveSquad(squad) |
end |
LocalAddMercToSquad(merc_id, nil, GetCameraLookatTerrainPos()) |
TestCombatEnterSector(Presets.TestCombat.Test["Test_SingleMerc"]) |
end |
end |
function LocalAddMercToSquad(merc_id, squad_id, spawn_pos, hp) |
local squad = squad_id and gv_Squads[squad_id] |
if not squad then |
squad_id = CreateNewSatelliteSquad({Side = "player1", CurrentSector = gv_CurrentSectorId, Name = SquadName:GetNewSquadName("player1")}, {}) |
squad = gv_Squads[squad_id] |
end |
local unit_data = gv_UnitData[merc_id] |
local hire_days = not (unit_data and unit_data.HiredUntil) and 14 |
AddUnitsToSquad(squad, {merc_id}, hire_days, InteractionRand(nil, "Satellite")) |
local unit = g_Units[merc_id] |
if not unit then |
local unit_data = gv_UnitData[merc_id] |
if unit_data and unit_data.HitPoints == 0 then |
ReviveUnitData(unit_data, hp) |
end |
unit = SpawnUnit(merc_id, merc_id, spawn_pos) |
unit.already_spawned_on_map = true |
else |
local dead = unit:IsDead() |
if dead then |
local unit_data = gv_UnitData[merc_id] |
ReviveUnitData(unit_data, hp) |
unit:SyncWithSession("session") |
ReviveUnit(unit, hp) |
end |
end |
unit:SetSide(squad.Side) |
ObjModified(gv_Squads) |
ObjModified("hud_squads") |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.AddMercToSquad(merc_id, squad_id, spawn_pos) |
LocalAddMercToSquad(merc_id, squad_id, spawn_pos) |
end |
function LocalRemoveMercFromSquad(merc_id) |
local merc = g_Units[merc_id] |
if merc then |
merc:Despawn() |
end |
end |
function NetSyncEvents.RemoveMercFromSquad(merc_id) |
LocalRemoveMercFromSquad(merc_id) |
end |
function CheatSpawnEnemySquad(sector_id, enemy_squad_id) |
enemy_squad_id = enemy_squad_id or "EmeraldCoast" |
local enemy_squad_def = enemy_squad_id and EnemySquadDefs[enemy_squad_id] |
if not enemy_squad_def then |
return |
end |
local generated_unit_ids, generated_unit_names, generated_sources, generated_appearances = GenerateRandEnemySquadUnits(enemy_squad_id) |
local units = GenerateUnitsFromTemplates(sector_id, generated_unit_ids, "Cheat", generated_unit_names, generated_appearances) |
return CreateNewSatelliteSquad( |
{ |
Side = "enemy1", |
CurrentSector = sector_id, |
Name = Untranslated("Cheat Spawned Squad") |
}, |
units, nil, nil, enemy_squad_id |
) |
end |
function CheatOpenAIDebug() |
if g_Combat and not netInGame then |
SetInGameInterfaceMode("IModeAIDebug") |
end |
end |