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ActionFXParticles |
================= |
This mod item creates and places particle systems when an FX action is triggered. Inherits [ActionFX](ActionFX.md.html). Read [ActionFX](ActionFX.md.html) first for the common properties. |
Properties |
---------- |
Particles (`self.Particles`) - Particles4 (`self.Particles4`) |
: The id of the particle system which will be spawned. One of the entities is picked at random when the FX is triggered. |
Flags (`self.Flags`) |
: Allowed values are: OnGround, LockedOrientation, Mirrored, OnGroundTiltByGround. |
AlwaysVisible (`self.AlwaysVisible`) |
: Toggle on/off. When enabled it will bypass the engine optimization for drawing off-screen and far away objects at a performance cost. |
Scale (`self.Scale`) |
: Scale in %. |
ScaleMember (`self.ScaleMember`) |
: Object member which will be used for the scale. This can also be a method which will be called and the result will override the Scale property. |
FollowTick (`self.FollowTick`) |
: The time interval (in ms) for setting the particles' position when following an object. |
UseActorColorModifier (`self.UseActorColorModifier`) |
: If true, parsys:SetColorModifer(actor). If false, sets dynamic param 'color_modifier' to the actor's color. |
Source (`self.Source`) |
: Particles source object or position. Allowed values are: Actor, ActorParent, ActorOwner, Target, ActionPos, Camera. |
SourceProp (`self.SourceProp`) |
: Source object property object. |
Spot (`self.Spot`) |
: Particles source object spot. |
: Allowed values are: Origin, Muzzle, Muzzlea, Muzzleb, Stepl, Stepr. |
SpotsPercent (`self.SpotsPercent`) |
: Percent of random spots that should be used. One random spot is used when the value is negative. |
Attach (`self.Attach`) |
: Set true if the particles should move with the source. |
SingleAttach (`self.SingleAttach`) |
: When enabled the FX will not place a new particle on the same spot if there is already one attached there. Only valid with Attach enabled. |
Offset (`self.Offset`) |
: Offset against source object. |
OffsetDir (`self.OffsetDir`) |
: Offset direction. Allowed values are "", "SourceAxisX", "SourceAxisX2D", "SourceAxisY", "SourceAxisZ", "ActionDir", "ActionDir2D", "FaceTarget", "FaceTarget2D", "FaceActor", "FaceActor2D", "FaceActionPos", "FaceActionPos2D", "Random2D", "SpotX", "SpotY", "SpotZ", "RotateByPresetAngle". |
Orientation (`self.Orientation`) |
: Particles orientation. Has the same allowed values as OffsetDir. |
PresetOrientationAngle (`self.PresetOrientationAngle`) |
: Orientation angle used when Orientation is set to "RotateByPresetAngle". |
OrientationAxis (`self.OrientationAxis`) |
: Axis used for orientation of the object. |
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