DefineClass.XSpellcheckPlugin = { |
__parents = { "XTextEditorPlugin" }, |
UnderlineColor = RGB(255, 20, 20), |
} |
local word_chars = "[_%w\127-\255\39]" |
local nonword_chars = "[^_%w\127-\255\39]" |
local word_pattern = "(" .. word_chars .. "*)" .. "(" .. nonword_chars .. "*)" |
local whitespace = "[\9\32]" |
local multiple_whitespace = "[\9\32][\9\32]+" |
local MeasureToCharStart = UIL.MeasureToCharStart |
local StretchText = UIL.StretchText |
function XSpellcheckPlugin:Init() |
LoadDictionary() |
end |
function XSpellcheckPlugin:OnDrawText(edit, line_idx, text, target_box, font, text_color) |
local y = target_box:maxy() - 4 |
local position_in_text = 0 |
local substitutions = { {"β", "'"}, {"β", "'"}, {"β", "\""}, {"β", "\""}, {"β", "-"}, {"β", "-"}, {"β¦", "."}, {"β", "-"}} |
for i = 1, #substitutions do |
text = text:gsub(substitutions[i][1], substitutions[i][2]) |
end |
if #text >= 1 and text:sub(1,1):find(whitespace) then |
self:Underline(text, target_box:minx(), y, 1, 2, font) |
end |
if #text >= 1 and text:sub(#text - 1,#text - 1):find(whitespace) then |
self:Underline(text, target_box:minx(), y, #text- 1, #text, font) |
end |
local untagged, tag, first, last = string.nexttag(text, 1) |
local unmatched_closing_tag = false |
local close_tag_idx |
if not tag then |
local open_tag_idx = string.find(untagged, "<") |
close_tag_idx = string.find(untagged, ">") |
while open_tag_idx and close_tag_idx do |
local next_close_tag = string.find(untagged, ">", close_tag_idx + 1) |
if next_close_tag and next_close_tag < open_tag_idx then |
close_tag_idx = next_close_tag |
else |
break |
end |
end |
unmatched_closing_tag = (close_tag_idx and not open_tag_idx) or (close_tag_idx and open_tag_idx and close_tag_idx < open_tag_idx) |
end |
for word, non_word in text:gmatch(word_pattern) do |
if string.sub(text, position_in_text, position_in_text) == "<" and not string.find(text, ">", position_in_text + 1) then |
break |
end |
local current_word_end_pos = position_in_text + utf8.len(word) |
local new_position_in_text = current_word_end_pos + utf8.len(non_word) |
if tag and position_in_text >= first and current_word_end_pos <= last then |
if position_in_text < last and new_position_in_text >= last then |
untagged, tag, first, last = string.nexttag(text, new_position_in_text) |
end |
elseif not (unmatched_closing_tag and position_in_text <= close_tag_idx) then |
word = word:gsub("^'", ""):gsub("'$", "") |
local lowercase_word = word:lower() |
if not WordInDictionary(word, lowercase_word) then |
self:Underline(text, target_box:minx(), y, position_in_text + 1, current_word_end_pos + 1, font) |
end |
local comma_pos = non_word:find("[,;].*") |
local comma, other_chars = non_word:match("([,;])(.*)") |
if comma and (not other_chars or not other_chars:starts_with("<")) and |
(not other_chars or other_chars:sub(1, 1) ~= " " or |
(other_chars:sub(1, 1) == " " and current_word_end_pos + comma_pos == text:len())) |
then |
local underline_start = current_word_end_pos + comma_pos |
self:Underline(text, target_box:minx(), y, underline_start, underline_start + 1, font) |
end |
local dot_pos = non_word:find("[%.:][^%s]*$") |
local dot_idx = dot_pos and current_word_end_pos + dot_pos |
if dot_idx and dot_idx ~= text:len() then |
local next_char = text:sub(dot_idx + 1, dot_idx + 1) |
if next_char ~= "\"" and next_char ~= "\'" and next_char ~= "." and next_char ~= "<" then |
self:Underline(text, target_box:minx(), y, dot_idx, dot_idx + 1, font) |
end |
end |
local whitespace_start, whitespace_end = non_word:find(multiple_whitespace) |
if whitespace_start then |
self:Underline(text, target_box:minx(), y, current_word_end_pos + whitespace_start, current_word_end_pos + whitespace_end + 1, font) |
end |
end |
position_in_text = new_position_in_text |
end |
end |
function XSpellcheckPlugin:Underline(text, x, y, underline_start, underline_end, font) |
local x_start = MeasureToCharStart(text, font, underline_start) |
local x_end = MeasureToCharStart(text, font, underline_end) |
UIL.DrawSolidRect(box(x + x_start, y, x + x_end, y + 2), self.UnderlineColor) |
end |
function XSpellcheckPlugin:OnRightButtonDown(edit, pt) |
local word = edit:GetWordUnderCursor(pt) or "" |
local lowercase_word = word:lower() |
if not WordInDictionary(word, lowercase_word) then |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
local title = "Add to dictionary" |
local text = "Do you want to save '"..word.."' to the dictionary?" |
local dialog = StdMessageDialog:new({}, edit.desktop, { question = true, title = title, text = text }) |
dialog:Open() |
dialog:SetZOrder(BaseLoadingScreen.ZOrder + 2) |
local result, win = dialog:Wait() |
if result == "ok" then |
local new_entry = word:match("%l") and lowercase_word or word |
SpellcheckDict[new_entry] = true |
WriteToDictionary(SpellcheckDict) |
end |
end) |
return "break" |
end |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl = false |
end |
DefineClass.XExternalTextEditorPlugin = { |
__parents = { "XTextEditorPlugin" }, |
} |
function XExternalTextEditorPlugin:Init() |
g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl = false |
end |
function XExternalTextEditorPlugin:Done() |
if g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl then |
g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl = false |
end |
end |
function XExternalTextEditorPlugin:OpenEditor(edit) |
g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl = edit |
AsyncCreatePath("AppData/editorplugin/") |
local file_path = "AppData/editorplugin/" .. config.DefaultExternalTextEditorTempFile |
AsyncStringToFile(file_path, edit:GetText()) |
local cmd = config.DefaultExternelTextEditorCmd |
and string.format(config.DefaultExternelTextEditorCmd, ConvertToOSPath(file_path)) |
or string.format("\"%s\" %s",config.DefaultExternelTextEditorPath, ConvertToOSPath(file_path)) |
os.execute(cmd) |
end |
function XExternalTextEditorPlugin:OnShortcut(edit, shortcut, source, ...) |
if shortcut == "Ctrl-E" then |
self:OpenEditor(edit) |
return true |
end |
end |
function XExternalTextEditorPlugin:OnTextChanged(edit) |
if g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl == edit then |
local file_path = "AppData/editorplugin/" .. config.DefaultExternalTextEditorTempFile |
AsyncStringToFile(file_path, edit:GetText()) |
end |
end |
function XExternalTextEditorPlugin.ApplyEdit(file, change) |
if change == "Modified" then |
local err, content = AsyncFileToString(file) |
if not err then |
if g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl then |
g_ExternalTextEditorActiveCtrl:SetText(content) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.XHighlightTextPlugin = { |
__parents = { "XTextEditorPlugin" }, |
HighlightColor = RGB(188, 168, 70), |
SingleInstance = false, |
highlighted_text = false, |
ignore_case = true, |
} |
local function find_next(str_lower, str, substr, start_pos) |
local idx = string.find(str_lower, substr, start_pos, true) |
if idx then |
return str:sub(start_pos, idx - 1), str:sub(idx, idx + #substr - 1) |
else |
return str:sub(start_pos) |
end |
end |
function XHighlightTextPlugin:OnAfterDrawText(edit, line_idx, text, target_box, font, text_color) |
if not self.highlighted_text or self.highlighted_text == "" then return end |
local pos = 1 |
local text_start = target_box:minx() |
local lower_text = self.ignore_case and text:lower() or text |
local other, word |
repeat |
other, word = find_next(lower_text, text, self.highlighted_text, pos) |
if word then |
local len_word = utf8.len(word) |
local len_other = utf8.len(other) |
local x1 = MeasureToCharStart(text, font, pos + len_other) |
local x2 = MeasureToCharStart(text, font, pos + len_word + len_other) |
local word_box = box(text_start + x1, target_box:miny(), text_start + x2, target_box:maxy()) |
StretchText(word, word_box, font, self.HighlightColor) |
pos = pos + len_word + len_other |
end |
until not word |
return true |
end |