if FirstLoad then |
XTextEditorPluginCache = {} |
end |
DefineClass.XTextEditor = { |
__parents = { "XScrollArea", "XEditableText" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "Multiline", editor = "bool", default = true }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Password", editor = "bool", default = false, help = "Display the entire text as * characters.", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ShowLastPswdLetter", editor = "bool", default = false, help = "When Password is set, show the last entered character.", |
no_edit = function(self) return not self.Password end, |
}, |
{ category = "General", id = "ConsoleKeyboardTitle", editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, help = "Title for the virtual keyboard.", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ConsoleKeyboardDescription", editor = "text", default = "", translate = true, help = "Description for the virtual keyboard.", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "WordWrap", editor = "bool", default = true }, |
{ category = "General", id = "AllowTabs", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "AllowPaste", editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "AllowEscape", editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MinVisibleLines", editor = "number", default = 1 }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MaxVisibleLines", editor = "number", default = 8 }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MaxLines", editor = "number", default = 10000 }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MaxLen", editor = "number", default = 65536, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "AutoSelectAll", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Filter", editor = "text", default = ".", help = "Lua string pattern for allowed characters."}, |
{ category = "General", id = "NegFilter", editor = "text", default = "", help = "Lua string pattern for forbidden characters."}, |
{ category = "General", id = "NewLine", editor = "text", default = Platform.pc and "\r\n" or "\n", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Ime", editor = "bool", default = true, help = "Activate IME support for CKJ languages when the control receives focus."}, |
{ category = "General", id = "Plugins", editor = "string_list", default = empty_table, items = function(self) return TextEditorPluginsCombo(rawget(self, "Multiline")) end, }, |
{ category = "Layout", id = "TextHAlign", editor = "choice", default = "left", items = {"left", "center", "right"}, }, |
{ category = "Visual", id = "Hint", editor = "text", translate = function(self) return self.Translate end, default = "" }, |
{ category = "Visual", id = "HintColor", editor = "color", default = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 128) }, |
{ category = "Visual", id = "HintVAlign", editor = "choice", default = "center", items = {"top", "center", "bottom"}, }, |
{ category = "Visual", id = "SelectionBackground", editor = "color", default = RGB(38, 146, 227), }, |
{ category = "Visual", id = "SelectionColor", editor = "color", default = RGB(255, 255, 255), }, |
}, |
Clip = "parent & self", |
Padding = box(2, 1, 2, 1), |
BorderWidth = 1, |
Background = RGB(240, 240, 240), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
BorderColor = RGB(128, 128, 128), |
DisabledBorderColor = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 128), |
TextColor = RGB(0, 0, 0), |
IdNode = false, |
lines = false, |
need_reflow = false, |
len = 0, |
newline_count = 0, |
plugins = false, |
plugin_methods = false, |
cursor_line = 1, |
cursor_char = 0, |
cursor_virtual_x = -1, |
show_cursor = false, |
stop_blink = false, |
cursor_blink_time = 400, |
blink_cursor_thread = false, |
touch = false, |
selection_start_line = false, |
selection_start_char = false, |
undo_data = 0, |
max_undo_data = 65536, |
undo_stack = false, |
redo_stack = false, |
ime_korean_composition = false, |
vkPass = { |
const.vkEnd, |
const.vkHome, |
const.vkLeft, |
const.vkRight, |
const.vkInsert, |
const.vkDelete, |
const.vkBackspace, |
const.vkEnter, |
}, |
} |
local word_chars = "[_%w\127-\255]" |
local nonword_chars = "[^_%w\127-\255]" |
local word_pattern = word_chars .. "*" .. nonword_chars .. "*" |
local strict_word_pattern = word_chars .. "*" |
local function IsControlPressed() |
return terminal.IsKeyPressed(const.vkControl) or (Platform.osx and terminal.IsKeyPressed(const.vkLwin)) |
end |
local function IsShiftPressed() |
return terminal.IsKeyPressed(const.vkShift) |
end |
local function IsAltPressed() |
return terminal.IsKeyPressed(const.vkAlt) |
end |
local function TrimTextToWidth(text, font, width) |
local a, b = 0, utf8.len(text) - (text:ends_with("\n") and 1 or 0) |
local MeasureText = UIL.MeasureText |
while a ~= b do |
local mid = (a + b + 1) / 2 |
local partial_width = MeasureText(utf8.sub(text, 1, mid), font) |
if partial_width <= width then |
a = mid |
else |
b = mid - 1 |
end |
end |
text = utf8.sub(text, 1, a) |
return text, MeasureText(text, font) |
end |
local function ApplyCharFilters(text, filter, allowed) |
if filter and filter ~= "" then |
text = text:gsub(filter, "") |
end |
if not allowed or allowed == "." then |
return text |
end |
local result = {} |
for part in text:gmatch(allowed .. "*") do |
table.insert(result, part) |
end |
return table.concat(result) |
end |
local function NormalizeNewLines(text) |
local newlines = 0 |
text = text:gsub("([^\r\n]*)(\r?\n?)", function(text, newline) |
if #newline ~= 0 then |
newlines = newlines + 1 |
return text .. "\n" |
end |
return text |
end) |
return text, newlines |
end |
local function CountNewLines(text) |
local count = 0 |
for _ in text:gmatch("\n") do |
count = count + 1 |
end |
return count |
end |
function XTextEditor:Init() |
self.lines = { "" } |
self:SetTextHAlign(self.TextHAlign) |
self:SetPlugins(empty_table) |
end |
function XTextEditor:AlignHDest(dest, free_space) |
if self.TextHAlign == "right" then |
return dest + Max(0, free_space) |
elseif self.TextHAlign == "center" then |
return dest + Max(0, free_space / 2) |
else |
return dest |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:SetTranslatedText(text, force_reflow) |
if not self.Multiline then |
text = text:gsub("\n", " "):gsub("\r", "") |
end |
if text == self:GetTranslatedText() and not force_reflow then return end |
XEditableText.SetTranslatedText(self, text, false) |
local text, newlines = NormalizeNewLines(ApplyCharFilters(self.text, self.NegFilter, self.Filter)) |
self.len = utf8.len(text) |
self.newline_count = newlines |
self.lines = { text } |
self.cursor_line = 1 |
self.cursor_char = 0 |
self.cursor_virtual_x = -1 |
self.undo_data = 0 |
self.undo_stack = false |
self.redo_stack = false |
self:ReflowTextLine(1, true, text) |
self:ClearSelection() |
self:ScrollTo(0, 0) |
self:InvalidateMeasure() |
self:InvalidateLayout() |
self:OnTextChanged() |
self:InvokePlugins("OnTextChanged") |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetTranslatedText() |
self:GetText() |
return XEditableText.GetTranslatedText(self) |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetText() |
local text = table.concat(self:GetTextLines()) |
if self.NewLine ~= "\n" then |
text = text:gsub("\n", self.NewLine) |
end |
self.text = text |
return XEditableText.GetText(self) |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetTextLines() |
return self.lines or {} |
end |
function XTextEditor:SetPlugins(plugins) |
self.plugins = nil |
self.plugin_methods = nil |
if config.DefaultTextEditPlugins then |
plugins = table.copy(plugins or empty_table) |
table.iappend(plugins, config.DefaultTextEditPlugins) |
end |
for _, id in ipairs(plugins or empty_table) do |
local class = _G[id] |
if class.SingleInstance then |
local instance = XTextEditorPluginCache[id] |
if not instance then |
instance = class:new() |
XTextEditorPluginCache[id] = class |
end |
self:AddPlugin(instance) |
else |
self:AddPlugin(class:new({}, self)) |
end |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:FindPluginOfKind(class) |
for _, plugin in ipairs(self.plugins) do |
if IsKindOf(plugin, class) then |
return plugin |
end |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:AddPlugin(plugin) |
local plugins = self.plugins or {} |
plugins[#plugins + 1] = plugin |
self.plugins = plugins |
local plugin_methods = self.plugin_methods or {} |
for key, value in pairs(XTextEditorPlugin) do |
if type(value) == "function" and plugin[key] ~= value then |
plugin_methods[key] = true |
end |
end |
self.plugin_methods = plugin_methods |
end |
function XTextEditor:HasPluginMethod(method) |
local plugin_methods = self.plugin_methods or empty_table |
return plugin_methods[method] |
end |
function XTextEditor:InvokePlugins(method, ...) |
local plugin_methods = self.plugin_methods or empty_table |
if not plugin_methods[method] then return end |
for _, plugin in ipairs(self.plugins) do |
if plugin:HasMember(method) then |
local ret = plugin[method](plugin, self, ...) |
if ret then |
return ret |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:DeleteText(line, char, to_line, to_char) |
assert(char >= 0 and to_char >= 0 and char <= utf8.len(self.lines[line]) and to_char <= utf8.len(self.lines[to_line])) |
if line == to_line then |
local old_text = self.lines[line] |
local new_text = utf8.sub(old_text, 1, char) .. utf8.sub(old_text, to_char + 1) |
self.lines[line] = new_text |
self:ReflowTextLine(line, false, utf8.sub(old_text, char + 1, to_char)) |
else |
local new_text = utf8.sub(self.lines[line], 1, char) .. utf8.sub(self.lines[to_line], to_char + 1) |
for i = to_line, line + 1, -1 do |
table.remove(self.lines, i) |
end |
self.lines[line] = new_text |
self:ReflowTextLine(line, true, new_text) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:InsertText(charidx, line, char, text) |
local old_text = self.lines[line] |
assert(char >= 0 and char <= utf8.len(old_text)) |
if old_text:ends_with("\n") and char == utf8.len(old_text) and line < #self.lines then |
line, char = line + 1, 0 |
old_text = self.lines[line] |
end |
self.lines[line] = utf8.sub(old_text, 1, char) .. text .. utf8.sub(old_text, char + 1) |
self:ReflowTextLine(line, true, text) |
return charidx + utf8.len(text) |
end |
local function undo_data_size(undo_op) |
return 4 * 80 + (undo_op.insert_text and #undo_op.insert_text or 0) |
end |
function XTextEditor:EditOperation(insert_text, op_type, setcursor_charidx, keep_selection) |
if not self.enabled then return end |
local changes_made = false |
local old_lines = #self.lines |
local charidx |
local deleted_text = nil |
local line1, char1 = self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char |
local line2, char2 |
local undo_cursor_charidx = self:GetCursorCharIdx(line1, char1) |
if self:HasSelection() then |
line1, char1, line2, char2 = self:GetSelectionSortedBounds() |
deleted_text = self:GetSelectedTextInternal() |
self:DeleteText(line1, char1, line2, char2) |
charidx = self:GetCursorCharIdx(line1, char1) |
if line1 > #self.lines then |
assert(line1 > 1) |
line1, char1 = line1 - 1, #self.lines[line1 - 1] |
end |
self.len = self.len - utf8.len(deleted_text) |
self.newline_count = self.newline_count - CountNewLines(deleted_text) |
self:ClearSelection() |
changes_made = true |
end |
local charidx = charidx or self:GetCursorCharIdx() |
local charidx_to = charidx |
if insert_text then |
if not self:GetMultiline() then |
insert_text = insert_text:gsub("[\r\n]+", "") |
end |
local text, newlines = NormalizeNewLines(ApplyCharFilters(insert_text, self.NegFilter, self.Filter)) |
local len = self.len + utf8.len(text) |
local newline_count = self.newline_count + newlines |
if (self.MaxLen < 0 or len <= self.MaxLen) and (self.MaxLines < 0 or newline_count < self.MaxLines) then |
charidx_to = self:InsertText(charidx, line1, char1, text) |
self.len = len |
self.newline_count = newline_count |
end |
changes_made = true |
end |
if not changes_made then return end |
self:SetCursor(self:CursorFromCharIdx(setcursor_charidx or charidx_to)) |
self:InvalidateMeasure() |
self:InvalidateLayout() |
self:Invalidate() |
self:OnTextChanged() |
self:InvokePlugins("OnTextChanged") |
if keep_selection then |
assert(not setcursor_charidx) |
line2, char2 = self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char |
self:SetCursor(line1, char1, false) |
self:SetCursor(line2, char2, true) |
end |
local prev_op = self.undo_stack and self.undo_stack[#self.undo_stack] |
if prev_op and op_type ~= "undo" and op_type ~= "paste" and op_type ~= "cut" then |
if not prev_op.insert_text and not deleted_text and prev_op.charidx_to == charidx then |
prev_op.charidx_to = charidx_to |
return |
elseif prev_op.insert_text and deleted_text and prev_op.charidx == prev_op.charidx_to and charidx == charidx_to then |
if prev_op.charidx == charidx then |
prev_op.insert_text = prev_op.insert_text .. deleted_text |
self.undo_data = self.undo_data + #deleted_text |
return |
elseif charidx + utf8.len(deleted_text) == prev_op.charidx then |
prev_op.charidx = charidx |
prev_op.charidx_to = charidx_to |
prev_op.insert_text = deleted_text .. prev_op.insert_text |
self.undo_data = self.undo_data + #deleted_text |
return |
end |
end |
end |
local undo_op = { charidx = charidx, charidx_to = charidx_to, insert_text = deleted_text, cursor_charidx = undo_cursor_charidx } |
if op_type == "undo" then |
return undo_op |
end |
self.redo_stack = false |
self.undo_stack = self.undo_stack or {} |
table.insert(self.undo_stack, undo_op) |
self.undo_data = self.undo_data + undo_data_size(undo_op) |
while self.undo_data > self.max_undo_data do |
undo_op = table.remove(self.undo_stack, 1) |
self.undo_data = self.undo_data - undo_data_size(undo_op) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:Undo() |
if self.undo_stack and #self.undo_stack > 0 then |
local undo_op = table.remove(self.undo_stack) |
self.undo_data = self.undo_data - undo_data_size(undo_op) |
undo_op = self:ExecuteUndoRedoOp(undo_op) |
self.redo_stack = self.redo_stack or {} |
table.insert(self.redo_stack, undo_op) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:Redo() |
if self.redo_stack and #self.redo_stack > 0 then |
local undo_op = self:ExecuteUndoRedoOp(table.remove(self.redo_stack)) |
table.insert(self.undo_stack, undo_op) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:ExecuteUndoRedoOp(undo_op) |
self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char = self:CursorFromCharIdx(undo_op.charidx) |
local cursor_line, cursor_char = self:CursorFromCharIdx(undo_op.charidx_to) |
self:SetCursor(cursor_line, cursor_char, true) |
return self:EditOperation(undo_op.insert_text, "undo", undo_op.undo_cursor_charidx) |
end |
function XTextEditor:ExchangeLines(line1, line2, line3, cursor_anchor_line) |
local text1 = self:GetSelectedTextInternal(line1, 0, line2, 0) |
local text2 = self:GetSelectedTextInternal(line2, 0, line3, 0) |
if not text2:ends_with("\n") then |
text1, text2 = text1:sub(0, -2), text2.."\n" |
end |
local cursor_offs = self:GetCursorCharIdx() - self:GetCursorCharIdx(cursor_anchor_line, 0) |
local cursor_idx = cursor_offs + self:GetCursorCharIdx(line1, 0) + (cursor_anchor_line == line1 and utf8.len(text2) or 0) |
self:SetCursor(line1, 0) |
self:SetCursor(line3, 0, "select") |
self:EditOperation(text2..text1, false, cursor_idx) |
end |
function XTextEditor:ShouldProcessChar(ch) |
return |
(ch ~= "" and string.byte(ch) >= 32 or ch == "\r" or ch == "\n") and |
(not IsControlPressed() == not IsAltPressed()) and |
(not self.Filter or string.find(ch, self.Filter)) and |
(not string.find(self.NegFilter, ch, 1, true)) and |
(not self.AllowTabs or ch ~= "\t") and |
(self:GetMultiline() or (ch ~= "\r" and ch ~= "\n")) |
end |
function XTextEditor:ProcessChar(ch) |
if self:ShouldProcessChar(ch) then |
if ch == "\r" or ch == "\n" then |
local last_nonempty_line |
for i = self.cursor_line, 1, -1 do |
if self.lines[i]:find("%S") then |
last_nonempty_line = self.lines[i] |
break |
end |
end |
ch = last_nonempty_line and "\n" .. last_nonempty_line:match("\t*") or "\n" |
end |
self:EditOperation(ch) |
return true |
end |
return false |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnShortcut(shortcut, source, ...) |
if self:InvokePlugins("OnShortcut", shortcut, source, ...) then |
return "break" |
end |
if shortcut == "Escape" and self.AllowEscape and self:HasSelection() then |
self:ClearSelection() |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Tab" and self.AllowTabs then |
self:EditOperation("\t") |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Insert" and not self.Password then |
CopyToClipboard(self:GetSelectedText()) |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Shift-Insert" then |
self:EditOperation(GetFromClipboard(Max(self.MaxLen, 65536)), "paste") |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Shift-Delete" and not self.Password then |
CopyToClipboard(self:GetSelectedText()) |
self:EditOperation(nil, "cut") |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Delete" then |
if not self:HasSelection() then |
self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char = self:NextCursorPos("to_next_char") |
end |
self:EditOperation() |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Backspace" then |
if not self:HasSelection() then |
self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char = self:PrevCursorPos("to_next_char") |
end |
self:EditOperation() |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Delete" then |
self:ClearSelection() |
local line, char = self:NextWordForward(self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char) |
self:SetCursor(line, char, true) |
if self:HasSelection() then |
self:ReverseSelectionBounds() |
self:EditOperation() |
end |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Backspace" then |
self:ClearSelection() |
local line, char = self:NextWordBack(self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char) |
self:SetCursor(line, char, true) |
if self:HasSelection() then |
self:ReverseSelectionBounds() |
self:EditOperation() |
end |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-A" then |
self:SelectAll() |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-C" and not self.Password then |
if self:HasSelection() then |
CopyToClipboard(self:GetSelectedText()) |
else |
CopyToClipboard(self.lines[self.cursor_line]) |
end |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-X" and not self.Password then |
if not self:HasSelection() then |
self.selection_start_line = self.cursor_line |
self.selection_start_char = 0 |
self.cursor_char = utf8.len(self.lines[self.cursor_line]) |
end |
CopyToClipboard(self:GetSelectedText()) |
self:EditOperation(nil, "cut") |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-V" then |
if self.AllowPaste then |
self:EditOperation(GetFromClipboard(Max(self.MaxLen, 65536)), "paste") |
end |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Z" then |
self:Undo() |
return "break" |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Y" then |
self:Redo() |
return "break" |
end |
local consume_key = false |
local line = self.cursor_line |
local char = self.cursor_char |
shortcut = string.gsub(shortcut, "Shift%-", "") |
if shortcut == "Left" then |
line, char = self:PrevCursorPos(IsShiftPressed() and "to_next_char") |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "Right" then |
line, char = self:NextCursorPos(IsShiftPressed() and "to_next_char") |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "Home" then |
local white_space = self.lines[line]:find("[^%s]") |
local first_word = white_space and white_space - 1 or 0 |
if char == first_word then |
char = 0 |
else |
char = first_word |
end |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "End" then |
local line_text = self.lines[line] |
char = utf8.len(line_text) - (self:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line, line_text) and 1 or 0) |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Left" then |
line, char = self:NextWordBack(line, char) |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Right" then |
line, char = self:NextWordForward(line, char) |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-Home" then |
line, char = 1, 0 |
consume_key = true |
elseif shortcut == "Ctrl-End" then |
line = #self.lines |
local line_text = self.lines[line] |
char = utf8.len(line_text) - (self:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line, line_text) and 1 or 0) |
consume_key = true |
end |
if consume_key then |
self:SetCursor(line, char, IsShiftPressed()) |
return "break" |
end |
if self:GetMultiline() then |
local v_offset = 0 |
if shortcut == "Up" then |
v_offset = -self.font_height |
v_offset = v_offset - (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", self.cursor_line - 1) or 0) |
elseif shortcut == "Down" then |
v_offset = self.font_height |
elseif shortcut == "Pageup" then |
v_offset = -self.content_box:sizey() |
elseif shortcut == "Pagedown" then |
v_offset = self.content_box:sizey() |
end |
if v_offset ~= 0 then |
local x, y = self:GetCursorXY() |
if self.cursor_virtual_x then |
x = self.cursor_virtual_x |
else |
self.cursor_virtual_x = x |
end |
local out_of_bounds |
line, char, out_of_bounds = self:CursorFromPoint(x, y + v_offset) |
self:SetCursor(line, char, IsShiftPressed()) |
if not out_of_bounds then |
self.cursor_virtual_x = x |
end |
return "break" |
end |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:TrimLineForWordWrap(width, line) |
local newline |
local line_width = 0 |
local line_length = 0 |
local line_text = self.lines[line] |
local font = self:GetFontId() |
for word in line_text:gmatch(word_pattern) do |
local orig_length = #word |
local length = orig_length |
local to_newline = word:match("([^\n]*)\n") |
if to_newline then |
word = to_newline |
length = #to_newline + 1 |
newline = true |
end |
local word_width = self:MeasureTextForDisplay(word) or 0 |
if line_width + word_width > width then |
if line_width == 0 then |
word, word_width = TrimTextToWidth(word, font, width - line_width) |
length = #word |
else |
word_width = 0 |
length = 0 |
end |
end |
line_width = line_width + word_width |
line_length = line_length + length |
if newline or length ~= orig_length then |
break |
end |
end |
local text = line_text:sub(1, line_length) |
if #text ~= 1 and #line_text ~= line_length and not text:ends_with("\n") then |
local cant_start, cant_end = utf8.GetLineBreakInfo(text) |
if cant_end or text:ends_with('"') or text:ends_with("'") then |
text = text:sub(1, -2) |
line_width = self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text) or 0 |
line_length = line_length - 1 |
end |
end |
self.lines[line] = text |
return line_text:sub(line_length + 1) |
end |
function XTextEditor:ReflowTextLine(line, inserting_text, text_diff, width) |
width = (width or self.content_box:sizex()) - 1 |
if width <= 0 then |
assert(#self.lines == 1) |
self.need_reflow = true |
return |
end |
self.need_reflow = nil |
local lines = self.lines |
local newline_inserted = inserting_text and text_diff:find("\n") |
if not self.WordWrap then |
if newline_inserted then |
local text = table.remove(lines, line) |
local trailing_newline = false |
for line_text, newline in string.gmatch(text, "([^\n]*)(\n?)") do |
if line_text ~= "" or newline ~= "" then |
table.insert(lines, line, line_text .. (newline ~= "" and "\n" or "")) |
line = line + 1 |
trailing_newline = #newline ~= 0 |
end |
end |
if trailing_newline then |
table.insert(lines, line, "") |
end |
end |
if line < #lines and not lines[line]:ends_with("\n") then |
local new_text = lines[line] .. lines[line + 1] |
lines[line] = new_text |
table.remove(lines, line + 1) |
end |
return |
end |
width = Max(width, 5 * self.font_height) |
local text = lines[line] |
if not inserting_text then |
local text_width = self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text) |
if line == #lines or lines[line]:ends_with("\n") then |
return |
end |
local next_line_text = lines[line + 1] |
local long_word = text:sub(-1, -1):match(word_chars) |
if not long_word then |
local first_word = next_line_text:match(word_pattern) |
if not first_word or #first_word == 0 or self:MeasureTextForDisplay(first_word) > width - text_width then |
return |
end |
end |
end |
local prev_line_text = line ~= 1 and lines[line - 1] |
if prev_line_text and not prev_line_text:ends_with("\n") then |
line = line - 1 |
text = prev_line_text |
end |
local i = line + 1 |
while i <= #self.lines and (not text:ends_with("\n") or text:sub(-1, -1):match(word_chars)) do |
text = text .. self.lines[i] |
table.remove(self.lines, i) |
end |
self.lines[line] = text |
local remaining_text = self:TrimLineForWordWrap(width, line) |
while #remaining_text > 0 do |
line = line + 1 |
if line > #lines or remaining_text:ends_with("\n") then |
table.insert(lines, line, remaining_text) |
else |
lines[line] = remaining_text .. lines[line] |
end |
remaining_text = self:TrimLineForWordWrap(width, line) |
end |
if line == #lines and lines[line]:ends_with("\n") then |
lines[line + 1] = "" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnSetFocus(old_focus) |
if not hr.ImeCompositionStarted then |
self:CreateCursorBlinkThread() |
end |
if self.AutoSelectAll and (old_focus and not self.desktop.inactive) then |
self:SelectAll() |
end |
ShowVirtualKeyboard(true) |
if self.Ime then |
ShowIme() |
end |
self:ImeUpdatePos() |
self:InvokePlugins("OnSetFocus", self, old_focus) |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKillFocus() |
ShowVirtualKeyboard(false) |
self:DestroyCursorBlinkThread() |
self:ClearSelection() |
if not self:GetMultiline() then |
self:ScrollTo(0, 0) |
end |
if self.Ime then |
HideIme() |
end |
self:InvokePlugins("OnKillFocus", self) |
self:Invalidate() |
end |
function XTextEditor:ImeUpdatePos() |
if IsImeEnabled() and self:IsFocused() then |
local x, y = self:GetCursorXY() |
SetImePosition(x, y, self:GetFontId()) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:CreateCursorBlinkThread() |
if not self.blink_cursor_thread then |
self.blink_cursor_thread = CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
while true do |
self.show_cursor = self.stop_blink or not self.show_cursor |
self.stop_blink = false |
self:Invalidate() |
Sleep(self.cursor_blink_time) |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:DestroyCursorBlinkThread() |
DeleteThread(self.blink_cursor_thread) |
self.blink_cursor_thread = false |
self.show_cursor = false |
self.stop_blink = false |
end |
function XTextEditor:LineIdxFromScreenY(y) |
y = y - self.content_box:miny() + self.OffsetY |
if not self:HasPluginMethod("VerticalSpaceAfterLine") then |
local line = y / self.font_height |
return line + 1, line * self.font_height |
end |
local line, cy = 1, 0 |
local line_height = self.font_height |
repeat |
cy = cy + (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", line - 1) or 0) |
if cy + line_height > y then |
return line, cy |
end |
line = line + 1 |
cy = cy + line_height |
until line > #self.lines |
return line, cy |
end |
function XTextEditor:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line, text) |
text = text or self.lines[line] |
return text:ends_with("\n") or line ~= #self.lines and text:ends_with(" ") |
end |
function XTextEditor:CursorFromPoint(x, y) |
local font = self:GetFontId() |
local line = self:LineIdxFromScreenY(y) |
if line < 1 then |
return 1, 0, true |
elseif line > #self.lines then |
line = #self.lines |
local line_text = self.lines[line] |
return line, utf8.len(line_text), true |
end |
local text_pos_x = x - self.content_box:minx() + self.OffsetX |
text_pos_x = text_pos_x - self:AlignHDest(0, self.content_box:sizex() - self:MeasureTextForDisplay(self.lines[line])) |
local text, length = self:GetDisplayText(line) |
if self:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line, text) then |
text, length = text:sub(1, -2), length - 1 |
end |
local text_to_cursor = TrimTextToWidth(text, font, text_pos_x) |
local char = utf8.len(text_to_cursor) |
if char ~= length then |
local x1 = UIL.MeasureToCharStart(text, font, char + 1) |
local x2 = UIL.MeasureToCharStart(text, font, char + 2) |
char = text_pos_x > (x1 + x2) / 2 and char + 1 or char |
end |
return line, char |
end |
local pw = string.rep("*", 32) |
local function ensure_stars_count(len) |
if len > #pw then |
pw = string.rep(pw, len / #pw + 1) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:MeasureTextForDisplay(text, up_to_start_of) |
if self.Password then |
up_to_start_of = up_to_start_of or utf8.len(text) + 1 |
ensure_stars_count(up_to_start_of) |
text = pw |
end |
if not up_to_start_of then |
return UIL.MeasureText(text, self:GetFontId()) |
end |
return UIL.MeasureToCharStart(text, self:GetFontId(), up_to_start_of) |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetDisplayText(line) |
local text = self.lines[line] |
local len = text and utf8.len(text) |
if self.Password then |
local bShowLastPswdLetter = len >= 1 and self.ShowLastPswdLetter |
local stars = bShowLastPswdLetter and len - 1 or len |
ensure_stars_count(stars) |
return bShowLastPswdLetter and utf8.sub(pw, 1, stars).. utf8.sub(text, len, len) or utf8.sub(pw, 1, stars), len |
end |
return text, len |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetCursorXY() |
local line = self.cursor_line |
local text = self.lines[line] |
local cursor_x = self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text, self.cursor_char + 1) |
cursor_x = self:AlignHDest(cursor_x, self.content_box:sizex() - self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text)) |
local line_height = self.font_height |
local cursor_y = (line - 1) * line_height |
if self:HasPluginMethod("VerticalSpaceAfterLine") then |
for i = 0, line - 1 do |
cursor_y = cursor_y + (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", i) or 0) |
end |
end |
return self.content_box:minx() - self.OffsetX + cursor_x, self.content_box:miny() - self.OffsetY + cursor_y |
end |
function XTextEditor:SetCursor(line, char, selecting, include_last_endline) |
if not selecting then |
self:ClearSelection() |
end |
if line == #self.lines + 1 and char == 0 then |
line = line - 1 |
char = utf8.len(self.lines[line]) |
end |
local line_text = self.lines[line] |
if not line_text then |
return |
end |
if char == utf8.len(line_text) and self:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line, line_text) and not include_last_endline then |
line, char = line + 1, 0 |
end |
if self.cursor_line == line and self.cursor_char == char then |
return |
end |
if selecting and not self:HasSelection() then |
self:StartSelecting() |
end |
self.cursor_line = line |
self.cursor_char = char |
self.cursor_virtual_x = false |
self.stop_blink = true |
if not self:GetThread("CursorAndIMEUpdate") then |
self:CreateThread("CursorAndIMEUpdate", function() |
if self.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
if self:IsFocused() then |
self:ScrollCursorIntoView() |
end |
self:ImeUpdatePos() |
self:Invalidate() |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetCursorCharIdx(line, char) |
line = line or self.cursor_line |
local idx = 0 |
local lines = self.lines |
for i = 1, line - 1 do |
idx = idx + utf8.len(lines[i]) |
end |
return idx + (char or self.cursor_char) |
end |
function XTextEditor:CursorFromCharIdx(idx) |
local line = 1 |
local lines = self.lines |
local line_len = utf8.len(lines[line]) |
while idx > line_len and line < #lines do |
idx = idx - line_len |
line = line + 1 |
line_len = utf8.len(lines[line]) |
end |
idx = Min(idx, line_len) |
return line, idx |
end |
function XTextEditor:PrevCursorPos(to_next_char) |
local line, char = self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char |
if char > 0 then |
return line, char - 1 |
elseif self.cursor_line > 1 then |
local line_text = self.lines[line - 1] |
local skip_last = to_next_char or self:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line - 1, line_text) |
return line - 1, utf8.len(line_text) - (skip_last and 1 or 0) |
else |
return line, char |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:NextCursorPos(to_next_char) |
local line, char = self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char |
local ignore_last_char = self:ShouldIgnoreLastLineChar(line) |
if char < utf8.len(self.lines[line]) - (ignore_last_char and 1 or 0) then |
return line, char + 1 |
elseif line < #self.lines then |
return line + 1, (not ignore_last_char and to_next_char) and 1 or 0 |
else |
return line, char |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:NextWordBack(line, char) |
if char == 0 and line > 1 then |
line = line - 1 |
char = utf8.len(self.lines[line]) |
end |
local pos, prev_pos = 0, 0 |
for word in self.lines[line]:gmatch(word_pattern) do |
prev_pos = pos |
pos = pos + utf8.len(word) |
if pos >= char then |
char = prev_pos |
break |
end |
end |
return line, char |
end |
function XTextEditor:NextWordForward(line, char) |
local pos = 0 |
for word in self.lines[line]:gmatch(word_pattern) do |
pos = pos + utf8.len(word) |
if pos > char then |
char = pos |
break |
end |
end |
if char == utf8.len(self.lines[line]) and line < #self.lines then |
line = line + 1 |
char = 0 |
end |
return line, char |
end |
function XTextEditor:ScrollCursorIntoView() |
local x, y = self:GetCursorXY() |
local height = self.font_height |
if self.cursor_line == #self.lines then |
height = height + (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", #self.lines) or 0) |
end |
self:ScrollIntoView(box(x, y, x + 1, y + height)) |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetMaxLineWidth() |
local result = 0 |
for _, text in ipairs(self.lines) do |
result = Max(result, self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text)) |
end |
return result |
end |
function XTextEditor:Measure(preferred_width, preferred_height) |
XControl.Measure(self, preferred_width, preferred_height) |
if self.need_reflow then |
self:ReflowTextLine(1, true, self.lines[1], preferred_width) |
end |
local width = self:GetMaxLineWidth() |
local line_count = #(self.lines or "") |
self.scroll_range_x = width |
self.scroll_range_y = line_count * self:GetFontHeight() |
local extra_height = 0 |
if self:HasPluginMethod("VerticalSpaceAfterLine") then |
for i = 0, line_count do |
extra_height = extra_height + (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", i) or 0) |
end |
end |
self.scroll_range_y = self.scroll_range_y + extra_height |
local h = self:GetFontHeight() |
return width, Clamp(line_count * h + extra_height, self.MinVisibleLines * h, self.MaxVisibleLines * h) |
end |
local StretchText = UIL.StretchText |
local MeasureText = UIL.MeasureText |
local MeasureToCharStart = UIL.MeasureToCharStart |
local DrawSolidRect = UIL.DrawSolidRect |
function XTextEditor:DrawCursor(color) |
if self.show_cursor and terminal.desktop.keyboard_focus == self and not hr.ImeCompositionStarted then |
local x, y = self:GetCursorXY() |
DrawSolidRect(sizebox(x, y, 1, self.font_height), color or self:CalcTextColor()) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:DrawWindow(...) |
self:InvokePlugins("OnBeginDraw") |
XScrollArea.DrawWindow(self, ...) |
self:InvokePlugins("OnEndDraw") |
end |
function XTextEditor:DrawContent(clip_box) |
local destx = self.content_box:minx() - self.OffsetX |
local desty = self.content_box:miny() - self.OffsetY |
local sizex = self.content_box:sizex() |
local font = self:GetFontId() |
local text_color = self:CalcTextColor() |
local lines = self.lines or {} |
local line_height = self.font_height |
local hint = self.Hint |
if hint ~= "" and (not lines[1] or lines[1] == "") then |
if self.Translate then |
hint = _InternalTranslate(hint, self.context) |
end |
local hint_width = MeasureText(hint, font) |
local hint_height = self:GetFontHeight() |
local align_y = 0 |
if self.HintVAlign == "center" then |
align_y = (self.content_box:sizey() - hint_height) / 2 |
elseif self.HintVAlign == "bottom" then |
align_y = self.content_box:sizey() - hint_height |
end |
local hint_desty = desty + align_y |
local target_box = sizebox(self:AlignHDest(destx, sizex - hint_width), hint_desty, hint_width, line_height) |
StretchText(hint, target_box, font, self.HintColor) |
self:DrawCursor(text_color) |
return |
end |
local start_idx, start_y = self:LineIdxFromScreenY(self.content_box:miny()) |
if start_y > self.OffsetY then |
start_idx = start_idx - 1 |
start_y = start_y - line_height - (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", start_idx) or 0) |
end |
desty = desty + start_y |
if start_idx <= #lines then |
local color = text_color |
local in_selection = false |
local sstart_line, sstart_char, send_line, send_char = self:GetSelectionSortedBounds() |
if self.ime_korean_composition then |
send_line = sstart_line |
send_char = sstart_char |
elseif sstart_line and send_line >= start_idx and |
(sstart_line < start_idx or sstart_line == start_idx and sstart_char == 0) |
then |
color = self.SelectionColor |
in_selection = true |
end |
if self:HasPluginMethod("OnDrawLineOutsideView") then |
for i = 1, start_idx - 1 do |
self:InvokePlugins("OnDrawLineOutsideView", i, self:GetDisplayText(i), "above_view") |
end |
end |
local end_idx = Min(#lines, start_idx + self.content_box:sizey() / line_height + 1) |
for i = start_idx, end_idx do |
local text = self:GetDisplayText(i) |
local ends_with_new_line = text:ends_with("\n") |
if ends_with_new_line then |
text = text:sub(1, -2) |
end |
local width = self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text) |
local orig_text, orig_target |
local target_box = sizebox(self:AlignHDest(destx, sizex - width), desty, width, line_height) |
if not self:InvokePlugins("OnBeforeDrawText", i, text, target_box, font, text_color) then |
StretchText(text, target_box, font, text_color) |
end |
if not (in_selection and send_line ~= i) then |
self:InvokePlugins("OnAfterDrawText", i, text, target_box, font, text_color) |
orig_text, orig_target = text, target_box |
end |
if in_selection or sstart_line == i or send_line == i then |
local start_x = in_selection and 0 or MeasureToCharStart(text, font, sstart_char + 1) |
local end_x = send_line == i and MeasureToCharStart(text, font, send_char + 1) or width |
if send_line ~= i and ends_with_new_line then |
end_x = end_x + self.font_height / 4 |
end |
local target_box = sizebox(destx + self:AlignHDest(start_x, sizex - width), desty, end_x - start_x, line_height) |
DrawSolidRect(target_box, self.SelectionBackground) |
local start_char = in_selection and 1 or sstart_char + 1 |
text = send_line == i and utf8.sub(text, start_char, send_char) or utf8.sub(text, start_char) |
width = self:MeasureTextForDisplay(text) |
target_box = Resize(target_box, width, target_box:sizey()) |
StretchText(text, target_box, font, self.SelectionColor) |
if in_selection and send_line ~= i then |
self:InvokePlugins("OnDrawText", i, text, target_box, font, text_color) |
end |
in_selection = send_line ~= i |
end |
if orig_text then |
self:InvokePlugins("OnDrawText", i, orig_text, orig_target, font, text_color) |
end |
desty = desty + line_height + (self:InvokePlugins("VerticalSpaceAfterLine", i) or 0) |
end |
if self:HasPluginMethod("OnDrawLineOutsideView") then |
for i = end_idx + 1, #lines do |
self:InvokePlugins("OnDrawLineOutsideView", i, self:GetDisplayText(i), not "above_view") |
end |
end |
end |
self:DrawCursor(text_color) |
end |
function XTextEditor:SetBox(x, y, width, height) |
if not self.lines then |
XScrollArea.SetBox(self, x, y, width, height) |
return |
end |
local need_reflow = self.WordWrap and width ~= self.box:sizex() |
local size_changed = width ~= self.box:sizex() or height ~= self.box:sizey() |
XScrollArea.SetBox(self, x, y, width, height) |
if need_reflow then |
local cursor_idx = self:GetCursorCharIdx() |
self:SetTranslatedText(table.concat(self:GetTextLines()), "force_reflow") |
self:SetCursor(self:CursorFromCharIdx(cursor_idx)) |
elseif size_changed and self:IsFocused() then |
self:ScrollCursorIntoView() |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:StartSelecting() |
self.selection_start_line = self.cursor_line |
self.selection_start_char = self.cursor_char |
end |
function XTextEditor:ClearSelection() |
if self.selection_start_line == false and self.selection_start_char == false then return end |
self.selection_start_line = false |
self.selection_start_char = false |
self:Invalidate() |
end |
function XTextEditor:HasSelection() |
return |
self.selection_start_line and |
(self.selection_start_line ~= self.cursor_line or self.selection_start_char ~= self.cursor_char) |
end |
function XTextEditor:ReverseSelectionBounds() |
self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char, self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char = |
self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char, self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetSelectionSortedBounds() |
if not self:HasSelection() then |
return |
end |
local selection_backwards = |
self.selection_start_line < self.cursor_line or |
self.selection_start_line == self.cursor_line and self.selection_start_char < self.cursor_char |
if selection_backwards then |
return self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char, self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char |
else |
return self.cursor_line, self.cursor_char, self.selection_start_line, self.selection_start_char |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetSelectedTextInternal(sstart_line, sstart_char, send_line, send_char) |
if not sstart_line then |
sstart_line, sstart_char, send_line, send_char = self:GetSelectionSortedBounds() |
end |
if not sstart_line then |
return "" |
elseif sstart_line == send_line then |
return utf8.sub(self.lines[sstart_line], sstart_char + 1, send_char) |
else |
return |
utf8.sub(self.lines[sstart_line], sstart_char + 1) .. |
table.concat(self.lines, "", sstart_line + 1, send_line - 1) .. |
(send_line > #self.lines and "" or utf8.sub(self.lines[send_line], 1, send_char)) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetSelectedText() |
local text = self:GetSelectedTextInternal() |
if self.NewLine ~= "\n" then |
text = text:gsub("\n", self.NewLine) |
end |
return text |
end |
function XTextEditor:SelectAll() |
self:SetCursor(1, 0, false) |
self:SetCursor(#self.lines, utf8.len(self.lines[#self.lines]), true) |
end |
function XTextEditor:SelectFirstOccurence(text, ignore_case) |
if text == "" then return end |
if ignore_case then |
text = text:lower() |
end |
for line, line_text in ipairs(self.lines) do |
line_text = ignore_case and line_text:lower() or line_text |
local char = string.find(line_text, text, 1, true) |
if char then |
self:ClearSelection() |
self:SetCursor(line, char - 1, false) |
self:SetCursor(line, char - 1 + utf8.len(text), true) |
self:ScrollCursorIntoView() |
self:InvokePlugins("OnSelectHighlight", text, ignore_case) |
return true |
end |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:SelectWordUnderCursor() |
local pos = 0 |
local line_text = self.lines[self.cursor_line] |
for word in line_text:gmatch(word_pattern) do |
local len = utf8.len(word) |
if pos + len > self.cursor_char then |
word = word:match(strict_word_pattern) |
self:ClearSelection() |
self:SetCursor(self.cursor_line, pos, false) |
self:SetCursor(self.cursor_line, pos + utf8.len(word), true) |
self:InvokePlugins("OnWordSelection", word) |
return true |
end |
pos = pos + len |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:GetWordUnderCursor(pt) |
local pos = 0 |
local line, char = self:CursorFromPoint(pt:x(), pt:y()) |
local line_text = self.lines[line] |
for word in line_text:gmatch(word_pattern) do |
local len = utf8.len(word) |
if pos + len > char then |
word = word:match(strict_word_pattern) |
return word |
end |
pos = pos + len |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnMouseButtonDown(pt, button) |
if button == "L" then |
if self.desktop:GetKeyboardFocus() ~= self and self.AutoSelectAll then |
self:SetFocus() |
else |
local line, char = self:CursorFromPoint(pt:x(), pt:y()) |
self:SetCursor(line, char, IsShiftPressed()) |
self:SetFocus() |
if not self.touch then |
self.desktop:SetMouseCapture(self) |
end |
end |
return "break" |
end |
if button == "R" and self:InvokePlugins("OnRightButtonDown", pt) then |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnMousePos(pt) |
if self.desktop:GetMouseCapture() == self or self.touch then |
local line, char = self:CursorFromPoint(pt:x(), pt:y()) |
self:SetCursor(line, char, true) |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnMouseButtonUp(pt, button) |
if button == "L" then |
self.desktop:SetMouseCapture() |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnMouseButtonDoubleClick(pt, button) |
if button == "L" then |
if not self:SelectWordUnderCursor() then |
local line_text = self.lines[self.cursor_line] |
self:ClearSelection() |
self:SetCursor(self.cursor_line, 0, false) |
self:SetCursor(self.cursor_line, utf8.len(line_text), true) |
end |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnTouchBegan(id, pt, touch) |
self.touch = true |
self:OnMouseButtonDown(pt, "L") |
return "capture" |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnTouchMoved(id, pt, touch) |
if touch.capture == self then |
self:OnMousePos(pt) |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnTouchEnded() |
self.touch = false |
return "break" |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnTouchCancelled() |
self.touch = false |
return "break" |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKbdKeyUp(virtual_key) |
if self:ShouldConsumeVk(virtual_key) then |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKbdKeyDown(virtual_key) |
if self:InvokePlugins("OnKbdKeyDown", virtual_key) then |
return "break" |
end |
if self:ShouldConsumeVk(virtual_key) then |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:ShouldConsumeVk(virtual_key) |
return self.vkConsume[virtual_key] |
and not IsControlPressed() |
and not IsAltPressed() |
and not table.find(self.vkPass, virtual_key) |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKbdChar(char, virtual_key) |
if self:ProcessChar(char) then |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKbdIMEStartComposition(char, virtual_key, repeated, time, lang) |
self:DestroyCursorBlinkThread() |
self:Invalidate() |
self:ImeUpdatePos() |
if lang == "ko" then |
self.ime_korean_composition = true |
end |
return "break" |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKbdIMEEndComposition(...) |
self:CreateCursorBlinkThread() |
self.ime_korean_composition = false |
return "break" |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnKbdIMEUpdateComposition(...) |
if not self.ime_korean_composition then |
return "break" |
end |
local charidx = self:GetCursorCharIdx() |
local comp = terminal.GetWindowsImeCompositionString() |
self:EditOperation(comp, "undo") |
local line, char = self:CursorFromCharIdx(charidx) |
self:SetCursor(line, char, true) |
end |
XTextEditor.vkConsume = { |
[186] = true, [187] = true, [188] = true, [189] = true, [190] = true, |
[191] = true, [192] = true, [219] = true, [220] = true, [221] = true, [222] = true, |
[226] = true |
} |
local function AddConsumeConst(string) |
if rawget(const, string) then |
XTextEditor.vkConsume[const[string]] = true |
end |
end |
for i = string.byte("A"), string.byte("Z") do |
AddConsumeConst("vk"..string.char(i)) |
end |
for i = string.byte("0"), string.byte("9") do |
AddConsumeConst("vk"..string.char(i)) |
AddConsumeConst("vkNumpad"..string.char(i)) |
end |
AddConsumeConst("vkBackspace") |
AddConsumeConst("vkSpace") |
AddConsumeConst("vkMinus") |
AddConsumeConst("vkPlus") |
AddConsumeConst("vkOpensq") |
AddConsumeConst("vkClosesq") |
AddConsumeConst("vkSemicolon") |
AddConsumeConst("vkTilde") |
AddConsumeConst("vkQuote") |
AddConsumeConst("vkComma") |
AddConsumeConst("vkDot") |
AddConsumeConst("vkSlash") |
AddConsumeConst("vkBackslash") |
AddConsumeConst("vkLeft") |
AddConsumeConst("vkRight") |
AddConsumeConst("vkDelete") |
AddConsumeConst("vkHome") |
AddConsumeConst("vkEnd") |
AddConsumeConst("vkEnter") |
AddConsumeConst("vkMultiply") |
AddConsumeConst("vkAdd") |
AddConsumeConst("vkSubtract") |
AddConsumeConst("vkDivide") |
AddConsumeConst("vkSeparator") |
AddConsumeConst("vkDecimal") |
AddConsumeConst("vkProcesskey") |
function HasControllerTextInput() |
return Platform.console or (Platform.steam and IsSteamInBigPictureMode()) or Platform.steamdeck |
end |
function XTextEditor:OpenControllerTextInput() |
if not self:IsThreadRunning("keyboard") then |
self:CreateThread("keyboard", function() |
local current_text = self:GetTranslatedText() |
local text, err = WaitControllerTextInput(self:GetPassword() and "" or current_text, self.ConsoleKeyboardTitle, |
self.ConsoleKeyboardDescription, Clamp(self:GetMaxLen(), 0, 256), self:GetPassword()) |
if not err and self.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
text = text:trim_spaces() |
if text ~= current_text then |
self:OnControllerTextInput(text) |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
function XTextEditor:OnControllerTextInput(text) |
self:SetText(self.UserText and CreateUserText(text, self.UserTextType) or (self.Translate and T(text)) or text) |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
ActiveVirtualKeyboard = {} |
end |
function WaitControllerTextInput(default, title, description, max_length, password) |
if not HasControllerTextInput() then return default end |
assert(default == "" or not IsT(default), "Use a plaintext default value") |
assert(IsT(title) and IsT(description), "Description and title must be T") |
local err, shown, text = AsyncOpWait(nil, ActiveVirtualKeyboard, "AsyncShowVirtualKeyboard", default, _InternalTranslate(title), _InternalTranslate(description), max_length, password or false) |
text = err and default or text or "" |
return text, err, shown |
end |
DefineClass.XTextEditorPlugin = { |
__parents = { "InitDone" }, |
OnTextChanged = function(self, edit) end, |
OnBeginDraw = function(self, edit) end, |
OnEndDraw = function(self, edit) end, |
OnSetFocus = function(self, edit, old_focus) end, |
OnKillFocus = function(self, edit) end, |
OnDrawLineOutsideView = function(self, edit, line_idx, text) end, |
OnDrawText = function(self, edit, line_idx, text, target_box, font, text_color) end, |
OnBeforeDrawText = function(self, edit, line_idx, text, target_box, font, text_color) end, |
OnAfterDrawText = function(self, edit, line_idx, text, target_box, font, text_color) end, |
OnWordSelection = function(self, edit, word) end, |
OnSelectHighlight = function(self, edit, highlighted_text, ignore_case) end, |
OnRightButtonDown = function(self, edit, pt) end, |
OnShortcut = function(self, edit, shortcut, source, ...) end, |
OnKbdKeyDown = function(self, edit, virtual_key) end, |
VerticalSpaceAfterLine = function(self, edit, line) end, |
MultiLineOnly = false, |
SingleInstance = true, |
} |
function TextEditorPluginsCombo(multiline) |
local items = { "" } |
ClassDescendantsList("XTextEditorPlugin", function(name, class) |
if not (class.MultiLineOnly and not multiline) then |
items[#items + 1] = name |
end |
end) |
return items |
end |
DefineClass.XEdit = { |
__parents = { "XTextEditor" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "Multiline", editor = false, default = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "WordWrap", editor = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MinVisibleLines", editor = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MaxVisibleLines", editor = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MaxLines", editor = false }, |
{ category = "Visual", id = "HintVAlign", editor = false }, |
}, |
Multiline = false, |
WordWrap = false, |
MinVisibleLines = 1, |
MaxVisibleLines = 1, |
MaxLen = 1024, |
MaxLines = 1, |
HintVAlign = "center" |
} |
DefineClass.XNumberEdit = { |
__parents = { "XEdit" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "Password", editor = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Translate", editor = false , default = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "IsInRange", editor = "bool", default = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MinValue", editor = "number", default = 0 }, |
{ category = "General", id = "MaxValue", editor = "number", default = 100 }, |
}, |
Filter = "[/%*%+%(%)%%%-%.,0-9 ]", |
} |
function XNumberEdit:SetRange(min, max) |
self.MaxValue = tonumber(max) |
self.MinValue = tonumber(min) |
end |
function XNumberEdit:SetNumber(text) |
self:SetTranslatedText(text) |
end |
function XNumberEdit:SetTranslatedText(text) |
XTextEditor.SetTranslatedText(self, tostring(text)) |
end |
local expr_env = LuaValueEnv() |
function XNumberEdit:GetNumber() |
local text = self:GetText() |
return tonumber(text) or tonumber(dostring("return " .. text, expr_env) or "") |
end |
function XNumberEdit:OnTextChanged() |
local number = self:GetNumber() |
if number and self.IsInRange and (number < self.MinValue or number > self.MaxValue) then |
number = Clamp(number, self.MinValue, self.MaxValue) |
self:SetTranslatedText(number) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.XMultiLineEdit = { |
__parents = { "XTextEditor" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "Multiline", editor = false }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Password", editor = false }, |
}, |
Multiline = true, |
AllowTabs = true, |
Password = false, |
vkPass = { |
const.vkEnd, |
const.vkHome, |
const.vkLeft, |
const.vkRight, |
const.vkInsert, |
const.vkDelete, |
const.vkBackspace, |
const.vkUp, |
const.vkDown, |
const.vkPageup, |
const.vkPagedown, |
}, |
} |